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Nowhere else to put this, it'll disappear fast

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So with IX released I've been really excited about getting back into TEW.

I was away for the weekend, and reading these forums like mad.  Loads of ideas for characters.

Got home last night and had a little play with my old TEW20 game. I use an old laptop basically just for this game.

This morning, turned that laptop on alongside my work one to spend the day in my home office with work and TEW running and... nothing.  TEW laptop is dead and wont charge up.

I know that the laptop/battery/cable was working yesterday. But today... nada.

Very sad.


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Ahh the joys of laptops - I do carers at home and the laptop is literally my link to the outside world when they die it's a nightmare.  I actually save my stuff to two external drives because I've lost stuff that meant something to me a couple of times.

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2 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Ahh the joys of laptops - I do carers at home and the laptop is literally my link to the outside world when they die it's a nightmare.  I actually save my stuff to two external drives because I've lost stuff that meant something to me a couple of times.

I had 2 laptops that had 2016/2020 on them respectively, and they---more or less---died out right after I had gotten my gameplay out of them (for this game, luckily, some work stuff too).  Both were in pretty extreme weather conditions... but add +2 to the statistics.  (One w/ 2020 was used daily, daily, in a jungle in Guatemala [it even got caught in one of those classic rainstorms for 10 seconds, it was a miracle it powered on after that...] and became non-functional almost instantly upon landing at EWR 😂🤦‍♂️)

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