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Additional narratives for evolving the game world

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Figured I'd get a bit of a wishlist in of potential expansions to the narrative feature for any potential TEWX. Would love some increased control over how the game world develops.

Narrative Toggle
Could there be a Database specific Boolean field called ‘Narrative Toggle’ or something like that for use with Requirements/Effects that could make it easier for modders to create branching narratives (ie. If ‘Narrative Toggle’ false then the story can fire, effect could be turning ‘Narrative Toggle’ to true) – so that a modder can more easily set up narratives that depend on the outcome of a previous narrative? It would essentially sit there doing nothing and never be seen for the vast majority of players, but for modders we can use turning it off and on with the narrative effects (and resetting it with narratives) to create chains of events that only happen if certain steps are met along the way.

Potential Additional Requirements

Company’s Product Is [Product Dropdown]
Company’s Product Is Not [Product Dropdown]
Company’s Gender Setting Is [Gender Setting Dropdown]
Company’s Gender Setting Is Not [Gender Setting Dropdown]
Company Uses ‘Dirty’ Doctor
Company Does Not Use ‘Dirty’ Doctor
Company’s Drug Policy Is [Drug Policy Dropdown]
Company’s Drug Policy Is Not [Drug Policy Dropdown]

Worker is Employed by Anyone
Worker is Unemployed
Worker’s Finance setting is [Finance Dropdown]
Worker’s Finance setting is not [Finance Dropdown]
Worker’s Style Preference Is [Style Preference Dropdown]
Worker’s Style Preference Is Not [Style Preference Dropdown]
Worker’s Personal Wealth Is [Personal Wealth Dropdown]
Worker’s Personal Wealth Is Not [Personal Wealth Dropdown]
Worker’s Pronouns Are [Pronouns Dropdown]
Worker’s Pronouns Are Not [Pronouns Dropdown]
Worker’s Sexuality Is [Sexuality Dropdown]
Worker’s Sexuality Is Not [Sexuality Dropdown]
Worker’s Outside Relationship Is [Relationship Dropdown]
Worker’s Outside Relationship Is Not [Relationship Dropdown]
Worker Is/Isn’t Active In USA
Worker Is/Isn’t Active In Canada
Worker Is/Isn’t Active In Mexico
Worker Is/Isn’t Active In British Isles
Worker Is/Isn’t Active In Japan
Worker Is/Isn’t Active In Europe
Worker Is/Isn’t Active In Oceania
Worker Is/Isn’t Active In India
Worker’s Career Goal Is/Isn’t [Career Goal Dropdown]

Narrative Toggle is True/False

Potential Additional Effects

Worker’s Active Contracts are removed
Worker Goes on Hiatus
Worker Leaves The Business
Worker Changes Pronouns to [Pronouns Dropdown]
Worker Sexuality Becomes… [Sexuality Dropdown]
Worker’s Outside Relationship Becomes… [Relationship Dropdown]
Worker set to Active/Inactive in USA
Worker set to Active/Inactive in Canada
Worker set to Active/Inactive in Mexico
Worker set to Active/Inactive in British Isles
Worker set to Active/Inactive in Japan
Worker set to Active/Inactive in Europe
Worker set to Active/Inactive in Oceania
Worker set to Active/Inactive in India
Workers Personal Wealth changes to… [Personal Wealth Dropdown]
Workers Finance setting changes to… [Finance Dropdown]
Workers Style Preference changes to… [Style Preference Dropdown]
Workers Attitude to other companies changes to… [Other Companies Dropdown]
Worker’s Career Goal changes to… [Career Goal Dropdown]

Company Product changes to…
Company Gender Setting changes to…
Company’s ‘Dirty’ Doctor backstage rule becomes True/False
Company’s Drug Policy Becomes [Drug Policy Dropdown]

Narrative Toggle becomes True/False

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