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So I was on Reddit and I saw this answer for help in TEW, can someone please explain this to me?

Also are there also preloaded angles? I know there used to be. Thanks a ton guys! I am just digging into this game for the first time in maybe six years and its pretty overwhelming. 

Use the Quick format for promos till you get used to the new system. Will help you get over the hump and see how the computer does it.


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yea, The new angle system is terrible.

don't know why the "quick add angle" menu couldn't just be the old 2020 angle booker. Its almost the same but stripped down to the bare minimum. 

Im Not a fan of this one. Still lurking on here to see if any changes will be made. but if not, ill be staying in TEW2020 sadly 

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36 minutes ago, dfking said:

yea, The new angle system is terrible.

don't know why the "quick add angle" menu couldn't just be the old 2020 angle booker. Its almost the same but stripped down to the bare minimum. 

Im Not a fan of this one. Still lurking on here to see if any changes will be made. but if not, ill be staying in TEW2020 sadly 

I completely disagree for what it is worth. The new angle system is way easier, and after an initial learning curve much simpler. You just rate people on what they are doing. If a guy is cutting a promo? That's cutting a promo. If someone is intimidating someone? Intimidation. It's easy peasy, and the quick angles are there as a crib sheet.

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13 minutes ago, Doctor Crunch said:

I completely disagree for what it is worth. The new angle system is way easier, and after an initial learning curve much simpler. You just rate people on what they are doing. If a guy is cutting a promo? That's cutting a promo. If someone is intimidating someone? Intimidation. It's easy peasy, and the quick angles are there as a crib sheet.

for me it was not being able to book a Post Match Celebration based on a worker's charisma. 

it's like TEW2020 was a sandbox, in that you can book an angle as you imagine it. Like being able to book an attack where the Attacker is talking crap the entire time (entertainment) or being really violent (fighting) and the victim is selling an injury (selling), or crying (acting).

In TEW9 its as if you are constricted to these pre-defined roles. You cant even have a Victim (that's based on selling) without having an Attacker or you get a penalty. So you cant even do backstage angles where a worker is laid out and in pain (Selling) without getting a penalty

its no longer a sandbox. 

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You can have a beatdown, followed by trash talking and selling.  You have to use the Angle Part function.


part 1

A] attacker

B] victim

save details to end part 1



part 2

A] work the crowd/character development/cut promo

B] selling

save details to end part 2



The rest are mostly personal preference, to each their own; but you can definitely write a backstage beatdown with fighting or attacking for 1-2 min then 4-5 min promo.


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29 minutes ago, dfking said:

for me it was not being able to book a Post Match Celebration based on a worker's charisma. 

it's like TEW2020 was a sandbox, in that you can book an angle as you imagine it. Like being able to book an attack where the Attacker is talking crap the entire time (entertainment) or being really violent (fighting) and the victim is selling an injury (selling), or crying (acting).

In TEW9 its as if you are constricted to these pre-defined roles. You cant even have a Victim (that's based on selling) without having an Attacker or you get a penalty. So you cant even do backstage angles where a worker is laid out and in pain (Selling) without getting a penalty

its no longer a sandbox. 

Why would that not just be working the crowd or character development?

And the laid out in pain without an attacker is what the Selling an Injury role is for?

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2 hours ago, Doctor Crunch said:

Why would that not just be working the crowd or character development?

And the laid out in pain without an attacker is what the Selling an Injury role is for?

That's what I thought too...

but "Working the Crowd" also uses the Mic skill for some reason

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The old angle system was far too easy to game the system. You could rate people on their top stat no matter what they were doing. Someone with good charisma? Celebrating - rate on Charisma. Talking - rate on Charisma. Attacking - rate on Charisma. Selling - rate on Charisma (for selling charismatically). Controlling momentum was also easy, you could just give people major wins on everything and never give anyone any losses. Even if you didn't do this on purpose, it was often easy to just forget to set momentum effects, or simply rate everything on Entertainment or whatever.

The new system takes a bit of getting used to, sure, but it's so much more versatile. People can now do mutiple things in the same angle and actually get rated for what they're doing. Not pulling 90+ on every angle makes the game more interesting and challenging too; now you have to play more to a worker's strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Personally, I love it.

Edited by TheChef
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8 hours ago, dfking said:

That's what I thought too...

but "Working the Crowd" also uses the Mic skill for some reason

With all due respect. So? Someone with high charisma and middling mic skills will still get fine ratings, and it makes sense that someone who is just good lookin will get worse grades than someone who is equally good looking and can talk.

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I don't think the point of this thread was to complain about the angle function, rather than to ask where the quick add was and to learn a bit about it so...


I have to say that the "Part" function is really fun to create with... you can have someone beat someone down, then cut a promo while the enemy sells, followed by leaving the ring with the camera following them as they celebrate "working the crowd".  The "makes the save" add was neat too.


Regarding the OP:  it takes a while to sort through what you can do with the angles, but it's fairly limitless once you work through the mechanics of it.  Also, it is still a sandbox, if you want to you can definitely just stat-blast your top workers like "Intimidation" for someone with menace and nothing else, or cutting a promo... heck, have a guy cut a promo while a menacing guy intimidates but the angle title reads:  The Silencer and Streetz hang out at a bar watching CSI Claudius asking "WTF IS THIS *%$#?"... you can assign victories with road agent; so it can still be sandbox AF too.  I enjoy the versatility. 



Edited by elmiticomark
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I never played '20 but I did play '13 and I feel the new writing angles is less game-y.


Back in '13 it was pretty easy to write up a few "optimzed" or "streamlined" segments, save them as default angles and just spam them week-in and week-out. This new system only lets you do this if any of the quick angles fit your needs. 


Actually playing around with the new angle system is incredibly fun though. You got enough options to feel you're booking *exactly* what you want, without having so many options it becomes bothersome to work with. Dividing the angle by parts is also a really fun mechanic. I'm actually not sure if *sometimes* it would be preferrable to have multiple high rated segments or just one big rated segment with several parts, I'm sure the ? menu in-game will have the answer but I haven't really felt the need to look for it yet. 


I really enjoy the angle system, but I can I understand if it's not everyone's cup of tea. 


To add to this thread, and to the original post in particular - feel free to play around with Quick Angles!  E.g. if you have a large stable with a mouthpiece and you want to give them screen time, you can still use Quick Angle - Cutting a Promo. Even though it defaults to 4 "speaking roles" and 4 "targets", what actually matters is the workers and roles, which you can freely edit! So using this template you can actually have up to eight guys on screen and you can change anyone you don't want touching the microphone to a Background Player or even Intimidation, whichever meets your needs.  A quick angle Contract Signing can easily be used for a signature host show like IRL Piper's Pit, etc. Hopefully this tidbit helps! 

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5 minutes ago, Veenetor said:



Actually playing around with the new angle system is incredibly fun though. You got enough options to feel you're booking *exactly* what you want, without having so many options it becomes bothersome to work with. Dividing the angle by parts is also a really fun mechanic. I'm actually not sure if *sometimes* it would be preferrable to have multiple high rated segments or just one big rated segment with several parts, I'm sure the ? menu in-game will have the answer but I haven't really felt the need to look for it yet. 




So, I haven't read this either in the manual (haha, I should, but it's more fun to tinker) but it seems like unless you're running a very big fed where workers have high pop, good consistency & performance skills... breaking things down into individual parts works if you have "Unscripted" dialogue/segments.  May have to do with workers improving alone better than having to work with others?  So, if I have two people cutting promos on an upcoming match, I do two 3/4 minute parts w/ one cutting promo then the subject off screen, and reverse roles (usually trying to put the stronger mic worker at the 2nd segment).  I did run USPW for a few shows and it seems like really over, really experienced guys can generally just go into a segment and work together, off script, in the "one big package" deal without divisions

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19 hours ago, dfking said:

yea, The new angle system is terrible.

don't know why the "quick add angle" menu couldn't just be the old 2020 angle booker. Its almost the same but stripped down to the bare minimum. 

Im Not a fan of this one. Still lurking on here to see if any changes will be made. but if not, ill be staying in TEW2020 sadly 

I could not agree with you more, the Quick Angle system alone makes booking angles much faster and efficient, but the whole overhaul is entirely needed IMO. Sure, it takes a bit to get used to, but so does any new system in a game like this. But once you do get used to it, it's much more intuitive and user friendly.

Some people just hate change.

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18 hours ago, dfking said:

for me it was not being able to book a Post Match Celebration based on a worker's charisma. 

it's like TEW2020 was a sandbox, in that you can book an angle as you imagine it. Like being able to book an attack where the Attacker is talking crap the entire time (entertainment) or being really violent (fighting) and the victim is selling an injury (selling), or crying (acting).

In TEW9 its as if you are constricted to these pre-defined roles. You cant even have a Victim (that's based on selling) without having an Attacker or you get a penalty. So you cant even do backstage angles where a worker is laid out and in pain (Selling) without getting a penalty

its no longer a sandbox. 

Post Match Celebration would be Working the Crowd. It's not that complicated.

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On 8/23/2024 at 3:03 PM, beemer said:

I made this cheat sheet for myself.


What I hate is that a lot are based on the same thing so I don't get the point in choosing. I was using Cutting Promo a lot at first until I read the Handbook and a lot of my workers have way better charisma than Mic so now I mainly use Working Crowd and Character Development.

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On 8/23/2024 at 8:03 PM, beemer said:

I made this cheat sheet for myself.


Are attacker, fighting and make the save really only judged on B/P/H? That seems really weird. Rey Mysterio isn't a brawler, but I remember so many of his awesome make the saves based off of his style. That definitely feels like it should be expanded to all primary fighting styles.

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4 hours ago, chm39 said:

What I hate is that a lot are based on the same thing so I don't get the point in choosing. I was using Cutting Promo a lot at first until I read the Handbook and a lot of my workers have way better charisma than Mic so now I mainly use Working Crowd and Character Development.

They may be the same thing, but in different ratios to be fair.

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5 hours ago, chm39 said:

What I hate is that a lot are based on the same thing so I don't get the point in choosing. I was using Cutting Promo a lot at first until I read the Handbook and a lot of my workers have way better charisma than Mic so now I mainly use Working Crowd and Character Development.


Rating someone on something they are not actually doing just to get a higher grade isn't really in the best spirit of things though, is it? Then the game becomes less about booking matches and storylines and more about just playing the numbers. I mean, I could have Brock Lesner come out, book an Intimidation angle where he's rated on Menace and pretend (or write in the angle text) he's cutting a promo and get a higher grade than I would if rated him on Mic skills. Except he didn't actually cut a promo, did he? The point of choosing is to reflect what's actually supposed to be happening in the angle, not just whatever gets you the best grade.

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1 hour ago, TheChef said:


Rating someone on something they are not actually doing just to get a higher grade isn't really in the best spirit of things though, is it? Then the game becomes less about booking matches and storylines and more about just playing the numbers. I mean, I could have Brock Lesner come out, book an Intimidation angle where he's rated on Menace and pretend (or write in the angle text) he's cutting a promo and get a higher grade than I would if rated him on Mic skills. Except he didn't actually cut a promo, did he? The point of choosing is to reflect what's actually supposed to be happening in the angle, not just whatever gets you the best grade.

But what is Working the crowd? what is Character Development? (Really what is this?) I don't see why someone can't use their ability to get someone to like them in their promo. I use cutting promo for backstage segments but, I'm not sure if that should be acting or not.

I need a list of what everything is, In the Handbook it only tells me what everything means it only tells me how its rated. I need something like that DerekB post from years ago.

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1 hour ago, chm39 said:

But what is Working the crowd? what is Character Development? (Really what is this?) I don't see why someone can't use their ability to get someone to like them in their promo. I use cutting promo for backstage segments but, I'm not sure if that should be acting or not.

I need a list of what everything is, In the Handbook it only tells me what everything means it only tells me how its rated. I need something like that DerekB post from years ago.

Well, they do use their ability to get someone to like them in their promo. Charisma factors into everything a worker does to some degree.

From my understanding (and I might be wrong) Working the Crowd is simply trying to get the crowd to react through words and / or actions. Celebrating a win, for example. Different from Cutting a Promo, which is directly related to another worker, a match, a feud, etc. Of course, the crowd should react to this too, but the aim of it is to promote (promo) a match or feud and should be directed at another worker. Character Development would be something like vignettes building up a worker, a sit down interview, or an in-ring segment explaining a heel turn, a promo without a target, things like that. Acting would be skits, possibly romance angles, outside vignettes like the workers in a bar or something. I rarely use Acting.

Everybody plays the game their own way, of course, but what I like about the new system is that not every angle is a guaranteed rating if you book according to what people are actually doing. It means you have to figure out different ways to tell stories according to different workers' strengths and what you actually want each angle to be. Sure, you can book a high Menace worker in Intimidation angles all the time, but sometimes that's not the story, you know? Sometimes you might want them to show a bit of emotional vulnerability, for example, and if that tanks the rating, so be it.

Edited by TheChef
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4 hours ago, TheChef said:

Well, they do use their ability to get someone to like them in their promo. Charisma factors into everything a worker does to some degree.

From my understanding (and I might be wrong) Working the Crowd is simply trying to get the crowd to react through words and / or actions. Celebrating a win, for example. Different from Cutting a Promo, which is directly related to another worker, a match, a feud, etc. Of course, the crowd should react to this too, but the aim of it is to promote (promo) a match or feud and should be directed at another worker. Character Development would be something like vignettes building up a worker, a sit down interview, or an in-ring segment explaining a heel turn, a promo without a target, things like that. Acting would be skits, possibly romance angles, outside vignettes like the workers in a bar or something. I rarely use Acting.

Everybody plays the game their own way, of course, but what I like about the new system is that not every angle is a guaranteed rating if you book according to what people are actually doing. It means you have to figure out different ways to tell stories according to different workers' strengths and what you actually want each angle to be. Sure, you can book a high Menace worker in Intimidation angles all the time, but sometimes that's not the story, you know? Sometimes you might want them to show a bit of emotional vulnerability, for example, and if that tanks the rating, so be it.

I don't think a lot of people use acting that much. 😅

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