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New Hiring Preferences

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So, to piggyback off the recent suggestion of making "Sex Appeal" a hiring preference, why not do that with a bunch of other factors? Like "menace", "comedy workers", "nepotism" (meaning they'll be more likely to hire people they have a positive relationship with), "in the family" (meaning they'll be more likely to hire family members specifically), "competes against males", "competes against females", "diversity" (meaning they're more likely to hire workers of non-hetero sexualities & trans workers), "multilingual" (more likely to hire workers who can speak multiple languages), or "national" (more likely to hire people from their own game area)? I think these could add something to the game, and overall increase the nuance of things a bit more.

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The hiring rules are really lacking. I'd also like to set preferences for specific attributes. WWE nowadays rarely signs indie workers and mainly goes for college athletes without wrestling experience to train them their style from the start, and there's no way to set up something like that. They should go for people with 'Stud Athlete' (closest we have to 'College Athlete') specifically, not just high Physical skills. MMA/Martial Artist attributes and so on should also be something companies actively look for. Sure, with MMA you can say 'style must be MMA Crossover', but none of the other sports backgrounds have a style option. Deathmatch Worker/Specialist - not everyone with those attributes has the same style (i.e. various extremos would be Luchador). And an opposite version of 'no foreign workers' - 'international flair' or something that makes it more likely a company will sign foreign workers, people on excursion, and seek out alliances/trades with companies in other game regions. 'Nepotism' would also be great, plus something that makes them hire people they have other positive relationships with (friends, proteges).

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3 hours ago, Spoons said:

Also, speaking of attributes, "Actors" would be a good one too, rather than just "Charismatic Talkers", because charisma isn't everything. 

A 'Fame Hungry' version as a hiring rule (or booker hiring preference) could be useful to make a company go for Actor, Musician, Celebrities, and active sports stars (Pro MMA/Martial Artist/Boxer all have a note that they can boost worker pop, so it's also name value outside of wrestling). Basically a booker with a strategy to appeal to non-wrestling fans by hiring workers that are draws for other reasons.

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