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Tone down AI Stables

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I’m sure I’m not the only one that thinks this, is there anyway to tone down how much the AI disbands stables and kicks out and adds workers. It’s just unrealistic. And the strange choices for new members. A lot of them makes no sense. Here’s an example I found on Reddit. I’m hoping something can be done. 



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5 minutes ago, SirMichaelJordan said:

I agree, disbanding should def be toned down and the randomness of members could be negated by making relationships a requirement. 9/10 stables mates have some sort of real life relationship…

I think it just ruins the game for me at times. I then go into that company as a new player and fix it. Absurd at times. 

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Agreed, it's impossible to get the AI to keep a stable together.


- a simple checkbox or dropdown 'Stable is temporary Y/N' and if 'No' is checked, the AI doesn't touch it. That way it can still create and disband random stuff to its heart's desire, but leaves the user-created ones alone. Similar to fixing titles.

- a lesser version of 'hiring rules' for the roles, so it's not totally random. Muscle - select if this requires minimum 50 Menace, Brawler or Powerhouse style, Leader - select if this requires minimum 50 Charisma, Microphone, Overness. Lackey - select if this requires Underdog/Weasely gimmick, maximum 30 Toughness.  And so on. 'Member' can stay as the vanilla, no requirement role to let the AI run wild.

Edited by GrindhouseArts
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