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Alliance President - Alliance Loyalty (wrestler)

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1. I would like to have an Alliance President figure. Maybe a promoter from one of the companies (upsets the other companies?), or not in any of them (a neutral party truly working for the alliance, however can make non-exclusive PPA deals with alliance member).

2. I would like a wrestler to have the ability to declare Loyalty to an Alliance instead of a Company. Works just like normal, except the worker will prefer any of the "Alliance" companies.

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It is odd that Alliances always have more power than a wrestling company when it comes to booting other companies and whatnot, so having the option to be the leader of an alliance would be a welcome addition since some companies have historically had far more sway than their partners.

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It feels like in many cases, alliances were either owned/run by a group of promotion owners, or by someone they nominated as a neutral party, or as a current/former owner of one of the promotions, and brings their biases in with them.

I also want the ability to have this for tracking purposes - HOI, etc. In TEW Vanilla, Sam Keith founded COTT - okay, but if you try to load such a game, he is a victim of COTT more than the controller because no mechanics let you be "in control". What about his retirement, who is his successor?

I see only upside to "alliance president" and more upside to "playable alliance".

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