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Building L'Empire: A New Era of French Wrestling

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Background information:

Playing the CornellVerse and started my own company. Created a wrestler to act as the main character in the series.

French Wrestling is non-existent.. This needs to change! I'm introducing my main character Ludovic Le Simple:



The Birth of ECE

The French wrestling scene had become barren, a shadow of its former self. Once a thriving hub of powerful athletes and passionate fans, it had dwindled to almost nothing. The grand arenas were now quiet, the cheers that once echoed through them faded into memory. But where others saw decay, I saw potential—a chance to resurrect the glory of French wrestling with a bold new vision.

After months of negotiations, countless late-night meetings, and more wheeling and dealing than I care to remember, I finally assembled a roster that could breathe life back into the sport. This would be the beginning of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel, a company dedicated to restoring the thrill and spectacle of wrestling in France.


The wrestlers are:


  • Aud Valkyrie: A 41-year-old powerhouse from Norway, known for her fierce determination and unmatched strength. Aud brings experience and a warrior’s spirit to the roster.

  • Cassie O'Peter: A 24-year-old rising star from Dublin, Ireland. Beautiful and skilled, Cassie combines athleticism with charm, quickly becoming a fan favorite.

  • Christopher Lister: At 43, this English veteran brings wisdom and experience to the ring. A seasoned performer, Lister will also contribute creatively behind the scenes.

  • Konrad Makkinen: The 30-year-old main face of ECE, Konrad is big, strong, and marketable. His charisma and power make him the cornerstone of the company.

  • Ludovic Le Simple: Born in Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Ludovic is a charismatic high flyer known for his acrobatic style and ability to captivate the audience with his daring maneuvers.

  • Marianne: A 33-year-old manager for the faces, Marianne is not only stunning but also possesses incredible mic skills, elevating her team with her sharp wit and presence.

  • Nathaniel Pross: At 48, Nathaniel serves as the road manager, ensuring that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes with his years of industry know-how.

  • Notorious F.R.E.A.K: A 31-year-old male with an impressive, artistic character. His unique style and flair make him a standout performer with the potential to play a massive role early on.


  • Bully Benrubi: A 41-year-old brute, Benrubi is big, strong, and feared. His intimidating presence makes him a force to be reckoned with.

  • Ferdinand Arneaux: At 24, Ferdinand is poised to be the next big French heel superstar. His arrogance and raw talent make him the perfect villain.

  • Harmon Girard: A 43-year-old French veteran on his last legs, Girard's worn-out appearance belies his cunning and ruthless nature in the ring.

  • Jacques DuPont: At 34, Jacques is a tag team specialist, paired with his brother Pierre. Together, they form a formidable duo known for their teamwork and devious tactics.

  • Pierre DuPont: Also 34, Pierre completes the DuPont brothers' tag team, bringing precision and a mean streak to their matches.

  • Jasmine Perlot: A 33-year-old heel manager with great charisma and mic skills, Jasmine adds a dangerous edge to any heel she aligns with.

  • Maisie Laurels: At 24, Maisie is a mic-savvy heel, able to stir up trouble with her sharp tongue and manipulative tactics.

  • Scott van Den Berg: A 43-year-old Dutch veteran, Scott is a big, imposing heel who uses his experience and size to dominate his opponents.


  • Dwayne Hewitt: A 39-year-old solid referee, Dwayne is respected for his fairness and authority in the ring, ensuring that matches are conducted with integrity.

With this diverse and dynamic roster, L'Empire du Combat Événementiel is set to revive the French wrestling scene, bringing back the energy, drama, and excitement that fans have been longing for.

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Welcome to the heart of Paris, where the echoes of a long-forgotten wrestling legacy awaken tonight! This is ECE Revolution! 1—the first chapter in a bold new era of French wrestling, brought to you by the relentless spirit of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel. Once a barren land where the cheers of fans had faded to whispers, tonight Paris roars back to life, as we embark on a journey of struggle, redemption, and defiance.

In a city where dreams are forged and destinies collide, we begin with the story of Konrad Makinen—a man burdened by his past but resolute in his fight for a new future. With powerful allies and formidable foes standing in his way, this night will mark the dawn of his battle for redemption.

So, buckle up and get ready for a night of unforgettable drama, intense battles, and the revival of a sport that refuses to fade away. This is ECE Revolution! 1, where legends are born, and history is rewritten!

Konrad Makinen's Release

As the arena lights dim and the murmurs of the crowd fade, the haunting melody of Serge Lama’s “Je suis malade” fills the air.he song's melancholic tones and poignant lyrics set the stage for a story of struggle and redemption, mirroring the deep sorrow and yearning of the characters about to unfold.

The giant screens above the ring flicker briefly before coming to life, revealing a heavy, rusted gate that slowly creaks open. On the other side of the gate stands Konrad Makinen, dressed in the tattered rags of a prisoner. His eyes, heavy with the pain of nine years of hard labor, show a mix of exhaustion and newfound resolve. Each note of “Je suis malade” seems to echo his inner turmoil, heightening the atmosphere of his release.

The gate opens fully, and Konrad steps forward into the spotlight. He walks to the ring with a heavy gait, his movements embodying the burden of his past. The audience feels the weight of his struggle, as if each step is a battle against the shadows of his history.

As Konrad reaches the ring, a soft yet commanding voice cuts through the melancholic strains of the music. Marianne, dressed in the robes of a bishop, makes her way down the ramp. She represents hope and forgiveness, her presence contrasting sharply with the somber mood set by the song.

Marianne enters the ring and gazes intently at Konrad. The music fades slightly as their interaction begins, focusing the spotlight on this pivotal moment.

Marianne: "Konrad Makinen, the world has condemned you, weighed you down with the heavy chains of your past. But today is the moment to shed those chains."

Konrad looks down, the pain in his eyes clearly visible. The emotional intensity of “Je suis malade” lingers in the air, underscoring his uncertainty and anguish.

Konrad: "My past… it is a burden I will always carry with me. Can I ever truly escape who I was?"

Marianne nods, understanding his struggle. She pulls out a small, silver crucifix that shines under the arena’s lights. The crucifix, reflecting the faint glow of the arena’s lights, symbolizes hope and new beginnings.

Marianne: "This cross represents not only the burden you have borne but also the hope that lies ahead. Carry it, and remember that redemption is possible, even for the gravest sins. The ring before you is no longer a place of punishment but an arena of struggle. Here, you determine your fate."

Konrad extends his hand and accepts the crucifix. He grips it tightly, drawing strength from its symbolism. The emotional weight of the song and the moment shifts to determination as he looks up, resolute.

Konrad: "I will fight. Not only for myself but for a new life, free from the past."

Marianne nods approvingly and steps back. The music swells slightly as Konrad takes his place in the ring. The crowd erupts in cheers, their support for Konrad echoing the themes of struggle and redemption. With the haunting strains of “Je suis malade” fading into the background, Konrad’s new chapter begins, and the battle he will fight to earn his redemption starts now.


Konrad's Resolve

In the wrestling ring, Konrad Makinen stands tall, still resonating with the resolve from his release. Suddenly, the atmosphere shifts as the arena doors slam open, and a massive figure charges down the ramp—Bully Benrubi. Known for his ruthless aggression and imposing presence, Benrubi storms into the ring, eyes locked on Konrad with a look of contempt.

Benrubi, underestimating Konrad due to his past as a prisoner, sneers and hurls taunts, ready to overpower him. But Konrad, now fueled by his inner strength and determination to forge a new path, doesn't back down. As the bell rings, the two clash in a fierce battle. Konrad's resolve shines through as he skillfully counters Benrubi's brutal attacks, eventually overpowering the thug and emerging victorious. The crowd erupts, witnessing Konrad's newfound strength and unwavering determination to lead a righteous life, no matter the obstacles.


Notorious F.R.E.A.K vs DuPont

The energy in the arena crackles as we prepare for our next match—an electrifying showdown that could shape the future of French wrestling! In this standalone battle, we have two competitors ready to leave it all in the ring. On one side, the notorious Pierre DuPont, one half of the infamous DuPont brothers, known for their ruthless tactics and seamless teamwork. But tonight, Pierre steps into the ring alone, determined to prove his dominance as a singles competitor.

Facing him is a rising star who has captivated the audience with his unique style and artistic flair—The Electric Notorious F.R.E.A.K. At just 31, F.R.E.A.K. is already making waves in the wrestling world, his charisma and unpredictable energy drawing the spotlight wherever he goes. With the potential to become the next big thing in French wrestling, tonight's match could be the moment he solidifies himself as a force to be reckoned with.

As the bell rings, the crowd buzzes with anticipation. Will Pierre DuPont's experience and mean streak give him the upper hand, or will Notorious F.R.E.A.K.'s raw talent and electric presence spark a revolution? The stage is set, and the future of French wrestling could change right here, right now!


Ferdinand Arneaux's Debut


The arena is charged with anticipation as the lights dim, plunging the audience into an expectant silence. The tension builds as the ring announcer's voice reverberates through the stadium: "Ladies and gentlemen, making his entrance to the ring, the enforcer of justice, Inspector Ferdinand Arneaux!"

The crowd's reaction is mixed as Ferdinand Arneaux emerges from the shadows, his presence cold and commanding. Dressed in a dark trench coat, his expression is one of unyielding determination. Behind him, Jasmine Perlot, his sharp and cunning manager, follows closely. Jasmine’s reputation for strategic brilliance precedes her, as she expertly manipulates situations to ensure Arneaux’s advantage. Beside her, Maisie Laurel strides forward, her usual charismatic persona now aligned with the cause of the law. Maisie, once the voice of the oppressed, has joined forces with Arneaux, believing that justice must be served, even if it means aligning with the very power she once questioned.

As the trio approaches the ring, a murmur spreads through the crowd. Suddenly, the atmosphere shifts as Marriane, a figure of resilience and compassion, steps out onto the stage. The crowd roars in approval, recognizing her as the woman who once offered Konrad Makinen a second chance—a symbol of mercy and redemption.

Marriane takes a microphone, her voice calm but firm. "Ferdinand Arneaux, you speak of justice, but what kind of justice is blind to the possibility of change? Konrad Makinen is not the man he once was. Nine years have passed, and in that time, he has found a new path—one that you refuse to see."

Arneaux’s cold eyes lock onto Marriane. "Change?" he scoffs. "A man like Makinen cannot change. He is a criminal, and he will pay for his crimes, no matter how long it takes."

Jasmine Perlot steps forward, her voice dripping with condescension. "Marriane, your sentimentality blinds you. The law does not bend for the likes of Makinen. It is absolute, and so is our resolve."

Maisie Laurel, now fully committed to Arneaux’s cause, adds her voice to the mix. "Marriane, you may believe in Makinen’s redemption, but the rest of us know better. The law must be upheld, and justice must be served."

The tension in the arena reaches its peak as Marriane, undeterred, responds with quiet strength. "Justice is not just about punishment, Ferdinand. It’s about understanding, forgiveness, and the chance to be better. I stand with Konrad Makinen, and I will fight for his right to live the life he has worked so hard to rebuild."

With that, Marriane steps into the ring, standing tall against the trio of Arneaux, Jasmine, and Maisie. The lines are drawn, and the conflict between justice and redemption is set to explode in the battles to come.



Arneaux vs Lister


As the tension in the ring reaches its peak, the crowd's anticipation is shattered by the sound of Christopher Lister's entrance music. The seasoned English veteran, known for his wisdom and resilience, strides purposefully down the ramp. At 43, Lister has seen it all—his years in the ring have made him a master tactician, and tonight, he's ready to take a stand against the ruthless Ferdinand Arneaux.

With a nod to Marianne, who stands resolute in Konrad's defense, Lister steps into the ring, knowing full well the challenge that awaits him. But this is more than just a match—it's a battle of principles, a clash between Arneaux's cold pursuit of justice and Lister's belief in redemption. The crowd rallies behind Lister, their cheers a testament to his enduring legacy.

But as the match begins, Arneaux’s raw talent and unrelenting aggression quickly overpower Lister. Despite Lister's valiant efforts and experience, Arneaux punishes him with a brutal onslaught, showing no mercy. In the end, Lister is defeated, his body battered but his resolve unbroken. The message is clear—Arneaux will stop at nothing to see Konrad Makinen brought to justice, no matter the cost.





"La Vie en Rose" - Édith Piaf As the intense confrontation in the ring draws to a close, the arena is filled with the soothing, iconic melody of "La Vie en Rose" by Édith Piaf. The song’s romantic and hopeful tone serves as a poignant contrast to the tension that has just unfolded. It symbolizes the hope that Konrad Makinen still clings to—a life filled with love, peace, and the possibility of redemption. As the episode ends, the audience is left with a sense of bittersweet optimism, knowing that while the struggle is far from over, there is still a glimmer of hope in the battle for Konrad’s soul.



I'm going with a fairly story driven show. Really glad with the story build-up. Performance wasn't great, but also wasn't really bad. It's only my second booked show on the new TEW. We lost some money but that's to be expected.



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16 minutes ago, Boltinho said:

Nice.  Big DuPont brother fan here.  Those guys are awesome. Clearly deserve to at last win a title together.

I'd love you to get hold of Brickhouse Balder to see if the big lump could even be useful at this level.

Thanks! Managed the DuPont brothers in my TEW2020 save and I really like them. There also one of the reasons why I chose to start a French company. Their really solid workers (especially for the European scene). The rest of the French wrestlers are not really that spectacular with Arneaux maybe as an expection. In TEW2020 he was never one of my main guys, but he will get a more prominent role in this company due to him being French. The older French vets are mainly here due to their nationality and also somewhat because of their brute personas.

I'm also hiring The Witch Doctor. Not a very strong wrestler but always liked his character, but that happened after the first show.

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Really love the concept, like European C-Verse a lot! It's very thin but with a lot of cool workers and i adore the direction you're taking the show! Small correction: FREAK is NonBinary, so they use they/them pronouns not he/him :) can't wait for the next installment!

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22 hours ago, knkmaster69 said:

Really love the concept, like European C-Verse a lot! It's very thin but with a lot of cool workers and i adore the direction you're taking the show! Small correction: FREAK is NonBinary, so they use they/them pronouns not he/him :) can't wait for the next installment!

You're absolutly right! Will use the correct pronouns, my bad! Thanks for the feedback

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Posted (edited)
  1. Welcome to ECE Revolution! 2

Welcome to the vibrant heart of Paris, where the spirit of wrestling reignites and legends rise once more! Tonight, we present ECE Revolution! 2—an electrifying continuation of our journey into the world of high-stakes drama and unforgettable action, brought to you by the indomitable force of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel.

As the city of lights pulses with energy and anticipation, Paris is set to witness another thrilling chapter in our saga of struggle, redemption, and defiance. From the shadows of yesterday to the spotlight of today, the wrestling world braces itself for a night where past grievances and present battles collide.

Join us as we delve deeper into the lives of our warriors, particularly Konrad Makkinen, whose quest for justice and honor continues amidst a storm of challenges and adversaries. With fierce confrontations, heartfelt moments, and the stakes higher than ever, tonight promises to be a spectacle of passion and resilience.

So, prepare yourself for an evening of intense matchups, dramatic twists, and the relentless pursuit of glory. This is ECE Revolution! 2—where the fight for redemption and the roar of the crowd converge in a blaze of excitement and heroism. The stage is set, the fighters are ready, and Paris will never be the same again!

  1. Opening Segment: Valkyrie's Struggle

The wrestling arena is usually a place of high energy and excitement, but tonight, a different kind of tension hangs in the air. The usual roar of the crowd is subdued, and the big screens, which often display triumphant moments, now show a somber scene.

41-year-old Aud Valkyrie stands in the center of the ring, her usual aura of confidence replaced by visible distress. The melancholic strains of Jacques Brel’s “Ne me quitte pas” begin to play softly in the background, echoing the emotional weight of the moment. The song's poignant and emotional character reflects Aud's tragic situation and her inner strength as she faces the harsh reality of her dismissal.

Jasmine Perlot: (with a cold, dismissive tone) “Aud, I don’t think you understand how this business works. We no longer need your services. Your contract is terminated.”

Aud, her composure slipping, takes a hesitant step forward. Her eyes, usually fierce, are now filled with a mixture of sadness and defiance.

Aud Valkyrie: (her voice trembling) “Jasmine, you can’t do this. I’ve dedicated everything to this sport. How can you just cast me aside?”

Jasmine Perlot: (coldly) “It’s not personal, Aud. It’s just business. You’re past your prime, and we need to move in a different direction. It’s time to say goodbye.”

As the song's melancholic melody underscores the gravity of the moment, the crowd watches in stunned silence. The once-celebrated star, now faced with an abrupt end to her career, reflects the harsh reality of the wrestling world where age and shifting politics can drastically alter one's path. The poignant music of Jacques Brel perfectly captures the essence of Aud's struggle, setting a somber tone for the events to come.


Match 1: Aud Valkyrie vs. Scott van den Bergh

The energy in the arena shifts as the lights dim and the crowd's anticipation builds. The somber notes of Jacques Brel’s “Ne me quitte pas” continue to linger in the background, setting a melancholic tone for the night's events. In the center of the ring stands Aud Valkyrie, her previous confidence now overshadowed by the weight of her recent dismissal.

Aud, her face etched with determination but clearly affected by her recent firing, steps into the ring. Her opponent, Scott van den Bergh, stands on the other side, a fierce competitor known for his relentless fighting style. The crowd senses the gravity of the situation as the match begins.

The bell rings, and Scott van den Bergh charges at Aud with an aggressive intensity. Despite her years of experience and her valiant efforts, Aud's recent emotional turmoil and her struggle to find stability impact her performance. Each blow from Scott seems to cut deeper, both physically and emotionally. The fight is grueling and unrelenting, with Scott demonstrating his superior strength and technical prowess.

Aud fights back with every ounce of her remaining energy, but it becomes evident that the weight of her dismissal and her recent hardships have taken a toll on her. The crowd's cheers become mixed with murmurs of concern as Scott van den Bergh delivers a decisive finishing move, securing the victory.

In a dramatic turn, Harmon Girard, a notorious enforcer of the wrestling circuit, makes an unexpected appearance. He interferes in the match, joining Scott in a brutal assault on Aud Valkyrie. As the two men relentlessly punish Aud, Jasmine Perlot stands at ringside, her expression a mixture of cold satisfaction and dispassion.

The scene unfolds with a stark contrast to the melancholic music still playing, reflecting Aud's desperate struggle to regain control and stability in a profession that has turned its back on her. The match serves as a harsh reminder of the unforgiving nature of the wrestling world, leaving Aud Valkyrie grappling not only with physical defeat but also with the emotional toll of her current predicament.


Notorious F.R.E.A.K vs. Bully Benrubi

The lights in the arena dim as the crowd's excitement reaches a fever pitch. The air crackles with anticipation for the upcoming clash between two contrasting wrestlers. First, the imposing figure of Bully Benrubi strides to the ring, his 41 years of experience and sheer brute force making him a formidable opponent. His intimidating presence casts a long shadow over the squared circle, promising an intense showdown.

In stark contrast, the atmosphere shifts as Notorious F.R.E.A.K makes their entrance. At 31 years old, this non-binary wrestler is a dazzling blend of artistry and athleticism. With an unmistakable flair and a unique style, Notorious F.R.E.A.K brings a vibrant energy that captivates the audience. The crowd responds with a roar of approval, recognizing the fresh and exciting potential that F.R.E.A.K embodies.

As the bell rings, Bully Benrubi immediately asserts his dominance, using his size and strength to overpower Notorious F.R.E.A.K. Despite the initial onslaught, Notorious F.R.E.A.K remains resilient, showcasing their agility and innovative techniques. The match becomes a dynamic display of contrasting styles, with Benrubi's brute force pitted against F.R.E.A.K's artistic finesse.

In a climactic moment, Notorious F.R.E.A.K delivers a stunning maneuver that turns the tide of the match. With a combination of skill and flair, F.R.E.A.K secures a decisive victory over the formidable Bully Benrubi. As Notorious F.R.E.A.K stands triumphantly in the ring, the crowd erupts in cheers, celebrating their second victory in their burgeoning career. This win not only adds to their impressive record but also cements their rising status in the wrestling world.



Main Event: Konrad Makkinen vs. Perlot's henchmen

Opening Segment: The arena is buzzing with anticipation as Konrad Makkinen makes his way to the ring. The crowd’s energy is palpable, knowing that tonight’s main event will be a dramatic confrontation of epic proportions. Makkinen's mission is clear: to hold Jasmine Perlot accountable for her role in Aud Valkyrie’s unjust dismissal. His eyes burn with determination as he steps into the spotlight, ready to address the corrupt boss.

Makkinen grabs the microphone, his voice resonating with a powerful sense of purpose. “Jasmine Perlot,” he declares, “you stand here tonight as the embodiment of everything that’s wrong with this industry. You exploited and discarded Aud Valkyrie without a second thought. Tonight, I’m here to make sure you face the consequences of your corruption!”

Jasmine Perlot, with her usual air of arrogance, strides confidently to the ring. Her designer suit and cool demeanor only add to her disdain for the righteous cause Makkinen represents. Standing at ringside, she watches with a haughty expression as Makkinen speaks out against her.

Feeling the pressure of Makkinen’s relentless accusations, Perlot realizes that verbal sparring alone will not suffice to protect her tarnished reputation. In a move of calculated arrogance, she calls out for reinforcements. The arena’s atmosphere shifts as the DuPont Brothers, Jacques and Pierre, make their way to the ring. Known for their tag team prowess and underhanded tactics, the DuPonts are hired to act as Perlot’s enforcers.

As the DuPont Brothers approach the ring, the tension escalates. Marriane, known for her strong moral principles and support of fair play, emerges from the crowd. She joins Makkinen at ringside, her presence a beacon of support in his quest for justice. Marriane’s arrival adds weight to the confrontation, symbolizing a stand against Perlot’s corruption.

With the DuPont Brothers now in the ring, Perlot stands behind them, her expression a mixture of smug satisfaction and defiance. Makkinen, undeterred by the added threat, continues to challenge Perlot, his words resonating with an unwavering commitment to justice. The verbal showdown intensifies, with Marriane’s support amplifying the righteous cause that Makkinen represents.


As the tension in the arena reaches a fever pitch, the bell rings to signal the start of the main event. The DuPont Brothers, Jacques and Pierre, positioned menacingly in the ring, face off against Konrad Makkinen, who stands alone, flanked by Jasmine Perlot and Marriane at ringside.

From the moment the bell rings, the DuPont Brothers unleash a coordinated assault on Makkinen. Their teamwork is impeccable, each brother playing off the other’s strengths. Jacques, known for his aggressive power moves, takes the lead, pummeling Makkinen with a series of devastating strikes. Pierre, ever the strategist, utilizes his technical prowess to keep Makkinen off-balance, executing a series of precise grapples and holds.

Despite the relentless onslaught, Makkinen’s resolve remains unshaken. He absorbs the punishment with grit and determination, his eyes never leaving Jasmine Perlot, who watches with a cold, calculating gaze. Makkinen’s resilience shines through as he begins to mount a comeback, countering Jacques’ brute force with his own brand of fierce, unyielding aggression.

The crowd erupts in cheers as Makkinen, fueled by their support and his own indomitable spirit, begins to turn the tide. He dodges a charging attack from Pierre and retaliates with a powerful right hook, sending Pierre reeling. Seizing the moment, Makkinen locks Jacques into a punishing submission hold, forcing him to struggle for escape.

Perlot’s frustration becomes palpable as she watches her enforcers falter. Marriane stands by, her presence a steadying influence on Makkinen. The contrast between Marriane’s unwavering support and Perlot’s desperate anxiety adds a dramatic layer to the unfolding drama.

With a final, decisive maneuver, Makkinen executes a spectacular finishing move, pinning Jacques for the count. The referee slams the mat, signaling the end of the match. Makkinen emerges victorious, his hand raised in triumph as the crowd’s cheers fill the arena.


Aftermath: As Makkinen stands tall in the ring, the DuPont Brothers, visibly defeated, retreat to the back. Perlot’s face is a portrait of disbelief and seething anger. She steps away from the ring, her plans thwarted by Makkinen’s unyielding courage. Marriane, her support unwavering, joins Makkinen in the ring, celebrating the hard-fought victory.

Perlot’s vow for retaliation lingers in the air, setting the stage for future conflicts and ensuring that tonight’s battle is but one chapter in an ongoing saga of intrigue and justice in the wrestling world.


Outro: As the final bell rings and the crowd’s roar begins to fade, Édith Piaf’s "Non, je ne regrette rien" plays over the loudspeakers. The song's powerful theme of resolution and strength echoes the essence of Makkinen’s victory and his quest for justice. The melody underscores the emotional and triumphant end to a night of high drama and intense action.


Financial summary


Edited by Boerenkool
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Welcome to ECE Revolution 3: "Echoes of Redemption"

Greetings, wrestling enthusiasts and passionate fans of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel! Tonight, we bring you a heart-stirring chapter in our ongoing saga of struggle, triumph, and unyielding resolve. This is ECE Revolution 3: Echoes of Redemption—a night where past injustices echo through the ring and heroes rise to reclaim their destiny.

As the bright lights of Paris illuminate the grand arena, we prepare for an evening brimming with emotion and electrifying action. Tonight, the focus is on redemption and justice, as Konrad Makkinen takes center stage in his relentless quest to rescue Cassie O'Peter from the clutches of malevolent forces. In a city steeped in history and fervor, this episode promises to deliver a profound blend of drama, fierce competition, and high-stakes confrontations.

The air is thick with anticipation as we witness the continuation of Makkinen’s heroic journey and the unraveling of deeper conflicts that will shape the future of ECE. With a gripping lineup that includes a formidable showdown between Ferdinand Arneaux and a notorious outlaw, and a dramatic handicap match against Benrubi's goons, tonight’s spectacle will set the stage for the epic battles to come.

So, brace yourselves for an unforgettable night of wrestling excellence, where redemption is pursued with unrelenting vigor and every match tells a story of courage and defiance. This is ECE Revolution 3: Echoes of Redemption—where the past meets the present and legends are born in the ring!


Aud Valkyrie’s Last Hope

As the opening notes of "Comme d'habitude" by Claude François echo through the arena, the atmosphere is tinged with a melancholic undertone. The song, with its haunting melody, perfectly encapsulates the sense of routine and underlying despair that has plagued Aud Valkyrie in recent times. The camera pans over the crowd, who watch with bated breath as Konrad Makkinen makes his way to the ring, his expression one of deep concern.

In the center of the ring, under the glaring lights, Aud Valkyrie stands, her once-strong demeanor now overshadowed by exhaustion and vulnerability. The crowd, sensing the gravity of the moment, falls silent as Makkinen steps into the ring, his eyes filled with a mix of empathy and determination.

Konrad Makkinen: (softly) “Aud, I heard what happened… I saw how they left you, broken and beaten by the system. It’s not right, and it’s not fair. You’ve given everything, and what did they give you in return? Nothing but pain.”

Aud Valkyrie looks up, her eyes reflecting both her sorrow and the last remnants of her strength. She takes a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to fall.

Aud Valkyrie: (voice trembling) “Konrad, I’ve tried so hard to keep going… For Cassie, for myself. But now, I don’t know if I have anything left to give. They took everything from me… my dignity, my strength… I’m scared, Konrad. I’m scared of what will happen to Cassie if I can’t be there for her.”

Makkinen steps closer, his voice firm yet gentle, as he places a reassuring hand on Aud’s shoulder.

Konrad Makkinen: “You don’t have to do this alone anymore, Aud. I promise you, I’ll take care of Cassie. She won’t have to face this world alone, not while I’m here. And as for those who did this to you… they will pay. I swear it.”

Aud’s tears finally begin to fall as she nods, her heart heavy with both relief and sadness. The weight of her struggles is momentarily lifted by Makkinen’s words, and for the first time in a long while, she feels a glimmer of hope.

Aud Valkyrie: (whispering) “Thank you, Konrad… Thank you for being there when I needed someone the most.”

As the two stand together in the ring, the haunting melody of “Comme d'habitude” lingers in the air, a poignant reminder of the routine struggles that have brought them to this moment. The audience watches in silence, moved by the raw emotion of the scene unfolding before them. Makkinen’s promise to protect Cassie marks a turning point, not only for Aud but for the story that is about to unfold.

With Aud’s fate now intertwined with Makkinen’s quest for justice, the stage is set for a night of intense drama and high-stakes battles. The crowd, once silent, begins to cheer, rallying behind Makkinen as he takes on the mantle of protector, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.



Ferdinand Arneaux vs. Ronny de Veuster

The lights in the arena dim as the anticipation builds for the first match of the night. The air is thick with tension as Ferdinand Arneaux, the embodiment of ruthless order, makes his entrance. His presence is commanding, his cold demeanor sending a chill through the crowd. Dressed in his signature dark attire, Arneaux exudes an aura of control and authority, his every step a calculated move toward his ultimate goal: maintaining his iron grip on the world around him.

On the opposite side of the ring stands Ronny de Veuster, a 32-year-old Dutch wrestler with a reputation as a local outlaw. Ronny, known for his rebellious nature and defiance of authority, looks ready to challenge the unyielding Arneaux. His rough appearance and brash attitude have earned him both fans and enemies, but tonight, he faces a different kind of adversary—one who shows no mercy.

The bell rings, and the match begins. From the start, it’s clear that this is not a battle of equals. Arneaux moves with precision, each strike landing with brutal efficiency. He isn’t just fighting to win; he’s making a statement. His movements are methodical, almost mechanical, as he systematically dismantles Ronny, who struggles to find an opening against the relentless onslaught.

Ronny attempts to fight back, throwing punches and trying to use his agility to evade Arneaux’s attacks. But every attempt is met with cold, calculated counters. Arneaux's experience and sheer force dominate the match, leaving Ronny with little room to maneuver. The crowd watches in awe and discomfort as Arneaux’s ruthlessness becomes increasingly apparent.

With each passing moment, Arneaux’s dominance grows more oppressive. He corners Ronny, delivering a series of punishing blows that leave the outlaw staggering. Despite Ronny’s resilience and refusal to back down, it’s clear he’s outmatched. Arneaux’s final move is a devastating slam that leaves Ronny sprawled on the mat, unable to continue.

The referee’s count is almost a formality. Arneaux stands tall, his victory absolute. He doesn’t celebrate or acknowledge the crowd; instead, he gazes down at his fallen opponent with a look of cold satisfaction. For Arneaux, this was not just a match—it was an exercise in demonstrating the consequences of opposing his brand of justice.

As Ronny de Veuster is helped out of the ring, the message is clear: Ferdinand Arneaux is not to be trifled with. His victory tonight sets the tone for the ongoing conflict with Konrad Makkinen, showcasing the relentless, unforgiving nature of a man who will stop at nothing to impose his will. The crowd, though impressed by his skill, is left with a sense of unease, knowing that this is only the beginning of the storm that’s about to unfold.



The Le Roi Soleil Championship: A New Era Begins

As the night progresses and the audience remains captivated by the unfolding drama, a momentous announcement is made. The lights in the arena dim once more, and a spotlight illuminates the center of the ring. There, on a velvet-covered pedestal, lies the most coveted prize in all of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel: the Le Roi Soleil Championship.

The championship belt is a masterpiece, a testament to the grandeur and prestige that defines the French wrestling scene. Its intricate design is a homage to the Sun King, Louis XIV, with his regal image etched into the gleaming gold centerpiece. Surrounding the image are ornate details that evoke the splendor of Versailles, symbolizing power, dominance, and an enduring legacy. The belt's leather straps are a deep, rich burgundy, reminiscent of the royal tapestries that once adorned the halls of the French court.

As the crowd buzzes with anticipation, the owner of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel, Ludovic Le Simple, steps into the ring. Dressed in a tailored suit that exudes authority, he approaches the pedestal with deliberate steps, taking his place beside the championship belt. The arena falls silent, every eye fixed on him.

Ludovic Le Simple raises the microphone to his lips, his voice commanding attention. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he begins, his tone resonating with the weight of the moment, “tonight, we unveil the pinnacle of achievement in L'Empire du Combat Événementiel—the Le Roi Soleil Championship!”

He gestures towards the belt, his hand sweeping over its intricate design. “This title is not just a belt; it is a symbol of supreme excellence, a mark of distinction that only the most elite wrestlers can aspire to hold. It represents the power, dominance, and legacy of those who dare to rise above all others in the ring.”

As the camera zooms in on the belt, the audience can see the reflection of their own aspirations in its polished surface. The Le Roi Soleil Championship is not just a title; it is the embodiment of everything that L'Empire du Combat Événementiel stands for—honor, glory, and the relentless pursuit of greatness.

Le Simple continues, his voice filled with reverence. “To hold this championship is to reign as the true ruler of the wrestling world, to etch your name in the annals of history alongside the greatest champions who have ever graced this ring. But beware—this is not a prize that can be claimed lightly. The road to becoming the Le Roi Soleil Champion is fraught with challenges, trials, and fierce competition. Only the strongest, the smartest, and the most determined will have the honor of wearing this crown.”

The crowd erupts into applause, their excitement palpable as they envision the battles to come. The Le Roi Soleil Championship has now been unveiled, and with it, a new era in French wrestling begins. The wrestlers of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel will stop at nothing to claim this ultimate prize, knowing that to hold the Le Roi Soleil Championship is to achieve immortality in the world of professional wrestling.

As Ludovic Le Simple steps back, the camera pans out, capturing the grandeur of the moment. The message is clear: the pursuit of the Le Roi Soleil Championship will ignite fierce rivalries, test the limits of every competitor, and ultimately, crown a new sovereign of the ring. The journey to greatness begins tonight, and only one will emerge as the true Sun King of the wrestling world.




Konrad Makkinen vs. Benrubi’s Goons (Handicap Match)

The arena’s atmosphere reaches a fever pitch as the main event is announced—Konrad Makkinen, the resilient hero, faces his toughest challenge yet: a handicap match against the notorious Benrubi’s Goons. The stakes are incredibly high, as Makkinen must battle his way through three ruthless adversaries to rescue the innocent Cassie O'Peter from their vile clutches.

As the lights dim, the ominous figures of Benrubi’s Goons emerge from the shadows, led by the intimidating Bully Benrubi. Flanked by Harmon Girard and Scott van Den Berg, the trio exudes a menacing presence. Girard, a French veteran with a devious mind, moves with a calculated, almost predatory, air despite his aging body. Van Den Berg, the hulking Dutchman, towers over the others, his experience and raw power evident in his every move. Together, they form a formidable and terrifying alliance, perfectly embodying the cruelty and exploitation that Benrubi’s goons are known for.

The crowd roars as Makkinen’s entrance music hits, and the hero himself strides out, his expression steely and determined. Makkinen knows the odds are against him, but his resolve is unshakable. He’s not just fighting for victory; he’s fighting for justice and the future of young Cassie. The tension is palpable as Makkinen steps into the ring, facing the daunting task ahead.

The match begins, and the goons waste no time in swarming Makkinen, using their numbers to their advantage. Girard strikes first, attempting to outwit Makkinen with a series of underhanded tactics. Despite Girard’s cunning, Makkinen’s strength and quick reflexes allow him to counter the veteran’s dirty moves. Just as Makkinen gains the upper hand, Van Den Berg charges in, using his size to overpower Makkinen with bone-crushing blows. Each strike from the Dutch giant sends shockwaves through the ring, but Makkinen refuses to stay down, his willpower pushing him to fight back.

The match turns into a brutal, back-and-forth brawl, with Makkinen taking on both Girard and Van Den Berg simultaneously. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as Makkinen pulls off an incredible display of skill and tenacity, fending off the relentless assault. However, the turning point comes when Bully Benrubi, the leader of the goons, enters the fray. His sheer size and strength pose a significant threat to Makkinen, and the match reaches a critical point.

Benrubi’s devastating power drives Makkinen to the brink, but just when it seems the odds are too much to overcome, Makkinen digs deep, finding a reserve of strength fueled by his commitment to saving Cassie. He fights back with everything he has, delivering a series of powerful moves that stun Benrubi and send the crowd into a frenzy.

In a dramatic climax, Makkinen manages to take down Girard with a punishing slam, then dodges a massive charge from Van Den Berg, causing the Dutchman to crash into Benrubi. With his opponents momentarily stunned, Makkinen seizes the opportunity, delivering a final, decisive blow to Benrubi, sending him crashing to the mat.

The bell rings, and Makkinen stands victorious, his chest heaving with exhaustion but his spirit unbroken. The crowd erupts in cheers as Makkinen helps Cassie O’Peter out of Benrubi’s goons’ grip, symbolizing his role as a protector and champion of those who cannot defend themselves. As they make their way out of the ring, Makkinen’s victory is not just a personal triumph—it’s a powerful statement against the tyranny and oppression embodied by Benrubi’s goons.

Though the battle is won, the war is far from over. Makkinen’s heroic actions have set the stage for future confrontations, and the shadow of Benrubi’s goons will undoubtedly loom large over the wrestling world. But tonight, in this moment of victory, Konrad Makkinen stands tall, a beacon of hope and justice in a world that desperately needs both.


The Showdown Looms

As Konrad Makkinen and Cassie O'Peter make their way up the ramp, basking in the afterglow of their hard-earned victory, the atmosphere in the arena takes an unexpected turn. The crowd's cheers are abruptly cut off by the sound of hurried footsteps and a surge of tension. Ferdinand Arneaux, the relentless enforcer of order, storms down to the ring, his eyes locked onto Makkinen with a burning intensity.

Arneaux’s presence alone sends a wave of apprehension through the audience. His earlier ruthless display against the local outlaw was a stark reminder of his uncompromising nature. Tonight, however, his anger seems personal, and the stakes are higher than ever. He charges towards Makkinen, his intentions clear—he’s ready to confront the hero who dared to challenge his authority.

Just as Arneaux reaches the ring, a flurry of movement catches everyone's attention. Ludovic Le Simple, the owner of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel, strides purposefully down the ramp. With a commanding presence and an air of authority, Le Simple takes center stage, his eyes scanning the chaos unfolding before him.

In a dramatic moment, Le Simple intervenes just as Arneaux is about to engage Makkinen. The owner places himself between the two wrestlers, raising a hand to signal the end of the confrontation. The crowd watches in anticipation as Le Simple, with a voice that cuts through the tension, addresses both men and the roaring audience.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Le Simple announces, his tone resolute and authoritative, “tonight’s events have set the stage for an epic showdown. I am thrilled to reveal that at ECE Revolution 4, Konrad Makkinen and Ferdinand Arneaux will face off in a battle for the prestigious Le Roi Soleil Championship!”

The crowd erupts into cheers and applause at the announcement, their excitement palpable as they anticipate the high-stakes clash between Makkinen and Arneaux. The Le Roi Soleil Championship, symbolizing the pinnacle of wrestling achievement, now serves as the battleground where these two formidable competitors will clash for supremacy.

Le Simple’s declaration adds an electrifying edge to the already intense atmosphere, promising that the next chapter in ECE Revolution will be a monumental clash of wills and skill. As Arneaux and Makkinen exchange steely glares, the scene is set for a confrontation that will undoubtedly define the future of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel.

As the intensity of the moment fades, the melancholic strains of Yves Montand's "Le Temps des cerises" begin to play, filling the arena with a nostalgic air. The song's somber and reflective tone accentuates the weight of the struggles and dreams that have brought the night to its dramatic conclusion. It serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices and challenges faced by the heroes of the evening, leaving the audience with a sense of bittersweet anticipation for the battles yet to come.

With a final, authoritative nod, Le Simple exits the ring, leaving Makkinen and Arneaux to stare each other down. The tension between them is almost tangible, their upcoming battle now the focal point of the wrestling world’s attention. As the arena begins to empty, fans leave with the thrilling anticipation of what’s to come, knowing that ECE Revolution 4 will be an event not to be missed.

Tonight’s episode ends on a cliffhanger, with the promise of an epic showdown between two of the wrestling world’s most intense rivals, setting the stage for a dramatic and unforgettable ECE Revolution 4.




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Welcome to ECE Revolution 5!

Tonight, the heart of French wrestling beats louder than ever as ECE Revolution 5 takes center stage! In this landmark event, rivalries will ignite, champions will be crowned, and history will be made. The ring will become a battlefield where honor, strength, and humor collide in unforgettable matches.

With the introduction of the highly anticipated Grand Prix de l'Humour and the crowning of the first Le Roi Soleil Champion, the stakes have never been higher. Prepare for an evening filled with intense action, surprising twists, and the relentless spirit of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel. The revolution continues—are you ready?

 "Cassie’s New Life"

The arena buzzes with anticipation as the iconic strains of "L'Amour est un oiseau rebelle" from Bizet's Carmen echo through the space, setting the tone for an emotional night. The music, embodying the wild and unpredictable nature of love, perfectly captures the moment as Cassie O'Peter and Konrad Makkinen step into their new life in Paris.

Cassie, once a vulnerable girl, is now under Makkinen's protection in a modest Parisian apartment. The scene shows her unpacking, each item a reminder of the hardships she’s left behind. Makkinen, ever the guardian, watches her with a mixture of pride and concern.

“Cassie,” Makkinen says softly, “this is our new beginning. Paris can be a place of second chances if we let it.”

Cassie meets his gaze, her voice tinged with uncertainty. “But what if the past isn’t done with us?”

Makkinen's voice is firm. “Then we face it together. You’re not alone anymore.”

The camera follows Cassie as she explores the bustling streets of Paris, the music underscoring her tentative steps into a world full of possibilities and dangers. She’s hesitant but begins to find her confidence, taking in the city’s beauty and challenges.

As the segment closes, Cassie stands by the apartment window, gazing out at the twinkling lights of Paris. The past still haunts her, but for the first time in a long while, she feels a spark of hope, knowing that with Makkinen by her side, she can face whatever comes next.



Cassie O'Peter vs. Maisie Laurel

Fight: Cassie O'Peter makes her highly anticipated debut in the ring, facing off against the mic-savvy heel, Maisie Laurel. At just 24, Maisie is known for her sharp tongue and manipulative tactics, but Cassie is determined to prove herself. The match is intense, with Maisie trying to throw Cassie off her game through trash talk and underhanded moves. However, Cassie's strength and focus shine through as she overcomes Maisie’s tricks, securing a decisive victory. This win symbolizes Cassie's transformation from a vulnerable girl to a self-assured woman ready to face any challenge.




Introduction of the Grand Prix de l'Humour

As the crowd settles back in after an exhilarating match, the lights in the arena dim, and a playful, upbeat tune begins to play over the speakers. A spotlight hits the entrance ramp, and out steps Ludovic Le Simple, the charismatic owner of L'Empire du Combat Événementiel. Dressed in a flamboyant, brightly colored suit, Le Simple exudes an air of mischief, a sly grin playing on his lips.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" he booms, his voice carrying through the arena, "Tonight, I bring you something special, something unprecedented in the world of professional wrestling! It’s time to laugh, it’s time to cheer, and it’s time to introduce to you... the Grand Prix de l'Humour!"

The crowd buzzes with curiosity, their interest piqued by the unexpected announcement. On the big screen, a dazzling graphic appears, showcasing a golden championship belt adorned with comedic masks—the classic symbols of comedy and tragedy. The belt sparkles under the lights, a testament to the prestige and lighthearted spirit it represents.

Le Simple continues, his voice brimming with excitement, "This, my dear friends, is not just any championship. The Grand Prix de l'Humour is for those who can bring not only skill to the ring but also the gift of laughter. It’s for those who can entertain, surprise, and leave you smiling, even in the heat of battle!"

The crowd erupts into cheers and laughter, clearly loving the idea of a championship that embraces the fun and unpredictable side of wrestling. Le Simple paces the stage, his energy contagious.

"Starting at ECE Revolution 5, the battle for this belt will begin. We’re going to see matches unlike anything you’ve witnessed before. Wrestlers will not only have to pin their opponents, but they’ll also need to outwit and out-charm them. So, prepare yourselves for the most entertaining, hilarious, and outrageous competition ever!"

Le Simple raises his arms theatrically, soaking in the crowd’s reaction. "And as for who will compete for this prestigious title? Well, my friends, that’s a surprise for another night! But rest assured, only the most charismatic, the most entertaining, and yes, the most humorous wrestlers will get a shot at the Grand Prix de l'Humour."

With a final flourish, Le Simple takes a deep bow, the crowd chanting his name, clearly thrilled by the prospect of this new, comedic chapter in ECE’s history. The segment ends with the spotlight fading, leaving the fans eagerly anticipating the chaos and hilarity that the Grand Prix de l'Humour will undoubtedly bring.



DuPont Brothers vs. Aud Valkyrie & Christopher Lister

In a thrilling tag team match, the devious DuPont BrothersJacques and Pierre—step into the ring, ready to showcase their notorious teamwork and underhanded tactics. Opposing them are the resilient Aud Valkyrie, still battling to reclaim her former glory, and the up-and-coming Christopher Lister, a veteran wrestler with a lot to prove. The match is a back-and-forth battle, with the DuPonts using every trick in the book to gain the upper hand. However, the fiery determination of Valkyrie and Lister keeps the crowd on the edge of their seats. Despite the odds, the duo manages to hold their own, setting the stage for a high-stakes, dramatic encounter.




Ferdinand Arneaux vs. Konrad Makkinen - Cell Match for the Le Roi Soleil Championship

Fight: The climactic main event sees Konrad Makkinen locked inside a steel cell with the relentless Ferdinand Arneaux. The confined space amplifies the brutality, with both men pushing each other to their physical and emotional limits. The stakes are higher than ever, as the victor will not only claim personal glory but will also become the inaugural holder of the prestigious Le Roi Soleil Championship. The cell match becomes a test of willpower and survival, as Makkinen fights not just for his own freedom, but for the future he’s trying to build with Cassie. Despite the intense onslaught from Arneaux, Makkinen's resilience prevails.

When the dust settles, Makkinen stands victorious, his hand raised in triumph as the first-ever Le Roi Soleil Champion. The golden belt, emblazoned with the image of Louis XIV, is placed around his waist, signifying his rightful place as the true ruler of the wrestling world. This moment cements Makkinen's legacy and sets the stage for future battles as other contenders begin to eye the coveted title.


As the dust settles and the echoes of tonight’s battles fade, ECE Revolution 5 comes to a close, leaving an indelible mark on the world of wrestling. The crowd, still buzzing with excitement, watches as the victors raise their hands in triumph, while others reflect on the challenges that lie ahead.

In the final moments, as the lights dim and the energy of the arena begins to quiet, Konrad Makkinen stands tall in the center of the ring, victorious after another hard-fought battle. Cassie O'Peter, finally free from the clutches of her tormentors, rushes to him and falls into his arms, tears of relief and joy streaming down her face. Marianne, watching from ringside, smiles warmly, her heart full as she sees the man she supports standing strong and true, a beacon of hope and justice.

As this heartfelt reunion unfolds, the hauntingly beautiful strains of Johnny Hallyday’s "Je te promets" fill the air. The song’s promise of love and devotion resonates deeply, capturing the emotional triumph of the moment and the growing bonds between these characters.

With this tender note, the show ends, but the promise of what’s to come lingers. As fans leave the arena, the story continues, and the revolution presses on, stronger than ever.


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Edited by Boerenkool
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Been busy so didn't get to read this in depth yet but I love it conceptually.  I love it when people go outside the box a bit and try something a bit different.  The game allows us to do that and it's fun to see someone embracing the spirit of adventure and trying in a very different environment and with workers we dont usually see used that often.

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On 8/31/2024 at 7:03 AM, alpha2117 said:

Been busy so didn't get to read this in depth yet but I love it conceptually.  I love it when people go outside the box a bit and try something a bit different.  The game allows us to do that and it's fun to see someone embracing the spirit of adventure and trying in a very different environment and with workers we dont usually see used that often.

Thanks! At the moment I have my main storyline (consisting of three smaller storylines) written out for the first year. I'm following the plot of a well known musical/story translated/relocated to a wrestling setting. I wonder if someone might have already picked up which story I'm somewhat following?

I have a concept for the following two years, but I'll have to see year-to-year who's available and how long our show will be running for. What this diary brings to me is immersion. I really liked my own TEW2020 save, but after a while I found myself "gaming" the system by just putting my best mic guy in an angle and freestyle every show for a few minutes. This resulted in good enough angles to get a good show.

This time around I'm writing and thinking about storylines for more than just about thinking who wins and who losses. I found out that chosing a fun background/theme for my company is really helping me. The French theme gives me a lot of inspiration like for example the usage of the French Chansons as intro's and outro's.  The addition of the Grand Prix de l'Humour wasn't really planned beforehand. I suddenly got thinking about Louis de Funès and this inspired me to form a comedy division in the company beside my more dramatic main storyline. This addition feels logical to me as a fresh air in between more dramatic sections. The French have a great history comedy and I hope to pay tribute to that history.

The danger for me is always not te expand the company and roster too quickly. I'm working with short contract at the time to prevent this from happening. 

Hope you all will continue to enjoy. 

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I'm enjoying it too.

And the fact you're writing it so the head cannon is strong comes through.

Good stuff. 

My request is to turn up the Frenchness even more.  The style of music and references are cool, but at times it still feels like a standard wrestling company which just happens to be in France. Yknow someone appears and says some stuff. Then someone else. Then they fight. That's cool, but this feels like it's close to something even more different!

Not trying to criticise. It's good stuff, just offering writers room open thoughts.


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