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Right now, most of the AI hiring rules read like "either they are or not this one thing" and "hire them only" or "Don't hire them ever"

I would love an option that states more like a preferred. Like "Prioritize hiring free agents" / "Don't prioritize comedy" that way they might still hire a comedy style, but only if there is no other option. Likewise, they try and employ free agents, but might fill out a roster with those that work in different companies. 

Hopefully it can work with other things like skills, personality, or ages. 

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Yeah, the rules are too rigid for my taste, too. Sometimes you get cases where a worker changes their style and boom, it's suddenly someone a company can't hire anymore because the guy gained 2 points in Technical and is now 'Technician' instead of 'Technician-Flyer'. Setting priorities seems like a better approach than a hard Y/N system. Or at least a way to set exceptions to the rules to make them more realistic. A European company with 'No Foreign Workers' could be set to exclude 'British Isles', or a company near the Mexican/Canadian border could exclude the neighboring region.

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I would like a "Few" and "Mostly" option. "Hire Few Technicians", "Hire Few Foreign Workers". "Hire Mostly English Speakers". Now the England Company can use "few" Europe workers, generally ones who can speak English. A few exceptions for the exceptional.

WWE was never going to NOT hire Brock Lesnar when he exited UFC because "he is now a Technician, Brawler, Former MMA Fighter" instead of "Powerhouse, Entertainer". But he slowly became an Entertainer with his facials and body language, even if his moveset diminished a bit, his psychology went through the roof.


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