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Reserve Workers for Big Shows

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So, I sometimes have the trouble of making someone on my roster an alliance champion, then having them be borrowed by another company on the day of my season finale or something else big.

So, I'd like to make the suggestion that you can "reserve" a particular worker to be used on a certain day, that guarantees nobody else uses them on that day. Maybe it works for other alliance title holders, maybe it only works on members of your own roster, maybe it can even work for non-exclusive contracts, I don't know, but I think for sure it should work on your workers who have an alliance title, so that they're not off on a random B-show defending (or not even defending, like one of my previous posts states) their title in a different promotion during one of your biggest shows of the year. If they're a main eventer, or at least high on the card, then that could bring your show rating down significantly, which is why I think this is a good idea.

Edited by Spoons
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