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Battle Royal - Bad Personalities Complain About Elimination Order?

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I think it'd make battle royals more immersive if some people, particularly those with negative/confrontational personality types and/or political players, complained about which number they get eliminated, even if the person winning is well above them in popularity. For example, Hulk Hogan might complain about being eliminated third, thinking he ought to make it to "at least the final four". Or not being eliminated "before someone so small", in relation to someone lower down on the card than he is. This would make you have to rethink your elimination order, and almost make it like a puzzle to solve. How to keep everyone happy and still get the outcome you desire. Or you could just rebook it with different people. Either or.

Also, you could have, for example, two people who have IRL beef with one another, neither wanting to be eliminated before the other, so you have to make the decision to please only one of them (since I don't think double eliminations are a thing yet)!

Edited by Spoons
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9 hours ago, BloodySpike said:

Yeah I like that. Would also be cool if there was a way to choose who eliminates who. Which could  add to or start storylines. Plus with this you could create a history of total battle royal eliminations made by a wrestler.

Definitely! Like having someone eliminate their partner, making for a heated argument after the match.

I think choosing the entrance order would be nice, too, for rumbles. Like, the elimination order gives us SOME control, but I think doing that would give us a bit more, and I think having 100% full control of such a match would be a fun idea. That way you could simulate things like Benoit going all the way in '04.

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