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Booking Screen QOL Suggestion

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So one thing that I've been getting into the habit of is adding abbreviations at the end of my matches that have a match aim other than regular. I do this so that I can tell at a glance where everything is so that I can easily re-organize the card. The thought then occurred to me that since each match can only have one match aim maybe it could be displayed on the booking screen, perhaps next to the "Type" Column.


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Honestly, I can't believe that this idea hasn't been suggested yet from what I seen. I run a Punk Rock Lucha and half the matches has to be one of 4 types and there ALSO has to be either a hardcore or wild brawl match as well. 

You would believe how many times I get the warning about types of matches I get and have to check each one to see if I made a mistake on one and didn't know which or getting the penalty of "two crazy matches in a row". 

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