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More stables for AI companies with them set to integral

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Having run quite a few 5 year sims at this point, I've noticed that the AI doesn't really utilize stables that much deeper into saves even when they're set to be integral in the product settings. On my latest, only one company has more than 2. I think it would be better to make it so they always use at least 4 at all times, as you'd rarely use the setting outside of Japanese companies where the products always nearly entirely revolve around factions fighting each other.

Separately, probably a side effect of whatever is causing them to use so few stables, the ones set as important disappear very quickly, often within days or weeks of the save starting only to be replaced with generic new stables. Would it be possible to add something that makes the AI more likely to continue using the important stables?

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I'd just like a checkbox that allows/disallows the AI to change a stable. No matter what you do, there doesn't seem to be a way to just make the AI leave a stable alone. I created a company that is meant to be run as a reality show by 4 veterans with different styles. They are stable leaders and set to 'must be in stable'. The company is set to 'stables are integral'. The entire roster is distributed between these 4 stables; no factionless wrestlers. That didn't stop the AI from disbanding two stables, and changing one by swapping in the now stable-less workers - BEFORE THIS COMPANY EVEN HAD THEIR FIRST SHOW. What the hell.

Just make a checkbox 'can be disbanded Y/N' so the AI leaves pre-made stables alone.

I'd also love some requirements for stable roles, mini hiring rules, so if the AI goes wild, it at least doesn't do something totally random. Something like 'Muscle' requires X Menace or a Dominant gimmick, Lackey can't have more than X Menace or must have a Weasely/Underdog gimmick, Leader needs X Charisma, and so on. (Requirements could change depending on stable type, and 'Member' would always be the vanilla, no requirements type.) So if the AI can't contain its urge to change things, it at least puts somewhat fitting workers in the roles.

Edited by GrindhouseArts
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