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Make the 'No Foreign Workers' hiring rule ignore borders to spillover regions

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I love and hate 'No Foreign Workers' as a hiring rule for smaller companies. On one hand, it's good to stop them from ruining themselves by randomly flying in workers from other continents. On the other hand, it feels off for border regions, specifically Mexico/southern US and Canada/northern US.

So I'd like spillover to be taken into account when hiring 'foreign' workers, with the worker's 'active in' representing their ability to cross borders (basically 'has visa' or whatever). Companies based in Great Lakes, Mid West, North West, Tri State would ignore 'No Foreign Workers' for workers based in their Canadian spillover regions and vice versa. Companies based in Mid South and South West ignore it for workers in the Mexican spillover regions and vice versa. The hiring rule would apply to everyone else (including Mexican/Canadian workers in regions without US spillover, and workers that are not 'active in US').

For example, a Canadian company based in Ontario with 'No Foreign Workers' would be able to hire an American worker based in Mid West and 'active in Canada'. They would not be able to hire that worker if he is not active in Canada, and they would not be able to hire anyone from South East (regardless of active regions) or elsewhere in the world - this is still prevented by the hiring rule.

Edited by GrindhouseArts
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