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New Media Scrum Options for Borrowed Workers

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I've noticed that if I borrow a worker via an alliance loan, talent trade, alliance title or developmental/local worker, and something happens like they have an off night or something, the media scrum comments and responses are all the same as if they fully worked for me. I think there should be more options for workers who are only on your roster for one night. Options like "They don't even work for me, get off my back" or "I won't be borrowing them again", or "That's (X company)'s problem, not mine", that kind of thing.

In fact, maybe we can have media scrum questions specific to loans and borrowing. For example, "I noticed you borrowed X from Y. Do you think it was a smart choice?" or "I noticed you borrowed X from Y, do you plan to loan more talent from Y in the future?" or even "I notice you borrowed X from your developmental territory. Do you think they're ready to come to the main roster?"

I don't know, I just think asking "So Muhammad Ali had an off night, how does this affect his slot on your roster?", when he normally doesn't HAVE a slot on my roster, doesn't make a lot of sense, and I think this would help with that.

Edited by Spoons
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I think that's more than doable, especially since Adam said the following in the TEW IX journal:


"In order to avoid the obvious trap of repetition, there are over 270 possible questions in the game for release day and it's been set up so that it's easy to patch in additions post-launch."

Adding some questions tied to loans shouldn't be difficult imo. You could even add questions that affect company relationships based on where that wrestler was loaned from.

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