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TNA: Can it overcome and ECW Talent Raid?!?

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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [B][U]Opening[/U][/B] TNA's Xplosion Opens up with fireworks and video clips of Impact! from this week. The video shows mostly clips of Brock Lesnar's Debut and his Monty Brown confrontation as well as the Jarrett/Christian/Joe segment. Next cameras pan the crowd and show signs as "Lesnar is GOD" and "Jeff Jarrett SUCKS!". [I][B][U]Brock Lesnar Interview Later Tonight![/U][/B] [IMG]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/7937/1brock1ma9.jpg[/IMG] A video clip plays hyping the "inside interview" with Brock Lesnar later tonight. The clip shows Lesnar talking with Mike Tenay in a pre-interview type thing. Next, Lesnar notices the camera and smiles at it before putting on his small microphone on his F-5 T-shirt. [b]Segment Rating: A+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]The Naturals vs Ron Killings & Lance Hoyt[/U][/B] The Naturals hit the ring first and taunted on opposite sides of the ring. Next, Hoyt and Killings hit the ring with Killings doing his usual "Whats Up" mic work. [IMG]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/2238/1killingswz7.jpg[/IMG] After hitting the ring all three men shake hands as they have had history together. However, from there it was fair game. Chase Stevens and Lance Hoyt start things out. [IMG]http://img421.imageshack.us/img421/6797/naturalsxd3.jpg[/IMG] The two men locked up early on and Hoyt used his strength to work over Stevens for the first few minutes. He connected with a big boot early on, and then went for a cover a minute later after a pump handle slam. 1....2....Andy Douglas made his presence felt and broke things up. Hoyt looked at Douglas and smiled nodding his head as if he did a good job. From there Stevens made the tag to Douglas on the other side of the ring. Doulgas re-entered the ring and he and Hoyt smiled at one another and then locked up. Yet again, Hoyt used his strength to overpower the small man, but when Hoyt went for a German Suplex, Douglas landed on his feet and connected with a dropkick that sent Hoyt into his own corner where he made the tag. From here, Killings entered the ring. Killings dropped Douglas with a spinning lariat, and then did the same to Stevens who entered the ring quickly. Next, Killings brought both men to their feet and went for a double suplex. Naturals quickly reversed the suplex and connected with a suplex of their own on Killings. Next, Stevens took Hoyt off the ring apron with a dropkick. Both members of the Naturals quickly hit the Natural Disaster for the easy pinfall on Killings. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]America's Most Wanted Backstage![/U][/B] James Storm and Chris Harris of America's Most Wanted are backstage. Both men have a beer in their hand, but they throw them to the side and start to speak on the Tag Team Champions. Storm starts first. He said on Impact just days ago when he and his partner beat the hell out of Daniels and Styles he felt something that he hadn't in a long time. Dominence. That's right, Storm says that over the last several months AMW have had a little bit of a losing spell, but that all changes when they get their shot at Daniels and Styles for those titles. Next, Harris speaks. He says that on Impact they held the NWA Tag Team Championships in their hands for the first time in months. He said that just holding those belts put a "WANT" in him that has been missing for a while. He said that when they held the belts above DAniels and AJ at Impact they were showing the Champs a glimpse of the future, because sooner than later the titles are coming back home were they belong...to AMERICAS MOST WANTED! "SORRY ABOUT YOUR DAMNED LUCK!" [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Matt Bentley vs Elix Skipper[/U][/B] Bentley and Skipper are both in the ring. Both superstars have done their share of tag wrestling in the past, but tonight it's all about singles action. In the opening moments, the superstars started things off fairly slow compared to usual X-Division action. Bentley took control of things early on and dropped Skipper with a hiptoss and then a dropkick to the face followed by some ground wrestling tactics. Moments later, Skipper stood up while in a sleeper hold and sent Bentley to the ropes. Bentley came back and ran right into a spinning kick by Skipper, who has had his share of martial arts training. Skipper then connected with a legdrop and a near fall. Skipper controlled most of the remainder of the match-up with Bentley only taking control after a little cheap tactics by his partner at ringside. Kazarian pulled down the ropes which caused Skipper to fall to the outside. While the cheap tactics helped Bentley in this instance, it ended up being his downfall. Kazarian tried to smack Skipper with a steel chair from outside the ring, but when Skipper side-stepped it, Bentley was hit with the chair which allowed Skipper the easy pinfall. Bentley slid to the outside where Kazarian apologized and helped him to his feet. [IMG]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/8564/1primetimedt8.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner: Elix Skipper[/b] [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Skipper Has some Explaining to DO![/U][/B] Following the match-up, Elix Skipper is on the top rope taunting and getting a pretty good reaction from the crowd. However, his celebration is very short lived. Abyss, who Skipper costed a match against Jeff Hardy on Impact, runs to the ring. As Elix Skipper goes to jump off the top rope to exit the ring Abyss catches him in mid air and takes him down with a thunderous BLACK HOLE SLAM! Following the Black Hole Slam, Abyss brings Skipper over his head with a military press and sends him flying outside the ring. Skipper comes crashing down atop Bentley who is outside the ring and Abyss is left in the ring. Moments later, both members of the James Gang hit the ring and try to calm the big man down. In takes a minute, but they do just that. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Da' Pack Found Their Opponents[/U][/B] Cameras cut backstage where Diamond Dallas Page is going after Alex Shelley. However, before he can get his hands on Shelley the two men are seperated through the likes of security and their friends. Nash and Hall hold Page back on one side of the hallway as Shelley, Strong, and Aries all yell obsenities on the other side. Shelley seems to be having a great time making Page's life HELL. Just as everything seems settled, Jim Cornette steps in between the two crowds of people. Cornette says that since Da' Pack were already booked tonight he figures he should let them know who their opponents are. He said they are looking at them...that's right tonights main event will be Da' Pack vs Aries, Strong, and Shelley! DDP seems happy about the announcement, along with thte other members of Da' Pack. However, their opponents are less then thrilled. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]X-Division Champion Hype[/U][/B] Another video hyping X-Division Champion, Low-Ki plays over the big screen. The video starts out with Low-Ki saying the following words. [IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/956/1lowkivy3.jpg[/IMG] "Pride...Resillience...Dedication...All important on a Warriors way to victory" Following the statement, video clips of his recent victories over many X-division stars the last few months plays. The segment ends with a close up on Low Ki and then the X-Division title thats strapped around his waiste. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Chris Sabin vs Petey Williams[/U][/B] Chris Sabin and Petey Williams are both familiar to what it feels like to be X-Division Champion and it seemed that this match-up was for the whos who of the X-Division in the current state of TNA. With Scott D'Amore outside the ring with Petey Williams however, there is no telling what would happen. Sabin and Petey started things out with some traditional wrestling ala a collar and elbow tie-up. Petey took control in the beginning of the match with a Northern Lights suplex early on. Moments later though, Sabin revesed an attempt at a right hand and connected with a double underhook backbreaker. He went for the cover but only managed a two count. The entire match went back and forth with both men trying to one up the other with tons of reverals and counters. One particular spot consisted of Petey connecting with his trademark atomic drop and then an attempted CAnadian Destroyer. However, Sabin sent him over head with a back body drop only for Petey to follow through with a sunset flip. After a two count Sabin broke free and tried for a legdrop, but Petey quickly moved out of the way and then put Sabin in the corner for his trademark "Oh Canada" foot to the groin. The finish came when Scott D'Amore got on the ring apron and distracted the ref to allow Petey to use some cheap tactics. Petey went for a low blow on Sabin, but Sabin quickly dodged the boot and connected with the a spinning DDT which he kicked off of D'Amore with in the process. 1....2......3. Chris Sabin takes the victory. [IMG]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/4201/1sabinkg5.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner: Chris Sabin [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Brock Lesnar sits down with Mike Tenay.[/U][/B] Following a video clip highlighting the debut of Brock Lesnar this week on Impact, the TNA-tron shows Brock Lesnar sitting with Mike Tenay in the bleachers of the arena earlier today. Lesnar seems to be in high spirits as a smile is glued on his face in the beginning of the segment. After Mike Tenay introduces Lesnar, the interview officially begins. Tenay: First off, I would like to welcome you here to TNA. It's amazing how so much can change in a matter of a few weeks. First, the ECW disaster talent raid, and then we sign on of the biggest stars in the twentieth century. Lesnar: Thanks Mike, it feels great being a part of TNA. Tenay: Well, lets just jump right into things. The number one question on everyone's minds...How did you do it? How did you make it possible to join TNA, or any other wrestling promotion in North AMerica for that matter. Your legal setbacks were very public knowledge. Lesnar: Ha. Well, I made a deal with the devil so to speak. Last year "The Devil" and I went to court over what I could do and couldn't do as far as wrestling or competing in any sort of fighting was concerned. However, about three months ago I got a call from my lawyer. He found a clause that was overlooked for the past few years concerning my original contract over there. When I say my original contract, I'm not talking about the one I walked out on. No, it was public knowledge that right before Wrestlemania that year I had resigned a ten year deal with the company. HOWEVER, my lawyer found a loophole. MY original contract with that company wasn't really over for two months following the contract negotiations that took place. Therefore, since the new contract was never finalized because we agree that we'd wait until the old one was up...when my old one officially ran out I was a free man. Tenay: So, let me get this straight. Your guy found a loophole that stated that you were no longer employeed there two months after Wrestlemania of that year? So, all this time...all the money for lawyers and court costs...were useless? Lesnar: That's right Mike. As of right now their people are still denying that all this has taken place. However, if it isn't true how else would I be sitting here with the TNA logo hanging above my head? Tenay: To be honest, I'm no longer concerned about how it happened. Just that it happened. So again, Brock, welcome to TNA. Now that we've got that out of the way. How do you feel about the current activity in TNA and not to mention NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett. Lesnar: Ah, the Jarrett question. Mike, I'm going to put that one on the backburner because as of right now I've got my sights set on someone a little more irritating, at least as far as I'm concerned. That man...Monty Brown. Tenay: Ah, yes. Brown has been badmouthing you for week now on TNA Television. He says you no showed events, and not to mention the football slander. [IMG]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/15/1brocknw5.png[/IMG] Lesnar: Yea, it's all just talk. I mean you saw what happened when I stepped in the ring with Brown on Impact. Everyone saw what happened. Now, I know its true that I missed the first show I was supposed to appear on but that is because I didn't want to leave Japan on bad terms. The people over there have been very good to me and I didn't want to cut my ties with them on bad terms. However, the football stuff. It's almost funny. I'm young and I tried to do something I thought I was good at. Obviously, I wasn't as good as I thought. But I know one thing, in the wrestling ring I'm one of the best and Monty Brown is going to realize that sooner than later. Tenay: Have any idea on a date when you would want to make this thing official? *At this point Brock Lesnar smiles and then stands up on the bleachers and glares into the camera. Lesnar: Monty Brown, you've been talking and talking for weeks now. However, I've yet to see you back up those words. I've got an idea Brown. That's right...you and ME. That's if you've got the guts to step in the ring with an NCAA Champion. That's if you've got the guts to step in the ring with a man that has wrestled ALL over the World and headlined some of the biggest shows in the history of this business. Brown, I'm making the challenge official right now. Brock Lesnar vs Monty Brown...your terms are fine with me. I'm ready when you are. Sooner or later, I've got an F-5 with your name on it buddy. From there the camera cuts as the interview comes to a close. [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Da' Pack Says a Few Words [/U][/B] Theme music that is so similar to the old "Wolfpack" music that its eerie blast over the PA system. Second later, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Diamond Dallas Page all make their way towards the ring. Da' Pack gets a somewhat mixed reaction from the crowd. However, each members seems to be having some fun. After entering the ring the three members pass around the mic. Nash is on the mic first and he says that "Da' Pack is in the HIZZOUSE!" He says not only that but tonight they are going to show some of the fresh meat around here what this business is all about. That's right Nash says in a few minutes three of TNA's elite up and comers are going to get a reality check. Next, Scott Hall gets on the mic and does his usual "survey" routine. He asks if everyone came to see Austin Aries, Strong, and Shelley...or Da' P-A-C-K! He then says another one for the good guys. Last but not least, Diamond Dallas Page gets on the mic. However, he isn't smiling and joking like the other two. He says that tonight he is going to ring the neck of that little punk Alex Shelley. He said that Shelley has been going around playing games, but tonight the fun and games are over. Because tonight, Shelley, feels the BANG! Next, all three members hold up the old NWO hand signal. [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Da' Pack vs Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, & Roderick Strong[/U][/B] The Youngsters of TNA would step in the ring with three veterans in the next match up. However, most people's focus would be on Alex Shelley and DDP and their confrontations during this one. Shelley has been trying to get under the skin of DDP for a while, and this was Page's chance to get even with him. As soon as Shelley, Aries, and Strong hit the ring choas began. Aries seemed to be the legal man along with Scott Hall, however, Shelley was quick to flee from the ringside area. Unfortuntley for Da' Pack, Page was right behind him. With Page and Shelley out of the picture it left The Outiders versus Strong and Aries. Scott Hall dominated this one from the beginning. He toyed with Aries as if he was no competition. He taunted Aries after every offensive move which included a back body drop, a few boots to the midsection and eventually a trademark fallaway slam. Following the fallaway slam, Hall allowed Roderick Strong to be tagged in. Hall tagged in Nash as well. Roderick Strong hit the ring with high spirits. He ducked a big boot by Nash and then dropkicked his knee. However, his offense was short lived when Nash grabbed him by the throat and tossed him in the corner like a ragdoll. Nash then connected with his trademark elbows and knees in the corner. This is when things took a turn for the better for Roderick and Aries. When Scott Hall was talking to the ref, Aries entered the ring and connected with a flying dropkick to the back of the head of big sexy. This allowed a two on one attack on the big man. Aries and Strong both stomped away at the big man in the corner. Just as it seemed Aries and Strong had control, Nash fought back. He grabbed both men by their throats and tossed them in seperate corners. Next he brought Strong to the middle of the and set him up for the JACKNIFE. HAll hit the Outisders Edge at the same time on Aries and they both made the cover. 1.....2.......3! [IMG]http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/3024/1outsidersez5.jpg[/IMG] Outsiders along with DDP win the match. As the Outsiders celebrate in the middle of the ring Alex Shelley and DDP run back out to the ring. Shelley hits the ring at an attempt to get away from Page, not realizing that the Outsiders were still in there. Shelley motioned as if he outsmarts Page, and backed right into Nash's chest. Shelley's facial expression was worth a thousands words as he turned around to see the seven foot monster behind him. Nash was smiling and said "Boo!". Shelley quickly exited the ring on the other side before Page could get his hands on him though. The scene cut with Page mouthing to Shelley..."Your time will come" before he motioned for the Diamond Cutter. [IMG]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/5134/1ddpuy4.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winners: Da' Pack[/b] [b]Segment Rating: B-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Jeff Jarrett Speaks! [/U][/B] Following the main event match-up, NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett hits the ring carrying the title belt. Jarrett is alone. He has a mic in the ring and says that tonight he wants to make something perfectly clear. #1, he is not afraid of "Fat" Joe. He said despite what everyone has been saying lately, The King of the Mountain doesn't back down to anyone and as far as he is concerned Joe winning that simple little tournament last month shouldn't have been enough to get him a title shot in the first place. [IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/2629/1jarrettyk4.jpg[/IMG] However, it's been made official and now Joe has used his little friendship with Jim Cornette to make the Title match in Six Sides of Steel. Jarrett says thats BS. Cornette has tried everything he could to get the strap of Jarrett, and this is just another piece to the puzzle. Jarrett says that at Against All Odds he is going to do the same thing he did last month at Final Resolution. He is going to walk into the building the World Champ, and walk out the same way. Jarrett says he doesn't care if it's a three way match like last time, or inside of a Cage like this time he is the best in the World and the NWA Title proves it. Next, he says that this coming Impact Samoa Joe better be careful because he is stepping in the ring with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Joe is going to need a lot more then the help of Sting to get out of Impact in one piece! That's a promise! [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Location: Riverside Centroplex (Southeast) Attendence: 8,458 Rating: C+[/B][/LEFT]
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[center][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/2732/xplosionbi7.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [B][U]Opening[/U][/B] TNA's Xplosion Opens up with fireworks and video clips of Impact! from this week. The video shows mostly clips of Brock Lesnar's Debut and his Monty Brown confrontation as well as the Jarrett/Christian/Joe segment. Next cameras pan the crowd and show signs as "Lesnar is GOD" and "Jeff Jarrett SUCKS!". [I][B][U]Brock Lesnar Interview Later Tonight![/U][/B] [IMG]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/7937/1brock1ma9.jpg[/IMG] A video clip plays hyping the "inside interview" with Brock Lesnar later tonight. The clip shows Lesnar talking with Mike Tenay in a pre-interview type thing. Next, Lesnar notices the camera and smiles at it before putting on his small microphone on his F-5 T-shirt. [b]Segment Rating: A+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]The Naturals vs Ron Killings & Lance Hoyt[/U][/B] The Naturals hit the ring first and taunted on opposite sides of the ring. Next, Hoyt and Killings hit the ring with Killings doing his usual "Whats Up" mic work. [IMG]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/2238/1killingswz7.jpg[/IMG] After hitting the ring all three men shake hands as they have had history together. However, from there it was fair game. Chase Stevens and Lance Hoyt start things out. [IMG]http://img421.imageshack.us/img421/6797/naturalsxd3.jpg[/IMG] The two men locked up early on and Hoyt used his strength to work over Stevens for the first few minutes. He connected with a big boot early on, and then went for a cover a minute later after a pump handle slam. 1....2....Andy Douglas made his presence felt and broke things up. Hoyt looked at Douglas and smiled nodding his head as if he did a good job. From there Stevens made the tag to Douglas on the other side of the ring. Doulgas re-entered the ring and he and Hoyt smiled at one another and then locked up. Yet again, Hoyt used his strength to overpower the small man, but when Hoyt went for a German Suplex, Douglas landed on his feet and connected with a dropkick that sent Hoyt into his own corner where he made the tag. From here, Killings entered the ring. Killings dropped Douglas with a spinning lariat, and then did the same to Stevens who entered the ring quickly. Next, Killings brought both men to their feet and went for a double suplex. Naturals quickly reversed the suplex and connected with a suplex of their own on Killings. Next, Stevens took Hoyt off the ring apron with a dropkick. Both members of the Naturals quickly hit the Natural Disaster for the easy pinfall on Killings. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]America's Most Wanted Backstage![/U][/B] James Storm and Chris Harris of America's Most Wanted are backstage. Both men have a beer in their hand, but they throw them to the side and start to speak on the Tag Team Champions. Storm starts first. He said on Impact just days ago when he and his partner beat the hell out of Daniels and Styles he felt something that he hadn't in a long time. Dominence. That's right, Storm says that over the last several months AMW have had a little bit of a losing spell, but that all changes when they get their shot at Daniels and Styles for those titles. Next, Harris speaks. He says that on Impact they held the NWA Tag Team Championships in their hands for the first time in months. He said that just holding those belts put a "WANT" in him that has been missing for a while. He said that when they held the belts above DAniels and AJ at Impact they were showing the Champs a glimpse of the future, because sooner than later the titles are coming back home were they belong...to AMERICAS MOST WANTED! "SORRY ABOUT YOUR DAMNED LUCK!" [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Matt Bentley vs Elix Skipper[/U][/B] Bentley and Skipper are both in the ring. Both superstars have done their share of tag wrestling in the past, but tonight it's all about singles action. In the opening moments, the superstars started things off fairly slow compared to usual X-Division action. Bentley took control of things early on and dropped Skipper with a hiptoss and then a dropkick to the face followed by some ground wrestling tactics. Moments later, Skipper stood up while in a sleeper hold and sent Bentley to the ropes. Bentley came back and ran right into a spinning kick by Skipper, who has had his share of martial arts training. Skipper then connected with a legdrop and a near fall. Skipper controlled most of the remainder of the match-up with Bentley only taking control after a little cheap tactics by his partner at ringside. Kazarian pulled down the ropes which caused Skipper to fall to the outside. While the cheap tactics helped Bentley in this instance, it ended up being his downfall. Kazarian tried to smack Skipper with a steel chair from outside the ring, but when Skipper side-stepped it, Bentley was hit with the chair which allowed Skipper the easy pinfall. Bentley slid to the outside where Kazarian apologized and helped him to his feet. [IMG]http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/8564/1primetimedt8.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner: Elix Skipper[/b] [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Skipper Has some Explaining to DO![/U][/B] Following the match-up, Elix Skipper is on the top rope taunting and getting a pretty good reaction from the crowd. However, his celebration is very short lived. Abyss, who Skipper costed a match against Jeff Hardy on Impact, runs to the ring. As Elix Skipper goes to jump off the top rope to exit the ring Abyss catches him in mid air and takes him down with a thunderous BLACK HOLE SLAM! Following the Black Hole Slam, Abyss brings Skipper over his head with a military press and sends him flying outside the ring. Skipper comes crashing down atop Bentley who is outside the ring and Abyss is left in the ring. Moments later, both members of the James Gang hit the ring and try to calm the big man down. In takes a minute, but they do just that. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Da' Pack Found Their Opponents[/U][/B] Cameras cut backstage where Diamond Dallas Page is going after Alex Shelley. However, before he can get his hands on Shelley the two men are seperated through the likes of security and their friends. Nash and Hall hold Page back on one side of the hallway as Shelley, Strong, and Aries all yell obsenities on the other side. Shelley seems to be having a great time making Page's life HELL. Just as everything seems settled, Jim Cornette steps in between the two crowds of people. Cornette says that since Da' Pack were already booked tonight he figures he should let them know who their opponents are. He said they are looking at them...that's right tonights main event will be Da' Pack vs Aries, Strong, and Shelley! DDP seems happy about the announcement, along with thte other members of Da' Pack. However, their opponents are less then thrilled. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]X-Division Champion Hype[/U][/B] Another video hyping X-Division Champion, Low-Ki plays over the big screen. The video starts out with Low-Ki saying the following words. [IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/956/1lowkivy3.jpg[/IMG] "Pride...Resillience...Dedication...All important on a Warriors way to victory" Following the statement, video clips of his recent victories over many X-division stars the last few months plays. The segment ends with a close up on Low Ki and then the X-Division title thats strapped around his waiste. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Chris Sabin vs Petey Williams[/U][/B] Chris Sabin and Petey Williams are both familiar to what it feels like to be X-Division Champion and it seemed that this match-up was for the whos who of the X-Division in the current state of TNA. With Scott D'Amore outside the ring with Petey Williams however, there is no telling what would happen. Sabin and Petey started things out with some traditional wrestling ala a collar and elbow tie-up. Petey took control in the beginning of the match with a Northern Lights suplex early on. Moments later though, Sabin revesed an attempt at a right hand and connected with a double underhook backbreaker. He went for the cover but only managed a two count. The entire match went back and forth with both men trying to one up the other with tons of reverals and counters. One particular spot consisted of Petey connecting with his trademark atomic drop and then an attempted CAnadian Destroyer. However, Sabin sent him over head with a back body drop only for Petey to follow through with a sunset flip. After a two count Sabin broke free and tried for a legdrop, but Petey quickly moved out of the way and then put Sabin in the corner for his trademark "Oh Canada" foot to the groin. The finish came when Scott D'Amore got on the ring apron and distracted the ref to allow Petey to use some cheap tactics. Petey went for a low blow on Sabin, but Sabin quickly dodged the boot and connected with the a spinning DDT which he kicked off of D'Amore with in the process. 1....2......3. Chris Sabin takes the victory. [IMG]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/4201/1sabinkg5.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner: Chris Sabin [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Brock Lesnar sits down with Mike Tenay.[/U][/B] Following a video clip highlighting the debut of Brock Lesnar this week on Impact, the TNA-tron shows Brock Lesnar sitting with Mike Tenay in the bleachers of the arena earlier today. Lesnar seems to be in high spirits as a smile is glued on his face in the beginning of the segment. After Mike Tenay introduces Lesnar, the interview officially begins. Tenay: First off, I would like to welcome you here to TNA. It's amazing how so much can change in a matter of a few weeks. First, the ECW disaster talent raid, and then we sign on of the biggest stars in the twentieth century. Lesnar: Thanks Mike, it feels great being a part of TNA. Tenay: Well, lets just jump right into things. The number one question on everyone's minds...How did you do it? How did you make it possible to join TNA, or any other wrestling promotion in North AMerica for that matter. Your legal setbacks were very public knowledge. Lesnar: Ha. Well, I made a deal with the devil so to speak. Last year "The Devil" and I went to court over what I could do and couldn't do as far as wrestling or competing in any sort of fighting was concerned. However, about three months ago I got a call from my lawyer. He found a clause that was overlooked for the past few years concerning my original contract over there. When I say my original contract, I'm not talking about the one I walked out on. No, it was public knowledge that right before Wrestlemania that year I had resigned a ten year deal with the company. HOWEVER, my lawyer found a loophole. MY original contract with that company wasn't really over for two months following the contract negotiations that took place. Therefore, since the new contract was never finalized because we agree that we'd wait until the old one was up...when my old one officially ran out I was a free man. Tenay: So, let me get this straight. Your guy found a loophole that stated that you were no longer employeed there two months after Wrestlemania of that year? So, all this time...all the money for lawyers and court costs...were useless? Lesnar: That's right Mike. As of right now their people are still denying that all this has taken place. However, if it isn't true how else would I be sitting here with the TNA logo hanging above my head? Tenay: To be honest, I'm no longer concerned about how it happened. Just that it happened. So again, Brock, welcome to TNA. Now that we've got that out of the way. How do you feel about the current activity in TNA and not to mention NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett. Lesnar: Ah, the Jarrett question. Mike, I'm going to put that one on the backburner because as of right now I've got my sights set on someone a little more irritating, at least as far as I'm concerned. That man...Monty Brown. Tenay: Ah, yes. Brown has been badmouthing you for week now on TNA Television. He says you no showed events, and not to mention the football slander. [IMG]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/15/1brocknw5.png[/IMG] Lesnar: Yea, it's all just talk. I mean you saw what happened when I stepped in the ring with Brown on Impact. Everyone saw what happened. Now, I know its true that I missed the first show I was supposed to appear on but that is because I didn't want to leave Japan on bad terms. The people over there have been very good to me and I didn't want to cut my ties with them on bad terms. However, the football stuff. It's almost funny. I'm young and I tried to do something I thought I was good at. Obviously, I wasn't as good as I thought. But I know one thing, in the wrestling ring I'm one of the best and Monty Brown is going to realize that sooner than later. Tenay: Have any idea on a date when you would want to make this thing official? *At this point Brock Lesnar smiles and then stands up on the bleachers and glares into the camera. Lesnar: Monty Brown, you've been talking and talking for weeks now. However, I've yet to see you back up those words. I've got an idea Brown. That's right...you and ME. That's if you've got the guts to step in the ring with an NCAA Champion. That's if you've got the guts to step in the ring with a man that has wrestled ALL over the World and headlined some of the biggest shows in the history of this business. Brown, I'm making the challenge official right now. Brock Lesnar vs Monty Brown...your terms are fine with me. I'm ready when you are. Sooner or later, I've got an F-5 with your name on it buddy. From there the camera cuts as the interview comes to a close. [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Da' Pack Says a Few Words [/U][/B] Theme music that is so similar to the old "Wolfpack" music that its eerie blast over the PA system. Second later, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Diamond Dallas Page all make their way towards the ring. Da' Pack gets a somewhat mixed reaction from the crowd. However, each members seems to be having some fun. After entering the ring the three members pass around the mic. Nash is on the mic first and he says that "Da' Pack is in the HIZZOUSE!" He says not only that but tonight they are going to show some of the fresh meat around here what this business is all about. That's right Nash says in a few minutes three of TNA's elite up and comers are going to get a reality check. Next, Scott Hall gets on the mic and does his usual "survey" routine. He asks if everyone came to see Austin Aries, Strong, and Shelley...or Da' P-A-C-K! He then says another one for the good guys. Last but not least, Diamond Dallas Page gets on the mic. However, he isn't smiling and joking like the other two. He says that tonight he is going to ring the neck of that little punk Alex Shelley. He said that Shelley has been going around playing games, but tonight the fun and games are over. Because tonight, Shelley, feels the BANG! Next, all three members hold up the old NWO hand signal. [b]Segment Rating: B[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Da' Pack vs Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, & Roderick Strong[/U][/B] The Youngsters of TNA would step in the ring with three veterans in the next match up. However, most people's focus would be on Alex Shelley and DDP and their confrontations during this one. Shelley has been trying to get under the skin of DDP for a while, and this was Page's chance to get even with him. As soon as Shelley, Aries, and Strong hit the ring choas began. Aries seemed to be the legal man along with Scott Hall, however, Shelley was quick to flee from the ringside area. Unfortuntley for Da' Pack, Page was right behind him. With Page and Shelley out of the picture it left The Outiders versus Strong and Aries. Scott Hall dominated this one from the beginning. He toyed with Aries as if he was no competition. He taunted Aries after every offensive move which included a back body drop, a few boots to the midsection and eventually a trademark fallaway slam. Following the fallaway slam, Hall allowed Roderick Strong to be tagged in. Hall tagged in Nash as well. Roderick Strong hit the ring with high spirits. He ducked a big boot by Nash and then dropkicked his knee. However, his offense was short lived when Nash grabbed him by the throat and tossed him in the corner like a ragdoll. Nash then connected with his trademark elbows and knees in the corner. This is when things took a turn for the better for Roderick and Aries. When Scott Hall was talking to the ref, Aries entered the ring and connected with a flying dropkick to the back of the head of big sexy. This allowed a two on one attack on the big man. Aries and Strong both stomped away at the big man in the corner. Just as it seemed Aries and Strong had control, Nash fought back. He grabbed both men by their throats and tossed them in seperate corners. Next he brought Strong to the middle of the and set him up for the JACKNIFE. HAll hit the Outisders Edge at the same time on Aries and they both made the cover. 1.....2.......3! [IMG]http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/3024/1outsidersez5.jpg[/IMG] Outsiders along with DDP win the match. As the Outsiders celebrate in the middle of the ring Alex Shelley and DDP run back out to the ring. Shelley hits the ring at an attempt to get away from Page, not realizing that the Outsiders were still in there. Shelley motioned as if he outsmarts Page, and backed right into Nash's chest. Shelley's facial expression was worth a thousands words as he turned around to see the seven foot monster behind him. Nash was smiling and said "Boo!". Shelley quickly exited the ring on the other side before Page could get his hands on him though. The scene cut with Page mouthing to Shelley..."Your time will come" before he motioned for the Diamond Cutter. [IMG]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/5134/1ddpuy4.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winners: Da' Pack[/b] [b]Segment Rating: B-[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Jeff Jarrett Speaks! [/U][/B] Following the main event match-up, NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett hits the ring carrying the title belt. Jarrett is alone. He has a mic in the ring and says that tonight he wants to make something perfectly clear. #1, he is not afraid of "Fat" Joe. He said despite what everyone has been saying lately, The King of the Mountain doesn't back down to anyone and as far as he is concerned Joe winning that simple little tournament last month shouldn't have been enough to get him a title shot in the first place. [IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/2629/1jarrettyk4.jpg[/IMG] However, it's been made official and now Joe has used his little friendship with Jim Cornette to make the Title match in Six Sides of Steel. Jarrett says thats BS. Cornette has tried everything he could to get the strap of Jarrett, and this is just another piece to the puzzle. Jarrett says that at Against All Odds he is going to do the same thing he did last month at Final Resolution. He is going to walk into the building the World Champ, and walk out the same way. Jarrett says he doesn't care if it's a three way match like last time, or inside of a Cage like this time he is the best in the World and the NWA Title proves it. Next, he says that this coming Impact Samoa Joe better be careful because he is stepping in the ring with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Joe is going to need a lot more then the help of Sting to get out of Impact in one piece! That's a promise! [b]Segment Rating: B+[/b][/I] [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Location: Riverside Centroplex (Southeast) Attendence: 8,458 Rating: C+[/B][/LEFT]
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[center] [IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] --------------------------- [B]News and Rumors:[/B] - TNA Wrestling's Impact and Xplosion broadcasts have had several fluctuations in Ratings over the last few weeks. Some reports indicate that its only a matter of time before the plug is pulled as far as the Spike TV/TNA Deal is concerned. - On the same note, Xplosion ratings have been building each and every week. Rumors are already saying that TNA might just use Xplosion in a two hour slot and try to get another bigger television network to sign the show as their elite program. - Not much has been heard of ECW in the last week since the USA Network dropped the show for horrible ratings. It seemed fans boycotted the product before the company was able to utilize the talent "stolen" from TNA wrestling. - It seems as if several members of the TNA roster are not being used lately. TNA officials claim that everyone will get their shot, but right now there are a certain number of programs that the booking committee have already agreed on. Ron Killings, who always seems to be left in the shadows, is one of the men that TNA have nothing creative for. However, he is currently in discussion with several members of the booking committee coming up with some fresh ideas. - David Young, formerly of the Diamonds in the Rough, is currently freshening up his character as well. Reports indicate people will be shocked upon his debut, as he dropping weight and tweaking his offense a bit to get a new image. ----------------------- [B]Xplosion Quick Results:[/B] Naturals def Killings/Hoyt Elix Skipper def Matt Bentley Sabin def Petey Williams Da' Pack def Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, & Roderick Strong [B][I]Addition Notes on Xplosion Broadcast:[/I][/B] -Brock Lesnar described the legalities behind his debut in TNA, and also spoke on Monty Brown and his recent actions. -Shelley Once Again Escaped Physical Confrontation with DDP -Abyss Destroyed Skipper in a Post Match Attack[/center]
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[center] [IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] --------------------------- [B]News and Rumors:[/B] - TNA Wrestling's Impact and Xplosion broadcasts have had several fluctuations in Ratings over the last few weeks. Some reports indicate that its only a matter of time before the plug is pulled as far as the Spike TV/TNA Deal is concerned. - On the same note, Xplosion ratings have been building each and every week. Rumors are already saying that TNA might just use Xplosion in a two hour slot and try to get another bigger television network to sign the show as their elite program. - Not much has been heard of ECW in the last week since the USA Network dropped the show for horrible ratings. It seemed fans boycotted the product before the company was able to utilize the talent "stolen" from TNA wrestling. - It seems as if several members of the TNA roster are not being used lately. TNA officials claim that everyone will get their shot, but right now there are a certain number of programs that the booking committee have already agreed on. Ron Killings, who always seems to be left in the shadows, is one of the men that TNA have nothing creative for. However, he is currently in discussion with several members of the booking committee coming up with some fresh ideas. - David Young, formerly of the Diamonds in the Rough, is currently freshening up his character as well. Reports indicate people will be shocked upon his debut, as he dropping weight and tweaking his offense a bit to get a new image. ----------------------- [B]Xplosion Quick Results:[/B] Naturals def Killings/Hoyt Elix Skipper def Matt Bentley Sabin def Petey Williams Da' Pack def Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, & Roderick Strong [B][I]Addition Notes on Xplosion Broadcast:[/I][/B] -Brock Lesnar described the legalities behind his debut in TNA, and also spoke on Monty Brown and his recent actions. -Shelley Once Again Escaped Physical Confrontation with DDP -Abyss Destroyed Skipper in a Post Match Attack[/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for this week's Impact on Spike TV:[/b] [I]This week on Impact fans will witness a Pay Per View quality Main Event as Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage team up for the first time in history against Samoa Joe & the returning Sting! Plus, Brock Lesnar will be in action for his first official match-up here in TNA. The X-Division will be on fire this week on Impact when six men step in the six-sided ring in a battle of fast paced, highflying action. All this and more this week on IMPACT! [U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/I] - Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett vs Sting/Samoa Joe - Brock Lesnar in Action! - Low Ki, Petey Williams, & Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, & Jay Lethal [/center]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- The following is a Preview for this week's Impact on Spike TV:[/b] [I]This week on Impact fans will witness a Pay Per View quality Main Event as Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage team up for the first time in history against Samoa Joe & the returning Sting! Plus, Brock Lesnar will be in action for his first official match-up here in TNA. The X-Division will be on fire this week on Impact when six men step in the six-sided ring in a battle of fast paced, highflying action. All this and more this week on IMPACT! [U]Confirmed Matches[/U][/I] - Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett vs Sting/Samoa Joe - Brock Lesnar in Action! - Low Ki, Petey Williams, & Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, & Jay Lethal [/center]
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Xplosion Review - Oh bad lose for Killings to The Naturals. I’m a fan of The Naturals because I believe that they are one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling ring now bar none. However, having a top tier guy like Killings do the job is a bad way to go, unless you did it for a reason at which point I will shut my mouth. - Elix Skipper is one of the best in ring guys I have ever seen. Its too bad he is saddled with that stupid tag team The Diamonds In The Rough. Will we ever get to see the old Primetime again? - I like the Generation Next Light group with Aries, Strong and Shelly. These guys were always awesome together in ROH. - Holy Crap, you got an A rating with Sabin and Petey!! That’s awesome! - Good interview with Brock and the explanation was ok, if a bit on the unrealistic side. All I’m saying is if that were to happen in real life, lawyers would have been all over it. Not that aside, it had a good ring to it and makes the signing plausible so that is all that matters. - I can’t wait for the Jarrett – Joe match brother. Joe = the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion!! - That was a really good Xplosion and I really believe that you got ripped with a C+ rating. Impact Preview - If that Main Event does not get you some ratings then you are in trouble brother. I say Sting & Joe over Christian & Jarrett with Joe pinning Jarrett in a buildup to their Six Sides Of Steel match. - The X-Division is always a gamble when it comes to predictions, but since Low-Ki is the X-Champ, I say Ki, Williams and Shelley to take the win.
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Xplosion Review - Oh bad lose for Killings to The Naturals. I’m a fan of The Naturals because I believe that they are one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling ring now bar none. However, having a top tier guy like Killings do the job is a bad way to go, unless you did it for a reason at which point I will shut my mouth. - Elix Skipper is one of the best in ring guys I have ever seen. Its too bad he is saddled with that stupid tag team The Diamonds In The Rough. Will we ever get to see the old Primetime again? - I like the Generation Next Light group with Aries, Strong and Shelly. These guys were always awesome together in ROH. - Holy Crap, you got an A rating with Sabin and Petey!! That’s awesome! - Good interview with Brock and the explanation was ok, if a bit on the unrealistic side. All I’m saying is if that were to happen in real life, lawyers would have been all over it. Not that aside, it had a good ring to it and makes the signing plausible so that is all that matters. - I can’t wait for the Jarrett – Joe match brother. Joe = the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion!! - That was a really good Xplosion and I really believe that you got ripped with a C+ rating. Impact Preview - If that Main Event does not get you some ratings then you are in trouble brother. I say Sting & Joe over Christian & Jarrett with Joe pinning Jarrett in a buildup to their Six Sides Of Steel match. - The X-Division is always a gamble when it comes to predictions, but since Low-Ki is the X-Champ, I say Ki, Williams and Shelley to take the win.
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OH NO. Stallion, you caught me in a lie. Sorta. That Petey vs Sabin match no way got an A, I think I flubbed something up. Anyways, I'm going to fix it later. It got C actually. Sorry about that misleading rating. As far as the next few shows go, I have simmed two of them. Impact ended up going great but I took a new route on the next Xplosion and kinda blew it. You'll see what I mean. Anyways, thanks for the feedback as always and I'll be getting up Impact when I can. Thanks again, MikeyG
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OH NO. Stallion, you caught me in a lie. Sorta. That Petey vs Sabin match no way got an A, I think I flubbed something up. Anyways, I'm going to fix it later. It got C actually. Sorry about that misleading rating. As far as the next few shows go, I have simmed two of them. Impact ended up going great but I took a new route on the next Xplosion and kinda blew it. You'll see what I mean. Anyways, thanks for the feedback as always and I'll be getting up Impact when I can. Thanks again, MikeyG
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [B][U]Opening[/U][/B] TNA's Impact opens up with the usual fireworks and the TNA fans going nuts as always. As the camera pans the crowd there is a row of fans all with their faces painted in white and black for Sting. A Brock Lesnar> Monty Brown sign is also highlighted. Before cameras are able to show any more signs the cameras go backstage where ALL of Team Canada is standing in their locker room. [I][B][U]Team Canada Back in Full Force Tonight[/U][/B] Scott D'Amore is standing in front of his pride and joy. Each and every member of Team Canada is standing in their locker room. Christian Cage, Bobby Roode, Petey Williams, & even A1 are present. D'Amore is hyping each men up for tonight as three our out of the four of them are in action tonight. However, he has some explaining to do. Everyone already knows that Christian Cage will be teaming with NWA Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett tonight to take on Joe and Sting. Everyone also knows that Petey Williams will be apart of the big six man X-Division match-up later on tonight. However, what everyone does not know is that Bobby Roode will be taking on Brock Lesnar in Lesnar's first match-up here in TNA! As soon as D'Amore announces that Roode will be taking on Lesnar, everyone gets quiet and then glares at Roode. Christian Cage actually pats Roode on the back and says "Good luck, Pal, your going to need it!" Christian's comments seem more ****y then anything else. Bobby Roode, however, doesn't seem phased. He says that tonight he is going to make his country and HIMSELF proud as well as his teammates in Team Canada. Because tonight he is going to end this Brock Lesnar hype when he beats him in his first match in TNA. He says that he needs to win tonight, because after the possible outcome of the Main Event, Team Canada is going to need an extra victory. At this point Christian and Roode go face to face. However, D'Amore seperates them. He says tonight Team Canada is going three for three and there is nothing anybody on the TNA roster can do about it. Next D'Amore leads the Team Canada Stable in a "OH CANADA" chant. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Abyss vs Elix Skipper[/U][/B] Abyss will be taking on Elix Skipper next. Last week Abyss and Skipper met in two seperate altercations that didn't end up being too pleasent for Elix. However, Abyss did end up losing a match last week on Impact because of Primetime. Tonight the two meet one on one in the center of the six sided ring. Elix Skipper hit the ring first and he seemed ready and confident. However, as Abyss made his way to the ring his confidence seemed to ware off by the second. BG & Kip James were also ringside, but only for morale support for the big man. Abyss hit the ring and the action began. Abyss charged Primetime, but Elix managed to avoid him and come off the ropes with a flying dropkick that sent the big man stumbling. Skipper continued to use his quickness to stay away fro the Monster's offense and then bounce off the ropes again for a dropkick to the knee. Just as it seemed Elix was going to take Abyss off his feet with the a flying clothesline, Abyss caught him in mid air and dropped him with a Gorilla Press slam. Next, Abyss stomped away at his opponent with some massive boots. Abyss then brought Elix to his feet and sent him to the ropes yet again. Elix Skipper outsmarted the big man by bouncing off the ropes with a backwards springboard and connecting with a heel kick. Again, Abyss stumbled, but as Elix charged him Abyss countered with a BLACK HOLE SLAM. Abyss just seemed to be too much for Elix and he made the cover. 1....2.....3 Abyss took the victory. [IMG]http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/2627/2abyssgp2.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner: Abyss[/b] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Jeff Hardy Makes his Presence Felt[/U][/B] Just as Abyss gets the three count and stands tall in the center of the ring, Jeff Hardy jumped the guard rail on the opposite side of the James Gang. Hardy quickly hit the ring and Abyss turned around just in time to be blasted in the face with a steel chair. However, one chair shot wasn't enough. Jeff Hardy swung the chair two more times, but Abyss still wasn't sent off his feet. Instead, Abyss fell over the top rope and landed on his feet on the outside of the ring. The James Gang were there to hold him up and get his mind in the right place. However, as Abyss went to re-enter the ring the James Gang held him back. Hardy was smiling in the ring, but it seemed Abyss wasn't going to get back at him. At least not right now. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Tag Team Title Belts....Stolen?[/U][/B] Backstage, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels are in their locker room. AJ is telling Daniels about some new video game that Sonjay Dutt just got. AJ says that Daniels has to check it out. The two men exit their locker room and head down the hall. Just as The Tag Team Champions Exit their locker room, AMW enter it. Chris Harris and James Storm are being sneaky and in conversation between themselves they say that the confidence they had last week when holding the tag team titles where like nothing they've felt recently. Therefore, they have decided to STEAL the belts. AMW then proceed to get into the bags of AJ and Daniels and grab the Tag Team straps. However, as they are going to leave they noticed that AJ and Daniels are headed back towards the locker room. Harris and Storm hide in a nearby closet as the Champs re-enter the room. AJ says that he forgot his "personal controller", and gets in his bag to get it. That is when he realizes that his belt is gone. He asked Daniels about his, and Daniels realizes that his title is gone as well. They look at one another and at the same time say.."AMW". From there they storm out of the room to look for the culpraits. At this point AMW wait a few seconds and then exit the locker room laughing about what they've done. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]A little Incentive![/U][/B] Konnan, along with Homicide and Hernandez from LAX are all three at the Spanish Announce table rambling on about American Politics and the treatment of Hispanics in America. That is when BG and KIP James, who were sitting in the crowd behind the Spanish announce table unknown to the LAX made their move. BG and KIP smack Hernandez and Homicide with chairs as Konnan continues to ramble on. When Konnan finally realizes what happened and turns around he is met with a double chairshot the sides of the head. From there BG and KIP James get on the mic and say the following. " We figured since you didn't accept our challenge we'd give you a bit of Incentive. Do you want a match now? Or do you still no have the CAHONES?!? You know where to find us...BIATCHES!" From there the James Gang leave the Spanish Announce table area. [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Low Ki, Petey Williams, & Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, & Sonjay Dutt[/U][/B] The next match-up features the pride and joy of the current state of the X-Division. The whos who of the X-Division would pair off three and three to see who the most dominent team is. X-Division Champion Low Ki, should definatley give the advantage to the team of Ki, Williams, and Shelley. [IMG]http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/2586/2lowkiks6.jpg[/IMG] The most fast paced match of the night started out just that way, fast paced. All six men were in the ring and started running around nonstop. They paired off in twos...Low Ki and Sabin, Shelley and Lethal, and Dutt and Williams. Williams worked over Dutt with some mat wrestling. He had Dutt hooked in the sharpshooter only seconds after the ring bell sounded. Low Ki and Sabin went back and forth with punches and kicks with Low Ki getting the better of the exchange following a strong kick to the back of Sabin's leg followed by a spinning DDT. Shelley outsmarts Lethal with a thumb to the eyes followed by a clothesline sending him over the top rope. Just as Shelley sent Lethal over the top, Shelley was sent over the top seconds later by Dutt, who caught him with an elbow to the back of the head following a reversal of a Russian Legsweep. Petey then charged at Dutt, who ducked and sent Petey outside as well. Sonjay then flew over the top rope and sommersaulted on the three men outside. This left only Low Ki and Sabin in the ring. That wouldn't last long though. As Low Ki continued to work over Sabin with kicks; Sabin finally grabbed his leg to try and counter. However, Petey Williams grabbed Sabin's foot from the outside of the ring and haulted anymore offense from Sabin. Low Ki then managed to catch Sabin with a swift kick to the head that sent him over the top rope as well. Low Ki stood tall in the middle of the ring, looking dominant as X-Division champion. However, he only stood there for a second. He then bounced off the opposite ropes and came sailing over the top rope for a suicide dive that took every man out. After about a minute outside the ring. Each of the six men started to get to their feet. One by one they re-entered the ring and continued to brawl. After some more quick actions and lots of highspots eventually everyone ended up as a part of one big move. Low Ki, Alex Shelley, and Petey Williams grabbed two of their three opponents, Sabin and Dutt. Lethal was on the mat after a suplex by Williams [IMG]http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/5831/2xdivisiongi0.jpg[/IMG] The three heels seemed to be attempting some type of move out of a suplex variations, however, as Diamond Dallas Page, made his presence felt at Ringside, Alex Shelley who was right in the middle of the big move bailed on his partners and exited the ring. As DDP chased Shelley through the crowd, the momentum in the ring shifted. Jay Lethal joined the other four men and gave the momentum advantage to his team. At that moment, Sabin, Lethal, & Dutt brought Low Ki and Williams up in a suplex position and dropped them on their heads for simultaneous BRAINBUSTERS that looked deadly. All three men covered their two opponents and the referee started the count. 1....2......3 Before the three Low Ki managed to get the shoulder up, but the same couldn't be said for Petey Williams. Therefore, the ref gave the match to Sabin, Dutt, and Lethal. This caused an arguement between Williams and Low Ki after the match. [B]Winners: Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin, & Jay Lethal[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Brock Lesnar vs Bobby Roode[/U][/B] Up next Brock Lesnar would compete in his very first TNA match-up. However, his opponent will definatley not go down without a huge fight. Lesnar will be competing in one of the best all around athelets in TNA history, Bobby Roode. Not to mention a member of Team Canada. Bobby Roode, along with Scott D'Amore hit the ring first. D'Amore seemed to be giving Roode a last minute pep talk, but Roode was having nothing of it. It was obvious that Roode was confident. Lesnar entered the ring and the crowd erupted. The bell sounded and these two men exploded at one another. Right hand after Right hand. The match started out as a brawl. Lesnar connected with several closed fists, but Roode was right there will him. In what seemed to be a surprise to many, Roode actually took the momentum of the match early and dropped Lesnar with a drop toe hold followed by a headlock showing off his wrestling talent. Lesnar then exploded on Roode. He stood up on a verticle base and dropped Roode with a back drop. Next, he snapped in a variation of a leg lock on the Team Canada member and then brought him to his feet after he got the ropes. Roode was sent to the ropes and went to slide under Lesnar, but Lesnar grabbed him and sent him over with a belly to belly suplex. At this point, Lesnar taunted as if he was going to finish things off. But Roode's manager, Scott D'Amore was there to make the save. He grabbed Lesnar's leg to allow Roode a few extra seconds to get to his feet. Lesnar wasn't phased. He shrugged of D'Amore and then grabbed him by his head. D'Amore was brought up on the ring apron, but was quickly taken down followed by a right hand by Lesnar. However, this did allow Roode a chance at a school boy. 1.....2... Lesnar barely got the shoulder up on the verge of what could've been a major upset. Roode brought Lesnar to his feet and set him up in the powerbomb position. BIG MISTAKE. At this point Lesnar stood up bringing Roode with him. In one swift move he managed to toss Roode in the air and catch him in position for his deadly finisher... THE F-5! Roode came crashing down to the mat and at this point there was only one thing to do. Count the three. 1...2....3 [IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/2332/2lesnarqf9.jpg[/IMG] Brock Lesnar is successful in his first match in TNA history. [B]Winner: Brock Lesnar[/B] [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Brown Attempts a Cheap Shot[/U][/B] Following the match-up, Lesnar taunted the crowd who seemed to be behind him like never before. At this point, Monty Brown, slid in the ring and attempted to jump Lesnar from behind. However, when he turned Lesnar around to land a right hand Lesnar didn't seem stunned. Instead, he was ready for battle. The two men exchanged right hand after right hand brawling back and forth in the middle of the ring. This continued until nearly a dozen members of security entered the ring and broke the two up. It wasn't over yet. Both Lesnar and Brown broke free from the security guards and went at it for a few more seconds trying to get one more shot on one another. Again though, security got involved. The rivarly between Lesnar and Brown is definatley heating up. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Styles and Daniels Speak[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/671/2ajys6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/3531/2danielsnu3.jpg[/IMG] AJ Styles and Chris Daniels are backstage in the interview area. AJ says that earlier tonight they entered their locker room to see that their Tag Team titles were....GONE. Styles says that he is positive that he knows just where the titles are and he just wants the men holding the belts right now to know that you aren't tag team Champions because you physically posses the belts. No, your the Champs because you earned it. Daniels says that Harris and Storm claimed last week that when they held those belts they felt like they have n't in a long time. Daniels says that they were right because the feeling you have when you posses those belts is that of success, something AMW have been lacking for a long time. At least against them. Daniels says that they might have possession of the straps tonight, but they have to show their faces sooner or later and then they do those Tag Team Titles are going back to where they belong. Around the waiste of the best Tag Team in TNA right now... Simply Phenomenal! [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Jeff Jarrett & Christian Cage Speak[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/1364/2jarrettwa8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7156/2chrisitanff0.jpg[/IMG] As cameras come back from commercial break both NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage are standing in the middle of the ring. Jarrett said that he requested Christian come out and grace the ring with him before their big match so they can show the world they are not intimidated by the BIG FAT Loser Samoa Joe, or the not so mysterious Stinger. Christian gets on the mic and says that Sting has been out for a few weeks only showing his face in small vigenttes and promos. Christian says that Sting figured he'd take some time off and train to try and get ready for the inevitable match-up between he and myself. Christian says that Sting was scared, scared to show his face in person around here because he is the one who is intimidated. Intimidated by the one and only...CAPTAIN CHARIMA...CAPTAIN CANADA...CHRISTIAN CAGE! Jarrett says the wait is over. Obviously they aren't scared, but being that Joe and Sting still aren't in the ring for the main event, he can't say the same for them. Jarrett says he is the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and there is nothing that is going to change that...and NOBODY for that matter. Christian shoots a funny look at Jarrett as the TNA-Tron cuts to Sting. [b]Segment Rating: A[/B] [I][B][U]Sting is in the Building...or is He? [/U][/B] The TNA-Tron cuts to black and then a mysterious music starts to play. The mysterious music is actually the theme music of TNA Superstar, Sting. Sting is shown in the darkness. Smoke fills the screen, or at least fog. It is obvious that Sting is outside, and if he's outside, that means he is not in the building. Sting's voice fills the TNA area. "Jeff, Christian, you are both full of yourselves. You honestly believe that TNA and the World revolves around you. However, you are sadly mistaken. Do you know why? Because there others not only in the World, but in this very company that possess more talent then you two could ever dream. One of those men...goes by the name of Samoa ...JOE! It's Showtime Folks! Oh yea, and Jeff...Joe's Gonna Kill YOU!" [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett vs Sting/Samoa Joe[/U][/B] As the lights in the arena turn back on Christian Cage and Jeff Jarrett are laughing at the monitor. However, when they turn around Samoa Joe is standing behind them. Joe decks Christian, and then Jarrett with a right hand. Joe continues throwing punches at Christian and then JArrett, Jarrett and then Christian. He drops Christian with a big knee to the face, and then takes down Jarrett with a falling STO! From there, Joe takes one second to acknowledge the crowd, and that turned out to be a major mistake. As Joe glared over the crowd, Christian Cage low blowed him from behind. As Samoa Joe stumbled following the low blow, everyone pondered where Sting was. Sting was still absent from this match and it was going to prove to be a bad thing for Joe. Christian and Jarrett now had their payback. They took turns blasting Joe with right hands and then sent him over head with a double suplex. As Joe hit the mat hard, Christian and Jarrett stomped away at the Samoan Submission Machine. Jarrett and Christian continued the assault on Joe for the next several minutes. Christian held Joe while Jarrett pummled him with punches and kicks, then they switched and Jarrett held Joe for the same fate from Christian. It seemed that everytime Joe would start to fight back the numbers game played a part and Joe would be taken down again. Later, Joe was sent to the rope by Christian and Jarrett, however, when he bounced back he swung a right hand but both men ducked. Referee Rudy Charles was accidentally knocked unconcious and following a double dropkick on Joe, Jeff Jarrett showed an EVIL SMILE! At this point, Jeff Jarrett slid outside and got a steel chair. He motioned for Christian to pick up Joe and hold his arms, and he did just that. With Christian holding Joe, and Jarrett getting ready to swing the chair, STING CAME DOWN FROM THE RAFTERS and LANDED RIGHT BEHIND JARRETT. Jarrett had no idea, but Christian Cage did. Christian dropped the arms of Joe as he was in shock of Sting coming down. This proved to be a bad mistake, as Jeff Jarrett swung the guitar at the same time. Christian was accidentally blasted with the chair by Jarrett. Jarrett paused for a second after hitting Christian but then just shrugged it off and smile. He then went to swing the chair at Joe who was lying on the mat, but Sting, who was standing behind him grabbed the chair as he pulled back. Jarrett slowly turned around to realize that Sting was standing behind him. Jarrett's facial expression was worth a thousand words. He begged of Sting, but Sting was having none of it. He connected with his traditional chop kick chop combo and then dropped Jarrett with a Scorpion Death Drop. Next, Sting hooked the Scorpion Death Lock on Christian who was still laid out from Jarrett. Christian woke up in pain due to Sting's trademark submission, and the ref woke up about the same time. CHRISTIAN CAGE TAPPED OUT! [B]Winner: Samoa Joe & Sting[/B] [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Sting is in the Building...or is He? [/U][/B] Sting released the hold on Christian after a minute or so, and Jarrett had already made his way out of the ring. Sting taunted a bit and then helped Samoa Joe to his feet. [IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/1541/1stingak9.jpg[/IMG] The show ended with Joe getting a second wind and promising Jeff Jarrett revenge sooner than later. Christian Cage was out cold on the ring floor, and Jarrett was on his way backstage. Sting and Joe were vicorious to say the least. And Sting looked GREAT. [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Location: Zamora Temple (Southeast) Attendence: 2,000 SELLOUT Rating: B+[/B][/LEFT]
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[center][IMG]http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/9451/impactel2.png[/IMG] [B]--------------------------- [/b] [B][U]Opening[/U][/B] TNA's Impact opens up with the usual fireworks and the TNA fans going nuts as always. As the camera pans the crowd there is a row of fans all with their faces painted in white and black for Sting. A Brock Lesnar> Monty Brown sign is also highlighted. Before cameras are able to show any more signs the cameras go backstage where ALL of Team Canada is standing in their locker room. [I][B][U]Team Canada Back in Full Force Tonight[/U][/B] Scott D'Amore is standing in front of his pride and joy. Each and every member of Team Canada is standing in their locker room. Christian Cage, Bobby Roode, Petey Williams, & even A1 are present. D'Amore is hyping each men up for tonight as three our out of the four of them are in action tonight. However, he has some explaining to do. Everyone already knows that Christian Cage will be teaming with NWA Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett tonight to take on Joe and Sting. Everyone also knows that Petey Williams will be apart of the big six man X-Division match-up later on tonight. However, what everyone does not know is that Bobby Roode will be taking on Brock Lesnar in Lesnar's first match-up here in TNA! As soon as D'Amore announces that Roode will be taking on Lesnar, everyone gets quiet and then glares at Roode. Christian Cage actually pats Roode on the back and says "Good luck, Pal, your going to need it!" Christian's comments seem more ****y then anything else. Bobby Roode, however, doesn't seem phased. He says that tonight he is going to make his country and HIMSELF proud as well as his teammates in Team Canada. Because tonight he is going to end this Brock Lesnar hype when he beats him in his first match in TNA. He says that he needs to win tonight, because after the possible outcome of the Main Event, Team Canada is going to need an extra victory. At this point Christian and Roode go face to face. However, D'Amore seperates them. He says tonight Team Canada is going three for three and there is nothing anybody on the TNA roster can do about it. Next D'Amore leads the Team Canada Stable in a "OH CANADA" chant. [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Abyss vs Elix Skipper[/U][/B] Abyss will be taking on Elix Skipper next. Last week Abyss and Skipper met in two seperate altercations that didn't end up being too pleasent for Elix. However, Abyss did end up losing a match last week on Impact because of Primetime. Tonight the two meet one on one in the center of the six sided ring. Elix Skipper hit the ring first and he seemed ready and confident. However, as Abyss made his way to the ring his confidence seemed to ware off by the second. BG & Kip James were also ringside, but only for morale support for the big man. Abyss hit the ring and the action began. Abyss charged Primetime, but Elix managed to avoid him and come off the ropes with a flying dropkick that sent the big man stumbling. Skipper continued to use his quickness to stay away fro the Monster's offense and then bounce off the ropes again for a dropkick to the knee. Just as it seemed Elix was going to take Abyss off his feet with the a flying clothesline, Abyss caught him in mid air and dropped him with a Gorilla Press slam. Next, Abyss stomped away at his opponent with some massive boots. Abyss then brought Elix to his feet and sent him to the ropes yet again. Elix Skipper outsmarted the big man by bouncing off the ropes with a backwards springboard and connecting with a heel kick. Again, Abyss stumbled, but as Elix charged him Abyss countered with a BLACK HOLE SLAM. Abyss just seemed to be too much for Elix and he made the cover. 1....2.....3 Abyss took the victory. [IMG]http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/2627/2abyssgp2.jpg[/IMG] [b]Winner: Abyss[/b] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Jeff Hardy Makes his Presence Felt[/U][/B] Just as Abyss gets the three count and stands tall in the center of the ring, Jeff Hardy jumped the guard rail on the opposite side of the James Gang. Hardy quickly hit the ring and Abyss turned around just in time to be blasted in the face with a steel chair. However, one chair shot wasn't enough. Jeff Hardy swung the chair two more times, but Abyss still wasn't sent off his feet. Instead, Abyss fell over the top rope and landed on his feet on the outside of the ring. The James Gang were there to hold him up and get his mind in the right place. However, as Abyss went to re-enter the ring the James Gang held him back. Hardy was smiling in the ring, but it seemed Abyss wasn't going to get back at him. At least not right now. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Tag Team Title Belts....Stolen?[/U][/B] Backstage, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels are in their locker room. AJ is telling Daniels about some new video game that Sonjay Dutt just got. AJ says that Daniels has to check it out. The two men exit their locker room and head down the hall. Just as The Tag Team Champions Exit their locker room, AMW enter it. Chris Harris and James Storm are being sneaky and in conversation between themselves they say that the confidence they had last week when holding the tag team titles where like nothing they've felt recently. Therefore, they have decided to STEAL the belts. AMW then proceed to get into the bags of AJ and Daniels and grab the Tag Team straps. However, as they are going to leave they noticed that AJ and Daniels are headed back towards the locker room. Harris and Storm hide in a nearby closet as the Champs re-enter the room. AJ says that he forgot his "personal controller", and gets in his bag to get it. That is when he realizes that his belt is gone. He asked Daniels about his, and Daniels realizes that his title is gone as well. They look at one another and at the same time say.."AMW". From there they storm out of the room to look for the culpraits. At this point AMW wait a few seconds and then exit the locker room laughing about what they've done. [b]Segment Rating: C[/b][/I] [I][B][U]A little Incentive![/U][/B] Konnan, along with Homicide and Hernandez from LAX are all three at the Spanish Announce table rambling on about American Politics and the treatment of Hispanics in America. That is when BG and KIP James, who were sitting in the crowd behind the Spanish announce table unknown to the LAX made their move. BG and KIP smack Hernandez and Homicide with chairs as Konnan continues to ramble on. When Konnan finally realizes what happened and turns around he is met with a double chairshot the sides of the head. From there BG and KIP James get on the mic and say the following. " We figured since you didn't accept our challenge we'd give you a bit of Incentive. Do you want a match now? Or do you still no have the CAHONES?!? You know where to find us...BIATCHES!" From there the James Gang leave the Spanish Announce table area. [b]Segment Rating: C-[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Low Ki, Petey Williams, & Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, & Sonjay Dutt[/U][/B] The next match-up features the pride and joy of the current state of the X-Division. The whos who of the X-Division would pair off three and three to see who the most dominent team is. X-Division Champion Low Ki, should definatley give the advantage to the team of Ki, Williams, and Shelley. [IMG]http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/2586/2lowkiks6.jpg[/IMG] The most fast paced match of the night started out just that way, fast paced. All six men were in the ring and started running around nonstop. They paired off in twos...Low Ki and Sabin, Shelley and Lethal, and Dutt and Williams. Williams worked over Dutt with some mat wrestling. He had Dutt hooked in the sharpshooter only seconds after the ring bell sounded. Low Ki and Sabin went back and forth with punches and kicks with Low Ki getting the better of the exchange following a strong kick to the back of Sabin's leg followed by a spinning DDT. Shelley outsmarts Lethal with a thumb to the eyes followed by a clothesline sending him over the top rope. Just as Shelley sent Lethal over the top, Shelley was sent over the top seconds later by Dutt, who caught him with an elbow to the back of the head following a reversal of a Russian Legsweep. Petey then charged at Dutt, who ducked and sent Petey outside as well. Sonjay then flew over the top rope and sommersaulted on the three men outside. This left only Low Ki and Sabin in the ring. That wouldn't last long though. As Low Ki continued to work over Sabin with kicks; Sabin finally grabbed his leg to try and counter. However, Petey Williams grabbed Sabin's foot from the outside of the ring and haulted anymore offense from Sabin. Low Ki then managed to catch Sabin with a swift kick to the head that sent him over the top rope as well. Low Ki stood tall in the middle of the ring, looking dominant as X-Division champion. However, he only stood there for a second. He then bounced off the opposite ropes and came sailing over the top rope for a suicide dive that took every man out. After about a minute outside the ring. Each of the six men started to get to their feet. One by one they re-entered the ring and continued to brawl. After some more quick actions and lots of highspots eventually everyone ended up as a part of one big move. Low Ki, Alex Shelley, and Petey Williams grabbed two of their three opponents, Sabin and Dutt. Lethal was on the mat after a suplex by Williams [IMG]http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/5831/2xdivisiongi0.jpg[/IMG] The three heels seemed to be attempting some type of move out of a suplex variations, however, as Diamond Dallas Page, made his presence felt at Ringside, Alex Shelley who was right in the middle of the big move bailed on his partners and exited the ring. As DDP chased Shelley through the crowd, the momentum in the ring shifted. Jay Lethal joined the other four men and gave the momentum advantage to his team. At that moment, Sabin, Lethal, & Dutt brought Low Ki and Williams up in a suplex position and dropped them on their heads for simultaneous BRAINBUSTERS that looked deadly. All three men covered their two opponents and the referee started the count. 1....2......3 Before the three Low Ki managed to get the shoulder up, but the same couldn't be said for Petey Williams. Therefore, the ref gave the match to Sabin, Dutt, and Lethal. This caused an arguement between Williams and Low Ki after the match. [B]Winners: Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin, & Jay Lethal[/B] [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Brock Lesnar vs Bobby Roode[/U][/B] Up next Brock Lesnar would compete in his very first TNA match-up. However, his opponent will definatley not go down without a huge fight. Lesnar will be competing in one of the best all around athelets in TNA history, Bobby Roode. Not to mention a member of Team Canada. Bobby Roode, along with Scott D'Amore hit the ring first. D'Amore seemed to be giving Roode a last minute pep talk, but Roode was having nothing of it. It was obvious that Roode was confident. Lesnar entered the ring and the crowd erupted. The bell sounded and these two men exploded at one another. Right hand after Right hand. The match started out as a brawl. Lesnar connected with several closed fists, but Roode was right there will him. In what seemed to be a surprise to many, Roode actually took the momentum of the match early and dropped Lesnar with a drop toe hold followed by a headlock showing off his wrestling talent. Lesnar then exploded on Roode. He stood up on a verticle base and dropped Roode with a back drop. Next, he snapped in a variation of a leg lock on the Team Canada member and then brought him to his feet after he got the ropes. Roode was sent to the ropes and went to slide under Lesnar, but Lesnar grabbed him and sent him over with a belly to belly suplex. At this point, Lesnar taunted as if he was going to finish things off. But Roode's manager, Scott D'Amore was there to make the save. He grabbed Lesnar's leg to allow Roode a few extra seconds to get to his feet. Lesnar wasn't phased. He shrugged of D'Amore and then grabbed him by his head. D'Amore was brought up on the ring apron, but was quickly taken down followed by a right hand by Lesnar. However, this did allow Roode a chance at a school boy. 1.....2... Lesnar barely got the shoulder up on the verge of what could've been a major upset. Roode brought Lesnar to his feet and set him up in the powerbomb position. BIG MISTAKE. At this point Lesnar stood up bringing Roode with him. In one swift move he managed to toss Roode in the air and catch him in position for his deadly finisher... THE F-5! Roode came crashing down to the mat and at this point there was only one thing to do. Count the three. 1...2....3 [IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/2332/2lesnarqf9.jpg[/IMG] Brock Lesnar is successful in his first match in TNA history. [B]Winner: Brock Lesnar[/B] [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Brown Attempts a Cheap Shot[/U][/B] Following the match-up, Lesnar taunted the crowd who seemed to be behind him like never before. At this point, Monty Brown, slid in the ring and attempted to jump Lesnar from behind. However, when he turned Lesnar around to land a right hand Lesnar didn't seem stunned. Instead, he was ready for battle. The two men exchanged right hand after right hand brawling back and forth in the middle of the ring. This continued until nearly a dozen members of security entered the ring and broke the two up. It wasn't over yet. Both Lesnar and Brown broke free from the security guards and went at it for a few more seconds trying to get one more shot on one another. Again though, security got involved. The rivarly between Lesnar and Brown is definatley heating up. [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Styles and Daniels Speak[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/671/2ajys6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/3531/2danielsnu3.jpg[/IMG] AJ Styles and Chris Daniels are backstage in the interview area. AJ says that earlier tonight they entered their locker room to see that their Tag Team titles were....GONE. Styles says that he is positive that he knows just where the titles are and he just wants the men holding the belts right now to know that you aren't tag team Champions because you physically posses the belts. No, your the Champs because you earned it. Daniels says that Harris and Storm claimed last week that when they held those belts they felt like they have n't in a long time. Daniels says that they were right because the feeling you have when you posses those belts is that of success, something AMW have been lacking for a long time. At least against them. Daniels says that they might have possession of the straps tonight, but they have to show their faces sooner or later and then they do those Tag Team Titles are going back to where they belong. Around the waiste of the best Tag Team in TNA right now... Simply Phenomenal! [b]Segment Rating: C+[/b][/I] -COMMERCIAL BREAK- [I][B][U]Jeff Jarrett & Christian Cage Speak[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/1364/2jarrettwa8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7156/2chrisitanff0.jpg[/IMG] As cameras come back from commercial break both NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage are standing in the middle of the ring. Jarrett said that he requested Christian come out and grace the ring with him before their big match so they can show the world they are not intimidated by the BIG FAT Loser Samoa Joe, or the not so mysterious Stinger. Christian gets on the mic and says that Sting has been out for a few weeks only showing his face in small vigenttes and promos. Christian says that Sting figured he'd take some time off and train to try and get ready for the inevitable match-up between he and myself. Christian says that Sting was scared, scared to show his face in person around here because he is the one who is intimidated. Intimidated by the one and only...CAPTAIN CHARIMA...CAPTAIN CANADA...CHRISTIAN CAGE! Jarrett says the wait is over. Obviously they aren't scared, but being that Joe and Sting still aren't in the ring for the main event, he can't say the same for them. Jarrett says he is the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and there is nothing that is going to change that...and NOBODY for that matter. Christian shoots a funny look at Jarrett as the TNA-Tron cuts to Sting. [b]Segment Rating: A[/B] [I][B][U]Sting is in the Building...or is He? [/U][/B] The TNA-Tron cuts to black and then a mysterious music starts to play. The mysterious music is actually the theme music of TNA Superstar, Sting. Sting is shown in the darkness. Smoke fills the screen, or at least fog. It is obvious that Sting is outside, and if he's outside, that means he is not in the building. Sting's voice fills the TNA area. "Jeff, Christian, you are both full of yourselves. You honestly believe that TNA and the World revolves around you. However, you are sadly mistaken. Do you know why? Because there others not only in the World, but in this very company that possess more talent then you two could ever dream. One of those men...goes by the name of Samoa ...JOE! It's Showtime Folks! Oh yea, and Jeff...Joe's Gonna Kill YOU!" [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Christian Cage/Jeff Jarrett vs Sting/Samoa Joe[/U][/B] As the lights in the arena turn back on Christian Cage and Jeff Jarrett are laughing at the monitor. However, when they turn around Samoa Joe is standing behind them. Joe decks Christian, and then Jarrett with a right hand. Joe continues throwing punches at Christian and then JArrett, Jarrett and then Christian. He drops Christian with a big knee to the face, and then takes down Jarrett with a falling STO! From there, Joe takes one second to acknowledge the crowd, and that turned out to be a major mistake. As Joe glared over the crowd, Christian Cage low blowed him from behind. As Samoa Joe stumbled following the low blow, everyone pondered where Sting was. Sting was still absent from this match and it was going to prove to be a bad thing for Joe. Christian and Jarrett now had their payback. They took turns blasting Joe with right hands and then sent him over head with a double suplex. As Joe hit the mat hard, Christian and Jarrett stomped away at the Samoan Submission Machine. Jarrett and Christian continued the assault on Joe for the next several minutes. Christian held Joe while Jarrett pummled him with punches and kicks, then they switched and Jarrett held Joe for the same fate from Christian. It seemed that everytime Joe would start to fight back the numbers game played a part and Joe would be taken down again. Later, Joe was sent to the rope by Christian and Jarrett, however, when he bounced back he swung a right hand but both men ducked. Referee Rudy Charles was accidentally knocked unconcious and following a double dropkick on Joe, Jeff Jarrett showed an EVIL SMILE! At this point, Jeff Jarrett slid outside and got a steel chair. He motioned for Christian to pick up Joe and hold his arms, and he did just that. With Christian holding Joe, and Jarrett getting ready to swing the chair, STING CAME DOWN FROM THE RAFTERS and LANDED RIGHT BEHIND JARRETT. Jarrett had no idea, but Christian Cage did. Christian dropped the arms of Joe as he was in shock of Sting coming down. This proved to be a bad mistake, as Jeff Jarrett swung the guitar at the same time. Christian was accidentally blasted with the chair by Jarrett. Jarrett paused for a second after hitting Christian but then just shrugged it off and smile. He then went to swing the chair at Joe who was lying on the mat, but Sting, who was standing behind him grabbed the chair as he pulled back. Jarrett slowly turned around to realize that Sting was standing behind him. Jarrett's facial expression was worth a thousand words. He begged of Sting, but Sting was having none of it. He connected with his traditional chop kick chop combo and then dropped Jarrett with a Scorpion Death Drop. Next, Sting hooked the Scorpion Death Lock on Christian who was still laid out from Jarrett. Christian woke up in pain due to Sting's trademark submission, and the ref woke up about the same time. CHRISTIAN CAGE TAPPED OUT! [B]Winner: Samoa Joe & Sting[/B] [b]Segment Rating: A[/b][/I] [I][B][U]Sting is in the Building...or is He? [/U][/B] Sting released the hold on Christian after a minute or so, and Jarrett had already made his way out of the ring. Sting taunted a bit and then helped Samoa Joe to his feet. [IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/1541/1stingak9.jpg[/IMG] The show ended with Joe getting a second wind and promising Jeff Jarrett revenge sooner than later. Christian Cage was out cold on the ring floor, and Jarrett was on his way backstage. Sting and Joe were vicorious to say the least. And Sting looked GREAT. [/center] [LEFT][B]----------------- Location: Zamora Temple (Southeast) Attendence: 2,000 SELLOUT Rating: B+[/B][/LEFT]
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Impact Review - Bobby Roode is the perfect opponent for Lesner in his debut match. I have a lot of faith that TNA in real life can push Bobby Roode as the next big singles star. I just hope they don’t blow it. - I like that pic of Abyss, Its an older pic obviously, but it still looks cool. - I like where this whole AJ & Daniels vs. AMW feud of yours is headed. I’m not sure about having AMW steal the titles though. Even though they have become heels in TNA, I still see them as winning the Titles the old fashion heel way, by cheating to win. However I have liked what you have done so far so I wont say bad about it until I see more. I do like the AJ= Video games reference. Its no secret to anyone that follows TNA that both AJ & Joe LOVE video games. - The X-Division match was really good with some high intensity moves that really shone through. Good job. - Good match between Bobby Roode and Lesner. Nobody believed that Lesner would loose that match, but Roode was kept strong and should get a good rub out of it. - The main event was awesome brother and you ended the show with a very good rating to say the least. Lets just hope the ratings show for it.
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Impact Review - Bobby Roode is the perfect opponent for Lesner in his debut match. I have a lot of faith that TNA in real life can push Bobby Roode as the next big singles star. I just hope they don’t blow it. - I like that pic of Abyss, Its an older pic obviously, but it still looks cool. - I like where this whole AJ & Daniels vs. AMW feud of yours is headed. I’m not sure about having AMW steal the titles though. Even though they have become heels in TNA, I still see them as winning the Titles the old fashion heel way, by cheating to win. However I have liked what you have done so far so I wont say bad about it until I see more. I do like the AJ= Video games reference. Its no secret to anyone that follows TNA that both AJ & Joe LOVE video games. - The X-Division match was really good with some high intensity moves that really shone through. Good job. - Good match between Bobby Roode and Lesner. Nobody believed that Lesner would loose that match, but Roode was kept strong and should get a good rub out of it. - The main event was awesome brother and you ended the show with a very good rating to say the least. Lets just hope the ratings show for it.
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I'm glad you liked the show Stallion. Unfortunatley, looks like I lost my Spike TV deal, so I will be having some updates forthcoming on the future of TNA. I have some ideas, but we'll see how they turn out. Anyways, Xplosion will be up soon, and its a lackluster show compared to the one I just put out. I tried to get some more talent some television time and it came back to haunt me. Anyways, look for updates soon.
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I'm glad you liked the show Stallion. Unfortunatley, looks like I lost my Spike TV deal, so I will be having some updates forthcoming on the future of TNA. I have some ideas, but we'll see how they turn out. Anyways, Xplosion will be up soon, and its a lackluster show compared to the one I just put out. I tried to get some more talent some television time and it came back to haunt me. Anyways, look for updates soon.
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[center] [IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] --------------------------- [B]News and Rumors:[/B] [U][B]BREAKING NEWS[/B][/U] [I]After nearly a month of struggling and negotiations between TNA Wrestling and Spike TV to keep broadcasting TNA's Key Television Show IMPACT; Spike TV has pulled the plug. That's right, according to Spike TV, last week's Impact broadcast will be the last to be aired on the station. This comes at a bad time for TNA, especially since last week's show was their best rated show to date. Not only that, but due to the struggling in ratings the last few weeks have seen TNA bring in "Big" named stars such as Diamond Dallas Page, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & most notebly Brock Lesnar. TNA officials have promised an update on the current situation regarding the broadcast of IMPACT. As of right now, Impact will continue to be broadcasted on the other stations internationally that were not associated with SPike TV. However, they are going to have to look into getting some USA broadcasting ASAP or their fan base will more than likely see a rapid decline. More information on this situation will be posted as it becomes available. [/center][/I]
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[center] [IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6190/tna1gq7.png[/IMG] --------------------------- [B]News and Rumors:[/B] [U][B]BREAKING NEWS[/B][/U] [I]After nearly a month of struggling and negotiations between TNA Wrestling and Spike TV to keep broadcasting TNA's Key Television Show IMPACT; Spike TV has pulled the plug. That's right, according to Spike TV, last week's Impact broadcast will be the last to be aired on the station. This comes at a bad time for TNA, especially since last week's show was their best rated show to date. Not only that, but due to the struggling in ratings the last few weeks have seen TNA bring in "Big" named stars such as Diamond Dallas Page, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & most notebly Brock Lesnar. TNA officials have promised an update on the current situation regarding the broadcast of IMPACT. As of right now, Impact will continue to be broadcasted on the other stations internationally that were not associated with SPike TV. However, they are going to have to look into getting some USA broadcasting ASAP or their fan base will more than likely see a rapid decline. More information on this situation will be posted as it becomes available. [/center][/I]
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[QUOTE=mikeyg32118;152147]I'm glad you liked the show Stallion. Unfortunatley, looks like I lost my Spike TV deal, so I will be having some updates forthcoming on the future of TNA. I have some ideas, but we'll see how they turn out. Anyways, Xplosion will be up soon, and its a lackluster show compared to the one I just put out. I tried to get some more talent some television time and it came back to haunt me. Anyways, look for updates soon.[/QUOTE] That sucks dude, playing as TNA with a 1 hour time slot is one of the hardest things to do, trust me Ive tried. I would go back to the weekly PPV's for a little while untill you can secure a new TV deal. Just my opinion.
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[QUOTE=mikeyg32118;152147]I'm glad you liked the show Stallion. Unfortunatley, looks like I lost my Spike TV deal, so I will be having some updates forthcoming on the future of TNA. I have some ideas, but we'll see how they turn out. Anyways, Xplosion will be up soon, and its a lackluster show compared to the one I just put out. I tried to get some more talent some television time and it came back to haunt me. Anyways, look for updates soon.[/QUOTE] That sucks dude, playing as TNA with a 1 hour time slot is one of the hardest things to do, trust me Ive tried. I would go back to the weekly PPV's for a little while untill you can secure a new TV deal. Just my opinion.
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I lost my timeslot, but it took several weeks of warning not just a couple like some people said it would. I'm glad to see your interested OldSchool. After Xplosion this week, which this week just broadcasts the "B" talent, lol, if you want to call it that I will issue a press release on the new direction of TNA. BTW...New Show Applications to the TV stations are only days away;)
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I lost my timeslot, but it took several weeks of warning not just a couple like some people said it would. I'm glad to see your interested OldSchool. After Xplosion this week, which this week just broadcasts the "B" talent, lol, if you want to call it that I will issue a press release on the new direction of TNA. BTW...New Show Applications to the TV stations are only days away;)
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