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I'm just wondering if WWE licensing is possible and/or if you have considered it. I know that sometimes licensing comes with limitations, so I'm sure that if that is the case, you guys will make the best decision, and not licenst, but I'm just curious if this option has been explored.
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Its better without it, the mod makers would do a better job creating a real life scenerio. WWE would want a boat load of money to use their wrestlers and no one not under WWE contract would be able to be in the game. Plus they would have control over the wrestlers ratings. The guys they want to push would end up with the best stats while midcard guys would be kind of sucky, which is not always the case in real life. Another problem is that WWE would not want the game to appear like wrestling is fake (even if they do break kayfabe quit a bit nowadays).I think the latest Smackdown game for the PS2 had a GM mode, you could set up matches but you could not pick the winner. So thats what TEW would be like if WWE was behind it.
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