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RAW- ECW's Fall!

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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/brands/0004/9426/brand.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]WWE PRESENTS MONDAY NIGHT RAW[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B][U]MONDAY NIGHT RAW CARD :[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] For Monday, Feb. Week 2, 2007 [CENTER][IMG]http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4576/rawpreview2gd1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]MATCH 1-[/B] 2nd City Saints vs. Spirit Squad (Mikey and Kenny) [B]MATCH 2- [/B]Funaki and London vs. Cade and Murdoch [B]MATCH 3- [/B]La Resistance vs. Censor This! (Stevie Richards and Val Venis)---WWE World Tag Team Title Match [B]MATCH 4- [/B]Diva Battle Royal-10 Contestants for the WWE Women's Title [B]MATCH 5-[/B] Umaga vs. Ken Kennedy---WWE Intercontinental Title Match [B]MATCH 6-[/B]Test/Mamaluke/Balls/Knox vs. Evolution (HHH,Flair, Batista) [B]MATCH 7-[/B] John Cena vs. New Signing [B]THE MAIN EVENT- [/B]Kurt Angle vs. Edge--- #1 Contender's Match [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]HEAT CARD (dark matches on webcast):[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/85/Heat.PNG/170px-Heat.PNG[/IMG][/CENTER] [B] MATCH 1-[/B] Johnny vs. Roadkill [B]MATCH 2-[/B] Sandman and Dreamer vs. Sylvan [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]PREDICTIONS ENCOURAGED! :D[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=jerlito;136219]hey i liked the show and maybe one day we can do a spilt one.[/QUOTE] I thought you were going to do one with SuperStarJimiC... Maybe one day, but not now, I'm having a lot of fun with this one by myself :D, maybe when TEW 07 comes out.
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[SIZE="2"]OOC: Tell me if I should continue doing these or not.[/SIZE] [CENTER][B]WWE PRESENTS:[/B] [SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]BYTE THIS[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]TODD GRISHAM:[/B] Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Byte This! Tonight is yet another great show as we have RAW Superstar Sylvan with us in the studio. Hello Sylvan. [B] SYLVAN:[/B] Hey Todd. [B]TODD GRISHAM:[/B] Sylvan, you used to be a RAW superstar before moving to Smackdown. Being back at RAW and looking at your past, what goes through your head? [B]SYLVAN:[/B] A lot. I've made good friends with Rene and Rob on and off camera, but then I had to move to Smackdown. I couldn't be so egotistical anymore, I didn't have a pack to hang out with, I had to make my own friends. [B]TODD GRISHAM:[/B] And how did that go? [B]SYLVAN:[/B] It taught me a lot of things, I became a much friendlier person, and soon I started to become used to the Smackdown superstars and soon enough I had started to make friends of my own. [B]TODD GRISHAM:[/B] And uh, now that you're back on RAW how do you feel? [B]SYLVAN:[/B] It's great! I am back with my two good friends, and we are all back as a 3 man alliance. [B] TODD GRISHAM:[/B] Last HEAT you beat Tommy Dreamer, tell us after almost 8 minutes did your prespective on Dreamer change? [B]SYLVAN:[/B] Dreamer is one hell of an athlete, but you know when Sylvan has Dupree to interfere for him, who needs clean wins! [B]TODD GRISHAM:[/B] I guess you have a point, so what do you think of how you've been booked on the RAW brand so far. [B]SYLVAN:[/B] Well, I've only been used on HEAT, but that is fine with me, I should be getting more camera time with La Resistance. [B] TODD GRISHAM:[/B] Okay one last question, then we'll let you loose. Some fans think that your in ring talent isn't up to WWE standards, what's your defence. [B]SYLVAN:[/B] Well, I am still aging, and just like wine, one day I'll be perfect. [B]TODD GRISHAM: [/B]Alright, well thanks for being here Sylvan, but now it is time for our RAW Recap. Last night was a night of suprises and more. With WCW/ECW stars trying to take over, RAW is in trouble, but now that Evolution is back, they may not get very far. But, we have yet to see what Evolution will do. We also saw two PPV quality matches, as Edge beat Flair, and HHH beat Foley. Ken Kennedy became the number #1 contender by beating The Miz and Carlito. Also, a very eye friendly bikini battle took place, giving Stacy Keibler the revenge from losing to Melina earlier. On the Smackdown side we saw a great video showing The Undertaker and Kane's history. Where they are going with these two is still unknown. We also saw King Booker beat fromer RAW star Chirs Masters. HBK came into the locker room with almost all the SMACKDOWN superstars giving him the evil eye. Smackdown stars sent him back into his car before he got to go in action, will the same thing happen next week is the question on everyone's mind. Alright now it is time for open lines, we've time for 3 callers. Caller 1, what's happening? [B]CALLER 1:[/B] Yes, hey Todd. I wanted to talk about Kurt Angle. He became a huge star on ECW, and I don't get why he would just turn on his brand. [B]TODD GRISHAM:[/B] Well, Angle has been in the WWE longer, and you need to remember, he isn't the only one refusing, The Sandman also told us he had nothing to do with it. Caller 2 you're next [B]CALLER 2:[/B] Yes, I know who the WWE signed for their WCW/ECW storyline. It was......(cut out) [B]TODD GRISHAM:[/B] Don't try to pull that crap on Byte This, you've been blocked. Caller 3. [B]CALLER 3:[/B] Hey Todd, I've been a huge fan of the WWE when the "F" was still there, and I wanted to call about Mick Foley, why would they use him as nothing more than a jobber? [B]TODD GRISHAM:[/B] I don't think the main event is the same thing as a jobbing match, Foley put up a good fight, and almost won, he just got tricked by Batista. Alright sorry but that is all the time we have, tune in next time for another edition of BYTE THIS.........
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]WWE Presents HEAT[/SIZE][SIZE="2"] ( RAW DARK MATCHES)[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/85/Heat.PNG/170px-Heat.PNG[/IMG][/CENTER] LIVE VIA WEBCAST: [I]The webcast feed starts with Johnny and Roadkill already in the ring.[/I] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]JOHNNY[/B][/COLOR] vs.[B] ROADKILL[/B] Johnny dominated, and although the crowd did start trying to pump Roadkill up, he was no match for a low blow that the ref missed. Johnny picked up the pin at 2:46. [B]RESULT: [/B]Johnny [B]GRADE:[/B] C- [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [B]SANDMAN AND DREAMER[/B] vs. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]SYLVAN[/COLOR][/B] The crowd really stayed out of this match probally because Sylvan keeps the match impressivley even for a handicapped match. With Sylvan uses quickness around the ring to his advantage, knocking the two out of the ring a couple times. Sylvan quickly fell in offence whenever the two get offence, but refused to give up. After 7 minutes of great fighting, Sylvan falls victim to a Top Rope Leg Drop by The Sandman. The pin follows and Sandman picks up the win at 7:13. [B] RESULT:[/B] Sandman and Dreamer [B]GRADE:[/B] D[COLOR="DimGray"] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [I]Sandman and Dreamer stay in the ring. Dreamer takes the microphone from Lillian and gives it to Sandman.[/I] [B]SANDMAN: [/B]What you are about to se, is not the real ECW, it is nothing but a bunch of cheap wannabe extremists who are using the ECW name to gain fame, and let me tell you, me and Tommy do not like that, so next week, we want Balls Mahoney, and Mike Knox in a match, then the world will see what extreme is all about! [B]GRADE: C-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="1"](raw up 2morrow)[/SIZE]
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|-------------------------------------------------Monday Night RAW-----------------------------------------------|
Forth Worth Convention Center
10,000 Sold Out
Main Event:

[CENTER] [I]Maria is shown standing backstage smiling.[/I] [B]MARIA:[/B] Tonight I have some very special guests, CM Punk, and Colt Cabana. Mr. Punk, you wanted to talk about your loss the other night, I hope it wasn't your puppy! [I] Punk looks at Maria with a strange look on his face.[/I] [B]CM PUNK:[/B] Haha, you know what, that's funny, but no Maria, it wasn't that kind of loss, it was the loss me and Colt suffered last week against the tag team champions, well recently people have been questioning the fact the straight edge makes me better, so me and Colt talked it over last night.COLT CABANA: And, we decided that to prove ourselves as great and take out the small annoyance that some people call... [B]CABANA AND PUNK:[/B] The Spirit Squad! [B]JIM ROSS:[/B] That was the 2nd City Saints, and this is JR, King, and Joey here and we thank you for joining us live at the Fort Worth Convention Center with a sold out 10,000 fans in their chairs. [IMG]http://www.worldstadiums.com/stadium_pictures/north_america/united_states/texas/fort_worth_convention.jpg[/IMG] [B]GRADE: C-[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B][/COLOR] [B]2ND CITY SAINTS[/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]SPIRIT SQUAD[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/CMPunkRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/ColtCabanaRAW.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/KennyRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/MikeMondoRAW.jpg[/IMG] The match was controlled mostly by Punk and Cabana, but the momentum changed after 3 minutes when Johnny and Nicky came in and attacked Cabana and Punk. Punk and Cabana lost the momentum and got beat down for the next 2 minutes, until Punk reversed a move by Mikey and set up the Pepsi Plunge for the win. [B]RESULT:[/B] The Second City Saints [B]GRADE: C-[/B] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] COMMERCIAL BREAK [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [I]The camera cuts back to the ring where London and Funaki stand with microphones in hand.[/I] [B]LONDON:[/B] Funaki and I are the dominate tag team on RAW, and we are going to keep proving it until we get a shot at the tag team titles, so tonight, to prove to Vince that we deserve the title match, we are sending out an open challange, whoever wants to prove us wrong here is your chance, anyone, from anywhere, we are ready for you, right Funaki? [B]FUNAKI:[/B] INDEED! [B]GRADE: C-[/B] [B] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [I]Funaki and London stay in the ring. Murdoch and Cade's music plays as they run down into the ring, signifying that they are taking the open challange, the two take off their jackets and are now in their ring gear as the ring bell sounds.[/I] [B]JIM ROSS:[/B] It looks like we have an answer to the challange, Cade and Murdoch vs. Funaki and London, now! [B]GRADE: C[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [B]CADE AND MURDOCH[/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]LONDON AND FUNAKI[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/LanceCadeRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/TrevorMurdochRAW.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/PaulLondonRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/FunakiRAW.jpg[/IMG] Cade and Murdoch suprisingly dominated the whole match, but London and Funaki's fighting spirit kept them from losing throughout the whole match. Cade and Murdoch used constant tags to keep London away from tagging Funaki, but finally London reached Funaki's hand, and the two used constant tags along with high flying matches to beat Cade and Murdoch at 8:53. [B]RESULT:[/B] London and Funaki [B]GRADE: C+[/B] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [I] "My Time is Now" plays on the pa system as the crowd give John Cena a standing ovation in cheers. Cena comes out wearing street clothes and slides into the ring with a microphone.[/I] [B]JOHN CENA:[/B] Yo, yo, yo, check it! [I]Before Cena can continue Mike Knox, Tony Mamaluke, and Test come out to the ramp and run down into the ring, the three beat Cena up and throw a net over him. Eric Bishoff then comes out to the ramp with a microphone.[/I] [B]ERIC BISHOFF:[/B] Cena, you made a huge mistake by messing with the WCW and the ECW, So the regret begins now, take him away Test! [I] Test, Tony, and Mike all tie the net shut and drag Cena out of the ring...[/I] [B]JIM ROSS:[/B] Oh my god, what are they doing to him? [I]JERRY LAWLER:[/I] They're getting themselves a free pet! [B][I][COLOR="SeaGreen"]TIME TO PLAY THE GAME![/COLOR][/I][/B] [B]JOEY STYLES:[/B] It's Triple H! [B]JIM ROSS:[/B] I can only hope he is here to help Cena! [B]JERRY LAWLER: [/B]Why wouldn't he, he was never on Joey Styles's crappy B-Show [I]Triple H rushes out with a sledgehammer and slams it into Bishoff's head. Bishoff goes flying down the ramp, but is stopped by the ECW gang. HHH then rushes at them and scares them off. He unties the net and let's Cena out. The two charge at the ECW stars running herding them backstage.[/I] [B]JIM ROSS: [/B]Tiple H and Cena have shown just what they think of Mr. Bishoff and his ECW stars. [B] GRADE: C[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] COMMERCIAL BREAK [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [I]Bishoff is seen backstage in the medical room with an ice pack over his head. To his side are Tony, Test, and Mike.[/I] [B]JIM ROSS:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, just moments ago Mr. Bishoff was attacked by HHH, now he is in the medical center. [B] ERIC BISHOFF:[/B] Cena and Triple H, you have both just made the biggest mistakes off your life. Messing with the GM of WCW, and the extremists of ECW will not get you nowhere, it will send you back, back to your maker, becasue I rpomise, your future here is going to be hell starting with Cena, tonight you will meet my new signing! [B]GRADE: C-[/B] [COLOR="Red"] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B][/COLOR] [B]LA RESISTANCE[/B] vs. [COLOR="Red"][B]CENSOR THIS![/B][/COLOR]--[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]WWE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/DUPREERAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/RobConwayRAW.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/StevieRichardsRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/ValVenisRAW.jpg[/IMG] Davari joined La Resistance to the ring for the match, and it payed, constantly giving La Resistance the cheap advantage by doing whatever he could get away with without the ref seeing, after 4 minutes Dupree hit a Dupree Bomb on Stevie Richards for the win. [B]RESULT:[/B] La Resistance [B]GRADE: C-[/B] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [I] Mickie James is shown backstage, getting ready.[/I] [B] JOEY STYLES:[/B] There is the WWE Women's Champion Mickie James preparing for the next match, a 10 Woman Over the Top Battle Royale for her title. [B]JERRY LAWLER:[/B] Puppies! 20 of them!!! [B] GRADE: B+[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [B]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/B] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]DIVA BATTLE ROYALE- 10 WOMEN--- WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR][/B] Jazz quickly eliminated Maria and Victoria with her strength, but she came across as a threat and was triple teamed by Layla, Mickie, and Trish. Stacy tried as much as she could to stay out of the action, but Melina disrupted that and brought Stacy all the way up to the top rope, Stacy got control and threw Melina over the ropes. After 6 more minutes of Diva Action it was down to Jen England, Stacy, Mickie, and Trish. Mickie beat down on Jen and quickly threw her out of the ring. Trish used this chance to run over and push Mickie out of the ring, but Mickie ducked and Trish went flying out. Mickie and Stacy had a small staredown before Mickie hit a hard Chick Kick onto Stacy. Mickie kicked Stacy hard on the side, causing her to roll out of the ring at 7:10 [B]RESULT:[/B] Mickie James [B]GRADE: C[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [I]A video is shown highlighting the match last week between The Miz, Ken Kennedy, and Carlito. It shows Kennedy winning the #1 Contendership and then celebrating.[/I] [B] GRADE: C+[/B] [B] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [B]JIM ROSS:[/B] That's right folks, Ken Kennedy is the #1 Contender to Umaga's IC title for all those who missed last week's action. [I]JR is interupted by Umaga's music. Umaga comes out with Armando by his side. The two walk down the aisle and into the ring.[/I] [B]ARMANDO:[/B] We have dominated RAW! Everyone who has suffered a Samoan Spike has lost, and pretty soon my monster Umaga, is going to need a whole new division. Umaga is the undefeated monster, and Ken Kennedy is not going to stop that! [B]GRADE: C+[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [/COLOR][/B] [I]Ken Kennedy then rushes out into the ring and starts to punch Umaga over and over again with no result. Umaga then picks Kennedy up by the neck and slams him onto the ground. The ring bell sounds.[/I] [B]GRADE: C+[/B] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]UMAGA[/COLOR][/B] VS. [B]K[/B][B]EN KENNEDY[/B] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/UmagaRAW.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/KenKennedyRAW.jpg[/IMG] Kennedy got back up and had to use what speed he had to get any offence in on Umaga. Umaga eventually military pressed Kennedy out of the ring. The two brawled outside the ring for a decent amount of time, and with no count outs, it was chaos. The outside the ring brawl lasted for 2 minutes before Harry Smith ran in and started attack both the competitors with a steel chair. The match ended as a draw via DQ. The two did not have very great chemistry. [B]RESULT:[/B] Draw [B]GRADE:[/B] C [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [I]Harry Smith continues his attack despite constant bells. He was eventually dragged of by officals, leaving Umaga and Kennedy lying on the ground.[/I] [B]GRADE: C[/B] [B] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] COMMERCIAL BREAK [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [I]The camera returns to Vince's office which is nice and quite until Triple H pushes the door against the wall with his foot and walks in with an angry look on his face.[/I] [B]TRIPLE H: [/B]Mr. McMahon, what the hell is wrong with you? You're just sitting in your office while Eric Bishoff and his group are invading RAW, you got to do something about it! [B]VINCE:[/B] Triple H, you're right, I need to make in impact and show these people what happens when you mess with RAW. So I am going to put RAW's finest group in a match with them. It will be Triple H (HHH smiles) and the rest of Evolution vs. Mike Knox, Balls Mahoney, Test, and Tony Mamaluke in a 3 on 4 handicapped match! [B]TRIPLE H:[/B] Handicapped!? Who's side are you on? [B]VINCE:[/B] Look, the ECW stars are extremists, and I know that if I put any other RAW stars in their then they will be injured, you guys are the only ones who can take their beating, so go show them what Monday Night is all about! [I] Triple H smiles as Kurt Angle barges in...[/I] [B]GRADE: A[/B] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [I]Vince rolls his eyes.[/I] [B]VINCE:[/B] Kurt, what can I do for you? [B]KURT ANGLE:[/B] I want that. [I]Angle points to HHH's title.[/I] [B] HHH:[/B] What?! Look there are more important things right now. [B] KURT ANGLE:[/B] Look Vince, I represented our country and won the gold medal, I deserve to have a title shot, do I now? [B]VINCE:[/B] You're right Kurt, but our roster is full of #1 Contender canidates, so I tell you what, tonight it will be you vs....... Edge in a #1 Contendership match, winner gets a title shot next week on RAW. [I] Angle smiles and Triple H looks a bit annoyed. The camera fades to commercials[/I] [B]GRADE: A[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [/COLOR][/B]COMMERCIAL BREAK [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]EVOLUTION [/COLOR][/B]VS. [B]THE ECW INVASION[/B] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/TripleHRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/BatistaRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/RicFlairRAW.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/BallsRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/TestRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/MikeKnoxRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/TonyMamalukeRAW.jpg[/IMG] ECW used hot tags to stay in the match, but where no match for the strength of Evolution. HHH hit a pedigree on Test for the win at after a restless 13:52 minutes by the crowd. [B]RESULT:[/B] Evolution [B]GRADE: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Chris Kanyon suprisingly ran down the ramp and took advantage of the tired HHH. He beats him down along with Test, Balls, Tony and Mike. Flair and Batista jump off the apron and grab two chairs. They storm the ring swinging forcing the Extremists out of the ring. Flair helps HHH up as Batista yells at the extremists.[/I] [B]JOEY STYLES:[/B] There he is, Bishoff's new signing Chris Kanyon! [B]GRADE: C+[/B] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [I]Bishoff walks out wearing a neckbrace and meets the extremists near the enterance.[/I] [B]BISHOFF:[/B] That's right my new signing had officaly debuted, here on Monday Night RAW, and is going to help me bring back the WCW/ECW power! Starting with tonight, Cena vs. Kanyon! [B] JIM ROSS:[/B] You heard him, Cena vs. Kanyon next! [I]Bishoff's music continues to play as he escorts Kanyon into the ring.[/I] [B]GRADE: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] COMMERCIAL BREAK [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]CHRIS KANYON[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B]JOHN CENA[/B] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/ChrisKanyonRAW.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/JohnCenaRAW.jpg[/IMG] Cena started off with offence by using all his energy with brawl moves. Cena hit the FU after 5 minutes of non stop offence and went for the pin, but Kanyon kicked out. Cena looked shock as he rested on the ropes for a bit. Kanyon got up and started to get offence. Cena got some moves in but was too tired to keep the offence. The match lasted 13:25 and ended with Kanyon reversing an FU into a crusierweight like DDT and then using the ropes for leverage. [B]RESULT:[/B] Chris Kanyon [B]GRADE: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [B]KURT ANGLE[/B] vs. [B][COLOR="Red"]EDGE[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/KurtAngleRAW.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/EdgeRAW.jpg[/IMG] The ring is cleared after Cena looks pissed and shocked. Angle then comes out to a good pop followed by Edge and Lita recieving a barrage of boos. The two got in the ring and had a long staredown before Angle locked in a couple submission moves. Following a reversal from Edge the match stayed even with both men getting in great strong moves. The match ended with an Ankle Lock at 16:42. [B]JIM ROSS:[/B] Kurt Angle is your new #1 Contender! [B]RESULT:[/B] Kurt Angle [B]GRADE: A*[/B] [B]OVERALL: B [/B][U](Brought popularity down, a lack of HOT storylines.)[/U][/CENTER]

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Results Station 2 [CENTER][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/ProWrestlingNewswire.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER]PRO WRESTLING NEWSWIRE![/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER]Your Top Source for Wrestling News[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"] [B][U]RESULT STATION[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][U]Week 2, Feburary 2007[/U][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]WWE SMACKDOWN:[/SIZE][/COLOR] Matt Striker beat Viscera, Simon Dean, and Marty Jannetty The Hardy Boyz defeated Kid Kash and Pscosis Chuck Lidell lost to William Regall Super Crazy beat Jesse RVD got beaten by Kane Randy Orton and HBK drew OVERALL: B [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]TNA iMPACT:[/COLOR][/SIZE] Brother Runt beat Eric Young in an X-Division Title match to retain Chris Harris along with Team 3D(excluding Runt) beat Homicide, Senshi, and Petey Williams Styles and Daniels retained their titles over Killings and Dutt Jeff Jarret beat Christian Cage to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title OVERALL: C+ [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Purple"]TNA XPlosion:[/COLOR][/SIZE] A1 drew with Homicide Runt beat Eric Young and Austin Areis to retain the X Division Title Daniels and Styles beat James Storm and Raven Christian Cage beat Ron Killings OVERAL: C+ [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Yellow"][B]OVW Television:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Aaron Stevens beat Krazy K Victoria Crawford beat Azrieal Chris Cage lost the OVW TV Title to Chuck Palumbo Mikey beat Kenny to retain the OVW Heavyweight Title OVERALL: C-
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/ProWrestlingNewswire.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER]PRO WRESTLING NEWSWIRE![/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER]Your Top Source for Wrestling News[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"] [B][U]NEW STARS SIGN WITH RAW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][U]Week 2, Feburary 2007[/U][/SIZE] Raw has reported that they have recently struck deals with former big time wrestlers, their stay is only temporary, but should draw ratings. OVW has also reported that Josh Abercrombie and Seven are now working down their with a development contract. Their roster now looks like this: Aaron Stevens Al Snow Azrieal Chad Toland Chris Cage Chuck Palumbo Danny Basham Danny Davis Dean Hill Dice Domino Elijah Burke Fake Kane Goose Mahoney Greg Gagne John Toland Johnny Jeter Josh Abercrombie Kenny Kenny Bolin Kevin Matthews Krazy K Marek Brave Maria Mikey Neighborhoodie Nicky Robbie McAllister Robert Brisko Rory McAllister Seven Shad Gaspard Synn Victoria Crawford
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/brands/0004/9426/brand.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]WWE PRESENTS MONDAY NIGHT RAW[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B][U]MONDAY NIGHT RAW CARD :[/U][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] For Monday, Feb. Week 1, 2007 [CENTER][IMG]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/1908/preview3vh7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]MATCH 1-[/B] Tommy Dreamer and Sandman vs. Balls Mahoney and Mike Knox [B]MATCH 2- [/B]Stacy vs. Victoria--Bra and Panties [B]MATCH 3- [/B]Kennedy vs. Harry Smith [B]MATCH 4- [/B]London and Funaki's Rise to the Top Challenge [B]MATCH 5-[/B] Chris Kanyon vs. Snitsky [B]MATCH 6-[/B] Batista and Flair vs. Test and Mamaluke [B]MATCH 7-[/B] Carlito vs. Edge vs. Cena [B]THE MAIN EVENT- [/B]Triple H vs. Kurt Angle---WWE World Title Match [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]HEAT CARD (dark matches on webcast):[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/85/Heat.PNG/170px-Heat.PNG[/IMG][/CENTER] [B] MATCH 1-[/B] La Resistance (including Sylvan) vs. Duggan, Kamala, and The Miz [B]MATCH 2-[/B] Second City Saints vs. Kenny and Johnny [CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]PREDICTIONS ENCOURAGED! :D[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"]card subject to change[/SIZE]
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From WWE.com [QUOTE][CENTER]THIS WEEK ON... [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"] BYTE THIS![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Special Guest: Smackdown Superstar, Matt Striker RAW and Smackdown Recaps and Countdown to WrestleMania! So join Todd Grisham this Saturday at WWE.com for [COLOR="Purple"]BTYE THIS[/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Byte This-3 [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Purple"] BYTE THIS![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"][U][I] SATURDAY WEEK 2, FEBURARY[/I][/U][/SIZE] [B]Todd Grisham:[/B] Hello everyone, this is Todd Grisham here for Week 2 of Feburary's BYTE THIS. Tonight is going to be a good show as we have the post draft undefeated Matt Striker with us via phone and we are officaly starting our Countdown to WrestleMania! Alright let's get to Matt, hello Matt, thanks for coming. [B] Matt Striker:[/B]Thanks for having me man! [B] Todd Grisham:[/B] Oh come on, you know you're welcomed on the show at any time. Alright right to the questions, after the draft, you've gone 2-0 in matches where you had to come back and beat the odds, how does it feel to be on such a great start? [B] Matt Striker:[/B] Well, I wasn't too sure about going to Smackdown at first, but it really gave me a chance to make a new name for myself, I'm getting the heat I need from the crowd, and I am rising quickly, so although I am still adapting to the locker room, it's been great so far. [B]Todd Grisham:[/B] Do you see yourself wrestling in the main event of WrestleMania one of these days? [B]Matt Striker:[/B] Ha,ha, well maybe not this WrestleMania, but if I keep winning like I am now, who knows? [B]Todd Grisham:[/B] Alright Matt, I know you're probally tired from your flight, so we'll finish this up quickly. What can you tell us about being on Smackdown that is better than RAW. [B]Matt Striker:[/B] That's a good question, but I am probaly going to say, the fans. Their great and you get a lot more respect from them. [B]Todd Grisham:[/B] Alright Matt thank you for joining us, I wish you good luck this upcoming week on Friday Night Smackdown!......Speaking of Smackdown, it's time for our Smackdown Review! As you already should know by now, Matt Striker defeated 3 other superstars including former RAW star Viscera to gain himself a name. I'm going to give the sleeper of that show to Chuck Lidell losing to William Regall. Regal showed everyone his great technical capablites. Everyone was standing when the former partners, Kane and RVD got into their match, and with an unexpected twist The Undertaker shocked everyone by chokeslaming RVD. Undertaker left and Kane pinned RVD for the win. Alright, now to RAW. London and Funaki are slowly but surely rising up the tag team standings, and pretty soon they may be taking on La Resistance for their titles. ECW took their first blow by losing to Evolution, but Chris Kanyon evened the playing fields by beating Cena. Also Harry Smith looks like he wants the IC title. The main event was the great one, Kurt Angle gained #1 Contendership to the title by beating Edge in an epic battle......................Alright it is now time for the Wrestlemania Countdown, as of right now we are only 6 weeks away from the greatest show ever, and it looks as if many of the titles will be on the line, but this week's Countdown Question is, will ECW/WCW still be around? Vote online now, and the answer, along with a new question will be here next week on BYTE THIS! Until next week, I'm Todd Grisham, saying have a great weekend......... [B][CENTER][COLOR="Purple"]OFF AIR[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/ProWrestlingNewswire.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER]PRO WRESTLING NEWSWIRE![/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER]Your Top Source for Wrestling News[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"] [B][U]RESULTS OF TNA AGAINST ALL ODDS PPV[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][U]Week 2, Feburary 2007[/U][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]AGAINST ALL ODDS:[/COLOR][/B] [B]Killings and Dutt[/B] defeated C. Reily and R. Strong The LAX lost to [B]Nash and Shelley[/B] [B]Christian Cage[/B] beat Chris Sabin [B]A1[/B] won over Jay Lethal, Chris Harris, and Austin Aries [B]Raven[/B] beat Petey Williams Senshi lost to [B]Brother Devon[/B] [B]BG James and Monty Brown[/B] beat Brother Ray and Abyss [B]Sting[/B] crushed Kip James [B]Brother Runt[/B] retained the [B]X Division Title[/B] over Jame Storm [B]Samoa Joe[/B] beat Rhino [B]Scott Steiner and AJ Styles[/B] beat Young and Roode Christopher Daniels failed to take the title away from [B]Jeff Jarret[/B]
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HEAT Results [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]WWE Presents HEAT[/SIZE][SIZE="2"] ( RAW DARK MATCHES)[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/85/Heat.PNG/170px-Heat.PNG[/IMG][/CENTER] LIVE VIA WEBCAST: [B][COLOR="Red"]LA RESISTANCE[/COLOR][/B] VS. [B]DUGGAN, KAMALA, AND THE MIZ[/B] Although the youngest of them all, The Miz took lead only to be beaten down quickly by Dupree. Miz tagged in Kamala who got in a couple moves before Dupree tagged in Conway. Conway came in fresh and hit power moves on Kamala causing him to tag out to Duggan. Duggan was the finest on of the three put eventually got put in a leglock he couldn't escape. He eventually worked his way over to tag Mizanin. Mizanin came out with a couple punches, but Conway threw him off and tagged in Sylvan, who hit a Running Powerbomb followed by a handful of tights for the pin at 6:03. [B]RESULT:[/B] La Resistance [B]GRADE: C[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [B]SECOND CITY SAINTS [/B]VS. [COLOR="Red"][B]KENNY AND JOHNNY[/B][/COLOR] of the [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]SPIRIT SQUAD[/COLOR][/B] In a long dark match, Colt Cabana finally hit a RamMan on a beaten down Kenny for the pin at 7:30. [B]RESULT:[/B] 2nd City Saints [B]GRADE: C-[/B] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B] [I]After the pin is counted Mickey and Nicky come out and help Johnny beat down on Cabana and Punk...[/I] GRADE: C-[B] [/B][B][COLOR="Red"]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/COLOR][/B] [I]The three then go and help Kenny up and stand in the middle of the ring celebrating, as if they had won the match.[/I] [B]GRADE: C[/B] [B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[/B]
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I've got one match left, should be up 2morrow at before 8 AM Central Time. :P Meanwhile, gimme some predictions to wake up to. AGAIN HERE IS THE CARD: MATCH 1- Tommy Dreamer and Sandman vs. Balls Mahoney and Mike Knox MATCH 2- Stacy vs. Victoria--Bra and Panties MATCH 3- Kennedy vs. Harry Smith MATCH 4- London and Funaki's Rise to the Top Challenge MATCH 5- Chris Kanyon vs. Snitsky MATCH 6- Batista and Flair vs. Test and Mamaluke MATCH 7- Carlito vs. Edge vs. Cena THE MAIN EVENT- Triple H vs. Kurt Angle---WWE World Title Match
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[COLOR="Red"]Tommy Dreamer and Sandman[/COLOR] vs. Balls Mahoney and Mike Knox [I]- I like Knox, but not so much Balls.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Stacy[/COLOR] vs. Victoria [I]- I'd like to imagine Victoria more.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Kennedy[/COLOR] vs. Harry Smith [I]- Close one, toss of a coin really.[/I] London and Funaki's vs [COLOR="red"]?????[/COLOR] [I]- I simply do not like the pairing of London & Funaki.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Chris Kanyon[/COLOR] vs. Snitsky [I]- I like Kanyon and he beat superman (Cena).[/I] [COLOR="red"]Batista and Flair[/COLOR] vs. Test and Mamaluke [I]- Mamaluke is good but unfortuntely is the weak link in this match imo.[/I] Carlito vs. [COLOR="red"]Edge[/COLOR] vs. Cena [I]- I'm not totally sold on Carlito and well Cena is Cena (extremely bland & generic).[/I] [B]THE MAIN EVENT[/B] Triple H vs. [COLOR="red"]Kurt Angle[/COLOR] [I]- Coin toss, Angle has the momentum.[/I] A few too many matches imo for a two hour RAW show.
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|-------------------------------------------------Monday Night RAW-----------------------------------------------|
Alexander Memorial Colliseum
Main Event:

[CENTER] [I]The [COLOR="DarkRed"]RAW[/COLOR] logo is flashed as "Across the Nation" by The Union Underground plays during the open video. The video mainly focuses on the actions of HHH, Angle, Edge, Umaga, Ken Kennedy, John Cena, Chris Kanyon, and Batista. The camera then pans around the crowd and their signs. It eventually cuts to The announcing team of Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, and Joey Styles.[/I] [B]JIM ROSS:[/B] Good evening everyone, we are live here at the Alexander Memorial Coliseum with over 7,000 fans, and we're gonna give them every dollar's worth. [IMG]http://www.srssa.com/images/alex-memor-v-hero.jpg[/IMG] [B]JERRY LAWLER:[/B] That's right! And how could they not, this is Monday Night RAW! [B]JOEY STYLES:[/B] Yes, and we have plenty of action coming your way, not only do we have the main event of HHH vs. Kurt Angle, but right before that we have... [B][SIZE="3"] I'M BACK...AND BETTER THAN EVER![/SIZE][/B] [I]Styles is interupted by the familiar theme song of Mr. Bishoff...[/I] [B]GRADE: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] [I]Bishoff comes out along with Balls Mahoney and Mike Knox. He walks into the ring recieving a handfull of boos along the way.[/I] [B]ERIC BISHOFF:[/B] For all of those who watched that show where the talentless people wrestle, what do they call it again... Oh yeah, for those of you who watch Heat, you may have saw that Sandman and Tommy Dreamer challenged my superstars to a match. They said we aren't the "real" ECW, but that's not true, we are the "new" ECW, and to prove that we are "Extreme" enough, we accept that challange, under one rule... [B]JIM ROSS:[/B] I knew it,this is the rule that's going to make them win. [B]ERIC BISHOFF:[/B] NO RULES! [B]JOEY STYLES:[/B] I don't think that's going to help them win, JR. [B] GRADE: C[/B] [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] [I] Sandman and Dreamer come out to "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor", the WWECW theme song. Bishoff walks out to ringside.[/I] [B] [SIZE="3"]SANDMAN AND DREAMER vs. BALLS MAHONEY AND MIKE KNOX[/SIZE]---[SIZE="2"](ECW RULES / TORNADO TAG)[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/SandmanRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/TommyDreamerRAW.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/BallsRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/MikeKnoxRAW.jpg[/IMG] Sandman takes charge by using his signapore cane right away on Mike Knox. Sandman and Dreamer use all the hardcore resources to beat down Knox and Balls. Eric tries to motivate his team from outside the ring, but the attempts fail. Dreamer and Sandman dominate for 5 minutes. Dreamer goes for the pin after a chair shot. 1.... [SIZE="3"][B]THIS IS TEST[/B][/SIZE] Test comes running in with a baseball bat and breaks the pin. He then lays waste to Dreamer and Sandman with the bat. Mike Knox pins the downed Dreamer for the 3 count. After the match Bishoff joins in and claps the three who then leave the ring. The camera goes to commercials after 7:41 minutes of hardcore action. [B]RESULT:[/B] Knox/Balls [B]GRADE: C-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] COMMERCIAL BREAK [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] [I]The camera opens back up to Stacy coming into the ring giving high fives to all the fans along the way. Victoria is already in the ring.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]STACY KEIBLER vs. VICTORIA[/SIZE][/B]---[SIZE="2"](BRA AND PANTIES)[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/StacyKeibler.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/VictoriaRAW.jpg[/IMG] Victoria dominates with the moves, but Stacy manages to get her hands on Victoria's shirt and ends up ripping it off. A minute and a half passes. [B][SIZE="3"]NO CHANCE IF YOU MESS WITH ME[/SIZE][/B] [I]Vince McMahon enters with a mic in hand.[/I] [B]VINCE MCMAHON:[/B] Stop right there! (CROWD BOO) [B]VINCE MCMAHON:[/B] Now last week on RAW, you two where in an over the top battle royale for the WWE Women's Title, and that is exactly why I am out here! [B] JIM ROSS:[/B] Yeah, so what they were in a match last week... [B]JERRY LAWLER:[/B] Exactly! Stop dwelling on the past Vince, I want to see this week's puppies! [B]VINCE MCMAHON: [/B]Well I went over the tapes, and Stacy... you did not go over the top rope, therefore that match is not over, so right now... it's you vs. Mickie James, for the WWE Women's Title. [B]GRADE: C/C+ (2 segments)[/B] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [I] Mickie James enters the ring as Vince leaves.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]MICKE JAMES vs. STACY KEIBLER[/SIZE][/B]---[SIZE="2"](WWE WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH)[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/StacyKeiblerRAW.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/MickieJamesRAW.jpg[/IMG] Mickie James gets in good offence with Stacy still only wearing her bra and panties match gear. Mickie dominates for 3 minutes until Stacy ducks a kick and hits a spinning heel kick. Stacy looks around and goes for a pin. 1....2....3 Stacy wins the Women's Title Match. The crowd erupts in cheers as Stacy stands smiling in shock. [B]RESULT:[/B] Winner and [SIZE="3"]NEW WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPION, STACY KEIBLER![/SIZE] [B]GRADE: B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] [I]Ken Kennedy is standing backstage in a hallway.[/I] [B]KEN KENNEDY:[/B] The Intercontinental Title was mine. I had everything set up so I would win, and then he came out. So tonight I am taking going to take Harry Smith to a level of pain that only I can give. So Harry Smith, you watch out, because you're going to pay...NEXT! [B] GRADE: C+[/B] [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] COMMERCIAL BREAK [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] [I]The camera returns to show Harry Smith and Ken Kennedy's enterances. Again, Kennedy lets Lillian say his name without interuption.[/I] [B]HARRY SMITH vs. KEN KENNEDY[/B] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/HarrySmithRAW.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/KenKennedyRAW.jpg[/IMG] Kennedy came in with high energy power moves, but Smith quickly got back in following a rope break. Smith and Kennedy then exchanged moves back and forth for 4 minutes. After a while Smith hit a strong DDT and climbed the top rope. He went for a Diving Headbutt...and hit it! He goes for the pin 1.....2....3! [B]RESULT:[/B] Harry Smith [B]GRADE:[/B] C [B]SIDE NOTES:[/B] Didn't really click. [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] [I]The camera cuts backstage to show a man standing. A black bar goes on the bottom on the screen and reveals his name:[/I] SETH SKYFIRE [B] SETH SKYFIRE:[/B] This is Seth Skyfire, and although none of you know me, I care about you, and I am going to make everyone's dream come true. Starting next week. [I]Seth looks at the camera and smiles.[/I] [B] GRADE: D[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] [I]Camera cuts back to the ring where London and Funaki are standing with mics.[/I] [B]PAUL LONDON:[/B] The Rise To The Top Challenge continues tonight, so whoever is back in the locker room, no is your chance to stop us... [B]GRADE: C-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] [I] Mick Foley's music hits as he walks out with a mic.[/I] [B]MICK FOLEY:[/B] I don't like you guys, I don't like a thing about you. Slim high-flying talent won't get you any where, so I found myself a partner that will tear your limbs off. [I] R.....I....C...K STEINER flashes on the TitanTron as Rick Steiner comes out and takes Foley's mic.[/I] [B]RICK STEINER:[/B] I came here for the WCW/ECW invasion, but when Mick told me everything about you guys, I came here. TO DESTROY! [I]London looks un impressed.[/I] [B]PAUL LONDON:[/B] You willing to face these guys Funaki? [B]FUNAKI ALONG WITH CROWD:[/B] INDEED! [B]GRADE: B+[/B] [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] [I]Steiner and Foley get into the ring as the bell sounds.[/I] [B][SIZE="3"]LONDON AND FUNAKI vs. MICK FOLEY AND RICK STEINER[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/PaulLondonRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/FunakiRAW.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/MickFoleyRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/MysteryRAW.jpg[/IMG] London and Funaki start kicking Foley and Steiner when they are trying to get into the ring. After a good 2 minutes, Steiner and Foley get into the ring. They quickly use there strength to get ahead, but at 8:32 Steiner falls victim to the London Calling. [B] JIM ROSS:[/B] They've done it all now, they may just finally be at the top. [B]RESULT:[/B] London and Funaki [B]GRADE:[/B] B- [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] COMMERCIAL BREAK [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] [I] Camera returns to show Eric Bishoff in the ring with Chris Kanyon.[/I] [B]ERIC BISHOFF:[/B] Chris and I have agreed that we need to do some house cleaning and get rid off all the un needed RAW Superstars to make way for all the new ECW/WCW people we are going to bring in, so tonight we will have a match against someone who has done nothing but take up pay... [B]GRADE: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [/COLOR][/B] [I]Snitsky comes out with a furious look on his face. He runs in and hits Eric Bishoff with a pair of brass knuckles. Bishoff falls to the ground as EMTs surrond him. Kanyon looks mad and clotheslines Snitsky. The ring bell sounds as Bishoff is put on a stretcher.[/I] [B] GRADE: C[/B] [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]CHRIS KANYON vs. SNITSKY[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/ChrisKanyonRAW.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/SnitskyRAW.jpg[/IMG] Kanyon dominated out of pure frustration from Snitsky's attack. After many close falls, Kanyon finally uses the ropes for leverage and picks up the win at 4:57 [B]RESULT:[/B] Chris Kanyon [B]GRADE: C+[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] [I] Camera cuts to Batista's locker room where is finishing warm ups with Ric Flair. Flair hits his chest a couple times to pump him up.[/I] [B]RIC FLAIR:[/B] Now come on Batista, Bishoff's on his way to the hospital, we can take them now, they can't cheat this time. [I]Batista rolls his shoulders and the two leave the room...[/I] [B]GRADE: A*[/B] [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] [I]Camera cuts to outside Edge's locker room. Edge is about to walk in as Lita comes running to him.[/I] [B]LITA:[/B] Edge, I know a way you can win your match tonight! Come on I'll tell you. [I]The two walk into the locker room, leaving the camera to miss what happens next.[/I] [B]GRADE: B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] [I] Camera cuts to the catering table next where Tony Mamaluke and Test are shown talking.[/I] [B]TONY MAMALUKE:[/B] You're right Test, now that Eric is out, we need a leader, but not you! I am the one with the leadership skills! [B]TEST:[/B] What are you talking about, no one comes to see you wrestle, they come to see people test Test and fail, I need to be the leader. [B]TONY MAMALUKE:[/B] You're b***s****** me! [B]TEST:[/B] Look, we can't do this right now, we've got a match next. [B] GRADE: E[/B] [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] COMMERCIAL BREAK [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="3"][B]FLAIR AND BATISTA vs. TEST AND MAMALUKE[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/RicFlairRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/BatistaRAW.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/TestRAW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/TonyMamalukeRAW.jpg[/IMG] Batista starts strong with huge power moves that shook the mat, but Test starts to make it more even. Once Batista tags out, Flair comes in with a few strikes but gets knocked down. Mamaluke comes into to start fighting and locks in Flair's Figure 4 Leglock. Flair eventually gets to the ropes and tags in Batista who starts to beat down on Mamaluke. Mamaluke tags in Test who uses his freshness to get the advantage. Finally at 6:41 Test rolls Flair (and his tights) up for the pin. Batista goes into and argues with the ref as the crowd boo. [B]RESULT:[/B] Test and Mamaluke [B]GRADE: B[/B] [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] [I]Camera cuts backstage to Carlito's locker room where Edge bursts in.[/I] [B]EDGE:[/B] Look, Carlito, I know we hate each other, but that can't matter. Cena has got to go. He laid down, with no effort to get up for the ECW/WCW last monday night, and that can't be the kind of image RAW has. What do you say? [I]Edge extends his arm.[/I] [B]CARLITO:[/B] How am I supposed to believe you... [I]Carlito walks out.[/I] [B]GRADE: B+[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] COMMERCIAL BREAK [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]JOHN CENA vs. EDGE vs. CARLITO[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/JohnCenaRAW.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/EdgeRAW.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/CarlitoRAW.jpg[/IMG] Carlito seemed like he was considering what Edge said throughout the whole match, constantly attacking Cena instead of Edge. At 11:00 Carlito hit a scissors kick on Cena and smiled at Edge and then went for the spin. 1.......2......kick out. Cena and Carlito both get up and turn around to see Edge running at them for a spear and he...NAILS BOTH OF THEM. Edge pins Cena. 1....2....3 [B]RESULT:[/B] Edge [B]GRADE: B+[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/COLOR][/B] [I]Camera cuts backstage once again to reveal Triple H and Kurt Angle bumping into each other.[/I] [B]TRIPLE H:[/B] Well, well, well, if it isn't my challenger. Look, Kurt, there are more important things than this title right now, mainly the fact that we need to take care of Bishoff's non-WWE wrestlers, so I don't really have time for whatever you want right now. [B]KURT ANGLE:[/B] Triple H you're right, but my title shot is still next, and I am going to give it all I've got. No hard feelings? [I]Triple H nods as he leaves to make his enterance.[/I] [B]GRADE: A[/B] [B]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[/B] [SIZE="3"]TRIPLE H (c) vs. KURT ANGLE[/SIZE]---[SIZE="2"](WWE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP)[/SIZE] The crowd was a bit restless by the time the main event came. Angle locked in many submission moves, but HHH didn't tap. When HHH got the offence they were strong moves. But no man ever gave up causing a massive amount of near falls and ropebreaks. After 15 minutes of long hard fighting, a familiar music is heard. Chris Kanyon runs down into the ring and beats down both HHH and Angle. The camera fades with Chris Kanyon smiling while both the other men are on the ground. [B] GRADE: A[/B] [SIZE="1"](restless crowd)[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]OVERALL: B+ [/B][/SIZE][SIZE="1"](decline in popularity)[/SIZE] [/CENTER]

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From WWE.com [QUOTE][CENTER]THIS WEEK ON... [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]BYTE THIS![/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Only two words can be used to describe the upcoming BYTE THIS: Kurt Angle So join Todd Grisham this Saturday at WWE.com for an EXTRA SPECIAL EDITION OF BTYE THIS[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/ProWrestlingNewswire.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER]PRO WRESTLING NEWSWIRE![/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER]Your Top Source for Wrestling News[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"] [B][U]RESULT STATION[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][U]Week 3, Feburary 2007[/U][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]WWE SMACKDOWN:[/SIZE][/COLOR] The Brothers of Destruction defeated the Hardy Boyz Ashley beat Jillian Hall Sabu lost to Gergory Helms Matt Striker's streak was broke by Burchill RVD beat Chris Masters King Booker beat Johnny Nitro OVERALL: C+ [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]TNA iMPACT:[/COLOR][/SIZE] Brother Runt beat Homicide to retain the X Division Title Senshi lost to Monty Brown Scott Steiner beat Christopher Daniels Jeff Jarret beat Sting to retain his title OVERALL: B- [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Purple"]TNA XPlosion:[/COLOR][/SIZE] Nash and Shelley beat The LAX Eric Young lost to Monty Brown Runt retained his belt over Chris Harris and Ron Killings Sting beat Kip James OVERAL: C+ [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Yellow"][B]OVW Television:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Gaspard and Hoodie retained the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles over Krazy K and Toland Fake Kane beat Azrieal Chuck Palumbo beat Chad Toland to retain the OVW TV Title Mikey beat Seven to retain the OVW Heavyweight Title
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n282/Kascade09/RAW/ProWrestlingNewswire.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER]PRO WRESTLING NEWSWIRE![/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER]Your Top Source for Wrestling News[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"] [B][U]MORALE PROBLEMS, AND NEW SIGNINGS[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][U]Week 3, Feburary 2007[/U][/SIZE] Word from our insiders is that famed wrestler Low Ki, or better known as Senshi, is becoming angry at TNA's creative staff due to his losing streak ever since he lost the title. When asked about this problem by the press he simply said: Senshi: [QUOTE] "I trust the TNA staff, and I am hoping that my push will be continued in the near future. If things are still bad after a couple months, then I'll consider other options, but for now TNA seems right for me."[/QUOTE] Although those words may seem a tad bit reassuring we are going to stay on this hot topic in the future... In other news the WWE posted on their website that the next RAW will be a can't miss show. We expect one or more of their new signings to appear withing the 2 hours the show provides. [I]Stay tuned to Pro Wrestling Newswire for all your information![/I]
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Really like your results layout & writing style. However, for TV show previews, I think you should stop revealing the entire card. Just do a few matches that aren't going to be announced on the 'show.' EG: One of the first shows you set up Edge Vs. Kurt Angle no#1 Contender & Evolution Vs. ECW during the show but you'd already revealed it on the preview post. If you want people to make predictions save it for PPVs when (as a rule) all the matches are pre-announced. Apart from that, you got me reading this thread
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TESTING NEW LAYOUT [SIZE="1"](revisions may be made tomorrow mourning)[/SIZE] [CENTER]


RAW for Monday, Week 4, 2007

[/CENTER] align=right>

Bischoff Sidelined!


With Eric Bishcoff in the hospital, what will happen to the ECW/WCW Invasion? Will someone step up and be a leader, or will the Invasion be put to rest?

Kanyon Confrontation?


When Chris Kanyon interfered in the last week's main event, HHH and Kurt Angle were not to happy, will there be a confrontation?

The New Women's Champion!


Stacy Keibler suprised everyone last week by becoming, for the first time ever, the WWE Women's Champion, but Mickie's contract gives her a rematch. Will Stacy win again, or was it just a fluke?

The British Bulldog Revived


Harry Smith has made an impressive mark on the IC Title Picture. Will his streak continue...Will Umaga have any say in it?

London and Fuanki's Last Step?


London and Funaki have climbed to the very top, but have they reached the summit yet?

Monday Night RAW


Tune into Monday Night RAW for all this and more!


The Real Extremists!


The Battle continues over who is the "real" ECW.

Show Us Your Spirit Fingers!


The Spirit Squad handpicks their next opponents!

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