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Limited Brands Presents: Ring of Honor

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[b]Chicago, IL 10/28/06[/b] [b]Jerrelle Clark & Jay Fury vs. Irish Airborne[/b] The show started with a high flying tag team contest. These four men put on a great high paced opening match. Irish Airborne got the win with the Irish Airraid on Fury. The four men shook hands and Irish Airborne celebrated in the ring. [b]ROH Pure Title: Jimmy Rave © vs. Jay Lethal[/b] The ROH Pure Championship was on the line as Jay Lethal and Jimmy Rave put on a wrestling clinic for the crowd in Chicago. Lethal made Rave use all three of his rope breaks early on, but Rave stayed in the match and made a comeback. Rave almost got a quick win with a rollup, but Lethal reversed it into an armbar. Rave did not tap out, but Prince Nana got Sinclair's attention and Sal did another run in. Rave picked up the win with a crossface. After the match Jimmy Rave grabbed the microphone to make an announcement. [b]Rave:[/b] Nigel, I will grant you your rematch on one condition. If I win, I get to throw out the ROH Pure Championship. It's that simple Nigel, I'll expect your answer soon. [b]Allison Danger vs. Daizee Haze vs. LuFisto[/b] LuFisto made her ROH debut in a three way dance against Danger and Haze. Allison and Daizee teamed up on LuFisto early on, but quickly turned on one another. Daizee used her speed and high flying ability in the match, as LuFisto stayed technical. Allison won the contest with a short arm DDT. Before the Tag Team Titles were on the line Cabana and Yang came out together. Cabana got the microphone and cut a promo before the champions came out. [b]Cabana:[/b] It's nice to be back in Chi Town! It seems like everytime we return I am up for a championship, but always fall short. Tonight will be different. Jimmy Yang is my partner and we will remove the championship belts from Aries and Strong. Come on down boys, it's time to lose. [b]ROH Tag Team Titles: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong © vs. Colt Cabana & Jimmy Yang[/b] Aries was still favoring his back as Cabana and Yang isolated him. They picked on his weakness and punished him in their corner. Aries finally made the tag and Strong started to take control. The match went on with quick tags from both teams. Aries showed a lot of heart as he continued to fight back. Cabana and Strong went to the outside after a clothesline by Cabana. Aries hit a brainbuster on Yang and then a 450 for the win and another defense. [b]Matt Sydal vs. Delirious[/b] Sydal and Delirious had another solid contest on the card. Delirious matched Sydal move for move during the opening minutes of the match, but Sydal started to use underhanded tactics to get the advantage. Sydal stayed on the offensive and won the match with a Double Helix. After the match he stood over Delirious with Allison Danger with the Prophecy sign in the air. Sydal got the mic and made an announcement. [b]Sydal:[/b] Christopher Daniels has entrusted me with carrying on the Prophecy, and I will. Everyone in ROH should be warned that the Prophecy has returned, and will not die. Intermission. [b]Losers Leave ROH: BJ Whitmer & Ace Steel vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Nate Webb[/b] This match was under standard ROH rules. The match started off normal and was a solid tag team contest. Steel and Whiter worked well as a team against CZW. Webb was caught in their corner as they beat him down. Claudio came in with a chair and started to lay out Whitmer and Steel. Claudio grabbed Webb and left the ring as Steel started to recover. Steel rolled out of the ring and took the microphone away from Bobby Cruise. [b]Steel:[/b] That's it ************. You are not leaving ROH by a DQ, and if you want to continue to play dirty, let's get dirty. Let's have ourselves a good ol' Fight Without Honor. No rules, just me and BJ kicking your asses out of Ring of Honor. [b]ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide © vs. Bryan Danielson[/b] The main event was set to be a good one as we renewed a classic ROH rivalry. The match had a slow build from the beginning. The two workers know each other very well and did not want to make a mistake in this big match for the championship. Danielson perfected nice suplexes on Homicide to keep him off his game, as Homicide would use his brawling ability to do the same. The match went on for nearly thirty minutes until Homicide hit an Ace Crusher out of nowhere to score the victory and a defense of the title. Homicide shook Danielson's hand and held up the title for the fans to see. Homicide stared at Danielson and told him that he will definatly get another shot at the title down the line as long as he can retain it.
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[b]CM Punk Leaves ECW[/b] [i]PWInsider.com[/i] As reported last week CM Punk was not happy with the firing of Stevie Richards, and since has been in a downward spiral of emotions backstage. This all led to a climax over the weekend where CM Punk asked Vince for his release. He was granted the release with the standard 60 day no compete clause in his contract. CM Punk started off well in ECW, but the push from WWE management quickly went away after Paul Heyman's firing and other writers took ECW in another direction. Also leaving WWE was CM Punk's girlfriend Maria. She wanted to follow Punk on his way out of the WWE, and she was also not happy with her position with the company. PWInsider has tried to contact both TNA and ROH about the situation with only ROH telling us that there is no current plan to bring CM Punk in with the company after the 60 days. It is also not expected for Punk to go to TNA as his history has shown he is not fond of the promotion, and with the firing of Christy Hemme and So Cal Val, TNA has shown no interest in many women either. After the 60 days CM Punk may take independent bookings from smaller promotions, or go overseas to Japan. Dragon Gate would be the logical choice as they have been having an American revolution with the signings of Hulk Hogan and Christy Hemme. However this is all speculation as Punk has 60 days to think of his future. As of right now, there is not much interest from the other American promotions for unknown reasons.
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[b]Nigel Accepts, Complete Boston/Philly Cards Announced[/b] [i]By: Gabe Sapolsky[/i] Nigel McGuinness accepted Jimmy Rave's stipulation for the ROH Pure Championship match. The match has been set for Philadelphia this Saturday. Nigel has promised to re-capture the title that he feels still belongs to him. Also set for Philadelphia is the CZW vs. ROH Fight Without Honor match. The losers will be gone from Ring of Honor. The return to Boston will also see the ROH Heavyweight Championship up for grabsas Homicide defends against Roderick Strong. [b]Boston, MA 11/3/06[/b] ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide © vs. Roderick Strong Matt Sydal vs. Jay Fury Davey Richards vs. Chad Collyer Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro vs. Nigel McGuinness & Colt Cabana Jimmy Yang vs. Ricky Reyes Minoru Fujita vs. Delirious Shane Hagadorn vs. Jack Evans [b]Philadelphia, PA 11/4/06[/b] Non-Title: Homicide vs. Jimmy Yang ROH Pure Title: Jimmy Rave © vs. Nigel McGunniess Fight Without Honor, Losers Leave: Ace Steel & BJ Whitmer vs. Claudio Claudio Castagnoli & Nate Webb Davey Richards vs. Derrick Dempsey Colt Cabana vs. Sal Rinauro The Rottweilers & Mystery Partner vs. Irish Airborne & Delirious Adam Pearce vs. Jack Evans
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Glad to see Punk not coming back to ROH, it would seem a bit too generic to have Punk in ROH. I've been meaning to leave feedback for this for awhile, and just got around to it. I love the way you book ROH, it feels like ROH, but I think the match write-ups could be a bit more detailed but I still enjoy the way you write it now. Keep up the good work Biggz, one of the best ROH diaries I've read in quite a while.
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hard for me to add too much to this, but I didn't want to ignore it completely as it's actually really good. I'm not, in any way, an ROH fan. For numerous reasons I think their promotion is weak and I've not seen one show of theirs that I thought was any good. The product just isn't for. so, that in mind, the only way for you to make me enjoy your shows was to make them completely unrealistic and nothing like ROH. Thankfully you've not done that, and the shows you have are exactly the kinda shows that would bore the pants off me. However, as you're trying to appeal to an ROH fanbase rather than win over fans who think ROH is terrible, you're doign a great job. It's realistic, yet starting to take its own shape as you progress things and create your own pushes and booking. All in all, this is really good and while I can't give you very in depth feedback like I could for a WWE, WCW, TNA, ECW diary in terms of the booking, I can let you know that it's a really good represenation of ROH
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[b]Boston, MA 11/3/06[/b] [b]Jack Evans vs. Shane Hagadorn[/b] Jack came out with a quick pace and dominated the match. Evans used his high flying style to light up Hagadorn and pick up the victory. Evans finished Shane off with the 630 and celebrated the victory. [b]Jay Fury vs. Matt Sydal[/b] Sydal came out with Allison Danger and attacked Fury without shaking his hand. Sydal went after Fury's knees to keep the momentum in his favor and to keep fury down. Jay fought back slowly, but Matt was too much as he finished the fight with the Angel's Wings to pick up another victory as the leader of the Prophecy. [b]Chad Collyer vs. Davey Richards[/b] Collyer and Richards started off the fight slow and working a very good mat technique. Richards caught Collyer off guard with a kick to the chest and got control of the match. Collyer reversed an irish whip attempt, but was met with a calf kick that sent him barreling to the canvas. Collyer kicked out of a pinfall attempt and regained his composure. Richards lost momentum to Collyer for a few minutes, but hit a DR Driver for the win out of desperation. [b]Jimmy Yang vs. Ricky Reyes[/b] Yang and Reyes worked a fast paced stiff match that saw Reyes come into his own a bit. Yang felt the power of Reyes early on in the bout. Yang recovered to hit multiple big time moves on Ricky and regain the advantage in the match up. Reyes attempted to irish whip Yang into the corner, but was reversed and then hit with a backflip kick to the head. Reyes fell the mat and Jimmy climbed to the top rope and hit Yang Time for the victory. [b]Delirious vs. Minoru Fujita[/b] In an anticipated bout Delirious and Minoru Fujita worked a slow start and snowballed it into a fast paced highlight. Fujita worked stiff chops and suplexes, along with eye gouges and multiple dirty moves when the referee was not looking. Delirious saw opportunites as well, hitting the Panic Attack in the corner multiple times at one point. Delirious caught Fujita in a Chemical Imbalance II for the victory as the crowd stood up and cheered for the performance. [b]ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide © vs. Roderick Strong[/b] The title bout got off to a rapid start with Homicide and strong chopping each other. Strong got the advantage from that and continued with the stiff strikes, but the champion would not back down that easily. Strong and Homicide have met previously many times, and tonight saw the classics continue as another solid back and forth battle was put on between the two. Homicide was busted open by the end of the fight, but retained the championship with a Cop Killa. Homicide shook Roderick's hand after the match and left with the strap around his waist. [b]Jimmy Rave & Sal Rinauro vs. Nigel McGuinness & Colt Cabana[/b] This match will see four men that will face each others in two singles matches tomorrow night. Sal started the contest against Nigel and McGuinness made a fool of the servent for Rave. Nigel and Colt made quick tags and tried to taunt Rave. Sal finally made the hot tag to Rave and he came in to keep the name of the Embassy strong. Sal rolled out of the ring exhausted, and Nigel and Colt found themselves occupied with only Rave. After Rave clotheslined both men down he ran over to choke Nigel. Colt recovered and isolated Jimmy, as Nigel got up to help. The referee was occupied with Daizee Haze, who was in extreme protest, and left both McGuinness and Cabana in the ring to take their turn handing it to Rave. Sal got back up and attempted to jump off the top ropes, but Cabana saw him and dropkicked him as he flew from the top. Nigel and Rave made their way to brawl outside as Daizee jumped on his back to choke him. Cabana hit the Colt 45 for the victory as the roster emptied to seperate Rave and Nigel. Rave grabbed the microphone afterwards. [b]Rave:[/b] Tonight was a fluke, but nevertheless tomorrow night Nigel, the Pure Title will be no more!
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[b]Philadelphia, PA 11/4/06[/b] [b]Davey Richards vs. Derrick Dempsey[/b] The opening match got the crowd hyped up as Davey Richards won again with a DR Driver. Richards celebrated the victory over Dempsey with the crowd. [b]Colt Cabana vs. Sal Rinauro[/b] The crowd was pumped for Cabana as he set to face off against Rinauro from The Embassey. Sal looked better in this match going back and forth with Cabana in the early portions of the competition. Cabana seized control of the fight working a good comedy style in the middle of the match, making a fool of Sal. Colt outmatched Sal and finished him off with a Colt 45 to pick up another victory. [b]The Rottweilers & Mystery Partner vs. Irish Airborne & Delirious[/b] Irish Airborne and Delirious made their way to the ring and stood as Fujita and Reyes came out with Julius Smokes. Smokes grabbed a mic and introduced the mystery partner. [b]Smokes:[/b] Ladies and Gentlemen, the partner of The Rottweilers tonight was brought in by Ring of Honor to add that spark. Here is the mystery partner you have been waiting for... [b]Stevie Richards!!![/b] Richards came out to a thunderous appaulse and thanked the fans who chanted Stevie. The match got underway with Richards against Delirious. Richards looked perplexed at his antics in the ring and tagged out to Ricky Reyes who charged Delirious, but was met with a drop toe hold. The fight started to pick up a high lucha pace with men flying and entering the ring at random. Irish Airbone double teamed Fujita as Stevie battled with Delirious, and Reyes was laid out on the outside. Richards clotheslined Delirious over the top rope as Irish Airborne irish whipped Fujita into the other corner. Irish Airborne ran to double clothesline Fujita in the corner, but Stevie hit a StevieKick on Jack Crist, as Minoru rolled out of the way and hit a jumping enziguri. Richards picked up the pinfall for the team. [b]Winners: The Rottweilers and Stevie Richards[/b] After the match Reyes slid back in and attacked Richards. The Rottweilers punished Stevie in the ring as Delirious and Irish Airborne made the rescue. The fans said thank you to Stevie as he left angry. [b]Adam Pearce vs. Jack Evans[/b] Evans and Pearce had a solid bout to bring the crowd back to down some after the shocking appearence of Stevie Richards. Pearce kept a very old school technical style on Evans to ground him. Evans fought back time and time again, but Pearce used his power to force Evans back to the mat. Pearce won the match with a Boston Crab as Evans did all he could to remain in the match. Intermission. [b]Non-Title: Homicide vs. Jimmy Yang[/b] Yang and Homicide opened up the action again with a great stiff title match. Homicide used vicious clotheslines and Yang pulled out his arsenal of weapons as well. Yang got the advantage early on by keeping Homicide off balance with a mix of high flying and strikes. Homicide got the upperhand by catching Yang with a Mafia Kick to the grill. Yang stood tough, but Homicide won the match by catching Yang on the top rope with an Ace Crusher to retain the gold. [b]Fight Without Honor, Losers Leave: Ace Steel & BJ Whitmer vs. Claudio Claudio Castagnoli & Nate Webb[/b] Claudio and Nate stood in the ring getting trash thrown at them from the crowd as Ace Steel and Whitmer were announced. Steel and Whitmer came out in street clothes and rushed the ring to get the match underway quickly. The Fight Without Honor went just about everywhere in the building as Ace and Nate Webb battled through the crowd and into the restrooms. Meanwhile, Claudio and Whitmer were outside of the ring throwing each other into the guardrails and using chairs on one another. All four men made it back to ringside and continued to fight back and forth. Webb, Steel, and Whitmer were all busted open while Claudio managed to stay clean. Claudio caught Steel with a chairshot from behind, laying him out. Webb and Claudio then threw Whitmer in the ring and signaled to the back. [b]Super Dragon[/b] came out to boo's with a CZW shirt on. Super Dragon got in the ring and put a chair around the neck of Whitmer to put him out once and for all. He asked Webb to get him another chair, and he was accomendated. Webb tossed the chair to him, but Dragon tossed it back and hit a rare VanDaminator on Webb. Claudio ran over to Dragon to ask what was up and Dragon gave him a low blow and then a Cut-Throat Psycho Driver. He tossed Whitmer on top for the three count and then revealed a Ring of Honor shirt underneath of the CZW shirt. Dragon stood with Whitmer and Steel in the ring by winning the war. [b]ROH Pure Title: Jimmy Rave © vs. Nigel McGunniess[/b] The main event of the evening was set as Nigel came out first and then followed by Jimmy Rave with the ROH Pure Championship around his waist. Nigel and Rave started out the match circling one another and then tieing up. Nigel used his technical skill to quickly seize control of the match. McGuinness was in dominate position when Rave escaped to the outside of the ring for a breather. Jimmy got back in the ring and then kept McGuinness off balance trying not to go back to the ground. Rave started to get momentum after a thumb to the eye that the referee did not see in the corner. Rave then took the match to the mat looking for the finish. Nigel would not go down easy as he reversed the pin attempt into an armbar in a strange reversal. Rave used the first rope break to escape the hold. Once again the two men found themselves squaring off in the middle of the ring. The match progressed into a series of reversals that made the crowd happy and excited. Nigel irish whipped Rave into the ropes, but Rave countered a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker into a Crossface that came out of nowhere. Nigel put his foot on the rope to escape. Nigel slowly got back up, shocked that Rave pulled that out. Back and forth the two went, and Nigel lowered his head after an irish whip to back body drop Rave, but Rave stopped and hit Greetings from Ghana for the surprise clean victory over McGuinness to retain, and apprently destroy the Pure Championship. Nigel got up slowly as Rave left the ring and grabbed the microphone. [b]Rave:[/b] Nigel, as I said before and you agreed. I get to throw out the Pure Championship. From this day forward, it's history, and the new championship will be... The [b]Ghana Emperial Majesty Championship[/b] (GEM)! Nigel looked astonished as the show ended with Rave renaming the Pure Title.
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[b]ROH adds two Superstars and announces cards for Long Island and Edison[/b] Stevie Richards and Super Dragon debuted in Philadelphia in grand fashion. Stevie Richards has expressed to the ROH Staff that he wants to battle The Rottweilers to extract revenge. Ring of Honor has complied with his wishes setting up a tag team contest between The Rottweilers and Stevie Richards with Delirious. Super Dragon shocked the wrestling world when he showed up to aid ROH in ridding itself of CZW. The CZE defector joined Ring of Honor in Philly, and will be in action for the doubleshot weekend. [b]Long Island, NY 11/24/06[/b] ROH Ghana Emperial Majesty Title: Jimmy Rave © vs. Jimmy Jacobs ROH Tag Team Titles: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong © vs. Ace Steel & BJ Whitmer Stevie Richards vs. Chad Collyer Super Dragon vs. Mark Briscoe Jack Evans vs. Jerrelle Clark Minoru Fujita vs. Jay Briscoe [b]Edison, NJ 11/25/06[/b] ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide © vs. Jay Lethal Stevie Richards & Delirious vs. The Rottweilers Super Dragon vs. Roderick Strong Austin Aries vs. Colt Cabana Jack Evans vs. Jimmy Yang Adam Pearce vs. BJ Whitmer Jerrelle Clark vs. Sal Rinauro
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[b]ROH Sign Former NOAH Opener[/b] [i]-PWInsider.com[/i] Ring of Honor has signed Taiji Ishimori away from the Japan scene. NOAH let go Taiji recently due to contract disputes. Taiji is not very well known but will be brought over as part of the new Ring of Honor roster. It is unknown when he will debut. Ring of Honor is set for another doubleshot weekend in Edison and Long Island. Both cards have been announced and include newly signed Super Dragon and the surprise of Stevie Richards.
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[b]Long Island, NY 11/24/06[/b] [b]Jack Evans vs. Jerrelle Clark[/b] Evans and Clark kicked off the card with a good high flying battle. The crowd was in awe of the moves performed by the men in the ring. Jack Evans picked up the victory by hitting the 630° Senton. Evans and Clark shook hands and walked to the back together. [b]Jay Briscoe vs. Minoru Fujita[/b] Briscoe and Fujita faced off in the first match between the tag team duos. Fujita and Briscoe had an all out war to start the match by exchanging stiff blows to the body. Briscoe got control of the match and did not give Fujita a chance to breath. Fujita started to battle back and got the breather he needed by back suplexing Briscoe to the floor. Briscoe was thrown back into the ring by a refreshened Fujita. Fujita started to impose his will until a low blow set up the Jay Driller for the victory. [b]ROH Tag Team Titles: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong © vs. Ace Steel & BJ Whitmer[/b] The last match led in to the Tag Team title match-up as both men would be watching this one as to see who they might face down the line for the straps. Whitmer and Steel have been on a roll as of late and it continued early on as they isolated the tag champions. Aries was caught in their corner for the majority of the early portion. Whitmer and Steel kept quick tags going and wore down Aries. Aries fired back and lunged for the hot tag as Strong chopped down the contenders. Strong gave Steel a chop that sent him flying over the top rope, and Aries got up and dove to the outside on top of him shortly after. Whitmer caught Strong with a snapmare, but Strong rebounded. Strong gave a charging Whitmer a hard lariat and then finished the fight with a CX '03 to retain. **Intermission** [i]After Intermission Christopher Jackson walked out to a surprised crowd.[/i] [b]Christopher Jackson:[/b] I have just come out to inform everyone that Ring of Honor will be making its return to Manhattan for Final Battle 2006! I don't suggest anyone here to miss it as we will have surprises and a huge announcement about the future of Ring of Honor. It is sure to be the biggest ROH event in this companies history! Thanks! [b]Mark Briscoe vs. Super Dragon[/b] After Mr. Jackson finished the announcement the other half of The Briscoes made his way to the ring to due battle against new comer Super Dragon. Dragon and Briscoe started out the bout much like Jay and Fujita did earlier in the night. That changed with Dragon took the fight to the outside and started brawling with Mark. Super Dragon took the advantage from there and systematically took out Mark before throwing him back in the ring where he finished the fight with a Psycho Driver. Jay came out and took Mark to the back disgusted by his performance. [b]Chad Collyer vs. Stevie Richards[/b] In a match to keep the crowd hot, but not too much, Stevie Richards came out to do battle with Chad Collyer. Collyer and Richards had a very technical start to the match that saw Collyer on his game. Richards stopped his technical wrestling by sliding out of the ring to get a grip and get the match back on its feet. Stevie and Chad went back at it until Stevie hit the Stevie Kick out of nowhere to pick up the victory. [b]ROH Ghana Emperial Majesty Title: Jimmy Rave © vs. Jimmy Jacobs[/b] The main event of the evening saw the defense of the GEM Title. Jacobs and Lacey came out and he looked very ready for the challenge. Rave came out with the Embassey in tow. After the bell rang the two men took to the center of the ring and tied-up. Rave and Jacobs went back and forth that saw Rave use his underhanded tactics. Jimmy fought back and stayed the course in the contest. He challenged Rave in almost every aspect, but The Embassey outside the ring started to impose their will on the match by distracting Sinclair and interfering in the contest. Lacey attempted to even the score, but Daizee Haze hit her from behind to take her out. After that Nana distracted the referee as Sal entered and gave Jimmy a shove into the Greetings from Ghana to end the match and the event.
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[b]Edison, NJ 11/25/06[/b] [b]Jerrelle Clark vs. Sal Rinauro[/b] Jerrelle and Sal opened the event as the rest of the crowd settled into their seats. The two went back and forth in the early goings of the contest, but Jerrelle used his aerial attack to win the match. Clark hit his 630 for the victory. After the match Jimmy Rave came down to the ringside and slapped around Sal for losing once again. Jimmy threatened to send Sal back to Ghana for even more intense training if he didn't come through in the future. [b]Jack Evans vs. Jimmy Yang[/b] As the bell rang Evans did some comedy as Yang stared him down. Evans got the crowd chanting 'You Got Served' before Yang responded with a cresent kick to the jaw of Evans. After that the two exchanged good moves through the air. Evans got the fight were he wanted it, but Yang fought back and reversed a side headlock into a belly to side suplex. Yang got Evans into the corner and put him in the hanging figure-four necklock until the referee made him break the hold. Yang springboarded back with a dropkick that sent Evans to the mat which set him up for Yang Time and the victory. [b]Adam Pearce vs. BJ Whitmer[/b] Pearce and Whitmer set to brawl, but before the bell even rang the two fought all over the building. The two men fought in the crowd and toward the merchendise stand. ROH Officials ran out from the back and called a no contest to the nearly 15 minute brawl over the arena. Adam Pearce was busted open as the men were torn apart from one another. [i]**Intermission**[/i] [b]ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide © vs. Jay Lethal[/b] Coming back from intermission Jay Lethal made his way down to the ring as he set to take on Homicide for the ROH Title. Homicide came out to a huge reaction carrying the strap around his shoulder. The bell sounded and the two men tied-up to begin. Lethal and Homicide had a very techinical battle early on in the contest that saw Lethal take the upperhand as a former Pure Champion. Homicide regained his composure and got back to work and quickly turned the contest into a street fight. Homicide taught the young gun a thing or two about brawling as he dominated that battle. Lethal battled back inside the squared circle, but Homicide was too much to handle as he finished the fight with an Ace Crusher for the win. [b]Super Dragon vs. Roderick Strong[/b] The next contest saw a battle of wills with Dragon and Strong. These two battled back and forth hitting each other with nearly everything in their arsenal for nearly 25 minutes. Strong hit him with stiff chops and kicks, while Dragon used boots of his own and a variety of suplexes. Strong hit some nice backbreakers that kept Dragon hurt on the mat. Super Dragon had no quit as he fought back to his feet and irish whipped Strong and nailed him with the Dragon Kick. Dragon attempted the pin, but failed to get the three. Dragon tried to irish whip Strong again, but it was reversed into a Fireman's Carry that Strong used for a double knee gutbuster, and then rolled Dragon up for the victory. [b]Austin Aries vs. Colt Cabana[/b] The crowd settled back into their seats for a special ROH Attraction match that saw Austin Aries and Colt Cabana due battle one more time. The match was filled with a lot of comedy in classic Cabana style. Aries and Colt put together a solid match that saw both stars have equal amounts of offense. Aries picked up the victory with a 450 Splash after a Brainbuster. After the match Colt and Aries shook hands as Colt Cabana seemed disgusted with himself. [b]Stevie Richards & Delirious vs. The Rottweilers[/b] The Main Event of the evening was set as The Rottweilers did battle with the man they double crossed in his debut. Delirious started off the match against Fujita who was confused when the bell had not sounded, and Delirious had yet to move. When the bell hit and he went crazy, Fujita was scared and tagged out to Reyes. Reyes stepped in and started the bout off using his strength to calm down Delirious. Delirious fought back and eventually made the tag out to Richards who came in hot and started to take control of the match. Reyes and Fujita turned the fight into bedlam as all four men took it to one another. Ricky Reyes isolated Stevie Richards against the guardrail as Julius Smokes and Fujita were on the opposite side without a ref and Fujita broke out Red Mist that seemingly burned Delirious, but could not be seen because of his mask. Fujita rolled him in the ring and finished the match with a BONEYARD. After the match The Rottweilers laughed going back up the ramp as Richards checked on his partner with medical staff. The brawl between Reyes and Richards spilled into the crowd as the referee chased them down while Smokes and Fujita did the dirty work.
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[b]ROH bids goodbye to a legend, and honors him this weekend.[/b] Abdullah the Butcher retired earlier this week, which was reported among various wrestling news outlets, so this weekend Ring of Honor will give Abby a tribute match in Dayton. Full cards for St. Paul and Dayton are listed below. Final Battle 2006 will see the return of two ROH stars that have been out of action on recent cards, Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson will return to the ring. No matches have been announced, stay tuned for information in the coming days. [b]St. Paul, MN 12/15/06[/b] Non-Title: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs. The Briscoes Jack Evans vs. Super Dragon ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide© vs. Chad Collyer Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jimmy Yang Stevie Richards and Delirious vs. Irish Airborne The Embassy (Rave/Sal) vs. Jerrelle Clark and Jay Fury [b]Dayton, OH 12/16/06[/b] Abdullah the Butcher Tribute Match: Homicide and BJ Whitmer vs. Adam Pearce and Steve Corino ROH Ghana Emperial Majesty Title: Jimmy Rave © vs. Roderick Strong Stevie Richards vs. Jay Briscoe Matt Sydal vs. Jimmy Jacobs Colt Cabana vs. Davey Richards Jimmy Yang vs. Chad Collyer Irish Airborne vs. The Rottweilers
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[b]ROH gets set for Final Battle with big matches and big annoucements[/b] [i]PWInsider.com[/i] Ring of Honor has always put on a great show at Final Battle and 2006 is set to be no different. ROH World Champion Homicide is set to defend against arch-nemesis Steve Corino in a Dog Collar match for the title. This feud has nearly spanned the life of the organization itself. More buzz is probably about the event however, and our entertainment insiders have heard rumors that Christopher Jackson has been in talks with television networks and pay per view organizations. If these rumors are true that would qualify as a huge announcement for Ring of Honor, and with Limited Brands wanting to turn a bigger profit out of ROH it could just be. Also recently announced for the card has been the ROH Tag Team Championship match. ROH will break out Ultimate Endurance once again for the Tag Straps. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong will defend against The Briscoes, The Rottweilers, and Delirious and Stevie Richards. The stipulations for the match have yet to been announced, all we know is that the first fall will be determined by submission. Christopher Jackson has promised that Final Battle 2006 will start a new era in ROH, and at this point it looks like he may be correct.
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[b]St. Paul, MN 12/15/06[/b] [b]The Embassy (Rave/Sal) vs. Jerrelle Clark and Jay Fury[/b] The opening contest for St. Paul saw the GEM Champion and his follower battle a new tag team in Ring of Honor. Sal started the match-up against Jay Fury who used his athletic ability to maul Sal. Rave stood disgusted in the corner while Clark got the tag in and started his onslaught. Jimmy Rave came in and threw Clark out of the ring as the referee tried to restore order. Jimmy got back on the apron and held on the tag rope as Sal made his way over for the tag. Jimmy Rave started with clotheslines for both men and started to take control of the match. Sal ran across the ring and clotheslined Fury out of the ring leaving the legal man, Clark, with Rave. The ref got a hold of Sal and made him leave the ring as Rave gave Clark a kick to the groin and then Greetings from Ghana for the win. [i]After the match Rave slapped around Sal before making him go to the lockerroom.[/i] [b]Jack Evans vs. Super Dragon[/b] Super Dragon entered first and started the match off by hitting a suicide dive on Evans as he made his entrance. Super Dragon took the fight on the outside before the bell rang and started to pummell on Evans. Jack was getting brutalized by the much more violent Super Dragon before being rolled into the ring. Evans faired better in the ring as the contest was rang in as official, but Dragon had much of the offense. Super Dragon finished off the stunning domination with a Barry White Driver. [b]Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jimmy Yang[/b] Lacey stood outside the ring as the anticipated contest got underway. Yang and Jacobs exchanged early counters and reversals to heat up the crowd. Yang started to use his kicks to weardown Jacobs as Lacey screamed instructions. Jacobs got Yang in a side headlock and wrenched it back. The two fought back and forth in a competitive match. Yang started to get on a roll when Lacey grabbed his foot from the outside. Jacobs went for a dropkick on the knee but missed and connected with the top of Laceys head. Yang capitalized by jumping off the second rope and hitting the rebounding Jacobs with a leg lariet. Yang nipped up and nailed a moonsault for the win. [i]**Intermission**[/i] [b]Stevie Richards and Delirious vs. Irish Airborne[/b] Coming back from intermission Irish Airborne awaited their opponents. Delirious and Richards came out to a thunderous appaulse. The four men shook hands before doing battle and Dave started out against Delirious. After some quick exchanges and tags from both sides it boiled down into a four man scramble around the ring seeing spots being thrown about from all the men. Irish Airborne hit a double bodypress to the outside on Richards and Delirious. The crowd started chanting as the four men lay out on the floor. Richards and Jake Crist made it back in the ring first as Delirious and Dave Crist continued their battle on the outside. Jake tried to irish whip Stevie, but he reversed it and hit a StevieKick and got the three count in a competitive contest. [b]ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide© vs. Chad Collyer[/b] The ROH Champion was set for another defense against formidable opponent Chad Collyer. The two warriors worked on the mat early in the match, using great wrestling techniques. Collyer and Homicide got back to their feet as appaulse sounded throughout the arena. Homicide started to pour on the offense with hard lariets and vicious right hands. Homicide continued as the fans rejoiced with brutal moves and ended the contest with a top rope Ace Cutter. Homicide got on the mic after the victory and issued a warning to Steve Corino, telling him that after tomorrow night he may not make it to Final Battle. [b]Non-Title: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs. The Briscoes[/b] The crowd was hot for the main event as these two strong teams took to the ring and started what would be the match of the night. Strong and Mark started the bout and didn't shake hands. Strong and Mark traded chops with Roderick getting the better of that end, and starting the match off well for Aries and himself. Strong pulled Mark back into his corner and tagged out to the explosive Aries. Jay tried to get in the ring but Todd Sinclair kept forcing him out. Aries and Strong used the old school tag team tricks to keep Jay out of the ring and isolate Mark. Mark had no quit in him however as he pulled Aries by the trunks out of the ring and crawled over to Jay and made the hot tag. Jay came in like a house of fire and started to avenge the beatdown his brother just recieved. The battle broke down again into four men going back and forth as neither team could put the other away. Jay and Roderick were the legal men as Mark attacked Austin Aries and they brawled into the crowd. Jay went for the Jay Driller but Strong powered out of it and caught Jay with a thumb to the eye. As Jay tried to shake off the thumb Roderick went to the officials table and grabbed one of the tag team championship belts and leveled Jay with it. Todd Sinclair called for the bell as Aries and Strong were disqualified. Roderick stood over Jay with the belt in hand as the show came to an end.
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[b]Dayton, OH 12/16/06[/b] [b]Colt Cabana vs. Davey Richards[/b] The Dayton crowd was pumped for the opener as ROH sent out two of its top performers to open the show. Richards wrestled Cabana's style of match early on with some comedy spots thrown in as Colt had the upperhand. Richards battled back with stiff chops and kicks. The crowd rallied around Cabana to get him back into the match, Cabana hit a samoan drop on a charging Richards to get back on track. Both men battled back to their feet and traded right hands, Cabana eventually blocked a right hand and irish whipped Davey in for a clothesline. Colt picked Davey up and sat him in a corner and nailed his patented Flying *******. Davey stumbled out of the corner and Colt hoisted him up for a Colt 45 but Richards fought it off and rolled out of the ring. Cabana went out to the floor after him where the two battled until the bell sounded. The crowd seemed confused when Bobby Cruised announced that the twenty minute time limited had expired. [b]Matt Sydal vs. Jimmy Jacobs[/b] Sydal and Jacobs were next on the card that saw Sydal use new dirty tactics that caught Jimmy Jacobs. Lacey yelled at the ref from the outside when Allison Danger ran over and started to pummel her. The crowd started to cheer Allison as she manhandled Lacey on the outside. Inside the ring Matt Sydal took control, Jacobs had some offense but Matt quickly used various dirty tricks to get the momentum back on his side. Sydal finished the match with the Here We Go Driver for the win. After the match Danger and Sydal posed throwing up The Prophecy symbol. [b]Jimmy Yang vs. Chad Collyer[/b] Coming off the title match Chad Collyer was set to take on Jimmy Yang. Yang stayed competitive with Collyer early on in the match as they traded positions on the mat. Collyer seemed impressed then slapped Yang across the face. The insult seemed to inspire Yang as he responded with lightning quick kicks. Yang backed Collyer into the ropes and irish whipped him in for a calf kick. Yang kept pushing the pace, but Chad Collyer was not going to give up easily as he dropped Yang with a drop toe hold and moved in for an armbar to slow the pace down and regain his barrings. The crowd was behind Yang as they chanted his name. Yang recovered and Collyer hit the ropes looking to clothesline Yang back down, but was met with a dropkick followed by a Northern Lights Suplex for the win. [b]ROH Ghana Emperial Majesty Title: Jimmy Rave © vs. Roderick Strong[/b] Rave looked timid to step into a strength test at the beginning of the match and stuck his thumb into the eye of Roderick. Sal remained on the outside cheering on Jimmy like a school girl as Rave got the early momentum. After Roderick recovered from the thumb to the eye the contest became even with both men seeing some offense. Strong used his backbreakers and chops while Rave tried to stay away from Strong's power. Strong landed a german suplex and looked to have everything going his way when Sal got on the apron. Roderick walked over to him and chopped him down from the apron, and Rave rolled Strong up for the three count while grabbing the tights. [i]**Intermission**[/i] [b]Irish Airborne vs. The Rottweilers[/b] Fujita and Reyes shook the hands of Irish Airborne but jumped them right after. Fujita and Reyes gave The Crists a beating in seperate corners. Reyes gave Dave a boot across the face while Fujita threw Jake Crist out of the ring and ran over to Dave and dropkicked him in the grill as Ricky moved away. The crowd enjoyed the brutal beginning as The Rottweilers showed a killer instinct. They seemed in form and ready to prove that they are ready for the Ultimate Endurance match at Final Battle. Irish Airborne finally started to fight back when the contest broke into a real tag team match and not a brawl. Dave made the hot tag to Jake who irish whipped Fujita, who tagged Reyes, and clotheslined Minoru down. Reyes snuck inside the ring and dropped Jake with a vicious lariet. Ricky picked Jake up and scooped him into a Dragon Sleeper with a body scissors. Jake tried to fight out but passed out first. Dave tried to make the save but Fujita kicked him in the head as the referee tried to pull Reyes off of Crist. [b]Stevie Richards vs. Jay Briscoe[/b] The next contest featured another set of men who would take place in Ultimate Endurance at Final Battle. Richards and Briscoe exchanged chops and shoulder blocks to start off the bout. Briscoe got the early advantage with some nice suplexes. Briscoe tried for an early pin but Richards easily kicked out. Stevie got back into the fold by countering a german suplex by snap mareing Jay over and dropkicking him in the back of the head. Richards went into a side headlock after that to focus on the head and neck region of Jay. Mark was on the outside trying to root his brother on. Jay fought back and the two engaged in a back and forth battle. Stevie tried to irish whip Jay into the corner but it was revered sending Richards in. Jay pulled the ref over to him as Mark got on the apron and clotheslined Stevie in the corner. Stevie stumbled out and Jay nailed a Jay Driller for the win, but they didn't have time to celebrate as Delirious ran out to protect his tag team partner. [b]Abdullah the Butcher Tribute Match: Homicide and BJ Whitmer vs. Adam Pearce and Steve Corino[/b] The crowd was pumped up for the main event as the Abdullah the Butcher tribute match was sure to be brutal. Pearce and Corino came out to a course of boo's. Pearce trotted down with a ladder in tow while Corino brought a dog collar and chain. Homicide and Whitmer followed out together without any weapons. The rules were announced by Bobby Cruise: [b]Bobby Cruise:[/b] The rules to the Abdullah the Butcher Tribute Match are as follows. No tags are required, no countouts, and no disqualifications. Falls Count Anywhere! After Cruise left the ring Corino ran from Homicide and left Pearce alone with both men. Homicide and Whitmer beat down Pearce when Corino snuck back in the ring and attacked Homicide from behind. Corino then threw Whitmer from the ring, and Pearce regained himself and went over to help Corino with Homicide. Cornio started to choke Homicide with the dog chain as Whitmer crawled back in. Corino let go as Adam continued the assault on the champion. Steve went after BJ Whitmer and the two men started to brawl in the corner. Pearce and Homicide found themselves on the outside, and Homicide kicked Pearce in the twig and berries and hit him with a steel chair across the back. Corino and Pearce battled with the ladder in the ring. The four men switched on and off of who they were targeting and with various weapons from around the ring. The violence continued as BJ Whitmer found himself busted open from a shot with the ladder. Homicide went after Corino again as he pulled out his fork, Corino saw Homicide and bailed out of the ring and ran back up the entrance way. Whitmer tied Pearce up in the ropes and was ready to hit him with a chair when Homicide turned and asked the crowd if they wanted to see Adam Pearce get forked. Homicide said no and dropped the fork, then pulled out an ice pick. Homicide bludgeoned Pearce with the ice pick and then looked at Corino standing in the entrance way with the ice pick in his mouth as Whitmer finished off Pearce with an Exploder. The crowd chanted Homicide as the show came to an end with Homicide staring down Corino before they meet at Final Battle.
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[b]Ring of Honor - Final Battle 2006[/b] [i]Manhattan, NY - 12/30/06[/i] ROH Heavyweight Title - Dog Collar Match: Homicide© vs. Steve Corino ROH Ghana Emperial Majesty Title: Jimmy Rave © vs. BJ Whitmer ROH Tag Team Titles - Ultimate Endurance: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong © vs. The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Rottweilers vs. Stevie Richards & Delirious[list] [*]First Elimination - Submission [*]Second Fall - Falls Count Anywhere [*]Third Fall - Ladder Match [/list]Four Corner Survival: Super Dragon vs. Bryan Danielson vs. KENTA vs. Matt Sydal Nigel McGuinness vs. Jimmy Yang Davey Richards vs. Taiji Ishimori Jay Lethal vs. Colt Cabana vs. Chad Collyer Allison Danger vs. Sara Del Ray Top of the Class Trophy - Triple Threat: Shane Hagadorn vs. Bobby Dempsey vs. Pelle Primeau [i]Card Subject to Change[/i] [quote]Predictions winner will book a number one contenders match complete with choosing the winner.[/quote]
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[QUOTE]Ring of Honor - Final Battle 2006 Manhattan, NY - 12/30/06 [B]ROH Heavyweight Title - Dog Collar Match:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Homicide©[/COLOR] vs. Steve Corino [SIZE="2"][I]While I'm a huge Corino fan , I just don't think Homicide will let go of the title yet. I expect him to fight hard and pull out a victory.[/I][/SIZE] [B]ROH Ghana Emperial Majesty Title:[/B] Jimmy Rave © vs. [COLOR="Red"]BJ Whitmer[/COLOR] [SIZE="2"][I]Looks as if the embassy might be struggling from the inside. I think Sal will mess up and cost Rave the match.[/I][/SIZE] [B]ROH Tag Team Titles - Ultimate Endurance:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Austin Aries & Roderick Strong ©[/COLOR] vs. The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Rottweilers vs. Stevie Richards & Delirious [SIZE="2"][I]I would love to see Richards get a taste of ROH gold , I don't think it wil happen yet. Briscoes and Aries/Strong will battle among themselves for the most part. and Aries/Strong will retain.[/I][/SIZE] [B]Four Corner Survival:[/B] Super Dragon vs. [COLOR="Red"]Bryan Danielson[/COLOR] vs. KENTA vs. Matt Sydal [SIZE="2"][I]Talk about a stacked match. I'd pay a bunch to be ringside for this match. The fanboy in me wants to say Super Dragon will get the win , But Danielson is one of the best in the business. He'll win this with the roaring elbow.[/I][/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]Nigel McGuinness[/COLOR] vs. Jimmy Yang [SIZE="2"][I]Yang will make a strong showing but Nigel is on a hot streak so he'll take the win.[/I][/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]Davey Richards[/COLOR] vs. Taiji Ishimori [SIZE="2"][I]Like Nigel Davey will take the win with the DR Driver.[/I][/SIZE] Jay Lethal vs. [COLOR="Red"]Colt Cabana[/COLOR] vs. Chad Collyer [SIZE="2"][I]Should be a good match with Cabana picking up the win with the Colt 45.[/I][/SIZE] Allison Danger vs. [COLOR="Red"]Sara Del Ray[/COLOR] [SIZE="2"][I]Two Competitive women facing off. I'm pulling for Del Ray to get the win.[/I][/SIZE] [B]Top of the Class Trophy - Triple Threat:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Shane Hagadorn[/COLOR] vs. Bobby Dempsey vs. Pelle Primeau [SIZE="2"][I]In my opinion this is a no brainer. Hagadorn will have a hard fought battle but he'll win by cheating.[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I'm a fan of Ring of Honor even though I don't get to see much of their stuff. great diary man.
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[img]http://tew.ithium.net/shibatacross.jpg[/img] [b]Ring of Honor land Katsuyori Shibata![/b] [i]PWInsider.com[/i] After freelancing around Japan for the past few months, Katsuyori Shibata has signed a one year deal with Ring of Honor. We spoke with Christopher Jackson earlier today about the signing and he did confirm that they will indeed try to debut Shibata in front of the New York crowd at Final Battle. It is unsure in which capacity he will enter the squared circle, but with this signing it shows that ROH is looking to expand in many different regions across the world. Jackson did not confirm if they will bring someone else in to go toe-to-toe with Shibata, if Katsuyori will merely debut by introduction and not compete, or if he will participate in an already scheduled match. Our sources have told us that KENTA was a key figure in getting Ring of Honor to sign Shibata, but no deal is planned to be signed with KENTA as they will keep a strong working relationship with NOAH. Christopher Jackson has been on the offensive with plenty of public relations as of late putting up posters all over NYC to ensure that this show will be a success. Final Battle is scheduled to open the doors at 7:00pm and bell time is slated for 8:00pm.
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[size=3][b]Ring of Honor [color=#FF0000]Final[/color]Battle[/b][/size] [i]Manhattan, NY - 12/30/06[/i] [i]The fans piled into the arena awaiting the start of the event that Ring of Honor has hyped up for months now. Christopher Jackson came out with the Ring of Honor staff and camera men and the crowd cheered with he grabbed the microphone. The crowd chanted ROH before Jackson asked them to settle down.[/i] [b]Christopher Jackson:[/b] I won't waste your time so I am coming out here right now to tell you all the great news I have for Ring of Honor. After talks with many different networks, I have final signed on the dotted line to ut Ring of Honor shows on Showtime! [i]The crowd erupts at the news of ROH on premium cable.[/i] [b]Jackson:[/b] Ring of Honor will air shows on tape delay in a two hour show on Showtime every Saturday night starting with Final Battle next Saturday!! Each of our shows will feature our most exciting match-ups, this deal with Showtime will put ROH on the map and start a revolution that we are taking over! Thank You and enjoy the show. [b]Top of the Class Trophy - Triple Threat: Shane Hagadorn vs. Bobby Dempsey vs. Pelle Primeau[/b] After Jackson left the ring Bobby Cruise got the opening contest underway with the Top of the Class Trophy contest. Bobby Dempsey and Pelle Primeau stood in the ring as Hagadorn made his slow entrance to the ring with Trophy in tow. The three men waited for the bell to ring and then started to circle one another. Dempsey and Pelle teamed up early on and started to double team the current trophy holder. Dempsey choked him with a foot as Pelle hit the ropes and dropkicked him in the face. Pelle asked Dempsey to hold him there one more time, but this time Dempsey nailed Pelle with a stiff chop and started to impose his will on the smaller worker. Shane rolled to the outside to catch his breath and recover as Bobby and Pelle battled it out in the ring. Hagadorn rolled back in and clipped the knee of Dempsey. The three men exchanged offense and Hagadorn got the better of most using dirty tactics. Bobby got back to his feet and Hagadorn ran over with a knee to the gut that sent Bobby to the floor as Pelle crawled over and school boy'd Hagadorn for the victory. [b]Winner and NEW Top of the Class Trophy Holder: Pelle Primeau[/b] [b]Davey Richards vs. Taiji Ishimori[/b] The next match-up saw Taiji Ishimori debut in ROH for the first time. Taiji and Davey exchanged kicks to open the match and Davey took over early on. Taiji slid under another kick attempt and took Richards down and started to use his technical abilities to keep Davey off his feet. Davey's raw power would not allow him to stay on the ground for long as he battled back up and exchanged more kicks. Davey irish whipped Taiji into the ropes and leveled him with a lariet. Both men went back and forth with spectacular moves and sequences. Richards was irish whipped by Taiji who lowered his head for a back body drop, but was met with a DDT by Richards, but only got a two count. Davey ended the fight with a Stretch Muffler that made Taiji tap out. [b]Winner: Davey Richards[/b] [b]Jay Lethal vs. Colt Cabana vs. Chad Collyer[/b] The next contest was a triple threat contest between three former challengers to the World Championship. The early goings of the match were set up with Cabana's comedic style that the fans responded to. However after the early opening all three men got into a series of technical moves that impressed each other and resulted in a triple handshake. Collyer then turned on Cabana hitting him with a forearm to the chest, and then Jay Lethal with a kick to the gut. Collyer hit the ropes and was then flung high into the air as Cabana and Lethal hit a double back body drop, followed by a thumb to Lethal's eye by Colt. Colt strutted around the ring saying he is brilliant. Collyer and Lethal recovered as the three men squared back off. They went back to the basics with classic mat work, where Collyer took it to Cabana and Lethal held his own. Lethal hit a snap suplex on Collyer, allowing Colt to get up and hit a snap suplex on Lethal, and then on from Collyer to Cabana. The match went back and forth, back and forth with near falls for each individual. Lethal hit a Dragon Suplex and then went for the pin, but Cabana broke up the count. Cabana hit his Colt 45, but that was broken up by a nearby Collyer. Chad then locked in his Texas Cloverleaf, Cabana yelled in pain trying to crawl to the ropes. Lethal started to get to his knee when he noticed Collyer applying the Cloverleaf to Cabana. Lethal ran to the ropes and jumped off hitting his Hydroplane on Collyer. Lethal made the cover and got the three count. [b]Winner: Jay Lethal[/b] [b]Nigel McGuinness vs. Jimmy Yang[/b] Jimmy Yang made his way to the ring first, as the crowd awaited the return of Nigel McGuinness. Nigel came out to a huge crowd reaction as he carried his iron with him to the ring. Both men shook hands as the contest was started by the ringing of the bell. Nigel and Yang locked up and Nigel got the armbar early on Jimmy Yang. Yang flipped out of it and tossed McGuinness to the ground and snapped off a quick drop kick to the back of Nigel's head. Yang and McGuinness exchanged some mat moves before Nigel took the fight to the floor. Nigel irish whipped Yang into the guard rail on the outside, but missed with his follow up clothesline that sent him barreling over. Yang got on the apron and leaped to the top rope and waited for Nigel to stand and then flew off with a high cross body block into the seats. The crowd went crazy. Yang tossed Nigel back into the ring where the fight broke down once more with each man seeing more offense. Yang bodyslammed NIgel down on the mat and went to the top, but Nigel quickly got up and racked little Jimmy on the post. Nigel then hit the Tower of London, but could only manage a two count. Yang fought back to his feet after the near fall and went for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Nigel hit him with a knee to the midsection and got a hammerlock on Jimmy. Nigel then lifted him up for the Guv'nor's Crumpet and the victory in his ROH return. [b]Winner: Nigel McGuinness[/b] [b]ROH Ghana Emperial Majesty Title: Jimmy Rave © vs. BJ Whitmer[/b] Bobby Cruise announced that the next match would be for the Ghana Emperial Majesty Title. BJ Whitmer came down the ramp looking focused on winning gold once again in Ring of Honor. Jimmy Rave made his way down to the ring with Sal by his side. He forced Sal to be his footstool as he entered the ring to defend his title. The bell rang and Rave went to the outside to evade Whitmer. The crowd boo'd Rave for not fighting, but Rave re-entered and locked up with Whitmer, but quickly raked the eyes of the challenger and started the match off in typical Jimmy Rave fashion. Rave controlled the early part of the match by keeping Whitmer on the mat and taking away his breathing pattern. The crowd rallied behind Whitmer and the adrenaline got Whitmer back into the match as he fought his way to his feet and shrugged him off into the ropes and hit Rave with a clothesline. Whitmer picked Rave up and went for his Exploder, but Rave wiggled his way out and rolled to the outside into the hands of Sal. Whitmer saw the two on the outside and leaped with a suicide dive between the ropes onto both men. Whitmer picked up Sal and tossed him into the guard rail, and Rave capitalized by kneeing Whitmer in the back. Rave grabbed Todd Sinclair in the ring and got his attention as Sal got up and put the boots to BJ on the floor. Sal rolled Whitmer back into the ring where Rave applied a Camel Clutch. BJ tried to break it, but Jimmy pulled him back to the center of the ring and applied it again. BJ hooked Rave's legs and stood up dropping to his back and squashing Rave. Rave started to get up when Whitmer went for the running big boot, but Sal hopped on the apron with the GEM Title and clocked Whitmer with it in front of Sinclair. He had no choice but to call for the bell and Jimmy Rave retained the title as Sal and Rave stumbled to the back as Whitmer laid on the mat. [b]Winner: BJ Whitmer (Disqualification)[/b] [i]**Intermission**[/i] [i]After the countdown to return there were only camera men out to the ring, no ROH officials at the table. The lights went out quickly again as 'Prelude' by AFI roared throughout the arena. The fans rose to their feet and looked toward the entrance way. When the beat dropped CM Punk stood with his arms crossed in the X formation with Maria kneeled in front of him, and the arena went ballistic. After 'Prelude' finished, 'Misera Cantare' started and the fans banged the metal ROH signs in the front row as Punk made his way slowly down the entrance way with Maria by his side. "LOVE", "YOUR HATE", "YOUR", "FAITH LOST" rang throughout the arena as the fans screamed it at the top of their lungs. Punk entered the ROH squared circle for the first time in a long time and got the mic that was placed in the center of the ring. The crowd would not let Punk get in a word as they chanted Welcome Back to the hero of the company.[/i] [b]CM Punk:[/b] I know it has been a long time since I have stood in this ring, and I'll be honest, it does feel good to be back. But I am not here to satisfy your needs or anyone elses, I am here to satisfy my own. I did have an emotional exit from Ring of Honor, but it did not take me long to realize that you fans turned your back on me and tried to forget me as soon as I left the company. I thought about what I'd try to do if I ever got the chance to return, and I came to the conclusion that I would walk back into this ring and dominate the same way I always have to show all of you that I am the greatest Ring of Honor wrestler in the history of the company. I will spit in the face of the legacy that Samoa Joe left behind, I will spit in the face of this company that has tried to erase me from its books, and I will spit in the face of all you stupid, ignorant fans. I'm not here for you. I look at the current state of ROH and realize that this should be a cake walk to get my title back around my waist, and to continue on my path to greatness. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at you, I just feel sorry for you. While you tried to erase me from the companies history, you did nothing by fuel my fire even more. The day I won the ROH Championship I stood in this ring and told you the story of the old man and the snake, I have no such story for you tonight, but only the warning that the Devil has returned to Ring of Honor to burn it to the ground. And never forget that Maria, and myself, will always be better than you. CM Punk dropped the microphone as fans boo'd both, then the lights flickered off once again as the crowd started to cheer, even though they have no clue who was about to come out. There was no music, but when the lights came back on Katsuyori Shibata stood across the ring from CM Punk, wearing a TAKEOVER t-shirt, he charged and dropped Punk with a Penalty Kick to the chest. The crowd erupted as Punk and Maria rolled to the outside of the ring and Shibata stood in the center. [b]ROH Tag Team Titles - Ultimate Endurance: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong © vs. The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Rottweilers vs. Stevie Richards & Delirious[/b] [b]Bobby Cruise:[/b] This match is for the Ring of Honor Tag Team Titles! It is an Ultimate Endurance match. The first fall will be determined by a submission only, the first team to submit will be eliminated. The second fall will be under Falls Count Anywhere rules. Finally, the last two teams remaining will battle in a ladder match for the Championship! After the explanation, the teams made their way down to the ring. All four teams shook the hands of their opponents before the two men scheduled to start locked-up. Minoru Fujita of the Rottweilers and Delirious squared off to start the match for the tag team championship. The two men went back and forth quickly before Fujita made the tag to Mark Briscoe. Briscoe and Delirious then went back and forth with Delirious locking in a sleeper hold, but Jay flew in breaking that up. Stevie Richards ran in and chased off Jay, but Jack Doan forced Stevie to exit the ring allowing both tag champions in to pummel Delirious. Roderick Strong stayed in the ring and started to chop Delirious in the corner. Strong irish whipped Delirious into the ropes and hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then made the tag to Ricky Reyes. Reyes went to the top rope and showed shades of his former partner Rocky Romero flying off with a knee to the back of Delirious. Reyes picked up Delirious and moved him into the Briscoes corner and then taunted Stevie Richards, making Jack Doan get control of Richards and allowing the Briscoes to starting hitting Delirious. He took a beating, but eventually fought back against Mark Briscoe and dove toward the corner and made the tag to Stevie. The hot tag couldn't come at a better time as Richards flew in and took out everyone with clotheslines and bodyslams, Richards hit a Stevie Kick on Austin Aries, but there isn't a pinfall for this round. Richards then tagged out to Jay Briscoe who then turned and attacked Stevie throwing him from the ring as Aries recovered and made the tag to Ricky Reyes. Briscoe then tagged in a beatdown Delirious who stood on the apron not paying attention. Ricky looked at Fujita and told him to get ready, Reyes walked over and tossed Delirious over the top rope and picked him up in a gorilla press, the Fujita flew off the top rope with a boot to the head of Delirious. Reyes then picked up the remains and locked in the Dragon Sleeper with body scissors. The Briscoes continued to attack Richards on the ouside as the champions had minimal effort put into the first fall as Delirious passed out from the pain. [b]First Elimination: Delirious and Stevie Richards[/b] The champions jumped in the ring and started to go to town on Ricky Reyes as Fujita attacked The Briscoes on the outside. The Rottweilers were out numbered two to one on both sides. The Briscoes quickly got back into control and threw Fujita over the guard rail and went after him as the champs took their turn on Reyes in the ring. Reyes fought back and amounted some offense on both Strong and Aries. Fujita kicked Jay in the midsection and then nailed Mark with a chair in the crowd. Reyes tried to exit the ring, but was caught by Strong who landed a german suplex, but only got a two count. Fujita tried to return to the ring, but Jay and Mark hit a clothesline before he could return. Jay picked up a chair and hit the fallen star, Mark stood on the guard rail and Jay picked up Minoru and then they hit the spike Jay Driller, and the second referee was forced to count the three, as Reyes was being double teamed himself still. [b]Second Elimination: The Rottweilers[/b] The Briscoes stood and stared at the champions, Aries and Strong stared back and called the brothers to the ring. ROH Officials placed the ladder at the entrance way, but the two teams had more important matters, and that was to fight. Jay and Strong battled back and forth, as Mark and Aries fell to the outside. Mark pulled out a table on the outside, but did not get to use it as Aries elbowed him in the gut and then irish whipped him into the steel post. Strong had the Boston Crab on Jay in the ring, and then let go as Aries went after the ladder. Austin retrieved the ladder and gave it to Roderick who used it to hit Jay on the back. Mark rolled back in the ring and started to climb the other side of the ladder as Strong made his way up. The two started flinging fists back and forth as Aries grabbed Mark from behind, and Jay grabbed Roderick from behind and both powerbombed the others partner to the floor. Aries then hit the ropes and flew around the ladder hitting a roaring elbow on Jay. Aries begun his climb for the gold, Jay got up slowly, but quick enough to push the ladder over and Aries went flying through the table on the outside. The crowd aww'd at the plunge that Aries took from the top of the ladder, the titles swinging as Aries touched them before he fell. Roderick and Mark got back on their feet and The Briscoes set the ladder down in the ring and then double suplexed Roderick on the ladder. Strong got busted open, Jay lifted him up and hit the Jay Driller on the ladder as Mark looked to the outside and climbed the ropes. Mark flew off with the Shooting Star Press onto Austin Aries as Jay put the ladder back on its legs and climbed. Jay retrieved the titles to mark new ROH Tag Team Champions. [b]Winners and NEW ROH Tag Team Champions: The Briscoe Brothers[/b] [b]Allison Danger vs. Sara Del Ray[/b] After the highs of Ultimate Endurance, the two women took to the ring to compete in front of the crowd. Del Ray showed off her athletic ability by shocking Allison early on in the bout. Danger got the upper hand after a thumb to the eye and hit a suplex on Del Ray. Allison started to brutalize Sara, but she would not give up. Sara fought back and got some quick offense in, she bounced off the ropes but Danger dropkicked a knee, and then hit her Shimmering Warlock for the quick victory, throwing up The Prophecy sign in the air. [b]Winner: Allison Danger[/b] [b]Four Corner Survival: Super Dragon vs. Bryan Danielson vs. KENTA vs. Matt Sydal[/b] After the women exited the ring it was time for the Four Corner Survival match that looked like it was going to be one of the best matches of 2006 on paper. The four men shook hands to show respect to one another, and then KENTA and Danielson exited the ring to let Sydal and Super Dragon start the match. The Bell rung and the two stars locked up. Sydal and Dragon exchanged everything but phone numbers to begin the match and got applause from the crowd. Sydal made the tag to Danielson who stepped back in the ROH squared circle. Danielson looked in old form as he took Dragon down and started to work him over with techincal holds and stiff strikes on the ground. He picked Dragon back up and tagged out to Sydal. Sydal flew from the top but Dragon rebounded with a dropkick to the midsection. Dragon inched his way over to KENTA and made the tag. KENTA pushed Sydal in the corner and started to kick him without mercy. KENTA turned and stared at Danielson and then jumped to kick Matt in the face. KENTA walked over and tagged Super Dragon back in. Super Dragon tried for the pin but only got a two as Matt kicked out quickly. Dragon lifted him back up and irish whipped him into the ropes, Danielson made the blind tag as Dragon dropped Sydal with a boot to the face. Danielson ran with a roaring elbow and knocked Super Dragon silly, and then the American Dragon walked over to KENTA and made the hard tag. KENTA lifted Dragon up and hit go 2 sleep for the first elimination. [b]First Elimination: Super Dragon[/b] KENTA stared Danielson down once again after Super Dragon was eliminated. Sydal was on the floor holding his jaw. KENTA and Danielson started off slapping one another, which moved into them chopping each other, then punches, kicks, and finally elbows. They knocked each other down with matching elbows as the crowd cheered the sparring. Both men staggered to their feet and met each other with a clothesline dropping both men once again as Jack Doan counted both men. He made it to seven when KENTA showed some life, and eight when Danielson got to a knee. Sydal made it to the apron and slapped KENTA's back for the tag. Sydal rushed in and leg larieted Danielson. Matt picked him back up and hit the slice drop. Matt was feeling energized and went for a moonsault but caught Danielson's knees. Danielson tagged out to KENTA who pushed Sydal in the corner again. Sydal was expecting kicks though and rolled away from one as KENTA made contact with the post. Sydal rolled again to tag out to Danielson. Danielson rushed in and clipped the leg of KENTA. Danielson worked KENTA over weaking his leg and applying as pressure as he could to hurt KENTA. He stood KENTA up and went for a roaring elbow, but KENTA ducked and hit a STO, the tagged out to Sydal who climbed to the top and nailed his Double Helix for the second elimination. [b]Second Elimination: Bryan Danielson[/b] Sydal went straight over to KENTA and started focusing on his leg. KENTA tried to fight off Sydal, but he was relentless. Sydal took the time to mock the crowd allowing KENTA to pull himself up. KENTA fired back with chops, limping along the way, but laying chops to Sydal. KENTA hit a death valley driver on Sydal then started to slowly climb the ropes, on his bad leg. This gave Matt enough time to recover then hit the Cyclorama, but KENTA kicked out at two and three fourths. Sydal looked stunned and couldn't believe it. He went to pick up KENTA, but he found a fourth or fifth wind and went for a Falcon Arrow, but couldn't lift Sydal as he set him back down with pain in his leg. Sydal chopped KENTA in the throat and then hit his Aftershock for the victory. [b]Winner: Matt Sydal[/b] [b]ROH Heavyweight Title - Dog Collar Match: Homicide© vs. Steve Corino[/b] Steve Corino came out to a course of boo's from the New York fans as he flipped off one and all and awaiting the champion to make his appearance. Homicide's music hit and the place was deafening. He packed the gold with him and handed it straight to Todd Sinclair as Bobby Cruise put the mic to Sinclair's mouth to explain the rules. [b]Todd Sinclair:[/b] Alright gentlemen, the rules are simple, you will both have dog collars placed around your necks and the only way a winner can be named is for him to touch all four corners in a row without being disrupted. Now lets have a fair figh... [b]Homicide and Corino:[/b] **** You. Homicide got the dog collar around his neck as Corino lifted his up, and then attacked Homicide before having it around his neck. Corino used the advantage and threw Homicide over the top rope hanging him with the chain. Corino let go after a few seconds and then wrapped the chain around his hand and started to beat Homicide with it. Homicide was bleeding early on from the cheap shot. Corino picked up a chair and hammered it home into Homicide's spine. Corino's intent was to hurt the champion, not to win the title early on. Homicide fought back with bloody right hands, and wrapped the chain around Corino's neck choking him. Homicide and Corino brawled on the outside of the ring and through the crowd. Corino pulled out a merchandise table and piledrove Homicide threw it on to the floor. Corino picked up Homicide and the two men battled through the crowd and back toward ringside area. Homicide grabbed a fans Pepsi and tossed it in the eys of Corino and then back body dropped him over the guard rail. Homicide got the bell off of the announcers table and nailed Corino with it. Homicide crawled back into the ring after throwing two chairs in. He set them up opposite each other and grabbed Corino by his hair pulling him back in. Homicide irish whipped Corino into the ropes and hit a stiff lariat on to Corino. Homicide lifted up Corino and went for a german suplex on to the chairs, but Corino hit him with a low blow and went behind Homicide and hit the Old School Slam on the chairs. Corino stood up and started to touch the turnbuckles... ONE...TWO...THREE..FO... Todd Sinclair pulls Steve Corino aside and tells him that he has to have the dog collar around his neck in order for them to count. Homicide was dangling over the apron, with his hands near the bottom of the apron. Corino pulled on the chain, and got Sinclair to put the collar on. Steve started to touch the turnbuckles again... ONE...TWO...THR... Homicide yanked the chain and pulled Corino right into the fork. Homicide opened Corino up and started hammering the fork into his skull. Homicide then pulled out a bag of tacks and scattered them across the mat. Homicide waited for Corino to stand and hit the ropes for a Ace Crusher, but Corino dodged, Homicide hit the other ropes and ducked under a clothesline attempt and punched Corino in the crotch making him double over in pain. Homicide then set Corino up for the Cop Killa and dumped him on all of the tacks that he scattered around. Homicide stood up and started to touch the turnbuckles...ONE...TWO...THREE...FOUR!!! Homicide fell over and removed the dog collar as Julius Smokes and The Rottweilers came out from the back. They helped Homicide up and carried him around the ring at the end of Final Battle, as Corino rolled out of the ring a bloody mess being help to the back by Todd Sinclair. Homicide got on the second rope with the World Title and celebrated as Bobby Cruised announced that Final Battle 2006 had come to a close. [b]Winner: Homicide[/b]
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[b]First Quarter Tour Dates[/b] [i]By: Christopher Jackson[/i] The tour dates for the first quarter of the year are set for Ring of Honor. We'll head back to Detroit for a double shot, to stay in the Mid-West for another double shot in Philadephia and Chicago Ridge. After the start of the Fifth Year Festival we will take the Festival over seas to England and then Japan as we run joint shows with both Dragon Gate and NOAH. When we return to the United States we will start our tour across America, starting in the South. [b]Detroit, MI 1/26/07[/b] ROH Tag Team Titles: The Briscoe Brothers© vs. Derrick & Bobby Dempsey Number One Contenders Four Corner Survival: Matt Sydal vs. Davey Richards vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. Jimmy Rave ROH Debut: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Delirious Special Attraction: Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong Adam Pearce vs. Jay Lethal [b]Detroit, MI 1/27/07[/b] ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide© vs. Winner of the Four Corner Survival ROH Return: CM PUnk vs. Taiji Ishimori Jimmy Yang vs. Jerrelle Clark vs. Jack Evans [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Philadelphia, PA 2/16/07[/b] ROH GEM Title: Jimmy Rave© vs. BJ Whitmer The Second City Saints vs. Stevie Richards & Irish Airborne [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Chicago Ridge, IL 2/17/07[/b] ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide© vs. Shingo The Rottweilers vs. The Second City Saints (Cabana/Steel) [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Liverpool, England 2/23/07[/b] [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Liverpool, England 2/24/07[/b] [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Tokyo, Japan 3/3/07[/b] [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Osaka, Japan 3/4/07[/b] [b]ROH Southern Tour Athens, GA 3/30/07[/b] [b]ROH Southern Tour Ashville, NC 3/31/07[/b]
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[b]2007 Ring of Honor Roster Update[/b] [i]Adam, ROHReborn.net[/i] Entering 2007 I have decided to run down the roster, and what they have accomplished, since the Limited Brands takeover. This is the current 2007 roster excluding such outside talent as KENTA. I'm sure we will see more of such Dragon Gate and NOAH stars in the near future as Ring of Honor has upcoming shows planned with them. [b][color=#FF0000]Ring of Honor World Champion - Homicide[/color][/b] [i]14-2 (Six Title Defenses)[/i] [i]Noteable Wins: Bryan Daniels, Samoa Joe, Steve Corino[/i] Homicide started the year going 1-2, but reeled off three straight victories before capturing the title at Survival of the Fittest. Homicide ended 2006 on a great run including the Final Battle win over his foe Steve Corino. Homicide has successfully defended the title six times since he won the gold. Homicide will await the winner of the number one contenders match to see who will challenge him next. [b][color=#FF0000]Ring of Honor Ghana Emperial Majesty Champion - Jimmy Rave[/color][/b] [i]10-5 (Five Title Defenses)[/i] [i]Noteable Wins: Nigel McGuinness, Jay Lethal, Roderick Strong[/i] Rave had a rough start since the takeover, but with a lot of help from The Embassy he recovered and beat Nigel for the ROH Pure Title, which he later renamed. Davey Richards has beaten Jimmy Rave twice, without Rave taking a fall. It is unknown if Jimmy will look to avenge the losses, or if Richards will come for the title. Jimmy has defended his gold 5 times, with a recent loss to BJ Whitmer by disqualification where the title does not change hands. [b][color=#FF0000]Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions - The Briscoe Brothers[/color][/b] [i]Tag Team: 3-3 Jay Briscoe: 2-0 Mark Briscoe: 0-1[/i] [i]Noteable Wins: Aries & Strong, The Rottweilers, KENTA & Naomichi Marafuji[/i] The Briscoes just won the tag titles again at Final Battle so they have yet to had a chance to defend their gold. They had mixed results as a team, with thier losses coming to the ex-champions and Samoa Joe & Homicide. They got key wins inlcluding at Final Battle. Jay found singles success as Mark had only one singles bout against Super Dragon. They will open 2007 defending their championship and looking to stay hot. [b][color=#FF0000]Ring of Honor Top of the Class Trophy Holder - Pelle Primeau[/color][/b] [i]1-0[/i] [i]Noteable Win: Shane Hagadorn and Bobby Dempsey[/i] Pelle had one lone match since the purchase by Limited Brands, and he used it to dethrone Shane Hagadorn from the Top of the Class. ----------------------------------- [b]Ace Steel[/b] [i]3-2-2[/i] Ace has been on an up and down ride, while the win over CZW definatly puts a stamp on a good year for Steel. His two draws are against Jimmy Jacobs, and they have yet to settle the score. He will get the chance to rejoin with The Second City Saints in 2007. [b]Adam Pearce[/b] [i]4-4-1[/i] Pearce has a .500 record with a no contest against BJ Whitmer. Pearce will begin the new year with a battle against Jay Lethal. [b]Allison Danger[/b] [i]3-0[/i] Allison has a perfect record while she wrestles sparingly, focusing on his valet skills for the new Prophecy and Matt Sydal. [b]Austin Aries[/b] [i]13-5 (11 Tag Team Title Defenses w/ Roderick Strong)[/i] Austin Aries and Roderick Strong proved they were one of, if not the, absolute best tag team in ROH History with their run of defenses, but that came to an end at Final Battle against The Briscoe Brothers. Aries and Strong will meet again for a one on one contest in this early year. It is unknown if they will go back for their titles or split and go the way of a singles career. [b]BJ Whitmer[/b] [i]7-6-3[/i] The wars with CZW took their toll on Whitmer, but he helped Ring of Honor prevail in the war. He had many tough battles along the way with top stars, and he believes he will shine in 2007. [b]Bobby Dempsey[/b] [i]0-6[/i] THe ROH School Graduate has yet to win since Wexner bought the company, but has shown promise and close calls. [b]Bryan Danielson[/b] [i]7-5 (Six World Title Defenses)[/i] Danielson started strong with his title defenses, but since his loss to Homicide at Survival of the Fittest, he has yet to win. Danielson will look to get back to his championship form soon. [b]Chad Collyer[/b] [i]0-6[/i] Winless against some of the best competition, Chad Collyer is on the verge of being let go by Ring of Honor much like Jimmy Rave was let go a few years back. Here is hoping to see Collyer win some early in 2007. [b]CM Punk[/b] [i]0-0[/i] Punk returned shockingly at Final Battle only to be Penalty Kicked by Shibata. Punk's first match back will be on the second night in Detroit. [b]Colt Cabana[/b] [i]6-7-1[/i] Cabana shockingly had a losing record, but also had chances to win the World Championship. Cabana's best friend, CM Punk, returns to Ring of Honor, so maybe the future is looking brighter this year. [b]Daizee Haze[/b] [i]0-2[/i] Daizee went 0-2 against Allison Danger, but spent most of her time with The Embassy and ensuring the strap stayed around Jimmy Rave's waist. Irish Airborne [i]Tag Team: 2-6[/i] The youngsters took a beating in the latter part of 2006, but they were envolved in some high profile match ups. They are looking to improve and challenge the Briscoes this year. [b]Jack Evans[/b] [i]2-7[/i] Evans is someone else on the roster who found wins tough to come by, but he may come back strong. [b]Jay Fury[/b] [i]0-7[/i] Fury is in serious jeopardy of losing his spot on the roster. [b]Jay Lethal[/b] [i]2-6[/i] Lethal made a strong finishing effort at Final Battle to get his second win, but he'll need to improve on that to compete at the top of the card. [b]Jerrelle Clark[/b] [i]1-5[/i] Much like Fury, Jerrelle Clark will have to step up his game. [b]Jimmy Jacobs[/b] [i]2-5-3[/i] Lacey will have to put Jacobs in check as he is struggling to find victories. [b]Katsuyrori Shibata[/b] [i]0-0[/i] Shibata debuted in ROH at Final Battle by kicking Punk in the chest. It is unknown where that will lead, but night one in Detroit will see Shibata have his first match. [b]LuFisto[/b] [i]0-1[/i] Her ROH debut was unsuccessful, but I'm sure we'll see more of her in the future. [b]Matt Sydal[/b] [i]10-3[/i] Matt Sydal has been on a roll since taking over The Prophecy, including his huge four corner survival win. It is rumored that Sydal will be recieving a title shot sometime during the Fifth Year Festival. [b]Nigel McGuinness[/b] [i]5-4-1 (Two Title Defenses)[/i] Nigel may have lost the Pure Title, but he has comeback strong with a win, and will be in the four corner survival for the chance to be number one contender. [b]Roderick Strong[/b] [i]11-6 (11 Tag Team Title Defenses w/ Austin Aries)[/i] Roderick started off on fire with Aries, but down the stretch he started to lose and eventually lost the belts. Strong should be more focused in 2007, and if they choose to stay together they will have a rematch, and if they choose to split, look for Roderick Strong to be a force to be reckoned with. [b]The Rottweilers[/b] [i]Tag Team: 5-3 (With and Without Fujita) Minoru Fujita: 0-2 Ricky Reyes: 0-1[/i] The Rottweilers will look to capture tag team gold in 2007, and they should get their opportunity sometime in the near future. Both members are focused and vicious, and this could be a team to watch out for. [b]Sal Rinauro[/b] [i]0-5[/i] Jimmy Rave's personal foot stool can not buy a win, and he is embarassing The Embassy. Sal is on the outs with his group, but maybe he'll shock us all soon. [b]Shane Hagadorn[/b] [i]2-7 (Two Trophy Defenses)[/i] Hagadorn was thrown to the wolves after his first two defenses of his trophy, and that made have taken a toll on him before the triple threat match. Hagadorn will be focused on winning in 2007. [b]Stevie Richards[/b] [i]3-3[/i] Richards is .500 since entering Ring of Honor with some strong showings and good matches. He is looking to get back to singles competition in 07 and I expect big things from him this year. [b]Super Dragon[/b] [i]2-2[/i] Much like Stevie Richards, Super Dragon has only managed a .500 record, but he will be looking for more wins and title shots this coming year. [b]Taiji Ishimori[/b] [i]0-1[/i] Taiji's first ROH match was a loss, and his ROH contests will not be any easier as he challenges CM Punk.
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  • 3 months later...
[b]Detroit, MI 1/26/07[/b] [i]The first show of the Detroit double-dip was set to take place as Pelle Primeau came out to the ring with the ROH Top of the Class trophy. Pelle grabbed the mic and began to speak.[/i] [b]Pelle Primeau:[/b] At Final Battle I took the trophy away from Hagadorn and tonight was supposed to be my first defense. However, I must say that this is what the trophy means to me. [i]Pelle broke the trophy and then threw it on to the floor.[/i] [b]Pelle Primeau:[/b] Nothing. That's what it means to me. We graduated from the ROH Wrestling School. We are now members of the roster so I don't need a worthless trophy, now let's get an opponent out here for me. [i]Chad Collyer came walking out from the back to take on the undersized Primeau.[/i] [b]Pelle Primeau vs. Chad Collyer[/b] Pelle rushed Collyer but the strength difference made Chad totally dominant in the early portions of the match. Pelle had red marks on his body from hard chops and kicks. Pelle found some offense with a high cross body block. Pelle kept Collyer grounded with a boston crab. Shane Hagadorn ran out from the back and clubbed Pelle from behind with his fist. The referee called for the bell. Chad Collyer got up and attacked Hagadorn for costing him the match. Shane retreated to the back while Pelle shook Collyer's hand. [b]Winner: No-Contest[/b] [b]ROH Tag Team Titles: The Briscoe Brothers© vs. Derrick & Bobby Dempsey[/b] The Briscoes controlled this one from the opening bell and dominated the Dempsey Brothers. Mark and Jay worked with quick tags and high impact moves finishing off Derrick with a Doomsday Device and Mark picking up the pin. [b]Winners: The Briscoe Brothers[/b] [b]Jay Briscoe:[/b] Just another team that ROH puts in front of us that we knock down. We are the best tag team in the world right now and there is no team out there that can test us. Man up motherf... [i]Briscoe was interrupted when "Rock and Roll Part II" by Gary Glitter played. "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney walked down the ramp. Sweeney grabbed the microphone and spoke to the ROH Tag Team Champions.[/i] [b]Larry Sweeney:[/b] No team can beat... you two!? Ha ha, don't make me laugh. You see, Larry Sweeney is here to take over this company and little rugrats like you will not stand in the way of my supreme physical talent that I will bring together under Larry Sweeney Incorporated. So how about this boys, tomorrow night, right here in Detroit, you defend your titles against my team. What do you say? [b]Jay Briscoe:[/b] Man up ************. Man up! [b]Adam Pearce vs. Jay Lethal[/b] Pearce and Lethal stepped up to put on a good battle for the crowd in Detroit. Pearce had the advantage early on in the contest, but Lethal would not give up and continued to come back with many technical moves. Pearce used his raw strength and brawling ability to slow down Lethal and keep the match in his favor. Lethal finished the contest making Pearce tap to the Texas Cloverleaf. [b]The Second City Saints vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Stevie Richards[/b] Cabana & Steel shook the hands of Richards & Jacobs to get the bout officially underway. Cabana and Richards started off going back and forth with some good comedy for the crowd but the mood changed when Colt tagged to Ace. The two teams started to brawl as Ace spiked the intensity. Richards made the tag to Jacobs who came in and started to tango with Ace. Jacobs attacked Colt on the outside which allowed Richards & Jacobs some time to work together on Ace. Jacobs and Richards cut the ring in half on the Second City Saints from that point. Richards came in without a tag and tried to hit Cabana, but Colt lowered the top rope and Richards tumbled to the outside. Colt and Stevie brawled on the outside while Sinclair focused on the in-ring action. Jacobs irish whipped Ace into the ropes and lowered his head for a back body drop, but Ace hit the Steel Spike and got the three count. Winners: The Second City Saints [i]Outside Colt and Stevie still went toe-to-toe. Ace and Jimmy broke them apart after Jacobs came to. Richards Stevie kicked Jacobs after everyone was seperated and Colt was continuing to curse Richards as he made his way to the back.[/i] [i]**Intermission**[/i] [b]ROH Debut: Katsuyori Shibata vs. Delirious[/b] Delirious came out first to a good reaction from the Detroit crowd. Then Katsuyori Shibata made his first official entrance in to the ROH ring. The crowd was pumped for the match and the two men stepped to the center and shook hands and then backed away as the bell rung. Delirious ran around the ring like a mad man sliding in and out of the ring. As Delirious ran around the outside Shibata got on the apron and waited for him then leaped off catching him with a boot to the side of the head. Shibata grabbed Delirious by the tassles of his mask and threw him back inside the ring. Shibata then locked up a cross camal clutch as the referee checked Delirious he called for the bell as he was unconscious. [b]Winner: Katsuyori Shibata[/b] [i]Shibata left the ring as the ref called for paramedics to come to ringside and revive Delirious. They strapped him to a stretcher and wheeled him out of the arena.[/i] [b]Special Attraction: Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong[/b] Aries and Strong both got good reactions from the crowd and shook hands before the match. The two partners locked up and saw Strong get a side headlock only to be shoved off into the ropes and met with a clothesline. The match started off slow and methodical from both participants. Strong tried to keep Aries off his feet and work on the small of his back while Aries would speed up the tempo of the contest. Strong hit a backbreaker and then attached an STF to Aries as the crowd chanted "Please Don't Tap". Aries struggled and got to the ropes to break the hold. Strong seemed determined and focused to try and end the contest. Aries fired back with elbows and continued to pressure Roderick. Austin put some hard kicks to Strong while he returned the favor with Chops. Aries poked Strong in the eye and went for the brainbuster, but Strong blocked it and rolled out of the ring. As Roderick tried to regain his composure Aries flew through the ropes with a suicide dive onto Strong. Aries threw Strong back in to the ring and climbed to the top rope to try and land the 450, but Strong moved out of the way and Aries hit nothing but mat. Strong put on the Stronghold and kept it on Aries for a couple minutes as the crowd screamed. Strong let go momentarily to re-adjust his knee on the back of Aries. Austin somehow got his foot onto the ropes and the ref broke the submission. Strong picked up Aries and irish whipped him into the ropes, Aries shot back off of them with a roaring elbow that floored Strong. Aries went for the pin but only got a two count. He started to pick Roderick up slowly and Strong hit him in the gut with a knee when he reached his feet and double underhooked powerbombed him onto his knee. He pulled him to the center of the ring and put the Stronghold on one more time, Aries was forced to tap shortly after. [b]Winner: Roderick Strong[/b] [i]After the match Strong helped Aries up and the two hugged. Strong helped Aries out of the ring and the two partners left together.[/i] [b]Number One Contenders Four Corner Survival: Matt Sydal vs. Davey Richards vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. Jimmy Rave[/b] After the entrances the four men were checked for illegal weapons by the referee. Davey Richards was keen to start the contest and Nigel McGuinness was happy to kick it off against him. Exchanges of kicks and European uppercuts got the crowd into the main event early. Homicide was spoted in the crowd watching intently. Nigel was backed into a corner and Sydal tagged himself in. He springboard dropkicked Richards and went for a pin, but only could manage a two count. Sydal snap mared Richards over and dropkicked him in the back of the head and tagged in Nigel one more time. Nigel picked up Davey and irish whipped him into the ropes where Rave tagged himself in. Richards was dropped by a clothesline from Nigel and then McGuinness was caught with a jumping knee from Rave. Jimmy went for a cover but only got a one count and said the referee was slow. Rave controlled him early and made the tag to Matt Sydal on the apron. Sydal climbed to the top and leaped off catching Nigel with a knee to the back. Mutliple tags were made as the pace was fast early on. Jimmy Rave was doing battle with Sydal when Sydal was tagged out by Davey Richards. Richards came in and tried to sneak attack Jimmy Rave, but missed and hit Sydal. Rave rolled Richards up with a hand full of tights for the first pinfall. [b]Eliminated: Davey Richards[/b] As Rave celebrated and tried to push Richards out of the ring with his feet Nigel snuck up behind Rave and locked in the Cobra Clutch and then dropped to his back and locking Rave up with his legs. Rave tapped out and Nigel got the second elimination. [b]Eliminated: Jimmy Rave[/b] Sydal got back in the ring and attacked Nigel right away. Sydal used his quickness to get around Nigel, but Nigel caught him with a lariat and started to put on a technical clinic keeping the high flyer grounded. Sydal grabbed something from underneath the apron and got up slowly. Sydal threw a white powdery substance into Nigel's eyes. Sydal jumped on this opportunity and began his offense. The ref was unaware of what had happened as he was attending to Allison Danger on the outside. Homicide jumped the barrier and got in Allison's face and made her get to the back. Homicide grabbed a chair and sat in the middle of the entrance way and watched the remainder of the contest. Sydal still was working over a blinded Nigel. Nigel was starting to get his sight back and Sydal hit a jumping calf kick to put Nigel down. Matt climbed to the top rope and waited on Nigel to get up, but Nigel got up more quickly than he anticipated and rung him up on the ropes and hit the Tower of London. Nigel then locked up a STF and made Sydal tap in the middle of the ring. [b]Winner and #1 Contender: Nigel McGuinness[/b] [i]Outside of the ring Homicide clapped and Nigel stared at him from the ring. Nigel signaled for the title belt and Homicide just smiled and walked backwards up the ramp.[/i]
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[b]Detroit, MI 1/27/07[/b] [i]The second night in Detroit seen a bit of a larger crowd roll in. Bobby Cruise kicked off the night by introducing the opening contest that was a triple threat match.[/i] [b]Jimmy Yang vs. Jerrelle Clark vs. Jack Evans[/b] A very high paced, high flying opening contest to start off the night in Michigan. The three stars took turns leaping into the air and performing greatly in front of the awe-struck crowd. Clark and Yang got Evans in the center of the ring and started to double team him then Yang clocked Clark with a cresent kick to the head. Evans rolled out of the ring and Yang hit the ropes and flew over the top rope with a cross body block to Evans. Yang went back inside the ring where a recovering Jerelle Clark awaited Yang. He tried to hit a German suplex but it was reversed into one by Yang. Yang climbed to the top rope and hit Yang Time. [b]Winner: Jimmy Yang[/b] [b]SHIMMER Exhibition: LuFisto vs. Daizee Haze[/b] The crowd got behind the ladies as they did their thing inside the ROH ring. It was a good back and forth battle between the two women that saw equal offense from both sides. LuFisto tried to brawl her way to victory while Haze used a quicker style with high flying moves. LuFisto went to the outside and grabbed a steel chair but was stopped from using it by Jimmy Rave who was on the outside. Daizee distracted the ref and Rave hit the Rave Clash on the outside. Jimmy rolled LuFisto back in where Daizee picked up the victory. [B]Winner: Daizee Haze[/B] [b]Pelle Primeau vs. Shane Hagadorn[/b] Hagadon attacked Pelle as he made his entrance down the ramp and before the contest started Shane was punishing Pelle on the outside of the ring. Shane was yelling to Pelle about the destruction of the Top of the Class trophy. Shane finally rolled Pelle in the ring and the bell sounded for the official beginning of the bout. Primeau tried to fight back but was pummeled down by Hagadorn who began to get ****y. Pelle took the advantage to fight back and the crowd got behind Pelle. Hagadorn tried to low blow Pelle, but he avoided it and caught his foot and clothesline Shane back to the mat. Primeau got Shane back to his feet and irish whipped him into the ropes and applied the Candian Maple Leaf upon Hagadorn's return from the ropes. Hagadorn was in pain and finally tapped to Pelle, who then jumped on his back. [b]Winner: Pelle Primeau[/b] [i]Larry Sweeney came down the aisle with a microphone and got in the ring. Sweeney looked over the crowd and started to speak with a hint of disgust in his voice.[/i] [b]Larry Sweeney:[/b] Detroit, stinkin', Michigan! Are you fat slobs ready to bare witness to my nearly aquried team to Larry Sween... [i]The Briscoe Brothers music hit and the ROH Tag Team Champions came down the aisle to a roar from the crowd. Jay took the microphone away from Sweeney and started to talk to him.[/i] [b]Jay Briscoe:[/b] Mr. Sweeney, by all means don't let us interrupt. We simply came down to be in the ring awaiting these fine choices you have made to oppose us tonight. So please, continue. [i]With a smirk Briscoe handed the mic back to Sweeney.[/i] [b]Larry Sweeney:[/b] Well Briscoes, Detroit scum, I have looked up and down the roster for people who fulfill my vision of what I need in Larry Sweeney Incorporated. And I have found those men. These two will not only defeat you tonight, but may very well be the most lethal tag team in the industry today. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to, The Sweet & Sour Experience! [i]"Rock and Roll Part II" by Gary Glitter hit the audio system and Chad Collyer and Davey Richards emerged from the back as Sweeney started to laugh in the ring as The Briscoe Brothers took off their hoodies and removed their belts.[/i] [b]ROH Tag Team Titles: The Briscoe Brothers© vs. The Sweet & Sour Experience w/ Larry Sweeney[/b] All four men began to brawl around in the ring as Larry jumped to the outside to get away from the action. The referee finally restored order and called for the bell as Jay and Richards were squared off in the center of the ring. Richards started to kick Jay in the midsection and legs. Jay finally bull rushed Davey into their corner and started to go to town on Davey before making the tag to Mark. Mark started to work on Davey, but Larry Sweeney provoked Jay from the outside and that let Collyer get in the ring without a tag and start to turn the momentum toward the S&S Experience. Collyer applied various submissions in the center of the ring keeping Mark down. Davey got the quick tag back in and kept punishing Mark into the mat with several powerful moves. Mark started to fight back with the crowd rallying behind them and lept to make the tag to Jay. Jay came in like a house of fire and started to punish the new tag team under the control of Sweeney. Larry jumped up on the apron and got clocked by Jay as well, but Jay was caught in with a kick to the head by Davey Richards as he turned around. Sweeney and Richards moved Mark to the outside and started to beat him while Collyer had Jay in a locked full nelson. Richards got back on the apron while Collyer walked backwards while still holding onto the full nelson. He let go halfway and tagged in Davey and then half-nelson suplexed Jay on his head while Davey climbed and hit a shooting star press. Sweeny was outside still punching Mark as the ref counted the three and the reign of the Briscoes was short. [b]Winners and New ROH Tag Team Champions: The Sweet & Sour Experience[/b] [i]**Intermission**[/i] [b]Bryan Danielson vs. Super Dragon[/b] Danielson and Dragon circled each other as the refreshed crowd looked on. The match was techincally based early on which favored Danielson in this battle of dragons. Danielson went for an early attempt at Cattle Mutilation, but Super Dragon rolled out of the ring before he could hook it in. Danielson followed outside into Super Dragon's domain. The fight broke down into a brawl shortly after with Super Dragon throwing Danielson into the crowd. The two men fought in the crowd exchanging blows and chair shots before spilling back to the ringside area. Super Dragon rolled Danielson back inside where he picked up his left arm attempting to set up for the curb stomp, but Danielson this time avoided the move by Super Dragon. Danielson tripped up Super Dragon and then got to his feet. Both men now stood facing each other and locking up once more. Super Dragon hit the ropes for a shoulder block but Danielson countered with an arm drag and then moved into an arm bar on the ground. Super Dragon quickly moved into the ropes and had the ref break the hold. Danielson was bleeding a bit from his head, but nothing major, and Super Dragon was slow to get to his feet. Super Dragon put a thumb to the eye of Danielson and began to take control. He tried for a standing lariet after beating Danielson down but he countered and finished Super Dragon with a Dragon Suplex that caught him by surprise. After the match both men shook hands and Danielson celebrated on the ropes. [b]Winner: Bryan Danielson[/b] [i]Miseria Cantare began to hit the p.a. system as the crowd banged on the metal signs covering the guard rails. CM Punk came out while Taiji Ishimori was inside the ring awaiting Punk. The crowd was deafening inside the small complex. Punk got in the ring and smirked at Ishimori.[/i] [b]ROH Return: CM Punk vs. Taiji Ishimori[/b] The beginning of the match saw a lot of reversals between the two, but then Punk punched Taiji's throat and forced him into a corner where Punk started to control the match. Punk was toying with the youngster and locked him up in the Anaconda Vice after a few minutes. [b]Winner: CM Punk[/b] [i]After the match Katsuyori Shibata walked down to ringside and the two men stared each other down. Then as Taiji reached his knees Shibata nailed him with the Free Kick that dropped Taiji back to the mat. He went back over to Punk and they stared down again as Taiji started to slowly move Punk backed away toward the ropes and then ran and hit Taiji with a Shining Wizard. Punk got right back to staring Shibata down. Ace Steel and Colt Cabana came down and pulled Punk away as other members of the roster seperated Shibata. There was an intense staredown between these two before the other roster members broke it up before it broke out into a fight.[/i] [b]ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide© vs. Nigel McGuinness[/b] Nigel and Homicide walked out to the center of the ring and shook hands like gentlemen before the match got underway. The two tied-up to start the contest and Nigel's techinical abilties shined early by controlling Homicide with side headlocks and quick reversals to anything Homicide showed Nigel. Homicide rolled to the outside with a smile on his face and got back in the ring after a few seconds of regaining his thoughts. The two men went back and forth in a highly competitive match. Homicide would hit sme high velocity lariets and Nigel would respond with hard hitting european uppercuts. The two men were starting to tire after such a hard fought match weighed on them. They fought inside and outside of the ring matching what each other did. In the center of the ring Nigel locked up a camal clutch, but Homicide refused to give up the title that easily and fought out of it by standing up and smashing Nigel into the corner. Nigel fired out of the corner with a bulldog that dropped the champion back to the mat. Nigel went for the pin but only got a two count as Homicide got his shoulder up in time. The champion got back to his feet and started to fight back with right hands as Nigel felt the force behind them. Nigel caught him with a european uppercut that forced Homicide back into a corner and Nigel lifted him to the top rope for the Tower of London. He went for it but Homicide held on to the ropes and Nigel fell backwards hard onto the mat. Homicide moved down to the second rope while Nigel battled up to his feet. Homicide leaped off and caught Nigel with a diving Ace Crusher for the victory. [b]Winner: Homicide[/b] [i]After the match Homicide hugged Nigel. McGuinness looked disappointed with himself but showed appriciation to Homicide. The crowd cheered the two stars as the show came to an end in Detroit.[/i]
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[b]Ring of Honor Lets Go Talent[/b] [i]PWInsider.com[/i] Ring of Honor has released a few of their roster after the weekend in Detroit. There are several reasons for the releases, such as Jack Evans' Japan schedule. Here are the released talent: Derrick Dempsey Jack Evans Jay Fury Sal Rinauro Shane Hagadorn ROH has extended Evans an invitation back when he is working less in Japan to dedicate himself to Ring of Honor. While ROH released Derrick Dempsey they are retaining Bobby Dempsey on the roster for the time being. There are no real shocks in the releases as they have been bringing in other talent that took their positions on the roster.
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