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Limited Brands Presents: Ring of Honor

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[b]Fifth Year Anniversary Kicks Off![/b] [i]By: Gabe Sapolsky[/i] The double-shot this weekend in Philadelphia and Chicago Ridge will kick off Ring of Honor's 5th Anniversary! These will be the only two American dates on the schedule for the 5th Year Festival as we head overseas to England and Japan for the remaining 4 dates. This will prove to be a defining time in Ring of Honor for all those involved. Big time match ups will be seen on every card. [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Philadelphia, PA 2/16/07[/b] Non-Title: Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Matt Sydal ROH GEM Title: Jimmy Rave© vs. BJ Whitmer The Second City Saints vs. Stevie Richards & Irish Airborne Nigel McGuinness vs. Jimmy Jacobs Mark Briscoe vs. Davey Richards Austin Aries vs. Jay Lethal Super Dragon vs. Taiji Ishimori [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Chicago Ridge, IL 2/17/07[/b] ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide© vs. Shingo Katsuyori Shibata vs. Roderick Strong Austin Aries vs. Nigel McGuinness Bryan Danielson vs. Adam Pearce The Rottweilers vs. The Second City Saints (Cabana/Steel) Jay Briscoe vs. Chad Collyer Jimmy Rave & Daizee Haze vs. Matt Sydal & Allison Danger
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[b]The Fifth Year Festival, Philadelphia, PA 2/16/07[/b] [i]The Fifth Year Festival kicks off in Philadelphia with Bobby Cruise welcoming everyone. The card got underway quickly as normal.[/i] [b]Super Dragon vs. Taiji Ishimori[/b] Super Dragon took control of the match right away by dominating Taiji. Dragon was more vicious than normal looking to get back into title contention. Super Dragon stretched Ishimori in about every different way possible. Taiji mounted some offense however as he tried to pick up a win. He tried to use speed to his advantage but Super Dragon leveled Taiji with a stiff lariat and then finished him with the curb stomp. [b]Winner: Super Dragon[/b] [i]After Irish Airborne and Stevie Richards were announced the crwod knew that the Second City Saints were coming out. The buzz started around the arena and the crowd got excited as Miseria Cantare by AFI started to blare out of the speakers. Maria stepped through first and walked down the aisle as Punk followed looking disgusted by the crowd. Cabana and Steel high-fived the fans on their way down.[/i] [b]The Second City Saints vs. Stevie Richards & Irish Airborne[/b] Stevie Richards jumped to the outside before the beginning of the match and threw Cabana over the guard rail and the two men battled all the way outside of the building, some of the fans in the stands left and followed them outside while the match back at the ring had boiled down to a standard tag team match-up. Punk was in the ring with Dave Crist and seemed more focused than ever. The Second City Saints looked like they hadn't missed a step as Steel and Punk worked flawlessly as a tag team against Irish Airborne. The Crist brothers got in some offense against both Punk and Steel but were not able to maintain a good rhythm. CM Punk finished off Jake with the Pepsi Plunge for the easy win. Richards and Cabana never made it back to the ring for the match. [b]Winners: The Second City Saints[/b] [b]Austin Aries vs. Jay Lethal[/b] Aries and Lethal shook hands before the match. These two have a great respect for one another and it showed early on when they were stumped on what to do to each other as the reversals they did for each move got a nice ovation from the crowd in Philly. Lethal got the early advantage and kept the techincal pace of the match going. Aries fought back into the match slowly. Austin used his power and quickness to sideline Lethal and get the upper hand in the match. Lethal rolled to the outside to get a breather and Aries baseball slid into Lethal to put an end to that. Both men battled back in the middle of the ring and kept the pace of the match fast and exciting. Lethal staggered around the ring after an enziguri, Aries followed it up with his brainbuster and got the pin. After the match Lethal and Aries shook hands in a classic sign of respect. [b]Winner: Austin Aries[/b] [i]Prince Nana, Daizee Haze, and ROH GEM Champion Jimmy Rave all walked down to ringside and entered the ring as Nana grabbed the microphone and began to speak.[/i] [b]Prince Nana:[/b] What you people in the crowd are about to witness is the end to a man who is trying to claim the greatest championship in professional wrestling history. BJ Whitmer tried to capture this title once, and it didn't happen, so he tries again. I'm sorry, but that just is not going to happen. Jimmy Rave is without a doubt the greatest talent to ever step inside a Ring of Honor ring. BJ Whitmer, why don't you come out here, take your beating like a man, and stay out of our business. [b]ROH Ghana Emperial Majesty Title: Jimmy Rave© vs. BJ Whitmer[/b] After BJ made his way to the ring ROH senior official Todd Sinclair called for the start of the contest as Prince Nana and Daizee Haze waited on the outside. Sinclair looked down and remembered what happened at Final Battle and signalled for them to leave ringside. Rave, Haze, and Nana all protested to no avail as workers from the back removed the other members of The Embassy. Whitmer ran up behind Rave and tried to roll him up, but only managed a two count as Rave kicked out. Whitmer followed Rave out to the floor and chased him down which turned out to be a mistake as Rave turned around and dropped Whitmer with a clothesline. Rave rolled Whitmer back in the ring and started to take control of the match. Whitmer fought back with the support of the crowd and got to his feet and started to brawl with Jimmy. Whitmer was in full advantage and dropped Rave with a piledriver and went for the pin but only managed a two count. Whitmer looked stunned and picked up Rave who countered that into a inside package that only got a two count. Whitmer got up quickly and went for a clothesline but missed and Rave hit the ropes and connected with a high knee. Jimmy rolled BJ on to his stomach and went to the second rope and dropped both knees to the spine of Whitmer. He then pulled BJ out to the middle of the ring and locked in a STF. BJ couldn't go anywhere and finally tapped out to the champion. [b]Winner: Jimmy Rave[/b] [i]**Intermission**[/i] [b]Nigel McGuinness vs. Jimmy Jacobs[/b] The match back from intermission saw Lacey supporting Jacobs to try and up end Nigel who is coming off a loss for the ROH Championship. Lacey quickly got involved by grabbing Nigel's boot and allowing Jacobs to hit him from behind. Jacobs kept the pressure on McGuinness and Lacey yelled her support from the floor. McGuinness battled back and started to hit european uppercuts and slaps to the face of Jacobs. Nigel irish whipped Jacobs from one corner to the other and hit a running european uppercut that dropped Jacobs to the mat and energized McGuinness. Lacey got on the apron to get Nigel's attention and she succeeded, but Nigel turned around in time to catch Jacobs running in with a lariat. Nigel then picked up Jimmy and finished him with a Guvnor's Crumpet. After the match Lacey got in the ring and started to yell at Jacobs again. Jimmy stared at her and then simply walked away looking slightly annoyed with her actions. [b]Winner: Nigel McGuinness[/b] [b]Mark Briscoe vs. Davey Richards[/b] All other parties were barred from this contest between half of the feuding tag teams. Davey and Mark started out the bout exchanging kicks where Davey got the better of him. Richards showed a new mean streak that was met with the intensity of Mark Briscoe. Briscoe and Richards went back and forth in the contest as they were evenly matched. The two turned it up with the high paced match that had both men show off their talent. Richards used his strength and agility while Briscoe had heart and high-impact moves that would catch Davey off guard. After a double clothesline both men were laid out in the center of the ring as Jack Doan counted toward 10. They got up at the count of eight and resumed slowly, but were quick to recapture the passion. Briscoe bodyslammed Davey on the canvas and went for a top rope legdrop, but Davey moved out of the way as Mark crashed to the ground. Richards picked up Mark and irish whipped him into the ropes and dropped Mark with a beautiful dropkick. Davey followed up by hitting the D.R. Driver for the win. After the match Davey went outside and picked up his tag team title and walked backwards up the ramp holding it in the air as Larry Sweeney and Chad Collyer met him at the top. [b]Winner: Davey Richards[/b] [b]Non-Title: Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Matt Sydal[/b] Allison Danger was at ringside with Matt Sydal while Danielson and Homicide stared each other down. Sydal was the X-factor in the match as Homicide and Danielson were very familiar with one another. The three men all shook hands and then started throwing right hands at one another. Danielson got the better of the exchanges and started going at both men backing them into respective corners. Finally Homicide ran out and nailed Danielson with a lariat and Sydal followed up by springboarding off of the ropes and hitting a dropkick that sent Danielson to the floor. Homicide and Sydal then took center stage and went to battle. Danielson recovered on the outside and rolled back in. All three men had spots of offense during the contest. Danielson used his technical abilities, Sydal with his high-flying moves, and Homicide got down and dirty with his brawling nature. Homicide and Danielson fought on the outside while Sydal recovered inside. When they made their return to ringside Sydal leaped over the top rope with a twisting moonsault that landed. The three combatants all got back inside the ring and Homicide and Sydal started to work together on Danielson. Homicide and Sydal picked up Danielson in a suplex and dropped him to the mat. Homicide picked up Danielson and told Sydal that they were going to spike piledrive him, and they worked together flawlessly as Danielson's head spiked into the mat. Homicide got up and started motioning to the crowd when Sydal dropkicked him over the top rope and to the floor. Sydal then seized the opportunity and ran to the top rope and leaped, hitting the Double Helix and getting the high profile victory. [b]Winner: Matt Sydal[/b] [i]After the match Allison Danger got in the ring and the two put up the Prophecy sign as Danielson was rolled to the floor and Homicide looked up at them holding his ROH Championship belt. Homicide signaled to Sydal that it was still his and the show came to a close in Philadelphia.[/i]
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[b]The Fifth Year Festival, Chicago Ridge, IL 2/17/07[/b] [i]The final night of American anniversary shows was set to begin in Chicago Ridge. The opening contest pitted The Embassey vs. The Prophecy in a special mixed tag team contest.[/i] [b]Jimmy Rave & Daizee Haze vs. Matt Sydal & Allison Danger[/b] This was your standard mixed tag team contest where the women fought each other and the men stepped in against each other. The women started the contest out in the ring and Danger showed her strength over Daizee. After some quick back and forth exchanges Daizee finally tagged out and the men entered the squared circle. It was the opposite for the men as Sydal was quicker and Rave had more strength. Back and forth the men went to and as they broke apart the crowd clapped for the action. The two men stayed in the ring for the next couple minutes with some exchanges of chain wrestling then the women were tagged back in. Daizee got the better of it this time as she used her quickness and ariel attacks on Allison. Daizee went for a pin after a springboard back elbow, but only managed a two count. Daizee tagged in Jimmy Rave and she then rolled Danger out of the ring. Sydal and Rave went toe to toe and were evenly matched as their styles contrasted each other. Sydal hit some high impact moves through the air and Rave tried to keep Sydal on the mat and use his technical abilities to go with his strength. Rave got up and made the tag out to Daizee who tried to capitalize on Danger when she entered the ring looking slightly dazed. Allison however fought back with some stiff right elbows and caught Daizee in the STO. As Daizee laid on the mat Danger sat on her back and applied the Straight Jacket and pulled back hard. Sydal knocked Rave off the apron and Daizee tapped out. [b]Winners: Matt Sydal & Allison Danger[/b] [b]Bryan Danielson vs. Adam Pearce[/b] Danielson and Pearce shook hands before the contest and tied-up in the center of the ring. Danielson started right away using the technical advantage to reverse many of the moves Pearce tried to put in play. Pearce tried to regroup and regain his barrings after Danielson put on a technical display. They tied back up but Pearce raked Bryan's eyes and started to work the American Dragon over in the corner. Pearce used strength and brutality on Danielson. American Dragon started to fight back with elbows and european uppercuts, but got a knee to the bread basket as a reward. After being beaten for a few more minutes the crowd got behind Danielson as he finally mounted some offense again. A drop toe hold on Pearce followed up by a side headlock on the ground put a stop to the momentum gathered by Pearce. After some more submission holds on the ground Pearce battled to his feet, he tried to throw a standing lariat but Danielson ducked it and hit a dragon suplex. Pearce kicked out at the two count and Danielson then sunk in the Cattle Mutilation. Pearce tried to fight it but it was sinched and he was forced to tap. [b]Winner: Bryan Danielson[/b] [b]The Rottweilers vs. The Second City Saints[/b] Julius Smokes led The Rottweilers of Ricky Reyes and Minoru Fujita out to the ring to due battle with the reformed Second City Saints. Cabana and Steel came out together and got the contest started right away as Steel and Reyes began the match. The two exchanged right hands before Ace got the control. Steel tagged in Cabana and Colt kicked the tempo up on The Rottweilers. Both teams tagged in and out keeping a quick pace to the match while giving the crowd hard hitting action. The fight broke down when Reyes came in without being tagged making Cabana come in to defend his partner. Reyes and Colt battled to the outside where Stevie Richards appeared and ambushed Cabana. Reyes got back to ringside with Smokes while Fujita and Steel went toe-to-toe. Steel went to his the ropes when Reyes grabbed his foot giving Fujita time to hit Ace from behind. Fujita tagged Reyes and they hit the Cuban Missile Crisis for the win. [b]Winners: The Rottweilers[/b] [b]ROH Heavyweight Title: Homicide© vs. Shingo[/b] Steel left the ring by himself and The Rottweilers stayed behind as Shigo made his entrance. As Homicide came out The Rottweilers talked with him and showed their support for their leader and the ROH Champion. Shingo and Homicide shook hands to begin the match that started quickly with chops back and forth from the two men. Shingo showed his power by irish whipping Homicide and dropping him with a lariat. The champion rolled to the outside to regroup. The match went back and forth with both men seeing equal amounts of offense. Homicide focused on the back of Shingo trying to weaken him. Shingo fought back to his feet and hit the ropes to explode with another lariat, but Homicide ducked and caught him with the Ace Crusher out of nowhere to retain the gold. [b]Winner: Homicide[/b] [i]**Intermission**[/i] [i]Coming back from intermission Larry Sweeney came out to the ring with half of the ROH Tag Team Champions, Chad Collyer. Sweeney grabbed the mic to speak.[/i] [b]Larry Sweeney:[/b] Briscoes, you are now 0-2. Soon to be... 0-3. I tried to tell you that I, Larry Sweeney, would assemble the most dominant tag team in the history of professional wrestling, but you didn't listen. And now you want to prove yourselves in these singles challenges, and we still come out the victors. The Sweet and Sour Experi... [i]Sweeney was interrupted by Jay Briscoe who came out from the back. Sweeney exited the ring and Briscoe and Collyer stood nose to nose.[/i] [b]Jay Briscoe vs. Chad Collyer[/b] Collyer and Briscoe started to brawl as soon as the bell rung. Collyer soon stopped brawling with Jay and stuck a thumb to his eye and started to use his technical abilities. Collyer threw Briscoe out on to the floor and grabbed the referee to divert his attention from Sweeney who picked up a chair and ran the top of the chair into the back of Jay Briscoe. Sweeney rolled Jay back into the ring where Collyer applied a Boston Crab. Jay fought back and started to mount some offense but it was clear that his back was weakened and was hurting his overall performance. Jay fought through the pain and continued to take it to Collyer. Sweeney was on the outside screaming at the referee while Jay was doing nothing wrong. Briscoe started to run the ropes and Sweeney gave him an elbow to the small of the back. Briscoe went to a knee in pain and then turned around to take a swipe at Larry, but Collyer regained his composure and hit a German suplex on Jay. Collyer locked up the Texas Cloverleaf on Briscoe and torqued on Jay's body until he tapped. After the match Davey Richards came down and the champions beat down Jay Briscoe in the ring until Mark run out for the save. [b]Winner: Chad Collyer[/b] [b]Katsuyori Shibata vs. Roderick Strong[/b] The match got underway at the sound of the bell and the two started going at it right away. Sounds of flesh hitting flesh echo'd loudly throughout the arena. Shibata hit the ropes and Strong dropped him with a drop-toe hold. There was a good transisition game on the ground and it got back to the feet with the crowd clapping. Shibata peppered Strong with kicks and Roderick responded with stiff chops. The match was the toughest to date for Shibata. Offense went back and forth from the two stars each showing off their talent. Shibata brought intensity to the match and was answered by Strong's backbreakers. Strong had the upperhand with a STF in the middle of the ring. Shibata fought it off and got to the ropes to get Strong to break the hold. Strong kept the pressure on Shibata but he fought back to his feet and started to exchange with Strong again. Strong went for a clothesline but Shibata countered that into a Tiger suplex. Both men laid on the canvas until a seven count came and they struggled to their feet. After a quick round of reversals Shibata caught Strong with a knee to the midsection and followed it up by running off the ropes and hitting the Penalty Kick. Shibata waited for Strong to start to get up and then hit the Free Kick to his head and got the pin. [b]Winner: Katsuyori Shibata[/b] [b]Austin Aries vs. Nigel McGuinness[/b] Aries and McGuinness shook hands before the match and the main event was underway. The beginning of the match saw both men use technical moves on one another that were reversed in the stalemate. Aries and Nigel both look impressed with the other as the match continued. Aries started to use his speed to get control of the match. Nigel would fight back with hard strikes and mat work. Aries started to get on a roll with some snap suplexes and floated over on the last one into a mounted position to reign down right hands. Aries hit some high impact moves to stay in control when Nigel decided to gain his thoughts on the outside when Aries dove through the middle rope for a sucide dive, but Nigel dodged him and Aries smashed into the barricade. McGuinness tossed Aries back in the ring and started to focus on his neck. Nigel slowed the pace of the match down and stayed in the center of the ring working on Aries' neck. The crowd was split down the middle with fans cheering for the two men in the ring. McGuinness went to put Aries on the top rope for the Gunvor's Crimpet, but Aries countered into a DDT. Aries got to his feet holding his neck and picked up Nigel. He tried for the brainbuster but the weight on the neck caused him to drop Nigel. McGuinness hit him with a European uppercut that sent him into the ropes and Aries fired back off the ropes with a roaring elbow that put Nigel back first onto the mat. Aries went to the top rope and hit the 450 splash for the three count. [b]Winner: Austin Aries[/b]
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[quote][b]WWE Signs TNA Talent and More[/b] [i]PWInsider.com[/i] World Wrestling Entertainment recently have decided to add some talent to their brands, especially ECW. WWE have re-signed ECW Origanal and former WWE talent Justin Credible, but that wasn't the end of their signings. They also entered negotiations with the agents of some of TNA's talent. Christopher Daniels, Alex Shelley, and Raven have all agreed to leave TNA and begin with the WWE. It is currently thought that Shelley will go to OVW for a short time while Christopher Daniels and Raven will enter ECW. There is no current word on the brand that Shelley will join.[/quote] [quote][b]The Rock Returns[/b] [i]PWInsider.com[/i] As of last night PWInsider recieved word that Dwayne Johnson, better known as "The Rock" will be making his return to professional wrestling. He has not signed a contract although the WWE is sure to be the front runner for his services. Many other promotions in the states will not be able to offer him the contract that will be required to sign him. However this is still huge news for wrestling fans as an old favorite returns full-time![/quote] [b]England & Japan Cards Announced[/b] [i]By: Gabe Sapolsky[/i] The cards for the last 4 dates of ROH's Fifth Year Festival have been assembled. Below you will see that Ring of Honor is dedicated to bringing you the best matches that we can offer. ROH will also be bringing back special talent for these cards. Jack Evans was recently let go by ROH to fulfill his obligations in Japan, but will be back for the 3/3 card in Tokyo and rejoin former teammates to reform Generation Next. At the 3/4 show in Osaka, Rocky Romero will rejoin Ricky Reyes to reform the Havana Pitbulls for one night. [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Liverpool, England 2/23/07[/b] ROH World Championship: Homicide© vs. Naomichi Marufuji Bryan Danielson vs. Mark Sloan Matt Sydal vs. Jody Fleisch Number One Contedership: The Briscoe Brothers vs. Irish Airborne Super Dragon vs. PAC Jay Lethal vs. BJ Whitmer Roderick Strong vs. Spud [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Liverpool, England 2/24/07[/b] Nigel McGuinness vs. Doug Williams CM Punk vs. KENTA ROH GEM Title: Jimmy Rave© vs. Stevie Richards ROH Tag Team Championship: The Sweet & Sour Experience© vs. Irish Airborne or The Briscoe Brothers Steel Cage Grudge Match: Ace Steel vs. Jimmy Jacobs Matt Sydal vs. PAC Adam Pearce vs. Austin Aries [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Tokyo, Japan 3/3/07[/b] ROH World Championship: Homicide© (if still champion) vs. Takeshi Morishima Generation Next (Aries/Strong/Evans) vs. Naomichi Marufuji, KENTA, & Go Shiosaki ROH Tag Team Championship: The Sweet and Sour Experience© (if still champions) vs. BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce Bryan Danielson vs. Doug Williams Katsuyori Shibata vs. Colt Cabana Jay Lethal vs. Ricky Marvin Pelle Primeau, Delirious, and Jimmy Yang vs Atsushi Aoki, Ippei Ota, and Taiji Ishimori [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Osaka, Japan 3/4/07[/b] Second City Saints vs. TAKEOVER (KENTA/Shibata) & Partner of their choice ROH World Championship: Homicide© (if still champion) vs. Matt Sydal ROH GEM Title: Jimmy Rave© (if still champion) vs. Ricky Marvin Naomichi Marufuji vs. Austin Aries The Havana Pitbulls vs. The Briscoe Brothers Jimmy Yang vs. Takeshi Morishima Larry Sweeney Inc.'s Newest Signing vs. Go Shiosaki
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[b]The Fifth Year Festival, Liverpool, England 2/23/07[/b] [i]Ring of Honor returns to England to continue its run of the Fifth Year Festival. Both cards in England features talent from ROH and England alike to showcase talent across the pond.[/i] [b]Roderick Strong vs. Spud[/b] Strong bent Spud in different directions as the smaller competitor could not hold his own against Roderick. Strong held the momentum for the majority of the match with only small spurts of offense coming from Spud. Roderick put on a clinic of backbreakers and suplexes. Strong finally finished Spud off with a Boston Crab that made Spud tap out in front of the home crowd. [b]Winner: Roderick Strong[/b] [b]Super Dragon vs. PAC[/b] The second contest was much more competitive as PAC and Super Dragon went back and forth in a battle. PAC astonished the crowd by using a variety of aerial moves. Super Dragon used his brutality to his advantage and to keep PAC on the mat. The crowd was behind PAC mostly as he battled against Super Dragon. Dragon took the fight to the floor and PAC regained the advantage by dropping Dragon with a cresent kick. PAC quickly got to the apron and springboarded off with a moonsault that connected. PAC rolled Dragon back into the ring and then climbed to the top rope. PAC leaped off to try and hit shooting star press but Dragon got his knees up and PAC rolled over in pain. Dragon couldn't capitalize and got up slowly and both men got to their feet and the same time. Super Dragon tried to hit a lariat but PAC ducked and drop kicked Super Dragon in the back that forced him into the corner. PAC then ran and hit a handspring back elbow to Super Dragon. As Dragon stumbled backward out of the corner PAC springboarded and dropped Dragon again with a dropkick. PAC then went for a standing corkscrew moonsault and got the pinfall. [b]Winner: PAC[/b] [b]Matt Sydal vs. Jody Fleisch[/b] The next special attraction match lit the crowd on fire as the two skilled high flyers held up their end of the bargain and took flight. Sydal showed more technical work as well throughout the fight and also would find ways to bend the rules when the referee had his head turned. Jody fought back against Sydal and got offense through the air and using high impact moves. Sydal also got his air time as the middle of the match saw both men go back and forth giving the crowd a lot of action. Fleisch had Sydal down on the mat and climbed to the top rope, but Allison Danger grabbed his foot and Jody tried to shrug her off. The referee came and made Danger release his foot but that gave Sydal ample time to get to his feet and hit a flying enziguri. Jody fell to the mat and Sydal hit a triple jump moonsault for the win. [b]Winner: Matt Sydal[/b] [b]Number One Contedership: The Briscoe Brothers vs. Irish Airborne[/b] The next contest would be to see who gets the title shot for night two in Liverpool against the newly crowned tag team champions. The Briscoes looked determined and Irish Airborne was potentially getting the break of their careers. Mark and Dave started the contest and Mark simply overpowered Dave with a hard body block that sent him crashing to the mat. Dave looked bewildered at first and trying to think of how to get around the brute strength of Mark. The pace of the match picked up as Dave looked to pressure Mark and try to find a way, but there was nothing there. The Briscoes tagged frequently and beat down both members of Irish Airborne as Dave was able to make the tag as well. Larry Sweeney made his way out of the back and caught The Briscoes attention as they were in the process of double teaming Jake Crist. Dave was laying on the outside battered and the referee started to advance on Larry at the request of Mark Briscoe. Collyer and Richards came out of the crowd and Richards gave Mark a big boot to the back of the head that knocked him out cold and Collyer hit a dragon suplex on Jay. Chad and Davey rolled Jay out of the ring and placed Jake on top of Mark. The referee turned around and ran back in the ring to make the three count to the sound of boo's. [b]Winners: Irish Airborne[/b] [i]**Intermission**[/i] [i]Intermission was over and some of the fans were still buzzing about the number one contenders match they had just seen. Lethal had made his way out to the ring awaiting BJ Whitmer to kick off the second half of the show.[/i] [b]Jay Lethal vs. BJ Whitmer[/b] Lethal and Whitmer started the bout by shaking hands and then circling one another. The two men locked up and began their back and forth battle. Lethal dropped Whitmer down with a drop toe hold and quickly advanced to a side headlock on the ground. Lethal showcased solid technical ability as Whitmer tried to battle back up and get the match to a brawl. Whitmer got to his feet and shrugged Lethal off into the ropes and caught him with a lariat to take the advantage. The match had a methodical pace from both men even though Whitmer focused more on brawling and wearing Lethal out. Lethal tried to stay more techincal and focus on one body part. Bobby Cruise got on the mic and noted that five minutes were left in the time limit. The pace picked up a bit, but neither could get a clear cut advantage and the time ran out on a competitive bout. They shook hands at the end and accepted the draw. [b]Time Limit Draw[/b] [b]Bryan Danielson vs. Mark Sloan[/b] The final special attraction match of the night featured one of the top british wrestlers in the world against the former ROH World Champion. The crowd was pumped for the contest as both men stared each other down as they circled each other waiting for the bell. The bell sounded and Danielson went for a right hand but Sloan ducked and kneed Danielson in the gut. Sloan jumped on the opportunity and hit the Dirty Man DDT that shocked the crowd, but Sloan only managed a two count and Danielson quickly rolled to the outside as he narrowly avoided defeat in the opening moments of the match. Sloan gave Danielson a few moments to recover and then Bryan got back in the ring. The match took off from there as both men exchanged numerous moves and the reversals from each other gained the crowds approval as they cheered for both men. There was a back and forth battle between the two talented wrestlers. Danielson tried to attach the Cattle Mutalation but Sloan wiggled out of it and got to the ropes. Danielson started to walk toward Mark, and Mark tripped Danielson and locked in the Texas Cloverleaf in the center of the ring. The ref continued to ask if Bryan would give up, but there was no quit in him and he worked his way to the ropes to break the hold. Danielson battled to his feet holding his back and Sloan went over to attack, but Danielson gave Sloan a flair chop to the throat and hit a running bulldog that planted Mark's face into the canvas. Danielson got up and hit the ropes and baseball slid into his face. Danielson picked up Sloan's arms and got him in a crucifix position and rolled him over and started to throw elbows to the head continuously until the referee stopped the action. [b]Winner: Bryan Danielson[/b] [b]ROH World Championship: Homicide© vs. Naomichi Marufuji[/b] The crowd was still buzzing from the previous bout and that lasted the first couple minutes of the championship bout, but they switched gears and got into the main event. Marufuji and Homicide exchanged stiff chops and right hands to start the match off and it went back and forth. Homicide soon got the better of the brawling and dropped Marufuji with a quick lariat and he jumped on for the cover but only got a one count from Todd Sinclair. Marufuji rebounded and hit Homicide with a cresent kick that dropped him to the canvas, but as just as Homicide he only managed a one count from Sinclair. The bout had a quick pace and stumbled out into the crowd as well. Homicide had the advantage on the outside and hit a suplex on the hard floor. Sinclair was outside yelling at both men to get back in the ring and soon they found themselves headed that direction. Homicide had gotten Marufuji beaten down, but he soon fought back and landed a springboard back elbow to put the stop to Homicide's momentum. Both men got up slowly and continued the match with stiff shots going back and forth. Homicide ducked a lariat attempt from Marufuji and hit the ropes and exploded with one of his own and then went for the cover. Homicide got a two count but that was all. Homicide picked Marufuji up and held him in a vertical suplex and let the blood run to his head, but Marufuji countered in a stunner. Marufuji was trying to battle to his feet but he was feeling the effects of being upside down for an extended period of time. Once again the two found themselves at a stalemate and simply exchanging shots. Marufuji got the advantage with a snap suplex. Homicide lay on his back and Marufuji jumped in the air and came down with both feet to the midsection of Homicide. Marufuji was starting to get on a roll and Homicide rolled to the outside. Marufuji seized the opportunity and hit the ropes and a nailed Homicide with a suicide dive on the outside. Marufuji rolled Homicide back in and started to climb to the top turnbuckle, but Homicide got up and rang Marufuji up. Homicide climbed and hit a top rope Ace Crusher on Marufuji and rolled on top for the pin, but as Sinclair counted down Marufuji got a leg on the bottom rope to break the count. Homicide looked stunned and picked Marufuji up and started to place him in a position for the Cop Killa. Marufuji grabbed Homicide's wrist and reversed into a pump handle slam after a kick to the gut. Marufuji got to his feet and picked up Homicide by the neck. Marufuji hit the ropes and gave Homicide a Yakuza kick to the side of the head and then grabbed him and ran to the corner and nailed the Shiranui. Marufuji went for the cover and Sinclair got into position and counted the one...two...three for the win and the championship. [b]Winner and New ROH World Heavyweight Champion: Naomichi Marufuji[/b] [i]Homicide got to his feet and shook the hand of Marufuji who was now wearing the ROH Championship around his waist. The crowd was cheering as Ring of Honor had a new champion to represent the company.[/i]
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[b]The Fifth Year Festival, Liverpool, England 2/24/07[/b] [i]Night one in Liverpool saw the crowning of a new Ring of Honor Heavyweight Champion. Naomichi Marufuji shocked the crowd and the ROH faithful across the world as the news spread. Night Two would feature two more title contests and a steel cage match along with some special attractions that should provide just as much excitement as the first night.[/i] [b]Adam Pearce vs. Austin Aries[/b] Pearce and Aries began the night with a traditional ROH match that showcased the skills of both men. Both Aries and Pearce can brawl and also possess good technical ability inside the squared circle. The match started with a slow pace of back and forth action with both men reversing holds on one another. Pearce got the early advantage after a poke to the eye on Aries. Austin would fight back however and turn the pace up with quick strikes and high impact moves. The crowd got behind Aries and cheered him on as he continued the match with Pearce. Aries was slowed down after a low blow by Pearce, but got back on the offensive after a little over a minute and caught Pearce with a hard elbow off the ropes. Aries then lifted Pearce upward and hit the brainbuster and finished him off with the 450 splash. [b]Winner: Austin Aries[/b] [b]Matt Sydal vs. PAC[/b] Much like night one in Liverpool Matt Sydal was involved in a quick paced match filled with action and high flying. Sydal and PAC went back and forth in the early goings of the match with quick strikes and moves off of the ropes. Sydal slowed the pace down some by hitting a backbreaker and moving into a camal clutch submission. PAC would get to the ropes and force Sydal to break the hold. With PAC down on the canvas Sydal started to push the pace once again. The high risk-high reward moves backfired on Sydal as he missed with a moonsault and PAC began to gain momentum to the appaulse of the crowd. Allison Danger got involved again as she got on the apron to get the attention of the referee. PAC moved to get her down from the apron but did not see her throw Sydal a pair of brass knuckles. When PAC turned around Sydal clocked PAC and then went to the top rope and flew off connecting with a shooting star press for the win. [b]Winner: Matt Sydal[/b] [b]ROH GEM Title: Jimmy Rave© vs. Stevie Richards[/b] Stevie Richards came out to a nice reaction from the crowd. The same could not be said for the GEM champion Jimmy Rave. Before the match began Prince Nana got on the mic. [b]Prince Nana:[/b] Since we are no longer in the United States of America, the Ghana Emperial Majestic Championship held by the Crown Jewel of the Embassey, Jimmy Rave, will be fought under European rules. These rules are quite simple Mr. Richards. You will be forced to fight Jimmy Rave with one hand tied behind your back, and Jimmy will have to be pinned for a five count if you are to win the championship. [i]The crowd boo'd at Nana's announcement that this will be fought under GEM European rules. Nana smiled and Todd Sinclair tied up a visably angry Stevie Richard's arm. As soon as it was tied Rave began his assault.[/i] Rave pushed Richards into the corner and started to tee off on Richards who was trying to hold him off with his one free hand. Richards started to mount some offense with a knee to the gut and a right hand, but Rave quickly went back on the offensive. After a few minutes of beating Richards down, Rave finished him off with the Greetings from Ghana and retained the championship. [b]Winner: Jimmy Rave[/b] [b]Steel Cage Grudge Match: Ace Steel vs. Jimmy Jacobs[/b] These two stepped into the steel cage to settle a score as they have had two draws against each other. After a lengthy waiting game it was finally time to settle the score. Once both men were inside and they rang the bell they wasted no time before tying up and getting underway. Steel had the strength advantage and won the tie-up. Jacobs tried to shrug Steel off into the ropes, but Steel maintained a firm grip on the side headlock. Jacobs got out of it by lifting Steel up for a back drop. That started the real action of the match. Jacobs looked angry and determined, almost sinister, and started to put the boots to Steel as he laid on the ground. "Crazy" Ace fought back and lived up to his name. Ace and Jimmy fought back and forth throwing each other into the steel cage. Ace started to move Jacobs' face back and forth like the cage was a grater. Jacobs was busted open on the top of his head with the blood running down his face. Steel was not far behind in the crimson mask department after Lacey threw in a kendo stick for Jimmy and he leveled Ace with it across his face. Both men were bloody, although not registering on the Muta scale, and continued to fight. Jacobs hit a suplex on Steel in the center of the ring and started to make his way to the door. As he got closer to the door Lacey was cheering him on, when he reached the door Lacey threw the door back on his face and Jacobs stumbled backwards into the arms of Ace who had recovered from the suplex and was struggling to stop Jimmy himself. He turned Jimmy around and hit the Steel Spike. Ace covered Jimmy for the pin to claim the victory. After the match Lacey got in the ring and spit on Jacobs' limp body and walked away. [b]Winner: Ace Steel[/b] **Intermission** After Intermission Larry Sweeney came out with the tag team champions. Sweeney got on the mic and mentioned that his latest signing would debut in Japan, definatly would not subject him to the English crowds, but however tonight he would unleash the champions on the TRUE number one contenders, Irish Airborne. He continued to run down The Briscoe Brothers saying that they had already ran away to Japan instead of staying in the presence of greatness that were the Sweet & Sour Experience. [b]ROH Tag Team Championship: The Sweet & Sour Experience© vs. Irish Airborne[/b] Much like the Briscoes the night before, The Sweet & Sour Experience dominated Irish Airborne. Richards and Collyer isolated Jake Crist and made quick tags. At every opportunity they went over and hit Dave Crist on the apron to draw him in so that they could double team his brother. Collyer finished off Jake with the Texas Cloverleaf as Richards ran across the ring and gave Dave a yakuza kick sending him to the floor. [b]Winners: The Sweet & Sour Experience[/b] [b]CM Punk vs. KENTA[/b] KENTA was announced first to a huge reaction from the crowd. CM Punk also got a huge reaction as it was his first time back in England as a part of the ROH roster. Both men shook hands before the contest and started their battle. The two started out by kicking each other which definatly favored the Japanese star. Punk switched levels with a slap across the face and then the two started to exchange slaps. Punk and KENTA got the crowd going with their intensity. The two stars got down to a technical battle soon after showcasing their skills on the mat. It was hard for either one to maintain an advantage for an extended period of time as they were evenly matched and seemingly knew what the other was going to do before they did it. Punk maintained the first lengthy period of offense by focusing on taking the leg away from KENTA. Punk elbowed, kicked, and torqued the leg and knee of KENTA to take it away. KENTA started to mount some offense using chops and quick suplexes to change the momentum of the match. He was clearly favoring his knee when he would lift Punk up. The match went back and forth many times. Punk would try to keep the match slower and focus in on the leg of KENTA, whereas KENTA used power moves more to take advantage. The match spilled to the outside where KENTA sent Punk barrelling into the aluminum signs on the guard rails. Maria was on the outside afriad to watch what was happening to her man. KENTA got on the apron and waited for Punk to get to his feet and when he lept off Punk gave a quick dropkick to the knee of KENTA that sent him down in a heap. Punk rolled back into the ring and waited for KENTA to get himself back in the ring. Once back Punk seized control. KENTA tried to rebound off of the ropes with a lariat, but Punk ducked and turned around to hit a STO. Punk locked in a figure four on KENTA and the referee got down to check on KENTA who would not give up. Punk was against the ropes and started to pull down on the second rope for more pressure, but KENTA still would not give up. The referee turned around to Punk and did not see him on the ropes, when he checked KENTA again Punk went back to the ropes and KENTA tapped out to the pain as Punk was holding on to the ropes for more leverage and power on the figure four, ala Ric Flair. [b]Winner: CM Punk[/b] [b]Nigel McGuinness vs. Doug Williams[/b] The main event of the evening and final match in England was a special attraction match put on for the fans. Nigel would be taking on one of the most popular British wrestlers today in Doug Williams, and someone who has been a part of ROH for a long time. The two shook hands before the contest began and when the bell rang they tied-up. Nigel and Doug were evenly matched and went back and forth with early reversals of hammerlocks and wrist locks. The crowd appaulded the effort of both men. This match was not filled with a lot of brawling on the outside or high flying, but it was a pure technical masterpeice the fans were treated to. Nigel and Doug worked back and forth and kept a methodical pace to their match. Doug started to gain an advantage as he had the strength advantage over Nigel and was able to control him. Williams hit a nice suplex in the middle of the ring and transitioned into a side headlock on the ground to keep Nigel on the mat. Nigel quickly worked his way out of the side headlock by pushing Williams into the ropes and landed a nice european uppercut. Williams did not go down so Nigel backed up to the ropes and fired off with another and this time Williams fell to the mat. Nigel went for the cover but only managed a two count. Nigel held the advantage for a couple of minutes, but then Williams started to fire back. Once again the two exchanged european uppercuts and various moves. They also managed to get a couple near falls on each other as the crowd was on the edge of their seat. Williams got the back of McGuinness and tried to force him into the corner for the Chaos Theory, but Nigel underhooked the ropes and Williams rolled backwards. Nigel ran toward the ropes and fired off connecting with the Pendulum Lariat on Williams. Nigel lept for the cover and got the three count. [b]Winner: Nigel McGuinness[/b] [i]Nigel and Doug got up and hugged and walked to the back together from a deafing appaulse from the crowd. The British fans were treated to two nights of action that saw a new Ring of Honor Heavyweight Champion and a variety of special attraction matches that saw some of the best ROH wrestlers face off against the best British workers. Now the Fifth Year Festival heads to Japan to wrap up this exciting time in Ring of Honor.[/i]
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[b]Shocker Across the Pond (Updated Tokyo/Osaka Cards)[/b] [i]By: Gabe Sapolsky[/i] Night one in Liverpool saw a shocking end to the reign of Homicide. Naomichi Marufuji upset the champion and took the ROH Heavyweight Championship with him back to Japan. This forces a few changes to the cards in Tokyo and Osaka. Homicide and Takeshi Morishima will still meet although not for the gold the same for Matt Sydal in Osaka. The singles bout in Osaka between Austin Aries and new champion Marufuji will be changed to a title match. Liverpool also saw underhanded tactics by the ROH Tag Team Champions, The Sweet & Sour Experience. They defend their titles against the team of BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce in Tokyo. The Briscoe Brothers have requested a match against the champions but will need to have their heads on straight as they take on The Havana Pitbulls when Rocky Romero rejoins with Ricky Reyes for one night only. Larry Sweeney will also debut his newest signing in Osaka against Go Shiosaki. The two shows in Tokyo and Osaka are looking to be full of action as Ring of Honor heads to Japan for the first time in company history. It will see the reformation of Generation Next, The Havana Pitbulls, and TAKEOVER. This will surely be an exciting weekend of ROH action. [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Tokyo, Japan 3/3/07[/b] Generation Next (Aries/Strong/Evans) vs. Naomichi Marufuji, KENTA, & Go Shiosaki ROH Tag Team Championship: The Sweet and Sour Experience© vs. BJ Whitmer & Adam Pearce Homicide vs. Takeshi Morishima Bryan Danielson vs. Doug Williams Katsuyori Shibata vs. Colt Cabana Jay Lethal vs. Ricky Marvin Pelle Primeau, Delirious, and Jimmy Yang vs Atsushi Aoki, Ippei Ota, and Taiji Ishimori [b]The Fifth Year Festival, Osaka, Japan 3/4/07[/b] ROH World Championship: Naomichi Marufuji© vs. Austin Aries ROH GEM Title: Jimmy Rave© vs. Ricky Marvin Second City Saints vs. TAKEOVER (KENTA/Shibata) & Partner of their choice Homicide vs. Matt Sydal The Havana Pitbulls vs. The Briscoe Brothers Jimmy Yang vs. Takeshi Morishima Larry Sweeney Inc.'s Newest Signing vs. Go Shiosaki
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