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[CENTER][quote][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] The end of another sucessful month. But it is not over quite yet. [U][FONT="System"]Card for 4C Presents...Canada's Best [/FONT][/U] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Cornellverse%20Backgrounds/4CCanadasBest1-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Raphael vs. Alan Parent[/U][/B] Will the self-proclaimed "Messiah of 4C" beat the 'unbeatable' Alan Parent once more? [U][B]Canadian Dragon vs. Calvin Dark[/B] For the 4C National Title[/u] Canadian Dragon will make his first title defense here. [U][B]Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/b] Match 2 of 5[/u] [I][U]Fire Caller leads 1-0[/U][/I] Both these men are eager to lead the series to determine the next #1 contender. [U][B]Phenomenal Excess w/Seduction vs. Thug Life[/B] For the 4C Tag Championships[/U] The first defense for the tag champs. Will Killah & Gangsta get along after what happened at Demolition Derby? [U][B]Nomad w/Team 4C vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Total Power[/B][/U] Nomad aims to get the revenge he seeks. [U][B]Steve Flash w/Team 4C vs. Tim Westybrook w/Total Power[/B] Non-title[/U] Flash faces another Total Power member. [/quote] [/center] Predictions welcome...
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[B]Raphael[/B] vs. Alan Parent Will the self-proclaimed "Messiah of 4C" beat the 'unbeatable' Alan Parent once more? [I]JOB parent JOB.[/I] [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] vs. Calvin Dark For the 4C National Title Canadian Dragon will make his first title defense here. [B]Hmmm can you say no brainer[/B] [B]Joey Poison[/B] vs. Fire Caller Match 2 of 5 Fire Caller leads 1-0 Both these men are eager to lead the series to determine the next #1 contender. [I]Poison eens it out.[/I] [B]Phenomenal Excess w/Seduction[/B] vs. Thug Life For the 4C Tag Championships The first defense for the tag champs. Will Killah & Gangsta get along after what happened at Demolition Derby? [I]And Canadian Gangsya has been sucked down once again into the hole that is Hardcore Killah, the six minute match man.[/I] Nomad w/Team 4C vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power w/Total Power[/B] Nomad aims to get the revenge he seeks. [I]Sorry Nomad you are a great worker and the future of 4C but power has more name recognition and is a little better in the ring.[/I] Steve Flash w/Team 4C vs. [B]Tim Westybrook w/Total Power[/B] Non-title Flash faces another Total Power member. [I]Non-Titles will always go yo yhe challenger but I see a lot of shenanegins involved[/I]
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[B]Raphael[/B] vs. Alan Parent Will the self-proclaimed "Messiah of 4C" beat the 'unbeatable' Alan Parent once more? [I]JOB parent JOB.[/I] [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] vs. Calvin Dark For the 4C National Title Canadian Dragon will make his first title defense here. [B]Hmmm can you say no brainer[/B] [B]Joey Poison[/B] vs. Fire Caller Match 2 of 5 Fire Caller leads 1-0 Both these men are eager to lead the series to determine the next #1 contender. [I]Poison eens it out.[/I] [B]Phenomenal Excess w/Seduction[/B] vs. Thug Life For the 4C Tag Championships The first defense for the tag champs. Will Killah & Gangsta get along after what happened at Demolition Derby? [I]And Canadian Gangsya has been sucked down once again into the hole that is Hardcore Killah, the six minute match man.[/I] Nomad w/Team 4C vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power w/Total Power[/B] Nomad aims to get the revenge he seeks. [I]Sorry Nomad you are a great worker and the future of 4C but power has more name recognition and is a little better in the ring.[/I] Steve Flash w/Team 4C vs. [B]Tim Westybrook w/Total Power[/B] Non-title Flash faces another Total Power member. [I]Non-Titles will always go yo yhe challenger but I see a lot of shenanegins involved[/I]
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I'm posting the link to 4C.com [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/gremlinator/index.htm"]http://www.freewebs.com/gremlinator/index.htm[/URL] Shows will be posted both on there, and here. Sorry for the delay on Canada's Best results guys, just went back to school. The results should be up pretty soon.
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I'm posting the link to 4C.com [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/gremlinator/index.htm"]http://www.freewebs.com/gremlinator/index.htm[/URL] Shows will be posted both on there, and here. Sorry for the delay on Canada's Best results guys, just went back to school. The results should be up pretty soon.
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBest1.jpg[/IMG] [u]195 people in attendance[/u] Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the big Main Event match up. As soon as he finished, out came the “Messiah of Canada” Raphael, who was gathering a cult following. Alan Parent came out next to silence. He just walked to the ring with the blankest face ever. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] Raphael vs. Alan Parent[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Alan stared blankly throughout this match • Raphael tried to wake him up, but nothing worked. • Suddenly Alan leapt on him and kicked away constantly • Raphael blocked for a while • Alan seemed like a lunatic • Raphael caught his leg and flipped him over though. • Raphael then picked him up and quickly hit the Rule Breaker.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Raphael in 12:39 [B]C-[/B] The fans cheered for Raphael again. Terry then spoke about how Dragon had won his title last Monday. Out ran Canadian Dragon, who was loudly cheered. Dark arrived in the same way as Parent did previously. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Calvin Dark 4C National Title[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Dragon immediately attacked Dark • He threw him around • He flew off the turnbuckles several times • Dragon got a quick 2 from a Moonsault. • Dark then stood up, and levelled Dragon with a right hand. • He kept doing that until Dragon drove him down with a DDT. • He jumped up top and quickly hit the Dragon’s Breath.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Dragon in 12:59 [B]D[/B] Dragon celebrated for a while before we cut to a break. He then mentioned this match was the second of 5 between these two men. [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Fire Caller (1) vs. Joey Poison (0) Match 2 of 5[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/FireCaller.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Fire Caller was ****y during this match-up • He took his time making moves and taunting the crowd • But he did it one time too many • He was caught by a snap dropkick from Joey which sent him outside. • Joey flew over the ropes and took out Fire Caller. • Joey got back in the ring, dragging Fire Caller behind him. • He then set him up for the Poison Injection, but Caller countered and nailed the Hell Fire Kick • The ref counted to 2 and ¾ but Poison kicked out, the first person to do so. • Fire Caller was irate • He screamed, turned around and was hit with the Poison Injection. • The ref counted 3[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Joey Poison in 18:21 [B]C+[/B] We cut to another commercial break. [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Phenomenal Excess w/Seduction vs. Thug Life[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Thug Life did not work at all this match • Killah sat on the side for the whole match • Gangsta eventually tagged out when he caught Killah by surprise. • He then hit Killah with the Gangsta Thrill in the middle of the ring • He told Big E. to pin him, which he did, then walked off.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Phenomenal Excess in 5:35 [B]C-[/B] Katie shot some shirts [B]B+[/B] Terry said this must mean that Thug Life is now broken up. Nomad then ran out to huge cheers from the crowd. He slapped hands and ran around the ring while the crowd got pumped up. Puerto Rican Power then appeared with Total Power in tow. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Nomad w/Team 4C vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Total Power[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Nomad was pumped, eager, and angry. • He struck away at PRP quickly and viciously, backing him into a corner. • He then went for a running knee, but PRP threw him over the turnbuckle. • Nomad screamed out in pain when he hit the outside. • PRP climbed out side and hit several sickening suplexes before dragging Nomad into the ring. • Team 4C headed to the ring to assure Nomad’s safety. • PRP then lifted up Nomad for a powerbomb. • But Nomad punched PRP, who fell on the mat. • The ref counted • But PRP powered out at 2. • He then decapitated Nomad with a clothesline and went for the pin.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Puerto Rican Power in 13:31 [B]C[/B] PRP and Total Power headed back to the locker room. Team 4C helped Nomad up as the crowd applauded his performance. The slowly headed backstage. After a short break, Total Power was out again, and so was Team 4C, minus Nomad who was receiving medical attention. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Steve Flash w/Team 4C vs. Tim Westybrook w/Total Power[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Flash showed his fury that was meant for PRP on Westybrook here. • He kicked, punched, and dived off the ropes to obliterate T.I.M • He headed outside and quickly grabbed a chair. • Total Power ran to stop him, but Flash levelled them with the chair. • Team 4C then pounced on them to remove them from the match. • The referee tried to stop Flash, but was taken out too. • Flash then repeatedly struck Tim with the chair till he was bleeding buckets. • Flash stood over the broken body to cheers as we cut backstage.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] No Contest in 8:56 [B]C[/B] Katie ended the show promoting the Magazine [B]A[/B] [QUOTE]Quick Results: Raphael def. Alan Parent – C- Canadian Dragon def. Calvin Dark to retain the 4C National Title – D Joey Poison def. Fire Caller – C+ Phenomenal Excess def. Thug Life to retain the 4C Tag Team titles – C- Puerto Rican Power def. Nomad – C Steve Flash vs. Tim Westybrook – No Contest - C[/QUOTE] Overall Rating C Success, should have increased popularity.[/CENTER] [I][url]http://www.freewebs.com/gremlinator/index.htm[/url] - Site upated with the results[/I]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBest1.jpg[/IMG] [u]195 people in attendance[/u] Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the big Main Event match up. As soon as he finished, out came the “Messiah of Canada” Raphael, who was gathering a cult following. Alan Parent came out next to silence. He just walked to the ring with the blankest face ever. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] Raphael vs. Alan Parent[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Alan stared blankly throughout this match • Raphael tried to wake him up, but nothing worked. • Suddenly Alan leapt on him and kicked away constantly • Raphael blocked for a while • Alan seemed like a lunatic • Raphael caught his leg and flipped him over though. • Raphael then picked him up and quickly hit the Rule Breaker.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Raphael in 12:39 [B]C-[/B] The fans cheered for Raphael again. Terry then spoke about how Dragon had won his title last Monday. Out ran Canadian Dragon, who was loudly cheered. Dark arrived in the same way as Parent did previously. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Calvin Dark 4C National Title[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Dragon immediately attacked Dark • He threw him around • He flew off the turnbuckles several times • Dragon got a quick 2 from a Moonsault. • Dark then stood up, and levelled Dragon with a right hand. • He kept doing that until Dragon drove him down with a DDT. • He jumped up top and quickly hit the Dragon’s Breath.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Dragon in 12:59 [B]D[/B] Dragon celebrated for a while before we cut to a break. He then mentioned this match was the second of 5 between these two men. [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Fire Caller (1) vs. Joey Poison (0) Match 2 of 5[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/FireCaller.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Fire Caller was ****y during this match-up • He took his time making moves and taunting the crowd • But he did it one time too many • He was caught by a snap dropkick from Joey which sent him outside. • Joey flew over the ropes and took out Fire Caller. • Joey got back in the ring, dragging Fire Caller behind him. • He then set him up for the Poison Injection, but Caller countered and nailed the Hell Fire Kick • The ref counted to 2 and ¾ but Poison kicked out, the first person to do so. • Fire Caller was irate • He screamed, turned around and was hit with the Poison Injection. • The ref counted 3[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Joey Poison in 18:21 [B]C+[/B] We cut to another commercial break. [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Phenomenal Excess w/Seduction vs. Thug Life[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Thug Life did not work at all this match • Killah sat on the side for the whole match • Gangsta eventually tagged out when he caught Killah by surprise. • He then hit Killah with the Gangsta Thrill in the middle of the ring • He told Big E. to pin him, which he did, then walked off.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Phenomenal Excess in 5:35 [B]C-[/B] Katie shot some shirts [B]B+[/B] Terry said this must mean that Thug Life is now broken up. Nomad then ran out to huge cheers from the crowd. He slapped hands and ran around the ring while the crowd got pumped up. Puerto Rican Power then appeared with Total Power in tow. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Nomad w/Team 4C vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Total Power[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Nomad was pumped, eager, and angry. • He struck away at PRP quickly and viciously, backing him into a corner. • He then went for a running knee, but PRP threw him over the turnbuckle. • Nomad screamed out in pain when he hit the outside. • PRP climbed out side and hit several sickening suplexes before dragging Nomad into the ring. • Team 4C headed to the ring to assure Nomad’s safety. • PRP then lifted up Nomad for a powerbomb. • But Nomad punched PRP, who fell on the mat. • The ref counted • But PRP powered out at 2. • He then decapitated Nomad with a clothesline and went for the pin.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Puerto Rican Power in 13:31 [B]C[/B] PRP and Total Power headed back to the locker room. Team 4C helped Nomad up as the crowd applauded his performance. The slowly headed backstage. After a short break, Total Power was out again, and so was Team 4C, minus Nomad who was receiving medical attention. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Steve Flash w/Team 4C vs. Tim Westybrook w/Total Power[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Flash showed his fury that was meant for PRP on Westybrook here. • He kicked, punched, and dived off the ropes to obliterate T.I.M • He headed outside and quickly grabbed a chair. • Total Power ran to stop him, but Flash levelled them with the chair. • Team 4C then pounced on them to remove them from the match. • The referee tried to stop Flash, but was taken out too. • Flash then repeatedly struck Tim with the chair till he was bleeding buckets. • Flash stood over the broken body to cheers as we cut backstage.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] No Contest in 8:56 [B]C[/B] Katie ended the show promoting the Magazine [B]A[/B] [QUOTE]Quick Results: Raphael def. Alan Parent – C- Canadian Dragon def. Calvin Dark to retain the 4C National Title – D Joey Poison def. Fire Caller – C+ Phenomenal Excess def. Thug Life to retain the 4C Tag Team titles – C- Puerto Rican Power def. Nomad – C Steve Flash vs. Tim Westybrook – No Contest - C[/QUOTE] Overall Rating C Success, should have increased popularity.[/CENTER] [I][url]http://www.freewebs.com/gremlinator/index.htm[/url] - Site upated with the results[/I]
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Taken from [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/gremlinator/index.htm"]4C.com[/URL] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] [U]Preview of next weeks Canada's Best[/U] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBEst2.jpg[/IMG] [U]The J.O.B Squad vs. Air Attack Weasel & Warren Technique[/U] The J.O.B Squad face more tough competition this week as they face the Fast & Furious team of AAW & Technique, will the be victorious for once? [U]Raphael vs. Canadian Gangsta[/U] These two men face off, one with an undefeated streak, also a hot prospect, versus an angry Canadian. [U]Canadian Dragon vs. Darryl Devine[/U] [U]4C National Championship[/U] Dragon says he is a fighting champion, and will prove it again this week. [U]Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/U] [U]Match 3 of 5 (1-1)[/U] The series continues. [U]Total Power vs. Team 4C[/U] A huge main event where the two colossal men of TP, along with Barry Kingman face off against all of Team 4C.[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Taken from [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/gremlinator/index.htm"]4C.com[/URL] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] [U]Preview of next weeks Canada's Best[/U] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBEst2.jpg[/IMG] [U]The J.O.B Squad vs. Air Attack Weasel & Warren Technique[/U] The J.O.B Squad face more tough competition this week as they face the Fast & Furious team of AAW & Technique, will the be victorious for once? [U]Raphael vs. Canadian Gangsta[/U] These two men face off, one with an undefeated streak, also a hot prospect, versus an angry Canadian. [U]Canadian Dragon vs. Darryl Devine[/U] [U]4C National Championship[/U] Dragon says he is a fighting champion, and will prove it again this week. [U]Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/U] [U]Match 3 of 5 (1-1)[/U] The series continues. [U]Total Power vs. Team 4C[/U] A huge main event where the two colossal men of TP, along with Barry Kingman face off against all of Team 4C.[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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  • 4 weeks later...
[B]The J.O.B Squad[/B] vs. Air Attack Weasel & Warren Technique The J.O.B Squad face more tough competition this week as they face the Fast & Furious team of AAW & Technique, will the be victorious for once? Raphael vs. [B]Canadian Gangsta[/B] These two men face off, one with an undefeated streak, also a hot prospect, versus an angry Canadian. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] vs. Darryl Devine 4C National Championship Dragon says he is a fighting champion, and will prove it again this week. [B]Joey Poison[/B] vs. Fire Caller Match 3 of 5 (1-1) The series continues. Total Power vs. [B]Team 4C[/B] A huge main event where the two colossal men of TP, along with Barry Kingman face off against all of Team 4C.
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[B]The J.O.B Squad[/B] vs. Air Attack Weasel & Warren Technique The J.O.B Squad face more tough competition this week as they face the Fast & Furious team of AAW & Technique, will the be victorious for once? Raphael vs. [B]Canadian Gangsta[/B] These two men face off, one with an undefeated streak, also a hot prospect, versus an angry Canadian. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] vs. Darryl Devine 4C National Championship Dragon says he is a fighting champion, and will prove it again this week. [B]Joey Poison[/B] vs. Fire Caller Match 3 of 5 (1-1) The series continues. Total Power vs. [B]Team 4C[/B] A huge main event where the two colossal men of TP, along with Barry Kingman face off against all of Team 4C.
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[I]Thanks NeoMetsFan, I'll try to keep it up lol.[/I] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBEst2.jpg[/IMG] [u]300 people in attendance[/u] Pre-Show: Barry Kingman offered his managerial services to the J.O.B Squad [B]D[/B] Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the big Main Event match up. As soon as he finished, out came the team of Air Attack Weasel & Warren Technique, not showing any sign of getting along however. Calvin Dark & Too Hot came out next to silence. They just walked to the ring with the same blank faces as before. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] AAW & Warren Technique vs. The J.O.B Squad[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TooHot.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • This match went on a decent length • AAW & Dark started out against each other • AAW and Dark went hold for hold and flew around the ring. • Dark caught AAW after a Cross Body with a drop kick. • Dark then attempted a Moonsault • AAW moved out the way though. • He then tagged out to Warren who locked in the Machine Clutch right away, as AAW took care of Too Hot. • Dark tapped out frantically[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] AAW & Warren Technique in 12:36 [B]C-[/B] The fans cheered for Warren & AAW. Terry then spoke about how Phenomenal E was part of the 4C tag team champions. Out ran Phenomenal E, who was loudly cheered. Jacob Jett arrived with Katie Cameron in tow and was booed loudly. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Jacob Jett vs. Phenomenal E. [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Jett went right to work with Big E • He threw him around • Jett & Big E both flew around as well • Jett then nailed the Cleared for Take Off, but Big E kicked out at 2 ¾ • Big E then jumped up and returned the favour with a Phenomenal Experience • But Jett kicked out as well • Both men kept trying to get pins to no avail • The referee called this match a draw after 15 minutes..[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Draw in 15:00 [B]C-[/B] Katie then shot some shirts to the crowd to keep them pumped A Raphael headed out next. Followed by Gangsta, who seemed to be more Gangsta than ever now [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Raphael vs. Canadian Gangsta[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Raphael kept out of reach of Gangsta • Gangsta attempted a few strong moves. • Raphael dodged and nailed a quick enziguri followed by a dropkick to level out Gangsta • Raphael climbed up top, but Gangsta threw him back down to the mat. • Raphael then got nailed with a dropkick from Gangsta and stayed down on the mat. • He caught Gangsta by surprise after nailing a hurricanrana from the ground, sending Gangsta outside. • Gangsta then reached for a chair. • Raphael attempted a suicida dive, but flew into the chair • The ref then disqualified Gangsta[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Raphael in 7:47 by DQ [B]C-[/B] We cut to another commercial break. [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Darryl Devine[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Dragon worked off the crowd immensely • He showed great improvement in high flying as he pulled off a 450 Flip. • Devine then tried to nail the Devine Drop • But Dragon reversed it into a vicious neckbreaker • He then went up top and nailed the Dragon’s Breath and got the pin to retain.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Dragon in 7:34 [B]C-[/B] Terry said that the next match was one of the most anticipated matches tonight. Joey Poison headed out, backed by a new girl. They climbed into the ring and posed. Fire Caller then ran out to cheers and immediately took position. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller Match 3 of 5[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/FireCaller.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Fire Caller was right down to business • He knocked over Poison whenever he could. • Poison managed to duck a clothesline and nailed a snap dropkick • Caller retaliated with a early Hell Fire Kick • He rolled up Joey. • But Joey managed to kick out. • Joey then caught an irate Fire Caller in the Antidote Web • Fire Caller kicked out a millisecond too late.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Joey Poison in 12:52 [B]C[/B] Katie then promoted the magazine and told people to visit the website A All of Total Power then headed next to a huge round of boos. Team 4C, consisting of Darryl Freeman, Nomad & Steve Flash headed out to huge cheers, and ran around the ring slapping hands before entering the ring. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Total Power vs. Team 4C[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylFreeman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • All 3 men were in the ring at the same time. • Nomad went for Kingman, obliterating him and spilling to the outside, Nomad landed on his right hand, and immediately grabbed it. • Tim and Flash went for each other, whereas Darryl charged PRP, only to be levelled by a colossal clothesline. • Tim and Flash went all out on each other here, Flash pulling out all the moves he knew to level Tim • Tim just shrugged them off though and planted Flash with a powerbomb. • Nomad went to kicking Kingman outside, but seemed to favour his right hand. • PRP then took out Darryl again and hit the San Juan Destroyer. • He went for the pin, but Tim pulled him off. • They argued as Tim wanted to pin Flash to show why he is a contender. • Flash leapt up behind them and dropkicked Tim into PRP, which sent them outside. • Darryl then grabbed Kingman and dragged him in, followed by Nomad. • They each hit their finishers on Kingman, with Flash getting the pin [/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Team 4C in 14:39 [B]C[/B] [QUOTE]Quick Results: AAW & Warren Technique def. The J.O.B Squad Jacob Jett drew with Phenomenal E. Raphael def. Canadian Gangsta by DQ. Canadian Dragon def. Darryl Devine to retain. Joey Poison def. Fire Caller to lead 2-1 Team 4C def. Total Power [/QUOTE] Overall Rating [B]C[/B] Success, should have increased popularity.[/CENTER]
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[I]Thanks NeoMetsFan, I'll try to keep it up lol.[/I] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBEst2.jpg[/IMG] [u]300 people in attendance[/u] Pre-Show: Barry Kingman offered his managerial services to the J.O.B Squad [B]D[/B] Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the big Main Event match up. As soon as he finished, out came the team of Air Attack Weasel & Warren Technique, not showing any sign of getting along however. Calvin Dark & Too Hot came out next to silence. They just walked to the ring with the same blank faces as before. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] AAW & Warren Technique vs. The J.O.B Squad[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TooHot.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • This match went on a decent length • AAW & Dark started out against each other • AAW and Dark went hold for hold and flew around the ring. • Dark caught AAW after a Cross Body with a drop kick. • Dark then attempted a Moonsault • AAW moved out the way though. • He then tagged out to Warren who locked in the Machine Clutch right away, as AAW took care of Too Hot. • Dark tapped out frantically[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] AAW & Warren Technique in 12:36 [B]C-[/B] The fans cheered for Warren & AAW. Terry then spoke about how Phenomenal E was part of the 4C tag team champions. Out ran Phenomenal E, who was loudly cheered. Jacob Jett arrived with Katie Cameron in tow and was booed loudly. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Jacob Jett vs. Phenomenal E. [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Jett went right to work with Big E • He threw him around • Jett & Big E both flew around as well • Jett then nailed the Cleared for Take Off, but Big E kicked out at 2 ¾ • Big E then jumped up and returned the favour with a Phenomenal Experience • But Jett kicked out as well • Both men kept trying to get pins to no avail • The referee called this match a draw after 15 minutes..[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Draw in 15:00 [B]C-[/B] Katie then shot some shirts to the crowd to keep them pumped A Raphael headed out next. Followed by Gangsta, who seemed to be more Gangsta than ever now [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Raphael vs. Canadian Gangsta[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Raphael kept out of reach of Gangsta • Gangsta attempted a few strong moves. • Raphael dodged and nailed a quick enziguri followed by a dropkick to level out Gangsta • Raphael climbed up top, but Gangsta threw him back down to the mat. • Raphael then got nailed with a dropkick from Gangsta and stayed down on the mat. • He caught Gangsta by surprise after nailing a hurricanrana from the ground, sending Gangsta outside. • Gangsta then reached for a chair. • Raphael attempted a suicida dive, but flew into the chair • The ref then disqualified Gangsta[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Raphael in 7:47 by DQ [B]C-[/B] We cut to another commercial break. [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Darryl Devine[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Dragon worked off the crowd immensely • He showed great improvement in high flying as he pulled off a 450 Flip. • Devine then tried to nail the Devine Drop • But Dragon reversed it into a vicious neckbreaker • He then went up top and nailed the Dragon’s Breath and got the pin to retain.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Dragon in 7:34 [B]C-[/B] Terry said that the next match was one of the most anticipated matches tonight. Joey Poison headed out, backed by a new girl. They climbed into the ring and posed. Fire Caller then ran out to cheers and immediately took position. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller Match 3 of 5[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/FireCaller.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Fire Caller was right down to business • He knocked over Poison whenever he could. • Poison managed to duck a clothesline and nailed a snap dropkick • Caller retaliated with a early Hell Fire Kick • He rolled up Joey. • But Joey managed to kick out. • Joey then caught an irate Fire Caller in the Antidote Web • Fire Caller kicked out a millisecond too late.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Joey Poison in 12:52 [B]C[/B] Katie then promoted the magazine and told people to visit the website A All of Total Power then headed next to a huge round of boos. Team 4C, consisting of Darryl Freeman, Nomad & Steve Flash headed out to huge cheers, and ran around the ring slapping hands before entering the ring. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Total Power vs. Team 4C[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylFreeman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • All 3 men were in the ring at the same time. • Nomad went for Kingman, obliterating him and spilling to the outside, Nomad landed on his right hand, and immediately grabbed it. • Tim and Flash went for each other, whereas Darryl charged PRP, only to be levelled by a colossal clothesline. • Tim and Flash went all out on each other here, Flash pulling out all the moves he knew to level Tim • Tim just shrugged them off though and planted Flash with a powerbomb. • Nomad went to kicking Kingman outside, but seemed to favour his right hand. • PRP then took out Darryl again and hit the San Juan Destroyer. • He went for the pin, but Tim pulled him off. • They argued as Tim wanted to pin Flash to show why he is a contender. • Flash leapt up behind them and dropkicked Tim into PRP, which sent them outside. • Darryl then grabbed Kingman and dragged him in, followed by Nomad. • They each hit their finishers on Kingman, with Flash getting the pin [/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Team 4C in 14:39 [B]C[/B] [QUOTE]Quick Results: AAW & Warren Technique def. The J.O.B Squad Jacob Jett drew with Phenomenal E. Raphael def. Canadian Gangsta by DQ. Canadian Dragon def. Darryl Devine to retain. Joey Poison def. Fire Caller to lead 2-1 Team 4C def. Total Power [/QUOTE] Overall Rating [B]C[/B] Success, should have increased popularity.[/CENTER]
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Taken from [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/gremlinator/index.htm"]4C.com[/URL] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] [U]Preview of next weeks Canada's Best[/U] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Cornellverse%20Backgrounds/4CCanadasBest01.jpg[/IMG] [U]Air Attack Weasel vs. Calvin Dark w/Barry Kingman[/U] It seems Kingman has joined with the J.O.B Squad, or brought them into Total Power, will this give them the advantage they need? [U]Gangsta vs. Warren Technique[/U] Warren confronted Gangsta about his actions last week and demanded a match. [U]Canadian Dragon vs. Alan Parent[/U] [U]4C National Championship[/U] Dragon says he is a fighting champion, and will prove it again this week. [U]Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/U] [U]Match 4 of 5 (2-1)[/U] The series continues. [U]Steve Flash vs. Darryl Freeman Non-Title[/U] Flash faces off against fellow collegue Darryl Freeman [U]Tim Westybrook vs. Puerto Rican Power Grudge[/U] An ultimate battle of strength here. After the confrontation they had last week, will they still be able to fight each other?[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Predictions welcome... Also, any thoughts on the last show? Any improvements I could make, any suggestions?
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Taken from [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/gremlinator/index.htm"]4C.com[/URL] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] [U]Preview of next weeks Canada's Best[/U] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Cornellverse%20Backgrounds/4CCanadasBest01.jpg[/IMG] [U]Air Attack Weasel vs. Calvin Dark w/Barry Kingman[/U] It seems Kingman has joined with the J.O.B Squad, or brought them into Total Power, will this give them the advantage they need? [U]Gangsta vs. Warren Technique[/U] Warren confronted Gangsta about his actions last week and demanded a match. [U]Canadian Dragon vs. Alan Parent[/U] [U]4C National Championship[/U] Dragon says he is a fighting champion, and will prove it again this week. [U]Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/U] [U]Match 4 of 5 (2-1)[/U] The series continues. [U]Steve Flash vs. Darryl Freeman Non-Title[/U] Flash faces off against fellow collegue Darryl Freeman [U]Tim Westybrook vs. Puerto Rican Power Grudge[/U] An ultimate battle of strength here. After the confrontation they had last week, will they still be able to fight each other?[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Predictions welcome... Also, any thoughts on the last show? Any improvements I could make, any suggestions?
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Good to see you back from your hiatus I'll have to catch up on the two or three shows I've missed but here are my predictions for this one. [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] vs. Calvin Dark w/Barry Kingman It seems Kingman has joined with the J.O.B Squad, or brought them into Total Power, will this give them the advantage they need? [I]The J.O.B. squad can't be pulled out of the much so easily even with Kingman[/I] [B]Gangsta[/B] vs. Warren Technique Warren confronted Gangsta about his actions last week and demanded a match. [I]Gangsta's answer is gonna be a swift ass whuppin'.[/I] [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] vs. Alan Parent 4C National Championship Dragon says he is a fighting champion, and will prove it again this week. [I]If I hadn't made it abundantly clear before I hate Alan Parent he sucks something awful.[/I] Joey Poison vs. [B]Fire Caller[/B] Match 4 of 5 (2-1) The series continues. [I]I'm sure it's cliche to have it come down to the wire but I think it should so a tying win for FIre Caller here.[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Darryl Freeman Non-Title Flash faces off against fellow collegue Darryl Freeman [I]I know it's non-ttile but Flash wins and there's a nice handshake giving Freeman the opportunity to go for tag gold with either Westybrook or Nomad.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Puerto Rican Power Grudge An ultimate battle of strength here. After the confrontation they had last week, will they still be able to fight each other? [I]I like PRP but Westybrook is a Canadian hero and he shold take this final battle.[/I]
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Good to see you back from your hiatus I'll have to catch up on the two or three shows I've missed but here are my predictions for this one. [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] vs. Calvin Dark w/Barry Kingman It seems Kingman has joined with the J.O.B Squad, or brought them into Total Power, will this give them the advantage they need? [I]The J.O.B. squad can't be pulled out of the much so easily even with Kingman[/I] [B]Gangsta[/B] vs. Warren Technique Warren confronted Gangsta about his actions last week and demanded a match. [I]Gangsta's answer is gonna be a swift ass whuppin'.[/I] [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] vs. Alan Parent 4C National Championship Dragon says he is a fighting champion, and will prove it again this week. [I]If I hadn't made it abundantly clear before I hate Alan Parent he sucks something awful.[/I] Joey Poison vs. [B]Fire Caller[/B] Match 4 of 5 (2-1) The series continues. [I]I'm sure it's cliche to have it come down to the wire but I think it should so a tying win for FIre Caller here.[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Darryl Freeman Non-Title Flash faces off against fellow collegue Darryl Freeman [I]I know it's non-ttile but Flash wins and there's a nice handshake giving Freeman the opportunity to go for tag gold with either Westybrook or Nomad.[/I] [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Puerto Rican Power Grudge An ultimate battle of strength here. After the confrontation they had last week, will they still be able to fight each other? [I]I like PRP but Westybrook is a Canadian hero and he shold take this final battle.[/I]
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Thanks for the predictions Apu, I forgot to add a little piece, yet critical, piece of info for the predictions. Results will be up tomorrow, which will be the general flow from now on. Nomad broke his hand at Canada's Best, so I'm going to have to have him work shorter matches, or give him a couple of weeks off, but I can't really risk losing his talent can I? lol. And it is good to be back lol.
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Thanks for the predictions Apu, I forgot to add a little piece, yet critical, piece of info for the predictions. Results will be up tomorrow, which will be the general flow from now on. Nomad broke his hand at Canada's Best, so I'm going to have to have him work shorter matches, or give him a couple of weeks off, but I can't really risk losing his talent can I? lol. And it is good to be back lol.
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Cornellverse%20Backgrounds/4CCanadasBest01.jpg[/IMG] [u] 300 people in attendance [/u] Pre-Show: Darryl Devine def. Hardcore Killah (C-) Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the huge Main Event match-up. He mentions the problems Total Power went through last week, and says this is bound to be an awesome match. As soon as he finished, out comes AAW, now receiving a good reaction from the crowd. Calvin Dark came out next to silence. He came out followed by Barry Kingman, yet still had the same old blank face. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] Air Attack Weasel vs. Calvin Dark w/Barry Kingman[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • This match was good • Calvin received several dropkicks from AAW • But he remained blank. • AAW became distressed and went for an Air Raid. • He connected but only got a 2 count. • Dark then leapt up and delivered a sickening Super Kick. • AAW was out. • But somehow kicked out at 2 ¾ • AAW then hopped up himself. • He kicked Dark in the gut and connect with a Flying Disaster – A spinning kick • Dark flipped backwards from the force. • AAW then went for the pin[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] AAW in 12:50 [B]C-[/B] The fans cheered for AAW once more.. Terry then spoke about how Warren demanded this match-up after Gangsta’s sickening acts last week. Out ran Gangsta, who received a large array of boos. Warren came out to a mixed reaction, and seemed pumped. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Canadian Gangsta vs. Warren Technique. [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Gangsta blocked Warren’s early attacks. • Gangsta then went on a vicious assault • He beat away at Warren with anger, • Warren kicked him away and managed to drill him with a suplex. • But Gangsta locked him in a Triangle Lock. • Warren struggled. • His arms went limp twice but had life the third drop. He then lifted up Gangsta using his neck then drilled him with a powerbomb. • Warren then got ****y and posed to the crowd. • Gangsta popped up, turned him round and nailed the Gangsta Thrill.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Gangsta in 13:27 [B]C-[/B] Canadian Dragon was out next with the title around his waist, worn with pride. Alan Parent headed out with the usual blankness. [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Alan Parent For the 4C National Title[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Canadian Dragon attacked Parent immediately • Dragon then went up top early for the Dragons Breath • He nailed it but only got a 2 count. • Parent attempted to get a move in, but Dragon blocked. • He then nailed the Canadian Salute. • Parent was out cold.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Dragon to retain in 7:32 [B]C-[/B] Katie then shot some shirts into the crowd B+ We cut to another commercial break. [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/FireCaller.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Both men gave their all here. • Fire Caller gave slightly more though • They both hit their finishers early on, but both men kicked out at 2 • Andy Gordy, the referee, was constantly on his toes. • Caller then went for a Hell Fire Kick, but miscalculated and flipped over the ropes and crashed to the outside. • Joey then went outside with a moonsault. • Both men were in pain as the referee reached 10 [/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Draw in 12:48 as a result of a count-out. [B]C[/B] Terry said that the next match was hyped to be a great one, the 4C champion against fellow 4C member, and a member of the SSG, Darryl Freeman. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Steve Flash vs. Darryl Freeman [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylFreeman.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Both men shook hands before it started • They went hold for hold at the start. • The crowd showed their love for them. • Darryl then nailed a quick Tornado DDT and got a 2 count. • Flash then quickly flipped Darryl into a T-Bone suplex. • He got a 2 count. • Darryl then got a Dog Byte, but failed to get the 3. • Flash then fended off Darryl. • He managed to reverse a suplex and nailed a Flash Bang. • He got the 3[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Steve Flash in 13:55 [B]C[/B] Both men shook hands again and embraced. Tim Westybrook headed out to cheers surprisingly and slapped a couple of hands before getting in the ring. PRP then headed out, flanked by Barry Kingman and The J.O.B Squad. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Tim Westybrook vs. Puerto Rican Power[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Tim immediately posed and received some cheers. • PRP attempted the same and got very loud boos. • Tim then laughed and gestured. • PRP then charged and attempted clothesline. • Tim ducked though and elbowed PRP in the back of the head. • He then nailed a strained back suplex and went for a pin. • PRP kicked out at 2. • PRP then immediately lifted up Tim, and with superhuman strength, chokeslammed him with authority. • Team 4C then ran down and nailed Barry Kingman and The J.O.B Squad from behind, and beat them down. • PRP looked over at the carnage. • Tim then clotheslined PRP over, but took himself with him. • They crashed into the carnage. • The ref had to declare a No Contest.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] No Contest at 10:46 [B]C[/B] Katie then promotes the magazine B+ [QUOTE]Quick Results: AAW def. Calvin Dark Canadian Gangsta def. Warren Technique Canadian Dragon def. Alan Parent to retain. Fire Caller drew with Joey Poison. Steve Flash def. Darryl Freeman Tim Westybrook vs. Puerto Rican Power – No Contest [/QUOTE] Overall Rating C Success, should have increased popularity.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Cornellverse%20Backgrounds/4CCanadasBest01.jpg[/IMG] [u] 300 people in attendance [/u] Pre-Show: Darryl Devine def. Hardcore Killah (C-) Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the huge Main Event match-up. He mentions the problems Total Power went through last week, and says this is bound to be an awesome match. As soon as he finished, out comes AAW, now receiving a good reaction from the crowd. Calvin Dark came out next to silence. He came out followed by Barry Kingman, yet still had the same old blank face. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] Air Attack Weasel vs. Calvin Dark w/Barry Kingman[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • This match was good • Calvin received several dropkicks from AAW • But he remained blank. • AAW became distressed and went for an Air Raid. • He connected but only got a 2 count. • Dark then leapt up and delivered a sickening Super Kick. • AAW was out. • But somehow kicked out at 2 ¾ • AAW then hopped up himself. • He kicked Dark in the gut and connect with a Flying Disaster – A spinning kick • Dark flipped backwards from the force. • AAW then went for the pin[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] AAW in 12:50 [B]C-[/B] The fans cheered for AAW once more.. Terry then spoke about how Warren demanded this match-up after Gangsta’s sickening acts last week. Out ran Gangsta, who received a large array of boos. Warren came out to a mixed reaction, and seemed pumped. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Canadian Gangsta vs. Warren Technique. [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Gangsta blocked Warren’s early attacks. • Gangsta then went on a vicious assault • He beat away at Warren with anger, • Warren kicked him away and managed to drill him with a suplex. • But Gangsta locked him in a Triangle Lock. • Warren struggled. • His arms went limp twice but had life the third drop. He then lifted up Gangsta using his neck then drilled him with a powerbomb. • Warren then got ****y and posed to the crowd. • Gangsta popped up, turned him round and nailed the Gangsta Thrill.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Gangsta in 13:27 [B]C-[/B] Canadian Dragon was out next with the title around his waist, worn with pride. Alan Parent headed out with the usual blankness. [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Alan Parent For the 4C National Title[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Canadian Dragon attacked Parent immediately • Dragon then went up top early for the Dragons Breath • He nailed it but only got a 2 count. • Parent attempted to get a move in, but Dragon blocked. • He then nailed the Canadian Salute. • Parent was out cold.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Dragon to retain in 7:32 [B]C-[/B] Katie then shot some shirts into the crowd B+ We cut to another commercial break. [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/FireCaller.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Both men gave their all here. • Fire Caller gave slightly more though • They both hit their finishers early on, but both men kicked out at 2 • Andy Gordy, the referee, was constantly on his toes. • Caller then went for a Hell Fire Kick, but miscalculated and flipped over the ropes and crashed to the outside. • Joey then went outside with a moonsault. • Both men were in pain as the referee reached 10 [/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Draw in 12:48 as a result of a count-out. [B]C[/B] Terry said that the next match was hyped to be a great one, the 4C champion against fellow 4C member, and a member of the SSG, Darryl Freeman. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Steve Flash vs. Darryl Freeman [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylFreeman.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Both men shook hands before it started • They went hold for hold at the start. • The crowd showed their love for them. • Darryl then nailed a quick Tornado DDT and got a 2 count. • Flash then quickly flipped Darryl into a T-Bone suplex. • He got a 2 count. • Darryl then got a Dog Byte, but failed to get the 3. • Flash then fended off Darryl. • He managed to reverse a suplex and nailed a Flash Bang. • He got the 3[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Steve Flash in 13:55 [B]C[/B] Both men shook hands again and embraced. Tim Westybrook headed out to cheers surprisingly and slapped a couple of hands before getting in the ring. PRP then headed out, flanked by Barry Kingman and The J.O.B Squad. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Tim Westybrook vs. Puerto Rican Power[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE] • Tim immediately posed and received some cheers. • PRP attempted the same and got very loud boos. • Tim then laughed and gestured. • PRP then charged and attempted clothesline. • Tim ducked though and elbowed PRP in the back of the head. • He then nailed a strained back suplex and went for a pin. • PRP kicked out at 2. • PRP then immediately lifted up Tim, and with superhuman strength, chokeslammed him with authority. • Team 4C then ran down and nailed Barry Kingman and The J.O.B Squad from behind, and beat them down. • PRP looked over at the carnage. • Tim then clotheslined PRP over, but took himself with him. • They crashed into the carnage. • The ref had to declare a No Contest.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] No Contest at 10:46 [B]C[/B] Katie then promotes the magazine B+ [QUOTE]Quick Results: AAW def. Calvin Dark Canadian Gangsta def. Warren Technique Canadian Dragon def. Alan Parent to retain. Fire Caller drew with Joey Poison. Steve Flash def. Darryl Freeman Tim Westybrook vs. Puerto Rican Power – No Contest [/QUOTE] Overall Rating C Success, should have increased popularity.[/CENTER]
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