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OOC: I'm using FORC with the split rosters, but I'm controlling Smackdown!, Raw and ECW. Backstory: The McGeorge family have taken over the largest company in pro wrestling. Vince McMahon has given control of his company to 3 men from Manchester, England. This is a profile of each one, from wikipedia, the day after they signed on the dotted line: [COLOR="Red"]Alistair has worked as a booker for a school-run promotion, with some success. He got the position of Head Booker of Smackdown! because, after a creative slump, WWE was in need of a drastic change behind the scenes. The rest, as they say, is history.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]There is much confusion as to why William was not only put as the Head Booker of ECW, but also as the new owner! Many are wondering why he, who has little experience in pro wrestling booking, has been put in complete control of the newly revived ECW.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jack is one of the 3 McGeorge brothers, who are taking over pro wrestling. He is under control of one of the most influential companies in the world, WWE Raw. He has plenty of experience, and should do wonders for the brand.[/COLOR] A month has passed since they took control of their respective brands, and it is now the day before Alistair and Jack's first PPVs (Summer Break and Vengence, respectively). William, it seems, does not give a damn about ECW, as his shows have continuely been poor, and he cancelled one show already. Vince McMahon has been reported to be regretting his decision of making this man the owner, as he can't be fired. All 3 men have made changes to their rosters, for better and worse. OOC: I will post the rosters after I have some predictions for Vengence and Summer Break Here are the matches lined up for the PPVs Summer Break: Cruiserweight Title: Super Crazy vs Gregory Helms (best of 7 series, Super Crazy is winning 2-0) Akio and Matt Hardy vs The Pitbulls (Akio and Hardy just won the titles this past week on Smackdown. Will their reign be the shortest in recent memory?) U.S. Title: Ken Kennedy vs Bobby Lashley (Again, Best of 7 Series, Bobby Lashley holds the title, with a 2-0 lead) The Undertaker and Finlay vs ????? (both of these men are on a 4 match winning streak, will they be able to continue these independent streaks, or will they both come to a sudden end) World Heavyweight Title Match- Booker T vs ???? WWE VENGENCE: Tag Title Match: Snitsky and Viscera vs The Spirit Squad (Kenny and Mikey) (The Spirit Squad have defended their titles succesfully (sp) in all 4 matches they've competed in. Can their "biggest" oponents yet defeat them?) Womens Title: Trish Stratus vs Mickie James (Lita has been getting annoyed at Trish's celebrations and her string of victories. Will Trish give her another reason to be pissed off?) IC Title: Val Venis vs Rob Van Dam- Van Dam was stripped of the WWE title. Will he redeem himself tonight, and capture the IC Title? HBK and Rob Conway vs ????? (stealing a storyline from Smackdown, HBK and Conway are on winning streaks. Will this end tonight?) Mick Foley and ??? and ???? vs D-Generation X (Triple H, John Cena and Harry Smith). Triple H and his cronies seem hell-bent on getting Mick Foley to retire. However, this will be the first time they've met in a match. What will happen in this potentially explosive situation?) WWE Title: Edge vs Christopher Daniels Will Daniels' first match be as eventful as his debut? He entered the ring, and announced that he was coming to save the fans from the evil's of the corrupt. With him, was Alter Boy Luke and Raven! Will they stay backstage and allow a fair fight, or will they begin to clense Raw, beginning with mega-heel Edge?) Predictions, constructive criticism etc?
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[COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="5"]Roster for WWE Smackdown[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]Main Eventers[/COLOR][/SIZE] Batista Booker T Chris Benoit Finlay Joey Mercury Ken Kennedy Rey Mysterio The Undertaker [COLOR="Red"]Upper Midcarders[/COLOR] Lashley Brian Kendrick Burchill Charlie Haas Gregory Helms Jamie Noble Kid Kash Mark Henry Matt Hardy Paul London Psicosis Simon Dean Super Crazy Tatanka The Great Khali William Regal [COLOR="Red"]Midcarders[/COLOR] Funaki Gunner Scott The Miz Scotty 2 Hotty Sylvan The Boogeyman [COLOR="Red"]Lower Midcarders[/COLOR] Akio Jake Jardi Franz Jesse Milano Collection AT Puma Vito [COLOR="Red"]Openers[/COLOR] Ashley (planning to release her soon though) Chris Colione Delirious Hallowicked Jillian Hall JJ Perez [COLOR="Red"]Enhancement Talent[/COLOR] Dana Lee Derek Sanders [COLOR="Red"]Semi-Active Wrestlers[/COLOR] None [COLOR="Red"]Managers[/COLOR] Chavo Guerrero (I'm going to push him as a midcarder soon) Daivari Little Bastard Michelle McCool Sharmell [COLOR="Red"]Announcer[/COLOR] Josh Matthews Kristal Michael Cole [COLOR="Red"]Colour Commentators[/COLOR] John "Bradshaw" Layfield Steve Romero [COLOR="Red"]Referees[/COLOR] Charles Robinson Chris Kay Jim Korderas Nick Patrick [COLOR="Red"]Authority Figures[/COLOR] Theodore Long Vince McMahon [COLOR="Red"]Road Agents[/COLOR] Dean Malenko Sgt. Slaughter [COLOR="Red']Backstage Workers[/COLOR] Bruce Pritchard Linda McMahon Stephanie McMahon
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[U]Michael Cole:[/U]It's here! WWE Smackdown, in association with Snickers, bring to you Summer Break! [U]JBL:[/U] That's right. You could've tuned into any other wrestling show you wanted, but you didn't! [U]Cole:[/U] Damn straihgt, and there are some very good reasons for that. Tonight, Booker T takes on a superstar of his choosing. Also, we will see The Undertaker team up with the Irish Fighter Finlay. [U]JBL:[/U] Woah woah woah. Shut your goddamn mouth! The reason people are watching is me, jackass. Now shut the hell up and let the people enjoy my voice! [COLOR="Red"]MATCH 1[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Burchill vs Chris Colione vs Chavo Guerrero[/COLOR] The match began quite slowly, with several rest-holds by all 3 wreslers. After a minute, Burchill went for an arm drag, but Calione hit a knife edge chop to send him to the mat. He was then knocked out of the ring by Chavo, as punishment for not keeping an eye on his opponents. Chavo slid out of the ring, and hit the Gory Bomb, before being dragged back in by Burchill. For the final 3 minutes of the match, Colione was out cold on the outside, so Burchill and Guerrero gave the fans a decent showing. They showed off some impressive chain wrestling, and showed the bosses why they were on this PPV (many people backstage were unsure about Alistair's decision to book this match). Just after the 5 minute mark, Chavo was hit by the Walk the Plank, and convered by Burchill for the win. Although the match wasn't terrible, it only got a C rating. Winner at 5:05- [COLOR="blue"]Burchill[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Segment 1[/COLOR] [U]JBL:[/U] Tonight, you will see Gregory Helms beat the living crap out of Super Crazy, and get back into this Best of 7. Helms has just been giving Crazy a head start, that's all! (Rating for segment: C+) [COLOR="Red"]Match 2[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]WWE TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH Akio and Matt Hardy vs The Pitbulls [/COLOR] For 10 minutes these teams fought back and forth, with all 4 men getting offence in. When the match was 11 minutes old, the ref was knocked down when Kash side-stepped a shoulder block attempt by Hardy. The four men began brawling outside the ring for a few minutes, and didn't realise in time that the ref was up. At nearly 14 minutes, the match ended with a double count out. The match got a C rating. [COLOR="blue"]Draw[/COLOR] at 13.51, [COLOR="blue"]Akio and Hardy[/COLOR] keep the titles [COLOR="Red"]MATCH 3[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Joey Mercury vs The Miz[/COLOR] In an un-advertised match, Mercury and The Miz had a fairly disappointing match; at least, not up to the expectations of Alistair McGeorge. He is, apparently, quite annoyed at the ratings the PPV has so far, and hopes that it can be improved on. Joey Mercury pinned the Miz at 8.01, using the ropes. The match got a C+ rating. Although Alistair is disappointed, it's the best match so far, surprisingly. Winner at 8.01- [COLOR="Blue"]Joey Mercury[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Segment 2[/COLOR] [U]Booker T:[/U] Hello, my loyal subjects. Mr. Long has given me the power, as King of your ring, to select by opponent tonight. After much royal deliberation, I have reached my verdict. My opponent tonight, for the World Heavyweight Title, is the world's favourite peasant.....Rey Mysterio. *booker then spits on the ground* (Rating for segment- A) [COLOR="red"]Match 4[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Cruiserweight Title Gregory Helms vs Super Crazy[/COLOR] This match was one of the better matches so far, although they have produced better on Smackdown! Still, it was a decent match, ending at almost 15 minutes, when Helms low-blowed Crazy with the ref's back turned, .apitalizing for the win and the title. The match got a C+ rating. Winner at 14.53- [COLOR="blue"]Gregory Helms[/COLOR] OOC: Just in case I run out of space (only half way through) I'm continueing this in the next post. Any comments so far?
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[COLOR="Red"]Segment 3[/COLOR] JBL comments on all the famous people in attendence at Summer Break. (Segment rating- B) [COLOR="red"]MATCH 5[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]U.S. Title Bobby Lashley vs Ken Kennedy[/COLOR] In a hard-fought battle that is, so far, the best match of the night, these superstars went back and forth for just over 12 minutes. At the 10 minutes mark, Kennedy hit the Green Bay Plunge, but Lashey managed to kick out. They brawled for another minute, before Lashley hit the dominator, leading to another near fall. KK clotheslined Bobby over the top rope, and landed the Kenton Bomb off the top rope onto the outside. Kennedy rolled into the ring, winning the match by count-out. The match was good, getting a B-. Winner at 12:03 [COLOR="blue"]Mr. Kennedy[/COLOR] After the match, Lashley, knocked Kennedy off his feet with a viscious clothesline, and unleashed a brutal attack. After a couple of minutes, Delirious ran out with a chair, chasing Lashley off. (segment rating- C-). Mr. McGeorge is reportedly (sp) furious at Delirious' preformance, describing it as "dreadful". However, he seems impressed by Mr. Kennedy's showing. [COLOR="Red"]Match 6[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]World Heavyweight Title Booker T vs Rey Mysterio[/COLOR] Although they were both extremely tired by the end, the pair still managed to get a B-rated match. They went back-and forth for over half an hour, before Booker T got the pinfall (with a handfull of tights) after Mysterio missed a 619. Winner at 36:03 [COLOR="blue"]Booker T[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Segment 4[/COLOR] Theodore Long came to the ring, and told the Smackdown! faithful that at the next pay-per-view, there would be a Hall of Fame Ceremony. (segment rating- B) [COLOR="red"]THE MAIN EVENT![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The Undertaker and Finlay vs. Batista and Milano Collection AT[/COLOR] For a match that Alistair was sure would get a high rating, it was quite disappointing. Getting a B rating, the match was one of the best of the night, but Alistair's feels that "that isn't saying a lot". Batista pinned The Undertaker near the 26 minute mark, after Finlay slapped Undertaker. This ended both Undertaker and Finlay's independant winning streaks. Winners at 26:01 [COLOR="blue"]Batista and Milano Collection AT[/COLOR]. The PPV got a final rating of B-, which Alistair was "pleasantly suprised" with. However, he is still disappointed with some individual preformances. FINAL RATING- B-
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[COLOR="Red"]Roster for WWE Raw[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Main Eventers[/color] Edge (h) John Cena (h) Kane (f) Randy Orton (h) Ric Flair (f) Rob Van Dam (f) Shawn Michaels (f) Triple H (h) [COLOR="blue"]Upper Midcarders[/COLOR] Carlito (f) Chris Harris (h) Chris Masters (h) Christopher Daniels (f) Johnny Nitro (h) Kenny (h) Lita (h) Mick Foley (f) Raven (f) Rhino (h) Rob Conway (h) Shetlon Benjamin (h) Umaga (h) [COLOR="blue"]Midcarders[/COLOR] Eugene (f) Fake Kane (h)- plan to completely change gimmick Johnny (h) Matt Striker (h) Mickie James (h) Mikey (h) Nicky (h) Sean Waltman (h) Trish Stratus (f) [COLOR="blue"]Lower Midcarders[/COLOR] Austin Aries (h) Beth Pheonix (f) Candice Michelle (h) Snitsky (f) Torrie Wilson (f) Trevor Murdoch (h) Val Venis (f) Victoria (h) Viscera (f) [COLOR="blue"]Openers[/COLOR] Alter Boy Luke (f) Bryan Danielson (h) Harry Smith (h) Jack Evans (h) Lance Cade (h) Mitch (h) Roderick Strong (h) [COLOR="blue"]Enhancement Talent[/COLOR] Colt Cabana (f) Cremator (h) Elijah Burke (h) Jim Duggan (f) Kamala (f) [COLOR="blue"]Semi-Active Wrestlers[/COLOR] None [COLOR="blue"]Managers[/COLOR] Armando Alejandro Estrada Melina [COLOR="blue"]Announcer[/COLOR] Jim Ross Lillian Garcia Maria Todd Grisham [COLOR="blue"]Colour Commentators[/COLOR] Jerry Lawler [COLOR="blue"]Referees[/COLOR] Chad Patton Jack Doan Mickie Henson Mike Chioda [COLOR="blue"]Authority Figures[/COLOR] The Coach Vince McMahon [COLOR="blue"]Road Agents[/COLOR] Arn Anderson Blackjack Lanza Doink the Clown Gerald Brisco John Laurinatis Pat Patterson Ricky Steamboat Steve Keirn Ted Dibiase Tim White [COLOR="blue']Backstage Workers[/color] Cout Bauer Dusty Rhodes Eric Bischoff Michael Hayes Shane McMahon
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[U]Jim Ross:[/U] Hello, ladies and gentleman, and welcome to WWE Vengence, brought to you by the superstars of Raw! I'm here with my collegues Todd Grisham and Jerry "The King" Lawler. Now, I have to ask each of you, which match are you most looking forward to tonight? [U]Grisham:[/U] Well JR, I'd have to say the Main Event- the Rated R Superstar taking on the Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels. [U]JR:[/U] I'd have to agree, but do you think his cult-like followers, Alter Boy Luke and Raven, will be able to not get involved? [U]King:[/U]: This is a huge opportunity for Daniels, and I don't think he'd want to risk getting disqualified as the result of an interference. [COLOR="red"]MATCH 1[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][CENTER]Women's Title[/CENTER] Trish Stratus vs Mickie James[/COLOR] JR: And Trish starts the match with a side headlock on James in this match for the women's title. James slips out, irish wip onto the ropes. Wow! Trish bounces back with a clothesline, but Mickie is straight back up. King: Now, you better believe that Lita's watching this match anxiously. She's been agitated all month about the success Trish has been having, and will this continue tonight? JR: Woah, I think it will, Trish is getting ready to hit the Chick Kick! Grisham: But no......Mickie ducks underneath and what a DDT! It's over, 1...2...and no! King: She kicked out! The psycho cannot believe it! The sexiest woman on TV just kicked out! Can you beli..... JR: I've got to cut you off there, Trish going for it- The Chick Kick! This has gotta be it...1.......2.....and 3! Trish retains the title at almost 5 minutes The match got a rating of C+, which Jack is quite happy with. Winner at 4:52 [COLOR="blue"]Trish Stratus[/COLOR] After the match, Beth Pheonix ran out, and celebrated with Trish Stratus in the ring (rating for segment- C+) [COLOR="Red"]MATCH 2[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][CENTER]World Tag Team Titles[/CENTER] Viscera and Snitsky vs The Spirit Squad[/COLOR] King: I'm sure the Spirit Squad are going to win this. Although the other 3 memebers are not at ring side, I think they've got the edge. They're young, quick and smart, whereas Viscera and Snitsky are just plain dumb. They are huge though, but, like I said, stupid. And there we go! Viscera hit with a thumb to the eyes by Kenny. JR: I disagree King. Big Vis and Snitsky both have experience in tag teams, and clearly have a size advantage in the match. Grisham: Viscera using that advantage right now, shoving Kenny into his partner's corner, and Mikey makes the tag and gets into this match....woah! Walks straight into a sidewalk slam by Vis, who goes and tags in Snitsky. King: So, in this ring, we've got 2 incredible young athletes, a fat guy who thinks the ladies love him, and a monster of a man with a foot fetish! It's obvious who's got the advantage in this match JR! JR:I think you should also point out that these young stars are male cheerleaders King! I mean, c'mon. If they split and went on their own... King: Good Lord! What a double DDT by the Spirit Squad after the tag to Kenny. Snitsky hits a few right hands, and now the huge scoop slam! These guys are monsters! JR: Damn straight King, and Vis is tagged into the match. Snitsky just hit a massive big boot to Mikey, and he's down on the outside. Kenny down, center of the ring, and the Big Splash! Big Vis with the Big Splash, and that's got to be the end, new champs. 1...2....3, end of story! [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating[/COLOR]: C Winners at 7:58 [COLOR="Blue"]Viscera and Snitsky[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]MATCH 3[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Umaga vs Eugene[/COLOR] King: An impromptu match here, the Samoan Bulldozer taking on Raw's most "special" star. JR: It's true that Eugene is easily distracted and manipulated, but there's no denying that he's a truely gifted wrestler, and he showed that right there with a snap suplex. King: Yeah, but just you watch JR. All Umaga need do is offer Uncle Eric's nephew a cookie or a present, and it's over! Grisham: I seriously doubt Umaga would ever offer anything close to nice to any of his opponents. But...what the hell? Eugene, bless him, is trying to give Umaga a hug! JR: And he gets a Bear Hug for his troubles.....Eugene, just quit! Live to fight another battle! What the hell! Eugene floats over into a sunset flip, and there we go! 1...2...no, Umaga kicks out at 2 and a half. And there we go, and airplane spin attempt....this kid has heart! NO! The Samoan Spike, and that's it, 1 2 and 3! King: Umaga also has heart JR....but it's black! Hahaha! [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating:[/COLOR] C [COLOR="Blue"]Winner at 9:36 [/COLOR]Umaga. Jack McGeorge is apparently quite disappointed in the match rating, expecting it to be a bit higher. [COLOR="Red"]Segment 1[/COLOR] *CAR CRASH sound, then familiar guitar riff* JR: It's Mrs. Foley's baby boy! Foley's here at Madison Square Garden, in front of 30,000 Raw fans. We're here, live on pay-per-view, and Foley's heading down to the ring! *Foley grabs a mic* Foley: Bang bang! Foley is back in New York! Now that the cheap pop is over with, let me get down to business. D-Generation X. *boos from the crowd* Last week on Monday Night Raw, you attacked the two people I'd chosen to be my partners tonight. Do you honestly think that a man like me couldn't find another two friends to team up with? Now, I have found two gifted athletes. One of them, I know very well. *fans begin to chant Rocky* No no, it's not The Rock...he's doing a movie, called "I suck!" Ok, sorry, that wasn't professional, but damn, that was a nice rhyme. I'm gonna be the next John Cena. Which brings me back to why I'm out here. The three of you though you'd get me in a handicap match? Hell no! Let me introduce my partners....Alter Boy Luke and Raven! [COLOR="Teal"]Segment Rating[/COLOR] C+ OOC: Ok, I've got to get off the PC soon, so I'm just going to post the results for the rest of the matches and what happens for the segments. [COLOR="Red"]MATCH 4[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][CENTER]Intercontinental Title[/CENTER] Val Venis vs Rob Van Dam[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating[/COLOR] B Winner at 11.46 [COLOR="Blue"]Rob Van Dam[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Segment 2[/COLOR] Fake Kane comes out and Piledrives Kane onto the exposed concrete floor several times [COLOR="Teal"]Segment Rating [/COLOR]C+ [COLOR="Red"]MATCH 5[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Mick Foley, Alter Boy Luke and Raven vs D-Generation X[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating[/COLOR] A (Jack is estactic with the rating, the second highest he's got in charge of Raw) Winners at 14.15 [COLOR="Blue"]D-Generation X[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Segment 3[/COLOR] Jim Ross announces that Rhino will be in action next week [COLOR="Teal"]Segment Rating[/COLOR] C+ [COLOR="Red"]Segment 4[/COLOR] Vince sees Carlito and Johnny Nitro argueing backstage, and books them in a match, up next. [COLOR="Teal"]Segment Rating[/COLOR] B+ [COLOR="red"]MATCH 6[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Carlito vs Johnny Nitro[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating [/COLOR]B Winner at 14:49 [COLOR="Blue"]Johnny Nitro[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]MATCH 7[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Shawn Michaels and Rob Conway vs Randy Orton and Sean Waltman[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating[/COLOR] B+ Winners at 30:02 [COLOR="Blue"]Orton and Waltman[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Segment 5[/COLOR] Coachman announces that if Edge loses his match against Daniels, he is fired! [COLOR="Teal"]Segment Rating[/COLOR] B [COLOR="Red"]MAIN EVENT[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][CENTER]WWE TITLE[/CENTER] Edge vs Christopher Daniels[/COLOR] [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating[/COLOR] B Winner at 24.37 (after Chris Harris attacked Daniels) [COLOR="Blue"]Edge[/COLOR] Jack was delighted with the rating, because Edge and Christopher Daniels did not click at all, so, all things considered, it was a great match. FINAL SHOW RATING: B-
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[SIZE="6"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]WWE.COM SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] It was revealed earlier this morning that Rhino's opponent tonight on Raw will be none other than Raven! Vince McMahon gave Rhino the power to choose the type of match, and he choose one that both men are experienced in. These two warriors will face off, one-on-one, in a Hardcore Rules Match! Tune into WWE Monday Night Raw tonight on USA for more Raw action.
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[SIZE="6"][COLOR="Gray"][CENTER]ECWXTREME.COM[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="7"]iXTREME INTERVIEWZ![/SIZE][/CENTER] ECWXTREME.COM would like to present this weeks XTREME INTERVIEW. This edition is with the owner of ECW, William McGeorge. ECW: So, William. Thanks for joining us for this interview. McG: Shut up! Look, I'm only here because apparently Mr. McMahon thinks I need to address my actions since I obtained full owership of ECW. Well, I think I will. Hey, I own this company now, it's mine. I signed the dotted line, and have complete control. If Vince isn't pleased with how I'm doing...well...tough ****, basically. I hear that everybody's all upset because I cancelled one show. What the hell? It's one show! Surely you can live without one weak of the most extreme form of wrestling. ECW: Well....I can see you're quite angry, and you don't seem to really care, but would you mind if we asked a few questions? McG: May as well, I've got nothing else to be doing. ECW: My first question is, following on from that statement actually, when do you plan on putting effort into giving a good product for the fans? McG: Woah! I put on a fine product. I choose the best matches for my fans- is it my fault that the wrestlers can't provide the goods in the ring? Is it my fault the fans don't get to see their favourite stars win?! No it's not, they should just start loving the winners! ECW: Ok. Could you please issue a comment as to why you cancelled a show the other week, an hour before it was due to air on SciFi? McG: Right. Plain and simple. I couldn't be bothered with it. End of story, next question. ECW: This is my last question Mr. McGeorge. McG: That's great, hurry up and get it over with. ECW: Certainly. Erm....well......I guess what's on everyone's mind is...when are you going to try and really compete with the rival companies? For example, Raw and Smackdown? Are you ever going to try and take ECW to the next level. In my opinion, that'll be hard to do, as you haven't even signed referees and other backstage crew. McG: Shut up, for one minute. I don't want your opinion, alright? Now, I'm going to compete starting tomorrow night on ECW. We're going to go back to the old breed. Yes, new wrestlers, but the old intesnity. The old in-your-face style. The old product. This will be for the ECW faithful. Screw WWE. Screw Vince McMahon. Screw SciFi. We want out. We're going for a new network, and we want to be ECW once more. One more time. We want ECW back how it should be. Not WWECW. No. We want in-your-face, balls-out, smash-mouth EC-****ing-W ECWXTREME.COM would like to point out that Mr. McGeorge's opinions do not reflect those of ECWXTREME.COM or anyone on the ECW roster.
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[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"][CENTER]MONDAY NIGHT RAW[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: For some reason, the storyline with D-X and Foley won't progress. I've booked the 6 man tag match 2 shows in a row now (including this one) and it didn't work. It says book a tag-team match, with Foley on side 1, and Triple H, Cena and Smith on side 2. I've done that, any idea what might have gone wrong? [COLOR="navy"]DARK MATCH 1[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Mick Foley, Alter Boy Luke and Eugene vs D-Generation X[/COLOR] Foley's team tried to gain the victory in this un-televised match (OOC: the reason it was a dark match is noted above). They nearly won, but Alter Boy Luke got disqualifed at 8:02 for hitting Triple H with a steel chair. [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating[/COLOR] A Winners at 8:02[COLOR="Blue"] D-Generation x[/COLOR] OOC: Ok wtf?! I've booked a request angle to continue my tag-team title storyline, and that won't progress either?! I know it's the right one, I even double checked. Oh well, I'll continue with the show. [COLOR="Navy"]Dark Segment 1[/COLOR] Viscera and Snitsky, the tag team champions, are seen walking up to The Coach backstage. They request a re-match with the Spirit Squad tonight, to prove it wasn't a fluke. He agrees, as long as the titles are on the line [COLOR="Teal"]Segment rating [/COLOR]C [COLOR="Navy"]DARK MATCH 2[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][CENTER]Intercontinental Title[/CENTER] Val Venis vs Rob Van Dam[/COLOR] As a result of some confusion in the booking of this match, Alistair ordered a short, un-televised re-match to take the title off RVD. Val Venis won with the Money Shot at 2:33 [COLOR="Teal"]Match rating [/COLOR]B Winner at 2:33 [COLOR="Blue"]Val Venis[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Segment 1[/COLOR] Mick Foley comes to the ring. Foley: Tonight, I'm sorry to say it, but this will not be the normal Foley promo. No cheap pops, nothing. Triple H, John, Harry. I think it's safe to say that the better man lost last night. You know I should've won. I wasn't pinned OR disqualified. I should've beaten you. And I will. [COLOR="Teal"]Segment rating[/COLOR] A* [COLOR="Red"]Segment 2[/COLOR] Val Venis is backstage, celebrating his title win. Van Dam walks over and shakes his hand, then walks off. [COLOR="Teal"]Segment Rating[/COLOR] C+ [COLOR="Red"]MATCH 1[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][CENTER]WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES[/CENTER] Snitsky and Viscera vs Spirit Squad[/COLOR] In a tag team title rematch, these two teams went for nearly 6 minutes before the match ended when Snitsky pinned Kenny. [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating[/COLOR] C Winners at 5:54 [COLOR="Blue"]Viscera and Snitsky[/COLOR] After the match, the Spirit Squad beat down Snitsky and Vis with steel chairs. (segment rating C) [COLOR="Red"]MATCH 2- HARDCORE MATCH[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Raven vs Rhino[/COLOR] This was a decent match, lasting just over 14 minutes with some good hardcore action. Raven pinned Rhino after the Raven Effect onto thumb tacks. [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating [/COLOR]B Winner at 14:03 [COLOR="Blue"]Raven[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Segment 3[/COLOR] Mick Foley is sitting backstage, when D-X suddenly appears and drags him into a bus. [COLOR="Teal"]Segment Rating [/COLOR]A [COLOR="Red"]Segment 4[/COLOR] Lita is shown backstage, and insults Trish Stratus [COLOR="Teal"]Segment Rating[/COLOR] C+ [COLOR="Red"]MATCH 4[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][CENTER]IC TITLE[/CENTER] Val Venis vs Austin Aries[/COLOR] As a result of RVD's interference, Aries wins the IC Title at nearly 14 minutes. [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating [/COLOR]C+ Winner at 13:43 [COLOR="Blue"]Austin Aries[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Segment 5[/COLOR] Lita and Trish Stratus begin argueing backstage. [COLOR="Teal"]Segment Rating [/COLOR]B [COLOR="Red"]Segment 6[/COLOR] Shawn Michaels and Rob Conway are seen argueing over who's fault their loss last night was. Conway blames HBK before punching him, then running out of the locker room. Will they be able to co-exist in their rematch from Vengence up next? [COLOR="Teal"]Segment Rating [/COLOR]B [COLOR="red"][SIZE="5"]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Shawn Michaels and Rob Conway vs Randy Orton and Sean Waltman[/COLOR] Randy Orton pinned Rob Conway after half an hour, when HBK hit Conway with a steal chair whilst Waltman distracted the ref. [COLOR="Teal"]Match Rating[/COLOR] B Winners at 30:34 [COLOR="Blue"]Randy Orton and Sean Waltman[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]FINAL SEGMENT[/COLOR] Rob Conway makes his way into the locker room, and begins screaming at HBK. He blames him for their loss. Michaels simply responds by saying "Yeah, that sucks doesn't it?", then leaves. FINAL RATING- C+ Jack is extremely disappointed with the show as a whole. He's delighted with how the D-X/Foley storyline is getting such high ratings, but is annoyed with the number of C-grades for other matches and segments.
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