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NWA Domination

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So, I've seen several folks on different websites showing interest in a NWA Domination scenario for TEW05. It was my favorite scenario to play on EWR so I have decided to take a crack at making it for this game. However there are a couple different versions to base the scenario off so I just want to see which one people would want. There's the original that Adam made and there is also a 2.0 version that is different in many ways. With some help, me and whoever else could do our own version of the scenario (perhaps based off TFORC, assuming TCP allows). I was thinking some Japanese and European promotions would be good to add to which ever idea I decide to base the scenario off of as well. Sooo, any ideas/suggestions?
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Okay, I have decided to use the original NWA Domination scenario as the base. I still want to add some Japanese and maybe European promotions so if anyone has any suggestions for those(I know [i]nothing[/i] about Japanese wrestling and very little about European), that'd be cool.
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You can always release a base version and then people can edit it from there. I think most do with the mods anyway. If you're going to follow the "NWA never collapsed and eventually engulfed WWF but everything else didn't change" idea that Adam put out, you can pretty much leave the Japanese promotions as is. Same with the Euros, but incorporating an NWA: London would be cool as well.
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Why should he leave Japan and European promotions out? Unless you mean leaving out things like NWA: Tokyo... Seriously, if the WWF and NWA did or didn't collapse, Japan wouldn't be as effected as many seem to think. I believe AJPW and NJPW would still exist. Depending on how you do it, the NWA could be a big thing or small thing in japan. If it's a big thing in Japan, I could honestly see one of the promotions being bigger/smaller because it's affiliated with japan. IE: AJPW could be an affiliate and at a bigger level with NWA titles and all. I also would love to know what happened to the AWA. I don't think I've seen one NWA Domination Scenario explain what happened. Did they get bought out? Did they collapse? [like they did in real life] Interested to see how you do this as I believe Adam's original scenario was the best with the others just being lacklustre. Also, I'd love to see how you edit the wrestlers. Obviously Hogan won't be as over as he is in real life because Rock n Wrestling was an utter failure [if you go that route].
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No, I don't think you understood what I meant. Japan would be relatively unaffected. They'd be close to where they are today. I think the AWA would've eventually been swallowed up by the NWA and rebranded much like the WWF became NWA: New York or whatever it was. Perhaps NWA: Twin Cities. I love the idea of the "sports entertainment" guys never getting over, or at least never reaching the same heights. Not to mention all of the careers that craptastic McBooking ruined (Terry Taylor anyone?). Another question though... would there still be indy feds such as Ring of Honor or CZW? Or would they be basically minor NWA affiliates?
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In my opinion, RoH would've not been opened. RoH focuses on wrestling and what makes them unique is that no other promotion does that in our universe. But the NWA did focus on wrestling [to the most part]. If it did open up, I think it'd be an NWA affiliate. CZW on the other hand could be something of an outcast. John Zandig attempts to get into NWA: ECW/HC but Paul E. denies him. Pissed off, Zandig opens up CZW in direct competition and full of others who were denied by Paul E.
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Actually, wouldn't ROH be sports entertainment since it's based in countering the mainstream? And yeah, I agree CZW would've popped up. ECW, contrary to some opinion, wasn't ultraviolent. In a musical sense, ECW was alternative while CZW is hardcore metal. Wait... would ECW still be Eastern Championship Wrestling since turning on a powerful NWA instead of a shell would make no sense.
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