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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Indy News Online[/SIZE][/B] [I]Your One Stop Shop for Indy Wrestling News[/I] [B]SHIMMER Pro:[/B] SHIMMER held "Payback" infront of 142 people at the Madison Theatre. Here are the results.... Amazing Kong & Shantelle Taylor defeated Tiana Ringer & Christie Ritchie C- The Exiles defeated Hosaka & Mercedes Mendez C- Cinday Rogers defeated Rain D Rebecca Knox defeated Amber O'Neal D Cheerleader Melissa and Daizee Haze defeated Azriel and Allison Danger C- Sara Del Ray defeated Ms. Chif for the SHIMMER title C [B]Rating: [/B]C [B]Jersey All Pro Wrestling:[/B] JAPW held "Total Eclipse" infront of 1,711 people at the Alumni Memorial Fieldhouse. Here are the results.... Oman Turtuga defeated Archadia C- Mercedes Mendez defeated Talia D Trent Acid defeated Xavier C+ Frankie Kazarian, Abyss & Danny Demanto defeated Damien Santiago, Teddy Hart and Bobby Washington C Brother Runt defeated B-Boy Rhino defeated Homicide to retain the JAPW Title B- The Briscoe Brothers defeated SATs to retain the JAPW Tag Titles C+ [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [B]IWA-Mid South:[/B] IWA-MS held "Ravenous" infront of 1,000 people at the Davis Arena. Here are the results... Trik Davis defeated Eric Priest C- Madman Pondo defeated Deranged C- Arik Cannon defeated Necro Butcher, Darin Corbin & Mickie Knuckles C Hit and Run defeated the Iron Saints C Masato Tanaka defeated Eddie Kingston C+ Chris Hero defeated Milano Collection AT for the IWA MS Title C+ [B]Rating: [/B]C+ [B]CHIKARA Pro:[/B] CHIKARA held "Shelter" infront of 1,000 people at the Amazua Concert Hall. Here are the results.... Hallowickes, Gran Akuma & Ultra Mantis defeated Lance Steel, Darin Corbin & Mike Quackenbush C- Daizee Haze defeated Mickie Knuckles D Delirious, Eddie Kingston & Sal Thomaselli defeated Vito Thomaselli, Arik Cannon & Joker C- Kevin Steen & Milano Collection AT defeated Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli C+ [B]Rating: [/B]C[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Combat Zone Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [I]The House of Ultra-Violent Wrestling[/I] We are 3 days away from "Any Questions?" and there's a lot of news to get to. First off, last week Chris Hero defeated Milano Collection AT for the IWA-MS Championship. At "Any Questions?", Chris Hero will bring both of his Heavyweight Championships. Lastly, there's 1 match left to announce and it's a HUGE one. [B]CZW Tag Team Championship Match [COLOR="Red"]Eddie Kingston & Joker defend their Tag Titles against THE BRISCOE BROTHERS[/COLOR][/B] [I]-The Briscoe Brothers make their long awaited return to CZW and they will challenge the current Tag Team Champions to a title match. Will the BLK Out reign supreme and defend their titles or will The Briscoe Brothers win CZW Gold?![/I] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]CZW presents... [/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="6"][B]Any Questions?[/B] [/SIZE] [I]live at the Amazura Concert Hall in Jamacia, NY[/I] [B]CZW Heavyweight Championship Match[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Chris Hero(c) vs Nick Gage[/COLOR][/B] [B]Fans Bring Weapons Match [COLOR="red"]Necro Butcher vs Nate Hatred[/COLOR][/B] [B]Ultra-Violent Deathmatch [COLOR="red"]The Messiah vs Wifebeater[/COLOR] John Zandig's Announcement [COLOR="red"]Zandig announces his plans for Cage of Death[/COLOR] Tag Team Match [COLOR="red"]Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs Ruckus & Arik Cannon[/COLOR] Non-Title Match [COLOR="red"]Teddy Hart vs Jack Evans[/COLOR] 6-Man Tag Team Match [COLOR="red"]Kevin Steen, Sexxxy Eddy & Nate Webb vs Super Dragon, B-Boy & Sabian [/COLOR] Singles Match [COLOR="red"]Claudio Castagnoli vs Excalibur[/COLOR] Singles Match [COLOR="red"]Danny Havoc vs Altar Boy Luke[/COLOR] 1 Fall 3-Way Scramble for the #1 Contendership of the CZW World JR. Heavyweight Championship [COLOR="red"]Jimmy Rave vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Matt Sydal[/COLOR] CZW Tag Team Championship Match [COLOR="red"]Eddie Kingston & Joker(c) vs The Briscoe Brothers[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]CZW's ANY QUESTIONS?[/SIZE][/B] [I]Saturday, May 24th 2009 live at the Amazura Concert Hall, Jamacia, NY infront of 950 people[/I] _________________________________________ [B]*Cage of Death Announcement*[/B] [COLOR="Red"]John Zandig is standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone in his hand. The crowd chants "CZW! CZW!". Zandig waits untill they quiet down a bit then begins to talk. [/COLOR] [B]John Zandig:[/B] C...Z...****IN'...W!!! Next month, we're going to hold CZW's biggest show of the year at the former ECW Arena, Cage of Death!!! And I'm going to announce the double Main Event for that mother ****in' show!!! One month from now, in the Cage of Death, Chris Hero will defend the CZW Heavyweight Championship against Necro Butcher!!!! [COLOR="red"]The crowd goes nuts. They start a "Necro Butcher" chant. [/COLOR] [B]John Zandig:[/B] But that's not all!! Oh no...the other Main Event match will be a 6 Man Tag Team Match and it will also be in the Cage of Death!!!! That match will feature myself, Wifebeater and Nick Gage vs The Messiah, Kaos the Rock Superstar and Nate Hatred!!! Those mother f-- [COLOR="red"]The Messiah, Kaos and Nate Hatred run out and slide into the ring. They ambush Zandig and beat him down. Kaos and Hatred set up a table in the middle of the ring as Messiah lights it on Fire. They try to hit a Triple-Man Power Bomb but Nick Gage and Wifebeater run out with Weedwhackers and clean house. Gage and Wifebeater has saved Zandig's life. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]*1st Match* Singles Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/DannyHavoc.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/AltarBoyLuke.jpg[/IMG] Danny Havoc vs Altar Boy Luke[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra: [/B]Havoc and Luke exchange some back and forth wrestling holds, they are pretty even. Luke cheats to get a quick advantage. Havoc fights back and hits an Exploder Suplex he then applies his Havoc-Ation and makes Luke tap-out. Danny Havoc continues to impress everyone in CZW. [B]Winner[/B]: Danny Havoc defeated Altar Boy Luke by submission with a Havoc-Ation. [B]Time:[/B] 6:54 [B]Rating:[/B] C [B][SIZE="4"]*2nd Match* Claudio Castagnoli vs Excalibur [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/Excalibur.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG] Excalibur vs Claudio Castagnoli[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra:[/B] Castagnoli keeps Excalibur down with some great Technical wrestling. Excalibur throws CC off of his game by using some fast paced action. Excalibur hits some great looking moves which lead to near falls. He climbs to the top rope and attempts to hit a Crossbody on CC but Claudio blocks it with a Swiss Uppercut. Claudio covered him for the win. [B]Winner:[/B] Claudio Castagnoli defeated Excalibur with a Swiss Uppercut. [B]Time: [/B]7:19 [B]Rating:[/B] C [COLOR="red"]Eddie Kingston & Joker walk out with the tag team championships and take the microphone from the ring announcer. [/COLOR] [B]Eddie Kingston:[/B] This is bull****!!! Why in the hell are the Briscoe Brothers getting a Tag Team title shot?! They left CZW because of backstage politics and now for some reason they're back and they get a Tag Team title shot?! I don't give a **** if they're popular in other promotions!! This is CZW!!! We own CZW and we own the Tag Titles!!! And once we're done with you, you two will be packing your bags and leaving CZW once again....bitches!!! [COLOR="red"]The Briscoe Brothers walk out while the crowd start a "Welcome Back!" chant. They enter the ring when Kingston and Joker ambush them. The bell rings to officaly start the tag match.[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]*3rd Match* CZW Tag Team Championship Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/EddieKingston2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/Joker.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] Eddie Kingston & Joker(c) vs Briscoe Brothers[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra:[/B] The BLK Out ambush Briscoe Brothers then whip them into the ropes but then hold on. The BLK Out charge towards them but get backdropped to the outside. Briscoes then hit a double Halo Dive onto both men. The Briscoe Brothers then dominate the match with some quick tags and impressive moves. Mark Briscoe hits the Marking Out on Joker then pins him to win the match. The Briscoe Brothers win the CZW World Tag Team Titles. [B]Winners: [/B]Briscoe Brothers defeated BLK Out when Mark Briscoe hit the Marking Out on Joker. [B]Time: [/B]12:22 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [B][SIZE="4"]*4th Match* 1 Fall 3 Way Scramble for the CZW Ironman Championship #1 Contendership [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/JimmyJacobs.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/JimmyRave.jpg[/IMG] Jimmy Jacobs vs Matt Sydal vs Jimmy Rave[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra:[/B] Jacobs and Sydal double team Rave then toss him to the outside. Sydal and Jacobs mat wrestle but Jimmy Rave soon interupts it when he Double Dropkicks both men. All 3 men hit some great near falls. The crowd thought that it could've been over at various times. Jacobs sets Rave on the top rope for a Superplex when Sydal tosses Jacobs off the top rope and sends him crashing to the outside. Sydal quickly climbs to the top and hits a Moonsault Belly to Belly on Rave for the win. [B]Winner:[/B] Matt Sydal defeated Jimmy Rave with a Moonsault Belly to Belly. [B]Time: [/B]6:39 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [B][SIZE="4"]*5th Match* Non-Title Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/TeddyHart.jpg[/IMG] Jack Evans vs Teddy Hart[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra:[/B] The crowd was into this match from the start to finish as both men have great chemistry with each other. Some amazing High Flying action from both men. Evans hits a Spin Kick which he followed up with a Standing Corkscrew Senton. Hart eventualy catches Evans and nearly breaks him in half with a Back Breaker. Hart hits some near falls. Jack Evans fights back and explodes with some strikes. Evans attempts a Hurricanrana but Hart counters it with a Powerbomb. Teddy then climbs to the top and hits his Open Hart Surgery. [B]Winner:[/B] Teddy Hart defeated Jack Evans with his Open Hart Surgery. [B]Time:[/B] 8:12 [B]Rating:[/B] B- [COLOR="red"]Teddy Hart grabs a microphone from the ring announce after his match was done. [/COLOR] [B]Teddy Hart:[/B] Last month, I beat that sell-out for the CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship.... [COLOR="red"]Hart looks down at his Championship and wipes his forehead from sweat. [/COLOR] [B]Teddy Hart[/B]: And now I'm proud to be standing here as your World Jr. Heavyweight Champion!!! But don't think that I will be defending my championship against any chump. Half of the CZW roster isn't fit to tie my shoelaces. I was raised on the mean streets and litteraly abandoned by my family because I refused to wrestle a certain way. Hell I was abandoned by the WWE because I refused to wrestle a certain way. If you're going to beat me for my title then you're going to have to earn it. Which is way Matt Sydal, will have to challenge me for my title, in a Ultra-Violent Ladder match, next month at Cage of Death!! [COLOR="red"]"Loose Yourself" by Eminem hits. Teddy Hart climbs the turnbuckle and shows off his championship then backflips onto his feet and walks to the back. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]*6th Match* 6-Man Tag Team Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/NateWebb.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/SexxxyEddie.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/KevinSteen.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/SuperDragon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/Sabian.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/B-Boy.jpg[/IMG] Nate Webb, Sexxxy Eddy, Kevin Steen vs Super Dragon, Sabian, B-Boy[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra: [/B]Each wrestler get their chance to shine and show off their wrestling ability. Later on, the match turns into an all out brawl. The match spills out of the ring and everyones hitting whoevers near them with weapons. Super Dragon throws Sexxxy Eddy in the ring and hits his Psycho Driver 2000 on him but turns around right into Kevin Steen's Package Piledriver. Steen covers Dragon and picks up the win. [B]Winners: [/B]Kevin Steen, Sexxxy Eddy & Nate Webb defeated Super Dragon, B-Boy & Sabian when Steen beat Dragon with a Package Piledriver. [B]Time: [/B]8:38 [B]Rating:[/B] C [B][SIZE="4"]*7th Match* Tag Team Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/AustinAries2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/Ruckus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/arikcannon.jpg[/IMG] Roderick Strong & Austin Aries vs Ruckus & Arik Cannon[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra: [/B]Great tag team wrestling. Ruckus and Cannon focus their damage on Aries. They hit some quick and dangerous tag team moves on him. Aries breaks free and tags out. Strong cleans house and hits some great Backbreakers. Strong throws Cannon to the outside and follows him. This left Aries alone in the ring with Ruckus. He hits his Brainbuster and pins him. [B]Winner:[/B] Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeated Ruckus & Arik Cannon when Aries hit Ruckus with a Brainbuster. [B]Time: [/B]10:29 [B]Rating: [/B]C+ [SIZE="4"][B]*8th Match* Fans Bring Weapons Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/natehatred.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/NecroButcher.jpg[/IMG] Nate Hatred vs Necro Butcher[/B][/SIZE] [B]Xtra:[/B] Necro Butcher immediately attacks Butcher the second he walks out from behind the curtain. Butcher nails Hatred with a CZW DVD covered in Lightbulbs. He grabs a piece of broken glass and cuts Hatred wide open then punches his forehead. Necro takes out a Table wrapped in Barbwire from underneath the ring. Butcher's about to Suplex Nate through the table when Chris Hero ran out and nailed him from behind with a chair. Necro Butcher drops Hatred but he no sells the Chairshot. Hero nails Butcher across the head but he no sells it again. Chris Hero winds up and nails another very stiff chairshot on Butcher, his forehead is busted wide open but he still no sells it. Hatred recovers and hits Butcher from behind with 4 Lighttubes which finally sent Butcher hard to the ground. Hatred drags Butcher to the ring aprong right next to the Barbwire Table and Piledrives him right through it. [B]Winner:[/B] Nate Hatred defeated Necro Butcher after Piledriving him through a Table. [B]Time: [/B]14:36 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [COLOR="red"]Chris Hero begins to cover Butcher in gasoline then attempts to set him on fire when LuFisto runs out screaming and crying. [/COLOR] [B]LuFisto:[/B] NOOOOO!!! DON'T DO ITTTTTT!!! [COLOR="red"]LuFisto begins to beat on Hero's chest but he just pie faces her. [/COLOR] [B]Chris Hero:[/B] What the hell are you doing?! Didn't you get beaten enough last month by Hatred?! [B]LuFisto:[/B] Don't hurt him!! [B]Chris Hero[/B]: Why would you give a damn if we hurt him or not?! [B]LuFisto:[/B] Because....because...I love him!!!! [B]Chris Hero:[/B] Hahahaha...you love him, eh?! Well lets see how much you really love him. [COLOR="red"]Nate Hatred throws LuFisto ontop of the unconscience Necro Butcher. Hero pours gasoline all over her. [/COLOR] [B]Chris Hero:[/B] Do you love him enough to die for him?! [COLOR="red"]LuFisto begins to cry louder, nods her head and hugs Butcher's limp body. Hero can't believe his eyes. [/COLOR] [B]Chris Hero:[/B] Argh!! You would die for this disgusting piece of ****?! Well whatever floats you boat. [COLOR="red"]Hero lights a match but just as he's about to light them up in flames, Wifebeater runs out with a Weedwhacker and chases Hero and Hatred away. Wifebeater checks on his fallen friend then calls for medical help. CZW EMT's run out and carrey Necro Butcher to the back for medical assistance. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]After Necro Butcher is helped to the back, The Messiah runs out and attacks Wifebeater from behind. They start to brawl as the bell sounds to officaly start their match.[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]*9th Match* Ultra-Violent Deathmatch [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/TheMessiah.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/wifebeater.jpg[/IMG] The Messiah vs Wifebeater[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra:[/B] Messiah and Wifebeater brawl all over the arena. Messiah knocks Wifebeater around with some chairshots. Beater fights back and sends Messiah crashing into 4 rows of chairs. Wifebeater grabs some of the weapons that were used in the Fans Bring Weapons match from the fans. Beater knocks Messiah over the back with a Plastic Baseball Bat covered in Thumbtacks. Beater attempts to swing at Messiah with a Lighttube but he ducks and Superkicks the Lighttube into Wifebeaters face. Messiah clears the merchandise table and hits his Fall From Grace through the table. [B]Winner: [/B]The Messiah defeated Wifebeater after hitting a Fall From Grace through a Table. [B]Time:[/B] 9:44 [B]Rating: [/B]C+ [COLOR="red"]Chris Hero walks out with both the CZW and IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championships. Hero waits for his opponent. Nick Gage walks out with 5 Lighttubes tapped together over his shoulders. Hero grabs the microphone away from the announce while he was in mid-sentence. [/COLOR] [B]Chris Hero:[/B] Wait...wait...wait!!! This is a Heavyweight Title match not a Deathmatch!! If you dare hit me with anything ilegal, you will be disqualified!!! [B][SIZE="4"]*10th Match* CZW Heavyweight Championship Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/nickgage.jpg[/IMG] Chris Hero(c) vs Nick Gage[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra:[/B] Nick Gage slides into the ring when Hero starts stomping on him. Chris Hero dominates the earlier part of the match with some European Technical wrestling. Gage fights back and clotheslines him over the top rope. He follows him and grabs his lighttubes but the referee starts threatening to dq him. This allowed Hero enough time to hit him from behind. Hero and Gage battle inside of the ring, both men hit some great near falls. Nick Gage hits his Hardcore Drop and covers Hero but Nate Hatred runs out and distracts the ref. While the referees back is turned Hero grabs the Lighttubes and smashes it over Gage's head. Chris Hero then hits his Hero's Welcome and pins him for the win. [B]Winner:[/B] Chris Hero defeated Nick Gage with the Hero's Welcome. [B]Time:[/B] 8:58 [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [COLOR="red"]Chris Hero and Nate Hatred celebrate with the CZW and IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championships. Suddenly, a bloody Necro Butcher runs out with a Butchers Knife. He slides into the ring while Hero and Hatred slide out. Necro Butcher swings his Knife like a mad man. Chris Hero and Nate Hatred slowly walk to the back never taking their eyes off of Butcher. [/COLOR] __________________________________ [SIZE="4"]Final Rating: C+[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Combat Zone Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [I]The House of Ultra-Violent Wrestling[/I] Next month, at the former ECW Arena, CZW will present the biggest show of the year. This is the 2009 Cage of Death!!!
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Combat Zone Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [I]The House of Ultra-Violent Wrestling[/I] We're counting down to the biggest CZW event of the year, Cage of Death. Three matches were announced at "Any Questions?" but we were just informed of a brand new match. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/cod.jpg[/IMG] [B]CZW Heavyweight Championship - Cage of Death [COLOR="Red"]Chris Hero(c) vs Necro Butcher[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Chris Hero and Necro Butcher have been battling for months. While Hero has no respect for Deathmatch wrestlers and even stated that he would rather lose his championship than wrestle in a Deathmatch, he's about to step into the most violent wrestling match. While Necro Butcher has been fighting for the pride and respect of all Deathmatch wrestlers, a new motivation stepped into his sight. Butcher and LuFisto have a strange relationship with each other and when Chris Hero and Nate Hatred brutal disfigured her at Tournament of Death, Necro Butcher has been set to hurt the duo. Can Necro Butcher win the CZW Championship and bring a newfound respect to Deathmatch wrestlers or will Chris Hero retain his championship and prove that Deathmatch wrestlers are nothing but untrained wrestlers. [/I] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/cod2.jpg[/IMG] [B]6-Man Tag Team - Cage of Death II [COLOR="red"]The Messiah, Kaos the Rock Superstar & Nate Hatred vs John Zandig, Nick Gage & Wifebeater[/COLOR][/B] [I]-At a "Prelude to Violence", The Messiah formed a teamed called The Godsend, which consists of Messiah, Kaos and Luke. These three men have declared war on CZW and nearly killed John Zandig. It's no secret that Zandig bleed yellow and black but when CZW was threatened it was none other that Nick Gage who came to it's rescue. It's put up or shut up when two members of the Godsend attempt to kill the creator of CZW and a Hardcore Legend. Nate Hatred and Wifebeaters bad blood stems years ago from "They said it couldn't be done...again" when the two bloodied each other in a 1000 Lighttube Deathmatch. But when Necro Butcher brought Wifebeater back into CZW as his mystery partner, the war continued. Will Hatred and Wifebeater destroy each other at everyones costs?![/I] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/cod1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Wargames - Cage of Death III [COLOR="red"]BLK Out: Ruckus, Sabian, Arik Cannon, Eddie Kingston & Joker vs Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Jimmy Jacobs & The Briscoe Brothers[/COLOR][/B] [I]-There's a ton of bad blood in this match but the real key lays on the stipluation. Whoever gets the pinfall on either team will win a title shot at any title they choose. So if Kingston or Joker get the pinfall then they may challenge The Briscoes to a Tag Team Championship re-match. Or Ruckus can get another shot at the World Heavyweight Title. The possibilities are endless.[/I] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/cod3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ultra-Violent Ladder Match - CZW World Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match [COLOR="red"]Teddy Hart(c) vs Matt Sydal[/COLOR][/B] [I]-At "Tournament of Death", Sonjay Dutt had a chance to say his final goodbye before leaving to WWE. Dutt revealed that he was going to bring the CZW Jr. Heavyweight Title with him to WWE and proudly defend it which lead to Teddy Hart ambushing him and defeating him in an imprompteu match for the Jr. Heavyweight title. Last week, Matt Sydal won a #1 Contendership match but Teddy Hart wasn't happy defending the title in a normal match so he requested an Ultra-Violent Ladder Match. It's going to be high flying warefare at it's best.[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Indy News Online[/SIZE][/B] [I]Your One Stop Shop for Indy Wrestling News[/I] [B]Full Impact Pro:[/B] FIP held "Unholy" infront of 300 people at the Dumas Walker Cafe and Saloon. Here are the Results.... Dexter Pointdexter defeated Krazy K D Miracle Violence Connection defeated The Black Market C- Alex Porteau defeated Sean Davis C- Adam Pearce defeated Mr. Milo Beasley C Jack Evans & Jimmy Rave defeated Jarelle Clark & Matt Sydal C Bryan Danielson & Homicide defeated Yuji Nagata & Roderick Strong [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [B]Ring of Honor:[/B] ROH aired "The Main Event" last night infront of 1,000 people at the Frontier Fieldhouse. Here are the results... F.E.A.R. defeated Ace Steel & Jay Briscoe C+ Nigel McGuinness went to a Double Count Out with Jarelle Clark C+ Bryan Danielson defeated Mark Briscoe C+ Alex Shelley defeated Austin Aries B- [B]Rating[/B]: B- [B]Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling: [/B] Mike Dempsey appeared on a local TV show and made an interesting comment about not liking Davey Richards. [B]New York City Wrestling:[/B] NYCW held "Raw Power" last night infront of 36 people at the WXW Arena. Here are the results.... Jeff Hardy defeated Rene Dupree C Nick Nemeth defeated Yoshirio Tajiri C Matt Bentley and Steve Mondo defeated Alex Shelley and Bobby Roode C+ Johnny Jeter defeated Orlando Jordan to retain the NYCW Title C+ [B]Rating:[/B] C[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Combat Zone Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [I]The House of Ultra-Violent Wrestling[/I] Excitment is in the air, Cage of Death is 22 days away and there's still a lot of huge matches to announce. And we're about to announce a Title match and a HUGE Debut match. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/cod4.jpg[/IMG] [B]CZW Ironman Championship [COLOR="Red"]Kevin Steen(c) vs Super Dragon[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Kevin Steen is a fitting Ironman Champion, he's tough and one of CZW's harddest hitters. But after losing at Best of the Best he hasn't been the same. Although he managed to retain his Championship in a Scramble match the month after, Steen hasn't been wrestling with the same confidence. Super Dragon has been eyeing Steen's championship for awhile and when he won the #1 Contendership, he felt that it was only a matter of time that he would be champion. With Steen's lack of confidence, most would agree with Super Dragon...untill what happened at "Any Questions?". Kevin Steen managed to hit a Package Piledriver on Super Dragon and pin him in their 6-Man Tag Team match. Now it seems that it could be anybodys ball game. Who will leave Cage of Death as the Ironman Champion?![/I] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/cod5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Combat Zone Wrestling Debut [COLOR="red"]Masato Tanaka debuts against Claudio Castagnoli[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Former ECW Heavyweight Champion, Masato Tanaka returns to the ECW Arena to debut for CZW. Tanaka has been currently working in the USA under IWA Mid-South. Recently, Chris Hero defeated Tanaka's tag team partner, Milano Collection AT, for the IWA MS Championship. At Cage of Death, Masato Tanaka will make his CZW debut against Chris Hero's partner, Claudio Castagnoli. [/I][/CENTER]
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(Dunno if predictions are ready to be made yet but I can't wait) CZW Heavyweight Championship Chris Hero(c) vs [b]Necro Butcher[/b] - Necro has been one of my fav brawlers ever since I saw him go toe-to-toe with Joe (the first time, not the second) and Chris Hero is an @$$hole so that made my prediction easy on this one. 6-Man Tag Team - Cage of Death II The Messiah, Kaos the Rock Superstar & Nate Hatred vs [b]John Zandig, Nick Gage & Wifebeater[/b] - Messiah is a great wrestler all-around and having Kaos and Nate by his side make him so dangerous--but Nick "F'n" Gage, Wifebeater, and Zandig together?! End of story!! Wargames - Cage of Death III BLK Out: Ruckus, Sabian, Arik Cannon, Eddie Kingston & Joker vs [b]Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Jimmy Jacobs & The Briscoe Brothers[/b] - The way Aries has been built up in CZW is amazing and is pretty much they way he is in ROH: A machine. This one was hard for me to pick because I am a big Sabian fan. Ultra-Violent Ladder Match - CZW World Jr. Heavyweight Championship Match Teddy Hart(c) vs [b]Matt Sydal[/b] - If I get off my fat @$$ and decide to fully pursue a career in pro wrestling, Matt Sydal will be my idol wrestler becasue of his high flying moveset. Hart's an @$$ but when he is on his game Teddy's one of the greatest Junior heavyweights out there. Yet, Sydal's belly to belly moonsault is just awesome and to see it in a ladder match would make my day. CZW Ironman Championship Kevin Steen(c) vs [b]Super Dragon[/b] - Don't like the fact that SD actually [i]said[/i] he wanted Steen's belt but whatever. SD is just a stiff striker and I like that alot. A Psycho Driver to Steen would be just as enjoyable to see as a Belly to Belly moonsault off a ladder. [b]Masato Tanaka[/b] debuts against Claudio Castagnoli - Tanaka against Claudio?! No offense to Mr. "HEY!" but I am a Tanaka fan and have been one since the days of FMW.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Indy News Online[/SIZE][/B] [I]Your One Stop Shop for Indy Wrestling News[/I] [B]Indy Wrestling:[/B] Abdullah the Butcher has retired from Wrestling. [B]Ring of Honor:[/B] ROH's The Main Event has ended it's run on network television. As of now there's no information if the TV show will be picked up by any other television network. [B]CHIKARA Pro:[/B] CHIKARA held "Big Trouble" last night infront of 63 people at the West Park Party Center. Here are the results.... Lance Steel defeated Sabian E Kevin Steen defeated Joker D Darkbreed defeated Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw D Darin Corbin fought to a No Contest with Gran Akuma D Chris Hero defeated Delirious C- Claudio Castagnoli, Ark Cannon & Vito Thomaselli defeated Milano Collection AT, Sal Thomaselli & Eddie Kingston C- [B]Rating:[/B] C-[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Combat Zone Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [I]The House of Ultra-Violent Wrestling[/I] We are 16 days away from CZW's biggest show of the year and we got the final three matches to announce. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/cod6.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tag Team Match [COLOR="Red"]Nate Webb & Sexxxy Eddy vs B-Boy & Jimmy Rave[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Two teams who are teaming for the first time in their careers collide to fight for a win at CZW's biggest show. A win at COD can send either team to the top of the Tag Team Championship ladder. [/I] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/cod7.jpg[/IMG] [B]Singles Match [COLOR="red"]Hallowicked vs Jigsaw[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Two of CHIKARA's Lucha Libre stars fight in a yellow and black ring. It's no secret that these two have bad blood but this time it's more than a score to settle. These two are competing to climb the CZW ladder. Which one of these CZW Young stars rise to the occasion?[/I] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/cod8.jpg[/IMG] [B]Fatal Four Way [COLOR="red"]El Generico vs Danny Havoc vs Altar Boy Luke vs Andy Summer[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Be prepared to expect some great high flying, hard hitting and ultra-violent action in this match. Each wrestler has their own unique style so it's certainly going to be a styles clash. Will the winner of this match see a brighter CZW future?![/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Indy News Online[/SIZE][/B] [I]Your One Stop Shop for Indy Wrestling News[/I] [B]Jersey All Pro Wrestling:[/B] JAPW held "Anything Goes" infront of 857 people at the Pizzitola Sports Center. Here are the results... Boog Washington defeated Archadia C- Danny Demanto defeated Azrieal C- Trent Acid defeated Frankie Kazarian C SAT defeated The Outkast Killaz to retain the JAPW Tag Titles C- Mercedes Martinez defeated Alicia D Homicide defeated Brother Runt B- Rhino defeated B-Boy to retain the JAPW Title C+ Briscoe Brothers defeated Teddy Hart & Abyss C+ [B]Rating:[/B] C [B]New York City Wrestling:[/B] NYCW held "Brave New World" infront of 13 people at the Dory Funk Arena. Here are the results.... Wrecking Crew defeated Orlando Jordan & Rene Dupree C+ Alex Shelley defeated Yoshirio Tajiri C+ Matt Bentley defeated Chris Sabin B- Johnny Jeter defeated Sean Waltman to retain the NYCW Title C+ [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Combat Zone Wrestling [SIZE="4"]What is the Cage of Death?[/SIZE] [/B] The Cage of Death has always been CZW's Superbowl. For years, CZW's most heated rivals settled their feuds in the cage. Each year the cage of death improves and becomes more deadly and violent. This year, the cage of death will be constructed to hold 3 different matches in one night. While it's not the first time that more than one match have been competed in the COD in one night but this years matches are the biggest. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/2005_1211Image0052.jpg[/IMG] This years Cage of Death will be an octagon which surrounds the entire ring. To give the wrestlers more freedom to brawl outside of the ring, the cage will be pressed up against the guardrail, this will allow the fans to be up and close to the ultra-violent action. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/2005_1211Image0056.jpg[/IMG] Inside of the cage will be various ultra-violent weapons such as Barbwire Spidernets. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/2005_1211Image0054.jpg[/IMG] On the outside, there will be a huge Barbwire Spidernet which connects from the cage to the ring. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/2005_1211Image0055.jpg[/IMG] If the wrestlers are able to escape the Barbwire Spidernet, on the other side there is a Plate of Glass waiting for them. Just like the Spidernet, the plate of glass will be connected from the cage to the ring, but unlike the Spidernet there'll be a 2 Tables waiting underneath. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/2005_1211Image0058.jpg[/IMG] But the dangers aren't just around the ring. If anyone decides to climb out of the cage to escape, there will be razorwire to prevent them. [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/2005_1211Image0053.jpg[/IMG] There will also be Barbwire Baseball Bats hanging from above the cage waiting to be snatched and used. All of this violence plus whatever the wrestlers decided to bring with them inside of the COD. You can see why this is CZW's biggest event of the year!![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Indy News Online[/SIZE][/B] [I]Your One Stop Shop for Indy Wrestling News[/I] [B]IWA Mid-South:[/B] IWA MS held "Urban Decay" infront of 930 people at the Michigan State Fairgrounds. Here are the results.... Trik Davis defeated Eric Priest C Hit and Run defeated The Iron Saints C Darin Corbin defeated Josh Ambercrombie C Deranged defeated Madman Pondo C Arik Cannon defeated Tyler Black C Break and Enter defeated Jimmy Jacobs & Eddie Kingston C+ Chris Hero defeated Milano Collection AT to retain the IWA MS Title C+ [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Combat Zone Wrestling[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Xtra[/B][/SIZE] [B]Jeremy Medeiros:[/B] Hello, my name is Jeremy Medeiros and this is Combat Zone Wrestling's Internet only preview show, Xtra!!! Tonight, we're going to hear candid comments from CZW superstars about their Cage of Death matches. So far this year, CZW has had some huge debut and returns. But at Cage of Death, we're expecting the biggest debut of the year. Former ECW Champion, Masato Tanaka, debuts to take on Claudio Castagnoli. Lets hear from Claudio about what he thinks of his Cage of Death match.... ____________________________________________ [B][U]Claudio Castagnoli[/U][/B] [B]Claudio Castagnoli: [/B]Claudio Castagnoli here at the beautiful former ECW Arena. And you may look at me and ask yourself, "How do I feel about facing a former ECW Champion in his CZW debut?". Let me tell you, I don't care about whatever Masato Tanaka did in his past. This is the future and Claudio Castagnoli is the future of wrestling. ____________________________________________ [B]Jeremy Medeiros:[/B] The CZW Ironman Championship has always been fought over the harddest hitters on the roster. Kevin Steen, the Ironman Champion, has defended his championship against some strong competition but at Cage of Death he's about to face his toughest challenge, Super Dragon. While fans are on the fence on who they want to win, Kevin Steen is confident in himself.... ___________________________________________ [B][U]Kevin Steen[/U][/B] [B]Kevin Steen: [/B]Super Dragon, you want my Ironman Championship, eh?! Well you're going to have to ****ing kill me!!!! At Cage of Death, I'm going to beat your ****ing ass and prove to everyone that you're just a scared boy hiding behind a mask!!! __________________________________________ [B]Jeremy Medeiros:[/B] One of the most anticipated matches is the CZW Jr. Heavyweight Ladder Match. We've witnessed some great high flying action from CZW's Jr. Heavyweights but Teddy Hart and Matt Sydal will surely take it to another level. Let's hear from the challenger about his big upcoming title match.... _________________________________________ [B][U]Matt Sydal[/U][/B] [B]Matt Sydal: [/B]An Ultra-Violent Ladder match for the CZW Jr. Heavyweight title. Hmmm...that sounds like the perfect match for Teddy Hart and myself. But it's also going to be the perfect opportunity for me to take the title away from him. _________________________________________ [B]Jeremy Medeiros: [/B]The stipulations to this years Cage of Death's Wargames match is unbelievable. Whoever gets a pinfall or submission will be able to choose a title match which whomever champion they want. So if Eddie Kingston wins then he might ask for a Tag Team Championship re-match against the Briscoe Brothers. But Ruckus is looking for more than a title match, he's looking for sweet revenge... ________________________________________ [B][U]Ruckus & Sabian[/U][/B] [B]Ruckus: [/B]Yo, Austin Aries, you've been bustin' my ass for months and I'm sick of it!!! Cage of Death will be the begining of your end busta!!! [B]Sabian[/B]: That's right. Austin Aries you a dead man, ya heard!!! But yo this match is more than just a grudge, Ruckus. The winner gets to be a #1 Contender and everyone wants that. Just think...Sabian...CZW World Junoir Heavyweight Champion!!! That's dope!!! [B]Ruckus:[/B] No doubt. The BLK Out is ready to turn your lights out!!!! __________________________________________ [B]Jeremy Medeiros:[/B] When Messiah threatened to destroy CZW, it wasn't surprising when John Zandig, Nick Gage and Wifebeater came to it's rescue. This match is not only about survival, it's about pride!! __________________________________________ [B][U]John Zandig[/U][/B] [B]John Zandig:[/B] Godsend...Messiah...whatever the hell you want to call yourself. You want to **** with CZW?! Well we're going to **** you up!! At the Cage of Death we are going to show you what it takes to bleed Black and Yellow. C...Z...****IN'...W!!!! __________________________________________ [B][U]The Messiah[/U][/B] [B]The Messiah:[/B] I can feel it in my bones...in my blood. It's almost time for The Godsend to kill Combat Zone Wrestling. For years you tools bleed and nearly killed yourselfs to entertain these blood thirsty fans but I'm going to put an end to all of it. Zandig, I'm taking your life away and there is not a thing that you can do about it!! _______________________________________ [B]Jeremy Medeiros: [/B]Necro Butcher and Chris Hero have been battling over the CZW Heavyweight title for months. At Cage of Death, it's put up or shut up time as both men are looking to settle their score. Let's listen to what the champion has to say about his big match.... ______________________________________ [B][U]Chris Hero[/U][/B] [B]Chris Hero:[/B] Necro Butcher, I don't care if you have a girlfriend now or if you're trying to give every Deathmatch "wrestler" the respect they deserve. The truth is you're nothing but a glorified stuntman who pretends to be a wrestler. It doesn't take skill or athlectisim to hit someone over their head with a Lighttube or chair. It takes years for wrestlers like me to perfect their skills so that they can walk out and compete for 60 minutes straight in a classic wrestling match. So at Cage of Death, you can bring all of the ultra-violent weapons that you want because I'm going to take you down and make you tap-out to my Cravat!!! Then I'll show your ugly girlfriend what a real man's like in the sack. Hahaha.... ___________________________________ [B]Jeremy Medeiros:[/B] Those are some strong words by the Heavyweight Champion. CZW's biggest event of the year, Cage of Death, is only 1 week away so don't you dare miss it!!! I'm Jeremy Medeiros thank you for joining us....[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Combat Zone Wrestling Cage of Death[/SIZE][/B] [I]live at the former ECW Arena[/I] [B]CZW Heavyweight Championship - Cage of Death [COLOR="Red"]Chris Hero(c) vs Necro Butcher[/COLOR][/B] [B]6-Man Tag Team - Cage of Death II [COLOR="red"]John Zandig, Nick Gage & Wifebeater vs The Messiah, Kaos the Rock Superstar & Nate Hatred[/COLOR][/B] [B]Wargames - Cage of Death III [COLOR="red"]BLK Outs: Ruckus, Sabian, Arik Cannon, Eddie Kingston & Joker vs Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Jimmy Jacobs & The Briscoe Brothers[/COLOR][/B] [B]CZW World Junoir Heavyweight Championship - Ultra-Violent Ladder Match [COLOR="red"]Teddy Hart(c) vs Matt Sydal[/COLOR][/B] [B]CZW Ironman Championship [COLOR="red"]Kevin Steen(c) vs Super Dragon[/COLOR][/B] [B]CZW Debut Match [COLOR="red"]Masato Tanaka debuts against Claudio Castagnoli[/COLOR][/B] [B]Tag Team Match [COLOR="red"]Sexxxy Eddy & Nate Webb vs Jimmy Rave & B-Boy[/COLOR][/B] [B]Singles Match [COLOR="red"]Hallowicked vs Jigsaw[/COLOR][/B] [B]Fatal 4-Way Match [COLOR="red"]El Generico vs Danny Havoc vs Altar Boy Luke vs Andy Summer[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"]CZW's Cage of Death[/SIZE][/B] [I]Saturday, May 27th 2009 live at the former ECW Arena, Philadelphia, PA infront of 1,731 people[/I] _____________________________________________________ [COLOR="Red"]Jeremy Medeiros is in the middle of the CZW ring with a microphone in his hands. [/COLOR] [B]Jeremy Medeiros: [/B]Welcome everyone to CZW's Cage of Death!!!!! [COLOR="red"]The crowd roars. A strong "CZW!" chant starts up as the crowd is excited to see tonights Huge event. [/COLOR] [B]Jeremy Medeiros[/B]: Tonight, in what could be the biggest show of the year, we will see 3 Cage of Death Matches!!! The first one, a Wargames match with a golden stipulation. Whoever gets the pinfall or submission will get a title shot at whichever title they choose. The second one, a 6-man Tag Team match. Can Zandig, Wifebeater and Nick Gage prevent Messiah, Kaos and Hatred from destroying CZW?! And finaly, our main event, Chris Hero defends his CZW Championship against Necro Butcher!!! Now without further ado....it's time to start CAGE OF DEATH!!! [COLOR="red"]The crowd errupts. Even more "CZW!" chants can be heard scattered along the arena. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Fatal Four Way Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/AltarBoyLuke.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/andysumner.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/DannyHavoc.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/ElGenerico.jpg[/IMG] Altar Boy Luke vs Andy Summer vs Danny Havoc vs El Generico[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra:[/B] El Generico and Altar Boy Luke start off together. Generico outspeeds Luke and hits some fancy Lucha Libre moves. Generico dropkicks Luke out of the ring and hits a Halo onto the floor. Havoc and Summer enter the ring and go at it. Summer tries to ground Havoc with some mat wrestling. Danny Havoc uses some stiff kicks to break free and unleashes some quick high flying moves. Havoc clotheslines Summer out of the ring. Generico slides back in and attacks Danny Havoc from behind. Generico attempts his Turnbuckle Brainbuster but Havoc counters it into a Tornado DDT. Havoc covers him for the win. [B]Winner:[/B] Danny Havoc defeated El Generico with a Tornado DDT. [B]Time: [/B]11:52 [B]Rating:[/B] C- [SIZE="4"][B]Singles Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/Jigsaw.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/Hallowicked.jpg[/IMG] Jigsaw vs Hallowicked[/B][/SIZE] [B]Xtra:[/B] Both men exchange armdrags and dropkicks. They go for quick pinfalls on each other but only get a 2 count. Hallowicked and Jigsaw stand toe-to-toe. They exchange some words when Hallowicked slaps Jigsaw across his face. Jigsaw smacks Hallowicked right back then takes him down with some fancy armdrags. Jigsaw gets thrown into the ropes and attempts a running Crossbody block but Hallowicked catches him then tosses him on his shoulders for a DVD. Jigsaw kicks out at 2. Jigsaw starts to fight back and hits a Sit-Out Slam for a 2. Jigsaw climbs to the top for a high risk move but Hallowicked pushes the referee into the ropes causing him to crotch himself. Hallowicked quickly climbs to the top rope and hits a Super Fishermanbuster. That was enough to keep Jigsaw down for the 3 count. [B]Winner:[/B] Hallowicked defeated Jigsaw with a Super Fishermanbuster. [B]Time:[/B] 11:47 [B]Rating:[/B] C- [COLOR="red"]Jimmy Rave and B-Boy walk out with Prince Nana for their tag team match. They enter the ring and Prince Nana grabs the microphone from the ring announcer. The crowd starts a "shut the **** up!" chant.[/COLOR] [B]Prince Nana: [/B]Shut Up and show respect!!! These two men are kings among men....no...Gods among men....no...no...they are the Embassy of Wrestling!!! And everyone in CZW, from the fans to the ringcrew will stand up and bow!!! [COLOR="red"]"Lapdance" by N.E.R.D. hits as Sexxxy Eddy and Nate Webb walk out and rush the ring. All four men start brawling as the bell sounds to start the match.[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Tag Team Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/JimmyRave.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/B-Boy.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/SexxxyEddie.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/NateWebb.jpg[/IMG] The Embassy of Wrestling vs Sexxxy Eddy & Nate Webb[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra:[/B] All 4 men start the match by brawling. Eddy and Webb fight back and backdrop the Embassy of Wrestling. Nate Webb hits a running Halo Moonsault to the outside on both men. Jimmy Rave slides back in and gets out wrestled by Eddy. Sexxxy Eddy holds Rave in a Verticle Suplex position when Nana slides into the ring with a chair and smacks Eddy across the back. This give Jimmy Rave enough time to hit the Greetings from Ghana for the win. [B]Winners: [/B]Jimmy Rave and B-Boy defeated Sexxxy Eddy and Nate Webb when Rave hit a Greetings from Ghana on Sexxxy Eddy. [B]Time:[/B] 7:42 [B]Rating: [/B]C+ [B][SIZE="4"]Singles Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/MasatoTanaka.jpg[/IMG] Claudio Castagnoli vs Masato Tanaka[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra: [/B] The crowd starts a loud "Tanaka!" chant. Claudio Castagnoli steps out of the ring and refuses to enter untill the crowd shuts up. Tanaka hits the opposite ropes then dives ontop of Castagnoli with a Suicide Dive. Tanaka and Claudio brawl around ringside. Masato Tanaka grabs ahold of a Steel Chair and slams it across Castagnolis head. The chair bends in half. Tanaka throws Castagnoli back into the ring then climbs to the top rope with another Chair. Masato Tanaka waits untill Claudio stumbles closer then hits a Top Rope Chairshot. Tanaka finally ends the match with a Dangan Elbow. [B]Winner:[/B] Masato Tanaka defeated Claudio Castagnoli with a Dangan Elbow. [B]Time:[/B] 14:34 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [B][SIZE="4"]CZW Ironman Championship Match [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/KevinSteen.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/SuperDragon.jpg[/IMG] Kevin Steen(c) vs Super Dragon[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra: [/B]Super Dragon and Kevin Steen stand face-to-face. They start to shove each other then exchange some hard Forearms. Steen gets the advantage when Dragon staggers back a bit, Kevin Steen unleashes some vicious Shiver Forearm strikes. Dragon collapses allowing Steen to cover him. 1..2..KICKOUT!! Steen hits some more high impact moves but he can't keep Dragon down. Kevin Steen attempts a backdrop but Dragon kicks him in the face then hits a Lariat. Dragon picks up Steen by the head but he breaks his hold and hits a Side Kick. Dragon staggers right into a Small Package Piledriver. 1..2..KICKOUT!!! It was 2 in a half!!! Kevin Steen can't believe it. He attempts to hit one more but Dragon counters it into a Psycho Driver 2000. Super Dragon collapses ontop of Steen for a cover. 1...2..3!!! Super Dragon wins the Ironman Championship!! [B]Winner:[/B] Super Dragon defeated Kevin Steen with a Psycho Driver 2000 [B]Time: [/B]19:54 [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [B][SIZE="4"]Ultra-Violent Ladder Match for the CZW World Junoir Heavyweight Title [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/TeddyHart.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/MattSydal.jpg[/IMG] Teddy Hart(c) vs Matt Sydal[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra: [/B]There's a Ladder placed in the center of the ring, Ladders and tables set all around ringside and the CZW Junoir Heavyweight Title hanging above the ring. Hart and Sydal shake hands as the bell sounds. Hart immediately tries to climb the ladder but gets pulled down. Sydal attempts the same and gets pulled down as well. Teddy Hart and Matt Sydal exchange some punches. Sydal hits a Hurricanrana to the outside on Hart then follows up with a Plancha. Both men fight around ringside. Teddy Hart sets Matt Sydal ontop of a table then climbs a Ladder and hits a Legdrop through it. He slides back in the ring and slowly climbs the ladder. Matt Sydal gets to the top rope and Dropkicks the Ladder, knocking it over and stopping Teddy Hart from getting to the top. Sydal uses the ladder as a weapon knocking Hart around. Matt Sydal climbs one side of the ladder while Teddy Hart climbs the other side. Both men climb to the top and exchange some punches. Matt Sydal hooks Hart in a Moonsault Belly to Belly position but Hart blocks it and shoves Sydal. Matt Sydal lands on the ropes and gets his leg caught. Teddy Hart grabs the title. [B]Winner:[/B] Teddy Hart defeated Matt Sydal when Teddy Hart retrieved the Championship. [B]Time:[/B] 20:01 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [COLOR="Red"]CZW ringcrew rush the ring to build the Cage of Death. "Suicide Messiah" by Black Label Society hits as The Messiah, Kaos the Rock Superstar & Nate Hatred walk out. They stop at the top of the enterance ramp. The Messiah has a microphone in his hand. [/COLOR] [B]The Messiah:[/B] I hope everyone is enjoying tonights show because after our Cage of Death match we're going to destroy CZW!!!! That's right. There's a new stipulation added to our matchup. If my team wins then John Zandig will have to give up the rights to his company but if his team wins then The Godsend will leave CZW forever!!!! So have a good time tonight because after I beat Zandig I'm kicking all of you the **** out of my show!!!! [COLOR="red"]"Suicide Messiah" hits as The Godsend and Nate Hatred walk to the back. 14 minutes later the ring crew finish setting up the Cage of Death. We're ready to start our first Cage of Death match. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Wargames - Cage of Death [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/JimmyJacobs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/AustinAries2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/Ruckus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/Sabian.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/EddieKingston2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/Joker.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/arikcannon.jpg[/IMG] Briscoe Brothers, Jimmy Jacobs, Roderick Strong & Austin Aries vs Ruckus, Sabian, Eddie Kingston, Joker & Arik Cannon[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra: [/B]Arik Cannon and Jay Briscoe were the first two picked to come out. Cannon grounded Jay with some mat wrestling. Jay Briscoe counters some wrestling holds with his speed. Briscoe clotheslines Cannon over the top rope and dives ontop of him. BUZZ!! Sabian is out next. Sabian attacks Jay from behind. The BLK Out double team Jay Briscoe on the outside, hitting him with various weapons. Cannon and Sabian launch Jay Briscoe right into the cage. BUZZ!! Jimmy Jacobs is out next. Jacobs evens the odds by helping Jay Briscoe out. Jimmy Jacobs grabs ahold of a Steel Chair and knocks out both BLK Out members. BUZZ!! Joker is out next. Joker brawls with Jacobs and sends him head first into the cage. He sets Jacobs ontop of a table and climbs the top turnbuckle. Joker attempts a Flying Elbow but Jacobs roll off and he crashes. BUZZ!! Mark Briscoe is out next. Briscoe attacks Sabian and suplexs him through a table. Some more brawling around ringside by everyone whos in the match so far. BUZZ!! Ruckus is out next. He walks out with a chair wrapped in barbwire. Ruckus hits Jay Briscoe across the head with the chair. His forehead rips open and he starts bleeding. Ruckus then sets Mark Briscoe in a Tree-of-Woe and sets a chair on his face then climbs the opposite turnbuckle. Ruckus hits a flipping Dropkick onto the chair. BUZZ!! Roderick Strong is out next. Strong enters the ring and starts hitting everyone with Backbreakers. He grabs a hold of Ruckus and hits a Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the Barbwire Spidernet. BUZZ!! Eddie Kingston is out next. Kingston hits the ring and attacks Mark Briscoe. Kingston and Joker are now focusing on the Briscoe Brothers. They try to hit a double suplex on Mark Briscoe but Jay stops it and helps his brother counter it with a double suplex through 2 tables. BUZZ!! Austin Aries is out next. Aries enters the ring and stomps away on Ruckus. Pinfalls and Submissions count now that everyones entered the match. Ruckus starts fighting back and sends Aries into the corner. He hits his Razzle Dazzle on Aries. Austin Aries stumbles out from the corner and Ruckus hits him with a Shooting Star Kick. 1...2..KICK OUT!!! Roderick Strong Powerbombs Sabian into the Cage then turns and Powerbombs him through a table. 1...2...Arik Cannon breaks up the pinfall!!! Ruckus stacks four tables ontop of each other on the outside then sets Austin Aries on the top rope. Ruckus tries to Suplex him through it but Aries blocks it. Austin Aries fights back with some punches and a flurry of headbutts which bust Ruckus wide open. Austin Aries then hits a Top Rope Brainbuster through all 4 tables. 1..2..3!!!! Austin Aries has won Wargames!!!! [B]Winner: [/B]Austin Aries defeated Ruckus after hitting a Top Rope Brainbuster through 4 Tables. [B]Time:[/B] 20:05 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [B][SIZE="4"]6-Man Tag Team Cage of Death [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/nickgage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/wifebeater.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/JohnZandig.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/natehatred.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/TheMessiah.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/kaos1.jpg[/IMG] Nick Gage, Wifebeater & John Zandig vs Nate Hatred, The Messiah & Kaos the Rock Superstar[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra:[/B] Gage and Zandig walked out with a Lighttube in each hand while Wifebeater walked out with his Weedwacker. Messiah and Kaos walked out with a Barbwire Crucifix. All 6 men start brawling while the bell sounds. Gage breaks both of his Lighttubes over Kaos' head. Zandig swings his lighttubes at Messiah but he ducks and dropkicks them into Zandigs head. Wifebeater immediately cuts Hatred's stomach open with his Weedwacker. Hatred rolls out of the ring a bloody mess while Wifebeater follows him and rams his head into the cage. Nick Gage grabs a piece of broken glass and starts to cut Kaos' forehead open. Gage then grabs 2 more Lighttubes and breaks it over his back. Messiah and Zandig are brawling around ringside. Zandigs head is busted open from being rammed into the cage. John Zandig fights back with some punches, he runs at Messiah for a clothesline but gets backdroped into the Barbwire Spidernet. Hatred finds a bag of Thumbtacks and spills them all over the ground at ringside. He tries to Powerbomb Wifebeater onto the tacks but he gets backdroped onto them. Hatred's back is covered in thumbtacks. Nick Gage climbs to the top of the Cage and grabs ahold of the Barbwire Baseball Bat. Kaos climbs up the cage, following Gage. The two exchange some punches at the top of the cage. Gage finally hits Kaos over the head with the Barbwire Baseball Bat which sends him crashing down through a few tables. Messiah searches under the ring and pulls out a Barbwire Lighttube Crucifix. He sets it ontop of a Table and attempts to hit the Godsmack on Zandig through the table but Wifebeater stops him. Zandig and Wifebeater double team Messiah and hit a Double Powerbomb through the Lighttubes and Table. Then both cover him. 1...2..3!!! Team CZW wins!!! [B]Winners:[/B] John Zandig, Wifebeater & Nick Gage defeated The Messiah, Kaos the Rock Superstar and Nate Hatred when Zandig and Wifebeater Double Powerbombed Messiah through a Lighttube Crucifix and Table. [B]Time: [/B]19:36 [B]Rating:[/B] C+ [COLOR="red"]After the match, Zandig and Wifebeater tie Messiah onto the Barbwire Crucifix. Messiah struggles to break free but he can't. Zandig grabs Wifebeaters Weedwacker and cuts "C...Z...W" into his stomach. Zandig, Wifebeater and Nick Gage celebrate inside of the ring while the crowd starts a "CZW!" chant. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"Freebird" by Lynard Skynyrd hits as Necro Butcher walks out. He looks as focused as ever. Butcher steps inside of the ring and shadowboxs. "Enjoy the Silence" by Depache Mode hits as the CZW Champion, Chris Hero walks out. Hero mocks the fans who are sitting at ringside as he makes his way down into the ring. [/COLOR] [B]Jeremy Medeiros:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for our Scheduled Main Event!!! Introducing first, in the Black corner, he is the challenger, he is the Deathmatch Icon....Necro Butcher!!!! [COLOR="red"]Necro Butcher acknowledges the crowd as they chant "Necro Butcher!". [/COLOR] [B]Jeremy Medeiros:[/B] ....in the yellow corner, he is the CZW Heavyweight Champion, this is the King of Wrestling....Chris Hero!!!! [COLOR="red"]Chris Hero holds his Heavyweight Title up towards the air. Hero then stands face to face with Necro Butcher and drops the championship on the ground inbetween them. Then walk back to their respective corner and await for the offical bell. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]CZW Heavyweight Championship Cage of Death [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/NecroButcher.jpg[/IMG] Chris Hero(c) vs Necro Butcher[/SIZE][/B] [B]Xtra:[/B] Necro Butcher comes out of his corner and takes Chris Hero down. Butcher unleashes some stiff Punches in the guard position. Butcher picks Hero up and tosses him to the outside. Necro Butcher rams Hero's head into the cage. Chris Hero fights back and smacks a Chair across his head. Hero finds a Lighttube and tries to break it across Necros back but he stops him and steals the Lighttube from his hand. Necro breaks it across Hero's head then uses the broken lighttube to cut Hero wideopen. Chris Hero is a bloody mess. Necro Butcher hits Hero with some stiff punches which causes him to bleed even more. Hero kicks Butcher off of him and rams his head into the Turnbuckle post. Hero finds a Pizzacutter and slices Necro's forehead open. Both men are now a bloody mess. Hero and Butcher fight all the way back inside of the ring. Both men trade some stiff punches. Hero hits a knee lift then sets Butcher ontop of the Turnbuckle near the Barbwire Spidernet. Chris Hero climbs next to him and hits a Heros Welcome onto the Barbwire Spidernet. The crowd starts a "Holy ****!" chant. Hero crawls ontop of Necro Butcher. 1...2...KICK OUT!!! Chris Hero can't believe it. He crawls out of the Spidernet and finds himself Razor Wire under the ring. Hero wraps the Razor Wire around his arms and applies a Cravat on Necro Butcher. Butcher can't escape the hold and nearly passes out. The referee checks his arm. It drops once, twice but Necro manages to keep it up before the 3rd drop. Butcher elbows his way out of the Cravat. Butcher fights back with whatever fires left inside of him. He hits Hero with some of the stiffest and strongest Punches he's ever hit. Hero staggers back then falls to one knee. Butcher quickle pours gasoline on his arm then lights it on fire. Necro Butcher hits Chris Hero with a Flaming Lariat then pins him. 1...2..3!!!! Necro Butcher wins the CZW Heavyweight Championship!!!! [B]Winner[/B]: Necro Butcher defeated Chris Hero with a Burning Lariat. [B]Time:[/B] 19:46 [B]Rating[/B]: C [COLOR="red"]"Freebird" by Lynard Skynyrd hits as a bloody Necro Butcher is helped to his feet and awarded his title. LuFisto runs out to celebrate with him. She wipes his face then kisses him. They celebrate inside of the ring together. The show comes to an end with the CZW crowd chanting "Thank you Butcher!" while Necro and LuFisto embrace with a hug. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g319/tool_photo/czw18.jpg[/IMG] ______________________________________________ [B][SIZE="4"]Rating: C[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=ECWRulz32;142170]nice man can't wait for cage of death hey in that video what was that song it was good[/QUOTE] Thanks. The song used in the Cage of Death video is called "Blood in my Eyes" by Scars of Life.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Combat Zone Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [I]The House of Ultra-Violent Wrestling[/I] After CZW's huge Cage of Death event, John Zandig has promised a Brand New History. That's right. CZW's next event will be entitled "Brand New History" and at that event there will be a HUGE Debut....
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Indy News Online[/SIZE][/B] [I]Your One Stop Shop for Indy Wrestling News[/I] [B]All Pro Wrestling:[/B] APW held "Paradise City" infront of 231 people at the Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC. Here are the results.... Nathan Rulez defeated Derek Sanders C- Colione and Kafu defeated the All Pro Rangers C- JJ Perez defeated Vinnie Demarco C- Billy Blade defeated Sean Pulver C- Jardi Frantz defeated AJ Kirsch C Sara Del Ray defeated Cheerleader Melissa C Puma defeated Magnum Tokyo for the APW Title C+ [B]Rating:[/B] C [B]Full Impact Pro:[/B] FIP held "Hands of Death" infront of 300 people at the Kingsport Armory. Here are the results.... Joey Machete defeated Laduke Jakes C- Shawn Murphey defeated Jaison Moore C- Mr. Milo Beasley defeated Steve Madison C Sean David defeated Erick Stevens C- Jimmy Rave defeated Jack Evans C Jerelle Clark defeated Alex Porteau C Adam Pearce defeated Matt Sydal C Bryan Danielson defeated Homicide B- Roderick Strong defeated Yuji Nagata for the FIP Title B- [B]Rating[/B]: C+ [B]SHIMMER Pro:[/B] SHIMMER held "Into the Fire" infront of 300 people at the Augusta Family Center. Here are the results.... Tiana Ringer defeated Nikki Roxx D Amber O'Neal defeated Rain C- Mosa Hosaka & Ariel defeated The Exiles for the SHIMMER Tag Titles C- Cindy Rogers defeated Rebecca Knox D Dazee Haze & Mercedes Martinez defeated Ms. Chif & Allison Danger C- Sara Del Ray defeated Cheerleader Melissa C [B]Rating:[/B] C[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Combat Zone Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [I]The House of Ultra-Violent Wrestling[/I] Plenty of grudges were settled at Cage of Death but it seems there's still a few stories to tell. Necro Butcher finally won the CZW Heavyweight Championship, Austin Aries won a shot at whatever title he chooses, John Zandig saved CZW from the Godsend then sent them packing, Teddy Hart retained his Jr. Heavyweight Championship and Super Dragon became the new Ironman Champion. After all of that you'd think that Cage of Death can't be toped.....well think again. CZW has announced it's next event, "Brand New History", and Zandig promises a HUGE show. So huge that he has announced the entire card.... [B]Ultra-Violent Tag Team Match [COLOR="Red"]Necro Butcher & Wifebeater w/LuFisto vs Chris Hero & Nate Hatred [/COLOR][/B] [I]-At Cage of Death, Necro Butcher finally beat his long time enemy, Chris Hero, for the CZW Heavyweight Championship. At Brand New History, Chris Hero and his personal Bodyguard, Nate Hatred, will take on the CZW Heavyweight Champion, Necro Butcher, and CZW's most feared man, Wifebeater. Hero & Hatred are looking for redemption but the question is, will they get it?![/I] [B]CZW Debut Match [COLOR="red"]Chris Sabin vs Ruckus[/COLOR][/B] [I]-After Cage of Death, Zandig's phone has been ringing non-stop from wrestlers around the world asking to be apart of CZW. There was one man who stood out. A man who Zandig believes can lead CZW into the future. That man is, "The Future" Chris Sabin!!! You saw the Brand New History video and now you'll see him compete against Ruckus!! Can the BLK Out leader end Sabin's hype or will The Future be true to his name?![/I] [B]3-Way Elimination Match for the #1 Contendership of the Ironman Championship [COLOR="red"]Masato Tanaka vs Danny Havoc vs Hallowicked[/COLOR][/B] [I]-All three men got huge wins at Cage of Death which qualified them for a shot at being a Contender for the Ironman Championship. Who will come out ontop to challenge Super Dragon?![/I] [B]6-Man Tag Team Match [COLOR="red"]BLK Outs: Eddie Kingston, Joker & Sabian vs Briscoe Brothers & Jimmy Jacobs[/COLOR][/B] [I]-The grudge between The BLK Outs and Briscoe Brothers is far from being over. With the addition of Sabian and Jacobs this match will not only be hard hitting but it will also by filled with high flying action. [/I] [B]Ultra-Violent Deathmatch [COLOR="red"]Nick Gage vs Arik Cannon[/COLOR][/B] [I]-This years Tournament of Death Champion, Nick Gage, takes on BLK Out's Arik Cannon in an Ultra-Violent Deathmatch. This match will be Cannon's first Deathmatch so Nick Gage will have the obvious advantage. It's Deathmatch Wrestling vs Pure Technical Wrestling...who will come out ontop?![/I] [B]Singles Match [COLOR="red"]Austin Aries vs "Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein[/COLOR][/B] [I]-"Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein makes his CZW return to take on Austin Aries. Aries is coming off of a HUGE Wargames win but can he keep up his momentum by defeating Mr. Insanity?[/I] [B]Non-Title Match [COLOR="red"]Super Dragon vs Claudio Castagnoli[/COLOR][/B] [I]-The Ironman Champion, Super Dragon, will compete in a Non-Title match against Claudio Castagnoli. After suffering from a huge loss to Masato Tanaka, the master of the European Uppercut is looking to pick up a victory.[/I] [B]Singles Match [COLOR="red"]Roderick Strong vs Kevin Steen[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Two great "Strong Style" wrestlers that are looking to beat each other into a bloody pulp. Kevin Steen lost his Ironman Championship to Super Dragon so a win is a must to put him back on the CZW ladder but this is Roderick Strongs first CZW singles match so he has to win to breakout on his own. [/I] [B]Tag Team Match [COLOR="red"]The Embassy of Wrestling w/Prince Nana vs El Generico & Jigsaw[/COLOR][/B] [I]-The Embassy of Wrestling, Jimmy Rave & B-Boy formed at Cage of Death and they're set on dominating the tag team division. Can this new team overcome the masked lucha libre duo?![/I] [B]Singles Match [COLOR="red"]Jack Evans vs Matt Sydal[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Two of CZW's high flyers will clash in a intense Jr. Heavyweight match. You can be sure that there will be a lot of fast paced and high risks in this match.[/I] [B]Non-Title Match [COLOR="red"]Teddy Hart vs Excalibur[/COLOR][/B] [I]-Teddy Hart is on the heels of a succesful Jr. Heavyweight defense but can he defeat the unusual masked wrestler Excalibur?! [/I][/CENTER]
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