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ECW 2006 by Ollie Beak

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Not my first diary, but it is my first one here... so be gentle! ^.^ [center][img]http://ewb.orion-hosting.co.uk/forum/uploads/post-2826-1155478576.jpg[/img][/center] [b]CHICKEN~![/b] The opening match of the night saw two classic ECW teams clash, when Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger, led out by “The Enforcer” CW Anderson took on the last ever ECW Tag Team Champions; Danny Doring and the “Angry Amish” Roadkill. Despite having the experience and numbers advantage; Simon & Swinger came up short when Roadkill hit an assisted splash on Diamond, allowing his partner to get the three count. Despite their victory, however, Doring and Roadkill were both met with beautiful Anderson Spinebusters from CW. [b]International Three Way[/b] The second match was an International 3-Way, and return match from One Night Stand 2005, as Little Guido Maritato, Super Crazy and Yoshihiro Tajiri clashed in a match that will definitely be remembered for some time. Super Crazy was eliminated first after a vicious kick from Tajiri, with Guido rolling him up. However, the match turned into a scramble with Mikey Whipwreck interfering on behalf of Tajiri and the FBI retaliating. A major brawl ensued, with Tajiri managing to hit another of his trademark kicks on Guido, pinning him amongst the confusion and picking up the win. However, the celebration didn’t last long as The Big Show came out from the back sporting an ECW jersey. Show made quick work of everyone involved, hitting his new finisher, a Cobra Clutch Backbreaker on Mikey Whipwreck and Little Guido, before coming face to face with ‘Big’ Sal E Graziano. The 600lb did his best to put away the Big Show, but was hit with a monstrous Chokeslam, that echoed throughout the arena. Show celebrated before leaving the carnage out to the back. [b]No Way to Treat a King[/b] Following the major cluster**** of the second match was the grudge match between Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler and Taz (who made it clear he was there with only one ‘z’). The two exchanged punches for no more than 30 seconds before Taz was able to get the upperhand, hit a sick suplex and lock in the Tazmission. Seconds later and Lawler was out cold, and the ECW faithful roared with approval. [b]Kurt Angle’s Open Invitational[/b] Next up was Kurt Angle’s Invitational; where he called out anyone from a four sided ring, six sided ring or eight sided ring. Out came a scrawny kid with bad 80s hair and a t-shirt that read ‘Will Bump for Food’. The kid came down to the ring and snatched the microphone from Kurt, before introducing himself as ‘BJ Styles; the long lost brother of Joey Styles, a master of all sided rings, and a former XXX, ‘No Limits, No Psychology’ Champion’. Most of the crowd got the rib, and all of them sat in anticipation for Kurt’s response. Kurt just laughed and quickly ran circles around ‘BJ’, hitting him with a German Suplex before rolling out of it and locking in the dreaded Ankle Lock. Angle quickly dropped and locked in the grapevine, and BJ had no choice but to tap out. [b]An Extreme Chain of Events[/b] The night had gone swimmingly so far, with only a few surprises, but the night was seriously about to heat up, as we joined Paul E in the ring, for what would be the first of many unforgettable moments in the new vision of ECW… [b][Heyman:][/b] "I stood in this ring one year ago and I welcomed you all to my house for one night only, and that's what I thought it would be; a one night stand. But here I am, here is ECW, here is the past, present and future of professional wrestling, and I want to thank every single one of you for being here. It may be the ECW Kool-aid I've been drinking, or it could be Rob Van Dam's secret stash, but whatever it is it's put me in the greatest mood of my life. ECW is back; and tonight Rob Van Dam and Sabu are being christened the new ECW World Champions, and I speak for the both of them when I say they've got you to thank; the fans, because it's going to be you guys and girls that put the icing on the cake and the atmosphere in the Hammerstein Ballroom, when RVD and Sabu lift those titles high above their heads. So let me hear it; E...C...W! E...C...W! [i][The ECW initials are heard throughout the Hammerstein Ballroom, it's so loud it's probably heard throughout the Tri-State area, but it's not to be for long, as all of a sudden "I'm Back" hits the speakers and [b]Eric Bischoff[/b] makes his way out to the ring. Heyman looks more pissed than surprised, because everyone knows how the smug look on Bischoff's face pushes Heyman's buttons. The two men’s egos just about fit into the same ring together, and for only the third time, Heyman and Bischoff share a ring together.][/i] [b][Heyman:][/b] "So help me God, I'm not one to fight grease-balls and failures, but Mother may I…” [i][The ECW faithful won’t allow Bischoff to speak, instead trying their hardest to drown him out with chants of “****-You-Bisch-Off!”; however, the former WCW President ignores all the negativity and just does his best to speak over the fans.][/i] [b][Bischoff:][/b] "Just like the music sings Heyman; I'm back, and better than ever. Who'd have ever thought it; Eric Bischoff in an ECW ring speaking his mind. I'm not speaking the mind of some monkey-man writer, but the thoughts of Easy E himself; and you know what Heyman, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of you, and I'm sick to my stomach of ECW. Did you ever beat the WWF, and oh yes I did just say WWF, so let the pandas sue me, I’ll be sending my lawyer bills to Vincent K. himself... Did you ever beat the WWF in the ratings? Were you ever the head honcho of a company that meant something? No! You were the head honcho of a bunch of drugged up, useless garbage [i]"wrestling"[/i], and I use that term very loosely, freak shows whose only chance of making it big was with, oh like you didn't know this was coming; [u]me[/u]. Rey Mysterio Jr, Raven, Shane Douglas, Mike Aweso..." [b][Heyman:][/b] "I've got an army of fat, drunk and very pissed off wrestlers back there, and unless you want to feel the full force of ECW I wouldn't finish saying that name. You wanna talk about the fat chick thriller? I'll bring Mike Awesome out here he'll put your fat chick loving ass through a table. Hell I'll step up and knock your teeth down your throat myself, because unlike you I’m here for what I believe in; my ECW faithful. My loyal followers and the men I follow with the utmost loyalty. Because that’s what loyalty is about, my boys; they knew me as Paul, I wasn't Mr. Heyman, I wasn't some suit with an attitude I was ‘Mr. Loyalty’, Paul E." [b][Bischoff:][/b] "[i]You're[/i] talking about loyalty? I've got one word for you, Heyman; Rollerball. You call leaving to film a movie, whilst [i]your[/i] loyal companions get paid… nothing… loyalty? So just shut your damn mouth and learn some damn respect." [b][Heyman:][/b] "**** you Bischoff; ****! You!" [i][Bischoff laughs at Heyman’s potty mouth; Heyman’s angry, and Bischoff knows it and so with the same slimy grin on his face Bischoff continue to push Heyman’s buttons.][/i] [b][Bischoff:][/b] "No Heyman; **** you! I'm not interested in what you have to say, because you're nothing but a one track record, you wait and see, your new 'vision' of ECW is going to fail, and this time next year Vince McMahon will realise just what TNN realised; ECW doesn't draw, ECW doesn't sell out arenas, ECW doesn't make superstars, ECW sucks." [b][Heyman:][/b] "ECW sucks? Let me ask you a question [i]Eric[/i]; where's your reunion show?" [b][Bischoff:][/b] "…” [b][Heyman:][/b] "Where's WCW One Night Stand? Where's the WCW brand? Where's Sting? Where's Jeff Jarrett? Where's Scott Steiner? I think you know where they are Eric, and from the bottom of my black heart, I pity them for being there; I mean, I spent 8 years of my life in Bingo Halls, but at least I didn’t have to lower myself to run out of an Amusement Park.... But I digress, this isn't about Georgia, this isn’t about Florida, this is about right here, right now; E-C-W. You think it sucks? Fair enough, that's [i]your[/i] opinion, and I'm not the man to dispute that opinion, but what I can say is your opinion is wrong; and I'm going to tell you why... I think I may have seen one too many Bond films, and just like Blofeld reveals all his plans to a trapped double-o seven, I'm going to do the same to you… I've read on the internet that [i]my[/i] vision of ECW is Vince McMahon's vision of ECW, and that this ECW is a sell out. Now I've been called a lot of things in the past, but I will not be called a sell-out. I only feel that I should say to Vince McMahon what I've said to you many times, albeit only a handful of times to your face... **** Vince McMahon, this is my house and I'm bringing the fight to whoever wants it. I don't care if they're from a four sided ring, if they're from a six sided ring or if they're from an eight sided ring, I've got my army and I'm bringing them to every city and state that I visit; and I'm starting with you Eric Bischoff; this is my house, and I want you out of it." [A horde of ECW faithful; led by Al Snow and Head make their way slowly to the ring, this only makes Eric Bischoff smile, and as the ECW wrestlers surround the ring, Bischoff pulls a small folded letter out of his pocket, he unfolds it and delves into his other pocket, bringing out a silver pen.] [b][Bischoff:][/b] "Well looky here Paul E, an ECW contract with my name on it. I've all but signed on the dotted line… oh that's right, he's been in WCW, he's been in WWE, and now Easy E comes to ECW! Heyman, I've hated you for ten years, and I'm sure my hatred for you is only rivalled by your hatred of me, but I'm a firm believer in that famous phrase; ‘keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer’. You see, as much as I hate ECW, and as much as I'd love to see this titanic ship hit its iceberg and sink to the bottom, I'd love even more to see it happen from the inside… Wow, I wish I had a camera because the look on your face is priceless, just priceless." [b][Heyman:][/b] "..." [b][Bischoff:][/b] "Ladies and Gentlemen, do you see what I see? Paul Heyman is speechless and [i]God-Damn[/i] is that a first or what? You want to know [i]how[/i], Heyman? Do you want to know how I came across this beautiful piece of paper? It was the other enemy I like to keep close; Vinnie Mac, you may know him. Vince doesn't want me on his shows, and I wished I had a camera too when I told him I was taking him to court for unfair dismissal all those months ago, but you know court cases, what with the amount of redneck scum in ECW I'm sure you've sat in countless witness boxes, but you know how they take their time, and by the time it was all ready for us, I heard about you and the return of ECW, so I made me a settlement with Mr. McMahon. I said to him, I said 'You get me in ECW, and I get you out of court', he jumped at the chance, hell if I had of capitalized I'm sure I could have got him to join that illustrious members club; the Eric Bischoff 'Kiss-My-Ass' club, but with a man like Vince you don't push your luck. So you can tell these drunkards and perverts to back the hell off, because this isn't just [i]your[/i] ring." [b][Heyman:][/b] "You piece of ****." [And let it be said that when it came to fisticuffs, Paul Heyman through the first punch; a clobbering blow that knocked Bischoff right to the floor, and as the ECW wrestlers cheered for their Messiah, out from the crowd came an unexpected visitor; the last ECW World and Television Champion; [b]Rhino[/b]. The man-beast pulled Heyman off Bischoff and embraced in a hug with his former boss as the arena erupted in cheers. Rhino then proceeded to back into a corner and drop himself into the three-point-stance, preparing for a Gore that was sure to be heard throughout the World. Bischoff slowly got to his feet as Rhino charged towards him but in a split second, Rhino made a quick detour and instead Gored Paul Heyman! The ECW wrestlers around the ring all charged for Rhino, but the Man-Beast was too aware and quickly exited the ring and up towards the stage, taking Eric Bischoff with him. The two men stood proud on the stage, and with microphone in hand; Rhino was going to make his intentions known.] [b][Rhino:][/b] "Paul, you made me a star all those years ago, but that’s been and gone, and I’ve wanted to do that for weeks. You tried to forget me, you tried to forget that I am the true Champion of ECW, yet you want to christen a new one tonight? You try and screw me out of that title; my title; that's my title Heyman; [b]mine![/b] and I'm here to reclaim it, and if that means I need to stand by Eric Bischoff to do it, you can go ahead and call me a turncoat; but you do that and once again you will feel the force of the Gore… Gore… Gore!!! [center]-[/center] [b]Homicidal... Suicidal... Genocidal...[/b] As Joey Styles asked “What could follow a bombshell like that?” out came “The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal” Sabu, for his match against World Champion Rey Mysterio that could be, should be and would be just as explosive as the events that preceded it. The two proved they could still be two of the most dangerous bastards in the world, as chairs, tables and even a twenty foot ladder got thrown around like they were toys. Rey managed to hit a 619 on Sabu, which was almost booed out of the building, but Sabu was able to duck the incoming West Coast Pop when the threw a chair that connected with Rey mid-air. Sabu then proceeded to set up a table outside the ring, before standing on it as Rey went for a No Hands Plancha, which was in turn reversed by Sabu into a sick DDT through the table. As the crowds erupted with ‘Holy ****’ chants, officials checked on the condition of both men, before calling the match a No Contest. [b]A War for the Aged[/b] From one extremely hardcore match to another, as next up was the Tag Team War between “The Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer and his partner Terry Funk against the RAW superstars; “The Rated ‘R’ Superstar” Edge and Mick Foley. The four men showed just how versatile their bodies could be as they put themselves through thumbtacks, flaming tables and barbed wire boards. Tommy Dreamer’s wife Beulah and Edge’s sordid little affair Lita even got involved, cat fighting throughout the ring to the delight of every man in the audience. However, the match could not go on forever, and the end finally came as Edge speared Terry Funk into a barbed Wire Board and laid on top of him for the pin. [b]Feeling Froggy[/b] The next match was worlds apart from anything seen before it, as former ECW Tag Team Champions; Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit wrestled in memory of the late, great Eddie Guerrero. The two best friends put all they had into entertaining the fans, and the ECW faithful in attendance loved every moment of it. The two rolled around, reversing everything and anything until Dean Malenko was able to get Benoit’s number and lock him in his trademark Texas Cloverleaf, but the Crippler was able to reverse it and hit a chain of five German Suplexes, before climbing up and top and calling for his Diving Headbutt; however, Eddie Guerrero’s presence was felt, and instead Benoit hit the Frog Splash, allowing him to get the three count victory over Malenko. After the match the two embraced in a hug, and the crowd went crazy for it! [b]From Singapore with Love[/b] John Cena wasn’t the only man who came close to being booed out of the building as RAW ‘Superstar’ Eugene made his way out of the back and into the ring. He wanted to let everyone know just how much he loved ECW and how much he looked forward to seeing it on Sci-Fi. The fans weren’t buying his compliments and called for some kind of action to be taken; and they got just what they wanted as “Enter Sandman” blared out of the PA, and The Sandman made his way through the crowd and into the ring, swinging his Singapore Cane as he went. Eugene didn’t last long as The Sandman knocked him a handful of times before chasing him out of the arena, and Eugene was no more! [center][img]http://ewb.orion-hosting.co.uk/forum/uploads/post-2826-1155478588.jpg[/img][/center] [b]The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning?[/b] Last, but certainly not least was the Main Event; Rob Van Dam versus John Cena in a match for the World Heavyweight Championship, a title which was to be christened the ‘ECW World Championship’ should Rob Van Dam walk out with the gold. However, it was not to be a straight match, but an ‘Anything Goes’ match. There were literally no rules; the match would continue until a pinfall was counted or a submission was noted. Unsurprisingly the fans adored RVD, and he was treated as the second coming of Christ as he entered the ring. However, the same cannot be said for the WWE Champion John Cena, and he was almost booed out of the building before he even got to the ring. To say the crowd disliked him was an understatement. He was despised by the ECW faithful, yet it didn’t bother him as he lifted his head high and walked down the aisle, as everyone in the front row lifted their middle fingers to him. The forever ****y Rob Van Dam stepped back from Cena, motioning towards the crowd and allowing Cena to once again here the strong animosity against him. Cena did his best to continue to ignore the chants, looking down at his feet and slapping his face to get some adrenaline pumped for the match, but was blindsided by RVD who just kicked Cena’s hands away from his face, forcing him to look up and once again face the crowd. This obviously annoyed Cena enough to initiate a grapple, which RVD quickly got the better off, knocking Cena onto the mat with a leg sweep and quickly backing off to show off to the adoring crowd. This once again angered Cena, who climbed back to his feet and went to take down RVD, but the challenger had obviously seen this coming and dropped to his feet, hitting a drop toe hold in the process and putting the World Champion flat on his face to the continuing cheers of the crowd. John Cena got back to his feet once again and brushed himself down before charging at Van Dam with an attempted clothesline, which was again scouted by the champion who ducked and pushed Cena with his foot into the turnbuckle. Cena, not wanting to look bad just smiled and nodded towards RVD, congratulating him on his cool. RVD just shrugged and smirked in his usual ****y way. The crowd [i]loved[/i] it, and started varying chants for RVD around the arena. This just did more to anger the World Champion, who charged RVD again; this time finally getting the result he wanted and putting Van Dam on the floor, before following it up with some crossfaces. Cena jumped to his feet and yelled at the fans, begging for it to be enough to stop the great hatred against him. However, Cena’s hot-head got to him even more as he got in a small confrontation with a ringside fan, allowing Van Dam to get to his feet and dropkick Cena out of the ring. The crowd, obviously very pleased with this began a “You-Can’t-Wrestle” chant directed at Cena, as RVD rebounded off the opposite ropes and went for a baseball slide on the already bewildered Cena, but the Champ was able to scout it, grab Van Dam by his flailing legs and toss him into the guardrail, before releasing all his anger with a flurry of stomps on Van Dam. Cena lifted Van Dam to his feet and went to ram him head-first into the steel steps, but RVD was able to stop it with his foot, spin round and once again floor Cena with a leg-sweep. However, this time the Challenger didn’t waste any time playing with the fans and instead jumped to the apron and dropped back down with a knee-drop into Cena’s gut. As Cena rolled away from the side of the ring and closer to the barricade, RVD started talking to a man in the front row, after a quick conversation, the man turned around and handed RVD the chair that he had been sitting on, which RVD lifted high above his head before dragging Cena towards the ring steps, seating him in position for an early Chair assisted Surf-Board dropkick. However, RVD took too long parading, and as he jumped up to slam the chair in Cena’s face, the Champion had rolled out of the way, forcing RVD’s to feel the full force of the move himself. This gave Cena an advantage, and the WWE Champion quickly pulled Van Dam up onto his shoulders and signalled for the F-U, much to the disgust of the entire arena. But RVD was able to squirm out and land behind Cena, who quickly scouted it, spun around and rocked RVD with a hard punch to the jaw, forcing him to fall hard on the floor. Cena climbed back in the ring and taunted the fans, who continued to taunt Cena on his wrestling skills, or lack thereof. This didn’t seem to bother Cena one bit, who just treated it as white noise. After taunting the fans, Cena looked out to the outside as his opponent climbed to his feet; Cena rebounded off the ropes and came back with a sick No Hands Plancha that even stopped the ECW fans from their derogatory chanting. However, after a moment of silence, one wise-ass led the rest of them with a “You-Still-Can’t-Wrestle” chant that actually made Cena laugh. Van Dam slowly got to his feet and the two started to trade punches, with loud chants of “YAY” for RVD’s punches and loud booing whenever Cena launched a punch. The two continued this for a moment until Van Dam got the advantage with some stiff forearms against Cena’s jaw, finally rocking him with a running forearm that knocked him back onto the floor. RVD took this small breather as an opportunity to look under the ring, pulling out not one, not two, but three tables! RVD takes a while to set one up, allowing Cena to recover and blindside him with an elbow to the head, laying him onto the table. The WWE Champion climbs up to the apron and asks the fans if they really want to see some hardcore, followed by the people in the front row who can hear him shouting back “Not from you!”, Cena fake-laughs before shaking his hand against his face and hitting a Diving Five Knuckle Shuffle off the apron and into RVD’s stomach, putting him through the table. Cena jumps straight back to his feet and sets up a second table; this one much closer to the ring apron. The champion then proceeds to roll RVD into the ring and taunting the fans. Cena climbs back into the ring and lifts RVD up, setting up for an ‘extreme’ F-U through the table. However, as Cena goes to throw RVD, the challenger corrects himself and lands on the apron, before hitting a beautiful high stiff kick to Cena’s face, jumping in the ring and rebounding off the opposite ropes, but Cena quickly recovers and seeing RVD running back at him drops to his feet and pulls the rope with him forcing RVD back out of the ring; but RVD corrects himself, and once again lands on the apron. RVD springboards and goes to dive Cena, but the champion grabs him mid-air, and wastes no time flooring him with an F-U, Cena quickly covers. 1… 2… RVD is able to muster the energy to kick up, but in doing so flips 180 and lands on his stomach, giving Cena the perfect chance to lock in the STF-U! Just as Van Dam looks as though he’s about to tap, a hooded fan jumps the barricade and pulls the ref out of the ring, forcing Cena off Van Dam and to the ropes to see the commotion. The hooded fan flips back his hood to reveal RVD's former manager; [b]Bill Alfonso[/b]! Alfonso smacked the ref in the face, before yelling at him for counting Cena’s pinfalls until the champ slid out the ring and received some whistling himself! ‘Fonzie’ slapped Cena, angering the champ who just slapped him right back, knocking him to the floor before looking for the third table RVD had got from under the ring. Cena slid the table in the ring before climbing in himself only to be met with one of RVD’s trademark boots, allowing Van Dam to gain control of the table and set it up in the corner of the ring. Cena was able to recover and kick Van Dam in the sternum, before lifting him up and aiming to hit a second F-U, but Van Dam was once again able to squirm out and push Cena into the table. Van Dam charged at the table and Cena, but Cena rolled out of the way causing Van Dam to slam on the brakes. Cena lifted Van Dam up and hit his Spin-Out Powerbomb, before once again taunting Van Dam with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Van Dam was able to get to his feet before Cena could drop the fist, resulting in a short stalemate before Cena went for another right hand which was ducked and turned into a Monkey-Flip. Seeing Cena on the floor near the ring ropes caused Van Dam to motion for the Rolling Thunder, which was hit with superb precision. By this time a second referee, this time in the WWE ref attire had made his way to the ring, just in time for Van Dam to roll up Cena and use the ropes for leverage. 1… 2… Seeing Van Dam’s feet on the ropes caused the ref to jump up and stop the count, much to the disgust to the fans and Van Dam, who argued the point that this was an ‘Anything Goes’ match and the ref [i]should[/i] have counted to three. The delay allowed Cena to get to his feet and charge Van Dam, who saw the attack from the corner of his eye and quickly ducked, forcing Cena’s flying forearm to crash straight into the second referee who was knocked straight to the floor. Cena and Van Dam returned to exchanging forearms until a third man, wearing a black trench-coat and a bike helmet climbed into the ring and dropped to a three-point stance. Joey Styles screamed at the sight of the man, saying that “We know Rhino’s here, what’s the damn point in that get-up?” but the thought of it being Rhino was quickly disputed by Taz; “I don’t think Rhino’s that tall, Joey…”, but as the man motioned for Van Dam to get out of the way as he charged towards Cena with a Gore made both men think it just could have been Rhino; until the helmet was removed and the man was revealed to be [b]Edge![/b] Edge told Van Dam to get up top and hit the frog-splash, as this was ‘his night’, but as Van Dam climbed to the top and went to launch off, [b]Lita[/b] made her presence known and pushed Van Dam, making him fly half way across the ring into the table that had been leaned against the turnbuckle previously in the match. With Van Dam a wreck in the corner and Cena knocked out with a vicious Spear, Edge fell atop Cena and covered; as Lita climbed in the ring and counted. 1… 2… 3…! The ECW faithful erupted with boos for Edge, it wasn’t as bad as seeing Cena leave the ring with the belt, but Edge was certainly no RVD! But the mass of boos didn’t detract from Edge’s ecstasy, as he lifted the World Heavyweight Belt once more and mouthed the words ‘Anything Goes!’, as the cameras faded and ECW One Night Stand 2006 was but a memory in peoples minds. [quote=Quick Results for 'ECW One Night Stand 2006'][list] [*]Danny Doring & Roadkill d. Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger [*]Yoshihiro Tajiri d. Super Crazy & Little Guido Maritato [*]Taz d. Jerry Lawler [*]Kurt Angle d. BJ Styles [*]Sabu v Rey Mysterio ended in a No Contest [*]Edge & Mick Foley d. Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer [*]Chris Benoit d. Dean Malenko [*]Edge d. John Cena & Rob Van Dam to become the [i]new[/i] WWE World Heavyweight Champion [/list][/quote]
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Bischoff is a bastard, and so is Rhino. Rhino can't gore Heyman, it's just not right.. It's just not right. :( BJ Styles was great, though. No limits, no psychology is gold. A lot of TNA remarks in there and I'm not sure if they'd go on about it that much, but I guess you had to for the Heyman/Bischoff segment to work. Either way I like it Ollie, good ONS. Good luck with this, I'll be reading.
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