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WCW 1997 - What promised so much........ put over Hogan's retirement

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[b][u]WCW 1997 – What promised so much……[/b][/u] On the 27th May 1996, former WWF superstar Razor Ramon, walked through the crowd on WCW Monday Nitro, declaring war on World Championship Wrestling, promising an invasion and a further two men to help him achieve his goal. On the 10th June just two weeks later the second of three men would arrive on Nitro, another former WWF superstar Diesel. Both men would be known under their real names, Scott Hall (Razor) and Kevin Nash (Diesel), insisting they were not under WCW contract leading many to believe that they were the start of a WWF invasion. With WCW rocked to its foundation and a challenge laid out, and accepted, for a six man tag match at Bash at the Beach, WCW had the focus and attention of the entire industry. June 16th at the Great American Bash these new “Outsiders” would shock the wrestling word further as WCW President Eric Bischoff, in his official capacity would address the situation to the fans. Bischoff was soon confronted by Nash and Hall, who had been aiming numerous threats in WCW’s direction in recent weeks. After insisting that they were not working for the World Wrestling Federation they demanded to know their opponents for the all important six man tag match at Bash at the Beach. When Bischoff said he couldn’t give them an answer he was viciously attacked and powerbombed through the stage. If there was any doubt that this was the hottest angle in wrestling, the physical destruction of WCW’s off screen President in front of the entire world, etched the importance in stone. Bash at the Beach approached and would continue to be touted as the hottest and most anticipated Pay Per View in years. WCW’s team for the huge Pay Per View main event would be named as Lex Luger, Sting and Randy Savage but as the show drew nearer the Outsiders still refused to name their third man. Come July 7th, 1996, the atmosphere and anticipation grew throughout the night. As Bash at the Beach began with an excellent match involving Rey Mysterio Jr and Psicosis, all focus was on the night’s main event. On a night that saw a “Carson City Silver Dollar Match”, a “taped fist” match, a “double dog collar chain” match and two major title matches including the US title win of the Nature Boy Ric Flair over Mexican superstar Konnan, all that got talked about all night long was WCW Vs the Outsiders, and the speculation as to who the third man could be. As main event time rolled around at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach everyone watching, whether at the show, or watching on Pay Per View, was on the edge of their seats. Mean Gene Okerlund tried to get an answer as to who the third man would be but still the Outsiders held out, insisting that he was in the building, but they didn’t need him right now. Sting, Savage and Luger made their way to the ring to an incredible reception and the main event the whole world was watching was underway. It didn’t take long for the match to erupt into a wild brawl with the arrogant tactics of the Outsiders drawing the wrath of WCW’s finest, but disaster was right around the corner. With the Macho Man and Scott Hall taking their fight to the outside, Kevin Nash and Lex Luger grappled in the corner. Sting looked to make WCW’s numbers advantage pay and charged across the ring leaping through the air with a Stinger Splash. Nash, presumably having seen Sting coming towards them shoved Luger off, and as he side-stepped himself, he used Sting’s own momentum to help him overshoot the move and crash headfirst into the hard steel of the ringpost. Nash dumped Sting’s lifeless body on the outside but as the match continued, briefly, it soon became apparent that Sting wasn’t moving. WCW officials and EMT’s came running from the back as the action was halted and after being strapped to a gurney, WCW’s brightest star was heading out of the match leaving Savage and Luger to fight alone. When the match resumed Savage was a man possessed, every bit the crazed animal that WCW needed on this crucial night. Savage began beating and taking apart the Outsiders almost single-handedly as Luger screamed encouragement from the apron. With Heenan, Schiavone and Dusty beginning to speculate that there may well not even be a third man (if there was, he’d be out there three on two, right?) Hall joined Nash in the ring in an attempt to stop Savage’s momentum. With Hall and Savage both near the ropes Luger charged across the apron but as he lifted his arm Scott Hall ducked underneath and Luger laid out Savage with a clothesline. Luger stormed into the ring taking Nash and Hall down with a double clothesline as both men rolled to the outside leaving Luger alone with Savage. Luger helped his partner up but Savage, always ready to snap, shoved Luger away. Luger’s reaction was to pull Savage back to him and lift him up in the Human Torture Rack as a confused Nick Patrick looked on. Hall and Nash slowly, ****ily, climbed back up into the ring as Luger just wrenched the hold harder refusing to release the Macho Man. Luger eventually dropped Savage to the mat as Nash put a foot on his chest, and Hall made Patrick make the count. The Outsiders had won, and as Mean Gene made his way into the ring to find out what he’d just seen, Luger’s far from exciting response made it clear that he was indeed the third man. The New World Order was formed, and a heaving crowd left the Ocean Center that night with mixed feelings. The following night on Nitro video footage was shown by WCW of the Sting incident apparently showing Nash and Luger talking to each other as Sting went for the Stinger Splash, thus proving that it was the New World Order’s intention to set Sting up, as if nobody had already worked that out. Hulk Hogan also came out and waged war on Luger, Nash and Hall, promising to defend WCW and send them back up North. So began an uninspiring run of events that would see WCW slowly start to lose ground in the ratings war against the WWF. The first major stop on the road would be Hogg Wild in Sturgis. The open air setting with the ring surrounded by bikers at the Sturgis rally made for a unique atmosphere but the show’s major match would again disappoint. Sting and Randy Savage were defeated by the team of Nash and Hall in the show’s penultimate match, with Hulk Hogan making a post match save as the Outsiders embarrassed WCW’s finest beating them down. In the main event Lex Luger challenged the Giant for the WCW World Title and unsurprisingly won it as Nash and Hall got involved and cost the Giant the title. Hogan once again came out as Luger stood with the belt and challenged him to a title match the following night on Nitro, a challenge which Luger refused, insisting that the New World Order would be there however, bringing the world their fourth member and final part of the plan. In a match between Juventud Guerrera and Chavo Guerrero Jr on that Nitro, Luger, Nash and Hall made their way to the ring, attacking both men and beating them down before calling out their fourth member, and head of security, Ice Train, to almost no reaction from the crowd. Hogan was once again on hand to save the day, insisting that if Luger wouldn’t give him a title shot, how about they step into the double cage at War Games. The match was signed and the New World Order would fight Hogan, and a team from WCW at Fall Brawl. Hogan’s recruitment drive began just the following week on Nitro, a Nitro which scored a 2.4 against the WWF’s Raw rating that week of 3.0. Hogan quickly pulled in the two predictable team members, Savage and Sting, promising to turn the tables on the New World Order and not reveal his fourth member until Fall Brawl. By the time Fall Brawl came around WCW was in the same rut it had been before the New World Order began. It had a talented undercard producing good matches, and at times being given interesting storylines to work with, but its main event scene was predictable and uninspiring. The expected new wave brilliance of the New World Order angle had become nothing more than yet another stable playing heel to Hulk Hogan’s babyface hero while existing programmes, like the attempts of the Horsemen and Dungeon of Doom to rid WCW of Hogan, were simply dropped and ignored. The ratings war, one which WCW looked fully capable of winning earlier in the year had swung heavily in Raw’s favour with them outscoring Nitro for the previous four weeks. Fall Brawl needed something big, and having seen the way that an unknown team member had been a part of peaking interest in the Bash at the Beach Pay Per View earlier in the year WCW hoped it would do the same for Fall Brawl. Fall Brawl was your typical WCW 1996 show. A solid undercard with a handful of stand out matches, DDP/Chavo Guerro Jr, Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho, Konnan/Juventud Guerrera, but for once they needed the main event to deliver as well. Luger, Hall and Nash sent IceTrain on a mission at the beginning of the Pay Per View to find out who Hogan’s fourth man was and the Pay Per View audience were treated to a whole host of segments throughout the show with IceTrain beating up the majority of the undercard trying to find out, to no avail. As the main event rolled around Scott Hall and Sting started the match before Hogan’s team won the all important coin toss. The dynamic of the face team constantly having the advantage throughout the match didn’t help matters, but, they still had the fourth member of Hogan’s team to come to try and swing things around. When the clock ticked down and the fourth member came out, the crowd reaction seemed one of confusion. It was Hall and Nash’s buddy from the WWF, who had no real affiliation to Hogan, Sean Waltman (1-2-3 Kid). Waltman bought with him a chair which he quickly used to turn on Hogan and cost him the match, joining the New World Order in the process. Once again WCW’s fans had left one of their biggest shows of the year in a less than enthused mood. Fall Brawl drew a 0.40 buy rate, lower than the previous year, and far lower than the WWF’s impressive and larger than expected 0.75 for SummerSlam headlined by Vader’s World Title win against Shawn Michaels. Halloween Havoc in October was notable only for a challenge laid out by Hogan once again for Luger’s title and a match at Starrcade. Luger once more refused but Hogan put his career on the line, promising that if Luger made a successful defence, Hogan would retire. Luger accepted the challenge before the main event of the night saw the New World Order team of Nash and Hall win the tag team titles in a four way dance against Harlem Heat, Flair and Anderson, and Sting and Savage. Hogan gave an interview with Mean Gene the following night on Nitro, telling the world that he had used his retirement to sucker Luger into giving him a title shot. Hogan promised that the title match at Starrcade would indeed be his last, win or lose. Hogan said that if he won the title from Luger, he’d put an end to the New World Order and had nothing left to achieve in his great career, and if he came up short and couldn’t be the great hero he’s always been then maybe it was time to call it a day anway. The interview lacked emotion and was not received well on television. The road to Starrcade was paved with nothing but five on one attacks from the New World Order on Hogan in attempts to soften him up for the title match, and an apparent descension in the ranks, most notable when Luger accidentally cost the Outsiders the tag team titles against Ric Flair and Arn Anderson on an episode of Nitro in November. November was also the month where World War 3 would take place and the 60 man, three ring battle royal, would be won by Sting, rumoured to be a move to keep him with the company after the way he’d been used over the course of the year, thrust behind Hogan and all things New World Order. World War 3 was also notable for one of the worst Pay Per View semi main events of the year as Hulk Hogan took on New World Order Head of Security, who still hadn’t been capable of getting over, IceTrain. The match was as bad as could be expected, and featured a New World Order run in and beatdown to cause the disqualification ending. As December began there were heavy rumours that Nash, Hall, and Waltman were all unhappy with how the New World Order angle had run and felt they were being used as nothing more than midcard fodder and backup for Luger, a man who in their eyes was surely a lesser star at this point in his career? It would become apparent once Starrcade was over that it wasn’t just playing second fiddle to Luger that was causing them problems, but Hogan as well. WCW hyped the title match, and Hogan’s last ever match, as well as they could and whether it was going to be entertaining or not Hulk Hogan’s last ever match in a wrestling ring, was sure to draw a decent buy rate, and that it did, Starrcade drew a 0.95 that year, the highest WCW Pay Per View buy rate of the year. Under any other circumstances that would have given WCW great hope for 1997 but the fallout from that show left a bitter taste in the mouth. As the much anticipated main event built to its finish the Outsiders who had been at ringside walked out on Luger leaving him to fend for himself, and eventually lose, to Hogan. They would never be seen on WCW programming again, nor would Sean Waltman, the New World Order angle had ended, and as Hogan stood in the ring holding that World Title and giving his retirement speech, leaving WCW without a World Champion as the new year rolled around it all became clear. The New World Order angle had done nothing but put Hogan over, giving him the grand (or not so grand) finale to his career that he had demanded from WCW, and focusing half a year’s booking on putting over a hero that wouldn’t be around to capitalise on it come the new year. Hall, Nash and Waltman, (it was later revealed that all three had asked for their releases and been granted their wish in mid December) all turned up on Raw the following night and cut a scathing promo on WCW. Incidentally Raw scored a 4.8 that night, while the last Nitro of the year scored just a 2.2. WCW was losing the ratings war…..
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[b][u][size=3][color=red]WCW Monday Nitro Preview[/b][/u][/size][/color] After the emotional ending to Starrcade you can guarantee that this Monday night you won’t want to miss Nitro. With Hulk Hogan’s World title win, and immediate retirement just what will the ruling be on the future of the World title, and what frame of mind will former champion Lex Luger be in as he takes on Diamond Dallas Page after losing his title and the New World Order? Also in action will be another one of the top contender’s to the World title, Sting, as he takes on Jeff Jarrett. Sting may well believe he has a claim to the world title following his win at World War 3, guaranteeing him a title shot that he’s still not received The Horsemen will be in the House this week too and you can be sure the Nature Boy Ric Flair will have his own ideas on where the world title belt should be headed following Hogan’s retirement. With Horsemen member Steve McMichael in action against American Male Scotty Riggs the Horsemen will have plenty to talk about this Monday night Also in action will be former New World Order head of security IceTrain as he takes on even popular Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and there’ll be a battle of the Cruiserweights as Psicosis takes on Juventud Guerrera for a chance to face current champion, Ultimo Dragon on next week’s show for the World Cruiserweight title. All this and so much more, tune in this Monday night on TNT for the hottest hour in wrestling [u]Full Card[/u] Psicosis Vs Juventud Guerrera IceTrain Vs Jim Duggan Steve McMichael Vs Scotty Riggs Lex Luger Vs Diamond Dallas Page Sting Vs Jeff Jarrett
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[img]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/406/nitro02bc6.jpg[/img] Monday 6th January Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes & Bobby Heenan 4208 fans in attendance The fast paced Nitro opening video with various clips of some of WCW’s finest plays as the metallic WCW Nitro logo slams onto the screen and leads us to the announce desk where Tony “this is the single most important moment in the history of our sport” Schiavone, The American Dweeeam Dusty Rhodes and Bobby “the Brain” Heenan welcome us to “the Hottest hour in Professional Wrestling today”. They’re still talking about Starrcade despite this being the second Nitro since the show, and they’re still putting over Hogan as we’re treated to a clip in memorial of his retirement showcasing some of his greatest moments in WCW. I’d tell you what they all were but you know them already and this segment is worthless, come on, the guy’s retired and cost you some of your biggest stars, can we get on with the show now? [b][color=red]Psicosis Vs Juventud Guerrera[/b][/color] Psicosis is already in the ring, horny mask and all, as Juventud makes his way out to little response from the crowd. The boys talk about the winner of this match getting a shot at the unstoppable Cruiserweight champion right now, Ultimo Dragon on next week’s show. I really wish they’d use Tenay for these matches more, none of the guys know how to call this action, but the match is really good as expected. The crowd aren’t into these two at all and have no idea who to cheer for, cheering for great moves rather than for one guy to win, but the action’s good. The match is fast paced and a great opener that ends with a Psicosis guillotine legdrop off the top. It’s Psicosis Vs Ultimo Dragon next week for the strap [b]Psicosis wins by pinfall[/b] After the opening match we’re treated to former New World Order leader and former WCW World Champion Lex Luger coming out for a little fun with Mean WOOO Gene Okerlund in the aisle. Luger looks ripped as always and he’s in his black trunks as he gives it a quick pose to the booing fans [b]Okerlund: [/b]I’m joined at this time by FORMER World Heavyweight Champion, missing a few of his running buddies, and missing a belt [b]Luger: [/b]Don’t you call me former nothing Gene, that’s why I requested this time with you. You just hold the microphone and let me do the talkin’. Now, at Starrcade everybody saw it, the whole world was watching as those nobody’s walked out on me and distracted me from defending MY world title against Hulk Hogan. I had the match won, and then they got in my way Gene!!! [b]Okerlund: [/b]That’s not how I saw it pal, but hey, I’m just a bald guy in a tux. You take your problems to the President Luger [b]Luger: [/b]Well that’s exactly what I’m gonna do Gene, somebody get Bischoff out here. I’m the world champion, I want MY belt back Gene, bring him out here!!!!!! Luger looks like he’s about to throttle Okerlund as Bischoff steps out from the back in a suit and makes his way out to Okerlund and Luger. [b]Luger: [/b]Bischoff I know that you’re a fair man so I’m gonna give you the chance to do the right thing and hand over the WCW World Heavyweight title belt and put it back where it belongs around my waist [b]Bischoff: [/b]Lex, Lex, Lex, do you really think that after everything you tried to put us through over the past year I’m just gonna hand you back a belt that you lost to Hulk Hogan? Quite frankly I outta fire you now that your little takeover bid’s done and dusted. [b]Luger: [/b]YOU CAN’T FIRE ME, MY CONTRACT…… [b]Bischoff: [/b]WOAH! Lex, I know your contract and you’re right, unless WCW wants to splash out to buy that thing out, you’re watertight around here, we aint getting rid of ya any time soon. But, that doesn’t mean for a second….. Bischoff stops and turns around as the crowd pop huge for the Stinger, complete with green and black face paint tonight. Luger just stares at him looking unhappy as Sting comes out and Gene immediately presents him with the mic [b]Sting: [/b]WOOOOOO Monday Nitroooooooooo, man it feels good to be out here tonight. How ya feelin’ Lex!!!!! [Sting thumps him on the shoulder, playfully, but hard as Luger pulls his fist back, then seeing Sting looks more than ready for a fight puts it back down] I thought I heard somebody out here talkin’ about the World Heavyweight Title. Let me take you guys back to…… well, hang on a minute, Lex, you were there, and… Eric, man, so were you. In fact, even you were Gene, you were all there when I beat 59 other wrestlers in a battle royal to earn a shot at the World title. A shot that last time I checked, the Stinger’s still not had around here. [b]Bischoff: [/b]That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, if you’ll both listen to me, man this job’s hard sometimes. Starting tonight 16 of WCW’s finest as selected by the WCW Championship Committee will compete in a single elimination tournament to crown the new Heavyweight Champion of the World at WCW’s next Pay Per View extravaganza, New Beginnings, Sunday January 26th. Lex, you start tonight against Diamond Dallas Page, Sting, you’ll be in there against Jeff Jarrett, and if you’re still around by the time we get to New Beginnings then the title shot’s there to be earned! Bischoff leaves and heads backstage as Mean Gene tries to grab a word with Lex, or Sting, or frankly anybody, as Luger follows Bischoff backstage trying to argue with him and Sting gives the crowd another WOOOOO before heading back smiling. [b][color=red]IceTrain Vs “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan[/b][/color] “CHOOO CHOOOOO” I still crack up at that music every time IceTrain comes out. At least after his heel turn with the New World Order they gave it a more sinister thumpy kinda edge to it. This match is everything you’d expect it to be, terrible. The boys talk about IceTrain being a man alone after the death of the New World Order. As the match progresses, slowly, Jimmy Hart comes out from the back and watches from the stage. When Duggan manages to get on top Hart walks to the ring and starts screaming encouragement at IceTrain who quickly turns the match around and hits his Shoulderbreaker to pick up the win. That surprised me big time. Ok, I know they tried to push IceTrain with the New World Order but as it never worked, and they had perfect opportunity to drop the push, as well as the fact they’ve never really jobbed Duggan out before, I assumed Duggan was going over. Ah well, both guys suck, so meh, fair enough. [b]IceTrain wins by pinfall[/b] After the match it’s time for Okerlund to take charge again, coming out to get to the bottom of the situation… [b]Okerlund: [/b]Jimmy Hart, Jimmy, if I may, what in the world are you doing out here, I thought we’d seen the last of you! [b]Hart: [/b]Hahahahahaha Gene baby, Jimmy Hart’s not gonna let a sweet opportunity like this pass him by, the opportunity to manage a man with the credentials of the IceTrain! [b]Okerlund: [/b]Do you mean to say, you’re managing this man, the IceTrain? Well done there Gene, I don’t think we’d have worked this out without you [b]Hart: [/b]Yahahahahaaaa, that’s right baby, and nothing’s gonna stop my new Express train of destruction. We’re going for gold baby, yahahahahaahaaa Hmmm, at least IceTrain didn’t say much, I guess that’s a plus Schiavone says there’s something going on in the back, and Gene’s not there to cover it? Wow. A camera shot is shown of Scott and Steve Armstrong laid out with a few guys around them, Donuts Dillinger, the Head of Security, and a couple of other guys. The announce team speculate wildly and basically agree that they have no clue who would bother attacking two utterly meaningless parts of the WCW roster as the action goes back to the ring. [b][color=red]Steve “Mongo” McMichael w/Debra McMichael Vs Scotty Riggs w/Marcus Alexander Bagwell[/b][/color] I’m still liking this whole “every Horseman has a woman” deal as it kinda adds to the whole ethos of what the Horsemen should be about, besides, Debra’s kinda hot, if insanely irritating (although I guess that’s the point, right?). Riggs is accompanied out by Bagwell and looks like jobber fodder here for the Horsemen. The match it pretty dull, with McMichael looking strong, and Riggs getting in the odd dropkick or flying body press to try and stay in the match. McMichael goes to the outside and starts jawing with Bagwell as Debra’s been checking Bagwell out. They start brawling and McMichael knocks Bagwell up against the apron and takes a few steps back before lunging forward with a big boot. Bagwell steps out of the way though and McMichael’s leg gets caught up on the bottom rope. Riggs leaps out over the top rope and lands down on McMichael’s leg. It’s quickly apparent that McMichael’s suffered some sort of injury (legit or not, I have no idea) and after he’s counted out, medics come out from the back and attend to him before he’s helped backstage. [b]Scotty Riggs wins by count out[/b] Okerlund’s been a busy boy tonight and that continues as he comes out from the back and bring out Hugh Morrus, who’s apparently requested some interview time too. He’s not in his wrestling gear as he comes out in a pair of jeans and a WCW t shirt [b]Okerlund: [/b]Hugh Morrus, you’ve requested this time so I gotta ask what you have to say? [b]Morrus: [/b]Gene, I’m sick and tired of being the forgotten man around here. I’m 300lbs and I do friggin moonsaults for Pete’s sake! What do I gotta do to get noticed around here Gene? I wanna send a message out to every wrestler in WCW right now Gene, everybody….. wait a minute, what’s this? Morrus stops as he sees that Greg “the Hammer” Valentine has come out from the back, similarly in his street clothes, Okerlund quickly pointing the mic in his direction [b]Valentine: [/b]I aint out here lookin’ for a fight big fella, but you aint been going completely un-noticed around here. Hugh Morrus, I see a hella lotta potential in you and I wanna help you get to the top! [b]Morrus: [/b]Why should I listen to you Valentine? [b]Valentine: [/b]This broken old body may not be capable of winning world title’s anymore, but this brain sure is. See, this sport has a toll on your body and you pay a price and before ya know it, you can’t go at the very top anymore. See I been where you are and I achieved a lot of what I set out to, but don’t make my mistake’s Hugh, you got all the tools to be the future Heavyweight Champion of the World, and you don’t wanna be coming out here getting beat week after week on Nitro because ya can’t go anymore like I am, knowing that you coulda been the World Champ. It’s all still in here Morrus, all in here! [Valentine taps his head as Hugh seems to be taking in what he says] The two men exchange a handshake as Okerlund sends the show back to Tony and the boys. I have no idea where this is going, but if Morrus goal in this angle is supposed to be the world title we could be looking at one of the longest running angles in history, he’s not getting that belt any time soon. Before the next match Schiavone shows the title tournament brackets and they talk about the tournament matches tonight. There’s some interesting stuff there, with potentially the Steiners facing each other, or the same for Harlem Heat, in round 2, as well as Flair/Savage in the first round. They also mention that the final four will go to New Beginnings with the semi final’s and final all taking place on that show. [b]Rick Steiner Vs Booker T Scott Steiner Vs Stevie Ray Lex Luger Vs Diamond Dallas Page Eddie Guerrero Vs Konnan The Giant Vs Arn Anderson Ric Flair Vs Randy Savage Sting Vs Jeff Jarrett Lord Steven Regal Vs Big Bubba Rogers[/b] [b][color=red]World Title Tournament: Lex Luger Vs Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimberley[/b][/color] Page gets his pyro entrance with his insanely hot wife. Just for those who didn’t get to see it she’s wearing pink hot pants tonight. Luger’s still getting quite a lot of heat but I’m genuinely convinced that some of it is legit “you suck” type heat. He really didn’t carry himself over as much as was expected last year. This one’s honestly worse than I expected, and the crowd weren’t as into it as I thought either. Page still looks like he can be a big star for this company if they get his push right, and judging by the result here that might be happening. After a dull and uneventful match that saw Luger cheat horribly to try and keep Page from taking over, Page hit the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere after being on the receiving end of punishment for the last couple of minutes of the match. Page goes through, shocker! Luger’s furious after the bell and starts bashing the mat. He gets the referee up in the Torture Rack, and then when other referee’s come out to try and stop him, he puts the ref down, then grabs another and gets him up in the hold. LUGER’S SNAPPED!!! Well that’s what Dusty tells us anyway. DDP advances in the tournament [b]Diamond Dallas Page wins by pinfall[/b] Derrrr, Derrrrrr, Derrrrr Derrrrrr! Ok so it doesn’t sound so good when I do it on here, but that’s Space Mountain and the Horsemen come out to the ring, minus one member. Flair’s there accompanied by Elizabeth, Anderson’s there accompanied by Sherri, and Benoit’s there with Woman as Anderson and Flair both have tag team title belts around their waists. Mean Gene comes scurrying out from the back and into the ring not wanting to miss out on the fun and immediately Woman’s stroking his chest [b]Okerlund: [/b]Woman, as always it’s a pleasure to see you out here, but Ric Flair what is the meaning of this interruption. We’re right in the middle of a world title tournament!! [b]Flair: [/b]Mean WOOOOO Gene! Ya don’t needa tell the Nature Boy there’s a world title tournament going on right now, in fact, lets make that point of business number one. GIANT! You’re the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time buddy, because this man right here [Flair pats Anderson on the back who raises the four fingers]has got a whole world a hurt ready for you pal. Now, Randy…. Macho Man….. Savage! Ya shoulda walked away, ya shoulda taken the beating I handed ya last year and left World Championship Wrestling because if you just saw the tournament brackets like I did, we’re gonna get it on one more time Savage. One more time…. Last time Savage….. YOU……. CAME…….. UP SHORT! WOOOOOOOOOO So this time brother, you betta be ready for the beatin’ of ya life. I been missing somethin’ Gene, I got me a woman [Flair gives Elizabeth’s ass a little squeeze as she jumps and giggles], I got me some runnin’ buddies [Benoit and Anderson lift the four fingers] and I got me a whole truckload of champagne out the back and while we’re at it Gene, Oh Geneoooo, you’re invited to the aftershow party, BUT! One thing’s missin’, and it’s somethin’ the Horsemen know betta than anyone. So Giant, Savage, and whoever the hell else gets in our way, that belts comin’ back to the Horsemen baby [b]Okerlund: [/b]Double A, what ya gotta say about it? [b]Anderson: [/b]Giant, you’re the man that everybody’s been frightened away from around here in WCW, you’re the man that’s got everyone runnin’ scared. You think I’m scared a you too Giant? Take a look at this wrinkled old face…. Closer….. look real close, and you tell me you think it aint ever taken a shot from a 7 foot tall, 500lb monster before? I got a lot of respect for a man your size, with your ability Giant but when we step into that ring you can take all a that respect and stick it in your… [b]Flair: [/b]WOAAHH there Arn…. Gene, there’s other Horsemen business we gotta address right now. Crippler Chris Benoit, you had to bundle a man, a Horseman into the ambulance tonight… [b]Benoit: [/b]That’s right, tonight I had to watch our partner, our friend, a member of the Horsemen get carted out of this arena in an ambulance. Scotty Riggs, you made yourself a target tonight, and Bagwell, you’re guilty by association so you boys better know that you got an angry Crippler, and the World tag team champions set on a collision course with ya [b]Flair: [/b]That’s right, American WOOOO Males! We had no problem with you, and last time I checked with my ladies, they wanted you two boys partying with the Horsemen but you put out a Horseman and you pay the price. RIGGS, BAGWELL, GIANT, SAVAGE!!! You all have one thing in common, you’ve been the wrong guys, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and now…… WOOOOOO, it’s time to get outta our way. Mean WOOOO Gene, it’s time to break out the champagne! Gene sends it back to Tony and the boys as Flair dances around the ring leaving Gene looking confused [b][color=red]World Title Tournament: Jeff Jarrett Vs Sting[/b][/color] Main event time and the second of the world title tournament matches tonight. Gotta say the brackets do look pretty interesting and I’m not sure, especially after Luger went out, on predicting a winner. This was a lot better than the majority of the action we’ve seen tonight and both men’s styles worked really well together. They still need to work out what they’re doing with Jarrett long term, but he could be a great asset to WCW right now. The crowd were really into this too, and at least for this match, Jarrett slotted into the heel role. Despite Jarrett’s best attempts and a number of near falls Sting eventually put him away with a big Stinger Splash followed by the Scorpion Death Lock to get the submission and advance in the tournament as the show went off the air. [b]Sting wins by submission[/b] [b]Show Rating: [/b]67 [b]TV Rating: [/b]5.03 (Raw: 6.50) [u]Overness Changes[/u] Psicosis +15, 43 Juventud Guerrera +7, 40 Lex Luger +6, 90 IceTrain +3, 43 Jimmy Hart +7, 77 Scotty Riggs +1, 61 Greg Valentine -1, 52 DDP -3, 69 Arn Anderson +1, 85
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[b][u]WCW Newsletter[/b][/u] - Raw scored a 6.50 this past Monday, compared to Nitro's 5.03. It's felt backstage within WCW that this is pretty much as well as they could have hoped for and is a very very small step in the right direction. For now WCW have almost conceeded that there is no ratings war as they're expecting it to be 4-5 months before they can legitimately pose a threat in terms of ratings for their flagship show - WCW Saturday Night was an interesting, although not neccessarily great show this week. They tried to push the new IceTrain/Jimmy Hart alliance, as well as Luger's elimination from the World title tournament and flipping out after the match. The Renegade walked out of a match halfway through against Jim Powers in what looked like some sort of worked shoot. Dean Malenko beat Chavo Guerrero in a good Cruiserweight match, only equalled by a powerful main event which saw Scott Steiner beat Stevie Ray to advance in the World title tournament. Also, which many believe is somehow linked into the similar segment on Nitro featuring the Armstrong's, Sgt Budddy Lee Parker was found in the back beaten down and needing medical attention. The show scored a 2.14 rating. - The Main EVent had its highs and lows too. Devon Storm was found in the back beaten down and needing medical attentoin, just like Parker and the Armstrong's on recent shows. I have no idea where they're going with this but the segments haven't come across that well, largely because the wrestlers attacked, nobody cares about. Rey Mysterio Jr pinned Super Calo in a decent match, while Hugh Morrus scored a win over Mike Enos with Greg Valentine mentoring him from ringside. They focused a lot of the show on the McMichael injury, highlighting it from Nitro as well as the American Males cutting an interview apologising for the injury saying it was never intentional. The American Males scored a win over Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck on the show, as Chris Benoit came out and watched from the entrance. They also pushed the World title tournament, not only showing Sting's progression to the second round but also having the main event see Eddie Guerrero advance with a win over Konnan in another decent match. The show scored a 1.32 and was hurt by running opposite WWF Superstars - It's become apparent that the injury Steve McMichael suffered on Nitro is not legit and is serving a number of purposes. It's an important part of the Horsemen storylines at the moment, as well as getting McMichael off air for a while allowing him to go and work down at the Power Plant on improving. There's been no word on how long they are planning on leaving him off screen or how he'll be bought back at this time - The initial plan this Monday night was to have the Horsemen come out and rip on the departed Hall/Nash/Waltman now that the New World Order angle has finished and the three in question have gone back to the WWF. It's believed that WCW got cold feet on running the promo for fear that it would only serve to direct viewers into checking out Raw. Ric Flair in particular was unhappy about the idea and is said to have been very vocal about not wanting to go out there and cut the promo. [b][u][size=3][color=red]WCW Monday Nitro Preview[/b][/u][/size][/color] With the World title tournament in full swing with Scott Steiner, Eddie Guerrero, Diamond Dallas Page and Sting all through to the quarter finals, the action intensifies further this Monday night with two more first round matches. The Giant will take on Horsemen Enforcer Arn Anderson in what promises to be a brutal encounter, while an old rivalry is revisited as the Nature Boy Ric Flair takes on the Macho Man Randy Savage. Bear in mind that in Flair’s corner will be Savage’s own wife, and you know the man with the shortest fuse in wrestling is sure to be fired up. This one will be wild. Two major title matches will take place on this week’s show too. Psicosis defeated Juventud Guerrera last week on Nitro to earn his shot at WCW’s dominant Cruiserweight champion, Ultimo Dragon. The Television title will also be on the line as Jimmy Hart has pulled some strings with the Championship Committee and got his new man, IceTrain, a shot at Lord Steven Regal’s World Television championship. Mean Gene Okerlund has promised to get a few words with former World Champion Lex Luger on this week’s show. Luger was shockingly eliminated from the World Title tournament last week and took his frustration out on a number of WCW’s refereeing team. What will Luger have to say about his actions this week? The American Males will be in action, taking on the Amazing French Canadians, and with the Horsemen putting targets on Riggs and Bagwell’s backs this could really break down, as well as Ace Darling taking on La Parka, this is a show you simply have to see this Monday night on TNT [u]Full Card[/u] Ric Flair Vs Randy Savage The Giant Vs Arn Anderson Ultimo Dragon Vs Psicosis Lord Steven Regal Vs IceTrain American Males Vs Amazing French Canadians Ace Darling Vs La Parka
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[img]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/406/nitro02bc6.jpg[/img] Monday 13th January Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes & Bobby Heenan 4028 fans in attendance The fast paced Nitro opening video with various clips of some of WCW’s finest plays as the metallic WCW Nitro logo slams onto the screen and leads us to the announce desk where Tony “this is the single most important moment in the history of our sport” Schiavone, The American Dweeeam Dusty Rhodes and Bobby “the Brain” Heenan welcome us to “the Hottest hour in Professional Wrestling today”. Tonight we’ll see two title matches as the Ultimo Dragon defends the Cruiserweight strap against Psicosis and IceTrain will challenge Lord Steven Regal for the Television title. We’ve also got two world title tournament matches to look forward to, and I’ll be honest Schiavone doesn’t really need to hype these for me, this is a stacked Nitro, as Arn Anderson takes on the Giant and Ric Flair is in action against Randy Savage. We’re kicking off with the Cruiserweights… [b][color=red]WCW Cruiserweight Title: Ultimo Dragon Vs Psicosis[/b][/color] Psicosis is already in the ring as Ultimo Dragon, complete with dragon mask and cruiserweight title belt over his shoulder, makes his way out for the first match of the night. The fans seem fairly into this but again the announce team not having a clue how to call the action really doesn’t help it come across great on tv. The action is excellent though and both men really bring their A games. Psicosis comes close to getting the win after hitting a huge splash mountain out of the corner for a very close two count but in the end it’s Psicosis missing the Guillotine legdrop, allowing Dragon to lock in the Dragon Sleeper that gives the Dragon the successful defence to kick off the show. [b]Ultimo Dragon wins by submission[/b] After the match it’s time for the bald guy as Mean Gene comes out and introduces the Renegade who wants some mic time. He still has that whole Ultimate Warrior thing going on, with the same body, same face paint, same hair, and same gimmick as he comes out snarling. [b]Okerlund: [/b]I’m joined at this time by a former WCW Television Champion, I’m talking about the Renegade. I want to address a situation this past Saturday Night when you walked out on your match with Jim Powers, and handed him the victory. What ya gotta say about it Renegade? [b]Renegade: [/b]Mean Gene, as the sands of time tick on the destructicity of man and mortal notion, the Renegade treads his own path to everlasting immortalicity. As the Renegade stands before you on this hallowed Monday Nitro ground, taking in the adulation…… The Renegade stops himself, looks at a confused Mean Gene and continues [b]Renegade: [/b]…. You know what Gene, I’m sick of this, just stick it The Renegade shoves Okerlund’s hand away and storms backstage leaving a confused, babbling Mean Gene to try and send it back to the announce team. Tying in with the walk out on the match on Saturday Night it’ll be interesting to see what they have planned with this, it looks like it’ll be a great success, or completely bomb, with no in between. At least it’s better than wrestler’s we don’t care about getting laid out backstage. [b][color=red]Ace Darling Vs La Parka[/b][/color] The crowd really weren’t into this match at all between a complete jobber, and a fun guy in a skeleton suit. La Parka was starting to get on top and hit what Heenan called “one of those salto moon things over the top” but the match never really got going as Lex Luger came out from the back and into the ring. He shoved the referee away who was trying to usher him out and as La Parka turned around he kicked him in the gut and got him up in the Human Torture Rack. Ace Darling stood watching and looked like he was smiling which caused an angry Luger to drop La Parka and grab Darling up in the same move, wrenching his back. The referee threw the match out as Luger went crazy putting boots into La Parka and Darling on the mat as Mean Gene came out to try and get a word as Luger left the ring [b]No contest due to Luger’s interference[/b] [b]Okerlund: [/b]Lex Luger, what is the meaning of this, I’ve seen the way you’ve been acting over the past couple of weeks, you’ve snapped. I wanna get to the bottom of this, you’re a former World Champion Luger, what’s gotten into you [b]Luger: [/b]Former? FORMER? I’M NOT A FORMER ANYTHING… I’M…… THIS….. YOU…..GAHHHHHH Luger grabs Okerlund by the throat and pulls him in, kneeing him in the stomach and doubling him over, screaming out as he gets him up in the Torture Rack. Okerlund looks ready to die as Luger starts wrenching the hold before eventually dropping Okerlund down. Donuts Dillinger and WCW security come out and Luger charges through them dropping them all with clotheslines before running backstage and leaving the chaos behind him. Man, nobody ever beats up Okerlund, that was nuts. [b][color=red]WCW World TV Title: Lord Steven Regal Vs IceTrain w/Jimmy Hart[/b][/color] They gave both these guys pretty lengthy entrances with Hart really looking like he was coaching and giving IceTrain instructions on the outside before the match. Once the two men locked up Regal quickly started out wrestling him and carrying the match as best he could. Regal was really stiffing IceTrain up, pounding him with stiff European Uppercuts and knees to the head. The match ended up better than I expected for the most part, and once IceTrain started to use his power to muscle Regal about this turned into a real stiff fest, both men just brutally beating each other about the ring. Regal looked set to make a successful defence as he took IceTrain over with a butterfuly suplex and tried to lock him in the Regal Stretch on the mat. Jimmy Hart got straight up onto the apron and grabbed the referee’s attention, flailing his arms and screaming a lot. Regal turned to see what the commotion was, quickly punching Hart in the face and knocking him off the apron but as he turned round he walked straight into IceTrain who scooped him up and drove him down with the Shoulderbreaker, making the cover and picking up the win. IceTrain is the new TV champion. Shocker! [b]IceTrain wins by pinfall to become WCW Television Champion[/b] After the match Mean “I just got my back broke” Gene was out, holding his back and not walking properly, calling out the Macho Man Randy Savage for an interview [b]Okerlund: [/b]I’d like to bring out at this time, though the thought of interviewing another loose cannon right now is one I might want to reconsider, Lex Luger you’ll be hearing from my attorneys. I’d like to bring out at this time a man who went through hell and back with Ric Flair last year, and after putting an end to that situation, finds himself back in the ring with the Nature Boy right here on Nitro tonight in the World Title tournament. I’m talking about the Macho Man, Randy Savage [b]Savage: [/b]An end to the situation yeeah, see that never happened right there Mean Gene. What you saw last year was unpossibly the first chapter in the story yeeeah, the beginning of the end yeeeah. Ric Flair took my wife, and my alimony money, and got me locked up Gene, so tonight Ric, I’m gonna beat you up! [b]Okerlund: [/b]We’ve seen it from you before Macho, the Horsemen are gonna be out there, and Flair’s gonna be playing the mind games, do you think you can stay focused to advance in the world title tournament? [b]Savage: [/b]Look into these eyes Gene, these are eyes of determination yeeah, and the eyes of destruction yeeah, and tonight that’s what I’m going to do to you Ric Flair! It’s time to unleash the Madness, Oooooh Yeeeeah! Okerlund paused, holding his back, and then his ear insisting that he was getting word something was going on in the back and we needed to get a camera there. Lee Marshall was there with a cameraman outside a closed door which had a star on it which read “Four Horsemen”. Marshall had an unfamiliar face in WCW next to him, a former WCW Tag Team champion, and up until about five minutes ago presumably, an ECW employee, Shane Douglas [b]Marshall: [/b]Thanks Gene, I’ve got standing next to me a man we’ve not seen in the best part of five years, Shane Douglas. Now I saw you coming out of that door behind me and I’ve not been able to get in there to get any word as to what’s going on. Can you shed any light on the situation, what were you doing in there Douglas? [b]Douglas: [/b]Hahahahahaha, Lee Marshall, isn’t it obvious? For years Shane Douglas has roamed throughout the wrestling business struggling to find his home, and after a long search he lands up here in World Championship Wrestling. Anyone who knows anything about me know that I’m the cream of the crop Marshall, and you all know that rises to the top. So with Steve McMichael out injured, and the Horsemen down a man my buddy Flair called me up and asked me to come ride with them Hhahahahahaha! [b]Marshall: [/b]Buddy? Ride with them? Last I heard you were no friend of Ric Flair’s, and why aren’t you in there partying with them now Douglas? I’m not buying it [b]Douglas: [/b]Buy what ya want tubby, you’re lookin’ at the Fourth Horseman! Marshall sent it back to the ring, looking less than convinced. Douglas debuted in WCW, yay, he COULD be great but then I thought that in the WWF too and he sucked balls with that gimmick so we’ll see. [b][color=red]The Amazing French Canadians Vs The American Males[/b][/color] Tony and the boys really focused on the injury of Steve McMichael at the hands of Scotty Riggs last week as this one produced something perhaps a little better than expected. That said, neither are bad teams, the Canadians are under rated, and unlike some I like Bagwell and Riggs. It wasn’t long before Chris Benoit and Arn Anderson made their way out onto the Nitro stage to watch the match, which really grabbed the Males attention way from the match and allowed the Canadians to take control. There was more fan reaction than in any of the matches earlier too which added a lot. As Benoit and Anderson looked on, Bagwell managed to turn the match around and launched Riggs off the top turnbuckle with a flying body press onto Jacques Rougeau to pick up the win for the American Males [b]American Males win by pinfall[/b] After the match Tony said something was going on backstage and we went back to see Craig Pittman laid out with people gathered around. Ok, the Armstrong’s, Parker, Storm and now Pittman. Again, this came across really badly as nobody gives a rats ass what happens to Craig Pittman. Schiavone then took us through the brackets for the World Title tournament. Rick Steiner or Booker T will take on Scott Steiner Diamond Dallas Page will take on Eddie Guerrero The Giant or Arn Anderson will take on Ric Flair or Randy Savage Sting will take on Lord Steven Regal or Big Bubba Rogers All of which led us nicely into the next match… [b][color=red]World Title Tournament: Arn Anderson w/Sherri Vs The Giant[/b][/color] Anderson and Sherri made their way out for this one first and Arn looked like he was ready for a fight. Sherri was pretty much getting ignored by him on the way to the ring. When the Giant made his entrance Arn was all over him as soon as he got into the ring. The action was brutal right from the start with Arn really laying a beating on the Giant until he tossed Arn away and roared out to the crowd. Anderson took the fight to the outside and the two men started beating each other into the crowd, Arn taking a chair to the Giant’s back and dropping him. With both men on the outside and neither paying much attention to getting back in the referee counted both men out. The bell rang but they weren’t stopping as the Giant got back on top and threw Arn over the guardrail and back into the aisle. Schiavone called this the single greatest fight in the history of our great sport as both men battered each other through to the back. The winner of the Flair/Savage match gets a bye into the semi finals at New Beginnings. [b]Double Count Out, both men eliminated[/b] Heenan speculated that the double count out was the plan all along for the Horsemen as it means a win for Ric Flair would see him get a bye all the way to New Beginnings. Schiavone also got word that they were still struggling to break Double A and the Giant up in the back. [b][color=red]World Title Tournament: “Macho Man” Randy Savage Vs “Nature Boy” Ric Flair w/Elizabeth[/b][/color] Savage was out first and he didn’t even let Flair get to the ring. As soon as the Nature Boy stepped out from the back with Savage’s ex wife, the Madness ran from the ring and started the fight in the aisle, meeting Flair with punches and dragging him back to the ring. The fans were going crazy, even moreso than the previous match, as Savage and Flair fought around the ring, and around ringside. As the match drew on, Arn Anderson came flying out into the aisle from the back out of nowhere. He was followed by the Giant who had presumably tossed him out there. They continued their fight towards the ring as the referee tried to usher them to the back. Officials, Chris Benoit, and Donuts Dillinger’s security boys tried to get them back and keep them apart but it wasn’t happening. Back in the ring Savage nailed Flair with a low blow and went up to the top giving the sign for the elbowdrop. With all the commotion going on in the aisle, Shane Douglas came running out from the back with a Four Horsemen t shirt on, and pushed Savage down off the top. The Macho Man fell onto the floor outside the ring and Douglas got him up, punched him in the face, and then slammed him into the ring steps before tossing him back into the ring with a grin on his face. Flair leant over and made the cover as the referee turned around and saw them. Flair picked up the win as the show went off the air with Anderson and the Giant being pulled apart by hordes of security guys, Douglas smirking, while a confused Flair looked on [b]Ric Flair wins by pinfall[/b] [b]Show Rating: [/b]68 [b]TV Rating: [/b]5.07 (Raw 6.48) [u]Overness Changes[/u] Ultimo Dragon +9, 71 Psicosis +5, 48 Ace Darling +3, 23 La Parka +3, 42 Lex Luger –2, 86 IceTrain +2, 45 Jimmy Hart –2, 73 Shane Douglas –2, 70
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[b][u]WCW Newsletter[/b][/u] - Sherri picked up an injury during the fallout from the Arn/Giant match this past Monday on Nitro. It’s not something that was noticeable on show, at least not to my memory, but she got caught up in the fight between the two and had her nose broken. She should be back with the Enforcer by the end of the month - WCW put out two decent B shows this week, the first of which was Saturday Night. They focused a lot on the Anderson/Giant and Flair/Savage matches on Nitro recapping both, as well as the part played by Shane Douglas. They also ran two semi storylines throughout the show. Craig Pittman scored a win over Rick Fuller, then challenged whoever laid him out on Nitro to come to the ring for a fight at New Beginnings. Pittman also said that anyone else who’d been attacked by the mystery man was welcome to join him, they followed this with heavy recapping of the unseen beatings of various undercard talent over the past couple of weeks. Also, Hugh Morrus and Jeff Jarrett were scheduled to square off on the show, and WCW ran a couple of short segments showing Greg Valentine coaching Morrus backstage and giving him the confidence and mindset to pick up the win, which he did. Also on the show Ultimo Dragon beat Prince Iaukea in a non title match and Booker T beat Rick Steiner to advance in the World title tournament. That match, as well as Morrus/Jarrett were both really good, and the Dragon/Iaukea match was worth watching too. All in all this was stronger than most weeks on Saturday Night. The show scored a 2.10 however, down from 2.14 last week. - Sunday night saw the Main Event which again proved to be an interesting show. There was a lot of hyping of both Nitro, and New Beginnings, as they showed the mystery beatings and Pittman’s challenge for the Pay Per View, as well as hyping the next round of World title tournament matches for Nitro which will take place on this week’s show. Also announced was Arn/Benoit Vs the American Males for the Pay Per View. In terms of in ring action the show was weaker than Saturday Night though as IceTrain defended the TV title against Bobby Eaton in a horrible match, before the Faces of Fear battled to a count out draw with Scott Norton and Mike Enos. Norton and Enos were dressed similarly so it looks like they’ll be pushing them as a full time team. Also, the brutality of the brawling that continued after the bell in that one suggests this programme might continue between the two teams. Malenko & Dragon picked up a win against Psicosis/Juvi in a decent, yet not as good as I’d have expected, match before Lord Steven Regal picked up a win against Big Bubba to progress in the World title tournament. They made a lot of play on Regal having lost the TV title so it wouldn’t surprise me to see some sort of rematch between him and IceTrain at New Beginnings. The show scored a 1.26 rating which was also down from a 1.32 last week. It’s also been rumoured that TBS are considering dropping the show if ratings don’t improve, but with WWF Superstars opposing it, it’s difficult to see where they’re going to get the extra viewers
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[b][u][size=3][color=red]WCW Monday Nitro Preview[/b][/u][/size][/color] With New Beginnings right around the corner the final three places in the World Title Tournament will be decided this Monday night. Following the Giant’s draw with Arn Anderson on last week’s show, the Nature Boy Ric Flair has already qualified for New Beginnings, who will join him? Former Television Champion Lord Steven Regal overcame Big Bubba in the first round but he’ll have his hands full this week against a former World Champion in Sting. After each mean knocked out the other’s Brother from the competition Booker T and Scott Steiner will go one on one for a place at New Beginnings as well. The final quarter final match will see Diamond Dallas Page step into the ring against United States Champion Eddie Guerrero in what promises to be an outstanding battle. Who will join Ric Flair in the race for the biggest prize of all at New Beginnings? Speaking of New Beginnings, WCW’s Chamionship Committee have selected two men to compete for the number one contendership to the Cruiserweight title on Nitro this week and earn a shot at the title at New Beginnings. Dean Malenko and Rey Mysterio Jr have had many mat wars in the past and this Monday night’s promises to be just as intense with so much on the line. Everyone saw Lex Luger’s unprovoked attack of Mean Gene Okerlund this past Monday night, will Luger be in the building this week as he continues to recover from losing the World Heavyweight title? Last week’s show also saw the return to World Championship Wrestling of Shane Douglas, claiming to be a new member of the Four Horsemen. The jury is definitely still out on that one despite Douglas helping the Nature Boy pick up the win over Randy Savage last week. With Douglas, and the Horsemen expected to be in the arena we may well get some further clarification on just what Douglas’ role is right now. All this and so much more, be sure to tune into WCW Monday Nitro on TNT [u]Full Card[/u] Dean Malenko Vs Rey Mysterio Jr Faces of Fear Vs Mike Enos & Scott Norton Sting Vs Lord Steven Regal Scott Steiner Vs Booker T Diamond Dallas Page Vs Eddie Guerrero
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[img]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/406/nitro02bc6.jpg[/img] Monday 20th January Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes & Bobby Heenan 4208 fans in attendance The fast paced Nitro opening video with various clips of some of WCW’s finest plays as the metallic WCW Nitro logo slams onto the screen and leads us to the announce desk where Tony “this is the single most important moment in the history of our sport” Schiavone, The American Dweeeam Dusty Rhodes and Bobby “the Brain” Heenan welcome us to “the Hottest hour in Professional Wrestling today”. Just six days away from WCW’s first Pay Per View extravanganza of the year, New Beginnings and tonight will see the final three spots in the World Title tournament semi finals decided and with the number one contendership to the Cruiserweight title on the line tonight too, Schiavone calls this the biggest Nitro in the history of this great show. [b][color=red]Rey Mysterio Jr Vs Dean Malenko[/b][/color] Rey’s first out as the boys talk about the winner of this match getting a shot at the Ultimo Dragon at New Beginnings. Malenko comes out looking intense and focused as the match begins with a feeling out process that see Malenko outwrestle Rey early. The pace build as the match goes on but it was one of the weakest Malenko/Mysterio matches I think we’ve seen so far. That still makes it a pretty decent match, just not a great match. It was hard to predict a winner but the Cruiserweight Champion, Ultimo Dragon was on hand to help us pick one. With Malenko recovering on the outside the Dragon came out with the Cruiserweight title belt. As Malenko turned around Dragon tossed the belt at his face. Malenko was quick to catch it but as he did the champion leapt up into the air and connected with a spin kick onto the belt, cracking it into Malenko’s face. The referee who’d been trying to stop Mysterio from going to the outside as well saw none of it as Ultimo Dragon rolled Malenko back into the ring. Rey hit a standing moonsault and made the quick cover to score the win as the Ultimo Dragon looked on in the aisle holding the belt. It’s Dragon Vs Mysterio Jr at New Beginnings, and the champ just hand picked his opponent. [b]Rey Mysterio Jr wins by pinfall[/b] Mean Gene time again, unfortunately he doesn’t threaten to get his lawyers onto Luger for the Torture Rack last week, and instead brings out Diamond Dallas Page and Kimberly, who looks just insanely hot in the tight black and pink outfit she has on. [b]Okerlund: [/b]Coming out at this time accompanied by the rather lovely Kimberly.. [b]DDP: [/b]Oh you better believe it Geno, aint she a doll! [b]Okerlund: [/b]No doubt about it, but tonight you’re gonna be facing United States champion Eddie Guerrero for your place at New Beginnings in the semi final of the World title tournament, what are your thoughts going into the match tonight? [b]DDP: [/b]Geno it’s goin’ down like this. Guerrero’s a great wrestler, everyone knows what he can do but DDP’s on a roll in WCW right now, I got the hottest move in professional wrestling today, and with the way Guerrero flies round that ring just makes it even easier for me to hit it outta nowhere and put him away. Ya know, everybody’s talkin’ about it, the Diamond Cutter and the run DDP’s been on all through 1996. Well you think I was hot last year, you wait and see what I got in 1997. This is my time Geno, and I’m kickin it off by getting me a world title at New Beginnings [b]Okerlund: [/b]That may very well happen…… wait just a minute…… Sting steps out of the back giving the crowd a big WOOOOOO before making his way over to Okerlund and DDP [b]Okerlund: [/b]Sting it’s always good to see you out here, no question, but what brings you out here right in the middle of the interview time I had with Diamond Dallas Page? [b]Sting: [/b]MEAN GEEEEEEEEEEENE WOOOOOOOOOO The Stinger’s on a mission tonight Gene, to earn my spot at New Beginnings and Page, I just wanted to come out here and wish ya luck before ya big match tonight. I saw ya take out Luger two weeks ago and MAN did I love that, I just wanna say hopefully we’ll BOTH make it to New Beginnings. Sting offers Page a handshake but after looking at it for a few seconds DDP grabs the microphone away from Okerlund and starts talking, not taking the hand [b]DDP: [/b]Hey yo Stinger, DDP walks the line alone brutha. I appreciate ya comin’ out an’ all but this is my time. You worry about your match tonight, and DDP’s gonna worry bout his! Come on Kimberly DDP starts walking to the back, Kimberly in tow, before turning to give the crowd the Diamond Cutter sign as Okerlund sends it back to the ring insisting that tensions are running high on Nitro tonight [b][color=red]Faces of Fear Vs Scott Norton & Mike Enos[/b][/color] Tony and the boys talked about the match between these two teams on the Main Event, where they fought to a wild draw, which caused the Championship Committee to put them together again for tonight. The action was brutal from the get go with all four big guys stiffing each other up. It didn’t take long for all four men to end up in the ring battering each other and as they persisted in ignoring the referee’s requests for someone to get out of the ring he eventually called for the bell. The four men continued to brawl all the way to the back, bashing each other with forearms and kicks as the match was called as a double disqualification. [b]Match ends in double disqualification[/b] Tony, Dusty and Bobby have a quick run through what’s happening at New Beginnings, or at least they’re about to, when Tony gets some word that something’s going on in the back and sends the feed there. When the camera gets there Joe Gomez is laid out. Donuts Dillinger and a few other people are standing around. [b]Schiavone: [/b]What in the World! Somebody get production to get the shot back in the arena! The lights are flickering slowly in the arena before they go out completely, a laser projecting an indistinct face onto the dark arena wall. A child’s voice giggles before speaking, sounding like the voice of a young girl. [b]Voice: [/b]Heeheeheeheehee. Two years of torturing pain, these hidden teardrops dripped like rain, someone always has to pay the price…… drip, drip, drip, drip, I shouldn’t have to tell you twice……. drip, drip, drip, drip, the irony of a New Beginning, the sense that someone dear has given, the heart you killed over all this time, the hands of bloodshed shall be mine, so as I lay you down to sleep, pray that the lord your soul will keep, for you WILL die before you wake, I pray the lord your soul to take........ Heeheeheeheehee The childish giggle stops as the face is gone and the lights come back on leaving Tony and the boys spooked. [b][color=red]World Title Tournament: Sting Vs Lord Steven Regal[/b][/color] Three matches left tonight, and three spots left at New Beginnings in the World title tournament. The winner of this match takes on Ric Flair in the semi finals on Sunday night. The pace was slow in the early going with both men wrestling tentatively. Regal tried to grind Sting down, but the Stinger had enough brief flurries of offence to keep himself in the match. Regal showed a new fire since losing the Television title and was at times simply brutal in trying to take Sting apart, his methodical destructive offence causing Sting numerous problems. The fans were really into the match and it ended up producing something fairly decent but it didn’t come across well on tv. There were too many production errors and things missed by the cameras. One such thing being Sting getting out of the way as Regal charged into the corner allowing Sting to move across the ring and hit a big Stinger Splash before going up to the top turnbuckle. Sting came off with a big splash on Regal before locking in the Scorpion Deathlock to score the win and move on to New Beginnings [b]Sting wins by pinfall[/b] After a brief spot at the announce table with Tony talking about New Beginnings, Mean WOOO Gene was out in the arena with the American Males, both in their wrestling gear, red tights and ripped physique’s. [b]Okerlund: [/b]Thanks Tony, I’m joined at this time by Marcus Alexander Bagwell and Scotty Riggs, the man who put Steve Mongo McMichael on the shelf just a…. [b]Riggs: [/b]look Gene can we stop bringing that up. It was an accident, I never meant to injure Steve McMichael. We were just wrestling a match and accidents happen. If anything, it’s his fault for that stupid wife getting involved and trying to hit on Marcus. But that’s besides the point, I never meant to put Steve McMichael out [b]Okerlund: [/b]Well somebody better tell that to the Four Horsemen because they sure seem to be looking out for a shot with you guys somewhere down the road, we’ve seen them watching from the stage during a number of your matches recently [b]Bagwell: [/b]That’s right Gene, and we’re asking for it to stop. We all know the Four Horsemen like to run round here, intimidating people, and ok, if it’s what ya wanna hear ya done it, ya intimidated the American Males, we’re real scared, now, can we just let it go? [b]Okerlund: [/b]Let it go? You two men have got a match with a couple of angry Horsemen at New Beginnings, and if you’re talking about two men that can dish out a whole world of hurt, you’ve got The Enforcer Arn Anderson and the Crippler Chris Benoit! [b]Bagwell: [/b]Yeah well we aint ever asked for this match Gene, and we got no problem with the Horsemen but don’t think we’re just gonna lay down for you two at New Beginnings this Sunday night. I just hope when it’s all said and done that we can stop hearin’ about Scotty taking out Steve McMichael! [b][color=red]World Title Tournament: Scott Steiner w/Rick Steiner Vs Booker T w/Stevie Ray[/b][/color] Just two places left at New Beginnings to challenge for the World title, with Ric Flair and Sting decided in one semi final the winner of this match would face DDP or Eddie Guerrero in the other semi final. Both men were accompanied by their brothers as the early going saw both men trying to wrestle and go hold for hold with each other. Booker surprised everyone as he managed to keep up with Steiner, using his speed advantage to keep himself in the match. It wasn’t long before it started to degenerate into a brawl with both men really taking it to each other. Both had chances to win and there were a number of near falls before Booker tossed Steiner to the outside near Stevie Ray. Booker’s Brother started choking out Scott Steiner, which drew the attention of Rick Steiner who came around the ring and dropped Stevie Ray with a big Steinerline. Rick helped his Brother back into the ring and as Booker tried to send him in for the ride Scott reversed it. As Booker came back to him Scottie leapt up and hit the Frankensteiner, holding him down for the three to go on to New Beginnings. After the bell both members of Harlem Heat got up into the ring and into the faces of the Steiner Bros, who stared them right down, nose to nose. After a few moments Booker and Stevie Ray extended hands to the Steiners which after a moments pause were taken by Rick and Scott. Booker raised Scottie’s hand but then without warning turned and nailed Scott with a Harlem Side Kick, as Stevie Ray pulled Rick into him and dropped him with a spinebuster. Harlem Heat left the ring as Stevie spoke into the camera as they left, “Now dig that Suckaaaaaaaaaa!” [b]Scott Steiner wins by pinfall[/b] After the match Tony sent it backstage to Lee Marshall who had been hoping to get an interview with the Four Horsemen before New Beginnings. [b]Marshall: [/b]Tony, as you can see I’m standing outside the Four Horsemen dressing room but I gotta tell ya, It doesn’t look like we’re getting any time tonight. I’ve been out here all evening and I’ve not seen a single man enter, or leave this room. Whatever’s going on in there, it seems the Horsemen have a lot on their minds. Wait a…. Marshall stops as Shane Douglas, wearing a Four Horsemen t shirt walks on screen smiling and approaches Marshall [b]Marshall: [/b]Shane Douglas? Should you even be wearing that t shirt? [b]Douglas: [/b]Lee Marshall, you need to get that tubby little gut outta my way if you’re gonna ask stupid questions like that. Of course I should be wearing this t shirt, I’m riding with the Horsemen now unless you hadn’t noticed! [b]Marshall: [/b]Then what happened tonight Shane? Plane get delayed? Come on, why aren’t you in there with them right now? [b]Douglas: [/b]I, I, I was, Dick… I mean, Ric just sent me for Ice Cream [b]Marshall: [/b]Ice Cream? But, what, you haven’t even got any ice cream Douglas and I’ve been standing here all night, nobody’s come outta that dressing room all night long! I aint buyin’ it [b]Douglas: [/b]Like it or not Lee Marshall, I am the Fourth Horseman, and I am going for ice cream, so if you’ll get the heck outta my way, I got Horsemen business to take care of! Douglas walks back down the hallway as a less than impressed Marshall sends it back to Tony and the boys for the main event [b][color=red]World Title Tournament: Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimberly Vs Eddie Guerrero[/b][/color] Guerrero came out in his red and white singlet carrying the US title belt over his shoulder as Dusty said this was what it was all about as we headed towards New Beginnings. The winner of this match would face Scott Steiner this Sunday night for a shot at the World Title later that night. Page and Kimberly got the big pyro entrance and Page looked ready to turn it on as he ran to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and kickstarting this one at a frenetic pace. Early on it was all Page, really tossing Guerrero around but it wasn’t long before Eddie got his foothold in the match and started to fight back. Suddenly the screen went black for a moment and the screen fuzzed for a second before coming back with the opening moments of Lex Luger’s title match against The Giant at Hogg Wild last year. After a good thirty seconds or so the screen fuzzed back again, going black for a second, before going back to the Eddie/DDP match in progress. Tony was confused, and then said he was getting word of some panic back in the production truck. Donuts Dillinger and a host of security guys were trying to pull Lex Luger out of the production truck as he was fighting them off and screaming “Tape 5, TAPE 5! Channel 19! I’m still the champ! I’M THE CHAMP!!!!!!”. Eventually Dillinger’s security guys managed to restrain Luger and pull him away from the production truck as Schiavone, always one for stating the obvious, pointed out that Luger must have started running his title match in place of the live feed to Guerrero/DDP. When the action got back to the ring Page was in control as the match seemed to have slowed down. Eddie looked to be in big trouble but hung in there for a good five minutes or so, taking a really methodical beating off Page. Out of nowhere Eddie found the energy to hit a frankensteiner as DDP ran off the ropes and nearly scored the three before Page kicked out. Eddie sent Page in for the ride and went for another Frankensteiner but this time Page picked his arms up, caught Eddie in mid-air, tossed him up and grabbed him on the way down with the Diamond Cutter to pick up the win and head to New Beginnings this Sunday night to compete for the World Title as the show went off the air with Tony telling us to buy the Pay Per View this Sunday. As the show closed a very brief clip was shown of a bunch of security guys trying to restrain Luger again somewhere outside the arena. [b]Diamond Dallas Page wins by pinfall[/b] [b]Show Rating: [/b]69 [b]TV Rating: [/b]4.69 (6.88 Raw) [u]Overness Changes[/u] Rey Mysterio Jr +3, 51
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[b][u]WCW Newsletter[/b][/u] - WCW Saturday Night aired this week with just one day left until the first WCW Pay Per View of the year, New Beginnings. Another match was added to the New Beginnings card as Hugh Morrus, along with Greg Valentine, interrupted an IceTrain/Jimmy Hart interview and challenged him for the Television title. Former champion Steven Regal was quick to come out and insist he deserved a rematch, so the three way match was quickly agreed for the PPV. They also strongly hyped the situation with the mystery man who’d been making the attacks in the back not only showing the strange happenings from Nitro but also giving Craig Pittman and Devon Storm a match, which Pittman won, having them talk afterwards about being at New Beginnings united and hoping the man would show up. Rey Mysterio Jr scored a warm up win over Chavo Guerrero Jr as he looks to take the Cruiserweight title from Ultimo Dragon at New Beginnings. The Horsemen team of Anderson/Benoit also picked up a warm up win for their match with the American Males by beating Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck. A lot of the show was spent hyping the four man conclusion to the world title tournament at New Beginnings with DDP, Scott Steiner, Sting and Ric Flair in the hunt. The show ended with a slightly meaningless, but very entertaining match between Randy Savage and Big Bubba, which Savage won. The show scored a 1.99 rating and generally came across really well, definitely one of the stronger Saturday Night shows. - There’s been a lot of mention recently about WCW’s “Power Plant” training and development facility and the push to try and create some of the next generation of stars. It’s believed that WCW may well even debut one or two as early as next month. WCW currently has High Voltage (Rage and Kaos), Steve McMichael, David Flair (son of Ric), Horace Hogan (nephew of Hulk), as well as a number of unknown talents working hard down there to try and earn spots on the full time roster ========================= [b][u][size=4][color=red]WCW New Beginnings Preview[/b][/u][/size][/color] Four men, one World Title! The Nature Boy Ric Flair, Sting, Scott Steiner and Diamond Dallas Page have battled through a 16 man elimination tournament to get to New Beginnings, now all four men stand just two wins away from the biggest prize in this sport. With Flair facing off against Sting, and DDP against Steiner, who will end the night at the very top of the wrestling world? After Scotty Riggs injured Horsemen member Steve McMichael on Nitro, the Horsemen have asked for a match at New Beginnings pitting the American Males against Arn Anderson & Chris Benoit. Can the Crippler and the Enforcer even the score, and break limbs in the process? The most prized Cruiserweight title in the whole of wrestling will be on the line as WCW’s dominant champion over recent times, the Ultimo Dragon, will take on former champion Rey Mysterio Jr. It looked on Nitro like the Dragon handpicked his opponent, does he already have the gameplan set to take Mysterio out and retain his title? Over recent weeks WCW wrestlers have been plagued by backstage attacks and beatdowns, yet nobody seems to know who’s been doing it. The issue took a chilling twist this past Monday night as a message rang out across the blackened Nitro arena. “Pitbull” Craig Pittman has promised to rally together the men who’ve been attacked in the hope of confronting the attacked at New Beginnings, will we find out who’s been launching these vicious attacks? Be sure not to miss WCW New Beginnings on Pay Per View this Sunday night, contact your local cable operator to purchase. [u]Full Card[/u] Ric Flair Vs Sting (World Title Tournament) Scott Steiner Vs Diamond Dallas Page (World Title Tournament) Plus the all important World Title Tournament Final IceTrain Vs Hugh Morrus Vs Lord Steven Regal (World Television Title) Arn Anderson & Chris Benoit Vs The American Males Ultimo Dragon Vs Rey Mysterio Jr (World Cruiserweight Title) Faces of Fear Vs Scott Norton & Mike Enos Plus… the confrontation of the mystery attacker ================================== The promotional posters have been released for the Pay Per View Sunday night, as seen below… [img]http://images6.theimagehosting.com/5363WCWNewBeginnings.jpg[/img] [img]http://images6.theimagehosting.com/jaydenposterfinalqt7.png[/img] [i]credit Mr Kennedy and Vitamin E for posters[/i]
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[img]http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/5536/jaydenbannermk9am7.png[/img] Sunday, January 26th 1997 Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes & Bobby Heenan 11093 fans in attendance The Mean Gene Okerlund hosted pay per view pre –show ends, leading into the generic rock music video intro to WCW New Beginnings. The video moves at a fast pace showing brief clips of some of the happenings on Nitro over recent weeks, most notably highlighting the four participants left in the World title tournament. It shows DDP pinning Luger, and then Guerrero before showing Scott Steiner pinning Stevie Ray, and then Booker T. It moves on to Sting’s victories over Jeff Jarrett and Lord Steven Regal before showing Ric Flair beat Randy Savage. As the video package ends the camera pans around the arena before cutting to Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes and Bobby Heenan, at the announce table. [b]Schiavone: [/b]Fans we are live and on Pay Per View across the world, it’s time for a new year in WCW, a time for a new champion, a time for New Beginnings! I’m joined on this special broadcast tonight by the American Dream Dusty Rhodes and Bobby the Brain Heenan, and Dusty, four men come here tonight with the ultimate goal, only one man’s walkin’ out with the belt [b]Dusty: [/b]Oh fo’ shaw Tone, you wanna talk about an atmosphere and tension in tha air well really that’s what we got right here tonight. It’s goin’ down Tony and really when ya look at this sityooayshun, ya got two guys in there that been there, done it all befaww, I’m talkin’ about the Nature Boy Ric Flair and the Stinger, but put them right inside this thing with two hungry guys that wanna be the future of this sport in Page and Steiner and we’s all set for something monumental tonight, monumental Tony! [b]Heenan: [/b]I arrived at the arena two, maybe three hours ago, and the intensity back in that locker room’s like nothing I’ve seen before in this company Schiavone. You’ve got four guys going in tonight and nobody can pick a winner. Well take it from me, go re-mortgage your homes, go take out a loan, get every bit of money you can lay ya hands on and put it all on the Nature Boy Ric Flair tonight. I have managed this man, I’ve done business with him and followed his career and I can guarantee you this Schiavone, Flair’s always got a plan and he’s not walkin’ in there without one tonight [b]Schiavone: [/b]The master of the mind games, the Nature Boy Ric Flair, there’s no doubt about that. So much more great action tonight, three titles on the line, four more great matches, I’m getting word that we’re about ready to kick this thing off so lets send it to Dave Penzer with the introductions [b][color=red]WCW Cruiserweight Title: Ultimo Dragon Vs Rey Mysterio Jr[/b][/color] After the entrances, both men stood in the ring opposite each other as match official Randy Anderson stood between them holding the Cruiserweight title belt and reading them the championship rules. Dragon was motionless, his masked face staring straight at his more animated opponent, Rey Jr. As the bell rang they started to circle each other, tentatively locking up collar and elbow. The early exchanges saw Rey struggle to get his foothold in the match as Dragon twice took him over with armdrag takedowns before catching a kick from Rey and taking him down with a Dragon Screw Legwhip. Rey’s frustration showed early and looked set to cost him dear as he made the first telling mistake. With Ultimo Dragon not softened up at all, and having bought most of the offence Rey grabbed his arm out of nowhere and ran for the corner, running up the turnbuckles but as he hit the top Dragon stepped towards him and pushed him off the top to the outside. The champion had controlled every second of the match as he began taking Rey Jr apart back on the inside of the ring. Dragon threw a high kick that Rey blocked with his arm but Dragon’s speed saw him crash a second kick into the side of Rey Jr’s head before going low and sweeping his legs out from under him. As Rey got to his feet Dragon crashed a series of kicks into Rey’s sides before leaping up into the air with a spin kick that connected with the challengers jaw and sent him sprawling to the mat. Dragon went to kick Mysterio on the ground but Rey Jr grabbed his leg and tripped him before nipping up but he was taken straight back down as the champion sweeped his legs out from under him once more. Rey tried to get up to his feet quickly but was met by a standing side kick from the Ultimo Dragon that connected with his chin and sent him stumbling across the ring through the ropes. With Rey Jr on the outside and the champion controlling the pace it was time to take it to the air. As Rey got up to his feet on the outside, Dragon grabbed hold of the top rope and jumped up into the air, letting both his feet come down between the rope and kick Rey in the chest sending him stumbling backwards towards the guardrail at ringside. Dragon quickly stepped through the ropes out onto the apron, turned his back to Rey, and leapt up to the middle rope, springing himself back with an Asai Moonsault as the crowd had no choice but to applaud the action, whether they were behind the champion or not. Dragon was quick to get to his feet leaving Rey down, as he climbed up onto the apron and stepped through the ropes to break the referee’s count, before stepping straight back through them onto the apron. The champion waited for Rey to get up before running along the apron and leaping off with a cross body block but Rey found the energy to leap up into the air and dropkick Ultimo Dragon in the chest sending both men to the floor. Rey was first up and rolled the champion into the ring before slingshotting himself from the apron to the inside with a splash that earned him a two count from Randy Anderson. Rey’s first burst of offence had really got the crowd into the match and they popped big as Rey sent the champion in for the ride, taking him down with a sharp, fast, high impact aerial armdrag and held onto the arm to keep Dragon grounded. Rey Jr got Dragon up but he drove a knee into Rey’s gut and muscled him into position for a running Lyger bomb. As Ultimo Dragon ran across the ring Rey snapped him over with a Frankensteiner, holding onto the legs to earn a close two count. Rey was on a roll and quickly went up to the top turnbuckle. Dragon was there to meet him though and after a series of forearm shots leapt up with a spinkick that knocked Rey off the top turnbuckle. Luckily the challenger held on and landed on the apron, quickly firing a right hand in to Dragon’s head. Rey threw in another but this time Dragon blocked it and grabbed hold of his arm. The Champion leapt up over the top rope, and holding onto Rey’s arm, went all the way to the floor on the outside, wrenching it over the bolt between the ringpost and top turnbuckle. Rey immediately fell back onto the arena floor clutching his arm and writhing on the floor in agony. The momentum had swung firmly back in the direction of the champion and with Rey back in the ring Dragon started firing high kicks into Rey’s shoulder, trying to damage the arm further. Rey dropped to his knees, clutching it and trying to block the champions kicks but each blow seemed more brutal than the last and Dragon flung in a good five or six shots before Rey fell to his side, rolling around holding his arm in tight. Randy Anderson tried to see if Rey was ok but the champion was relentless, grabbing Rey and sitting him up, chicken winging him from behind, driving his knee into Rey’s back as he pulled back on both arms. Rey Jr screamed out as he struggled to free himself, pulling hard with his good arm until he got it free, lunging desperately for the ropes and grabbing a hold of the bottom one. Dragon pulled back on Rey’s bad arm as he was given a count, eventually breaking the hold at four. The champion tried to put Rey Jr away but after a couple of near falls Dragon went back to his educated feet. He threw in a high kick which Rey ducked, then went for a sweep which the challenger leapfrogged. Rey grabbed the Dragon and sent him across the ring into the corner but the champion grabbed a hold of the top turnbuckle and lifted himself up doing a handstand. Rey stopped himself as he ran in but Ultimo Dragon lowered his legs and tried to kick back at Rey Jr. Mysterio got his good arm up and caught Dragon’s legs, lifting them up and over and tossing him out over the top. Rey quickly went up to the top turnbuckle and as Dragon got to his feet Rey leapt off the top, wrapping his legs around the champions neck and taking him down with a Frankensteiner. The crowd were firmly behind Mysterio as he held his arm on the outside before rolling the champion back inside. Rey rode the wave of momentum and tried to forget the pain in his arm as he upped the pace. Rey ducked a Dragon right hand and took him over with a Northern Lights Suplex that got a two and three quarter count. Rey hit some kicks of his own, cracking Dragon’s skull with an enziguri before going to the apron. As the champion got to his feet Rey leapt up to the top rope springboarding himself into the ring and hitting his Frankensteiner but as he tried to hold Dragon down he couldn’t get hold of both legs and the champion muscled his way out as Randy Anderson’s hand was just centimetres away from hitting the three. Rey ran Ultimo Dragon across the ring into the corner before taking a few steps back. Rey charged in with his head ducked but the champion stepped aside and used Rey’s own momentum to send him shoulder first through the turnbuckles, his already injured shoulder connecting with the steel ring post. Dragon quickly grabbed Rey’s legs and pulled him back into the ring, leaping on him and locking in a cross arm breaker on the injured arm. Rey tried to roll over, his body furiously bucking as he tried to ease the pain but Dragon rolled over with him and kept a lock on the hold. Rey writhed and struggled, reaching out for the rope but it was nowhere to be found and as the champion pulled back harder on the arm Rey was forced to tap out as referee Randy Anderson got the champion to release the hold. Ultimo Dragon was presented with the Cruiserweight title belt as Rey rolled back into the corner, sitting himself up and clutching at his arm. Dragon dropped the title belt and walked over to the corner, grabbing Rey Jr by his good arm and dragging him up to his feet. They looked into each other’s eyes momentarily but Dragon lashed out with another vicious high kick to Rey’s side, brutally hitting his injured shoulder and arm. As Rey dropped to the mat Dragon fired in another kick to the injured arm. The crowd popped as Dean Malenko came running out from the back and slid into the ring, picking up the title belt behind Dragon’s back. The champion turned around as Malenko tossed him his belt, Dragon catching it before Malenko lunged forward with a forearm shot that smashed the belt into Dragon’s face. The champion dropped and quickly rolled out of the ring holding his head, and the championship belt as Malenko stared him down, ignoring the injured Mysterio who was being tended to by referee Randy Anderson. [b]Ultimo Dragon wins by submission[/b] [b]Schiavone: [/b]What a way to kick off New Beginnings, Rey Mysterio Jr coming up short in his bid to win the World Cruiserweight belt from Ultimo Dragon but the major talking point Brain, one Dean Malenko [b]Heenan: [/b]Well you saw as well as I did Schiavone, Dragon taking Malenko out with the belt on Nitro, this man’s all business. Malenko’s not gonna let anyone push him around. They don’t call him the Ice Man for nothing, he’s colder than a Mother in law’s kiss. Ya know, I heard that his Mom and Dad ran away from home when he was a kid. [b]Schiavone: [/b]Ya lame brain, that’s not true! [b]Heenan: [/b]No no, it is, I heard he slapped his Mom in the texas cloverleaf when she wouldn’t give him another cookie. His old man tried to pull him off and got powerbombed. [b]Schiavone: [/b]Well I’m just getting word through as we speak that something went down in the back during the opening match, we’ve got Lee Marshall back there, Lee, what’s goin’ on? The camera cuts to Lee Marshall standing backstage. There’s a few medics and some venue security standing around as Marshall looks at the camera with a microphone [b]Marshall: [/b]Thanks Tony. We’ve had a situation occur in the back here, now at this time nobody seems to know what kickstarted it, but it involved Lex Luger and Randy Savage. By the time we got word and I got anywhere near the scene all we could see was Savage refusing to be attended to by medics, despite his head being cut open, and Luger was long gone. But I can confirm that a number of witnesses backstage here tonight said Luger was the man that inflicted the injuries to the Macho Man, although we still can’t get any word as to what caused the attack. [b]Dusty: [/b]Lee, Lee, Dusty Rhodes here. Lee, ya said ya saw Savage refusin’ attention and walkin’ away. Ya got anything on where Savage went to, where’s he at now? [b]Marshall: [/b]Dust’ I’m afraid your guess is as good as mine right now. We know Savage refused medical attention but as far as we know he’s still in the building right now and if you want my honest opinion, my guess would be that there’s an angry Macho Man hunting Lex Luger somewhere in the arena right here tonight The shot goes back to the announce team as Schiavone thanks Marshall for the backstage update and leads us into the next match. [b][color=red]WCW World Title Tournament: Scott Steiner Vs Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimberly[/b][/color] The World title tournament would finish tonight and it started with these two kicking things off for a shot at the title in the main event. Scott Steiner was out first and looked pumped and ready to go high fiving a lot of the fans on his way down to the ring. Page got the more grandiose pyro intro and was accompanied by Kimberly in tight purple pvc trousers and boob tube as he got into the ring and sat in the corner, staring across at Steiner. Both guys bought a lot of intensity to the ring but the early exchanges saw neither wanting to make a mistake as they kept it slow and simple. After the feeling out process early left neither man with the advantage it was Page who managed to step it up a notch first, grabbing Steiner by the neck and leaping out over the top rope clotheslining Steiner on the top rope. The crowd popped big as DDP gave them the Diamond sign on the outside. Page was all over Steiner pushing him back in the corner and unloading with rights and lefts before trying to Irish Whip him across to the other corner. Steiner stopped in his tracks and tried to reverse it but Page held on and pulled Steiner into him, DDTing him into the mat. Steiner was up but ran into a DDP inverted atomic drop which was quickly followed up by a discus lariat that nearly took Steiner’s head off and gave Page a close two count. Steiner needed a foothold in the match and out of absolutely nowhere he found it. Page went to send Steiner in for the ride but Steiner reversed it and hit the Frankensteiner but as he tried to sit down he couldn’t get a hold of either of DDP’s legs and Page managed to muscle his way out of the pin at the last moment. The tide had definitely turned and as Page ducked a Steiner clothesline, only to turn around and get hit with another, it was obvious that Scotty was back in the driver’s seat. Scott Steiner went to what he knows best, vicious suplexes, and he took Page over with a big belly to belly before picking him up and t-boning him over his head. Steiner tried but couldn’t put DDP away as the fans began to struggle to stay with the match, unsure of who to cheer for. Steiner fired in a couple of forearms to Page’s ribs before grabbing him in a bearhug and starting to squeeze his huge arms around Page’s middle. Page tried to fight Steiner’s arms off but it only sapped his strength and it wasn’t long before he was visibly wearing out. Page’s head started to drop against Steiner’s shoulder, his body looking spent as his arm was raised the first time, immediately dropping lifelessly by his side. DDP’s arm was raised a second time, again falling away. With Page’s World Title dream hanging in the balance his arm was raised a third time, dropping quickly before he managed to hold it up, pulling it up slightly as referee, Nick Patrick, stepped back and signified that Page was still in the match. The crowd started to cheer as DDP lifted his arms and tried to punch at the side of Steiner’s head but as Steiner struggled to keep hold of the bearhug he drove DDP over with an overhead belly to belly suplex. As the match wore on Page’s flurries of offence were becoming more laboured and much shorter, Steiner was finding it inside him to stay on top despite being frustratingly unable to put DDP away. Steiner sent DDP in for the ride and as he came back leapt up into the air going for the Frankensteiner but this time Page grabbed a hold of Steiner’s legs and spun around in mid air before driving him down with a sit out powerbomb. Patrick made the count but only gave Page a close two. DDP staggered up to his feet as Steiner got up in front of him. Page took a step forward and BANG! Diamond Cutter out of nowhere laid out Scott Steiner. DDP hooked a leg as Nick Patrick counted the three and sent Diamond Dallas Page into the world title match later tonight with Sting or Ric Flair. [b]Diamond Dallas Page wins by pinfall[/b] [b]Schiavone: [/b]DDP, it’s Diamond Dallas Page! He’s just one win away from the biggest prize of them all, the World’s Heavyweight Title. [b]Dusty: [/b]An’ ya gotta look at it like this Tony, Page got a lot goin’ for him goin’ into this match tonight. When ya break it down an’ analyyyyse the sityooayshun ya talkin’ about really a bigger break before he wrestles again right here tonight because we all know what kinda war breaks out every time Sting and Flair get into that ring, rightowrong Brain, am I rightowrong? [b]Heenan: [/b]Dusty you are absolutely right, Flair’s been there, seen it, done it all before, nothing’s gonna phase him going into that match tonight but then the same can be said for Sting. We’ve seen 40 minutes, 45 minutes, over an hour between these two in the past and Page already being through and in that final’s got a big big advantage right now. [b]Dusty: [/b]So come on Brain, where’s ya money at now, huh? Where ya laying ya bet? [b]Heenan: [/b]Flair, nobody has the big game plan like the Nature Boy, nobody, I know plans and masterstrokes this guy’s pulled off that I’m not at liberty to discuss on the air, but believe me, there’s a lot of old women in North Carolina waiting on a pension that’s never gonna come. Flair’s a smart smart man, he knows what he wants and he finds a way to take it and tonight’s gonna be no different. [b][color=red]WCW World Title Tournament: “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair w/Elizabeth Vs Sting[/b][/color] WCW’s two biggest stars met to decide who would face Diamond Dallas Page for the World Heavyweight Title later on tonight. Flair’s ****y swagger as apparent as ever as he made his way out to the ring accompanied by Elizabeth. The fans were going crazy for him, a mixture of cheers and boos, but everyone was making noise. Sting looked to have a lot more nervous energy as he came out fired up, high fiving with as many of the fans as he could, his green and white painted face “woooo”ing out to the fans. Sting and Flair got up nose to nose in the ring before the bell rang, both men looking deep into each other’s eyes and talking to each other as Sting started to smile and started to back away laughing but Flair as quick to step forward and slap Sting across the face. The Stinger stopped for a moment holding his face before looking back at Flair with piercing eyes and getting ready to start the match. The match opened slowly with both men trading holds. Sting took Flair down with a shoulder block after a series of moves, only for Flair to retaliate with a drop toe hold leading into a headlock on the mat. Both men fought for the first advantage but neither seemed capable of grabbing it away from their opponent. Sting sent Flair in for the ride and connected with a hip toss as he came back towards him. Flair bounced up but Sting dropped him with another before leaping up as Flair got back to his feet and hitting a dropkick that sent Flair rolling across the ring and to the outside to get a time out with Elizabeth. The crowd were on the edge of their seats making more noise for this match than they had anything else so far in WCW in 1997. As the referee called for a ropebreak as a collar and elbow saw them up against the ropes Flair slapped Sting across the face. Much like earlier the Stinger just stared back at Flair and shook it off. Just moments later another break saw Flair slap Sting’s face with his open hand trying to get under his skin. This time it worked as Sting exploded towards Flair unloading with a right hand, a chop, and then a left hand. Sting backed Flair up in the corner and climbed the turnbuckle, hitting Flair’s head as the crowd chanted with him. They got as far as 4 before Flair grabbed Sting’s legs and pulled him out of the corner dropping him with an inverted atomic drop. Flair got behind Sting and took him over with a big back suplex before giving the crowd a little strut across the ring, and Elizabeth a wink at ringside. Sting was never out of the match for long though and was soon back in control taking Flair down to the mat with an arm drag and holding onto the arm to keep the Nature Boy grounded. Sting was back in control and Flair was beginning to grow frustrated. He seemed to motion to the outside for Elizabeth who quickly stepped up onto the apron and took off one of her shoes. The referee was over to usher her down but as he did Flair drove his arm up into Sting’s balls hitting him with a low blow that left him down on the mat writhing in pain. Flair quickly grabbed Sting’s legs as he lay on his back, and drove his knee down into Sting’s knee joints and thighs. Flair took a few steps back before stepping back towards Sting and dropping a knee onto his forehead. Flair grabbed Sting’s legs and went for the figure four but the Stinger shoved him off with his legs and managed to get to his feet. Sting had managed to fight his way back into the match and the crowd were really getting behind him but it wasn’t long before Sting found himself in the one place he did not want to be in. Sting went up to the top and went for a big splash but Flair got himself out of the way and Sting looked to land at least partially on one of his knees. Flair was quick to get to Sting’s legs and lock in the figure four, laying back and holding onto Sting’s boot. Sting started banging his arms down into the mat in pain as he fought hard to stay in the match. He started rolling from side to side, trying to build the momentum to turn over the hold as the Nature Boy struggled hard to keep him from turning it over. Sting tried desperately, waving his arm and eventually got the hold turned, Flair now screaming out in agony and fumbling to get to the ropes. Flair grabbed a hold of the middle rope with both hands and the hold was broken. Flair rolled to the outside to get more time but Sting was right out after him, stalking him around the ring. Flair quickly grabbed Elizabeth and pulled her in front of him as she pleaded with Sting not to hit her. The distraction was enough to give Flair the chance to shove her aside and charge at Sting, rocking him with a big forearm before grabbing him by the hair and slamming his head into the apron. Flair started unloading with rights and lefts before rolling the Stinger back into the ring. Sting got to his feet and stumbled up into the corner but Flair was there to meet him with big reverse knife edge chops. As Flair crashed them in, Sting started to get his second wind, standing up as Flair tried to pound them in harder. Flair started firing in more punches but they were having no effect as Sting just walked out of the corner, screaming in Flair’s face and sending him back onto his knees begging Sting off. Sting paused for a second looking out at the fans before leaping forward and grabbing Flair, pulling him up and running across the ring, jamming Flair’s face down to the mat before popping up and doing it again. Flair was in trouble as Sting sent him into the corner and backed up, running across the ring and leaping up into the air hitting the Stinger Splash as the crowd went crazy. Sting sent Flair into the other corner and hit the move again before “WOOOO”ing out to the fans. Sting sent Flair into the corner once more but this time Flair hit so hard that he flipped up out onto the apron. Sting charged at him and tried to deck him with a clothesline but Flair ducked underneath it and climbed up to the top turnbuckle. Sting was there to meet him though and tossed Flair down to the mat. Flair looked to Liz again who got up onto the apron once more but this time Sting was there to meet her, grabbing her and forcing a kiss on her before letting her drop from the apron. Flair rolled Sting up from behind and grabbed a handful of tights but could only get a two count as Sting fought his way out. With the referee looking to see if Elizabeth was ok on the outside Flair fired in a quick kick to Sting’s balls but the Stinger caught Flair’s leg and as a shocked Flair pleaded with him not to, Sting tripped his other leg and stepped through trying to turn Flair over for the Scorpion Deathlock. Flair fought it as Sting struggled to get it over, but eventually he did, sitting back and locking it in. Flair was dead centre of the ring and after clutching desperately for the ropes had no choice but to submit sending Sting into the tournament final against DDP. [b]Sting wins by submission[/b] [b]Schiavone: [/b]Sting and DDP, the Diamond Cutter against the Scorpion Deathlock, for the World Title later on tonight. Ric Flair coming up short in his bid to regain the world title, will we see Sting take the belt tonight or could this be DDP’s time to shine? [b]Heenan: [/b]Sting got lucky, but ya can’t take that away from him, he’s done it all in this business just like Flair has, and now he’s got about an hour, maybe a little more, to get in the back and get ready for the biggest prize in wrestling. This is what it all comes down to in the end, this is where the real money’s made, when you have that belt, and Sting’s gotta get through DDP later tonight. [b]Dusty: [/b]Yeah, really, ya gotta wonder how much it’s gonna factor in with Sting havin’ just wrestled last. The clock’s a tickin’ and the world title’s waitin’ and tonight we gonna see whether it’s the Stinger or Diamond Dallas Page that walks away with the.gold Tony [b]Schiavone: [/b]And remember this, we’re only three matches in, we’ve got so much more great action comin’ to you tonight starting in just a few moments with the Television title match between IceTrain, Lord Steven Regal and Hugh Morrus [b]Heenan: [/b]And this one’s too close to call Schiavone. IceTrain’s the new champion and he’s been on a roll but I’ve seen it so many times over the years, the new champion’s a lot more vulnerable, and with the former champ Regal wanting his belt back, not to mention Morrus who’s now got Valentine calling the shots, I can’t pick a winner in that one [b]Dusty: [/b]That’s what it could just come down to tonight, you hit on it with Greg Valentine in the corner of Hugh Morrus, but you got Jimmy Hart pulling the strings for the big man IceTrain tonight too. I got a feelin’ this one’s gonna get outta control [b]Heenan: [/b]Like Okerlund at the beautician’s? [b][color=red]WCW World Television Tite: IceTrain w/Jimmy Hart Vs Hugh Morrus w/Greg Valentine Vs Lord Steven Regal[/b][/color] The crowd were almost dead as the three men made their entrances for the Television title match. Even Jimmy Hart screaming and shouting like a loon as he led the Television champion, IceTrain, to the ring couldn’t get much heat out of them after the Flair, Sting match. The match would be fought under triple threat rules, with all three men allowed in the ring at one time, and the first pin or submission winning the match. Valentine was firing Morrus up in the corner as Regal stared at the belt that IceTrain was taking off from around his huge waist. The three men tentatively locked up collar and elbow and IceTrain shoved both men off hard. There was no doubt that the champion had the size and strength advantage in this one. The action was messy as all three men tried to get involved, the majority of the early action being brawling between the three. Regal and Morrus managed to back IceTrain up in the corner as Regal started clubbing into IceTrain with vicious European Uppercuts. Morrus came charging across the ring as Regal stepped out of the way and Morrus splashed IceTrain in the corner. For the moment at least, Regal and Morrus seemed happy to work together to take the big man down but even with two of them it was proving to be a struggle. Regal and Morrus hooked IceTrain for a double suplex but as they tried to get him up he held his weight down dead and they couldn’t get him off his feet. With an amazing show of strength the Television champion took both men up and dumped them over his head with a double suplex as he flexed his arms and roared out at the crowd. Morrus quickly rolled out of the ring, leaving Regal and IceTrain to it, as Valentine started screaming in Morrus’ face on the outside. When Hugh Morrus ended up back in the ring he quickly went after IceTrain, chop blocking his leg from behind and stumbling him. As Regal made a move Morrus charged at him and knocked him to the mat with a spinning heel kick. Morrus began pounding on IceTrain before getting him up for a big slam. He tossed Regal out of the ring then went up to the top turnbuckle. Morrus hit a huge elbowdrop off the top but as the referee started to make the count Regal was back in to pull Morrus off and break up the pin attempt. Regal and Morrus started fighting across the ring as Regal grabbed the back of Morrus head and drove both his knees up into Morrus’ face. The match had been progressing well, but the fans were still struggling to take to it after all they’d seen before it tonight. Regal tossed Morrus to the outside and turned his attention back to IceTrain, kneeing him in the mid-section and getting him over with a butterfly suplex. Regal quickly locked in the STF on the mat as he struggled to hold down the huge TV champ. IceTrain tried to shift his weight but Regal was yanking back on the facelock harder trying to draw the submission. IceTrain refused to tap as Morrus’ crawled back into the ring and dropped an elbow on Regal’s back breaking up the hold. Sensing that his champion could be in trouble Jimmy Hart tried to turn the tide and as IceTrain tossed Regal to the outside Hart hit him with his megaphone laying him out. Hart started rummaging in his pocket and trying to pull something out, yanking a bag of powder out of his pocket. Hart got up onto the apron and waved for IceTrain to distract the referee but Valentine ran around the ring and pulled Jimmy down from the apron. Hart tried to toss the powder into Valentine’s face but he ducked before grabbing Hart by the collar and laying him out with a right hand to the first noticeable cheer of the match. IceTrain looked out over the top rope shouting at Valentine but as he turned around he got lifted up onto Morrus’ back and dropped down with a Samoan Drop. Morrus quickly climbed to the top turnbuckle and shot off with the Moonsault. Hart tried to scramble into the ring but Valentine dragged him out by his leg as the referee counted the three and Morrus was crowned the new Television Champion. Morrus was going crazy jumping around with his first title in WCW as Valentine raised his arm and congratulated him. [b]Hugh Morrus wins by pinfall to become WCW Television Champion[/b] [b]Schiavone: [/b]Folks we have a new Television Champion and what a turnaround in the career of Hugh Morrus. His first taste of gold in World Championship Wrestling comes right here tonight at New Beginnings Brain [b]Heenan: [/b]Well sometimes that’s the hardest part Schiavone, getting that first title run and taking those first steps. I’d bet someone could make a lotta money off Hugh Morrus right now. Don’t forget IceTrain only won that belt a couple of weeks ago, he won’t be happy with that I bet. [b]Schiavone: [/b]We’ve seen it time after time, the Television title is one of the most competitive and widely defended titles in WCW. What a night it’s been already and we’ve still got the Horsemen and the American Males to come, the World Title match between Sting and DDP and…. Wait a minute, I’m getting word through, can… can we send it to Lee Marshall in the back The camera cuts to Lee Marshall standing in the catering area backstage. Tables are thrown all over the room, with a couple broken on the floor, some event security are comforting a woman in an apron over to the side of the room and there’s food everywhere [b]Marshall: [/b]Thanks Tony, as you can see from the devastation behind me something’s been going on in here just moments ago. The details are a little sketchy but from what we’ve been told Lex Luger and Randy Savage came in fighting and literally tore the room apart. That woman you see behind me got caught up in the melee and says she was hit with a chair. [b]Dusty: [/b]Lee, Lee, Dusty Rhodes here, do we got any word on where Luger or Savage is at right now? [b]Marshall: [/b]Dust’ we sure do, security were on hand to try and separate the two men and after a heated struggle apparently managed to separate and lead both men off. WCW Head of Security Doug Dillinger has informed me that both men have been ejected from the building tonight but as you can see, this one was getting way outta control. [b]Schiavone: [/b]Lee Marshall, thank you, fans we gotta get back to the ring for more great action [b][color=red]The Faces of Fear Vs Scott Norton & Mike Enos[/b][/color] Much like the previous match the crowd really struggled to get interested in either teams entrance. Enos and Norton were already in the ring as the Faces of Fear made their way down. As soon as they climbed through the ropes Norton and Enos were all over them kickstarting the match. Match official Randy Anderson had absolutely no chance of getting things under control as Norton paired off in the corner with Meng while Enos and the Barbarian exchanged stiff shots in the opposite corner. Norton and Enos both tried to Irish Whip their opponents across the ring sending Meng and the Barbarian charging towards each other. The Faces of Fear collided, but simply shrugged it off, slapping each other’s chest and turning round before crashing big Yakuza style kicks into Enos and Norton’s heads. Almost by default Randy Anderson ended up with two men in the ring who he deemed the legal ones after Meng and Norton went through the ropes to the outside. Norton got Meng up and rammed him into the steel ring post before dropping him on the ringsteps but Meng was back up to his feet almost immediately and started crashing in almost sumo like quickfire slaps to Norton’s chest. Back in the ring Enos got the Barbarian up for a shoulderbreaker but barely got a one count as the Barbarian shoved him off and they started exchanging heavy blows in the corner. The Barbarian hoisted Enos up to the top turnbuckle, battering him with forearms as he climbed up to the middle turnbuckle himself and drove Enos over with a superplex. He could only hold Enos down for around a two count as the two men took their fight to the outside as well. With The Barbarian getting tossed into the ringsteps by Scott Norton, Meng headbutted Enos and rolled him back into the ring. Enos got up and sent Meng in for the ride but as he ducked his head waiting for Meng to come back, Meng grabbed the back of Enos’ head and drove it into the mat. As Enos got back to his feet Meng was already in place and after waving his arms about drove his fingers into Enos’ throat choking him down to the mat with the Tongan Death Grip. With Norton and the Barbarian battering the hell out of each other on the outside there was nobody to make the save as Randy Anderson made the three count. Enos was choking on the mat as Norton dropped the Barbarian throat first across the guardrail on the outside. Meng was quick to go to the outside and started clubbing Norton around the head with rights and lefts as Norton retaliated in kind. Randy Anderson didn’t even consider getting anywhere near them as the Barbarian and Mike Enos joined in the fight. The four men continued to fight each other all the way back through the entrance to backstage. [b]The Faces of Fear win by pinfall[/b] [b]Dusty: [/b]Tony, Tony, Tony! They be clubberin’ and sloggin’ an’ an’ an’ throwin’ fisties an’ ragtaggin’ man that’s a slobberknocker [b]Heenan: [/b]Ya know Schiavone, Dusty’s right. They were clubberknockin’ and sloghumpin’ and throwing fisticles like no tomorrow [b]Schiavone: [/b]Hahahaha yeah I guess they were Brain, we’re not far a…… wait a minute that looks like Craig Pittman, and, yes he’s leading out the troops and you know what that means….. Craig Pittman lead the group of Steve and Scott, the Armstrongs, Sgt Buddy Lee Parker, Joe Gomez and Devon Storm out to the ring. Pittman grabbed a mic and started to speak. [b]Pittman: [/b]Right, lets cut to it, you already heard the challenge now man up and get out here. Somebody laid me out in the back, just like happened to all these other guys in this ring right now so get yourself out here and pay the price! There’s a pause for a few moments as they all look around, but nobody comes. [b]Pittman: [/b]Get out here! Again they pause but nobody comes from the back. [b]Pittman: [/b]Whoever you are, show some guts and face us out! In an instant the arena lights go out “Hehehehehehe” a young girl’s giggly laugh is heard through the arena as a laser beams the outline and features of an indistinct face onto the arena wall. The girl’s voice begins to speak [b]Voice: [/b]How does a soul sound when it cries? Six naïve souls laid out to die. Fear the silence of this moment, For your misery is nearly over. Hell’s spawn created for your mortal sins, Unleashed tonight, a New Beginning. Crave this voice as you’re dragged below, The reminder of life as your blood flows. My words fade away so soon, No time to fade for the six of you Hehehehehehehe The arena lights flicker on for a second as the six men in the ring stand nervously looking about the arena before they flicker back off. After a brief pause a slow deep strobe starts to flash showing brief glimpses of silhouetted brutality in the ring, blood curdling screams coming from the ring as the crowd begin gasping in unison. The lights flicker on for just a moment, five men standing in the ring clutching at air and looking terrified. The lights flicker back out before the strobe, and the carnage begins again. The ring emanates chilling cries as the shadowy silhouettes flash in and out of bodies flying across the ring. “Heheheheheheh” the childish giggle is heard once more as the lights flick on again. This time just two men stand facing away from each other in the ring, both shaking furiously as the lights stay on long enough to notice that it’s Pittman and Joe Gomez. The lights go out once more and sickening cries come from the ring as the low strobe starts buzzing in and out and giving enough to see bodies being flung across the ring once more. The lights go dead and the cries die. And they die. And they die. And they die. “Hehehehehehehehe” The lights come back on showing an empty ring as the startled crowd gasp, starting to talk amongst themselves in shock. In an instant blood falls from the sky as the crowd scream out shocked, splattering the ring, hitting the middle of the mat and spraying out over it. “Hehehehehehehe!………… Hehe……… Hehehehehe………. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe” Silence…….. [b]Schiavone: [/b]What…… just….. I…… I just don’t know what I just saw! Get these cameras off us, please, just,…..something! A quick ad for Mean Gene’s WCW Hotline runs as the ring is cleared and Schiavone pulls it back together [b]Schiavone: [/b]Fans, sometimes in this job you see things that you just don’t know how to call and I apologise to you guys, but I have never in my career as a broadcast play by play guy for WCW seen anything like that. I, I just don’t know what I just saw [b]Dusty: [/b]That voice came out there fillibustrin’ an’ then I just, I know ya said it already Tony, but I just don’t know what I saw out there. Can we just get it to the ring, please? [b][color=red]Arn Anderson & Chris Benoit w/Woman Vs The American Males[/b][/color] There was a strangely uneasy tension in the air as the American Males made their way out to the ring for their match with the Horsemen. After breaking Steve McMichael’s leg on Nitro Arn and Benoit were looking for some payback. The Horsemen got the much bigger reaction from the crowd as they came out accompanied by Woman. The early action saw the Males on fire managing to stay in the match hold for hold with the Horsemen and really stamping their authority on the match. Bagwell and Riggs hit synchronised dropkicks that sent Anderson and Benoit rolling to the outside to consult with Woman and get a time out. The Horsemen have every trick in the book nailed and as Benoit squared up to Riggs back in the ring, Woman went over and started talking to Bagwell. After hitting a body slam on Benoit, Riggs turned around to see what was going on but it only allowed Benoit to grab him from behind and hit a German Suplex that left him clutching his head. Benoit was every bit the crippler as he went straight to work on Riggs’ leg, stretching it out and dropping a knee onto it. Benoit kept hold of it as he tagged in Arn. The Enforcer went up to the middle turnbuckle and drove both his knees down onto Riggs outstretched leg as the American Male yelped out in pain. Arn and Benoit seemed intent on taking away Riggs’ leg, much like he did to fellow Horseman, McMichaels’. Benoit stood Riggs up and kicked away at his leg behind the knee joint, buckling him at the knee. Benoit went crazy putting boot after boot into Riggs’ leg as he lay clutching it on the mat. Bagwell was incensed and tried to get into the ring but it only drew the referee’s attention allowing Arn to come in and join in the destruction. Arn grabbed Riggs’ leg and started driving his own knee into it before taking a step back. Arn locked in the figure four, the second figure four we’d seen tonight, and laid back really pulling hard on Riggs’ leg. The American Male was clutching and screaming as he tried to punch at Anderson’s legs to break the hold. Arn laid himself back and Woman grabbed his arms from the outside giving him more leverage as referee Scott Dickenson asked Riggs whether he was ready to give it up. Riggs writhed furiously trying to point out what was happening but as Dickenson turned around Woman stepped back. Riggs tried desperately to turn the hold over but had no strength as he tried to roll for momentum. Dickenson asked Riggs again if that was it but again he refused to give it up as Woman grabbed a hold of Arn’s hands again and pulled hard for leverage. This time Dickenson turned in time to see it and forced Arn to break the hold. Riggs was in desperate trouble and could barely stand as he pulled himself up by the ropes. He tried to get over and make the tag but was cut off by Double A who tripped him just short. Riggs would try numerous times to tag out only to be cut off by the Horsemen. Eventually Bagwell had seen enough and leapt into the ring again, clotheslining Benoit out over the top and starting to brawl with Anderson. Scott Dickenson was about to usher Bagwell out when Shane Douglas, in a Four Horsemen t shirt came out from the back with a smug grin on his face and got up onto the apron at the side of the ring. Woman and Chris Benoit were over arguing with him as Dickenson also went over to try and get him to back down. Benoit eventually pulled Douglas off the apron but as the two argued on the outside, and Dickenson looked on trying to get Benoit back to his corner and Douglas backstage, the Giant stomped out from the back and down to the ring, on the other side behind Dickenson’s back. He got up into the ring stepping over the top rope and grabbed the Enforcer from behind, dropping him with a huge headbutt. The Giant picked Arn up and tossed him out over the top rope before following him outside. Arn was helpless as the Giant threw him over the guardrail into the crowd. Shane Douglas backed away up the aisle a little watching the action as Benoit got back into the ring and struggled to fight off two men. Bagwell slingshotted Riggs in from the apron with a shoulder tackle that took Benoit off his feet. As he staggered back up Bagwell grabbed him and hit a sitout powerbomb as Dickinson made the three count, Douglas looking on smiling as the Giant tossed Anderson back over the guardrail and into the ringside area. Douglas left backstage first, alone, as Benoit and Woman tried to get the Enforcer away from the Giant, the 500lb monster chasing them backstage. [b]The American Males win by pinfall[/b] [b]Schiavone: [/b]Shane Douglas, the Giant, the Horsemen, the American Males, folks, I don’t even think I know what to call anymore. This has been one of the craziest nights I’ve had to call in the history of WCW and we’ve still got the World title to come [b]Dusty: [/b]Haha, we been takin’ care o’ bidness all night long, this is World Championship Wrestling boys! [b]Heenan: [/b]Yeah, Tony, if you need some time away I’m sure nobody’s gonna blame ya after tonight. I’m thinking maybe a six month vacation, hey Dust’ you think I can ask for more money if they get rid of Tony? [b]Schiavone: [/b]Bobby now you shut up! If you’ve been watching Nitro over recent weeks you’ll have seen Diamond Dallas Page pick up wins over Lex Luger and Eddie Guerrero, followed by a big win tonight over Scott Steiner to earn his shot at the World Heavyweight Title. You’ll also have seen Sting get past Jeff Jarrett, Lord Steven Regal, and tonight the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Two men with one goal step into that ring in just a few moments. [b]Heenan: [/b]Forget the World Series, forget the Stanley Cup, forget the Superbowl, this is it right here, you can just feel it in the air here tonight, and you really really can’t pick a winner. Sting has the experience edge in the big matches, but then DDP should be fresher going in there [b]Schiavone: [/b]And don’t forget, if he hits that Diamond Cutter it doesn’t matter how experienced you are, it’s over. We’ve seen Page hit that so many different ways, this is really tough to call [b]Dusty: [/b]Esackly, and ya know physically there aint a thang to choose between them. It’s gonna come down to who got their game face on, who got the mental aptitood if ya wheel, to go all the way tonight. [b][color=red]WCW World Heavyweight Title: Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimberly Vs Sting[/b][/color] The crowd were hot as referee Nick Patrick and main event ring announcer Michael Buffer stood in the ring waiting for the two wrestlers to make their way out. DDP and Kimberly got a big pop as they came out to the ring, and Sting’s was even bigger. The fans were ready for the main event. Buffer did the introductions as both men stood on opposite corners of the ring with Nick Patrick holding the World title belt, eventually calling both into the centre of the ring to read them the championship rules. Sting and Page stared each other down as Buffer left the ring and both men were sent to their corners. The feeling out process began as Sting tried to get the upper hand, stepping through into a hammerlock from the collar and elbow, before Page stepped back underneath into a Hammerlock of his own. Page shoved Sting off into the ropes and as he came back they collided with shoulder blocks that gave neither man an advantage. They locked up again collar and elbow, this time DDP stepping through and around Sting’s back before lunging forward and going for the Diamond Cutter right off the bat. Sting frantically shoved DDP off across the ring before he could hit the move. Page turned and looked across at Sting from the corner as the Stinger stared back at him, realising just how close he came to losing the match. Page managed to get on top early on and really began to explode on Sting hitting him with rights and lefts in the corner before dragging him back out to the centre of the ring and nailing his reverse piledriver. Despite not getting a three count DDP was in definite control as Kimberly cheered him on from ringside. Page took Sting down to the mat and locked in a reverse chinlock to keep him grounded and wear him down. Page was methodical in his offence and was looking like a man capable of winning the world title DDP whipped Sting into the corner and followed him in but the Stinger grabbed hold of the top turnbuckle, lifted himself up and flung his legs out to try and land the other side of Page as he came in. DDP saw Sting stop himself, and slid underneath him, and underneath the bottom rope to the outside. As Sting landed on his feet Page reached in and grabbed them, tripping Sting and pulling his legs down either side of the steel ring post. Page wrapped Sting’s legs around the ringpost and locked in a figure four as he hung onto Sting’s legs, all his weight pulling down. Nick Patrick came outside the ring telling DDP to break the hold, and starting to administer a ten count. As Patrick got to eight, right in DDP’s face, Page released the hold and started to argue with Patrick. Back in the ring Sting was trying to back up, clutching at his knee. Sting found his way back into the match though, ducking a DDP clothesline as he ran off the ropes and hitting a flying clothesline of his own as he came back. Sting had found his gear and quickly ran across the ring grabbing Page’s head and jamming him face first into the mat. As Page got up Sting ran at him and did it again. Sting backed DDP up in the corner and stepped back across the ring. The fans cheered loudly as Sting ran across the ring, leaping up with the Stinger Splash and connecting with DDP’s body. Page staggered out of the corner but Sting shoved him straight back in there and went back across the ring. Sting charged forward and leapt up with another Stinger splash, this time allowing DDP to stumble out of the corner and fall to the mat. Sting went for the Scorpion Deathlock but as he tried to get DDP over, Page grabbed him and pulled him over into a pinning combination that got him a close two count. The match was really starting to heat up as Sting sent Page across the ring. Page ran off the ropes and ducked a Sting clothesline. As he ran back off the ropes, Sting turned around late and both men collided head to head, sending both sprawling to the mat. Nick Patrick began administering the ten count. The head’s in the crowd all turned away from the ring though as they saw someone jump the guardrail at ringside. It was Lex Luger, who with a sick look on his face went straight for the world title belt at ringside, snatching it away from the timekeeper. Luger stood holding it in front of his face for a moment before starting to strap it around his waist. The crowd turned again as the Macho Man Randy Savage came running out from the back and down to the ring, grabbing Luger by the hair before he had a chance to realise what was happening. The belt dropped from Luger’s waist as he desperately tried to grab hold of it, but Savage wasn’t letting go. The Macho Man rammed Luger’s head into the guardrail at ringside and continued to drag him backstage by his hair, beating on him and finally getting him to the back. Back in the ring Patrick got to a seven count before both men were up to their feet. Sting tried to send DDP into the corner but Page reversed it and whipped Sting into the corner. DDP followed him in and lifted Sting, sitting him up on the top turnbuckle. Page climbed up and hooked Sting, taking him over with a superplex. Sting used the momentum to carry himself over though and end up on top as Patrick made the count, DDP’s shoulder just sneaking up at the last moment. When they got up Sting started firing rights and lefts and chops into Page, but DDP managed to block one, holding onto Sting’s arm and pulling him in towards him. Page got him up in position for a powerbomb, spinning around and dropping him with a sitout powerbomb. As Nick Patrick counted it was Sting’s turn to roll a shoulder just before the three. Both men looked spent as Sting sent DDP in for the ride. Sting went for a clothesline but DDP ducked it. As he came back Sting found the energy to leapfrog him. When DDP came back the third time Sting lifted Page up and hit a spinebuster, holding onto his legs and stepping through trying to lock in the Scorpion Deathlock. Page fought hard as Sting struggled to turn him over, eventually getting him there and sitting down hard on the hold. Page’s face screamed out on the mat as Sting pulled back hard on the hold trying to force the submission. DDP reached out for the ropes but they were nowhere to be found as Sting sat down further, right in the centre of the ring. Patrick was down asking DDP if he wanted to quit but Page refused. Page tried desperately to crawl on his arms but any space he got to move was quickly pushed back down by Sting sitting down on the hold again. Page was flagging and his attempts at fighting the hold were dying. Patrick asked him again but Page simply wouldn’t quit as the camera showed Kimberly on the outside trying to hold back the tears. As Sting pulled back harder, Page’s arms seemed to go dead and his body was no longer clawing away trying to get out. Patrick looked hard at Page before calling for the bell and quickly telling Sting to release the hold. Page had passed out from the pain in the Scorpion Deathlock. Kimberly got up into the ring and knelt over her husband, tears streaming down her face. Nick Patrick handed a weary Sting the World title belt and raised his arm as medics came out from the back and the Pay Per View went off the air. [b]Sting wins by ref stoppage to win the WCW World Title[/b] [b]Show Rating: [/b]72% [b]Buy Rate: [/b]0.93 [u]Overness Changes[/u] Ultimo Dragon -1, 80 Rey Mysterio Jr +5, 56 Diamond Dallas Page +3, 73 Scott Steiner -1, 84 Scotty Riggs +2, 63
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[b][u][size=3][color=red]WCW Monday Nitro Preview[/b][/u][/size][/color] The night after one of the biggest Pay Per Views in WCW history, Nitro looks set to be jam packed full of great action. New Beginnings saw the crowing of a new World Champion as Sting defeated not only the Nature Boy Ric Flair, but Diamond Dallas Page to claim the gold. WCW’s Championship Committee already have his first challenger lined up and they’ve flown him in all the way from Japan. It’s Sting and Masahiro Chono for the World Title! New Beginnings was quite a night for the Four Horsemen too as not only did Ric Flair come up short in his bid for the World title, but the Horsemen team of Anderson and Benoit were defeated by the American Males. The Horsemen have promised to be in the house on Nitro and with so much to address, from the Giant, to the American Males, to Shane Douglas, anything could happen. Also at New Beginnings two of WCW’s most highly strung athletes, Lex Luger and the Macho Man Randy Savage came to blows and caused mayhem backstage. It’s expected that both men will be in the building on Nitro as things could very well be set to explode. Diamond Dallas Page came so close to winning the World title at New Beginnings and he’ll be back in action on Nitro taking on Lord Steven Regal. The Steiners and Harlem Heat will go at it in what promises to be a tag team war. Newly crowned TV champion Hugh Morrus will defend his title against Big Bubba Rogers. All this and so much more, be sure to tune into WCW Monday Nitro on TNT [u]Full Card[/u] Sting Vs Masahiro Chono Diamond Dallas Page Vs Lord Steven Regal The Steiners Vs Harlem Heat Hugh Morrus Vs Big Bubba Rogers
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[img]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/406/nitro02bc6.jpg[/img] Monday 27th January Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes & Bobby Heenan 5008 fans in attendance The fast paced Nitro opening video with various clips of some of WCW’s finest plays as the metallic WCW Nitro logo slams onto the screen and leads us to the announce desk where Tony “this is the single most important moment in the history of our sport” Schiavone, The American Dweeeam Dusty Rhodes and Bobby “the Brain” Heenan welcome us to “the Hottest hour in Professional Wrestling today”. With New Beginnings behind us they go through a set of still images, first from the Scott Steiner, Diamond Dallas Page match, then from Ric Flair Vs Sting. They finally show stills from the Sting, DDP title match ending with Sting holding up the World title belt. They talk about there being no rest for the new World champion as Masahiro Chono has flown all the way in from Japan tonight to claim a shot at the World title which he earned with a win over the Great Muta in Japan. Up first though, it’s title defence number one for our new Television champion [b][color=red]WCW Television Title: Hugh Morrus w/Greg Valentine Vs Big Bubba Rogers[/b][/color] Big Bubba comes out first as Schiavone and the boys talk about Morrus winning the belt last night against Regal and IceTrain. Rogers and Morrus exchanged power moves early with neither budging on a couple of shoulder blocks. Valentine was at ringside in a suit shouting instructions at Morrus and his presence seemed to make all the difference. This was probably the best match we’ve seen Morrus’ wrestle in a while and Bubba worked really well as an opponent. Bubba sent Morrus into the corner but the Television champion leapt up to the second turnbuckle, turned, and hit a flying clothesline on his opponent. Morrus went back up top and hit the Moonsault to pick up the win in a really decent opener. [b]Morrus wins by pinfall[/b] After the match the announce team go through some stills from the Cruiserweight title match last night, ending with Malenko coming out and attacking Ultimo Dragon. Tony sends it to Mean Gene who brings out the new face of WCW’s championship committee, Joseph Gertner wearing a black suit and red bow tie [b]Okerlund: [/b]Tony thank you, I’ve bought out at this time Executive member of the WCW Championship Committee, Joseph Gertner. Joseph you’ve asked for this time to address some of the happenings in WCW right now, what have you got for us? [b]Gertner: [/b]Gene I’d just like to take a moment to thank you, and more importantly all of these great fans for making World Championship Wrestling the quintessential example of a truly great wrestling organisation. As you know, but many of these people may not, I’m one of many on the championship committee, who met today following last night’s Pay Per View extravaganza to discuss some of the going’s on, on that great show. We had a number of title matches on the show Gene, and it was important that we had the correct conclusion to those matches, and in most cases we did. There was one title match however that caused us further frustration and that was the World Cruiserweight title match involving the Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio Jr. Gene, while Ultimo Dragon is a talented and longstanding champion in this company, his actions over recent months have become more than a little excessive. After winning the match against Rey Mysterio Jr…. [b]Okerllund: [/b]Wait just a minute, Dean Malenko? Mean Gene and Gertner turned to see Dean Malenko coming out with a purpose, an intense steely glare on his face as he stepped up to Gertner [b]Malenko: [/b]Give me a shot at the Cruiserweight title! [b]Gertner: [/b]Excuse me? [b]Malenko: [/b]I said, give me a shot at the Cruiserweight title, I want Dragon and I want the belt! [b]Gertner: [/b]I heard perfectly well what you said Mr Malenko, but that’s not how things are done around here. You can’t just get in my face and demand a shot at the Cruiserweight title, no, your actions at New Beginnings were equally questionable, running in there, attacking our champion after the match had finished. No, you’ve got a long way to go before you’ll be getting a title shot either. We have an event coming up, Sunday, February 23rd, Superbrawl VII. I’m not at liberty to discuss at this time who will be challenging for the Cruiserweight title at that event but I can advise you of this Mr Malenko. If you want a shot at the Cruiserweight title, you’ve got a lot of work to do in the ring between now and Superbrawl. The championship committee will be looking out for the best Cruiserweight wrestlers over the coming weeks [b]Malenko: [/b]I am the best! [b]Gertner: [/b]Well then I urge you to prove it. Gene, thank you, it’s been a pleasure Gertner waves to the crowd then turns and walks backstage as Gene sends it to commercial When the show comes back from the break it’s back with Mean WOOO Gene again who brings out the new WCW World Champion, Sting! Sting’s in his wrestling gear with red, white and blue facepaint tonight and the World title belt over his shoulder [b]Okerlund: [/b]If there’s anybody out there who didn’t order the Pay Per View last night, go purchase the replays because it was quite a night. No doubt in my mind that the biggest happening last night was the crowning of a new World Heavyweight Champion, that man, now the Four time Heavyweight Champion of the world, the Stinger! [b]Sting: [/b]WOOOOOO The Stinger is back Mean Gene! Ya know, I told the whole world when I won the battle royal back at World War 3, defeating 59 other men that I wasn’t gonna stop til I got my title shot. It’s been four long years without this belt Gene, but WOOOOOOOOOOOOO I’m back baby! [b]Okerlund: [/b]One heck of an achievement, no doubt about that, going through the Nature Boy Ric Flair, and Diamond Dallas Page in one night, how does it feel Stinger? [b]Sting: [/b]Oh Gene, you wanna talk about feeling, this belt signifies so much in this sport. It’s the absolute peak, it’s what ya strive for from the day ya walk in and to hold it once again means so much to me Gene. You all know that the Stinger always give you 110% every single time, so I’m gonna work as hard as I can to keep hold of this belt now that I’ve got it back. [b]Okerlund: [/b]Well that’s gonna be starting for you right here tonight, all the way in from Japan, Masahiro Chono [b]Sting: [/b]When you’re the World Champion Gene, everybody’s gunnin’ for ya, they come at ya from all angles and you gotta be ready. Chono’s called in the title shot he earned over in Japan and tonight we’re…. [b]Okerlund: [/b]What in the world? What is the meaning of…. Ted Dibiase? Sting and Okerlund both turn looking confused as Ted Dibiase in a dark suit, comes out from the back laughing and walks up beside Sting [b]Okerlund: [/b]Ted Dibiase, what are you doing in World Championship Wrestling? [b]Dibiase: [/b]Hahahahahaha, what am I doing Mean Gene? Everybody knows that to stand at the very top takes a lotta money, and nobody has more money than me Okerlund. I’ve been out and I’ve bought the best that money can buy to win me that World title belt right away from you Sting! [b]Sting: [/b]Where is he? I’ll put this belt up against anyone Dibiase, the Stinger backs down from no one! [b]Dibiase: [/b]Hahahahahahaha, oh he’ll be here soon enough, you better worry about your match with Mr Chono tonight. I’ll be seeing you around Sting, and that world title belt! Hahahahahaaaa Dibiase walks off leaving Sting as Okerlund sends it to the ring [b][color=red]The Steiner Bros Vs Harlem Heat[/b][/color] The Steiner Bros were out first and grabbed a mic as Scottie said that the last time he saw Booker T and Stevie Ray, he got dropped on his back so tonight it was time for Harlem Heat to come and get some payback. Stevie Ray and Booker T weren’t slow in coming out and the match degenerated into a brawl early on. Once the action calmed down, at least a little, Booker and Rick started going hold for hold. The Steiners managed to control the pace for a while but it wasn’t long before Harlem Heat turned it into a fight, and took the action to the outside. With all four men on the outside brawling referee Randy Anderson started his count. Stevie Ray tossed Rick into the ringsteps shoulder first, as Booker hit a Harlem Side Kick on Scott to knock him down. Stevie and Rick carried on brawling as Booker slid back into the ring at the last moment to give Harlem Heat the win by count out. [b]Harlem Heat win by count out[/b] After the match Schiavone, Dusty and Heenan discuss what’s already happened tonight and what’s still to come. They talk about Dibiase turning up as well as Championship Committee member Joseph Gertner being in the building tonight and then go on to the Sting, Chono main event for later on. Schiavone then sends it back to Okerlund who’s got the American Males with him. [b]Okerlund: [/b]Thanks Tony, standing beside me right now are two men who scored a major win last night over the Four Horsemen, the men who put Steve McMichael on the shelf, Marcus Alexander Bagwell, and Scotty Riggs [b]Bagwell: [/b]Gene, just forget about what happened to McMichael already, that was a accident, we’re sorry Gene, we really are but ya know, everybody thought that we’d walk into New Beginnings, and stagger back out with our bones broken and our butts kicked. Well guess we sure proved ya all wrong huh? Ya see Mean Gene, we don’t want to make this personal but the Horsemen keep giving us no choice. Last night you tried to take out Scotty’s leg and ya couldn’t get the job done, he’s still standing, heck, we both are and in the process we handed you a beating and a loss [b]Okerlund: [/b]Seemed to me like ya had a lotta outside help in that one Bagwell! [b]Riggs: [/b]Ya know what Mean Gene? Nobody’s been givin’ us credit for nothin’ around here. Well I’m sick of it, we beat the Horsemen and we proved somethin’ last night. We proved it to the fans, we proved it to the Horsemen, and most importantly, we proved it to ourselves. We can beat the Horsemen and we aint got no reason to fear them or be intimidated. The tables are turned now Gene. See you wanted to be the hunters and chase us around looking for revenge? Well now you guys are the hunted, and we’re comin’ after those tag team titles! Riggs and Bagwell pose a little for the fans then leave backstage as Mean Gene starts walking over to the fans at ringside. He goes up to a girl in the front row [b]Okerlund: [/b]As you can see another packed crowd enjoying the show tonight, lets go see who we’ve got out there tonight. What’s your name? [b]Girl: [/b]like, oh my god, this is so totally cool, I’m Annie, go Stinger yayyyyyyyy! Gene turns slightly holding the mic out to a guy a couple of spots down from her [b]Okerlund: [/b]Enjoying the show tonight? What’s your name? [b]Guy: [/b]My name’s Daemon, and I’m here to support the NEW WORLD CHAMPION!!! GOOOOOOOO Stinger!!!!!!!! Daemon quickly lifts up a “Sting – the World’s Greatest Champion” sign that he’s made and bought to the arena. Okerlund quickly turns around though as he sees Lex Luger storming towards them having come out from the back. [b]Okerlund: [/b]Lex Luger, what is the meaning of this? You lay one finger on me and I’m calling in the attorneys! Luger looks at Daemon, holding the sign [b]Luger: [/b]I’m gonna give you one chance to tear that sign in two and admit that I’m the real World Champion! Daemon just looks back at him and gets the crowd around him to start a “Stinger, Stinger, Stinger!” chant. Luger starts holding his ears as they chant, before stomping his feet and bouncing slightly. Luger turns back to Daemon trying to grab the sign off him, pulling it to the floor. Luger turns back to the fan and hauls him over the guardrail as a disgusted Mean Gene steps back and starts shouting out about security. Daemon looks terrified as Luger punches him and gets him up on his back in the Torture Rack, his face filled with anger as he starts pumping the hold. Doug Dillinger and WCW security come rushing out, followed by WCW Championship Committee executive Joseph Gertner. Luger still has Daemon up on his back as the security guys get to him. Luger drops Daemon and starts taking out security one by one, dropping them with clotheslines and punches. The crowd pop big as Randy Savage comes charging out from the back. He gets to Luger and clubs him with a double axe handle blow. Security are quick to try and pull them apart but the crazed Savage and Luger are fighting them off as Gertner, standing well back, speaks into his mic. [b]Gertner: [/b]I didn’t want to have to do this but you’ve left me no choice. Get the cops out here now! At least a dozen police officers come storming out from the back and join event security in trying to restrain Luger and Savage. Luger’s taken down to the ground as they start fumbling and trying to cuff him. Savage starts punching out police officer’s before they wrestle him to the ground and cuff him too. Hordes of police and event security are holding onto Luger and Savage as Gertner now steps closer. [b]Gertner: [/b]Luger, you’ve attacked WCW superstars, you’ve attacked WCW employees, you even attacked Mean Gene Okerlund, but tonight you went even beyond that and put your hands on a paying member of the public. Officers, if you will, escort this man out of this arena. Luger tries to fight but cuffed, and with 7 or 8 people holding onto him it’s impossible and he’s dragged kicking and screaming out of the arena. Savage starts fighting too but is in the same predicament and they escort him out of the building cuffed. The fan, Daemon, is still crumpled up on the floor and is helped up by a shocked Okerlund as the remaining event security, including Donuts Dillinger, help him up and take him backstage too. [b][color=red]Lord Steven Regal Vs Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimberly[/b][/color] Fresh from coming so close to winning the World title last night DDP looked fired up as he made his way to the ring with his wife Kimberly. Schiavone and the boys made a lot of talk about not only Page coming up short last night, but also Regal recently losing the TV title and failing to regain it last night. Early on it was all Page but it didn’t take long for Regal to get back into the match and start grinding DDP down. Regal was aggressive and brutal but it looked like Page was about to make the customary comeback and hit the Diamond Cutter when the arena lights went out completely and the fans gasped before sitting silent. “Hehehehehehehehe” The young British girl’s voice laughed as the same nondescript face was beamed onto the arena wall. [b]Voice: [/b]Two years of pain, these shattered dreams, to wonder how things could have been, to look at you, to see my destiny, to crave everything they gave you from me, to take from the weak, and give to the strong, could they not see, so very wrong, for now I’ll leave you with your life, but there’s a price, go find your wife hehehehehehe” The laughing fades out and the lights flicker frantically for a moment before coming back on. Regal’s in the corner looking spooked as DDP stands in the middle of the ring looking around quickly. Kimberly’s gone from ringside but soon the camera’s, and DDP, focus on the entrance to the arena. A female figure kneels there, looking at the ground, long dark hair down in front of her face, hiding it. She has on Kimberly’s tight black trousers and top but they have holes ripped in them and her skin looks far too pale as she twitches up, slowly standing, but making the most inhuman movements. Her body jolts further and further until she’s standing, her head still facing down as DDP stands in the ring staring, looking confused, almost terrified. The female figure raises an arm and points straight at Page before starting to raise her head slowly. The crowd are on the edge of their seats as she lifts her head further, the hair covering all but her eyes, staring piercingly right through DDP, before turning quickly and disappearing through to the back. Regal charges at Page and hits him with a forearm, but DDP looks uninterested in the match, shoving Regal off and leaping through the ropes, running to the back. The referee starts to count and just moments after DDP exits to the back the match is declared over. [b]Regal wins by count out[/b] Schiavone asks if we can get a camera in the back anywhere and it cuts to a shot of presumably a cameraman running, trying to keep up with DDP. Page is running ahead of him as the cameraman tries to keep the camera straight. He looks down for a bit, perhaps having stumbled, losing sight of DDP. There’s the brief sounds of a struggle, of Page fighting, before the camera held by the cameraman simply drops to the floor showing an on its side view of the corridor. Another scream is heard before the camera cuts out and the screen goes black for a second, eventually getting the feed back to the arena where Schiavone, Rhodes and Heenan are frantically panicking. They have no idea what’s going on as they send it out to Mean Gene in the ring. The Four Horsemen are making their way out, Anderson, Benoit, Woman, Elizabeth and the Nature Boy Ric Flair as Okerlund waits for them in the ring. [b]Okerlund: [/b]I don’t know what the hell’s goin’ on around here tonight but right now I’ve got the Four Horsemen, minus Steve Mongo McMichael, heading out to the ring. Right now I think I’ll feel a lot safer with you guys in here. The Horsemen get up into the ring and surround Mean Gene, Woman and Elizabeth immediately start playing with what’s left of his hair, and running hands over his chest, loosening his collar and generally distracting him. [b]Okerlund: [/b]Nature Boy Ric Flair, I’m not even sure I know how to conduct an interview right now so I’ll just stand here and hold the microphone and you say what ya gotta say [b]Flair: [/b]MEAN! WOOOOO! GENE! This here’s Horsemen country boy, WOOOOOO! Last night five men crossed paths with the Four Horsemen. WHAT in God’s great Earth would make you wanna step in the line of sight of the Horsemen? Sting, ya know me as well as anyone and ya heard it a thousand times already BUT to be the mannnnn ya gotta beat the man and last night buddy, you beat the man. I gotta hand it to ya Sting, and it takes a lot for me to say this, but I gotta lotta respect for you after last night brother, you’re a true World Champion! [b]Okerlund: [/b]What a show of respect! [b]Flair: [/b]Oh Geno, oh ya hear me now [Flair has a little dance around the ring before standing back next to Okerlund]. SHANE DOUGLAS! Let me tell ya what it takes to be a Horsemen pal! This group right here stands at the very top of this great sport, to be a Horsemen is the top, the peak, it’s the ULTIMATE! To be a Horseman is to be the very best there is and you wanna run around in the back wearing a t shirt and calling yourself a Horseman? YOU’RE….. NOT….. A HORSEMAN……. DOUGLAS!!!! YOU’LL……… NEVER…….BE………. A HORSEMAN! Two men stand beside me ready and waiting to send you back where you came from Douglas! You’re a nobody, you’re in WAY over your head, so step off before it’s too late. First, and last warning. FIRST AND LAST WARNING DOUGLAS! WOOOOOOOOOOO! Flair struts off to the side as Benoit steps over to Okerlund [b]Okerlund: [/b]Crippler Chris Benoit, what ya gotta tell ‘em? [b]Benoit: [/b]An eye for an eye, an arm for an arm, a leg for a leg, that was the plan American Males. Last night we might not have got the job done but next time you won’t be so lucky. You think the hunter just became the hunted, but when bones are broken and your careers are laying destroyed on the floor with you, you’ll have all the time in the world to rethink that theory. Benoit steps away as the Enforcer steps up to the mic to a decent pop from the crowd [b]Anderson: [/b]Giant, last time I stood up here I said it was nothing personal, just business. See last night ya had to make it personal didn’t ya? Look deep into my eyes if ya dare Giant and try and find the fear. You keep looking and looking, and looking, coz you aint gonna find any lookin’ in here. Trust me, you don’t wanna look into the mind of the Enforcer. Last night you opened up a whole world of hurt and ya gotta know Giant, ya gotta know, that the end result’s always gonna be the same. And if you don’t know what that is, you go ask the guys in the back that stepped into this ring with Arn Anderson! [b]Flair: [/b]We’re ridin’ Geneo, better get outta our way. DOUGLAS! AMERICAN MALES! GIANT! WOOOOOOO! WE’RE……. RIDIN’…….. STRAIGHT THROUGH YOU! WOOOOOOO! Flair grabs Woman and dances with her in the ring before looking back into the camera with a more serious look on his face as Anderson, Benoit and Flair all give the sign of the Four Horsemen before leaving the ring to a pretty huge pop. Before the main event Schiavone, Heenan and Rhodes talk about everything that’s gone on tonight, not really knowing where to start as they say they’ve still not had any word as to the whereabouts of Kimberly Page, or what the condition of DDP is in the back or what’s happened to him. They talk about Luger and Savage and say their sources have told them that both men have been taken to jail tonight. Luger for assaulting a WCW fan, and police officer’s, and Savage for assaulting Police Officer’s. Schiavone eventually sends it to the ring for the main event. [b][color=red]WCW World Title: Sting Vs Masahiro Chono[/b][/color] After both men have made their entrances WCW official Nick Patrick shows both men the belt in the centre of the ring and reads them the championship rules. The announce team talk about the match that Chono won recently in Japan against the Great Muta giving him the shot at the belt which he chose to cash in tonight. Both men struggled to gain an advantage in the early going, going hold for hold and having some excellent exchanges. New Champion Sting made the first mistake which allowed Chono to really take over but after reaching the ropes as he found himself in the STF, Sting managed to get himself back into the match. WCW’s new World Champion was in red hot form and after Chono charged towards the corner and missed his Yakuza Kick, the Stinger backed up across the ring before exploding with the Stinger splash. Sting sent Chono in to the opposite corner and hit the move again before dragging him back to the centre of the ring and locking in the Scorpion Deathlock. Chono tapped and Sting made his first successful defence as the show went off the air. [b]Sting wins by submission[/b] [b]Show Rating: [/b]77 [b]TV Rating: [/b]4.69 (6.83 Raw) [u]Overness Changes[/u] Arn Anderson +1, 87 Ric Flair +1, 97 ??? +6, 67 Marcus Alexander Bagwell -2, 66 Scott Steiner -1, 83 Stevie Ray +1, 64 Ted Dibiase +2, 77 Joseph Gertner -1, 49
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[u]WCW Newsletter January month in review….[/u] - When WCW insisted there was no ratings war as January rolled around there were a lot of raised eyebrows, but the stark admission that they can’t compete was ever apparent as January moved on, despite WCW’s on screen product taking strides in the right direction after the shambles that was 1996. Ratings declined as the month went on as 5.03 peaked at 5.07 before dropping to 4.69 for consecutive weeks as the month ended. Raw’s ratings spiked during that time, going from around a 6.50 at the start of the month to a 6.88 by the end of it as Nitro had dropped. It’ll be interesting to see just how far the Turner Networks are willing to go on letting Raw takes viewers from Nitro before they start to become uneasy about renewing the contract for Nitro. - New Beginnings looks to have drawn a 0.93 buy rate. While the WWF’s Royal Rumble did a 1.43, WCW are still said to be pleased with the numbers for New Beginnings. Ticket sales and PPV buys made up a large percentage of their revenue through January. It’s been reported that WCW made a small loss throughout January but with a number of contracts bought out and terminated, and more money invested into the Power Plant development centre, it’s not thought to be any great cause for concern backstage right now. At this time WCW officials expect February, with Superbrawl VII coming up, to turn a profit for the company - On screen it’s been an interesting month for WCW with the crowning of a new World Champion, two Television title switches, the debut of a couple of new stars and the hell driven newcomer on a mission to achieve things we still don’t quite know yet. It’s believed that the decision to crown Sting as the new world champion was made back before the tournament started on January 6th, there were never any plans to run the tournament any other way. One thing that wasn’t decided until later was the winner of the DDP, Steiner match, as both were considered as potential finalists in the tournament right up until the weekend of the Pay Per View. - The Mystery attacker angle raised a few eyebrows with the networks who have been monitoring it closely. The segment that aired on Pay Per View where 6 wrestlers were killed off was deemed far too extreme for Nitro on TNT. It’s believed WCW are aware of where the line is, and have spoken to Turner executives promising to keep the more edgey segments on Pay Per View and away from Monday nights. It’ll be interesting to see if they can keep the balance there. As for who the character is, WCW do have a pre-planned idea but may not reveal that until Superbrawl VII towards the end of February. Many fans were sceptical about the random mystery attacks when they began but now that the angle’s picked up pace both those within WCW, and WCW’s fanbase, seem to be happy with where it’s going. - Shane Douglas debuted at the beginning of January claiming to be a Horseman, before it quickly became apparent that he was nothing to do with the group. Douglas had spent a lot of time badmouthing both the WWF and WCW in his time with Extreme Championship Wrestling but as yet he’s said to have settled in well backstage. Other storylines involving the Horsemen this month have seen Steve McMichael’s leg broken by the American Males, a false injury to allow McMichael to go work over some of his weaknesses down at the Power Plant. The Giant has also been involved in their business having fought to a draw with Arn Anderson in the World title tournament. - WCW were apparently really unsure of what direction to take Lex Luger in following the loss of the nWo at the back end of 1996. The decision came late to give him this “snapped” gimmick but so far everyone, Luger included, seems happy with how it’s been playing out, particularly now it has the involvement of Randy Savage. Having seen Luger Rack Mean Gene Okerlund, sabotage the production truck and play one of his matches during the Nitro main event, and attack a fan this past week, has made for some solid television. - It’s believed that the decision to take the Television title off IceTrain at New Beginnings and put it onto Hugh Morrus was very much a last minute decision. WCW do have plans to give the title a long run with someone in the near future to help its credibility but for now it’s believed we can expect an exciting and competitive division. There’s every chance Morrus’ initial reign won’t be a long one. - While the wrestlers killed off at New Beginnings may still be alive off screen, they have had their contracts terminated and all but one been released. It was believed that none had any real future with the company, so to make the angle seem more legitimate, ties with five of the wrestlers have been cut. The remaining star was Devon Storm who’s been sent back to the Power Plant before potentially being repackaged and bought back later in the year. - WCW have finally re-negotiated the contract of the Giant which has come as a huge boost for the company. There had been concerns that one of WCW’s brightest stars could have been on his way out to the WWF however the one year extension has now been signed and you won’t see him leaving any time soon. - One guy who has gone is Juventud Guerrera. Juvi admitted himself into rehab this past week to deal with substance abuse problems. While his admission was no doubt the right move under the circumstances WCW have taken the chance to trim up their roster and Juvi has had his contract terminated with immediate effect. It’s believed that WCW are looking at expanding the Cruiserweight division over time, but it looks like Juvi won’t play any part in that. Another man who won't be is Psicosis. He picked up a knee injury at a recent house show. While it's not known specifically how long the talented luchadore will be out, estimates at this time state it could be anything up to 18 months, and is certainly exected to be at least a year. - News came in over the past couple of days that WCW have agreed a pre-contract with WWF superstar Billy Gunn. Gunn has reportedly been unhappy with the way he’s been used since splitting from his on screen Brother Bart. With his contract up in three months time, it’s believed he’s signed a one year deal with WCW that will start as soon as his WWF deal expires.
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[b][u][size=3][color=red]WCW Monday Nitro Preview[/b][/u][/size][/color] The hottest hour in professional wrestling comes to you once again this Monday night and it looks set to be a show you can’t afford to miss. In the main event WCW World Champion Sting will team up with long time friends the Steiner Bros as they face the team of IceTrain and Harlem Heat. The Steiner’s and Harlem Heat have had their problems over recent weeks while Sting faces a new set of problems going into Superbrawl VII. Last week Ted Dibiase turned up in World Championship Wrestling promising to bring someone in to go after Sting and his world title. Add to that a whole list of other top contenders right now in WCW and the Stinger’s certainly a marked man. Will that play on his mind as he steps into this six man tag? Over recent weeks Lex Luger has gone further and further out of control, a situation which came to a head last week as he was arrested and escorted from the building. Luger had a little company on his way to the cells though as Randy Savage, WCW’s other loosest cannon joined him. Both men have been released but WCW Championship Committee representative Joseph Gertner has promised to keep a close eye on both men should they turn up on Nitro this week. Already have racked referees, Mean Gene Okerlund, and WCW fans, don’t expect that to stop Luger this Monday night! The tag team titles will be on the line on Nitro as the reigning champions, the Horsemen team of Ric Flair and Arn Anderson will take on the Faces of Fear after their big win on Pay Per View at New Beginnings put them in line for a title shot. The Horsemen have a whole stack of problems mounting up right now, with Shane Douglas, the American Males, and the Giant, can they stay focused and fend off the challenge of these two vicious monsters? Anyone who saw last week’s show saw the shocking events involving Diamond Dallas Page and his wife Kimberly. After Page’s wife disappeared from ringside and appeared on the other side of the arena, looking far from herself, Page followed her backstage walking out on his match with Steven Regal, and trying to find out what was going on. Well, we sure didn’t get any answers but did Page? Lee Marshall is conducting a sit down interview with him which we will air this week on Nitro. Also in action will be Marcus Alexander Bagwell as he takes on Brad Armstrong, as well as a Cruiserweight shootout between Chris Jericho and WCW newcomer Christian York this is one show you cannot afford to miss this Monday night on TNT [u]Full Card[/u] Sting & the Steiners Vs IceTrain & Harlem Heat Marcus Alexander Bagwell Vs Brad Armstrong Ric Flair & Arn Anderson Vs the Faces of Fear Chris Jericho Vs Christian York
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It's a shame that most WCW diaries aren't like this. You've really captured the essence of what the promotion was back then. I love it. I hate to say it, but this is probably one of the best WCW diaries I've ever seen. Definately the best on here, anyway. For example, I love the whole Luger storyline, something that has really added to what was a pretty motivated worker back then. Also, making Sting the champion was the smartest move you could have made, building him into a fighting champion. The use of the commentators is as close to the real thing as you could get, and the whole show just flows like Nitro always did. Keep up the great work.
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this is a bit of a shameless bump so I apologise but I just realised I haven't mentioned it at any point so far... over the course of each month in this diary I run a prediction contest. basically every time you see a show preview, feel free to leave predictions for winners. these get tallied up over the course of the month and whoever wins get something, last time it was a spot on Nitro. If you read the Nitro after New Beginnings and saw Lex Luger get mocked by a fan who got put in the torture rack, called Daemon, that was a guy from another forum who won the prediction contest. so yeah, get the predictions rolling guys, they'd be more than welcome (as is, of course, any feedback, good or bad) and you could end up getting on a future show, or getting to choose a wrestler i sign and have to push, or choosing a feud that you'd like to see, that kinda thing
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[img]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/406/nitro02bc6.jpg[/img] Monday 3rd February Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes & Bobby Heenan 5042 fans in attendance The show starts this week before the Nitro intro video. The screen lights up with a pre-taped video of a white padded room. It’s playing in fast forward as a man in a straight jacket is moving round the room really quickly, kinda blurred, and hitting the walls. It slows to normal speed and it shows that it’s Randy Savage in the straight jacket as he looks up to the camera which appears to be situated up high on the wall as a security camera. Savage starts to speak in his low pronounced manner [b]Savage: [/b]Oooo yeeeeah, look into the Madness Luger! A night in a cell Luger! I do this for fun, what you’re looking at is the realisation of madness yeeeah, the realisation of determination yeeeeah! The determination to get my hands on you and beat you up! Running round crying like a little baby lost his title. the video goes back into fast forward, with Savage flashing around the room hitting the walls again before stopping with him facing the camera once more [b]Savage: [/b]The Madness don’t cry, you started the fight, you got me tossed in the slammer, now I gotta take care a business. These crazy eyes are targeted on you, and I’m gonna rip you up and tear you apart Luger Ooooooo YEAHHH! The shot cuts away to the fast paced Nitro opening video with various clips of some of WCW’s finest, as the metallic WCW Nitro logo slams onto the screen and leads us to the announce desk where Tony “this is the single most important moment in the history of our sport” Schiavone, The American Dweeeam Dusty Rhodes and Bobby “the Brain” Heenan welcome us to “the Hottest hour in Professional Wrestling today”. They immediately talk about the situation with Savage and Lex Luger both getting carted out of the building last week and taken into police custody. Apparently both were released on bail after spending the night in the slammer. It’s straight on with the action as the Cruiserweight’s get us underway [b][color=red]Christian York Vs Chris Jericho[/b][/color] As the match began Schiavone and the boys talked about the WCW Championship committee announcing last week that they’d be watching the Cruiserweight’s carefully between now and Superbrawl to determine who would get the Cruiserweight title shot against the Ultimo Dragon. York looked decent enough for a fairly green, fairly generic WCW Cruiserweight. The styles of the two worked well enough together even if it wasn’t one of the better Cruiserweight matches we’ve seen recently. Most of the offence came from Jericho as he hit a couple of double underhook backbreakers before locking in the Lion Tamer and forcing York to tap out. [b]Jericho wins by pinfall[/b] Mean Gene time again as Okerlund comes out after the match into the arena. [b]Okerlund: [/b]Thanks Tony. Last week a man walked right out here in front of all you fans proclaiming that he wanted to take the World Heavyweight title from Sting. I’m talking about multi-millionaire Ted Dibiase. Dibiase starts to walk out from the back in a grey suit, laughing as he walks up to Okerlund [b]Okerlund: [/b]He’s been gracious enough to give me some time this week, and I wanna get to the bottom of what’s going on. Dibiase, cut to the chase, who’s coming in for Sting’s title? [b]Dibiase: [/b]You wanna know little man? [b]Okerlund: [/b]We all want to know, come on Dibiase, spill it [b]Dibiase: [/b]Hahahahah, well you just might find out tonight Okerlund. Ya see, when you’ve got the kind of wealth that I have you can get anybody right in the palm of your hand. My money puts the whole world in my pocket Okerlund. It’s easy to see why I came right here to World Championship Wrestling. When you’re the richest, you want the best, and I want the World Heavyweight title. Unlucky for you, Wordl Champion Sting Hahahahaha! [b]Okerlund: [/b]Wait just one minute, did you say we might find out tonight? [b]Dibiase: [/b]You heard me little man. But I’m not about to spoil the surprise. With my money I could have gone out and bought anybody I wanted so I’ve gone out and got me the greatest wrestler on the planet. Sting, and the rest of WCW aint seen nothing like the man whose services I’ve secured Okerlund. Sting, you might as well just hand the belt over right now, we might even be able to cut a deal, I’ll give you a good price for it hahahahahah. [b]Okerlund: [/b]That remains to be seen Dibiase, title shots are earned around here from the Championship Committee. You can’t just walk in and expect to get a match for Superbrawl. [b]Dibiase: [/b]Money talks little man, you just remember that Hahahahahaha the show goes straight into commercial. When it comes back Schiavone and the boys start talking about what’s already happened tonight before mentioning the sit down interview with Diamond Dallas Page. Schiavone says that they had hoped to bring us the full interview as Lee Marshall caught up with DDP earlier today, but things didn’t quite go to plan…. The shot cuts to an interview set where both Marshall, and DDP, are sitting talking. [b]Marshall: [/b]… but I know after last week, it has to be the first question on everyone’s mind. I was in the building for Nitro and it spooked me too, but that wasn’t my wife out there, what happened after we saw the camera drop, and Dallas, do you know what happened to Kimberly? [b]DDP: [/b]Man, I gotta……. What the? The lights go out and immediately Marshall can be heard panicking as Page starts yelling out for whoever’s there to face up to him. There’s a commotion, as cameras starts crashing around the room and people are heard scurrying about, blood curdling screams from all direction. What sounds like DDP’s muffled voice lets out a barely audible yelp and then, nothing. Silence. The lights in the room flicker back on, incredibly bright at first before finding their normal level. Once the brightness is gone it’s apparent that the camera we’re viewing the shot from is on the floor, on its side. What we can see of the room is a mess, and there’s an insane amount of thick red, presumably blood, over one of the back walls, slowly running and dripping down it. Marshall can be seen sitting huddled in the corner, his head rocking back and forth looking like he’s lost his mind, just saying over and over and over again “he’s gone… he’s gone…. he’s gone!” Schiavone and the boys discuss what they saw and point out that there’s been no sign of DDP since earlier today, and that Kimberly Page has still not been seen by anyone. Lee Marshall was taken to a local hospital where he was believed to be suffering from shock, but they have no further word on his condition. Heenan says he’s never seen anything like it before, and starts to panic and get worked up as there’s no telling who they’ll come for next. Dusty has to calm him down as Schiavone says that all these events combine to make up the most disturbing thing he’s seen in his long career. [b][color=red]WCW World Tag Team Titles: Ric Flair & Arn Anderson w/Elizabeth & Sherri Vs The Faces of Fear[/b][/color] After their win over Norton & Enos at New Beginnings, Meng and the Barbarian were in line for a title shot and it looked like one they were ready to make the most of. Both men looked intense and vicious as they made their way to the ring. The crowd went nuts when the Horsemen made their way out accompanied by their women, Sherri now back from the broken nose that kept her off screen at the back end of January. Early on Flair and Anderson couldn’t find a way into the match and even Flair’s dirtiest attempts to turn the tide resulted in complete no sells from their monstrous opponents. Flair left much of the match up to Anderson, not seeming to want any part of the two big guys and eventually it paid off as a fresh Flair got in and went to work on the Barbarian’s legs. Flair locked in the figure four but the Barbarian refused to quit, just staring Flair down as his face bore the faintest of grimaces. Flair, who was near his own corner, reached back as Anderson held onto his arms trying to give him more leverage but eventually the referee saw him. As they’d touched hands the ref called it a tag and Anderson was forced to come in. Flair released the hold but the Barbarian turned around straight into a Spinebuster from the Enforcer as Flair climbed back into the ring to stop Meng making the save. The Horsemen had retained the titles and they soon had someone wanting to celebrate with them. Shane Douglas came out from the back wearing a Four Horsemen t-shirt and stood just inside the entrance to the arena holding up four fingers and laughing ****ily as he stared at the ring. Flair was incensed and climbed through the ropes, running up the aisle, followed quickly by Anderson as the women struggled to keep up in their heels, carrying the tag team title belts. Douglas scarpered backstage and after a brief pause we went to a cameraman following the chase, trying to keep up with Flair and Anderson. The two Horsemen ran out into the parking lot in time to see a car speeding away as the cameraman stopped running. Flair quickly pointed over to their huge stretch limo and told Anderson they wouldn’t be needing the driver tonight. Double A opened the driver’s side, grabbed the driver and tossed him out sending him sprawling across the parking lot. Flair jumped in the other side and they drove off in pursuit of the car. Chris Benoit came running into the parking lot, followed by Sherri, Woman and Elizabeth, just in time to see the limo speed off too. [b]The Horsemen win by pinfall[/b] Schiavone and the boys sent it back to Mean Gene who was just inside the arena with Stevie Ray, and Booker T, Harlem Heat, by his side. [b]Okerlund: [/b]Thanks Tony, what a night of incredible action it’s been already tonight. Now I’m joined at this time by the amazing seven times tag team champions of the World, Booker T, Stevie Ray, Harlem Heat, big big match coming up for you guys tonight against Sting and the Steiner Bros [b]Stevie Ray: [/b]Thas’ right Mean Gene, tonight we steppin’ in wit’ the World Champion Sting, and the Steiners. All week long Gene guys back on the streets been comin’ up askin’ what’s next for Harlem Heat, what’s next for Stevie Ray, for Booker T. See it’s real simple Gene, we want our belts back and it looks like we gotta run through the Steiner’s to do it, but that aint our problem, it’s theirs. We beat em last week and we sure gonna beat em down hard again tonight, tell em Book! [b]Booker: [/b]My Brother’s right Mean Gene. Seven times, count em Gene Okerlund starts counting on his fingers, then stops himself, looking back at Booker [b]Booker: [/b]Dat’s right, we the seven time, soon to be eight time tag team champions of the world. It started last week with the Steiner Bruthas, and it continues tonight Gene when we beat the Steiners and the World Champion. See we’re sick and tired of the Steiner’s runnin’ round here playa hatin’ callin’ themselves the greatest ever tag team. Meanwhile we got that down seven to three and you know what I’m talkin’ about Mean Gene! [b]Okerlund: [/b]You better believe it, Steiner’s three times the world champions, Harlem Heat seven [b]Booker: [/b]Dat’s right, so tonight when we beat the Steiner’s once again it’s about time they got outta our way and realised they aint number one around here no more, suckaaaaaa! Stevie Ray yells sucka right into the camera too before they make their way backstage. Schiavone, Heenan and Rhodes start talking about the main event later on tonight, teaming Harlem Heat up with the IceTrain to take on the Steiner Bros and World Heavyweight Champion Sting. Lex Luger immediately comes out from the back and makes his way down to the broadcast position, putting his hands on the announce table and staring Schiavone down. Heenan gets up and scarpers quickly as Rhodes and Schiavone sit in their spots [b]Luger: [/b]WHAT did you just say Tony Schiavone? [b]Schiavone: [/b]I, I, what? I don’t know Lex, what are you talking about? [b]Luger: [/b]You know what you said Schiavone, you called Sting the Heavyweight Champion of the World! I’m giving you ten seconds to rescind that Schiavone, he’s not the World Champion. I AM! Ten…. Nine [b]Rhodes: [/b]Whassa matter Luger, that time in da slamma send ya cookoogaga? [b]Luger: [/b]Can it Dusty or I’ll snap you in half right now! Schiavone, rescind that statement…. Eight….. Seven….. Dusty puts his hands up, leaning back a little, as Schiavone looks panicked [b]Schiavone: [/b]But he is, Sting’s the World Heavyweight Champion Lex! [b]Lex: [/b]Wha…. GA!!! Luger lunges forward and grabs Schiavone by the scruff of the neck, pulling him out over the announce table and looks set to attack him when everyone turns around hearing a voice. “Well… Well…. Well!” it’s Joseph Gertner, the WCW Championship Committee representative and he has a piece of paper in his hand [b]Gertner: [/b]Mr Luger I strongly suggest you take your hands off Mr Schiavone this instant. See I have in my hand a copy of your contract and it’s quite a read. It really is watertight, at least on the surface, but when you delve deeper within you start to see things like this, page five, column three, point twelve.. Gertner holds up the contract reading from it as Luger looks on, still holding an uncomfortable Schiavone by the collar. [b]Gertner: [/b]The Employer, that would be World Championship Wrestling Mr Luger, reserves the right to terminate your employment without notice or salary in lieu of notice in appropriate circumstances. Appropriate circumstances include, but are not limited to, situations of gross misconduct, gross incompetence and/or gross negligence. Gertner lowers the contract as he continues to speak [b]Gertner: [/b]Now I’ve had my legal team look into it, just to confirm my suspicions and attacking referees, attacking employed interviewers, attacking paying fans, and now, attacking broadcast announcers do most definitely come under the heading of gross misconduct. I suggest you take your hands off Mr Schiavone, now! Luger pauses, his mouth open, lost in thought and starts to release his grip on Schiavone for a moment. [b]Gertner: [/b]That’s better, now….. Luger turns back to Schiavone with a glazed look in his eyes. [b]Luger: [/b]Who’s the World Champion Schiavone? [b]Schiavone: [/b]S, Sting, Sting is Luger, you can’t touch me, listen to the contract Luger pauses again for a moment, then snaps, lunging forward and grabbing Schiavone by the throat. He pulls him over the announce table and punches him in his tubby gut before getting him up on his back and racking him. Luger starts really wrenching the hold as Schiavone coughs and splutters up on his back. [b]Gertner: [/b]SECURITY!! Somebody get me security out here now! LUGER! Release Mr Schiavone, NOW! Luger just keeps on wrenching the hold, screaming out as he does it, his face going red [b]Gertner: [/b]SECURITY!!!!!!!! Donuts Dillinger and his security guys come running out from the back. Luger drops Schiavone, who lays in a heap on the floor clutching his throat and back, as the security guys get to him. Luger starts punching them out one by one. Eventually one of them pulls a baton from his side and hits Luger in the back of the leg with it as his leg buckles and he goes down onto his knees. The Security guys start to overpower him and Donuts pulls Luger’s hands behind his back and cuffs him. Gertner walks up and stands in front of Luger as they hold him, handcuffed. [b]Gertner: [/b]Mr Luger, it pains me to have to do this, it really does, but, you’re….. FIRED! Get this piece of trash out of our building! Luger tries to kick and fight his way free but the security men drag him backstage as Gertner waits a moment, turning to wave to the fans then making his own way backstage. [b][color=red]Marcus Alexander Bagwell w/Scotty Riggs Vs Brad Armstrong[/b][/color] The majority of the early going in this one was completely overshadowed by Schiavone complaining that Luger was a nut, and Dusty asking him whether he was ok. The match itself wasn’t overly bad, but wasn’t exactly awe inspiring either. Armstrong tried to look like a threat but as always, never really did. Bagwell finished Armstrong in quick time, as Brad ducked his head when Bagwell ran off the ropes, Bagwell stopped himself and grabbed Armstrong’s leg taking him over with a Fisherman Suplex to pick up the win. After the bell Riggs got up into the ring with Bagwell as they stood side by side looking out at the fans. Both men raised three fingers, much like the Four Horsemen sign, but, obviously, with one less finger as Heenan called them the Numero Dyslexic Horsemen [b]Bagwell wins by pinfall[/b] Back with Mean WOOO Gene after the match as he had a look at a piece of paper in his hand [b]Okerlund: [/b]Thanks Tony, I’d like to bring out at this time…… what? Does he even talk? La Parka? Okerlund turned around to see Shane Douglas walk out from the back laughing and rubbing his hands [b]Okerlund: [/b]Shane Douglas? What is the meaning of this? You’re supposed to be La Parka! [b]Douglas: [/b]Ha ha, if it’ll make ya feel better Mean Gene, I’ll go put on a skeleton outfit and dance for ya. Thought you were smarter than that Okerlund, who ya think asked for the interview time for La Parka? See nobody round here gets it, but soon enough you’ll all see what’s going on [b]Okerlund: [/b]You’re not even supposed to be in the building, we saw you leave earlier on pursued by the Nature Boy and the Enforcer [b]Douglas: [/b]Ha ha, you saw nothin’ Mean Gene. I never left the building tonight, but the Horsemen sure did. They’re somewhere out there on the interstate right now so I get this time all to myself. Ric, Ric, knowing you right now you’re sat in the back of that limo watching this on tv while the old age outlaw Double A’s playing monkey in the front drivin’ for ya. I sure hope you are watching coz I’m gonna give ya just a little insight into the mind of Shane Douglas. Look into these eyes, window to a man’s soul. You’ll see a soul that broke into this business and thought he’d hit the big time, thought he’d got his big break in the wrestling industry until his hero tried to take it all away. You remember don’t ya Ric? See Gene, I know you’re a studied man and you know this business as well as anybody so I’m guessin’ you know the story too but for those who don’t, let me fill ya all in on a little history. You people are looking right now at what became of a high school kid who wanted to grow up to be Ric Flair. I used to rush home to watch you on tv Ric, hell I used to look into my mirror and impersonate you. I idolised you Ric. And then one day all my dreams come true, I get my big break, I get my spot in WCW and my chance to meet my idol. You know what happens when I meet that son of a…. [b]Okerlund: [/b]Whoah somebody call the censors [b]Douglas: [/b]Ha ha. What happened when I met you Ric, you blanked me, you were too busy kiss stealin’ and limo ridin’ and jet flyin’ to shake my hand you disrespectful son of a… [b]Okerlund: [/b]Whoooah, Shane, please [b]Douglas: [/b]Ha ha, you worry about your job Okerlund, I’m plenty capable of taking care of mine. Back then I didn’t know it, hell it tore me apart Ric. I’d looked up to you and you couldn’t even take the time to welcome me into the company YOU were dominating. But it goes deeper than you could ever imagine Ric, see you didn’t just ignore me, you didn’t just blank me backstage, you kicked me out of this God damned company, and then, and then, then you use your pull to try and hold me down and stop me getting work. But now as I stand here before the whole world on Nitro it’s all clear to me. You knew then, just like you know now Ric, I’m the future of wrestling and that’s what really gets ya. You can’t beat me Ric, so you shoved me aside and held me down, well it aint gonna happen anymore. I’m here, and I’m here to stay, and I swear to God I’m gonna get back every last bit you took from me you overbearing piece a crap! Douglas starts to strut [b]Douglas: [/b]I’m the Dirtiest Player in the Game Gene, WOOOOOO! [b]Okerlund: [/b]Douglas, you’ve lost your mind, that’s not how it all happened. You’ve got a chip on your shoulder the size of Pittsburgh. Douglas goes to turn around to face Gene again but as he does he’s met by Chris Benoit who charges out from the back and tackles him into the guardrail. Benoit’s all over him with punches as the two men roll around on the floor laying them into each other. Okerlund gets shoved aside as the American Males comes out from the back and pull Benoit off Douglas. Benoit tries to fight them off but they pick him up and hit a double spinebuster on him as Douglas pulls himself up and starts putting the boots into Benoit. Douglas picks him up and drops him throat first on the guardrail as Okerlund starts calling for security. Douglas stands and faces the camera, as Bagwell and Riggs stand either side of him. Douglas pulls the Horsemen t shirt off over his head and spits on it as he tosses it down on Benoit before Douglas, Bagwell and Riggs all look into the camera, each raising three fingers into the air. [b][color=red]IceTrain w/Jimmy Hart & Harlem Heat Vs Sting and the Steiner Bros[/b][/color] Main event time as IceTrain made his way out first with Jimmy Hart. The Mouth of the South got on the mic before the match started and issued a challenge to Television champion Hugh Morrus for Superbrawl. Harlem Heat made their way out the three big men made a pretty imposing team. The Steiner Bros made their way out and waiting for Sting to make his entrance before the three of them came to the ring together getting a great reception from the crowd as they high fived each other and got set for the match. The Stinger looked pumped up and was keen to get things going as he squared off against Booker T. The action was pretty brutal at times as both sides turned it into a bit of a stiff fest, in particular the Steiners and Harlem Heat. The tension between those two teams would lead to all four men brawling on the outside as Sting and IceTrain were left in the ring. As Sting hit a Stinger Splash Jimmy Hart was up onto the apron waving his arms like a banshee. Sting went over and pulled him over the top rope, giving a big WOOOOO to the crowd as he pressed Hart over his head. IceTrain came out of the corner but Sting threw him at IceTrain. The big man caught Hart and dropped him on the mat, the manager scarpering under the bottom rope, but as IceTrain came at Sting the World Champion managed to catch him in a small package and hold him down for the three. With the Steiners and Harlem Heat beaten wrecks on the outside and Hart and IceTrain complaining in the ring Sting grabbed his World title belt and backed up the aisle pointing at the belt and pointing back at the ring as Hart mouthed off at him. Two men stepped out from the back behind Sting and as he turned around to walk backstage he stopped dead in his tracks, staring nose to nose with CURT HENNIG! Hennig had Ted Dibiase at his side as Sting stood there for a moment shocked. Hennig just smiled at him, chewing a piece of gum before driving a knee into Sting’s mid section doubling him over. Hennig grabbed him and hit his Hennig Plex, releasing Sting quite quickly and bouncing up to his feet, raising his arms in the air and smiling ****ily with Dibiase by his side, Sting laid out at the show’s conclusion. [b]Sting & the Steiners win by pinfall[/b] [b]Show Rating: [/b]72 [b]TV Rating: [/b]5.30 (Raw 6.86) [u]Overness Changes[/u] Christian York +5, 15 Ric Flair -1, 96 Arn Anderson -1, 86 Shane Douglas +4, 74 Stevie Ray +3, 67 Joseph Gertner +2, 51 Jimmy Hart -2, 71 IceTrain +1, 48 Curt Hennig +2, 85
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