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USPW - Down Goes The Giant

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I swear to all that is sacred I'm not procrastinating, but I wanted to show you guys a new logo for USPW I was working on. I think the logo is a little too family-friendly, if possible. Instead, I tried to work a little more of a traditional feel into this new logo, with some clip art American imagery. For a montage of clipart, I think it turned out quite well. Thoughts? [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/USPW_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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I swear to all that is sacred I'm not procrastinating, but I wanted to show you guys a new logo for USPW I was working on. I think the logo is a little too family-friendly, if possible. Instead, I tried to work a little more of a traditional feel into this new logo, with some clip art American imagery. For a montage of clipart, I think it turned out quite well. Thoughts? [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/USPW_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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Card for All-American Action! - Week 1, January 2006 Cribbed from USPWonline.com... [QUOTE]Hot on the heels of [COLOR="Blue"]Made In America![/COLOR], USPW brings to you [COLOR="Red"]All-American Action![/COLOR]. Your favorite USPW superstars will all be in action, but there is only one match announced so far, but is it a doozy - USPW National Champion [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] has denied [B]Mick Muscles [/B]' cries for a rematch because he sees a man that is much more deserving of a shot at the gold - [B]Hell Monkey[/B]! See Joey and Hell Monkey lock it up live at the Arkansas Coliseum! USPW Commissioner [B]Danny Jillefski[/B] has informed USPWonline.com that the voting for Jim Force's open challenge is closed and a winner has been selected! Jillefski will announce who the man is that will challenge Force at [COLOR="Blue"]Stars, Stripes, and Slams![/COLOR]. Will it be [B]T-Rex[/B], [B]Giant Redwood[/B], or [B]Darryl Devine[/B]? Also in action will be USPW's dominant World Tag-Team Champions, [B]Savage Fury[/B]. Will the Polynesian Princes of Pain, as [B]Shane Sneer[/B] calls them, continue their rampage, or is there a greater force waiting in the wings, perhaps a force from the north? Speaking of Savage Fury, one half of their opponents from [COLOR="blue"]Made In America![/COLOR],[B]Tom E. Hawk[/B], will also be in action. Can our own homegrown Native American emerge victorious? All this and more will emanate from the Arkansas Coliseum this Monday night. Be there and catch your favorite USPW superstars live and in living color! [/QUOTE] Pop for the announced Tom E. Hawk match, please. You know you want to...
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Card for All-American Action! - Week 1, January 2006 Cribbed from USPWonline.com... [QUOTE]Hot on the heels of [COLOR="Blue"]Made In America![/COLOR], USPW brings to you [COLOR="Red"]All-American Action![/COLOR]. Your favorite USPW superstars will all be in action, but there is only one match announced so far, but is it a doozy - USPW National Champion [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] has denied [B]Mick Muscles [/B]' cries for a rematch because he sees a man that is much more deserving of a shot at the gold - [B]Hell Monkey[/B]! See Joey and Hell Monkey lock it up live at the Arkansas Coliseum! USPW Commissioner [B]Danny Jillefski[/B] has informed USPWonline.com that the voting for Jim Force's open challenge is closed and a winner has been selected! Jillefski will announce who the man is that will challenge Force at [COLOR="Blue"]Stars, Stripes, and Slams![/COLOR]. Will it be [B]T-Rex[/B], [B]Giant Redwood[/B], or [B]Darryl Devine[/B]? Also in action will be USPW's dominant World Tag-Team Champions, [B]Savage Fury[/B]. Will the Polynesian Princes of Pain, as [B]Shane Sneer[/B] calls them, continue their rampage, or is there a greater force waiting in the wings, perhaps a force from the north? Speaking of Savage Fury, one half of their opponents from [COLOR="blue"]Made In America![/COLOR],[B]Tom E. Hawk[/B], will also be in action. Can our own homegrown Native American emerge victorious? All this and more will emanate from the Arkansas Coliseum this Monday night. Be there and catch your favorite USPW superstars live and in living color! [/QUOTE] Pop for the announced Tom E. Hawk match, please. You know you want to...
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;144834]Love the new logo. If the current one wasn't one of my faves, I'd ask to use it for the real CV! Why no love for Des Davids?[/QUOTE] Just a temporary roster purge. After he cools down from his canning, I might rehire him. I need another young face, um, jobber. Also, thanks for the love for the logo. I'd love to take credit for the artwork, but all I did is arrange some clipart and throw a few effects in. I like the blown up logo in the background look, and you'll see it again once I post my first All-American Action! show. I'm really happy with the banner for it, and I'll make banners for all of the USPW shows once my copy of Illustrator is up and running again.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;144834]Love the new logo. If the current one wasn't one of my faves, I'd ask to use it for the real CV! Why no love for Des Davids?[/QUOTE] Just a temporary roster purge. After he cools down from his canning, I might rehire him. I need another young face, um, jobber. Also, thanks for the love for the logo. I'd love to take credit for the artwork, but all I did is arrange some clipart and throw a few effects in. I like the blown up logo in the background look, and you'll see it again once I post my first All-American Action! show. I'm really happy with the banner for it, and I'll make banners for all of the USPW shows once my copy of Illustrator is up and running again.
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AAA! - Week 1, January 2006 From DRobBlog.com... [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/aaalogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I stepped out from backstage at the Coliseum, and thankfully I saw a full house waiting for some USPW action. I went over the format sheets as I drank some much needed coffee, then ducked back behind the curtain to take up my customary gorilla position. Unfortunately, Captain USA, Sheik Mustafa, Emma Chase, and Debbie Nair were all unavailable due to a DAVE show, so we had to go with Shane Sneer as the road agent and "Underdog" Ben Williams was going to sit in on color. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]DARK SHOW[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B]DARK MATCH: PUMA BOY vs. NYCW SIGNEE[/B][/SIZE] I thought the crowd would appreciate seeing our NYCW signee for themselves, but unfortunately there was silence. No booing, no cheering, just silence. After 7:37, our newcomer put away Puma Boy with his finisher. I'd give it a [B]D[/B]. The signee asked for the mike, then thanked the USPW fans for allowing him to compete in front of them, and asked them to support him as he was soon going to make his debut on AAA! Ugh, I'd have to give it an [B]E[/B]. Next, the crowd was "treated" to a Jim Force video, set to his theme music. The crowd was extremely restless, so I'd rank it at a [B]C+[/B]. [SIZE="3"][B]DARK MATCH: PATRICK COOL vs. [COLOR="Blue"]USPW World Champion[/COLOR] JIM FORCE[/B][/SIZE] For the second time in the last three weeks, the live crowd was treated to an appearance by their World Champion. Good news - they didn't hate it. Bad news - they didn't love it. Force is a big steaming pile of meh that deserves his [B]C-[/B]. [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]LIVE SHOW[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Our video montage this week featured Joey Minnesota, Jim Force, T-Rex, Giant Redwood, Darryl Devine, Hell Monkey, Mick Muscles, and last but not least, our commissioner, Danny Jillefski. It got a middle of the road, [B]C[/B]-ish reaction. [SIZE="3"][B]TOM E. HAWK vs. ZEUS MAXMILLION[/B][/SIZE] Our first match featured the surprising Tom E. versus USPW's very own "Bronzed God". Zeus threw Tom E. around the ring fairly easily and looked to be setting up his Olympian Clutch and finally went for it. Somehow, Tom E. wriggled out of it and got Zeus into a small package, and managed to hold it for the three count. Zeus looked plenty angry, and Tom E. did well to hightail it back to the locker room before Zeus exploded. My score: [B]D[/B]. Next up, we flashed a graphic that made it official: Hell Monkey vs. Joey Minnesota for the [COLOR="Blue"]National Title[/COLOR] was taking place TONIGHT! The reaction garnered a [B]C[/B]. Tom E. Hawk was shown walking back to the locker room after his match, still fairly pleased with himself. Out of nowhere, Java and Tribal Warrior jumped Tom E. and sent him headfirst into the cinder block wall. He looked to be unconscious as Java and Tribal looked down, laughed, and walked off. [B]D[/B]-riffic. Ace Youngblood hears the commotion, and runs out of the locker room. He sees Tom E. laying lifeless and tries to resuccitate him and calls for help. It's a [B]C-[/B]. Jim Lou and Ben told everyone about Danny Jillefski's upcoming announcement concerning the online poll for who would face Jim Force at [COLOR="blue"]Stars, Stripes, and Slams![/COLOR]. An admirable, [B]C+[/B] worthy effort was put forth by all involved. [SIZE="3"][B]CHEETAH BOY vs. JOSHUA TAYLOR[/B][/SIZE] USPW's Japanese import, Joshua Taylor, was up next, taking on Cheetah Boy. Taylor carried himself like the supreme athlete he is, but was gracious to Cheetah Boy by allowing him some offense. Unfortunately for Taylor, he allowed Cheetah a little too much, and he nearly pinned Taylor with a beautiful flying sunset flip out of the corner. Taylor decided to take it to the air himself and went for a flying cross body, but Cheetah rolled through it and got the improbable victory at 5:46. A [B]F[/B]-level stinker, unfortunately. Cheetah Boy was celebrating like he had just won the lottery while Taylor stewed on the canvas. He then got to his feet, blasted Cheetah in the back of the head with a dropkick, then got him up for his signature Slingshot Suplex! Again, [B]F[/B]-troop all the way... Taylor then put the boots to Cheetah, and did so until Cheetah's partner, Puma Boy, ran out for the save. Puma Boy held Cheetah's head in his arms and stared down Taylor as Taylor backed down the aisle, jawing with Puma all the way. [B]E[/B]h. Up next was our big announcement - Danny Jillefski, the newly self-appointed USPW Commissioner, announced that the winner of the online poll and the man who would face Jim Force at [COLOR="blue"]Stars, Stripes, and Slams![/COLOR] would be ... [B]DARRYL DEVINE[/B]! Danny then invited Darryl to come out and speak to the fans. Eh, [B]C+[/B]. Darryl Devine came out and was climbing the steps to get into the ring, when Giant Redwood came out from under the ring and threw Devine off the steps into the barricade. He picked up Devine and proceeded to piledriver him directly on the steps! He then rolled Devine into the ring, bounced off the ropes, and nailed Devine with a big splash. As Devine laid motionless, Jillefski and Redwood gloated to a [B]C[/B]. As Redwood and Jillefski retreated, paramedics came out and put a neck brace on Darryl Devine and then strapped him to a stretcher. The cameras followed the paramedics as they carried Devine down the aisle and put the stretcher into a waiting ambulan[B]C[/B]e. We quickly cued up highlights from the Joey Minnesota / Mick Muscles match at Made In America, which saw Joey become the new [COLOR="Blue"]National [B]C[/B]hampion[/COLOR]! Next was a USPW backdrop and none other than Hell Monkey. In a seemingly pretaped interview, he informed everyone that he respected the hell out of Joey Minnesota, but that didn't mean that he didn't want to become the [COLOR="blue"]National [B]C[/B]hampion[/COLOR]. The [COLOR="blue"]World Champ[/COLOR] himself, Jim Force, appeared next in the ring. He called Giant Redwood and Danny Jillefski cowards and said that he hopes Devine will be ready by [COLOR="blue"]Stars, Stripes, and Slams![/COLOR], because he knows the two of them could tear the house down and make it a night to remember! Me, I give it a [B]C[/B]. [SIZE="3"][B]JACOB JETT vs. T-REX[/B][/SIZE] T-Rex was up next, and he heeled all over Jacob Jett, absolutely destroying the poor Canadian rookie. He beat him so bad he probably wishes he was still up in 4C getting paid in Molson and stale popcorn. T-Rex finally and mercifully ended it when he made Jett pass out in the Jurassic Crush at the 4:03 mark. It was [B]C[/B]-worthy. Rather surprisingly, T-Rex asked for the mike as Jett was being carted away. He disavowed any knowledge of Jillefski and Redwood's attack on Darryl Devine earlier, but did put his name out as a possible contender if Devine couldn't make it to [COLOR="Blue"]Stars, Stripes, and Slams![/COLOR]. How magnanimous of him. A [B]C+[/B] to the Jurassic Power. Backstage, Shane Sneer has his Polynesian Princes of Pain, Savage Fury behind him. He told everyone that Ace and Tom E. Hawk were not savage enough, not crazy enough, and not sadistic enough to hang with his monsters and they showed that at [COLOR="blue"]Made In America! [/COLOR]. He claimed to not know who they would face tonight, but promised they would meet the same fate. Java and Tribal growled in the background and Shane uncharacteristicly stumbled his way through his smack talking. It was about a [B]B+[/B]. [SIZE="3"][B]USPW WORLD TAG-TEAM TITLE MATCH: THE HILLBILLIES vs. [COLOR="blue"]USPW World Tag-Team Champions [/COLOR]SAVAGE FURY (w/ SHANE SNEER)[/B][/SIZE] Shane Sneer was mostly right. When you look up sadistic and savage in the dictionary, you would be hardpressed to find Al and Pete there. The Hillbillies tried their gosh-darnedest, but they could not solve the enigma wrapped up in a conundrum that is Savage Fury. Java and Tribal took everything that The Hillbillies could muster up and were begging for more. They didn't get a chance to find out though, because The Hillbillies were distracted when Ace Youngblood ran out and attacked Tribal Warrior, who was in the ring with Pete. Pete just stared at Ace, then turned right into a Head Hunter Special from Tribal for the win. After the pinfall, Tribal unwrapped his foot and held up a metal plate. Referee Baby Jamie did not see it, however, as he was tending to Pete on the canvas. It was a [B]D[/B]. Savage Fury then turned on Ace, who was still outside the ring. They dragged him in and nailed him with a double savate kick. Java then pulled him over to the corner, and Tribal came off the top rope with a huge diving headbutt to the midsection which caused Ace to start spitting up blood. Everybody did their jobs, and it was worth a [B]C-[/B]. As Ace was tended to, Shane Sneer climbed into the ring and celebrated with his charges in the key of [B]C-[/B]. [B][SIZE="3"]USPW NATIONAL TITLE MATCH: HELL MONKEY vs. [COLOR="blue"]USPW National Champion[/COLOR] JOEY MINNESOTA[/SIZE][/B] Up next was our main event and it was a decent match for the most part. Hell Monkey's strong style attacks didn't mesh too well with Joey's traditional American style, but they made it work like the consummate pros they are. As this was the main event, they were given ample time to beat on each other, and they did so for nearly 15 minutes. The finish came when Hell Monkey flipped out of an Empire Spiral attempt by Joey. Joey turned around and right into a Hellfire Kick from Monkey. Monkey then went up top, presumably for the Tumbling Monkey, but at that moment, Mick Muscles ran out and pushed Hell Monkey off the top rope. Monkey did a somersault off of the turnbuckle and landed on Joey. Joey and Monkey laid crumpled together as referee Robbie Sanchez called for the DQ. It was a solid [B]C[/B] match. Mick then climbed into the ring and dragged Joey to his feet. He then got a front facelock on him and looked to be going for his Heartbreaker implant DDT. Joey still had enough wits about him, however, to kick Mick in the gut, and clothesline him over the top rope. As Mick gets to his feet, cursing at Joey, Joey stands in the ring and helps up Monkey, who is still shaken from his fall, as the show ends. This last segment? [B]C[/B]. [SIZE="5"][B]OVERALL GRADE: C[/B][/SIZE] Whoop. A solidly average show. It says a lot that our best segment of the night was Shane Sneer off of his game. Monkey and Minnesota don't have bad chemistry, they just simply coexist. Also, someone must have switched around the format sheets in the back, because somehow our Savage Fury feud didn't advance like I had planned it to. Incompetant PA's... Anyway, the announced matches for next week's AAA! will be up on the blog in a few short hours. I hope you all can wait that long.[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: I hope you guys like this new format. It's meant to be an insider's blog of the results with a little self-depricating humor thrown in for good measure. If you can't make fun of your own booking, whose can you make fun of?[/I]
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AAA! - Week 1, January 2006 From DRobBlog.com... [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/aaalogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I stepped out from backstage at the Coliseum, and thankfully I saw a full house waiting for some USPW action. I went over the format sheets as I drank some much needed coffee, then ducked back behind the curtain to take up my customary gorilla position. Unfortunately, Captain USA, Sheik Mustafa, Emma Chase, and Debbie Nair were all unavailable due to a DAVE show, so we had to go with Shane Sneer as the road agent and "Underdog" Ben Williams was going to sit in on color. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]DARK SHOW[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B]DARK MATCH: PUMA BOY vs. NYCW SIGNEE[/B][/SIZE] I thought the crowd would appreciate seeing our NYCW signee for themselves, but unfortunately there was silence. No booing, no cheering, just silence. After 7:37, our newcomer put away Puma Boy with his finisher. I'd give it a [B]D[/B]. The signee asked for the mike, then thanked the USPW fans for allowing him to compete in front of them, and asked them to support him as he was soon going to make his debut on AAA! Ugh, I'd have to give it an [B]E[/B]. Next, the crowd was "treated" to a Jim Force video, set to his theme music. The crowd was extremely restless, so I'd rank it at a [B]C+[/B]. [SIZE="3"][B]DARK MATCH: PATRICK COOL vs. [COLOR="Blue"]USPW World Champion[/COLOR] JIM FORCE[/B][/SIZE] For the second time in the last three weeks, the live crowd was treated to an appearance by their World Champion. Good news - they didn't hate it. Bad news - they didn't love it. Force is a big steaming pile of meh that deserves his [B]C-[/B]. [B][CENTER][SIZE="5"]LIVE SHOW[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] Our video montage this week featured Joey Minnesota, Jim Force, T-Rex, Giant Redwood, Darryl Devine, Hell Monkey, Mick Muscles, and last but not least, our commissioner, Danny Jillefski. It got a middle of the road, [B]C[/B]-ish reaction. [SIZE="3"][B]TOM E. HAWK vs. ZEUS MAXMILLION[/B][/SIZE] Our first match featured the surprising Tom E. versus USPW's very own "Bronzed God". Zeus threw Tom E. around the ring fairly easily and looked to be setting up his Olympian Clutch and finally went for it. Somehow, Tom E. wriggled out of it and got Zeus into a small package, and managed to hold it for the three count. Zeus looked plenty angry, and Tom E. did well to hightail it back to the locker room before Zeus exploded. My score: [B]D[/B]. Next up, we flashed a graphic that made it official: Hell Monkey vs. Joey Minnesota for the [COLOR="Blue"]National Title[/COLOR] was taking place TONIGHT! The reaction garnered a [B]C[/B]. Tom E. Hawk was shown walking back to the locker room after his match, still fairly pleased with himself. Out of nowhere, Java and Tribal Warrior jumped Tom E. and sent him headfirst into the cinder block wall. He looked to be unconscious as Java and Tribal looked down, laughed, and walked off. [B]D[/B]-riffic. Ace Youngblood hears the commotion, and runs out of the locker room. He sees Tom E. laying lifeless and tries to resuccitate him and calls for help. It's a [B]C-[/B]. Jim Lou and Ben told everyone about Danny Jillefski's upcoming announcement concerning the online poll for who would face Jim Force at [COLOR="blue"]Stars, Stripes, and Slams![/COLOR]. An admirable, [B]C+[/B] worthy effort was put forth by all involved. [SIZE="3"][B]CHEETAH BOY vs. JOSHUA TAYLOR[/B][/SIZE] USPW's Japanese import, Joshua Taylor, was up next, taking on Cheetah Boy. Taylor carried himself like the supreme athlete he is, but was gracious to Cheetah Boy by allowing him some offense. Unfortunately for Taylor, he allowed Cheetah a little too much, and he nearly pinned Taylor with a beautiful flying sunset flip out of the corner. Taylor decided to take it to the air himself and went for a flying cross body, but Cheetah rolled through it and got the improbable victory at 5:46. A [B]F[/B]-level stinker, unfortunately. Cheetah Boy was celebrating like he had just won the lottery while Taylor stewed on the canvas. He then got to his feet, blasted Cheetah in the back of the head with a dropkick, then got him up for his signature Slingshot Suplex! Again, [B]F[/B]-troop all the way... Taylor then put the boots to Cheetah, and did so until Cheetah's partner, Puma Boy, ran out for the save. Puma Boy held Cheetah's head in his arms and stared down Taylor as Taylor backed down the aisle, jawing with Puma all the way. [B]E[/B]h. Up next was our big announcement - Danny Jillefski, the newly self-appointed USPW Commissioner, announced that the winner of the online poll and the man who would face Jim Force at [COLOR="blue"]Stars, Stripes, and Slams![/COLOR] would be ... [B]DARRYL DEVINE[/B]! Danny then invited Darryl to come out and speak to the fans. Eh, [B]C+[/B]. Darryl Devine came out and was climbing the steps to get into the ring, when Giant Redwood came out from under the ring and threw Devine off the steps into the barricade. He picked up Devine and proceeded to piledriver him directly on the steps! He then rolled Devine into the ring, bounced off the ropes, and nailed Devine with a big splash. As Devine laid motionless, Jillefski and Redwood gloated to a [B]C[/B]. As Redwood and Jillefski retreated, paramedics came out and put a neck brace on Darryl Devine and then strapped him to a stretcher. The cameras followed the paramedics as they carried Devine down the aisle and put the stretcher into a waiting ambulan[B]C[/B]e. We quickly cued up highlights from the Joey Minnesota / Mick Muscles match at Made In America, which saw Joey become the new [COLOR="Blue"]National [B]C[/B]hampion[/COLOR]! Next was a USPW backdrop and none other than Hell Monkey. In a seemingly pretaped interview, he informed everyone that he respected the hell out of Joey Minnesota, but that didn't mean that he didn't want to become the [COLOR="blue"]National [B]C[/B]hampion[/COLOR]. The [COLOR="blue"]World Champ[/COLOR] himself, Jim Force, appeared next in the ring. He called Giant Redwood and Danny Jillefski cowards and said that he hopes Devine will be ready by [COLOR="blue"]Stars, Stripes, and Slams![/COLOR], because he knows the two of them could tear the house down and make it a night to remember! Me, I give it a [B]C[/B]. [SIZE="3"][B]JACOB JETT vs. T-REX[/B][/SIZE] T-Rex was up next, and he heeled all over Jacob Jett, absolutely destroying the poor Canadian rookie. He beat him so bad he probably wishes he was still up in 4C getting paid in Molson and stale popcorn. T-Rex finally and mercifully ended it when he made Jett pass out in the Jurassic Crush at the 4:03 mark. It was [B]C[/B]-worthy. Rather surprisingly, T-Rex asked for the mike as Jett was being carted away. He disavowed any knowledge of Jillefski and Redwood's attack on Darryl Devine earlier, but did put his name out as a possible contender if Devine couldn't make it to [COLOR="Blue"]Stars, Stripes, and Slams![/COLOR]. How magnanimous of him. A [B]C+[/B] to the Jurassic Power. Backstage, Shane Sneer has his Polynesian Princes of Pain, Savage Fury behind him. He told everyone that Ace and Tom E. Hawk were not savage enough, not crazy enough, and not sadistic enough to hang with his monsters and they showed that at [COLOR="blue"]Made In America! [/COLOR]. He claimed to not know who they would face tonight, but promised they would meet the same fate. Java and Tribal growled in the background and Shane uncharacteristicly stumbled his way through his smack talking. It was about a [B]B+[/B]. [SIZE="3"][B]USPW WORLD TAG-TEAM TITLE MATCH: THE HILLBILLIES vs. [COLOR="blue"]USPW World Tag-Team Champions [/COLOR]SAVAGE FURY (w/ SHANE SNEER)[/B][/SIZE] Shane Sneer was mostly right. When you look up sadistic and savage in the dictionary, you would be hardpressed to find Al and Pete there. The Hillbillies tried their gosh-darnedest, but they could not solve the enigma wrapped up in a conundrum that is Savage Fury. Java and Tribal took everything that The Hillbillies could muster up and were begging for more. They didn't get a chance to find out though, because The Hillbillies were distracted when Ace Youngblood ran out and attacked Tribal Warrior, who was in the ring with Pete. Pete just stared at Ace, then turned right into a Head Hunter Special from Tribal for the win. After the pinfall, Tribal unwrapped his foot and held up a metal plate. Referee Baby Jamie did not see it, however, as he was tending to Pete on the canvas. It was a [B]D[/B]. Savage Fury then turned on Ace, who was still outside the ring. They dragged him in and nailed him with a double savate kick. Java then pulled him over to the corner, and Tribal came off the top rope with a huge diving headbutt to the midsection which caused Ace to start spitting up blood. Everybody did their jobs, and it was worth a [B]C-[/B]. As Ace was tended to, Shane Sneer climbed into the ring and celebrated with his charges in the key of [B]C-[/B]. [B][SIZE="3"]USPW NATIONAL TITLE MATCH: HELL MONKEY vs. [COLOR="blue"]USPW National Champion[/COLOR] JOEY MINNESOTA[/SIZE][/B] Up next was our main event and it was a decent match for the most part. Hell Monkey's strong style attacks didn't mesh too well with Joey's traditional American style, but they made it work like the consummate pros they are. As this was the main event, they were given ample time to beat on each other, and they did so for nearly 15 minutes. The finish came when Hell Monkey flipped out of an Empire Spiral attempt by Joey. Joey turned around and right into a Hellfire Kick from Monkey. Monkey then went up top, presumably for the Tumbling Monkey, but at that moment, Mick Muscles ran out and pushed Hell Monkey off the top rope. Monkey did a somersault off of the turnbuckle and landed on Joey. Joey and Monkey laid crumpled together as referee Robbie Sanchez called for the DQ. It was a solid [B]C[/B] match. Mick then climbed into the ring and dragged Joey to his feet. He then got a front facelock on him and looked to be going for his Heartbreaker implant DDT. Joey still had enough wits about him, however, to kick Mick in the gut, and clothesline him over the top rope. As Mick gets to his feet, cursing at Joey, Joey stands in the ring and helps up Monkey, who is still shaken from his fall, as the show ends. This last segment? [B]C[/B]. [SIZE="5"][B]OVERALL GRADE: C[/B][/SIZE] Whoop. A solidly average show. It says a lot that our best segment of the night was Shane Sneer off of his game. Monkey and Minnesota don't have bad chemistry, they just simply coexist. Also, someone must have switched around the format sheets in the back, because somehow our Savage Fury feud didn't advance like I had planned it to. Incompetant PA's... Anyway, the announced matches for next week's AAA! will be up on the blog in a few short hours. I hope you all can wait that long.[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: I hope you guys like this new format. It's meant to be an insider's blog of the results with a little self-depricating humor thrown in for good measure. If you can't make fun of your own booking, whose can you make fun of?[/I]
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