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USPW - Down Goes The Giant

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Hello all, my name is Derek Robinson. I have recently been hired by Danny Jillefski to book USPW, as he is very unhappy at the recent decisions of Giant Redwood, who had the book previously, although he would never actually tell Redwood that. When I got to the office, I got a few dirty looks from him, but he told me he looked forward to working with me. Right... My personal goals are to hold on to as many of my top stars as possible and try to maneuver USPW into being popular enough to get a TV show. I think that if I can keep the band together, so to speak, and also mix in some new talent, we can make a serious run at it, even if it's on National Pride TV or some other small network like it. The next update will be the yearly show schedule and a few matches for the first show of my tenure, Made In America!
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Yearly Show Schedule & Some Early News [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/USPW.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Yearly Show Schedule[/U][/B] Made in America! - Tu/3/12 Stars, Stripes, and Slams! - Tu/4/1 Red, White, and Blue! - W/1/2 Liberty And Justice! - W/2/3 Freedom Fight! - F/2/4 Declaration of Independence! - Th/1/5 Americana! - M/2/6 Independence Day Slam! - Th/1/7 Apple Pie and Wrestling! - F/3/8 United States of Pain! - Su/2/9 Born in the USA! - Sa/3/10 Thanksgiving Thunder! - W/4/11[/CENTER] In USPW news, [B]Johnny Bloodstone, Shane Sneer, Emma Chase, Mick Muscles[/B], and [B]Micky Starr[/B] have all been offered contracts by other companies. Mick has accepted another PPA deal from CGC up in Canada, and the rest are still mulling over their offers. Also, Sneer now has the book up north in NYCW. Hopefully this responsibility will make him reconsider signing on with one of the big boys. Additionally, I have come to terms with four new talents who will most likely make their USPW debuts at [COLOR="Blue"]Made In America![/COLOR] in only two weeks.
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National Title Tournament Announced for Made In America! Unfortunately, USPW National Champion [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B] has decided to leave USPW for NOTBPW. Therefore, at Made In America!, a tournament will start to crown a new National Champion. The participants will be the following. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/CaptainUSA.jpg[/IMG] Captain USA [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG] Corporal Doom [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/MickMuscles.jpg[/IMG] Mick Muscles [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/GiantRedwood.jpg[/IMG] Giant Redwood [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG] Danny Rushmore [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] Hell Monkey AND TWO MORE MYSTERY WRESTLERS FROM "UP NORTH"!
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As we draw closer to Made In America!, USPW has undergone a few more changes. In view of the contractual situations of some of the top stars of USPW, plans have been moved up for a planned weekly show. This show, which will be entitled All-American Action!, will emanate weekly from the Arkansas Coliseum every Monday until further notice, as to not disappoint our great fans in the Southeast. A few matches already signed for the first show are as follows: [B]USPW World Title Match: Jim Force vs. Danny Rushmore[/B] In a USPW.com exclusive that will no doubt air on the first installment of AAA, Danny Rushmore, no doubt prodded by his manager, Shane Sneer, stated that he could take USPW World Champion Jim Force with no problems. Word got to Jim farely quickly, and being a fighting champion, he accepted immediately. Can Rushmore pull the upset of upsets, or will Force prove yet again why he is truly THE Force to be reckoned with? [B]Corporal Doom vs. Captain USA[/B] Word out of USPW headquarters is that Corporal Doom may not be long for USPW. The big two have come calling again, and Corporal Doom may very well be abandoning his compatriot in carnage, Shiek Mustafa, for greener pastures. With this news, Captain USA jumped at the opportunity to show his longtime nemesis that his evil ways will get him nothing in the end. Will Doom's might make right, or will the Captain give the Corporal a most dishonorable discharge? [B]USPW Tag-Team Titles Match: Savage Fury Open Challenge[/B] Shane Sneer has been a very busy man, as he has also made it known that his charges Java and Tribal Warrior, together known as USPW Tag Champions Savage Fury, are putting out an open challenge to any USPW tag team, established or not. Who will answer the challenge, and can these mystery wrestlers unseat these Polynesian Princes of Pain? [B]Also In Action!: [/B]"The Jurassic Power" T-Rex, "Mighty Fine" Darryl Devine, Giant Redwood, USPW's newest diva acquisition, and an announcment about the future of the National Title!
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Theme Music While I put the finishing touches on the storylines for the first episode of AAA!, I wanted to clue you guys in that I found a website that has a whole lot of half-way decent production music, like the music that WWE gives to jobbers and that would be the kind of music that most Cornellverse feds would use. The website is [URL="http://www.firstcom.com"]http://www.firstcom.com[/URL]. I have given all my contracted workers theme music, and if you'd like to take a listen, it's all at that site. Just punch in the full song title into the quick search box in the upper right hand corner and it should play for you. It's Flash-based, so it's a little screwy, but I thought you guys might like to take a listen. If not, please indulge me. Anywho, here we go... [U][B]Main Eventers[/B][/U] Corporal Doom: Doom Bells Jim Force: Hard Axe Mystery Wrestler #1 (will debut at AAA!): Compromise (instrumental) T-Rex: Devil's Dinner Captain USA: Patriot's Shadow [B][U]Upper Midcarders[/U][/B] Darryl Devine: High Pressure Giant Redwood: Red Herring Mystery Wrestler #2 (will also debut at AAA!): Tooth and Nail Mick Muscles: It's Gonna Break Your Heart Hell Monkey: Empira [B][U]Midcarders[/U][/B] Johnny Bloodstone: Chemicals Pete & Al (The Hillbillies): Running Hog Wild Ace Youngblood: Ripped Heart Java & Tribal Warrior (Savage Fury): Fiafia Night [B][U]Lower Midcarders[/U][/B] Danny Rushmore: Wanna Be Free (instrumental) Rocky Golden (the repackaged Prince Adam): Damage Eric Sandretti (the repackaged Eric The Bull): Into The Abyss [U][B]Openers[/B][/U] Tom E. Hawk: Ripped Heart Nevada Nuclear: Depth Charge [U][B]Enhancement Talents[/B][/U] Patrick Cool: Smoke And Silk Cheetah Boy: In Extremis [U][B]Semi-Active Wrestler[/B][/U] Sheik Mustafa: Imminent Danger [U][B]Managers[/B][/U] Emma Chase: Nail On Head Shane Sneer: Arrival Of The Legends Danny Jillefski: Dark Days (instrumental) Debbie Nair (the repackaged Jakki White Trash): Take Me Down (instrumental)
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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/USPW.jpg[/IMG] All-American Action! 2,000 people at the Arkansas Coliseum[/CENTER][/B] I came out from the locker room right before the show to sneak a peak at the crowd. What I saw made me very happy, as a sellout crowd was filing into the Arkansas Coliseum for our first edition of All-American Action! I thanked the guy upstairs that everything was, for now, going well and ducked back behind the curtain to take in things from the gorilla position. Jim Lou Freebush and Micky Starr made their way down to ringside and we began recording some dark matches that might see the light of day on our first DVD release... [B][U]DARK MATCH[/U]: TOM E. HAWK & ACE YOUNGBLOOD vs. USPW Tag Champs SAVAGE FURY (w/ SHANE SNEER)[/B] In a dry run for what will transpire soon, USPW's resident Native Americans teamed up to take on Java and Tribal Warrior, together known as USPW's tag champs, Savage Fury. Shane Sneer led them to ringside, and was instrumental in their win, as he got up on the apron to distract Tom E., just long enough for Tribal Warrior to nail him with a Head Hunter Special running boot when he turned around at the 6:07 mark for the win. Everybody gave a good effort, and Tom E. even seemed to be exhibiting some actual technique, which was a welcome surprise. [B]C-[/B] Corporal Doom was out next, and in a DVD exclusive, informed the live crowd that he may very well be leaving for greener pastures soon, and would love nothing better than crushing all of the USPW's fans dreams by defeating their hero Captain USA and going on to win the National Title on his way out the door. [B]C+[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCH: [/U] CHEETAH BOY vs. T-REX (w/ DANNY JILLEFSKI)[/B] Our second and last dark match saw T-Rex absolutely destroy the helpless Cheetah Boy. His spots nearly became smears on the canvas as The Jurassic Powerhouse threw him from pillar to post and finally put him down with the Jurassic Crush at 3:58. [B]C-[/B] Danny Jillefski climbed into the ring as T-Rex launched Cheetah Boy over the top rope. He put everyone in attendance on notice that T-Rex was here to make an impact tonight and by the end of the night, everyone would know, respect, and fear him. [B]C+[/B] I gave the signal, and the production crew readied the opening montage for All-American Action! The live crowd and the DVD customers saw the finished product, a nice splice job of clips of Captain USA, Corporal Doom, Darryl Devine, Giant Redwood, Hell Monkey, T-Rex, Johnny Bloodstone, and Jim Force. [B]C-[/B] [B]TOM E. HAWK vs. GIANT REDWOOD[/B] I determined it was in my best interests to keep the big man happy, so I gave him the first match ever on AAA! He very quickly showed both how intimidating he is and how brutal he can be in the ring. He jumped Tom E. before the match even began and did not let up, finally putting him away in only 1:31 with a massive splash. Giant may be on Danny's good side, but he's not on the crowd's, as this match brought them down. [B]C-[/B] Next out to the ring was Shane Sneer, who informed everyone at the Arkansas Coliseum that his charges, Savage Fury, were sick and tired of all of the pathetic competition in USPW. He issued a open challenge to any two wrestlers to team up if they had to in order to take out his "Polynesian Princes of Pain." [B]C-[/B] [B]DARRYL DEVINE vs. USPW National Champion JOHNNY BLOODSTONE for the USPW National Championship[/B] In an unannounced treat, Darryl Devine locked horns with Johnny Bloodstone, who is on his way to NOTBPW. Bloodstone seemingly carried Devine to a great match, even though their styles didn't really mesh. Bloodstone took Devine to the mat for the duration, but Devine almost hit the Devine Dream Drop a few times also. The crowd was a little quiet though and didn't appreciate that this was Bloodstone's last USPW match. Bloodstone finally dispatched Devine by making him submit to the Bloodstone Mutilation in 8:33. [B]C-[/B] Next up was a music video for Hell Monkey, showing the crowd the aerial and martial arts stylings of the ninja primate. [B]C-[/B] Tom E. Hawk was shown getting his ribs taped up in the trainer's room, when Ace Youngblood walks in. Ace asks Tom if he really wants to make it here in USPW. Tom says that he has dreamed all his life of being a star, but he seems to always get his head beat in. Ace tells him that maybe all he needs is a little backup and tells him they should watch each other's backs from now on. Tom E. then suggests they should answer Savage Fury's challenge, which seemingly pleases Ace.[B]D & D[/B] [B]MICK MUSCLES (w/ DEBBIE NAIR) vs. HELL MONKEY - USPW National Title Tournament Quarter Finals[/B] In the first of two National Title Tournament Quarter Finals matches tonight, Mick Muscles and Hell Monkey put on a quick but hard hitting match. Mick tried to overpower Monkey, but Monkey was a step ahead, always slipping out of Mick's bearhugs and bodyslams and nailing him with several quick kicks and eventually a huge enzuigiri which knocked Mick to the canvas. Hell Monkey then went up top for the Tumbling Monkey, but Debbie Nair jumped up the canvas and distracted referee Baby Jamie by apparently hitting on him. This gave Mick enough time to get Hell Monkey off the top rope with a gorilla press and drop him to the canvas with a powerslam he calls the Heartbreaker for the win. [B]C-[/B] The crowd was a little rowdy after their man Hell Monkey went down in defeat, but they were calmed down beautifully by the stunning Emma Chase. She came out to meet the live crowd in a stars and stripes bikini top and white miniskirt to introduce to all of us her new client, American Machine! [B]B-[/B] [B]CORPORAL DOOM (w/ SHEIK MUSTAFA) vs. CAPTAIN USA - USPW National Title Tournament Quarter Finals[/B] The fact that this was a tournament match only heightened the tension between these two USPW mainstays. The Captain and Corporal Doom wrestled a short but intense match, and still got the crowd involved. The Sheik got involved by tripping the Captain, which allowed the Corporal to gain enough momentum to try to end it with the Corporal Punishment. The Captain blocked it, though, fought back, and took Corporal Doom down for the 1-2-3 with his Hail to the Chief full nelson slam. [B]C[/B] As the Sheik realizes that the Corporal is done in USPW, he motions to the Corporal, who jumps the Captain from behind as Baby Jamie raises his hand. The Corporal lands a few punches, but the Captain quickly turns the tides and lands a few of his own, sending the Corporal crashing out to the floor. He gets up and walks back to the locker room, shaking his head and kicking the barricade as he goes. [B]C[/B] A figure is shown standing with his face away from the camera. He says "I have competed up north for a few years, but now, I'm coming to USPW. I don't have any friends. I don't have any allies. All I have is myself. And who am I? My name ... is JOEY MINNESOTA." The camera swings around to show his face, then a message appears on the screen - "NEXT WEEK - JOEY DEBUTS!" [B]C[/B] [B]DANNY RUSHMORE (w/ SHANE SNEER) vs. USPW World Champion JIM FORCE for the USPW World Championship[/B] Danny Rushmore got his wish with a shot at World Champ Jim Force, but would he regret it. The only people regretting his gumption were everyone in attendance, as this match was bowling shoe ugly. Rushmore and Force didn't click at all, and it showed in even the barely more than 5 minutes they were given. They put on as good of a match as they could, until Force finally ended it with a Full Force suplex powerslam at 5:35. [B]D[/B] Making good on his manager's pre-show promise, T-Rex lumbered out and laid out Force with a stiff chair shot. He then locked in the Jurassic Crush until it looked like Force passed out. [B]C+[/B] Micky Starr stood up at the announce table as Force was being tended to and started to lay into T-Rex for being a coward and a cheat. Danny Jillefski told his monster to "make that old fool pay" which caused T-Rex to drag Micky over the table and lock in the Jurassic Crush on him also. Seeing that Micky was in trouble, Force miraculously regained consciousness and fought off T-Rex, saving Micky Starr. [B]B[/B] Force and Starr then soaked the cheers of the crowd in as AAA! ended. [B]C[/B] Jim Lou quickly ran down the three confirmed matches for next week's All-American Action! before the DVD feed ended: [LIST] [*]USPW National Title Tournament Quarter Final Match: Giant Redwood vs. Joey Minnesota [B]C[/B] [*]USPW National Title Tournament Quarter Final Match: Darryl Devine vs. American Machine (w/ Emma Chase) [B]C-[/B] [*]USPW Tag Titles Match: Tom E. Hawk & Ace Youngblood vs. Savage Fury (w/ Shane Sneer) [B]D[/B] [/LIST] [B]OVERALL SCORE: C-[/B] Thoughts: I thought this was a very good show and opened up lots of new storylines, but the general consensus was that the show may have actually hurt our popularity. The crowd ate up Jim Force coming to Micky's aid, which I wrote because Micky is leaving USPW to go SWF and do their color commentary. Next week Jim Lou might just fly solo in the booth. If the crowd would give Tom E. and Ace a chance, I think we might have something really good on our hands for next week's show, which will also be from the Arkansas Coliseum.
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USPW comes to terms with 4 new workers, but loses another The morning after AAA!, I received word from three different workers that they were ready to join USPW. Debuting shortly in a USPW ring will be... [LIST] [*][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG][B]JACOB JETT[/B] - "The Amazing" Jacob Jett is a rookie who has huge potential, already being a pretty good wrestler with very little training, as well as being great at promos. There seems to be very little that could stop him becoming a star. He tagged with Darryl Devine in the Canadian 4C company, but it remains to be seen if the two will be aligned in USPW. [*][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/TylerBailey.jpg[/IMG][B]TJ BAILEY[/B] - Tyler James "TJ" Bailey is a young all-rounder, just breaking into the sport. His biggest claim to fame so far is that he has appeared as a jobber on some TCW shows, getting beaten by stars like Liberty and Ricky Dale Johnson. He will most likely serve the same purpose on USPW shows. [*][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG][B]BEN WILLIAMS[/B] - "Bump Machine" Ben Williams is a youngster hoping to break into wrestling, who so far has been restricted to being used as cannon fodder for other workers. He has under-rated microphone skills. He is another body for more established workers to go through, but his mike skills may earn him a tryout next to Jim Lou someday. [*][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/GrimmQuibble.jpg[/IMG][B]PUMA BOY[/B] - Puma Boy is a rookie high flier, whose real name is Stuart Little (seriously). His finisher, the Puma Pounce, is a visually fantastic flying neckbreaker off the top rope. Word is that he has already created a tag team with Cheetah Boy. The two of them are calling themselves the Wild Boys. [/LIST] Unfortunately, Corporal Doom gave his notice today, as he has signed a written deal with TCW. At least he didn't go to SWF like Micky did. And there was even more bad news to deal with, as CGC, NOTBPW, and DAVE wouldn't go for working agreements, so I guess I'll just have to hope Mick Muscles doesn't ascend too quickly up the card in CGC. I did convince The Stomper to sign up NYCW for a working agreement, though, so as long as Joey Minnesota is in just their employ, he should be available to me.
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As we inch closer to the next installment of AAA!, our first ex-USPW-er, Johnny Bloodstone has wrestled his first match for NOTBPW. He teamed with Shingen Miyazaki to defeat The McWade Brothers at Winter War. In other USPW news, Captain USA has been offered contracts by both 4C and DAVE of an undisclosed nature, and DAVE has also been in contact with Debbie Nair, who works elsewhere as Jakki White Trash.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/USPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]All-American Action! Week 2, December 2005 Arkansas Coliseum, South East[/B][/CENTER] I stepped out from behind the curtain and to my delight saw another sellout crowd of 2,000 strong waiting for the dark matches to start. I talked to Corporal Doom, who was staying behind the camera to road agent a few matches on his last night with the company. I wished him well and told him if his situation changed, he'd always have a home in USPW. I then ducked behind the curtain, took my spot at the gorilla position, and buckled up for the ride. [B]DARK MATCH: PATRICK COOL vs. JACOB JETT[/B] Jacob Jett, who was in his USPW debut match, was not helped out at all by Patrick Cool's complete incompetance in the ring. It did not go well at all, and was mercifully ended by a Jett Take-Off powerbomb with a bridge at 8:03. The only bright spot was Ben Williams's good work on color commentary. He might eventually develop into a good wingman for Jim Lou Freebush.[B]F[/B] The ravishing Emma Chase was out next, shooting some T-shirts into the crowd and looking absolutely stunning. [B]A*[/B] [B]DARK MATCH: TJ BAILEY vs. USPW World Champion JIM FORCE[/B] TJ Bailey was in his first appearance in a USPW ring, and had a huge challenge in it - USPW World Champion Jim Force. Force was believeable as always as the grease-painted powerhouse, and put Bailey away with a devastating Full Force at 5:54. [B]D[/B] As his music played on after the match, Jim Force stayed in the ring and soaked in the cheers of the fans for a few more moments before going to the back. [B]C[/B] [B]LIVE SHOW[/B] I gave the signal and the production truck readied this week's opening montage, which featured Java, Tribal Warrior, Shane Sneer, Emma Chase, Captain USA, Giant Redwood, Joey Minnesota, and Jim Force. The crowd absolutely exploded when Emma came on the screen.[B]C[/B] Out first was Debbie Nair, who introduced everyone to two of her newest clients, Rocky Golden and Eric Sandretti. Rocky has wrestled in CZCW as Prince Adam, while Eric Sandretti is former prelim wrestler Eric the Bull. The crowd was mostly silent, but Eric and Rocky showed some good skills at least trying to get them riled up. [B]E[/B] [B]WILD BOYS vs. ROCKY GOLDEN & ERIC SANDRETTI (w/ DEBBIE NAIR)[/B] Golden & Sandretti stayed out to face new team the Wild Boys, consisting of Cheetah Boy and new signee Puma Boy. The Boys bumped around the ring for Rocky & Eric, but the crowd seemed to like sitting on their hands. Eric had some nice hard hitting moves during this match, but it was Rocky who finally finished the Boys off when he made Cheetah Boy submit to The Rack in 5:32. [B]E[/B] Joey Minnesota appeared on the screen next, saying that he was here all by himself in USPW. No one is here to help him, and he likes it that way. He is going to rise to the top, and there is really only room for one person at the top - Joey Minnesota. [B]C[/B] [B]USPW WORLD TAG TITLE MATCH: TOM E. HAWK & ACE YOUNGBLOOD vs. USPW World Tag Team Champions SAVAGE FURY (w/ SHANE SNEER)[/B] Tom E. and Ace got their shot at Java and Tribal Warrior, and gave it their best shot. Unfortunately, it was not quite enough as they fell to Savage Fury, or more correctly Shane Sneer's shoe, in 11:05. Shane climbed onto the canvas, hit Tom E. with his Bruno Magli, which caused Tom E. to stumble backwards and become easy pickings for Tribal's Head Hunter Special. [B]C-[/B] Shane, Tribal, and Java all stayed in the ring. While Tribal and Java paced around and looked generally menacing, Shane informed everyone that obviously Tom E. and Ace were not in their league and USPW would have to do better than that. Shane looked uncharacteristicly shaky on the mike, which was disconcerting. [B]B[/B] [B]BEN WILLIAMS vs. T-REX[/B] Another debut, this time for "The Underdog" Ben Williams. He had a tall task ahead of him, though, as he was staring across the ring at USPW's very own prehistoric pain dealer, T-Rex. T-Rex toyed with Ben, and finally finished him off with a massive chair shot after Danny Jillefski slid it to T-Rex and distracted Baby Jamie for long enough that he could use it to get the pinfall at 3:50. [B]C-[/B] T-Rex did not stop there, and continued to bludgeon Ben with the chair as the bell rang over and over again. Eventually, Jim Force had had enough, and ran out to run T-Rex off with a chair. He then checked on Ben as the paramedics came out and strapped Ben to a stretcher. Jim seethed with anger as the scene faded... [B]B-[/B] [B]UPSW NATIONAL TITLE TOURNAMENT QUARTER FINAL: GIANT REDWOOD vs. JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] In his in-ring debut, Joey Minnesota acquitted himself as well as he could against USPW's resident irritable fat-ass, Giant Redwood. By the time Minnesota finally put Redwood away with an impressive Empire Spiral back suplex uranage at 8:19, the Giant was absolutely gassed. Minnesota advanced in the tournament, and will face the winner of tonight main event match between Darryl Devine and the debuting American Machine. [B]C[/B] Tom E. and Ace were shown sitting in the locker room, deciding that they wanted another shot at Savage Fury. They challenged them to a rematch next week. For whatever reason, the crowd has decided Tom E. is getting stale, which is probably because he's actually being featured on TV. More's the pity. [B]D[/B] A short music video hyped up Darryl Devine next. The crowd here in the South East is not completely into the "Mighty Fine" one yet, but hopefully they learn... [B]D[/B] [B]USPW NATIONAL TITLE QUARTER FINAL: DARRYL DEVINE vs. AMERICAN MACHINE (w/ EMMA CHASE)[/B] Emma may have been stunning at ringside, but even she couldn't stop Darryl Devine. Devine was flying all over the ring, and Machine could not keep up at all. He did get a few power moves in, such as a huge powerslam for a long two count, but Devine did finally nail Machine with the Devine Dream Drop (3D) ace crusher for the win to advance in the tourney at 6:35. [B]C-[/B] The crowd, who may have thought the show was done, was restless for Jim Force appearing on the USPW-tron. He called T-Rex a coward and challenged him to a face to face battle next week. To sweeten the pot, he will even put the World Title up if necessary! [B]C+[/B] [B]OVERALL SCORE: C-[/B] Yet again, I thought we had a good show, but it seems it may have hurt our popularity. We're at a C+ in the South East, and we can't seem to eclipse a C- for either show thus far. Emma Chase is drop dead gorgeous, and the crowd loves her, but her boy American Machine seems to bomb without her. Joey Minnesota just needs some exposure to go over huge, and I think Darryl Devine is in the same boat. Jim Force may not be much in the ring, but he that undeniable "it" factor, and T-Rex is a beast and may be an excellent nemesis for Force. Things are shaping up for next week's AAA!, which is only one night before our first supershow, Made In America! Here are the things to look forward to for next week: [LIST] [*]The National Title Tournament field has already been cut in half, and will be again by Made In America, where the finals will take place. In one half, [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] will lock it up with [B]Darryl Devine[/B], and in the other bracket, [B]Mick Muscles[/B] will take on USPW legend [B]Captain USA[/B]! [*]Will [B]Savage Fury[/B] accept [B]Tom E. Hawk & Ace Youngblood's [/B]demand for a rematch? [*]Is [B]Jim Force's [/B]putting the World Title on the line enough to get [B]T-Rex[/B] in the ring? [/LIST] All this and more next Monday from the Arkansas Coliseum! We'll see you right there!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/USPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]USPW All-American Action! Arkansas Coliseum, South East Monday, Week 3, December 2005[/B][/CENTER] I took my usual step out from behind the curtain at the Arkansas Coliseum, but I did it with a little less optimism than I had the last few weeks. We still had a sellout crowd out there waiting for some USPW action, but I had a feeling they were not going to be happy. Due to DAVE running a show tonight also, we don't have the services of Emma Chase, which was to be expected, but also Captain USA, Debbie Nair, and Sheik Mustafa, who have all recently signed PPA deals with Vibert's company. Due to this development, the semis and the finals of the National Title tourney will be tomorrow night at Made In America!, and Joey Minnesota and Darryl Devine will lock horns in a preview of their semifinal match in the defacto main event tonight. Nothing like backing into a supershow... [B]DARK MATCH: ZEUS MAXMILLION vs. DES DAVIDS[/B] This match was the USPW debut for both men. Hopefully they look back on this day fondly, because I'm not sure I will. Zeus is working his "Bronzed God" gimmick, while Davids is playing up his football-playing past to the hilt, complete with a letter jacket and NFL Films-esque music. Davids was making some strides during the match, as Zeus is more of a veteran than his tenure in the company indicates. Zeus was too much for our former football stud, as he put Des away at the 6:29 mark with a Thunder Bolt sit-out powerbomb. [B]E[/B] [B]DARK MATCH: CHEETAH BOY vs. DANNY RUSHMORE (w/ SHANE SNEER)[/B] Danny was in a foul mood from the start in this one, being reduced to the preshow after main-eventing just two weeks ago. Shane Sneer directed his charge very well this match, but Rushmore did not need much help to completely destroy Cheetah Boy, who Rushmore dispatched with a bearhug at 4:22. [B]D[/B] Danny Jillefski was out next with his monster T-Rex, informing everyone that he was the owner of USPW (semi-breaking kayfabe) and that T-Rex was his chosen instrument of destruction. T-Rex snarled and growled in the background as Jillefski extoled his virtues and told Jim Force that he would never be the same again. [B]B+[/B] [B]DARK MATCH: BEN WILLIAMS vs. T-REX (w/ DANNY JILLEFSKI)[/B] T-Rex stayed in the ring, and Ben Williams probably hopes he wouldn't have. Still hurting from last week, it was relatively easy to see that Ben was a sitting duck yet again. T-Rex toyed with Ben for a remarkably short time, then absolutely turned him into a bag of bones with an Extinction sit-out Torture Rack backbreaker at 1:39. [B]C-[/B] I gave the signal, and we started up the actual show with the montage this week featuring Ace Youngblood, Tom E. Hawk, T-Rex, Danny Jillefski, Joey Minnesota, Darryl Devine, Java, and Tribal Warrior. Here we go... [B]C-[/B] T-Rex was still in the ring from the preshow, and he was brutalizing Ben Williams again. Jim Force came out for the save, and ran off T-Rex. He cradled Ben's head in his hands as T-Rex backed his way down the ramp and back to the locker room. [B]B-[/B] Force got on the mike while the paramedics tended to Ben, and reiterated his desire to get T-Rex in the ring, and his willingness to put the World Title on the line to do so. [B]C+[/B] Jim Force made his way to the back, and Tom E. Hawk and Ace Youngblood came out for their match. As they were waiting for their opponents, Java and Tribal Warrior came out with Shane Sneer, but the two Polynesian Princes of Pain did their own talking this time. They said "You two - not in our league. Not worth it." Shane's presence helped, but Java and Tribal should be kept away from the mike in the future. [B]D[/B] [B]WILD BOYS vs. ACE YOUNGBLOOD & TOM E. HAWK[/B] Tom E. & Ace's opponents were Puma Boy & Cheetah Boy, The Wild Boys, who surprisingly gave Tom E. & Ace quite a scare. Tom E. and Ace pulled it out though, and finally ended it when Ace took Cheetah down with a flying knife edge chop at the 6:54 mark. [B]E[/B] After the match, the Wild Boys stayed in the ring and shook hands with Ace & Tom E. and they all shook hands before going to the back. [B]D[/B] [B]JACOB JETT vs. MICK MUSCLES[/B] Jacob Jett was making his live action USPW debut, but had to look across the ring at Mick Muscles, who is only two wins away from the National Title. Even though they didn't click in the ring at all, Jacob was game enough to make Mick work for it fairly hard and even tried to stand toe to toe with him, but could not make it stick and succumed to a huge DDT from Mick for the win at 6:23. [B]C-[/B] Danny Jillefski and T-Rex were out again, and accepted Jim Force's challenge for Made In America! tomorrow night. However, Danny wants to see if Jim is man enough to face T-Rex, so he challenges him to an arm wrestling contest later tonight! [B]C+[/B] Danny and T-Rex stayed in the ring to intro a video package on T-Rex, hyping up his complete destruction of jobbers the past few weeks. [B]B[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT: DARRYL DEVINE vs. JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] In a preview of tomorrow night's semifinal match, Darryl and Joey had a nice long match where they felt each other out at the beginning, then engaged in about 12 minutes of top-notch technical wrestling. Towards the end, this was sullied by Danny Rushmore running out and attacking Darryl Devine, who was in the process of climbing back into the ring after being knocked to the outside by a Minnesota dropkick. Minnesota momentarily distracted referee Baby Jamie, which allowed Danny to escape undetected. Minnesota capitalized quickly, however, and dragged Devine back in for an Empire Spiral and the win in 16:48. [B]C[/B] Up next was our climax of the show, the arm wrestling contest. Jim and T-Rex struggled mightily, but Force finally showed his raw power as a former bodybuilder and forced (heh...) T-Rex's arm all the way down. He then got up and celebrated while the fans cheered and T-Rex fumed. [B]A*[/B] T-Rex got to his feet, flipped the table over, and nailed Force from behind. He stomped him repeatedly until he was apparently satisfied with his work and got a sadistic smile on his face. [B]C+[/B] We ended with Jim Force getting back to his feet and going after T-Rex. He could not get to him though, as he was restrained by Baby Jamie, Robbie Sanchez, Cheetah Boy, Puma Boy, Jacob Jett, and Zeus Maxmillion. [B]C+[/B] As the show ended, a video played recapping the whole T-Rex/Jim Force situation. [B]C+[/B] [B]OVERALL SCORE: C-[/B] Three weeks in a row - I think it's a hot show, the crowd has other ideas. And now they think that there's no hot storylines to follow. After Made In America!, it will definitely be time for a reset. DAVE's show definitely put a monkeywrench in my plans also, as not having Captain USA caused me to have to extend the Minnesota/Devine match and give Mick something else to do for the night. Also, Cheetah and Puma Boy were apparently used to much. Maybe the crowd wanted Joey and Darryl to come out and break it up between Force and T-Rex? Well, at any rate, MIA! is tomorrow, and at the close we will have a new National Champion and we will also have some extraction of a Tag Title match and the first in-ring confrontation between T-Rex and Jim Force, and it's for the World Title!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/USPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]USPW Made In America! Arkansas Coliseum, South East Tuesday, Week 4 , December 2005[/B][/CENTER] We were at the Arkansas Coliseum again, but the stakes were a bit higher this time. This is our first big show, Made In America!. I am scared about how this show will go. Our storylines seem to be flopping with the fans, and it may be time for a massive roster downsizing and re-evaluation once we're done with this show. On the plus side, we'll have a National Champion by the end of tonight, and T-Rex vs. Jim Force will hopefully not be a complete train wreck. [B]DARK MATCH: ZEUS MAXMILLION vs. JACOB JETT[/B] The first of our two dark matches of the evening was Jacob Jett taking on Zeus Maxmillion. Jacob Jett was better than Zeus this day, and put him away with a Jett Take Off at 4:32. [B]E[/B] [B]DARK MATCH: JOSHUA TAYLOR vs. HELL MONKEY[/B] Up next was USPW newcomer Joshua Taylor against Hell Monkey, who hasn't been seen since the first edition of AAA!. Hell Monkey looked to have a lot of agression to work out, and battered Taylor for more than ten minutes, finally causing Joshua to succumb to a Tumbling Monkey skytwister press at 10:46. [B]D[/B] [B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B] [B]THE HILLBILLIES vs. ROCKY GOLDEN & ERIC SANDRETTI (w/ DEBBIE NAIR)[/B] The main show started with upstart tag team Golden & Sandretti taking on USPW favorites The Hillbillies. Al & Pete looked pretty bad this match, and Rocky & Eric finally put them away after Debbie hit Pete with her boot, causing him to stumble right into The Rack from Rocky for the submission victory at 4:31. [B]E[/B] Tom E. & Ace challenged Savage Fury again. [B]D[/B] Tribal & Java come out and accept, IF they Ace & Tom E. can win their individual matches against them. [B]D[/B] [B]Tom E. Hawk[/B] actually defeated [B]Java[/B] in 5:12 with a healthy handful of tights. Tribal Warrior tried to help his partner with a savate kick, but instead nailed him, causing him to stumble into a schoolboy from Tom E. [B]D[/B] [B]Ace Youngblood[/B] completed the sweep by taking down [B]Java[/B] in 7:36 with a high cross body. Java tried to help Tribal, but it again backfired as Java headbutted Tribal, stunning him long enough for Ace to climb the turnbuckle for the win. [B]D[/B] [B]Debbie Nair[/B] was out next, hyping up her man, [B]Mick Muscles[/B], for his match with Captain USA tonight. [B]C[/B] [B]Captain USA[/B] was on the screen next, saying that he fights for all of America, so he is the next logical National Champion. [B]C+[/B] [B]Mick Muscles[/B] advanced to the finals of the National Title Tournament by defeating [B]Captain USA[/B] in 12:23. Mick took Captain down with a huge DDT, but was sufficiently scared of Captain kicking out that he put his feet on the ropes, which Baby Jamie did not see. Mick moves on to face the winner of Devine/Minnesota later on tonight. [B]C-[/B] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] was silky smooth on the mike next, telling everyone that he is in this by himself, and he'll take out Darryl Devine by himself because he is the next National Champion, no questions asked. [B]C[/B] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B], in an instant replay of last night's AAA!, took out [B][B]Darryl Devine[/B][/B] in 20:31 with an Empire Spiral to advance to the finals of the National Title tournament. This was a very good match, with nothing bad at all to say about it. Minnesota will face Mick Muscles in only a half hour or so for the National Title. [B]C[/B] It's official - Ace & Tom E. vs. Savage Fury has been signed FOR TONIGHT! [B]C-[/B] Tom E. and Ace were in the back reminiscing about all they've gone through to get to this point and pledged they would beat Savage Fury and put them in their places. [B]C-[/B] Shane Sneer was out next, hyping up his Polynesian monsters for their match against Tom E. & Ace. [B]C+[/B] [B]Savage Fury[/B] retained their USPW World Tag Titles by defeating [B]Tom E. Hawk & Ace Youngblood[/B] in 7:43. Ace and Tom E. showed great heart tonight, but were just not enough to beat the two savage beasts and their crafty manager, Shane Sneer. The finish came when Tribal floored Tom E. with a Head Hunter Special. Tribal rolled him up, then hung on to the ropes to ensure victory. [B]D[/B] A video package then aired recapping the semifinals of the National Title tournament tonight, featuring Joey, Captain, Darryl, & Mick. [B]C[/B] In the finals of the USPW National Title tournament, [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] pulled out a victory over [B]Mick Muscles[/B] in 12:45 with a Minnesota Salute to become the new National Champion. Joey and Mick meshed excellently in the ring, and are sure to meet again. They had a great back and forth match, which saw Mick finally get knocked down to one knee, at which time Joey hopped up to the top rope and took him all the way down with a Minnesota Salute, and he stayed down long enough to ensure the victory. [B]C+[/B] A video plays immediately recapping the match. [B]C[/B] In the main event, [B]Jim Force[/B] retained his USPW World Title by defeating [B]T-Rex[/B] in 14:27 with a Full Force jackhammer. Force and T-Rex were both winded by the end of the match, but Jim had enough juice left to get T-Rex up for the Full Force and keep him down for the 1-2-3. [B]C+[/B] [B]OVERALL SCORE: C-[/B] The general consensus after the show confirmed what I had feared - the crowd didn't like what we were doing at all. We've lost 400 paying customers, as only 1600 people filed into the Arkansas Coliseum for this show, and those that did show up wanted more storyline development and less actual wrestling. I guess the little kiddos aren't workrate fiends? Again, more's the pity...
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News and State of USPW [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v197/gbasalmon/USPW/DannyJillefski.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] News has come down that [B]Danny Jillefski [/B]is incensed that [B]T-Rex[/B] did not capture the World Title at Made In America!, and has used his clout as USPW owner to install himself as the on-air commissioner of USPW. Also, the following wrestlers have been released by USPW: [LIST] [*]Des Davids [*]Whistler (never actually appeared on TV) [*]Ted Ross [*]American Machine [*]TJ Bailey [/LIST] With those releases, and the new signing of [B]?[/B] of NYCW fame, here is the current USPW roster (heels in red): [U][B]MAIN EVENTERS[/B][/U] Captain USA [COLOR="Red"]T-Rex[/COLOR] Joey Minnesota ***USPW NATIONAL CHAMPION*** [COLOR="Red"]Giant Redwood[/COLOR] Jim Force ***USPW WORLD CHAMPION*** [U][B]UPPER MIDCARDERS[/B][/U] Pete The Hillbilly [COLOR="Red"]Java ***USPW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPION*** Mick Muscles[/COLOR] ? Hell Monkey [COLOR="Red"]Tribal Warrior ***USPW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPION***[/COLOR] Al The Hillbilly Darryl Devine [B][U]MIDCARDERS[/U][/B] Ace Youngblood [COLOR="Red"]Rocky Golden Eric Sandretti Nevada Nuclear Danny Rushmore[/COLOR] [U][B]LOWER MIDCARDERS[/B][/U] Tom E. Hawk Joshua Taylor Jacob Jett Cheetah Boy [B][U]OPENERS[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxmillion[/COLOR] Ben Williams [COLOR="Red"]Patrick Cool[/COLOR] [B][U]ENHANCEMENT TALENT[/U][/B] Puma Boy [B][U]MANAGERS[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Shane Sneer Debbie Nair[/COLOR] Vita (hasn't appeared on TV, soon to be signed by NOTBPW) [B][U]ANNOUNCER[/U][/B] Jim Lou Freebush [B][U]COLOR COMMENTATOR[/U][/B] Emma Chase [B][U]AUTHORITY FIGURE[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Danny Jillefski[/COLOR] [B][U]REFEREE[/U][/B] Baby Jamie Robbie Sanchez [B][U]ROAD AGENT[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Sheik Mustafa[/COLOR]
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I wouldn't worry about the C- result for Made in America - that was either a C or even a C+ show, just with not enough angles. These family friendly crowds eat up backstage segments and storylines, but I know that I've forgotten to do enough come longer shows before. Hopefully though you're still making money, and this one will be long continuing!
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I'm not hurting for money, I've actually pulled in a $10,000 profit for the first three All-American Action! shows. I've cut loose some of the dead weight already so hopefully a leaner and meaner roster will mean more coherent storylines to follow. The leadup to Made In America became a booking clusterfudge mostly due to my own incompetance in writing out the storylines. I've got the schedule all mapped out now and hopefully within a few days I'll have some booking plans to go on with from here. (Kiss-ass alert...) I only hope that my diary can expand to the length and quality of yours, Eayragt. I stayed up until 4 am last night catching up on your diary. Good stuff, definitely. I lurk the hell out of this board for the most part, but your diary is one of the ones, along with the XXCW and Wrestling Renaissance ones, that I make a point of reading.
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End-Of-Year Awards, a look at former USPWers, and a First Birthday As 2005 draws to a close, let's take a look at who was at the top of their game this year with the End-Of-Year Awards, or at least those which were actually handed out. [B][U]Young Wrestler of the Year[/U] - Eiichi Umehara[/B] Umehara being named Young Wrestler of the Year is quite a coup for World League Wrestling, where he wrestles as [B]Firestarter EU[/B]. He does have unquestionable all-around skills and some potential, but it is still a curious pick, as he usually just brawls all over the arena. He started off the month at the first WLW weekly show, No Soup For You!, by being in a clunker of a tag match when he teamed up with [B]Ketsueki Karasu[/B] to beat the world renown team of [B]2 Fly N'hara [/B]and [B]The Tic[/B]. Kojima and Kurofuji must have seen something in him though, because the very next show he was in a three-way for the Streetfighting Title with [B]Deano Machino[/B] and [B]The Incredible KOYAMA[/B]. He was at the Japanese Wrestle Peace Festival next, beating [B]Magnum KOBE[/B] in WLW's curtain jerker. At the next iteration of NSFY!, he and Karasu, now being called [B]Team Chaos[/B], put on a predicatably good match with [B]Above & Below[/B], consisting of [B]Emerald Angel[/B] and USPW's own [B]Hell Monkey[/B]. At the last show of the year, he shot up all the way to the second last match on the card, where he lost to [B]The Great Hisato[/B]. Seems like he's being groomed for greatness if he's already if he's already locking up with Hisato, look for him to go even higher in the years to come... [B][U]Veteran Wrestler of the Year[/U] - Yoshifusa Maeda[/B] GCG's Yoshifusa Maeda has been at the forefront of the puroresu world for some time and December 2005 was no different. He is the current GCG World Heavyweight Champion and started out at the first Stars of the Golden Canvas losing to Jack Marlowe, who wrestles in North America as [B]Jungle Jack[/B], in a solid, but non-title, B match. At the next show, he made a successful defense against [B]Yasuhide Tayama[/B] in a C+ match. At the Wrestle Peace Festival, he stepped up his game, taking [B]Kazu Yoshizawa[/B] to a B- match and keeping his title in the process. They locked up again at the next two SGC shows, with the same result and same great quality, with the only difference being the last match was a double DQ finish. [B][U]Match of the Year[/U] - Dan Stone Jr. over Jeremy Stone at NOTBPW Winter War to retain the Canadian Title(A*)[/B] This was the best match on an excellent show (B+), which also featured Dark Angel & Sean McFly lighting up the midcard (A), and Duane Stone taking down R.K. Hayes (B). [B][U]Card of the Year[/U] - PGHW Japanese Wrestle Peace Festival[/B] From top to bottom, a masterpiece of a card, which gained an A rating from the wrestling pundits. Here are the results, from top to bottom: [I]Lee Wright d. Kazushige Matsuki (C) Testunori Yasuda d. Masaru Ugaki (C+) Larry Vessey d. Akinori Kwakami (B-) Alexander Robinson d. Junnosuke Fukazawa (B-) Kunomasu & Hoshino d. Team Energy (A) Lee Bennett d. Bryan Holmes to retain the Historical Japan Title (B) Bryan Vessey d. Ryoma Muruyama (B) Team Youth Sprint d. Stuart Ferdinand & Masayuki Shiga to retain the International Tag Titles (C+) William Hayes d. [B]Joshua Taylor[/B] to retain the International Title (C+) Shuji Inukai d. Dread (B) Mito Miwa d. Yoshimi Mushashibo to retain the Glory Crown Title (A*)[/I] Next up is a look at the few active former USPW'ers in North America, and USPW superstars exploits around the wrestling world: [B]Corporal Doom[/B]: After losing his last USPW match to [B]Captain USA[/B] at the first AAA! show, Corporal Doom stayed around to road agent the second show, then debuted for TCW at their December PPV Psycho Circus, introducing [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] to his brand of sadism firsthand with a surprising C+ win. At this time, he's working as a lower midcarder. [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B]: After defeating [B]Darryl Devine[/B] at the first AAA! before being stripped of the National Title, Bloodstone showed up at NOTBPW's Winter War PPV and teamed with [B]Shingen Miyazaki [/B]to take down the [B]McWade Brothers[/B] in a B- match that was the highlight of the early part of a great card. He is currently working as an upper midcarder. [B]Captain USA[/B]: Our intrepid patriot signed a PPA deal with DAVE a few weeks ago, and was on their Christmas with the Devil PPV and the last Danger Zone TV show to air [U]before it was cancelled[/U], which was why he missed the AAA! the night before MIA!. In both appearances he challenged [B]Eddie Peak[/B] for his Brass Knuckles Title, but came up short in dual C quality matches. He is surprisingly working as an opener there for the time being. At least he's getting a little more national exposure, which hopefully will bode well for his USPW career. [B]Mick Muscles[/B]: At the beginning of the month, Mick signed a PPA deal with CGC and debuted at the first Title Bout Wrestling show of the month, before [U]it was too cancelled at the end of the month[/U]. He is feuding at the moment with [B]Shane Nelson[/B], as he defeated him in his debut match, then teamed up with [B]Dan DaLay[/B] to defeat Nelson & [B]Lee Rivera[/B], together known as [B]Youth Energy [/B]at Chamber of Horrors. At this time, he is working as a face upper midcarder. [B]Hell Monkey[/B]: Other than USPW, Hell Monkey works in Japan for WLW, where he is the current Show Stealer Champion. He was given a huge opportunity at the first NSFY! show, as he faced [B]Awesome Thunder [/B]for the Universal Title, but came up short in a B- match. The two met again at the Wrestle Peace Festival, with Thunder retaining in another B- match. Monkey combined with his tag partner, [B]Emerald Angel[/B], as [B]Above & Below[/B], to take down [B]Team Chaos[/B] at the next NSFY!, and Hell Monkey closed out his WLW 2005 by defeating [B]Ketsueki Karasu[/B], [B]Kazuma Narato[/B], and [B]2 Fly N'hara[/B] in a four way to retain his Show Stealer Championship. [B]Joshua Taylor[/B]: Although he is still relatively unknown in his home country, Taylor is a familiar face in PGHW, as he is a young up-and-coming gaijin there. His main preoccupation is chasing [B]William Hayes' [/B]International Title, which he has failed at on two occasions so far. Other than that, he's lost to [B]Junnosuke Fukazawa[/B] at the second King's Road show of December and teamed up with [B]Masaru Ugaki[/B] to lose to [B]Team Youth Sprint[/B] in an attempt to get their International Tag titles. Hopefully he stays with PGHW, as their shows don't conflict with ours and he's gaining lots of valuable experience there. [B]Joey Minnesota[/B]: Lucky for us Joey has put his USPW dates ahead of his NYCW ones, but even so, his only NYCW match in December was losing to [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] at School of Pain, before Phunk returned to his roots as Danny B Bling, only this time as a wrestler in TCW, not as a manager in SWF. In another stroke of luck for USPW, our boy [B]Shane Sneer [/B]is the booker over at NYCW, so hopefully he can think up some excellent storylines to develop Joey even further. If he doesn't jump ship, Joey is definitely someone we can build around, as he is already our National Champion. [B]Ace Youngblood & Jacob Jett[/B]: They are both under contract with 4C also, but haven't wrestled one date for them since signing with USPW. One last note to end this inordinantly long update - there is a new promotion over in Europe, [B]Brussels Pro Wrestling[/B]. They don't even have an owner yet, but they should get all the various things they need to get in order very shortly, and y'all will be the first to know.
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The Force Is With ... YOU! From USPWonline.com [QUOTE][CENTER][/CENTER] In a startling move, USPW World Champion [B]Jim Force[/B] has agreed to defend his title at this week's All-American Action! against the winner of an online poll. The three contestants are: [LIST=1] [*][B]T-Rex[/B] - USPW's own "Jurrasic Power" already had a shot at Force at Made In America!, but came up short. His failure even caused Danny Jillefski to renounce him as a client and name himself USPW commissioner. Should T-Rex get another shot, or should it go to someone else more deserving? [*][B]Giant Redwood[/B] - Redwood begged, cajoled, and threatened to get on this list. But even if he didn't, he would probably have still been on it. He did lose to Joey Minnesota in the National Title tournament, but it's quite possible that he thought the whole tournament was beneath him. Will Redwood give a better effort if he knows the greatest prize in all of USPW is on the line? [*][B]Darryl Devine[/B] - The "Mighty Fine" one, whose services are always in demand all around the country, made a very strong showing in the National Title tournament. He did lose in the semis to eventual winner Joey Minnesota, but he did take Minnesota to his limit two nights in a row, both at the last All-American Action! before Made In America!, and then in the actual supershow itself. Should Devine get a chance to strike while the iron is hot, or are one of the other two superstars more deserving? [/LIST] Who will it be? [CENTER][/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=eayragt;144064]An online poll? There aint no way that'd be fair - I see Redwood corrupting the results and voting for himself 100's of times. Giant Redwood:D It's got to be. He's so big and talented. Or, alternatiely, you are stuck with him for live.[/QUOTE] Giant Redwood, oh no! Don't listen to Eayragt's propaganda :D If I have to, I'll start up the Darryl chant. Darryl! Darryl! Darryl!
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[QUOTE=eayragt;144064]An online poll? There aint no way that'd be fair - I see Redwood corrupting the results and voting for himself 100's of times. Giant Redwood:D It's got to be. He's so big and talented. Or, alternatiely, you are stuck with him for live.[/QUOTE] Giant Redwood, oh no! Don't listen to Eayragt's propaganda :D If I have to, I'll start up the Darryl chant. Darryl! Darryl! Darryl!
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