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[SIZE="4"][FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] - Episode 3 - Week 3 March 2010 -[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Filmed at Edgeware Hall, South UK and shown Live on Continental Sports X1 - - 1000 Attendance. 103 Viewers -[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/alfredguest.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/LarryBowen.jpg[/IMG] New Blood Qualifying Match Larry Bowen Vs Alfred Guest[/CENTER][/B] Alfred Guest's 2nd match so it was photoshoot time for him. Seeing as how both men were plucked from nowhere just recently and havent met each other before, the match was quite good. After a couple of near falls each, Alfred Guest managed to steal the victory and his first Pay-Per-View Spot at New Blood. [I]Winner: Alfred Guest by Pinfall Match Rating: E[/I] [B][CENTER]- Visiting Hours -[/CENTER][/B] Kevin Jordan and Manny Morham (My resident announcers) welcome everyone to the show and start talking about Stephanie Hazel's brutal beating last week. They cut to a hospital ward where Hazel is hooked up to a heart monitor and tubes [I]Angle Rating D[/I] Adam Phoenix is in the ring. "The Phoenix knows what your all thinking. Your all thinking why. Why oh why did he beat down a little girl. She never did anything to you. And she's never gonna do anything to me, either. Nina took The Phoenix in and show him exactly what was going on. So let that be a lesson to everybody in the back. Disrespect me, and end up getting your brain scrambled, just like Stephanie Hazel. [I]Angle Rating E[/I] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/LazyJoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TerryAllen.jpg[/IMG] Match 2: Jack Giedroyc Vs Menace Giedroyc's Debut PWA Match[/B] (Giedroyc's pic wasn't on photobucket)[/CENTER] Jack Giedroyc heads out to the ring and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [I]Angle Rating B[/I] Jack Giedroyc was exceptional in his debut match. While they never had great chemistry with each other, it wasn't bad either. Menace finally managed to lock in a submission and Giedroyc tapped out. [I]Winner: Menace by submission. Match Rating: C[/I] [B][CENTER]- Masked Man - [/CENTER][/B] Adam B is storming around backstage and confronts Fly Boy. [COLOR="SandyBrown"]"Fly Boy, What the heck. You had a perfect opportunity last week to get that masked menace and you just ran off. Are you forgetting that he attacked me. I havent. Tell you what. At New Blood, your gonna face him in a Loser leaves PWA match"[/COLOR] Fly Boy doesn't respond and only walks away. [I]Angle Rating F[/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TooHot.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RodTodd.jpg[/IMG] Match 3 - Too Hot Vs Rod 'The God' Todd PWA TV Championship Rematch[/CENTER][/B] Too Hot tries living up to his name by posing for the crowd. After each pose, Too Hot calls out for the screams of the fans. And he gets them. [I]Angle Rating C [/I] I think Too Hot might be sleeping with one of the producers to get a second title shot. Either that or the booker might have been drinking. Regardless the result was the same as last weeks. Rod 'The God' Todd defeated Too Hot [I]Winner: Rod 'The God' Todd Match Rating D[/I] [B][CENTER]-Gotta Love The Champ -[/CENTER][/B] Jamie Anderson has a microphone, and proceeds to taunt last weeks squash Keith Vegas, calling him names and generally acting like he is totally unafraid. [I]Angle Rating F[/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/JamieAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/ShujiInukai.jpg[/IMG] Match 4: Jamie Anderson Vs Noritoshi Miura PWA Championship (Squash) Match[/CENTER][/B] Jamie Anderson certainly likes squashing the little guys. He defeats Noritoshi Miura with ease. [I]Winner: Jamie Anderson Match Rating: E[/I] [B][CENTER]- After the match - [/CENTER][/B] Jack Giedroyc comes to the ring: [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]"Hey Anderson. Are you tired yet of picking on the little guys. Guys you KNOW cant beat you. Trust me it doesn't make you look good. It makes the show look bad. So i guess im gonna have to do something about it. How about you face me next week???"[/COLOR] Jamie Anderson just smiles and laughs as the show goes off the air [I]Angle Rating C+[/I] [I][B]Final Rating D[/B][/I] In other news: TCW's War to Settle the score only got a buyrate of 1630[/FONT][/SIZE]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] - Episode 4 - Week 4 March 2010 - - Filmed at Parliament Square and shown LIVE on Continential Sports X1 - Attendance 1000 – Viewers 100 -[/CENTER][/B] And that music can only mean one thing: Nina The Psycho Ballerina is making her way to the ring. She's fuming up there, and she has something in his hand. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Stephanie! I know you got word of my warning from last time. The Phoenix made sure of that. In case somehow you didn't, listen real close. I am the best female wrestler in PWA. Now i know that you have regained conciousness, and i know that your just itching to face me again. But my suggestion is to stay in hospital and recuperate. Stay until after New Blood when your title gets vacated. Because you see. You haven't defended it...well since i can remember and after a chat with the boss, he says your defending it at New Blood against me. So like i said before. Stay right where you are. Or else The Phoenix and myself are gonna put you down for good"[/COLOR] [I]Angle Rating F[/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/WillieHart.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/AlexanderMilovanovic.jpg[/IMG] Match 1: Willie Hart Vs Alexander Milovanovic New Blood Qualifying Match[/CENTER][/B] An excellent match between 2 unknown wrestlers just starting in the industry. This could well be match of the night. Milovanovic defeated Willie Hart in 7:53 by pinfall. [I]Winner: Alexander Milovanovic by Pinfall Match Rating C-[/I] [B][CENTER]- Masked Man -[/CENTER][/B] The announcers start hyping up the fact that we'll be seeing The Masked Man take on Fly Boy at New Blood II. [I]Angle Rating F[/I] The Masked Man heads to the ring: Thank you Adam B. You have actually done me a favour. I wanted to give Fly Boy a piece of my mind and now i can. Get ready, Fly Boy, cause im coming for you. [I]Angle Rating F[/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TerryAllen.jpg[/IMG] Match 2: Adam Matravers Vs Menace[/CENTER][/B] Adam Matravers heads to the ring and poses for fans to take pictures. [I]Angle rating A[/I] Adam Matravers and Menace get right into it with each other. And they look GOOD!!! Matravers heads to the top rope to hit the Mile High Moonsault. It connects and Matravers gets the pinfall [I]Match Rating C-[/I] [B][CENTER]- A bump, An arguement -[/CENTER][/B] Glen Ward is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Rod 'The God' Todd. Todd says something that Glen Ward doesn't like, and they start arguing. After some heated words, Rod The God challenges Glen Ward to meet him in the ring for a match at New Blood II. [I]Angle Rating C-[/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RodTodd.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/LazyJoe.jpg[/IMG] Match 3: Rod 'The God' Todd Vs Jack Giedroyc PWA TV Championship Match[/CENTER][/B] Rod starts off very well but it appears obvious that Jack Giedroyc is getting the upper hand. Todd takes a irish whip and falls out the ring. He purposedly waits for the 10 count to retain the title [I]Winner: Jack Giedroyc by Count Out Match Rating C+[/I] [B][CENTER]- Gotta Love The Champ -[/CENTER][/B] Jamie Anderson appears at the top of the ramp with The Minor Annoyance: [COLOR="Lime"]"I had some time to think about your challenge. And i gotta say...... No!"[/COLOR] The Minor Annoyance turns to Jamie Anderson and says [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"But Jamie. Who are you gonna defend your title against at New Blood"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]"Well thats easy. After some thought. I have found the perfect number 1 contender. DES DAVIDS"[/COLOR] They both laugh and walk to the ring. [I]Angle Ratings FF[/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/JamieAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG] Match 4: Jamie Anderson Vs Insane Heat PWA Championship Match[/CENTER][/B] Jamie Anderson beats down another challenger / victim. [I]Winner: Jamie Anderson Match Rating E[/I] [B]Final Rating E[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] - Episode 4 - Week 4 March 2010 - - Filmed at Parliament Square and shown LIVE on Continential Sports X1 - Attendance 1000 – Viewers 100 -[/CENTER][/B] And that music can only mean one thing: Nina The Psycho Ballerina is making her way to the ring. She's fuming up there, and she has something in his hand. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Stephanie! I know you got word of my warning from last time. The Phoenix made sure of that. In case somehow you didn't, listen real close. I am the best female wrestler in PWA. Now i know that you have regained conciousness, and i know that your just itching to face me again. But my suggestion is to stay in hospital and recuperate. Stay until after New Blood when your title gets vacated. Because you see. You haven't defended it...well since i can remember and after a chat with the boss, he says your defending it at New Blood against me. So like i said before. Stay right where you are. Or else The Phoenix and myself are gonna put you down for good"[/COLOR] [I]Angle Rating F[/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/WillieHart.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/AlexanderMilovanovic.jpg[/IMG] Match 1: Willie Hart Vs Alexander Milovanovic New Blood Qualifying Match[/CENTER][/B] An excellent match between 2 unknown wrestlers just starting in the industry. This could well be match of the night. Milovanovic defeated Willie Hart in 7:53 by pinfall. [I]Winner: Alexander Milovanovic by Pinfall Match Rating C-[/I] [B][CENTER]- Masked Man -[/CENTER][/B] The announcers start hyping up the fact that we'll be seeing The Masked Man take on Fly Boy at New Blood II. [I]Angle Rating F[/I] The Masked Man heads to the ring: Thank you Adam B. You have actually done me a favour. I wanted to give Fly Boy a piece of my mind and now i can. Get ready, Fly Boy, cause im coming for you. [I]Angle Rating F[/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AdamMatravers.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TerryAllen.jpg[/IMG] Match 2: Adam Matravers Vs Menace[/CENTER][/B] Adam Matravers heads to the ring and poses for fans to take pictures. [I]Angle rating A[/I] Adam Matravers and Menace get right into it with each other. And they look GOOD!!! Matravers heads to the top rope to hit the Mile High Moonsault. It connects and Matravers gets the pinfall [I]Match Rating C-[/I] [B][CENTER]- A bump, An arguement -[/CENTER][/B] Glen Ward is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Rod 'The God' Todd. Todd says something that Glen Ward doesn't like, and they start arguing. After some heated words, Rod The God challenges Glen Ward to meet him in the ring for a match at New Blood II. [I]Angle Rating C-[/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RodTodd.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/LazyJoe.jpg[/IMG] Match 3: Rod 'The God' Todd Vs Jack Giedroyc PWA TV Championship Match[/CENTER][/B] Rod starts off very well but it appears obvious that Jack Giedroyc is getting the upper hand. Todd takes a irish whip and falls out the ring. He purposedly waits for the 10 count to retain the title [I]Winner: Jack Giedroyc by Count Out Match Rating C+[/I] [B][CENTER]- Gotta Love The Champ -[/CENTER][/B] Jamie Anderson appears at the top of the ramp with The Minor Annoyance: [COLOR="Lime"]"I had some time to think about your challenge. And i gotta say...... No!"[/COLOR] The Minor Annoyance turns to Jamie Anderson and says [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"But Jamie. Who are you gonna defend your title against at New Blood"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]"Well thats easy. After some thought. I have found the perfect number 1 contender. DES DAVIDS"[/COLOR] They both laugh and walk to the ring. [I]Angle Ratings FF[/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/JamieAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG] Match 4: Jamie Anderson Vs Insane Heat PWA Championship Match[/CENTER][/B] Jamie Anderson beats down another challenger / victim. [I]Winner: Jamie Anderson Match Rating E[/I] [B]Final Rating E[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][FONT="tahoma"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/newblood2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alexander Milovanovic Vs Alfred Guest[/B] Both men have competed in qualifying matches to get to this point. Just who is gonna walk away this years New Blood Winner [B]Glen Ward Vs Rod 'The God' Todd[/B] Its amazing just how fragile wrestlers ego's are. A backstage bump caused these men to settle things in the ring at New Blood [B]Fly Boy Vs Masked Man[/B] On the very first F' The Fire Show, The Masked Man came down and told the boss that he was here for him. Since then he has been tormenting Adam B's lackey Fly Boy and interfering with his macthes. Adam B told Fly Boy that he will face The Masked Man at New Blood in a Loser Leaves PWA Match. [B]Stephanie Hazel Vs Nina[/B] [I]for the PWA Womens Championship[/I] Stephanie Hazel said she would protect Adam Phoenix from whoever had been leaving notes for him. However she failed leading to his abduction and subsequent reappearance as The Phoenix. His first act of business was a sledgehammer attack of Stephanie leaving her bloodied and broken in the ring. The Phoenix's boss/master/manager Nina made an announcement to Stephanie in her hospital bed that the PWA Womens Title would be defended at New Blood with or without Stephanie being there. [B]Jamie Anderson Vs Des Davids[/B] [I]for the PWA Championship[/I] PWA Champion Jamie Anderson is currently riding high after a series of squash matches and has picked Des Davids over Jack Giedroyc as the next contender. Will Giedroyc have something to say about that and will Davids be able to put up much of a fight?[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] Predictions welcome. And a kind of semi prize type thing to the person that gets them ALL right
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][FONT="tahoma"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/newblood2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Alexander Milovanovic Vs Alfred Guest[/B] Both men have competed in qualifying matches to get to this point. Just who is gonna walk away this years New Blood Winner [B]Glen Ward Vs Rod 'The God' Todd[/B] Its amazing just how fragile wrestlers ego's are. A backstage bump caused these men to settle things in the ring at New Blood [B]Fly Boy Vs Masked Man[/B] On the very first F' The Fire Show, The Masked Man came down and told the boss that he was here for him. Since then he has been tormenting Adam B's lackey Fly Boy and interfering with his macthes. Adam B told Fly Boy that he will face The Masked Man at New Blood in a Loser Leaves PWA Match. [B]Stephanie Hazel Vs Nina[/B] [I]for the PWA Womens Championship[/I] Stephanie Hazel said she would protect Adam Phoenix from whoever had been leaving notes for him. However she failed leading to his abduction and subsequent reappearance as The Phoenix. His first act of business was a sledgehammer attack of Stephanie leaving her bloodied and broken in the ring. The Phoenix's boss/master/manager Nina made an announcement to Stephanie in her hospital bed that the PWA Womens Title would be defended at New Blood with or without Stephanie being there. [B]Jamie Anderson Vs Des Davids[/B] [I]for the PWA Championship[/I] PWA Champion Jamie Anderson is currently riding high after a series of squash matches and has picked Des Davids over Jack Giedroyc as the next contender. Will Giedroyc have something to say about that and will Davids be able to put up much of a fight?[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] Predictions welcome. And a kind of semi prize type thing to the person that gets them ALL right
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[B][CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/newblood2.jpg[/IMG] - PWA New Blood II - - 950 Attendance – Broxbourne Civic Hall -[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/AlexanderMilovanovic.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/alfredguest.jpg[/IMG] - PWA New Blood Tournament - - Alexander Milovanovic Vs Alfred Guest -[/CENTER][/B] They may well be on the Pay-Per-View but i couldn't really give them more than an opening match up without annoying the rest of the roster. And to their credit Guest & Milovanovic put on an excellent match. A good clean match up won by Alfred Guest who gets the guaranteed 9 month PWA contract [CENTER][I]Winner: Alfred Guest by pinfall Match Rating C-[/I] [B]- Backstage -[/B][/CENTER] The underground car park. A car pulls up and a guy gets out. He heads over to the passenger side and opens the door. He then helps a women out. Its Stephanie Hazel. She is limping and clearly bruised but here none the less. [CENTER][I]Angle Rating F[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RodTodd.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/GlenWard.jpg[/IMG] - Non Title Match Up - - Rod 'The God' Todd Vs Glen Ward -[/CENTER][/B] Second match of the evening and second excellent match. Going well so far. It looked several times that Todd was going to win it but everytime Ward managed to kick out. Todd then decided to start cheating and used eye pokes and hair pulls when the Ref wasn't looking. Todd eventually got the pin using the ropes for leverage. [CENTER][I]Winner: Rod 'The God' Todd Match Rating C-[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Fly Boy's Interview - [/CENTER][/B] Fly Boy is in the ring. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Tonight, you will finally see the last of that masked menace. For too long now he has been doing whatever he wants with no-one stopping him. well IT ENDS TONIGHT! You see. He is honourable.. The fool. He has signed an agreement with PWA officials that if he loses that he will leave PWA for good. So get ready to wave goodbye. It ends now"[/COLOR] [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/ManchesterFlyBoy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/MaskedMan.jpg[/IMG] - Loser Leaves PWA Match - - Fly Boy Vs The Masked Man -[/CENTER][/B] So far the card has been excellent. It had to sink at some point. At the beginning of PWA this match might have been considered alright but in light of what came before.. Stinksville. Fly Boys timing was all off and The Masked Man wasn't doing much better. Fly Boy almost had the pin a few times and got a bit coc ky. He looked away for just a second and The Masked Man had his feet out from under him and got the pinfall [I][CENTER]Winner: The Masked Man Match Rating F (Eugh)[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]- Jamie Anderson Interview -[/CENTER][/B] Jamie Anderson heads out to the ring: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"You know. You guys are lucky. You get to see me in action. I mean there is no finer wrestler in all of PWA and all those in the back know it. The last few weeks i have had such easy matches its unbelievable. In fact i want to make a notion now that you just transfer ownership rights of this belt over to me. Nobody else is ever gonna wear it. But hey.. Im a nice guy. And tonight im gonna let Des Davids try take it away from me"[/COLOR] [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/JamieAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] - PWA Championship Match - - Jamie Anderson Vs Des Davids -[/CENTER][/B] Jamie Anderson dances around the ring as Davids trys to make some offence with no avail. Anderson leaps forward and starts laying into Davids and its easy to tell that Davids just wasn't ready for this. Anderson twice went to pin Davids but each time lifted the shoulders before the 3 count. Thankfully (For Des and the crowd) the third pinfall attempt gets the full 3 count for the victory. [I][CENTER]Winner: Jamie Anderson Match Rating F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]- Match Aftermath -[/CENTER][/B] Des Davids is lying there in the middle of the ring barely able to remember where he is. Anderson then takes Davids and pulls him out the ring and throws him onto the announcers table. He grabs a mike to address the crowd. [COLOR="darkred"]"Another one down. I said before my match that i was a nice guy. And i shall prove it. Get ready because im about to show you my new move. I call it... Too Good. But this wont be an ordinary version. This is my Pay Per View Version"[/COLOR] He drops the mike and climbs onto the announcers table. Anderson then pulls and hits the Too Good* through the table shattering it [I]* Too Good is a piledriver but where Taker did the thumbs thing, Anderson does the Randy Orton hands in the air entrance thing[/I] [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Nina.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Principessa.jpg[/IMG] - PWA Womens Championship - - Nina The Psycho Ballerina Vs Stephanie Hazel -[/CENTER][/B] A video plays showing Adam (The) Phoenix's abduction, matches between Nina & Steph and Steph's hospitisation & appearance tonight. [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] Nina heads down to the ring alone first looking eager to get her hands on the gold. Steph then proceeds to head down very slowly and quite obviously limping and holding her neck. Nina blantantly targets the neck and legs of Steph wearing her down but she just wont give in. Steph manages to get some offence in but as soon as she gets some momentum going her legs give out. Then The Phoenix runs out to the ring but stops just outside taunting Steph every chance he gets. Sadly Steph just couldn't give any more and her legs go again. Nina grabs Steph's head and locks a submission in and poor Steph had no choice but to tap. At that point The Phoenix enters the ring. Steph tries to pull herself away but Phoenix just gets there too fast. He picks her up and hits the Phoenix Down [I][CENTER]Winner: Nina The Pyscho Ballerina Match Rating D[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]-Match Aftermath -[/CENTER][/B] Having just won the match, Nina snatches her newly won title belt and scrambles back up the aisle, only holding the belt aloft in triumph when she is a considerable distance from the ring. The Phoenix, still in the ring, spits on Steph's prone body and leaves her there [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]Final Rating E[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[B][CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/newblood2.jpg[/IMG] - PWA New Blood II - - 950 Attendance – Broxbourne Civic Hall -[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/AlexanderMilovanovic.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/alfredguest.jpg[/IMG] - PWA New Blood Tournament - - Alexander Milovanovic Vs Alfred Guest -[/CENTER][/B] They may well be on the Pay-Per-View but i couldn't really give them more than an opening match up without annoying the rest of the roster. And to their credit Guest & Milovanovic put on an excellent match. A good clean match up won by Alfred Guest who gets the guaranteed 9 month PWA contract [CENTER][I]Winner: Alfred Guest by pinfall Match Rating C-[/I] [B]- Backstage -[/B][/CENTER] The underground car park. A car pulls up and a guy gets out. He heads over to the passenger side and opens the door. He then helps a women out. Its Stephanie Hazel. She is limping and clearly bruised but here none the less. [CENTER][I]Angle Rating F[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RodTodd.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/GlenWard.jpg[/IMG] - Non Title Match Up - - Rod 'The God' Todd Vs Glen Ward -[/CENTER][/B] Second match of the evening and second excellent match. Going well so far. It looked several times that Todd was going to win it but everytime Ward managed to kick out. Todd then decided to start cheating and used eye pokes and hair pulls when the Ref wasn't looking. Todd eventually got the pin using the ropes for leverage. [CENTER][I]Winner: Rod 'The God' Todd Match Rating C-[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Fly Boy's Interview - [/CENTER][/B] Fly Boy is in the ring. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Tonight, you will finally see the last of that masked menace. For too long now he has been doing whatever he wants with no-one stopping him. well IT ENDS TONIGHT! You see. He is honourable.. The fool. He has signed an agreement with PWA officials that if he loses that he will leave PWA for good. So get ready to wave goodbye. It ends now"[/COLOR] [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/ManchesterFlyBoy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/Render%202nd/MaskedMan.jpg[/IMG] - Loser Leaves PWA Match - - Fly Boy Vs The Masked Man -[/CENTER][/B] So far the card has been excellent. It had to sink at some point. At the beginning of PWA this match might have been considered alright but in light of what came before.. Stinksville. Fly Boys timing was all off and The Masked Man wasn't doing much better. Fly Boy almost had the pin a few times and got a bit coc ky. He looked away for just a second and The Masked Man had his feet out from under him and got the pinfall [I][CENTER]Winner: The Masked Man Match Rating F (Eugh)[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]- Jamie Anderson Interview -[/CENTER][/B] Jamie Anderson heads out to the ring: [COLOR="DarkRed"]"You know. You guys are lucky. You get to see me in action. I mean there is no finer wrestler in all of PWA and all those in the back know it. The last few weeks i have had such easy matches its unbelievable. In fact i want to make a notion now that you just transfer ownership rights of this belt over to me. Nobody else is ever gonna wear it. But hey.. Im a nice guy. And tonight im gonna let Des Davids try take it away from me"[/COLOR] [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/JamieAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] - PWA Championship Match - - Jamie Anderson Vs Des Davids -[/CENTER][/B] Jamie Anderson dances around the ring as Davids trys to make some offence with no avail. Anderson leaps forward and starts laying into Davids and its easy to tell that Davids just wasn't ready for this. Anderson twice went to pin Davids but each time lifted the shoulders before the 3 count. Thankfully (For Des and the crowd) the third pinfall attempt gets the full 3 count for the victory. [I][CENTER]Winner: Jamie Anderson Match Rating F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]- Match Aftermath -[/CENTER][/B] Des Davids is lying there in the middle of the ring barely able to remember where he is. Anderson then takes Davids and pulls him out the ring and throws him onto the announcers table. He grabs a mike to address the crowd. [COLOR="darkred"]"Another one down. I said before my match that i was a nice guy. And i shall prove it. Get ready because im about to show you my new move. I call it... Too Good. But this wont be an ordinary version. This is my Pay Per View Version"[/COLOR] He drops the mike and climbs onto the announcers table. Anderson then pulls and hits the Too Good* through the table shattering it [I]* Too Good is a piledriver but where Taker did the thumbs thing, Anderson does the Randy Orton hands in the air entrance thing[/I] [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Nina.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Principessa.jpg[/IMG] - PWA Womens Championship - - Nina The Psycho Ballerina Vs Stephanie Hazel -[/CENTER][/B] A video plays showing Adam (The) Phoenix's abduction, matches between Nina & Steph and Steph's hospitisation & appearance tonight. [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] Nina heads down to the ring alone first looking eager to get her hands on the gold. Steph then proceeds to head down very slowly and quite obviously limping and holding her neck. Nina blantantly targets the neck and legs of Steph wearing her down but she just wont give in. Steph manages to get some offence in but as soon as she gets some momentum going her legs give out. Then The Phoenix runs out to the ring but stops just outside taunting Steph every chance he gets. Sadly Steph just couldn't give any more and her legs go again. Nina grabs Steph's head and locks a submission in and poor Steph had no choice but to tap. At that point The Phoenix enters the ring. Steph tries to pull herself away but Phoenix just gets there too fast. He picks her up and hits the Phoenix Down [I][CENTER]Winner: Nina The Pyscho Ballerina Match Rating D[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]-Match Aftermath -[/CENTER][/B] Having just won the match, Nina snatches her newly won title belt and scrambles back up the aisle, only holding the belt aloft in triumph when she is a considerable distance from the ring. The Phoenix, still in the ring, spits on Steph's prone body and leaves her there [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]Final Rating E[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[SIZE="4"][FONT="Tahoma"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] - PWA F’ The Fire - Episode 5 - - Week 1 April 2010 - - Filmed at Edgeware Hall in front of 1261 people - - Watched at home by 131 viewers -[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]*Thought I would give out the preshow ratings, not the actual happenings*: Pre Show Happening #1 Rating C + Pre Show Happening #2 Rating C -[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Last week on F' The Fire[/CENTER][/B] The show starts with a video. It shows the end of New Blood II. In particular the moment women Stephanie Hazel stumbled and The Phoenix hit the Phoenix Down [I][CENTER]Angle Rating: F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]- Match 1: Jamie Anderson Vs Alfred Guest - - PWA Championship Match –[/CENTER][/B] New Blood winner Alfred Guest heads to the ring and celebrates his win a few nights ago by striking poses to each side of the ring. And it seems to effect the young ladies in the crowd [I][CENTER]Angle Rating: A*[/CENTER][/I] Jamie Anderson heads out to the ring and takes a mike: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Oh come on. Your cheering for this wannabe. He wins one match against another unknown and suddenly he is your hero. Grow up. Compare him to me.. Im a PWA Champion, the greatest in fact. I have defended this belt more times than Brilliant White did or Arthur T Turtle did. But like I keep saying, Im a nice guy. And to prove it, how about we have ourselves a little match. And if you can pin me. You can have this belt”[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Angle Rating: F[/I][/CENTER] The bell sounds and Alfred Guest gets to it. Anderson actually has to make some defence and he really looks quite surprised. He quickly recovers though and they both start working on each other. Guest starts working on some submissions and Anderson gets the ropes each time. Anderson is thrown against the ring post but counters Guests attempts to chuck him off the top. Anderson hits the Too Good and heads for a pin. 1….2……. kick out at 2 ½ . Anderson looks absolutely fuming. He gets up, pushes the ref out the way and leaves the ring. He grabs his belt and starts walking up the ramp and round the corner. The Ref quite happily counts him out and declares Guest the winner. [CENTER][I]Winner: Alfred Guest Match Rating: E[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Interview with Adam Matravers[/CENTER][/B] After the break Adam Matravers is in the ring: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“So I thought I would just pop out here and get something off my chest. Did you just see that last match. That’s our Champion ladies and gentleman. A man so cowardly that he would rather pick on PWA’s new guys than face a real contender. I mean, would you rather see Jamie Anderson face another jobber or a real star like Jack Giedroyc. You see, I think Jamie Anderson is scared. Scared of getting into a real fight with someone. That’s why he picks on the youngsters.. So how about this. Jamie Anderson, if you think you can handle it. How about you face me in a match for your precious belt”[/COLOR] He drops the mike and get ready for his match [CENTER][I]Angle Ratings: C- for the rant about Anderson, C for the challenge[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match 2: Adam Matravers Vs Rod ‘The God’ Todd - - Non Title Match -[/CENTER][/B] I hope Jamie Anderson was taking notes backstage. That’s how you pull off a match. Adam Matravers looked really good out there and Rod 'The God' Todd was doing everything right today. It was almost a shame to see it end. Yet Adam Matravers hit the Mile High Moonsault and got the win [CENTER][I]Match Rating: C[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Interview with Adam B[/CENTER][/B] Adam. B heads to the ring: [COLOR="Lime"]“Relax everyone. Im not out here to brag about just how good I am, or get a wrestler to do something specific. Not today anyway. We have a new signing at PWA who will debut in just a few minutes. You might remember him from his matches against Adam Matravers in another promotion. One that I was connected to at one point. He has just recently ended his contract with them and signed exclusively with us. I give you LEO PRICE!!!!!”[/COLOR] [CENTER]Angle Rating: C-[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match 3: Leo Price Vs Jack Giedroyc - - Leo Prices Debut Match -[/CENTER][/B] Jack Giedroyc and Leo Price obviously were not meshing well but even that couldn’t dull the match. Both wrestlers got some near falls and close submissions by it was the from out of nowhere Crashing On by Giedroyc that sealed his victory. [I][CENTER]Winner: Jack Giedroyc by Pinall Match Rating: C[/CENTER][/I] Its press conference time and The Masked Man is waiting for people to settle down. [COLOR="Orange"]“Welcome. Thank you all for attending. As you all know, I won on Sunday meaning that Fly Boy no longer works for PWA. So with him gone I can concentrate on my other reason for being here. And that’s PWA’s tyrannical owner Adam B. So onto my reason for bringing you all here. In 3 weeks time we have Blood Showers (The Next PPV) and I would like a match. I want to meet Adam B in the ring. And to sweeten the deal. If he agrees and signs a match contract. I shall unmask for him.”[/COLOR] [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] Nina The Psycho Ballerina is in the ring with a mike: [COLOR="Plum"]“Well well well.. Guess who is the new PWA Womens Champion. Oh that’s right. ME!!! Guess poor old Steph just didn’t have what it takes to be a champion. She isn’t even here today. At home recovering apparently. But tonight im gonna extend an open challenge to any women to try best me.. Oh wait. Im the only women left at PWA.. Guess I win th….”[/COLOR] Suddenly the speakers cut in with someones entrance music. Nina looks over and sees Miss Information, former Ring of Fire diva and British Samurai’s protégé [I][CENTER]Angle Rating E[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]- Match 4: Nina The Psycho Ballerina Vs Miss Information - - Non Title Match Up –[/CENTER][/B] Miss Information charges to the ring but Nina is just about ready in time. They battle back and forth for a little while but Miss Information gets the upper hand and pins Nina [CENTER][I]Winner: Miss Information by Pinfall Angle Rating: D[/I] [B]Final rating C-[/B][/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="4"][FONT="Tahoma"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] - PWA F’ The Fire - Episode 5 - - Week 1 April 2010 - - Filmed at Edgeware Hall in front of 1261 people - - Watched at home by 131 viewers -[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]*Thought I would give out the preshow ratings, not the actual happenings*: Pre Show Happening #1 Rating C + Pre Show Happening #2 Rating C -[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Last week on F' The Fire[/CENTER][/B] The show starts with a video. It shows the end of New Blood II. In particular the moment women Stephanie Hazel stumbled and The Phoenix hit the Phoenix Down [I][CENTER]Angle Rating: F[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]- Match 1: Jamie Anderson Vs Alfred Guest - - PWA Championship Match –[/CENTER][/B] New Blood winner Alfred Guest heads to the ring and celebrates his win a few nights ago by striking poses to each side of the ring. And it seems to effect the young ladies in the crowd [I][CENTER]Angle Rating: A*[/CENTER][/I] Jamie Anderson heads out to the ring and takes a mike: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Oh come on. Your cheering for this wannabe. He wins one match against another unknown and suddenly he is your hero. Grow up. Compare him to me.. Im a PWA Champion, the greatest in fact. I have defended this belt more times than Brilliant White did or Arthur T Turtle did. But like I keep saying, Im a nice guy. And to prove it, how about we have ourselves a little match. And if you can pin me. You can have this belt”[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Angle Rating: F[/I][/CENTER] The bell sounds and Alfred Guest gets to it. Anderson actually has to make some defence and he really looks quite surprised. He quickly recovers though and they both start working on each other. Guest starts working on some submissions and Anderson gets the ropes each time. Anderson is thrown against the ring post but counters Guests attempts to chuck him off the top. Anderson hits the Too Good and heads for a pin. 1….2……. kick out at 2 ½ . Anderson looks absolutely fuming. He gets up, pushes the ref out the way and leaves the ring. He grabs his belt and starts walking up the ramp and round the corner. The Ref quite happily counts him out and declares Guest the winner. [CENTER][I]Winner: Alfred Guest Match Rating: E[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Interview with Adam Matravers[/CENTER][/B] After the break Adam Matravers is in the ring: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“So I thought I would just pop out here and get something off my chest. Did you just see that last match. That’s our Champion ladies and gentleman. A man so cowardly that he would rather pick on PWA’s new guys than face a real contender. I mean, would you rather see Jamie Anderson face another jobber or a real star like Jack Giedroyc. You see, I think Jamie Anderson is scared. Scared of getting into a real fight with someone. That’s why he picks on the youngsters.. So how about this. Jamie Anderson, if you think you can handle it. How about you face me in a match for your precious belt”[/COLOR] He drops the mike and get ready for his match [CENTER][I]Angle Ratings: C- for the rant about Anderson, C for the challenge[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match 2: Adam Matravers Vs Rod ‘The God’ Todd - - Non Title Match -[/CENTER][/B] I hope Jamie Anderson was taking notes backstage. That’s how you pull off a match. Adam Matravers looked really good out there and Rod 'The God' Todd was doing everything right today. It was almost a shame to see it end. Yet Adam Matravers hit the Mile High Moonsault and got the win [CENTER][I]Match Rating: C[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Interview with Adam B[/CENTER][/B] Adam. B heads to the ring: [COLOR="Lime"]“Relax everyone. Im not out here to brag about just how good I am, or get a wrestler to do something specific. Not today anyway. We have a new signing at PWA who will debut in just a few minutes. You might remember him from his matches against Adam Matravers in another promotion. One that I was connected to at one point. He has just recently ended his contract with them and signed exclusively with us. I give you LEO PRICE!!!!!”[/COLOR] [CENTER]Angle Rating: C-[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match 3: Leo Price Vs Jack Giedroyc - - Leo Prices Debut Match -[/CENTER][/B] Jack Giedroyc and Leo Price obviously were not meshing well but even that couldn’t dull the match. Both wrestlers got some near falls and close submissions by it was the from out of nowhere Crashing On by Giedroyc that sealed his victory. [I][CENTER]Winner: Jack Giedroyc by Pinall Match Rating: C[/CENTER][/I] Its press conference time and The Masked Man is waiting for people to settle down. [COLOR="Orange"]“Welcome. Thank you all for attending. As you all know, I won on Sunday meaning that Fly Boy no longer works for PWA. So with him gone I can concentrate on my other reason for being here. And that’s PWA’s tyrannical owner Adam B. So onto my reason for bringing you all here. In 3 weeks time we have Blood Showers (The Next PPV) and I would like a match. I want to meet Adam B in the ring. And to sweeten the deal. If he agrees and signs a match contract. I shall unmask for him.”[/COLOR] [I][CENTER]Angle Rating F[/CENTER][/I] Nina The Psycho Ballerina is in the ring with a mike: [COLOR="Plum"]“Well well well.. Guess who is the new PWA Womens Champion. Oh that’s right. ME!!! Guess poor old Steph just didn’t have what it takes to be a champion. She isn’t even here today. At home recovering apparently. But tonight im gonna extend an open challenge to any women to try best me.. Oh wait. Im the only women left at PWA.. Guess I win th….”[/COLOR] Suddenly the speakers cut in with someones entrance music. Nina looks over and sees Miss Information, former Ring of Fire diva and British Samurai’s protégé [I][CENTER]Angle Rating E[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]- Match 4: Nina The Psycho Ballerina Vs Miss Information - - Non Title Match Up –[/CENTER][/B] Miss Information charges to the ring but Nina is just about ready in time. They battle back and forth for a little while but Miss Information gets the upper hand and pins Nina [CENTER][I]Winner: Miss Information by Pinfall Angle Rating: D[/I] [B]Final rating C-[/B][/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE]
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*applauds* Quite a show! I was gonna say that success is the best revenge. A great way to get back at British Samurai would be to do what he himself could not. Namely, turning Miss Information into a bonafide star. Now a next possible step would be to sign ROF's top stars to PPA deals and job them to oblivion. Though I'd recommend waiting until you can lock up your own talent to written deals (so they can't return the favor). I still don't know what you see in Jamie Anderson. :confused: He sullies that belt every second it's in his possession. :p But you have succeeded in making him a really good heel. I hate him with a passion. :)
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*applauds* Quite a show! I was gonna say that success is the best revenge. A great way to get back at British Samurai would be to do what he himself could not. Namely, turning Miss Information into a bonafide star. Now a next possible step would be to sign ROF's top stars to PPA deals and job them to oblivion. Though I'd recommend waiting until you can lock up your own talent to written deals (so they can't return the favor). I still don't know what you see in Jamie Anderson. :confused: He sullies that belt every second it's in his possession. :p But you have succeeded in making him a really good heel. I hate him with a passion. :)
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Thanks.. Miss Information seems to be doing a lot better for me than she was in ROF and the matches between her and Nina seem to be quite good. Im just wondering what she would be like against Steph. I do feel sorry for her. She has been quite the victim Now Mr Anderson (Hmm i smell future Matrix Gimmick) actually won that belt. I left it up to them to decide a winner and he won. But i kinda like how he is turning out. Reminds me a little of Jericho when he won the undisputed title years back. Still undecided how long i should keep the title on him for. But if you can think of someone to put the belt on let me know I like your idea about jobbing ROF workers but it seems that as soon as they sign with me, they leave ROF. Although not a bad thing in itself.
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Thanks.. Miss Information seems to be doing a lot better for me than she was in ROF and the matches between her and Nina seem to be quite good. Im just wondering what she would be like against Steph. I do feel sorry for her. She has been quite the victim Now Mr Anderson (Hmm i smell future Matrix Gimmick) actually won that belt. I left it up to them to decide a winner and he won. But i kinda like how he is turning out. Reminds me a little of Jericho when he won the undisputed title years back. Still undecided how long i should keep the title on him for. But if you can think of someone to put the belt on let me know I like your idea about jobbing ROF workers but it seems that as soon as they sign with me, they leave ROF. Although not a bad thing in itself.
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] [B]- F’ The Fire - Episode 6 - - Week 2 April 2010 - Broxbridge Civic Hall - - Attendance 1000 - Viewers 121 -[/B] - Pre Show Ratings C & D -[/CENTER] Adam B starts the show by heading to the ring. [COLOR="Orange"]“Well this is familiar. I did this last week. But before I tell you all what I have to say. I want to address a certain issue brought up last week. Our little Masked Freak wants a match with me at Blood Showers and after some consideration.. .. I think YOUR ON!!! Now about your end of the deal. Next week will be a contract signing here on F’ The Fire. And in that contract it says that you WILL unmask after signing it. And that means RIGHT AFTER!. So now onto what I came out here to announce. We have another new signing here at PWA. And after last weeks show I thought I would see if Jack Giedroyc can do it again. So tonight you will see him against Donny Damage!!"[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Angle Rating: E for the acceptance, D for the new signing.[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match-Up 1: Rod ‘The God’ Todd Vs Alexander Milovanovic - - PWA TV Championship -[/CENTER][/B] Rod 'The God' Todd has an interview in which he taunts Glen Ward. [CENTER][I]Angle Rating C-[/I][/CENTER] Rod 'The God' Todd meets Alexander Milovanovic and the results look good. Milovanovic’s third match and his third C- match rating. Todd got the pin to retain the belt [CENTER][I]Winner: Rod ‘The God’ Tod Match Rating: C-[/I][/CENTER] Glen Ward comes to the ring: [COLOR="YellowGreen"]“Now you see Rod. I was paying attention last week when Adam Matravers beat you, and I think I found your weakness so how about we give it another go at Blood Showers” [/COLOR] Rod grabs the mike to reply: [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]“Tell you what, I will give you a non title match at Blood Showers. I mean I beat you, why should I let you have my title. But if you can beat me then I will consider giving you an actual title shot again."[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Angle Ratings: E for the challenge, D for the acceptance[/I] [B]- Match-Up 2: Jack Giedroyc Vs Donny Damage - - Donny Damages Debut Match -[/B][/CENTER] Holy heck in a handbasket. The crowd were on their feet as both Jack Giedroyc and then Donny Damage wowed the crowd with an excellent match. However it was the Crashing On by Giedroyc that sealed the win. [CENTER][I]Winner: Jack Giedroyc Match Rating: B-[/I][/CENTER] Adam Matravers comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. Nina claims she is apparently too good to do it seeing as she is Womens Champion [CENTER][I]Angle Rating: A[/I] [B]- Match-Up 3: Jamie Anderson Vs Willie Hart – - PWA Championship Match –[/B][/CENTER] Jamie Anderson looks to take another win over a rookie. Willie Hart to his credit actually looked good out there. But Anderson was more interested in taunting and cheating than entertaining the fans. He then low blows Hart and hits the Too Good for the win [CENTER][I]Winner: Jamie Anderson Match Rating: E[/I] [B]- Match-Up 4: Leo Price Vs Adam Matravers -[/B][/CENTER] Leo Price cuts a promo: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Damn did you see me last week, I looked good out there. And tonight im gonna prove how good I am by taking out my former Ring of Fire competitor Adam Matravers”[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Angle Rating C-[/I][/CENTER] Adam Matravers and Leo Price worked well together making a good match ending with a Mile High Moonsault by Matravers. [CENTER][I]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating C[/I][/CENTER] Adam Matravers takes a mike: [COLOR="Purple"]“You all saw me last week challenge Jamie Anderson for his Championship belt. Well he seems to have gone out of his way this week to avoid me and not have to answer. Well im gonna keep coming out here every week and challenge you until you agree. So how about it.. Jamie Anderson Vs Adam Matravers at Blood Showers"[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Angle Rating C-[/I] [B]Final Rating C[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Last TCW Show only got a C+ rating. Im catching up???? And TCW have been hiring like crazy[/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] [B]- F’ The Fire - Episode 6 - - Week 2 April 2010 - Broxbridge Civic Hall - - Attendance 1000 - Viewers 121 -[/B] - Pre Show Ratings C & D -[/CENTER] Adam B starts the show by heading to the ring. [COLOR="Orange"]“Well this is familiar. I did this last week. But before I tell you all what I have to say. I want to address a certain issue brought up last week. Our little Masked Freak wants a match with me at Blood Showers and after some consideration.. .. I think YOUR ON!!! Now about your end of the deal. Next week will be a contract signing here on F’ The Fire. And in that contract it says that you WILL unmask after signing it. And that means RIGHT AFTER!. So now onto what I came out here to announce. We have another new signing here at PWA. And after last weeks show I thought I would see if Jack Giedroyc can do it again. So tonight you will see him against Donny Damage!!"[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Angle Rating: E for the acceptance, D for the new signing.[/I][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]- Match-Up 1: Rod ‘The God’ Todd Vs Alexander Milovanovic - - PWA TV Championship -[/CENTER][/B] Rod 'The God' Todd has an interview in which he taunts Glen Ward. [CENTER][I]Angle Rating C-[/I][/CENTER] Rod 'The God' Todd meets Alexander Milovanovic and the results look good. Milovanovic’s third match and his third C- match rating. Todd got the pin to retain the belt [CENTER][I]Winner: Rod ‘The God’ Tod Match Rating: C-[/I][/CENTER] Glen Ward comes to the ring: [COLOR="YellowGreen"]“Now you see Rod. I was paying attention last week when Adam Matravers beat you, and I think I found your weakness so how about we give it another go at Blood Showers” [/COLOR] Rod grabs the mike to reply: [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]“Tell you what, I will give you a non title match at Blood Showers. I mean I beat you, why should I let you have my title. But if you can beat me then I will consider giving you an actual title shot again."[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Angle Ratings: E for the challenge, D for the acceptance[/I] [B]- Match-Up 2: Jack Giedroyc Vs Donny Damage - - Donny Damages Debut Match -[/B][/CENTER] Holy heck in a handbasket. The crowd were on their feet as both Jack Giedroyc and then Donny Damage wowed the crowd with an excellent match. However it was the Crashing On by Giedroyc that sealed the win. [CENTER][I]Winner: Jack Giedroyc Match Rating: B-[/I][/CENTER] Adam Matravers comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. Nina claims she is apparently too good to do it seeing as she is Womens Champion [CENTER][I]Angle Rating: A[/I] [B]- Match-Up 3: Jamie Anderson Vs Willie Hart – - PWA Championship Match –[/B][/CENTER] Jamie Anderson looks to take another win over a rookie. Willie Hart to his credit actually looked good out there. But Anderson was more interested in taunting and cheating than entertaining the fans. He then low blows Hart and hits the Too Good for the win [CENTER][I]Winner: Jamie Anderson Match Rating: E[/I] [B]- Match-Up 4: Leo Price Vs Adam Matravers -[/B][/CENTER] Leo Price cuts a promo: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Damn did you see me last week, I looked good out there. And tonight im gonna prove how good I am by taking out my former Ring of Fire competitor Adam Matravers”[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Angle Rating C-[/I][/CENTER] Adam Matravers and Leo Price worked well together making a good match ending with a Mile High Moonsault by Matravers. [CENTER][I]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating C[/I][/CENTER] Adam Matravers takes a mike: [COLOR="Purple"]“You all saw me last week challenge Jamie Anderson for his Championship belt. Well he seems to have gone out of his way this week to avoid me and not have to answer. Well im gonna keep coming out here every week and challenge you until you agree. So how about it.. Jamie Anderson Vs Adam Matravers at Blood Showers"[/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Angle Rating C-[/I] [B]Final Rating C[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Last TCW Show only got a C+ rating. Im catching up???? And TCW have been hiring like crazy[/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Clarity;155503]But if you can think of someone to put the belt on let me know[/QUOTE] Adam Matravers or Jack Giedroyc. As you've probably noticed, a Jack vs Donny feud could take you to Cult if it continues to rate like the first match did. I just know I can't stand Jamie Anderson and wish he'd cross paths with Jigsaw. :p
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[QUOTE=Clarity;155503]But if you can think of someone to put the belt on let me know[/QUOTE] Adam Matravers or Jack Giedroyc. As you've probably noticed, a Jack vs Donny feud could take you to Cult if it continues to rate like the first match did. I just know I can't stand Jamie Anderson and wish he'd cross paths with Jigsaw. :p
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Well Anderson Vs Matravers could be on the card at my next PPV so it may change hands there. But Jamie certainly makes you wanna back the good guys It may be nice to have a face hold the belt for a while. The only face to hold it was Arthur T Turtle and his reign wasn't exactly long. On a side note. What do people think of The Phoenix? and who do people think is The Masked Man?
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Well Anderson Vs Matravers could be on the card at my next PPV so it may change hands there. But Jamie certainly makes you wanna back the good guys It may be nice to have a face hold the belt for a while. The only face to hold it was Arthur T Turtle and his reign wasn't exactly long. On a side note. What do people think of The Phoenix? and who do people think is The Masked Man?
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