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I actually think you've done a good job with Jamie Anderson - he's someone I always nearly bring in to my ROF game and then leave alone. I'd certainly never have envisaged him as a main eventer. I think when you put the title on him, it was a good move. Of the people vying for the belt at the time, he was probably most over. Its only since then you've brought in workers more able to carry the strap. But I tend to agree with what the others have said - now that you have Matravers, Giedroyc, Price and Damage, you need to get the belt onto one of those pronto. And Remianen is right - Anderson just can't hold up the top end of the card, which is important for ratings, and he's not skilled enough to get anything out of the lower-carders he's been up against with no overness of their own. The fact that he's avoiding better workers as part of the storyline is actually also stopping him from gaining any overness boosts himself, so you've got a bit of a vicious circle. I think I'd get the strap off him, have him job to the new main event set and hope that he has decent chemistry with one of them that might help him get an overness boost. Then insert him in the midcard title picture with the likes of Rod 'The God' and Glen Ward. He'd probably fit quite well in that part of the card. I do like the fact that you've turned Jamie Anderson - probably one of the least used and least known members of the Cornellverse - into such a figure of hatred! :D
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It wasn't an anti-climax because the ratings suggested it wasn't a bigger name. It's kind of nice to show loyalty to someone who worked for you in the past - although Adam B's character over the years hasn't shown loyalty to always be his strong suit! As a lower card, put-the-feud-to-bed thing it's fine. Beyond that, I wouldn't think Nate has the skills to offer you much. Having said that, your main eventers now (with the notable exception of Jamie 'Mr Popularity' Anderson) may actually have the capability to pull decent matches out of rubbish wrestlers. I'm presuming he's still dirt cheap (given the ratings he gets) but with your now weekly show you've potentially got him available for a good while. So I'd get him through his feud, then use him as a jobber for your stars. See if his skills and/or overness go up. If he shows potential, that's great. If he doesn't, find another punchbag. Or rehire Arthur T Turtle, who is much better! Really enjoying the diary, by the way. It's interesting to see how you're doing things, as I'm 2 and a half years into my own Ring of Fire game. Oh, and I like the pictures, by the way. Especially your remakes of the likes of Anderson and Matravers, and what you use for your newcomers.
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It wasn't an anti-climax because the ratings suggested it wasn't a bigger name. It's kind of nice to show loyalty to someone who worked for you in the past - although Adam B's character over the years hasn't shown loyalty to always be his strong suit! As a lower card, put-the-feud-to-bed thing it's fine. Beyond that, I wouldn't think Nate has the skills to offer you much. Having said that, your main eventers now (with the notable exception of Jamie 'Mr Popularity' Anderson) may actually have the capability to pull decent matches out of rubbish wrestlers. I'm presuming he's still dirt cheap (given the ratings he gets) but with your now weekly show you've potentially got him available for a good while. So I'd get him through his feud, then use him as a jobber for your stars. See if his skills and/or overness go up. If he shows potential, that's great. If he doesn't, find another punchbag. Or rehire Arthur T Turtle, who is much better! Really enjoying the diary, by the way. It's interesting to see how you're doing things, as I'm 2 and a half years into my own Ring of Fire game. Oh, and I like the pictures, by the way. Especially your remakes of the likes of Anderson and Matravers, and what you use for your newcomers.
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[SIZE="4"][FONT="Tahoma"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] - F’ The Fire – Episode 8 - - Week 4 April 2010 - - Filmed at Parliament Square and Shown Live on Continental Sports X1 - - 1000 in Attendance & 144 Viewers -[/CENTER][/B] Pre-Show Segment #1: F Pre-Show Segment #2: D [CENTER][B]Match 1: Jeff Nova Vs Keith Adams[/B][/CENTER] Two recent signings given a slot to see what they can do. Best match of the evening. Jeff Nova defeated Keith Adams in 11:41 by pinfall with a Glasgow Kiss. [I][RIGHT]Winner: Jeff Nova Match Rating: B-[/RIGHT][/I] Adam B heads to the ring [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]“I thought tonight we would have something a little bit different. Last week Jamie Anderson turned down Adam Matravers challenge for a match at Blood Showers. Well since im boss, I have decided that Anderson will face him for the PWA Championship but not only that but tonight he will face not only Adam Matravers but Jack Giedroyc and Donny Damage. Don’t worry Jamie. Its non title.”[/COLOR][/I] [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating C –[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]Match 2: Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Menace[/CENTER][/B] Menace defeated Rolling Johnny Stones. Nowhere near as good as the first match. [I][RIGHT]Winner: Menace Match Rating: D[/RIGHT][/I] Stephanie Hazel heads to the ring [COLOR="Pink"][I]“First of all. Im back. I took some time off to recover but now I feel strong enough to challenge for my belt back. However since I was out of action, Miss Information has been declared #1 Contender, but a flash of cleavage later and its now a 3 way at Blood Showers”[/I][/COLOR] [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating: D[/RIGHT][/I] The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Adam B take on Nate Manchester at Blood Showers [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating F[/RIGHT][/I] A video piece is played, 'Up Close and Personal with The Masked Man'. In it, Nate Manchester is interviewed in a 60 Minutes-type of setting, complete with interviews with friends and family, former tag partner Manchester Fly Boy, and PWA boss Adam B. He speaks of his love of wrestling and how sullied he felt by the actions of certain individuals. He also mentions the fact that he has an announcement to make after his match at Blood Showers [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating: E[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]Match 3: Anderson Vs Damage Vs Giedroyc Vs Matravers - Fatal 4 Way -[/CENTER][/B] Whether it was due to the other 3 or not, Jamie Anderson managed to up his game. He managed to defeat Jack Giedroyc, Donny Damage and Adam Matravers when he grabs Matravers tights during a pin attempt. [I][RIGHT]Winner: Jamie Anderson Match Rating: C+[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]Final Rating C[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][QUOTE][B]Confirmed for Blood Showers:[/B] Stephanie Hazel Vs Nina The Pyscho Ballerina Vs Miss Information [I]for the Womens Championship[/I] Nate Manchester Vs PWA Owner Adam B Glen Ward Vs Rod ‘The God’ Todd [I]for the PWA TV Title[/I] Jamie Anderson Vs Adam Matravers [I]for the PWA Championship[/I][/QUOTE][/CENTER][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE="4"][FONT="Tahoma"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] - F’ The Fire – Episode 8 - - Week 4 April 2010 - - Filmed at Parliament Square and Shown Live on Continental Sports X1 - - 1000 in Attendance & 144 Viewers -[/CENTER][/B] Pre-Show Segment #1: F Pre-Show Segment #2: D [CENTER][B]Match 1: Jeff Nova Vs Keith Adams[/B][/CENTER] Two recent signings given a slot to see what they can do. Best match of the evening. Jeff Nova defeated Keith Adams in 11:41 by pinfall with a Glasgow Kiss. [I][RIGHT]Winner: Jeff Nova Match Rating: B-[/RIGHT][/I] Adam B heads to the ring [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]“I thought tonight we would have something a little bit different. Last week Jamie Anderson turned down Adam Matravers challenge for a match at Blood Showers. Well since im boss, I have decided that Anderson will face him for the PWA Championship but not only that but tonight he will face not only Adam Matravers but Jack Giedroyc and Donny Damage. Don’t worry Jamie. Its non title.”[/COLOR][/I] [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating C –[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]Match 2: Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Menace[/CENTER][/B] Menace defeated Rolling Johnny Stones. Nowhere near as good as the first match. [I][RIGHT]Winner: Menace Match Rating: D[/RIGHT][/I] Stephanie Hazel heads to the ring [COLOR="Pink"][I]“First of all. Im back. I took some time off to recover but now I feel strong enough to challenge for my belt back. However since I was out of action, Miss Information has been declared #1 Contender, but a flash of cleavage later and its now a 3 way at Blood Showers”[/I][/COLOR] [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating: D[/RIGHT][/I] The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Adam B take on Nate Manchester at Blood Showers [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating F[/RIGHT][/I] A video piece is played, 'Up Close and Personal with The Masked Man'. In it, Nate Manchester is interviewed in a 60 Minutes-type of setting, complete with interviews with friends and family, former tag partner Manchester Fly Boy, and PWA boss Adam B. He speaks of his love of wrestling and how sullied he felt by the actions of certain individuals. He also mentions the fact that he has an announcement to make after his match at Blood Showers [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating: E[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]Match 3: Anderson Vs Damage Vs Giedroyc Vs Matravers - Fatal 4 Way -[/CENTER][/B] Whether it was due to the other 3 or not, Jamie Anderson managed to up his game. He managed to defeat Jack Giedroyc, Donny Damage and Adam Matravers when he grabs Matravers tights during a pin attempt. [I][RIGHT]Winner: Jamie Anderson Match Rating: C+[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]Final Rating C[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER][QUOTE][B]Confirmed for Blood Showers:[/B] Stephanie Hazel Vs Nina The Pyscho Ballerina Vs Miss Information [I]for the Womens Championship[/I] Nate Manchester Vs PWA Owner Adam B Glen Ward Vs Rod ‘The God’ Todd [I]for the PWA TV Title[/I] Jamie Anderson Vs Adam Matravers [I]for the PWA Championship[/I][/QUOTE][/CENTER][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
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I think the Phoenix character got a bit lost in the mix. There was the whole notes/abduction angle. Then he suddenly came back beating up women and has since been a support act to the women that they don't really need, imo. I think I'd rather see him gaining overness in dark matches against your better wrestlers, and perhaps used as an associate of someone who has good skills but a charisma void (e.g. a Merle O'Curle type...maybe Keith Adams of the people you already have). That way they could team up to be of benefit to each other. Adam B...I think his bolshy owner character has potential, but so far he's been limited to calling the shots over the lower end of your card, so his influence has been a bit diluted. Up until the last show it seemed that he was in charge of the company but didn't really get into the title picture at all, which seemed strange. He could probably do with someone on his side in the upper reaches of the card (like a corporate champion type)...Donny Damage or Leo Price (seeing as he brought him in with a big announcement) would be my suggestions. I do think you need to keep going with the characters though. The monthly shows and money concerns meant that you had a very fluid roster for a long time so couldn't really build up too many characters over a long period of time - now you've got the chance to develop characters more on the weekly shows. Will be interested to see where you go with it.
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I think the Phoenix character got a bit lost in the mix. There was the whole notes/abduction angle. Then he suddenly came back beating up women and has since been a support act to the women that they don't really need, imo. I think I'd rather see him gaining overness in dark matches against your better wrestlers, and perhaps used as an associate of someone who has good skills but a charisma void (e.g. a Merle O'Curle type...maybe Keith Adams of the people you already have). That way they could team up to be of benefit to each other. Adam B...I think his bolshy owner character has potential, but so far he's been limited to calling the shots over the lower end of your card, so his influence has been a bit diluted. Up until the last show it seemed that he was in charge of the company but didn't really get into the title picture at all, which seemed strange. He could probably do with someone on his side in the upper reaches of the card (like a corporate champion type)...Donny Damage or Leo Price (seeing as he brought him in with a big announcement) would be my suggestions. I do think you need to keep going with the characters though. The monthly shows and money concerns meant that you had a very fluid roster for a long time so couldn't really build up too many characters over a long period of time - now you've got the chance to develop characters more on the weekly shows. Will be interested to see where you go with it.
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Lemme just say, like eayragt, I'm not knocking your booking. In fact, I've enjoyed it immensely because of the differences between the way you're moving along and how I'd do it. There are many ways create a successful promotion in TEW, I just like to do it ASAP so my booking style reflects that. As eayragt alluded to, I feel that at this stage of your promotion's development, putting on C rated shows, your top champion should be able to carry a loaf of bread to at least a C rated match. D and E rated matches would be fine for Rod 'The God' but the person holding your top title should be representative of the best your promotion has to offer, in my view. Jamie Anderson isn't. But that's just my opinion. I'm like you though in that I don't like a lot of title changes. Most of my main event champions (singles and tag teams) hold onto their belts for months and defend them 15+ times. Heck, my top champion has held her title for 22 months and defended it over 120 times! But she's talented enough to get an A rated match from a teaspoon of salt. To me, the key thing for cutting edge is what can a worker accomplish in the ring. You diary has been nothing but entertaining and has given me ideas that I may follow up on. Currently, Principessa (Stephanie Hazel) and Miss Information are mired deep in my midcard and Nina has held the Junior tag titles of one brand (with Lacey) and is currently challenging for the main event level tag titles (with Sarah Stock). Miss Info has 'excellent' chemistry with Mariko Yoshida (my top worker) so there's hope for her to get a huge push. I just need to clear out the dregs (Jackie Gayda, Jacqueline, Sable, etc) to clear a space for her at the top of the card. But I can tell you from experience, Adam Matravers is the real deal. I signed him and put him in some dark matches with my top workers to get some overness before shipping him off to Ring of Fire (child promotion) and he's easily their best worker and constantly holding their title (he's had it for 8 months now, in fact). I agree with Marcel. The Phoenix got lost in the shuffle. I would use him in dark matches for a while BUT only against your workers with good to great performance skills. That's the foundation IMO. He needs to work those up first, before gaining any overness. Otherwise, you wind up with an over but horrible wrestler which in cutting edge, will kill your ratings. Adam B, well, I'd have to see how he performs in the ring. I think he's trying too hard to be a heel though. A lot of times, subtle actions make a good heel moreso than over the top ones, I think. This is especially true for an authority figure (look at Bischoff, for example).
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Lemme just say, like eayragt, I'm not knocking your booking. In fact, I've enjoyed it immensely because of the differences between the way you're moving along and how I'd do it. There are many ways create a successful promotion in TEW, I just like to do it ASAP so my booking style reflects that. As eayragt alluded to, I feel that at this stage of your promotion's development, putting on C rated shows, your top champion should be able to carry a loaf of bread to at least a C rated match. D and E rated matches would be fine for Rod 'The God' but the person holding your top title should be representative of the best your promotion has to offer, in my view. Jamie Anderson isn't. But that's just my opinion. I'm like you though in that I don't like a lot of title changes. Most of my main event champions (singles and tag teams) hold onto their belts for months and defend them 15+ times. Heck, my top champion has held her title for 22 months and defended it over 120 times! But she's talented enough to get an A rated match from a teaspoon of salt. To me, the key thing for cutting edge is what can a worker accomplish in the ring. You diary has been nothing but entertaining and has given me ideas that I may follow up on. Currently, Principessa (Stephanie Hazel) and Miss Information are mired deep in my midcard and Nina has held the Junior tag titles of one brand (with Lacey) and is currently challenging for the main event level tag titles (with Sarah Stock). Miss Info has 'excellent' chemistry with Mariko Yoshida (my top worker) so there's hope for her to get a huge push. I just need to clear out the dregs (Jackie Gayda, Jacqueline, Sable, etc) to clear a space for her at the top of the card. But I can tell you from experience, Adam Matravers is the real deal. I signed him and put him in some dark matches with my top workers to get some overness before shipping him off to Ring of Fire (child promotion) and he's easily their best worker and constantly holding their title (he's had it for 8 months now, in fact). I agree with Marcel. The Phoenix got lost in the shuffle. I would use him in dark matches for a while BUT only against your workers with good to great performance skills. That's the foundation IMO. He needs to work those up first, before gaining any overness. Otherwise, you wind up with an over but horrible wrestler which in cutting edge, will kill your ratings. Adam B, well, I'd have to see how he performs in the ring. I think he's trying too hard to be a heel though. A lot of times, subtle actions make a good heel moreso than over the top ones, I think. This is especially true for an authority figure (look at Bischoff, for example).
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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/bloodshow.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Stephanie Hazel Vs Nina The Pyscho Ballerina Vs Miss Information [I][COLOR="Red"]for the Womens Championship[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER][/B] With the help of The Phoenix, Nina put Stephanie Hazel out of action and gained the PWA Womens Championship at New Blood. In Stephanie's absence Miss Information has joined the title hunt but upon Stephanie's return the title will be defended in a 3 way. [B]Nate Manchester Vs PWA Owner Adam B[/B] Former PWA wrestler turned Masked Man after unfair treatment at the hands of the boss. Has returned for some vengence. Also has an announcement to make after his match. [B]Glen Ward Vs Rod ‘The God’ Todd [I][COLOR="Red"]for a PWA TV Title Shot[/COLOR][/I][/B] Having lost at New Blood to Rod 'The God', Glen Ward has managed to get himself one more match. If he can win this time, he gets another shot at the TV title. If he cant win, then he is out of the title race entirely [B]Jamie 'Mr Popularity' Anderson Vs Adam Matravers [COLOR="red"][I]for the PWA Championship[/COLOR][/I][/B] Adam Matravers has been making waves since his arrival in PWA. Jamie Anderson has a win over Matravers at the last TV show but Matravers claims Anderson is not worthy of wearing the belt. Its time for the face off, but who will come away with the gold [B][SIZE="6"]Live Sunday 31st April at Edgeware Hall[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] Predictions welcome
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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/bloodshow.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Stephanie Hazel Vs Nina The Pyscho Ballerina Vs Miss Information [I][COLOR="Red"]for the Womens Championship[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER][/B] With the help of The Phoenix, Nina put Stephanie Hazel out of action and gained the PWA Womens Championship at New Blood. In Stephanie's absence Miss Information has joined the title hunt but upon Stephanie's return the title will be defended in a 3 way. [B]Nate Manchester Vs PWA Owner Adam B[/B] Former PWA wrestler turned Masked Man after unfair treatment at the hands of the boss. Has returned for some vengence. Also has an announcement to make after his match. [B]Glen Ward Vs Rod ‘The God’ Todd [I][COLOR="Red"]for a PWA TV Title Shot[/COLOR][/I][/B] Having lost at New Blood to Rod 'The God', Glen Ward has managed to get himself one more match. If he can win this time, he gets another shot at the TV title. If he cant win, then he is out of the title race entirely [B]Jamie 'Mr Popularity' Anderson Vs Adam Matravers [COLOR="red"][I]for the PWA Championship[/COLOR][/I][/B] Adam Matravers has been making waves since his arrival in PWA. Jamie Anderson has a win over Matravers at the last TV show but Matravers claims Anderson is not worthy of wearing the belt. Its time for the face off, but who will come away with the gold [B][SIZE="6"]Live Sunday 31st April at Edgeware Hall[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] Predictions welcome
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Nina Nate Glen Ward Mr Popularity And I'm not kidding. I want to see if he can pull off a decent match with Matravers - and if he can, he can have a few more matches with your Main Eventers before dropping the title. And if he stinks up the Main Event, he can lose the rematch.
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Nina Nate Glen Ward Mr Popularity And I'm not kidding. I want to see if he can pull off a decent match with Matravers - and if he can, he can have a few more matches with your Main Eventers before dropping the title. And if he stinks up the Main Event, he can lose the rematch.
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Stephanie Hazel - just to be different from Eayragt and Remianen!...plus I like her best of the 3. Adam B - Nate getting a win would be the obvious ending to this, but I think you're more likely to use Adam B more in the coming weeks so might not want his overness or momentum to take a hit (if he has any!). So Adam B for a cheap win, but Nate gets his heat back a bit somehow afterwards. Glen Ward - does Rod still work for 21CW? If so, having him lose will hurt his overness for them, which isn't a bad thing. Plus Ward needs the title shot. Mr Popularity - go on...you know you want to annoy Remianen some more by keeping the belt on him! Actually, he's not that bad of a wrestler that if he's more over, he might put on reasonable matches. Matravers is still young - he'll get plenty more title opportunities.
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Stephanie Hazel - just to be different from Eayragt and Remianen!...plus I like her best of the 3. Adam B - Nate getting a win would be the obvious ending to this, but I think you're more likely to use Adam B more in the coming weeks so might not want his overness or momentum to take a hit (if he has any!). So Adam B for a cheap win, but Nate gets his heat back a bit somehow afterwards. Glen Ward - does Rod still work for 21CW? If so, having him lose will hurt his overness for them, which isn't a bad thing. Plus Ward needs the title shot. Mr Popularity - go on...you know you want to annoy Remianen some more by keeping the belt on him! Actually, he's not that bad of a wrestler that if he's more over, he might put on reasonable matches. Matravers is still young - he'll get plenty more title opportunities.
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[B]Heidenreich Challenge Update : Adam (The) Phoenix[/B] I created this guy upon stating this Dynasty was back in September 2006. But couldn't afford to bring him in to Ring Of Fire. However, luckily no other promotion hired him so i got a chance to hire him in PWA. The main reason for creating him. He's me.. Kinda. Going back to the oringinal smackdown game my mate had. I got bored of using the original ones and made a version of myself. He got updated and made to look semi human in Know Your Role however when Just Bring It came out, the commentry names sucked. I saw Phoenix and Adam Phoenix was born. Since that day he has been revised and somedays thrown away and reworked in every edition of the smackdown series and even Raw 2 and Day of Reckoning. So i reveled in the chance to get him in TEW. His stats were set to zero in all wrestling aspects and 100 in all mike related stats as per the guidelines. Since joining PWA he has had 10 matches in total - 3 wins, 7 losses. Brawling: 2.1% Power: 0.4% Strong Style: 2.2% Hardcore: 2.2% MMA Style: 0% Mat Work: 2.3% Chain Wrestling: 2.2% Submissions: 2.0% Aerial: 2.2% Flashiness: 2.1% Basics: 2.3% Pyschology: 2.1% Safety: 2.2% Consistancy: 2.0% Selling: 2.2% However the scary thing is his match ratings for this year. Average Rating: C- Highest Rating: C+ Compare that to Jamie 'Mr Popularity' Anderson Average Rating: D Highest Rating: C+ So my guy that started with no wrestling talent has been able to put on better matches than my champ.. Ouch. Thought i would update some character progressions before every PPV just because i havent got around to writing it up yet :)
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[B]Heidenreich Challenge Update : Adam (The) Phoenix[/B] I created this guy upon stating this Dynasty was back in September 2006. But couldn't afford to bring him in to Ring Of Fire. However, luckily no other promotion hired him so i got a chance to hire him in PWA. The main reason for creating him. He's me.. Kinda. Going back to the oringinal smackdown game my mate had. I got bored of using the original ones and made a version of myself. He got updated and made to look semi human in Know Your Role however when Just Bring It came out, the commentry names sucked. I saw Phoenix and Adam Phoenix was born. Since that day he has been revised and somedays thrown away and reworked in every edition of the smackdown series and even Raw 2 and Day of Reckoning. So i reveled in the chance to get him in TEW. His stats were set to zero in all wrestling aspects and 100 in all mike related stats as per the guidelines. Since joining PWA he has had 10 matches in total - 3 wins, 7 losses. Brawling: 2.1% Power: 0.4% Strong Style: 2.2% Hardcore: 2.2% MMA Style: 0% Mat Work: 2.3% Chain Wrestling: 2.2% Submissions: 2.0% Aerial: 2.2% Flashiness: 2.1% Basics: 2.3% Pyschology: 2.1% Safety: 2.2% Consistancy: 2.0% Selling: 2.2% However the scary thing is his match ratings for this year. Average Rating: C- Highest Rating: C+ Compare that to Jamie 'Mr Popularity' Anderson Average Rating: D Highest Rating: C+ So my guy that started with no wrestling talent has been able to put on better matches than my champ.. Ouch. Thought i would update some character progressions before every PPV just because i havent got around to writing it up yet :)
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