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Interesting comparison there with Mr Popularity. Although the majority of Anderson's matches were against workers with F overness, which would always hold them down. I'm guessing Phoenix has had a few losses against far better and more over workers to pull his stats up. I keep spreadsheets for my ROF game that show me the skills of all the wrestlers available to me in the UK in the different categories (e.g. performance, physical, entertainment, wrestling skill). I've currently got 315 wrestlers available in the UK (all the unemployed American and Japanese workers recently became available). Here's where Mr Popularity sits in the pecking order... Performance skills - 77th best out of 315 Wrestling skills (technical, rumble, flying combined) - 83rd Physical skills - 177th Entertainment - 237th (ouch!) Compare that with Matravers... Performance - 2nd (behind JD Morgan) Wrestling - 1st Physical - 66th Entertainment - 15th Giedroyc... Performance - 9th Wrestling - 6th Physical - 14th Entertainment - 11th With all totals combined (and no weighting in any one area) Matravers comes out as the number 1 worker in the UK. Giedroyc is the 3rd best. Mr Popularity is 137th! :eek: So I guess you can kind of see where the Anderson hate as champ would come from!!
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Interesting comparison there with Mr Popularity. Although the majority of Anderson's matches were against workers with F overness, which would always hold them down. I'm guessing Phoenix has had a few losses against far better and more over workers to pull his stats up. I keep spreadsheets for my ROF game that show me the skills of all the wrestlers available to me in the UK in the different categories (e.g. performance, physical, entertainment, wrestling skill). I've currently got 315 wrestlers available in the UK (all the unemployed American and Japanese workers recently became available). Here's where Mr Popularity sits in the pecking order... Performance skills - 77th best out of 315 Wrestling skills (technical, rumble, flying combined) - 83rd Physical skills - 177th Entertainment - 237th (ouch!) Compare that with Matravers... Performance - 2nd (behind JD Morgan) Wrestling - 1st Physical - 66th Entertainment - 15th Giedroyc... Performance - 9th Wrestling - 6th Physical - 14th Entertainment - 11th With all totals combined (and no weighting in any one area) Matravers comes out as the number 1 worker in the UK. Giedroyc is the 3rd best. Mr Popularity is 137th! :eek: So I guess you can kind of see where the Anderson hate as champ would come from!!
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[B]Jamie Andersons Stats:[/B] Brawling: 38.8 (+1.1%) Power: 45.0 (-) Strong Style: 41.2 (+1.2%) Hardcore: 35.1 (+2.1%) MMA: 0 (-) Mat: 50.5 (+0.5%) Chain: 47.7 (+0.7%) Submisions: 36.5 (+1.5%) Aerial: 41.5 (+1.5%) Flashiness: 22.4 (+2.4%) Microphone: 31.2 (+2.2%) Charisma: 25.7 (+1.7%) Acting: 22 (+2%) Looks: 52 (-) Superstar: 24 (-) Basics: 59.5 (+1.5%) Psychology: 52.2 (+1.2%) Safety: 59.8 (+1.9%) Consistancy: 90.1 (+0.1%) Selling: 68.7 (+0.7%) Athleticism: 50 (-) Toughness: 42 (-) Stamina: 55 (-) Intensity: 37 (-) Stiffness: 21 (-) Resilience: 82 (-) Menace: 37 (-) Thats from 25 Matches so he is actually improving.. a little
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[B]Jamie Andersons Stats:[/B] Brawling: 38.8 (+1.1%) Power: 45.0 (-) Strong Style: 41.2 (+1.2%) Hardcore: 35.1 (+2.1%) MMA: 0 (-) Mat: 50.5 (+0.5%) Chain: 47.7 (+0.7%) Submisions: 36.5 (+1.5%) Aerial: 41.5 (+1.5%) Flashiness: 22.4 (+2.4%) Microphone: 31.2 (+2.2%) Charisma: 25.7 (+1.7%) Acting: 22 (+2%) Looks: 52 (-) Superstar: 24 (-) Basics: 59.5 (+1.5%) Psychology: 52.2 (+1.2%) Safety: 59.8 (+1.9%) Consistancy: 90.1 (+0.1%) Selling: 68.7 (+0.7%) Athleticism: 50 (-) Toughness: 42 (-) Stamina: 55 (-) Intensity: 37 (-) Stiffness: 21 (-) Resilience: 82 (-) Menace: 37 (-) Thats from 25 Matches so he is actually improving.. a little
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Don't forget I'm quite a long way into a game, so workers I've used may have their stats increased considerably compared to workers who've done nothing or worked for someone else over the past couple of years (i.e. I've used the likes of Nova and Turtle a lot, whereas I've not yet employed Thompson and Beauchamp as I didn't want to boost their overness for their other companies). Also I'm using the WreSpi2 mod so I don't know if that altered stats. Finally, this is just bare statistics - no weighting to take into account the more important stats for Cutting Edge workers. Oh, and its done based on the grade scores, not the percentage breakdowns that you showed. Top 25 British workers (not including any generated workers)... 1. Adam Matravers 2. Jack Giedroyc 3. UK Dragon 4. Petey Barnes 5. Rolling Johnny Stones 6. Joey Beauchamp 7. Jeff Nova 8. Joss Thompson (yes, he's American...but I'd class him as British for this) 9. Leo Price 10. Arthur T Turtle 11. Daniel Black Francis 12. Byron 13. Keith Adams 14. Pit Bull Brown 15. Donny Damage 16. Razor Valentine 17. Toby Juan Kanobi 18. JD Morgan 19. Glen Ward 20. British Samurai 21. Stevie Stoat 22. DJ Reason 23. Merle O'Curle 24. Geordie Jimmy 25. Travis Cool Glad to be of assistance!
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Don't forget I'm quite a long way into a game, so workers I've used may have their stats increased considerably compared to workers who've done nothing or worked for someone else over the past couple of years (i.e. I've used the likes of Nova and Turtle a lot, whereas I've not yet employed Thompson and Beauchamp as I didn't want to boost their overness for their other companies). Also I'm using the WreSpi2 mod so I don't know if that altered stats. Finally, this is just bare statistics - no weighting to take into account the more important stats for Cutting Edge workers. Oh, and its done based on the grade scores, not the percentage breakdowns that you showed. Top 25 British workers (not including any generated workers)... 1. Adam Matravers 2. Jack Giedroyc 3. UK Dragon 4. Petey Barnes 5. Rolling Johnny Stones 6. Joey Beauchamp 7. Jeff Nova 8. Joss Thompson (yes, he's American...but I'd class him as British for this) 9. Leo Price 10. Arthur T Turtle 11. Daniel Black Francis 12. Byron 13. Keith Adams 14. Pit Bull Brown 15. Donny Damage 16. Razor Valentine 17. Toby Juan Kanobi 18. JD Morgan 19. Glen Ward 20. British Samurai 21. Stevie Stoat 22. DJ Reason 23. Merle O'Curle 24. Geordie Jimmy 25. Travis Cool Glad to be of assistance!
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Blood Showers PPV [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/bloodshow.jpg[/IMG] - April 2010 - 1263 Attendance - Edgeware Hall [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/showerswomens.png[/img][/CENTER][/B] The announcers welcome everyone to Blood Showers and put over the fact that we'll be seeing Nina The Psycho Ballerina take on Stephanie Hazel and Miss Information in 3 way action if you know what they mean [I](Gigity gigity.. alright) [/I] [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating: F[/RIGHT][/I] Stephanie Hazel lights up the ring but Nina The Psycho Ballerina and Miss Information dont seem as interested. Some near falls and a lot of flesh on show. Miss Information is irish whipped and lands outside the ring leaving just Stephanie and Nina to fight it out. Out of nowhere Stephanie hits the Princess Drop and covers Nina for the win and regains her Championship Belt. [RIGHT]Match Rating: D[/RIGHT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/showersowner.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Adam B comes to the ring in wrestling attire and it looks like he feels very out of place. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: E[/RIGHT] Nate Manchester gains the advantage early on and gets momentum on his side. However a low blow by Adam B soon puts an end to that. The boss then starts taunting Nate as he does some easy moves. Adam B gets c ocky and decides to head up to the top rope. Nate rushes to the top and throes him off. He follows that up with a submission move that the boss has no choice but to tap out to. [RIGHT]Winner: Nate Manchester Match Rating: F[/RIGHT] Nate Manchester watches Adam B stumble out the ring and towards the back before taking a mike: [COLOR="Orange"]"I have an announcement.... I originally came back to PWA for payback against Adam B for his actions against me. And now i have done that... I think its time that i turn my attention to other things in my life. I have a wife and a child back up north that I rarely see and hope to rectify. So im retiring from wrestling. At least for now. You never know in this business though do you. I thank you all that stood with me and hope that you never cave in either to peer pressure. Thank you"[/COLOR] Nate walks to backstage to a chorus of cheers [RIGHT]Angle Rating: E[/RIGHT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/showerstvtitle.png[/IMG][/CENTER] The announcers talk about why Glen Ward and Rod 'The God' Todd are facing off. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: E[/RIGHT] A match between these 2 is always good. Todd starts off well only to be countered by Ward who takes things to a whole other level. Again and again Ward gets near falls but Todd just wont give up. Ward then tries a change of tactic and starts using submission moves but still to no avail. Ward tries to lock in an Ankle Lock but Todd rolls out of it and locks one in of his own. Ward tries to get away but Todd grabs the ropes. Ward eventually caves in and taps [RIGHT]Winner: Rod 'The God' Todd Match Rating: C-[/RIGHT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/showerschampionship.png[/IMG][/CENTER] The announcers talk about how Mr Popularity tried getting out of the match against Matravers but was forced into it anyway. [RIGHT]Angle Rating E[/RIGHT] Jamie Anderson shrugs off all concersn about lackluster performances by having one of the best matches of the night. He leads this match for most of the way allowing Matravers little room for countering. Finally Matravers catches a break and starts his own offence against Anderson. A near fall here and there before Anderson counters and tries some submissions. Yet Matravers wont have any of it. Anderson whips Matravers into the turnbuckle and lifts him to the top. Then out of nowhere Matravers kicks Anderson off and down to the mat. He smiles and goes for the Mile High Moonsault... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... It connects.. Anderson is out of it and Matravers goes for the pin. 1 . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . 3 [RIGHT]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating: C-[/RIGHT] Having picked up the victory, Adam Matravers goes out into the crowd to celebrate with his people as the show ends. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C-[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Final Rating C-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Opinions of the PPV welcome
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Blood Showers PPV [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/bloodshow.jpg[/IMG] - April 2010 - 1263 Attendance - Edgeware Hall [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/showerswomens.png[/img][/CENTER][/B] The announcers welcome everyone to Blood Showers and put over the fact that we'll be seeing Nina The Psycho Ballerina take on Stephanie Hazel and Miss Information in 3 way action if you know what they mean [I](Gigity gigity.. alright) [/I] [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating: F[/RIGHT][/I] Stephanie Hazel lights up the ring but Nina The Psycho Ballerina and Miss Information dont seem as interested. Some near falls and a lot of flesh on show. Miss Information is irish whipped and lands outside the ring leaving just Stephanie and Nina to fight it out. Out of nowhere Stephanie hits the Princess Drop and covers Nina for the win and regains her Championship Belt. [RIGHT]Match Rating: D[/RIGHT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/showersowner.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Adam B comes to the ring in wrestling attire and it looks like he feels very out of place. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: E[/RIGHT] Nate Manchester gains the advantage early on and gets momentum on his side. However a low blow by Adam B soon puts an end to that. The boss then starts taunting Nate as he does some easy moves. Adam B gets c ocky and decides to head up to the top rope. Nate rushes to the top and throes him off. He follows that up with a submission move that the boss has no choice but to tap out to. [RIGHT]Winner: Nate Manchester Match Rating: F[/RIGHT] Nate Manchester watches Adam B stumble out the ring and towards the back before taking a mike: [COLOR="Orange"]"I have an announcement.... I originally came back to PWA for payback against Adam B for his actions against me. And now i have done that... I think its time that i turn my attention to other things in my life. I have a wife and a child back up north that I rarely see and hope to rectify. So im retiring from wrestling. At least for now. You never know in this business though do you. I thank you all that stood with me and hope that you never cave in either to peer pressure. Thank you"[/COLOR] Nate walks to backstage to a chorus of cheers [RIGHT]Angle Rating: E[/RIGHT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/showerstvtitle.png[/IMG][/CENTER] The announcers talk about why Glen Ward and Rod 'The God' Todd are facing off. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: E[/RIGHT] A match between these 2 is always good. Todd starts off well only to be countered by Ward who takes things to a whole other level. Again and again Ward gets near falls but Todd just wont give up. Ward then tries a change of tactic and starts using submission moves but still to no avail. Ward tries to lock in an Ankle Lock but Todd rolls out of it and locks one in of his own. Ward tries to get away but Todd grabs the ropes. Ward eventually caves in and taps [RIGHT]Winner: Rod 'The God' Todd Match Rating: C-[/RIGHT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/showerschampionship.png[/IMG][/CENTER] The announcers talk about how Mr Popularity tried getting out of the match against Matravers but was forced into it anyway. [RIGHT]Angle Rating E[/RIGHT] Jamie Anderson shrugs off all concersn about lackluster performances by having one of the best matches of the night. He leads this match for most of the way allowing Matravers little room for countering. Finally Matravers catches a break and starts his own offence against Anderson. A near fall here and there before Anderson counters and tries some submissions. Yet Matravers wont have any of it. Anderson whips Matravers into the turnbuckle and lifts him to the top. Then out of nowhere Matravers kicks Anderson off and down to the mat. He smiles and goes for the Mile High Moonsault... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... It connects.. Anderson is out of it and Matravers goes for the pin. 1 . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . 3 [RIGHT]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating: C-[/RIGHT] Having picked up the victory, Adam Matravers goes out into the crowd to celebrate with his people as the show ends. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C-[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Final Rating C-[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Opinions of the PPV welcome
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Booooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Nina and Miss Info didn't even cheat! :p As a followup, in my game, Jamie Anderson has been unemployed for the entire game (started Dec 05, now in August of 08). But the PPV looked good. I might be biased here but I would give Jamie credit for that match's rating. Adam Matravers could do C or better with anyone on your roster. Mr Popularity is an albatross, in my view. Didn't expect you to rehire Nate for only one match but that seems like a fitting ending. What I would've suggested if I had thought about it was to have the women shoot t-shirts leading up to Blood Showers to boost their momentum and overness a bit. That might've given you a C for that match (well, not 'might've', it would have since you held the show in the same area you usually do). I liked it. :) And now that a real worker has your top title, you're destined for a boost in size, I reckon. :)
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Booooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Nina and Miss Info didn't even cheat! :p As a followup, in my game, Jamie Anderson has been unemployed for the entire game (started Dec 05, now in August of 08). But the PPV looked good. I might be biased here but I would give Jamie credit for that match's rating. Adam Matravers could do C or better with anyone on your roster. Mr Popularity is an albatross, in my view. Didn't expect you to rehire Nate for only one match but that seems like a fitting ending. What I would've suggested if I had thought about it was to have the women shoot t-shirts leading up to Blood Showers to boost their momentum and overness a bit. That might've given you a C for that match (well, not 'might've', it would have since you held the show in the same area you usually do). I liked it. :) And now that a real worker has your top title, you're destined for a boost in size, I reckon. :)
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Nice show. Although it sucked that I only got 1 prediction right out of 4! Agree with Remianen...you should be ready to push on now. With the recent influx of good wrestlers and Matravers as champ, you should be able to hit better ratings much more consistently. And great graphics for the Blood Showers matches, by the way!
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Nice show. Although it sucked that I only got 1 prediction right out of 4! Agree with Remianen...you should be ready to push on now. With the recent influx of good wrestlers and Matravers as champ, you should be able to hit better ratings much more consistently. And great graphics for the Blood Showers matches, by the way!
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][B][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow2.jpg[/IMG] - PWA F’ The Fire - Episode 9 - - Week 1 - May 2010 - - Filmed at Edgeware Hall and shown LIVE on Continental Sports X1 - - Attendance: 1441 - Viewers: 104 -[/B][/CENTER] [I]Preshow Segment Ratings: DD[/I] The show kicks off with highlights of Blood Showers. In particular it highlights the PWA Championship Match and Matravers winning and celebrating with the crowd. [I][RIGHT]- Angle Rating (C-) -[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]- Match 1: Miss Information Vs Stephanie Hazel - - PWA Womens Championship Match -[/CENTER][/B] Miss Information landed outside the ring and wasn't involved with the final finish. So as a treat we though the fans might want to see them face off. Stephanie Hazel seems to have shrugged off her previous injuries and looked good out there. Miss Information didn't really seem into the match and finally fell to a Princess Drop [I][RIGHT]- Winner: Stephanie Hazel - - Match Rating (E) -[/RIGHT][/I] Jamie Anderson is in the ring gushing about how he is the greatest example of manhood on the entire roster. [COLOR="Red"]"Im the greatest example of manhood on the entire roster. I was the PWA Champion. Yet was i given a chance for a rematch tonight. No. The powers that be have decided to let Matravers defend against Jack Giedroyc & Donny Damage. But i warn you all. Im not out of the picture just yet. I have a plan."[/COLOR] [I][RIGHT]- Angle Rating (F) -[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]-Match 2: Rod 'The God' Todd Vs Leo Price - PWA TV Championship Match -[/CENTER][/B] Leo Price comes out swinging and Rod 'The God' Todd barely gets time to catch his breath. A very one sided match won by Leo Price [I][RIGHT]- Winner: Leo Price - - Match Rating (C) -[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]Match 3: Jeff Nova Vs Kelly Martin[/CENTER][/B] Jeff Nova & Kelly Martin dont click but when the match is this good, who cares. A close fought match won by Nova with a Glasgow Kiss. [I][RIGHT]- Winner: Jeff Nova - - Match Rating (C+) -[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]- Tonights Main Event - - Matravers VS Giedroyc VS Damage - - PWA Championship Match -[/CENTER][/B] The crowds signs said it all. "Jamie Who". Matravers, Giedroyc and Damage all took turns on the offence and the crowd had no idea who would win this. First Matravers tryed to pin Damage, then Giedroyc did. Then Damage almost pinned Matravers oly for Giedroyc to break the pin. Giedroyc hits the Crashing On against Damage but before he can capitalise Matravers irish whips him and DDTs Giedroyc. Matravers climbs the top rop and connects with the Mile High Moonsault for the pinfall. [I][RIGHT]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating (C)[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]Final Rating C-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I][CENTER]Coming Next Week: Important News about the Next PPV[/CENTER][/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
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