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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][B][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow2.jpg[/IMG] - PWA F’ The Fire - Episode 9 - - Week 1 - May 2010 - - Filmed at Edgeware Hall and shown LIVE on Continental Sports X1 - - Attendance: 1441 - Viewers: 104 -[/B][/CENTER] [I]Preshow Segment Ratings: DD[/I] The show kicks off with highlights of Blood Showers. In particular it highlights the PWA Championship Match and Matravers winning and celebrating with the crowd. [I][RIGHT]- Angle Rating (C-) -[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]- Match 1: Miss Information Vs Stephanie Hazel - - PWA Womens Championship Match -[/CENTER][/B] Miss Information landed outside the ring and wasn't involved with the final finish. So as a treat we though the fans might want to see them face off. Stephanie Hazel seems to have shrugged off her previous injuries and looked good out there. Miss Information didn't really seem into the match and finally fell to a Princess Drop [I][RIGHT]- Winner: Stephanie Hazel - - Match Rating (E) -[/RIGHT][/I] Jamie Anderson is in the ring gushing about how he is the greatest example of manhood on the entire roster. [COLOR="Red"]"Im the greatest example of manhood on the entire roster. I was the PWA Champion. Yet was i given a chance for a rematch tonight. No. The powers that be have decided to let Matravers defend against Jack Giedroyc & Donny Damage. But i warn you all. Im not out of the picture just yet. I have a plan."[/COLOR] [I][RIGHT]- Angle Rating (F) -[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]-Match 2: Rod 'The God' Todd Vs Leo Price - PWA TV Championship Match -[/CENTER][/B] Leo Price comes out swinging and Rod 'The God' Todd barely gets time to catch his breath. A very one sided match won by Leo Price [I][RIGHT]- Winner: Leo Price - - Match Rating (C) -[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]Match 3: Jeff Nova Vs Kelly Martin[/CENTER][/B] Jeff Nova & Kelly Martin dont click but when the match is this good, who cares. A close fought match won by Nova with a Glasgow Kiss. [I][RIGHT]- Winner: Jeff Nova - - Match Rating (C+) -[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]- Tonights Main Event - - Matravers VS Giedroyc VS Damage - - PWA Championship Match -[/CENTER][/B] The crowds signs said it all. "Jamie Who". Matravers, Giedroyc and Damage all took turns on the offence and the crowd had no idea who would win this. First Matravers tryed to pin Damage, then Giedroyc did. Then Damage almost pinned Matravers oly for Giedroyc to break the pin. Giedroyc hits the Crashing On against Damage but before he can capitalise Matravers irish whips him and DDTs Giedroyc. Matravers climbs the top rop and connects with the Mile High Moonsault for the pinfall. [I][RIGHT]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating (C)[/RIGHT][/I] [B][CENTER]Final Rating C-[/CENTER][/B] [B][I][CENTER]Coming Next Week: Important News about the Next PPV[/CENTER][/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[CENTER][B][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="3"][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow2.jpg[/img] - F’ The Fire - Episode 10 - - Week 2 May 2010 - - Broxridge Civic Hall - - Attendance: 1000 (Sellout) Viewers: 142 -[/B][/CENTER] [I]Pre Show Segments: C+ & E[/I] [B][CENTER]- Match 1: Nina Vs Miss Information -[/CENTER][/B] Miss Information & Nina just dont click in the same way that Nina & Steph do however cant complain at the result. A nice opening match won bt Nina [RIGHT]Winner: Nina Match Rating: D[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Backstage -[/CENTER][/B] Kelly Martin is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Keith Adams. Keith Adams says something that Kelly Martin doesn't like, and they start arguing. After some heated words, Keith Adams challenges Kelly Martin to meet him in the ring for a match. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C-[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 2: Keith Adams Vs Kelly Martin -[/CENTER][/B] These 2 work quite well together. Adams & Martin attack and counter each other at every opportunity. Keith Adam finally manages to put Martin away at the 10 minute mark for the victory [RIGHT]Winner: Keith Adams Match Rating:C[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Ringside -[/CENTER][/B] Leo Price is in the ring with a microphone. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Management has allowed me to pick my own challenger tonight. So i want to let any wrestler from out back come down here and try beat me"[/COLOR] [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C-[/RIGHT] Jack Giedroyc appears and says that he accepts the challenge laid down by Leo Price, he'll face him in a match. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C+[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 3: Leo Price Vs Jack Giedroyc - - PWA TV Championship -[/CENTER][/B] Another excellent match with Jack Giedroyc & Leo Price on top form. Some back and forth action until Giedroyc hits the Crashing On and gets the pinfall [RIGHT]Winner: Jack Giedroyc Match Rating: C[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 4: Adam Matravers Vs Donny Damage - - PWA Championship Match -[/CENTER][/B] Adam Matravers comes out to the ring firing T-Shirts into the crowd. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: A[/RIGHT] Matravers & Damage put on the best event of the evening (drew with a dark match but hey, there dark for a reason) Matravers finally hits his Mile High Moonsault for the victory. [RIGHT]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating: C+[/RIGHT] A video plays giving details of the next PPV - Your Choice. It explains that next week viewers will be given the choice of who will face the champions and what type of match they will be in. [B][CENTER]Final Rating C[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE]This was the show that i mentioned earlier. The first without Anderson featuring and besides the diva match, its C's across the board [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="3"][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow2.jpg[/img] - F’ The Fire - Episode 10 - - Week 2 May 2010 - - Broxridge Civic Hall - - Attendance: 1000 (Sellout) Viewers: 142 -[/B][/CENTER] [I]Pre Show Segments: C+ & E[/I] [B][CENTER]- Match 1: Nina Vs Miss Information -[/CENTER][/B] Miss Information & Nina just dont click in the same way that Nina & Steph do however cant complain at the result. A nice opening match won bt Nina [RIGHT]Winner: Nina Match Rating: D[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Backstage -[/CENTER][/B] Kelly Martin is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Keith Adams. Keith Adams says something that Kelly Martin doesn't like, and they start arguing. After some heated words, Keith Adams challenges Kelly Martin to meet him in the ring for a match. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C-[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 2: Keith Adams Vs Kelly Martin -[/CENTER][/B] These 2 work quite well together. Adams & Martin attack and counter each other at every opportunity. Keith Adam finally manages to put Martin away at the 10 minute mark for the victory [RIGHT]Winner: Keith Adams Match Rating:C[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Ringside -[/CENTER][/B] Leo Price is in the ring with a microphone. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Management has allowed me to pick my own challenger tonight. So i want to let any wrestler from out back come down here and try beat me"[/COLOR] [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C-[/RIGHT] Jack Giedroyc appears and says that he accepts the challenge laid down by Leo Price, he'll face him in a match. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C+[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 3: Leo Price Vs Jack Giedroyc - - PWA TV Championship -[/CENTER][/B] Another excellent match with Jack Giedroyc & Leo Price on top form. Some back and forth action until Giedroyc hits the Crashing On and gets the pinfall [RIGHT]Winner: Jack Giedroyc Match Rating: C[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 4: Adam Matravers Vs Donny Damage - - PWA Championship Match -[/CENTER][/B] Adam Matravers comes out to the ring firing T-Shirts into the crowd. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: A[/RIGHT] Matravers & Damage put on the best event of the evening (drew with a dark match but hey, there dark for a reason) Matravers finally hits his Mile High Moonsault for the victory. [RIGHT]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating: C+[/RIGHT] A video plays giving details of the next PPV - Your Choice. It explains that next week viewers will be given the choice of who will face the champions and what type of match they will be in. [B][CENTER]Final Rating C[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE]This was the show that i mentioned earlier. The first without Anderson featuring and besides the diva match, its C's across the board [/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="3"][B][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow2.jpg[/img] - F’ The Fire - Episode 11 - - Week 3 May 2010 - - Edgeware Hall - - Attendance 1462 - Viewers 168 -[/CENTER][/B] [I]Pre Show Segments: E & C+ [/I] Adam B is in the ring with Stephanie Hazel, Nina The Psycho Ballerina and Miss Information. He leads them through a standard bikini contest - taking turns to wow the audience - before letting the crowd decide who wins. Stephanie Hazel is announced as the winner, which both Nina and Miss Information look very unhappy about. He then announces that on the website you can choose which of the 2 other Diva's face Stephanie Hazel at PWA - Your Choice [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C+[/RIGHT] A video plays explaining that the PWA TV Title will be up for grabs at Your Choice. You can choose 3 wresters out of the 6 to face Jack Giedroyc in a Fatal 4 Way. You can also choose what type of match they face off in. The 6 Contenders are: Leo Price, Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, Rod 'The God' Todd, Jamie Anderson, and Menace. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: E[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Match 1: Price Vs Adams Vs Martin Vs Todd Vs Anderson Vs Menace[/CENTER][/B] A chance for each of the 6 wrestlers to show what they are made of leading up to the next PPV. In the end its Leo Price that scores the pinfall over Kelly Martin. [RIGHT]Winner: Leo Price Match Rating: C-[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Match 2: Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Jack Giedroyc[/CENTER][/B] Jack Giedroyc comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: B[/RIGHT] Jack Giedroyc carried the match while Rolling Johnny Stones looked rusty.Stones manages a comeback late in the match until Giedroyc hits the Crashing On. [RIGHT]Winner: Jack Giedroyc Match Rating: C[/RIGHT] A video plays showing Jeff Nova & Donny Damage in action. It explains that both men are up for a title shot at Your Choice but only you can decide which one. So Damage or Nova in a match of your choosing against Matravers [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Match 3: Matravers Vs Nova Vs Damage[/CENTER][/B] Another chance to see both Nova & Damage in action before voting begins. Both look incredible out there. Adam Matravers hits the Mile High Moonsault on Donny Damage for the win [RIGHT]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating: B-[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Final Rating C+[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Vote now for PWA - Your Choice Stephanie Hazel Vs Nina or Miss Information [I]for the Womens Championship[/I] in either a Ladder, 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: Leo Price, Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, Rod 'The God' Todd, Jamie Anderson & Menace [I]for the TV Title[/I] in either a Cage, Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or Table match Adam Matravers Vs Jeff Nova or Donny Damage [I]for the PWA Championship[/I] in either a I Quit, Last Man Standing or Ambulance Match[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="3"][B][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow2.jpg[/img] - F’ The Fire - Episode 11 - - Week 3 May 2010 - - Edgeware Hall - - Attendance 1462 - Viewers 168 -[/CENTER][/B] [I]Pre Show Segments: E & C+ [/I] Adam B is in the ring with Stephanie Hazel, Nina The Psycho Ballerina and Miss Information. He leads them through a standard bikini contest - taking turns to wow the audience - before letting the crowd decide who wins. Stephanie Hazel is announced as the winner, which both Nina and Miss Information look very unhappy about. He then announces that on the website you can choose which of the 2 other Diva's face Stephanie Hazel at PWA - Your Choice [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C+[/RIGHT] A video plays explaining that the PWA TV Title will be up for grabs at Your Choice. You can choose 3 wresters out of the 6 to face Jack Giedroyc in a Fatal 4 Way. You can also choose what type of match they face off in. The 6 Contenders are: Leo Price, Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, Rod 'The God' Todd, Jamie Anderson, and Menace. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: E[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Match 1: Price Vs Adams Vs Martin Vs Todd Vs Anderson Vs Menace[/CENTER][/B] A chance for each of the 6 wrestlers to show what they are made of leading up to the next PPV. In the end its Leo Price that scores the pinfall over Kelly Martin. [RIGHT]Winner: Leo Price Match Rating: C-[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Match 2: Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Jack Giedroyc[/CENTER][/B] Jack Giedroyc comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: B[/RIGHT] Jack Giedroyc carried the match while Rolling Johnny Stones looked rusty.Stones manages a comeback late in the match until Giedroyc hits the Crashing On. [RIGHT]Winner: Jack Giedroyc Match Rating: C[/RIGHT] A video plays showing Jeff Nova & Donny Damage in action. It explains that both men are up for a title shot at Your Choice but only you can decide which one. So Damage or Nova in a match of your choosing against Matravers [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Match 3: Matravers Vs Nova Vs Damage[/CENTER][/B] Another chance to see both Nova & Damage in action before voting begins. Both look incredible out there. Adam Matravers hits the Mile High Moonsault on Donny Damage for the win [RIGHT]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating: B-[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Final Rating C+[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Vote now for PWA - Your Choice Stephanie Hazel Vs Nina or Miss Information [I]for the Womens Championship[/I] in either a Ladder, 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: Leo Price, Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, Rod 'The God' Todd, Jamie Anderson & Menace [I]for the TV Title[/I] in either a Cage, Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or Table match Adam Matravers Vs Jeff Nova or Donny Damage [I]for the PWA Championship[/I] in either a I Quit, Last Man Standing or Ambulance Match[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Vote now for PWA - Your Choice Stephanie Hazel Vs[B] Nina[/B] / Miss Information for the Womens Championship in either a [B]Ladder[/B], 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: [B]Leo Price[/B], Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, [B]Rod 'The God' Todd[/B], Jamie Anderson & [B]Menace[/B] for the TV Title in either a Cage, Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or [B]Table[/B] match Adam Matravers Vs Jeff Nova / [B]Donny Damage[/B] for the PWA Championship in either a [B]I Quit[/B], Last Man Standing or Ambulance Match [QUOTE]My votes in Bold and thanks for the clarification Clarity (heh, no pun intended :D )[/QUOTE]
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Vote now for PWA - Your Choice Stephanie Hazel Vs[B] Nina[/B] / Miss Information for the Womens Championship in either a [B]Ladder[/B], 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: [B]Leo Price[/B], Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, [B]Rod 'The God' Todd[/B], Jamie Anderson & [B]Menace[/B] for the TV Title in either a Cage, Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or [B]Table[/B] match Adam Matravers Vs Jeff Nova / [B]Donny Damage[/B] for the PWA Championship in either a [B]I Quit[/B], Last Man Standing or Ambulance Match [QUOTE]My votes in Bold and thanks for the clarification Clarity (heh, no pun intended :D )[/QUOTE]
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Stephanie Hazel Vs [B]Nina[/B] / Miss Information for the Womens Championship in either a [B]Ladder[/B], 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: [B]Leo Price[/B], Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, [B]Rod 'The God' Todd[/B], [B]Jamie Anderson[/B] & Menace for the TV Title in either a [B]Cage[/B], Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or Table match Adam Matravers Vs [B]Jeff Nova [/B]/ Donny Damage for the PWA Championship in either a I Quit, [B]Last Man Standing [/B]or Ambulance Match
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Stephanie Hazel Vs [B]Nina[/B] / Miss Information for the Womens Championship in either a [B]Ladder[/B], 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: [B]Leo Price[/B], Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, [B]Rod 'The God' Todd[/B], [B]Jamie Anderson[/B] & Menace for the TV Title in either a [B]Cage[/B], Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or Table match Adam Matravers Vs [B]Jeff Nova [/B]/ Donny Damage for the PWA Championship in either a I Quit, [B]Last Man Standing [/B]or Ambulance Match
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Ok 3 votes for Nina and Ladder 3 Votes for Leo Price & Rod Todd, 2 for Anderson & 1 for Menace. 1 vote for cage and 2 for table Nova has 2 votes & Damage has 1, I Quit 1 vote & Last Man standing 2 Will update this post with the latest voting results. Will leave it till either we get an unaminous result or i get bored (problem with vote PPV's is you gotta wait till you get the results before you can run it) But at least i still have 1 show before hand to write up
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Ok 3 votes for Nina and Ladder 3 Votes for Leo Price & Rod Todd, 2 for Anderson & 1 for Menace. 1 vote for cage and 2 for table Nova has 2 votes & Damage has 1, I Quit 1 vote & Last Man standing 2 Will update this post with the latest voting results. Will leave it till either we get an unaminous result or i get bored (problem with vote PPV's is you gotta wait till you get the results before you can run it) But at least i still have 1 show before hand to write up
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Vote now for PWA - Your Choice Stephanie Hazel Vs [B]Nina[/B] or Miss Information for the Womens Championship in either a [B]Ladder[/B], 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: [B]Leo Price[/B], Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, [B]Rod 'The God' Todd[/B], [B]Jamie Anderson [/B]& Menace for the TV Title in either a Cage, Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or [B]Table[/B] match Adam Matravers Vs [B]Jeff Nova [/B]or Donny Damage for the PWA Championship in either a I Quit, [B]Last Man Standing [/B]or Ambulance Match The last one because I just had that exact match on my last PPV and it was a good 'un!
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Vote now for PWA - Your Choice Stephanie Hazel Vs [B]Nina[/B] or Miss Information for the Womens Championship in either a [B]Ladder[/B], 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: [B]Leo Price[/B], Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, [B]Rod 'The God' Todd[/B], [B]Jamie Anderson [/B]& Menace for the TV Title in either a Cage, Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or [B]Table[/B] match Adam Matravers Vs [B]Jeff Nova [/B]or Donny Damage for the PWA Championship in either a I Quit, [B]Last Man Standing [/B]or Ambulance Match The last one because I just had that exact match on my last PPV and it was a good 'un!
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