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Stephanie Hazel Vs [B]Nina[/B] or Miss Information for the Womens Championship in either a [B]Ladder[/B], 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: [B]Leo Price[/B], Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, [B]Rod 'The God' Todd, Jamie Anderson[/B] & Menace for the TV Title in either a Cage, Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or Table match Adam Matravers Vs Jeff Nova or [B]Donny Damage [/B]for the PWA Championship in either a [B]I Quit[/B], Last Man Standing or Ambulance Match
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Stephanie Hazel Vs [B]Nina[/B] or Miss Information for the Womens Championship in either a [B]Ladder[/B], 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: [B]Leo Price[/B], Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, [B]Rod 'The God' Todd, Jamie Anderson[/B] & Menace for the TV Title in either a Cage, Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or Table match Adam Matravers Vs Jeff Nova or [B]Donny Damage [/B]for the PWA Championship in either a [B]I Quit[/B], Last Man Standing or Ambulance Match
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Tahoma"][B][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow2.jpg[/img] - F’ The Fire – Episode 12 - - Week 4 May 2010 - - Slough Ice Arena - - Attendance: 1000 - - Viewers: 191 -[/CENTER][/B] [I]Pre Show Segments: C+ & D[/I] A video plays showing the ways that you can vote for who faces Stephanie Hazel at Your Choice. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: F[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 1: Insane Heat Vs Glen Ward -[/CENTER][/B] The Insane Heat has been grumbling that he hasn't had enough tv exposure recently so i told him to show me what he could do against Glen Ward. No scripting at all. The result. Glen Ward pins Heat in a match that was only saved by Glen himself. I think i need to either work in a tag division or cull the roster a bit. [RIGHT]Winner: Glen Ward Match Rating: E[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 2: Leo Price Vs Jeff Nova Vs Donny Damage - - PWA Your Choice Skills Show Off -[/CENTER][/B] Not as good as their match last week against Matravers but Jeff Nova and Donny Damage looked good at there. Nova hits the Glasgow Kiss and secures a victory over Leo Price. [RIGHT]Winner: Jeff Nova Match Rating: C+[/RIGHT] A video explaining the ways you can vote for the contenders for the TV Title. Choose 3 now between Leo Price, Kelly Martin, Rod 'The God' Todd, Jamie "Mr Popularity" Anderson, Menace, and Keith Adams. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: D[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 3: Adam Matravers Vs Jack Giedroyc - - Champion Vs Champion Non Title Match -[/CENTER][/B] Adam Matravers & Jack Giedroyc look amazing out there and bring the crowd to their feet. It was almost sad when the matc finally finished. Matravers hits the Mile High Moonsault for the pinfall. [RIGHT]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating: B-[/RIGHT] A video plays explaining that you can choose between Jeff Nova and Donny Damage to face Adam Matravers for the PWA Championship. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C-[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Final Rating C-[/CENTER][/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Vote now for PWA - Your Choice Stephanie Hazel Vs Nina or Miss Information for the Womens Championship in either a Ladder, 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: Leo Price, Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, Rod 'The God' Todd, Jamie Anderson & Menace for the TV Title in either a Cage, Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or Table match Adam Matravers Vs Jeff Nova or Donny Damage for the PWA Championship in either a I Quit, Last Man Standing or Ambulance Match[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="3"][FONT="Tahoma"][B][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow2.jpg[/img] - F’ The Fire – Episode 12 - - Week 4 May 2010 - - Slough Ice Arena - - Attendance: 1000 - - Viewers: 191 -[/CENTER][/B] [I]Pre Show Segments: C+ & D[/I] A video plays showing the ways that you can vote for who faces Stephanie Hazel at Your Choice. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: F[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 1: Insane Heat Vs Glen Ward -[/CENTER][/B] The Insane Heat has been grumbling that he hasn't had enough tv exposure recently so i told him to show me what he could do against Glen Ward. No scripting at all. The result. Glen Ward pins Heat in a match that was only saved by Glen himself. I think i need to either work in a tag division or cull the roster a bit. [RIGHT]Winner: Glen Ward Match Rating: E[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 2: Leo Price Vs Jeff Nova Vs Donny Damage - - PWA Your Choice Skills Show Off -[/CENTER][/B] Not as good as their match last week against Matravers but Jeff Nova and Donny Damage looked good at there. Nova hits the Glasgow Kiss and secures a victory over Leo Price. [RIGHT]Winner: Jeff Nova Match Rating: C+[/RIGHT] A video explaining the ways you can vote for the contenders for the TV Title. Choose 3 now between Leo Price, Kelly Martin, Rod 'The God' Todd, Jamie "Mr Popularity" Anderson, Menace, and Keith Adams. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: D[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]- Match 3: Adam Matravers Vs Jack Giedroyc - - Champion Vs Champion Non Title Match -[/CENTER][/B] Adam Matravers & Jack Giedroyc look amazing out there and bring the crowd to their feet. It was almost sad when the matc finally finished. Matravers hits the Mile High Moonsault for the pinfall. [RIGHT]Winner: Adam Matravers Match Rating: B-[/RIGHT] A video plays explaining that you can choose between Jeff Nova and Donny Damage to face Adam Matravers for the PWA Championship. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C-[/RIGHT] [B][CENTER]Final Rating C-[/CENTER][/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [QUOTE][CENTER]Vote now for PWA - Your Choice Stephanie Hazel Vs Nina or Miss Information for the Womens Championship in either a Ladder, 1st Blood or Bra & Panties Match Jack Giedroyc Vs 3 out the following 6 wrestlers: Leo Price, Keith Adams, Kelly Martin, Rod 'The God' Todd, Jamie Anderson & Menace for the TV Title in either a Cage, Hardcore, Hell in a Cell or Table match Adam Matravers Vs Jeff Nova or Donny Damage for the PWA Championship in either a I Quit, Last Man Standing or Ambulance Match[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]The votes are in and been tallied [B]PWA - Your Choice - Final Results[/B] Stephanie Hazel will meet Nina The Pyscho Ballerina in a ladder match for the PWA Championship. Jack Giedroyc will meet Leo Price, Rod 'The God' & Jamie Anderson in a Tables Match for the PWA TV Title Jeff Nova beat Donny Damage by 1 vote so will face Adam Matravers in a Last Man Standing Match for the PWA Championship.[/QUOTE] Predictions welcome
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[QUOTE]The votes are in and been tallied [B]PWA - Your Choice - Final Results[/B] Stephanie Hazel will meet Nina The Pyscho Ballerina in a ladder match for the PWA Championship. Jack Giedroyc will meet Leo Price, Rod 'The God' & Jamie Anderson in a Tables Match for the PWA TV Title Jeff Nova beat Donny Damage by 1 vote so will face Adam Matravers in a Last Man Standing Match for the PWA Championship.[/QUOTE] Predictions welcome
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*Checks the next weeks schedule* I have no plans for a rematch between them just yet but after getting a B- rating it just may happen at some point. Just need to find that combustible element to get things going. The fact that they are both faces will need to change. Or im gonna need a third party. I dunno. Will have to look into it. If you got any ideas on the why's PM me them
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*Checks the next weeks schedule* I have no plans for a rematch between them just yet but after getting a B- rating it just may happen at some point. Just need to find that combustible element to get things going. The fact that they are both faces will need to change. Or im gonna need a third party. I dunno. Will have to look into it. If you got any ideas on the why's PM me them
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PWA - Your Choice - Final Results [B][B]Stephanie Hazel [/B][/B]will meet Nina The Pyscho Ballerina in a ladder match for the PWA Championship. Jack Giedroyc will meet [B]Leo Price[/B], Rod 'The God' & Jamie Anderson in a Tables Match for the PWA TV Title Jeff Nova will face [B]Adam Matravers [/B]in a Last Man Standing Match for the PWA Championship. At this stage I'd be tempted to keep the titles on the best workers, which would probably mean Matravers, Hazel and Giedroyc. Except that Giedroyc belongs in the main event picture rather than the tv title, like theunholyicon said. So I'd have him lose the belt. Leo Price is probably most over of the 3 others (I'd guess) so if he wins it, Giedroyc won't take such a big overness hit. Of course if you leave the AI to decide the tv title, Giedroyc will retain however. On that note, is your tv title set as a main event title, midcard title or what? Because if Giedroyc is a main eventer (as I'm guessing he might be and if he isn't he should be!) and the tv title is a midcard belt, you should really get it off him.
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PWA - Your Choice - Final Results [B][B]Stephanie Hazel [/B][/B]will meet Nina The Pyscho Ballerina in a ladder match for the PWA Championship. Jack Giedroyc will meet [B]Leo Price[/B], Rod 'The God' & Jamie Anderson in a Tables Match for the PWA TV Title Jeff Nova will face [B]Adam Matravers [/B]in a Last Man Standing Match for the PWA Championship. At this stage I'd be tempted to keep the titles on the best workers, which would probably mean Matravers, Hazel and Giedroyc. Except that Giedroyc belongs in the main event picture rather than the tv title, like theunholyicon said. So I'd have him lose the belt. Leo Price is probably most over of the 3 others (I'd guess) so if he wins it, Giedroyc won't take such a big overness hit. Of course if you leave the AI to decide the tv title, Giedroyc will retain however. On that note, is your tv title set as a main event title, midcard title or what? Because if Giedroyc is a main eventer (as I'm guessing he might be and if he isn't he should be!) and the tv title is a midcard belt, you should really get it off him.
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="3"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/pwacopy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]- Your Choice -[/B][/SIZE] [B](Thought i would go retro this month) - - Sunday Week 4 May 2010 - - Spectrum Leisure Centre - - Attendance: 950 -[/CENTER][/B] Pre Show Segments: C+ & C- [B][COLOR="Sienna"]- Nina Vs Stephanie Hazel - - PWA Womens Championship -[/COLOR][/B] The video plays showing various people looking at clipboards and white boards mulling over who has how many votes. Under the Name Stephanie Hazel someone has circled the name Nina [RIGHT]Angle Rating: F[/RIGHT] Stephanie Hazel and Nina used to be able to pull off C- matches against each other. But they seem to be dropping the ball a little bit leading me to rethink the possible expansion of the womens division. Neither women goes for the ladder early in the match and just seem intent of attacking each other. For Nina its a chance for gold again. For Steph its payback for her hospitalisation. The ladder is set up and both women climb it. A few punches are exchanged and both of them grab the belt. They try kick out and get it each other but only succeed in kicking the ladder over. Both women cling on to the belt while trying to kick the other off. Suddenly Nina's grip slips and she falls Only to grab onto Steph on the way. Nina hangs onto Stephs waist and tries to climb back up while Steph herself uses all her strength to climb up a little on the cable to unhook the belt. [RIGHT]Winner: Stephanie Hazel Match Rating: D[/RIGHT] [B][COLOR="sienna"]- Jack Giedroyc Vs Leo Price Vs Jamie Anderson Vs Rod 'The God' Todd - - Elimination Tables Match -[/COLOR][/B] A video plays showing numerous more scientists all looking stumped trying to figure out who has won the vote. They decide the best way to do it is a Rock, Paper, Scissors competion. Each scientist has a wrestlers name on it and the Scientists "Leo Price","Rod Todd" & "Mr Popularity" win. They look well chuffed and tease the other scientists. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C-[/RIGHT] Leo Price looked strong early on by putting Rod Todd straight through a table leaving just 3, Jamie Anderson tried to keep out the way and only stepped in when the other competitors were looking tired or one was on the ground. Giedroyc and Price both decided that they had enough of Anderson and lay into him together and then take him to the top turnbuckle and jointly put him through a table and just leaves Price and Giedroyc remaining Both men look tired at this point but they both dive into it again. Price tries some submissions to get the tired Giedroyc worn down but gets countered by Giedroycs moves. Price manages to get Giedroyc on a table and tries to pick him up. Giedroyc counters and puts Price through it instead. [RIGHT]Winner: Jack Giedroyc Match Rating: C [/RIGHT] [B][COLOR="sienna"]- Adam Matravers Vs Jeff Nova - - PWA Championship Match - - Last Man Standing -[/COLOR][/B] A video plays showing the scientists again. One has Damage on his chest, the other Nova. They are arguing about something and eventually decide to flip a coin. "Nova" cheers as "Damage" sulks. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C+[/RIGHT] Both men started slowly trying to wear the other down. Adam Matravers got some momentum for a while only for Jeff Nova to catch a break and then get some momentum of his own. Nova locks in the Worlds Strongest Bear Hug but Matravers got straight back up. Matravers then mananged a Mile High Moonsault but Nova got up at 6. Both men just wouldn't stay down. Each man was taking it in turns to send the other to the ground only to get 7's and 8's before the other had got up. Suddenly Jamie Anderson charges to the ring, chair in hand. The ref climbs out the ring to stop him but Anderson knocks him to the floor. He climbs into the ring where Nova had just layed out Matravers. Nova turned to find out what the commotion was but took a chair shot straight to the head putting him down on the ground. Anderson turns to Matravers who had managed to get to his knees and sends the chair straight into his back knocking him down. He then lays 2 more shots on Matravers before clearing out the ring. Anderson then heads back to the entrance. The ref having managed to get back to his feet climbs back into the ring to see if anyone can beat the ten count. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Neither man was able to get up and the match was declared a draw [RIGHT]Winner: Declared Draw Match Rating: B-[/RIGHT] Jamie Anderson at the entrance way has managed to get a mike: [COLOR="Red"]"And thats what you get when you dont give me my rematch"[/COLOR] [RIGHT]Angle Rating: F[/RIGHT] [CENTER]Final Rating C[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE]Who saw that ending coming. The seeds were sown for it but did you notice? Next week. A change for PWA?[/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="3"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/pwacopy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]- Your Choice -[/B][/SIZE] [B](Thought i would go retro this month) - - Sunday Week 4 May 2010 - - Spectrum Leisure Centre - - Attendance: 950 -[/CENTER][/B] Pre Show Segments: C+ & C- [B][COLOR="Sienna"]- Nina Vs Stephanie Hazel - - PWA Womens Championship -[/COLOR][/B] The video plays showing various people looking at clipboards and white boards mulling over who has how many votes. Under the Name Stephanie Hazel someone has circled the name Nina [RIGHT]Angle Rating: F[/RIGHT] Stephanie Hazel and Nina used to be able to pull off C- matches against each other. But they seem to be dropping the ball a little bit leading me to rethink the possible expansion of the womens division. Neither women goes for the ladder early in the match and just seem intent of attacking each other. For Nina its a chance for gold again. For Steph its payback for her hospitalisation. The ladder is set up and both women climb it. A few punches are exchanged and both of them grab the belt. They try kick out and get it each other but only succeed in kicking the ladder over. Both women cling on to the belt while trying to kick the other off. Suddenly Nina's grip slips and she falls Only to grab onto Steph on the way. Nina hangs onto Stephs waist and tries to climb back up while Steph herself uses all her strength to climb up a little on the cable to unhook the belt. [RIGHT]Winner: Stephanie Hazel Match Rating: D[/RIGHT] [B][COLOR="sienna"]- Jack Giedroyc Vs Leo Price Vs Jamie Anderson Vs Rod 'The God' Todd - - Elimination Tables Match -[/COLOR][/B] A video plays showing numerous more scientists all looking stumped trying to figure out who has won the vote. They decide the best way to do it is a Rock, Paper, Scissors competion. Each scientist has a wrestlers name on it and the Scientists "Leo Price","Rod Todd" & "Mr Popularity" win. They look well chuffed and tease the other scientists. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C-[/RIGHT] Leo Price looked strong early on by putting Rod Todd straight through a table leaving just 3, Jamie Anderson tried to keep out the way and only stepped in when the other competitors were looking tired or one was on the ground. Giedroyc and Price both decided that they had enough of Anderson and lay into him together and then take him to the top turnbuckle and jointly put him through a table and just leaves Price and Giedroyc remaining Both men look tired at this point but they both dive into it again. Price tries some submissions to get the tired Giedroyc worn down but gets countered by Giedroycs moves. Price manages to get Giedroyc on a table and tries to pick him up. Giedroyc counters and puts Price through it instead. [RIGHT]Winner: Jack Giedroyc Match Rating: C [/RIGHT] [B][COLOR="sienna"]- Adam Matravers Vs Jeff Nova - - PWA Championship Match - - Last Man Standing -[/COLOR][/B] A video plays showing the scientists again. One has Damage on his chest, the other Nova. They are arguing about something and eventually decide to flip a coin. "Nova" cheers as "Damage" sulks. [RIGHT]Angle Rating: C+[/RIGHT] Both men started slowly trying to wear the other down. Adam Matravers got some momentum for a while only for Jeff Nova to catch a break and then get some momentum of his own. Nova locks in the Worlds Strongest Bear Hug but Matravers got straight back up. Matravers then mananged a Mile High Moonsault but Nova got up at 6. Both men just wouldn't stay down. Each man was taking it in turns to send the other to the ground only to get 7's and 8's before the other had got up. Suddenly Jamie Anderson charges to the ring, chair in hand. The ref climbs out the ring to stop him but Anderson knocks him to the floor. He climbs into the ring where Nova had just layed out Matravers. Nova turned to find out what the commotion was but took a chair shot straight to the head putting him down on the ground. Anderson turns to Matravers who had managed to get to his knees and sends the chair straight into his back knocking him down. He then lays 2 more shots on Matravers before clearing out the ring. Anderson then heads back to the entrance. The ref having managed to get back to his feet climbs back into the ring to see if anyone can beat the ten count. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Neither man was able to get up and the match was declared a draw [RIGHT]Winner: Declared Draw Match Rating: B-[/RIGHT] Jamie Anderson at the entrance way has managed to get a mike: [COLOR="Red"]"And thats what you get when you dont give me my rematch"[/COLOR] [RIGHT]Angle Rating: F[/RIGHT] [CENTER]Final Rating C[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE]Who saw that ending coming. The seeds were sown for it but did you notice? Next week. A change for PWA?[/QUOTE]
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Has it only been 2 1/2 months since i started this When i started this, i had no idea how well this would do. But 230 odd posts later and over 4000 views and its seems to be going strong. However.. all good things must come to an end. And THIS diary is one of them.. Because in true Marvel Comic style i have decided to relaunch this dynasty with some new look graphics and the previous backstory all nicely summed up in the first post. Im doing this partly to try gain some extra readership (at least im honest) but mainly because reading through some dynasties myself its hard sometimes to read through 20 odd pages just to get a handle on what has been happening So stay tuned because the new look PWA will be up tomorrow.. And thanks you all for reading
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Has it only been 2 1/2 months since i started this When i started this, i had no idea how well this would do. But 230 odd posts later and over 4000 views and its seems to be going strong. However.. all good things must come to an end. And THIS diary is one of them.. Because in true Marvel Comic style i have decided to relaunch this dynasty with some new look graphics and the previous backstory all nicely summed up in the first post. Im doing this partly to try gain some extra readership (at least im honest) but mainly because reading through some dynasties myself its hard sometimes to read through 20 odd pages just to get a handle on what has been happening So stay tuned because the new look PWA will be up tomorrow.. And thanks you all for reading
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[QUOTE=Clarity;156774]Stephanie Hazel and Nina used to be able to pull off C- matches against each other. But they seem to be dropping the ball a little bit leading me to rethink the possible expansion of the womens division.[/QUOTE] I can't believe this. The same person who put his top title on Jamie Anderson says this?!? :p You have it bad for trying to have a women's division with only workers available in the UK. That much is obvious. If you could have ONE worker like a Kit Hatoyama come in, she'd tear the roof off the arena and far outdraw the likes of Anderson and Todd. But don't ditch the whole division just yet. If necessary, run the women's matches in dark time to get them some reps so their skills improve. Maybe put them in dueling hype segments (I think the angle's name is 'Two workers back and forth'), which will work their Performance skills. But with the people available to your area, pretty much every women's worker you can sign is a project. Great diary though and the graphics really spice it up.
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