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[QUOTE=Clarity;156774]Stephanie Hazel and Nina used to be able to pull off C- matches against each other. But they seem to be dropping the ball a little bit leading me to rethink the possible expansion of the womens division.[/QUOTE] I can't believe this. The same person who put his top title on Jamie Anderson says this?!? :p You have it bad for trying to have a women's division with only workers available in the UK. That much is obvious. If you could have ONE worker like a Kit Hatoyama come in, she'd tear the roof off the arena and far outdraw the likes of Anderson and Todd. But don't ditch the whole division just yet. If necessary, run the women's matches in dark time to get them some reps so their skills improve. Maybe put them in dueling hype segments (I think the angle's name is 'Two workers back and forth'), which will work their Performance skills. But with the people available to your area, pretty much every women's worker you can sign is a project. Great diary though and the graphics really spice it up.
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Thanks. I have a few ideas for PWA. One was getting more women in and getting a womens division instead of just 3. The second was getting some tag matches going, to try pair off some bigger stars with some rookies and get the experience flowing. And the 3rd was an idea i loved from Scapinos (i think) SWF diary. The 10 Minute Championship
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Thanks. I have a few ideas for PWA. One was getting more women in and getting a womens division instead of just 3. The second was getting some tag matches going, to try pair off some bigger stars with some rookies and get the experience flowing. And the 3rd was an idea i loved from Scapinos (i think) SWF diary. The 10 Minute Championship
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If you're 2 and a half years into the game now, have no women's workers from elsewhere in the world become available in your area? A women's division is something I've considered on my ROF game, but instead I've focused on opening ROF Japan as a 2nd brand so that I stand a chance of going international at some point in the future. I could only do this because a whole load of Japanese workers became available after 2 years of game time. 5SSW particularly always seem to let a couple of decent workers go early in my game - I know I could call on the likes of Dragon Assassin, Cherry Bomb, Stephanie Wade, Ginko Kuroda, Nene Ebina etc if I wanted to. Whilst they'd have no UK overness, if they're half decent in the ring you could put them in dark matches against your more over men and then bring them into your women's division. Or, seeing as you've said previously you prefer to push UK talent anyway, just have them go in as your jobbers in the division. Looking forward to the new start, by the way! I'm interested to see how you back-story the 2 and a half years, because I've toyed with the idea recently of starting a diary of my ROF game but felt there'd be too much backstory for anyone to read, as I'd want to start the actual diary part at least 2 years into the game. Might just wait for 2007 now instead.
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If you're 2 and a half years into the game now, have no women's workers from elsewhere in the world become available in your area? A women's division is something I've considered on my ROF game, but instead I've focused on opening ROF Japan as a 2nd brand so that I stand a chance of going international at some point in the future. I could only do this because a whole load of Japanese workers became available after 2 years of game time. 5SSW particularly always seem to let a couple of decent workers go early in my game - I know I could call on the likes of Dragon Assassin, Cherry Bomb, Stephanie Wade, Ginko Kuroda, Nene Ebina etc if I wanted to. Whilst they'd have no UK overness, if they're half decent in the ring you could put them in dark matches against your more over men and then bring them into your women's division. Or, seeing as you've said previously you prefer to push UK talent anyway, just have them go in as your jobbers in the division. Looking forward to the new start, by the way! I'm interested to see how you back-story the 2 and a half years, because I've toyed with the idea recently of starting a diary of my ROF game but felt there'd be too much backstory for anyone to read, as I'd want to start the actual diary part at least 2 years into the game. Might just wait for 2007 now instead.
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From reading your comments about my diary i would be interested in having a read of your ROF diary especially upon hearing about ROF Japan. Been doing some thinking about my new start. I think im gonna have post 1 updated maybe every game year (Or when something significant happens) with the latest things that have been happening. That way when someone new looks at the dynasty all the information is available on the first post to allow them to know roughly whats going on.
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From reading your comments about my diary i would be interested in having a read of your ROF diary especially upon hearing about ROF Japan. Been doing some thinking about my new start. I think im gonna have post 1 updated maybe every game year (Or when something significant happens) with the latest things that have been happening. That way when someone new looks at the dynasty all the information is available on the first post to allow them to know roughly whats going on.
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Lemme tell you how I did it. Maybe you'll be able to find something that you can use. I started by taking over AAA so that gave me access to their initial roster. I then signed 3 workers to be my top stars in Mariko Yoshida, Cheerleader Melissa, and LuFisto. I designated Cherry Bomb as my top heel. In the first year, she fueded exclusively with Melissa and the strength of their matches boosted both of their overness levels (and won them Match of the Year). Wanda Fish feuded with first LuFisto then Mariko. Raven Nightfall feuded with LuFisto. Along the way, I also signed several really good talents to develop further. Eve Grunge, Tamara McFly, Ayako Hamada, Michiko Omukai, Stephanie Wade, Roz Larren, etc. I paired Cherry Bomb with Etsuko Mita to help speed up her performance skill development. (As an aside, I've found that a worker with good to great performance skills can have good to great matches with damn near anyone without having any skill anywhere else) Worker development is my bag so it's what I focus on. Now, I have about a dozen workers with A overness across North America (Mariko, LuFisto, Melissa, Michelle McCool, Tamara McFly, Ayako Hamada, Missy Masterson, Desire, Madison, Annie Social, Sensational Ogiwara, Thunder Hike, Meiko Satomura, Joanne Rodriguez, Christie Ricci, Melody Cuthill, Cherry Bomb, Wanda Fish, April Hunter, Jana Marie Bowen & Kinuye Mushashibo (my top tag team), Dark Angel, Samoan Machine, Manami Toyota, Nikki Roxx, April Appleseed, Tomoko Watanabe, and a few others). My approach is somewhat formulaic in that I like to have the workers involved in a match hype that match prior. This allows me to "double dip" for skill increases. For the undercard, I use looks based angles to offset the hit to crowd morale bound to happen with workers who have little to no overness. I brought in some men to put my workers through their paces (like, Wolf Hawkins is my X-Division champion and he beat Sammy Bach for that title. Champagne Lover is J.Ro's companion/enforcer. I have Flemmy Lemming teaching my undercarders technical skills, Jody Fleisch and Emerald Angel teaching Aerial skills, and Hell Monkey teaching Brawling skills). I recently signed Nemesis though I dunno what I'm gonna do with him yet. His appearance fee is more than several of my main eventers' monthly wage! Cutting Edge is the best promotion type in TEW05, in my opinion, because it's straight forward. You don't have to spend like half your time on meaningless angles, the workers earn their popularity in the ring, by and large. Tag teams will allow you to get faster development for more of your roster. It's "more bang for your buck" personified. You might also want to look for workers with good to great performance skills (say, B or better Basics, Psychology, Selling, Consistency, and Safety) and have them work lower card matches against your up and comers. If you can, sign Stevie Stoat and job him to folks like Rod 'The God' and Stephanie Hazel and Miss Info and Nina in dark matches. That'll jumpstart their overness AND give them a good chance at good skill increases. It'll also kill ROF. :)
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Lemme tell you how I did it. Maybe you'll be able to find something that you can use. I started by taking over AAA so that gave me access to their initial roster. I then signed 3 workers to be my top stars in Mariko Yoshida, Cheerleader Melissa, and LuFisto. I designated Cherry Bomb as my top heel. In the first year, she fueded exclusively with Melissa and the strength of their matches boosted both of their overness levels (and won them Match of the Year). Wanda Fish feuded with first LuFisto then Mariko. Raven Nightfall feuded with LuFisto. Along the way, I also signed several really good talents to develop further. Eve Grunge, Tamara McFly, Ayako Hamada, Michiko Omukai, Stephanie Wade, Roz Larren, etc. I paired Cherry Bomb with Etsuko Mita to help speed up her performance skill development. (As an aside, I've found that a worker with good to great performance skills can have good to great matches with damn near anyone without having any skill anywhere else) Worker development is my bag so it's what I focus on. Now, I have about a dozen workers with A overness across North America (Mariko, LuFisto, Melissa, Michelle McCool, Tamara McFly, Ayako Hamada, Missy Masterson, Desire, Madison, Annie Social, Sensational Ogiwara, Thunder Hike, Meiko Satomura, Joanne Rodriguez, Christie Ricci, Melody Cuthill, Cherry Bomb, Wanda Fish, April Hunter, Jana Marie Bowen & Kinuye Mushashibo (my top tag team), Dark Angel, Samoan Machine, Manami Toyota, Nikki Roxx, April Appleseed, Tomoko Watanabe, and a few others). My approach is somewhat formulaic in that I like to have the workers involved in a match hype that match prior. This allows me to "double dip" for skill increases. For the undercard, I use looks based angles to offset the hit to crowd morale bound to happen with workers who have little to no overness. I brought in some men to put my workers through their paces (like, Wolf Hawkins is my X-Division champion and he beat Sammy Bach for that title. Champagne Lover is J.Ro's companion/enforcer. I have Flemmy Lemming teaching my undercarders technical skills, Jody Fleisch and Emerald Angel teaching Aerial skills, and Hell Monkey teaching Brawling skills). I recently signed Nemesis though I dunno what I'm gonna do with him yet. His appearance fee is more than several of my main eventers' monthly wage! Cutting Edge is the best promotion type in TEW05, in my opinion, because it's straight forward. You don't have to spend like half your time on meaningless angles, the workers earn their popularity in the ring, by and large. Tag teams will allow you to get faster development for more of your roster. It's "more bang for your buck" personified. You might also want to look for workers with good to great performance skills (say, B or better Basics, Psychology, Selling, Consistency, and Safety) and have them work lower card matches against your up and comers. If you can, sign Stevie Stoat and job him to folks like Rod 'The God' and Stephanie Hazel and Miss Info and Nina in dark matches. That'll jumpstart their overness AND give them a good chance at good skill increases. It'll also kill ROF. :)
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Thanks man. That hopefully will be helpful. Im sitting here now with a kinda vision of how i want PWA to go but only time will tell if i can pull it off. The dynasty has been relaunch: Its labelled "PWA: Started from nothing, Ending with everything "
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Thanks man. That hopefully will be helpful. Im sitting here now with a kinda vision of how i want PWA to go but only time will tell if i can pull it off. The dynasty has been relaunch: Its labelled "PWA: Started from nothing, Ending with everything "
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