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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/PWAdark.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Coming up at the next PWA Event.[/COLOR] "Bullet" Bob takes on another in his open challenge. What will Nina do now that the T-Shirt gun is broken Brilliant White defends the PWA Championship And a shock beginning.. Stay tuned[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B]
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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwafire.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]April 2009 – Atlantis Area – 25 people[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Show Delay[/COLOR][/B] The cameras hurriedly head to the backstage parking lot, where they find Arthur T Turtle lying in a pool of blood. Paramedics rush over and attend to him. They eventually strap him down to a stretcher and get him into an ambulance. [B][COLOR="red"]Singles Match[/COLOR] [COLOR="orange"]Vic Walker Vs Chris Everton[/COLOR][/B] Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry. Thats all im looking for. But can i find some.. Nope. Everton defeats Vic Walker by pinfall. [B][COLOR="red"]Evil Inc.'s Plan[/COLOR][/B] Evil Inc. attack The Dublin Destroyer and The Scotsman backstage, and leave them down and out laughing about finally beating them. [B][COLOR="red"]Cronins Rampage[/COLOR][/B] The Minor Annoyance comes out to the podium, along with Bullet Bob Cronin. Annoyance publicily states that it wasn't Cronin that took out Turtle. He would have made it clear to everyone here that Cronin beat him and not hide behind a cowardly backstage attack. [B][COLOR="orange"]Bullet Bob Cronin Vs Cannonball Logan[/COLOR][/B] Cannonball Logan wasn't really shining in the tag matches i put him in so i thought i would see what he was like against the "bullet". Splat. A squash match [B][COLOR="red"]Turtles beatdown revealed[/COLOR][/B] Fly Boy and Nate Manchester head to the ring looking very pleased with themselves. They grab a mike and take credit for the attack on Turtle. They claim that Turtle wont be back in the PWA after what they did to him. Brilliant White then heads down to the ring, suitcase in hand. He hands it to Nate Manchester and shakes both there hands. Brilliant White looked very pleased with his investment. [B][COLOR="red"]Nina cant shoot[/COLOR][/B] Nina heads to the ring, one hand bandaged up and no gun in sight. She tales a mike and addresses the crowd [COLOR="magenta"][I]"I know you wanted some free shirts, and you could of had them if that stupid gun hadn't blown. So im thinking of doing something i saw on SWF a few nights back. And thats read some fan mail and address any issues you have. So here is the first letter. From Ryan Adland. He wants to know why Firey Ring sucks so much. And the honest answer is because they keep booking the same matches and everyone is bored"[/I][/COLOR] Nina then exits the ring and lifts the apron. Underneath was some T-Shirts that she threw into the crowd with her good hand [B][COLOR="red"]PWA Championship Match[/COLOR] [COLOR="orange"]Brilliant White Vs Ian Vincible[/COLOR][/B] White looked unstoppable in his match, possibly due to the fact that he knew Turtle was out the picture. White pinned Vincible in 4:53 to make defence number 2. [QUOTE][B]Quick Compare[/B] [I][B]PWA F' The Fire VS ROF Lashing Out[/B][/I] [B]ROF:[/B] [I]Tim Reed defeated Ryan Death Don Henderson defeated Walter Morgan Jeff Nova defeated Leo Prive Adam Matravers defeated Stevie Stoat to retain ROF Championship[/i] [B]Final Raing: C+[/B] [B]PWA:[/B] [I]Chris Everton defeated Vic Walker Bullet Bob Cronin defeated Cannonball Logan Brilliant White defeated Ian Vincible[/I] [B]Final Rating: E[/B][/QUOTE]
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[B][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwafire.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]April 2009 – Atlantis Area – 25 people[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Show Delay[/COLOR][/B] The cameras hurriedly head to the backstage parking lot, where they find Arthur T Turtle lying in a pool of blood. Paramedics rush over and attend to him. They eventually strap him down to a stretcher and get him into an ambulance. [B][COLOR="red"]Singles Match[/COLOR] [COLOR="orange"]Vic Walker Vs Chris Everton[/COLOR][/B] Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry. Thats all im looking for. But can i find some.. Nope. Everton defeats Vic Walker by pinfall. [B][COLOR="red"]Evil Inc.'s Plan[/COLOR][/B] Evil Inc. attack The Dublin Destroyer and The Scotsman backstage, and leave them down and out laughing about finally beating them. [B][COLOR="red"]Cronins Rampage[/COLOR][/B] The Minor Annoyance comes out to the podium, along with Bullet Bob Cronin. Annoyance publicily states that it wasn't Cronin that took out Turtle. He would have made it clear to everyone here that Cronin beat him and not hide behind a cowardly backstage attack. [B][COLOR="orange"]Bullet Bob Cronin Vs Cannonball Logan[/COLOR][/B] Cannonball Logan wasn't really shining in the tag matches i put him in so i thought i would see what he was like against the "bullet". Splat. A squash match [B][COLOR="red"]Turtles beatdown revealed[/COLOR][/B] Fly Boy and Nate Manchester head to the ring looking very pleased with themselves. They grab a mike and take credit for the attack on Turtle. They claim that Turtle wont be back in the PWA after what they did to him. Brilliant White then heads down to the ring, suitcase in hand. He hands it to Nate Manchester and shakes both there hands. Brilliant White looked very pleased with his investment. [B][COLOR="red"]Nina cant shoot[/COLOR][/B] Nina heads to the ring, one hand bandaged up and no gun in sight. She tales a mike and addresses the crowd [COLOR="magenta"][I]"I know you wanted some free shirts, and you could of had them if that stupid gun hadn't blown. So im thinking of doing something i saw on SWF a few nights back. And thats read some fan mail and address any issues you have. So here is the first letter. From Ryan Adland. He wants to know why Firey Ring sucks so much. And the honest answer is because they keep booking the same matches and everyone is bored"[/I][/COLOR] Nina then exits the ring and lifts the apron. Underneath was some T-Shirts that she threw into the crowd with her good hand [B][COLOR="red"]PWA Championship Match[/COLOR] [COLOR="orange"]Brilliant White Vs Ian Vincible[/COLOR][/B] White looked unstoppable in his match, possibly due to the fact that he knew Turtle was out the picture. White pinned Vincible in 4:53 to make defence number 2. [QUOTE][B]Quick Compare[/B] [I][B]PWA F' The Fire VS ROF Lashing Out[/B][/I] [B]ROF:[/B] [I]Tim Reed defeated Ryan Death Don Henderson defeated Walter Morgan Jeff Nova defeated Leo Prive Adam Matravers defeated Stevie Stoat to retain ROF Championship[/i] [B]Final Raing: C+[/B] [B]PWA:[/B] [I]Chris Everton defeated Vic Walker Bullet Bob Cronin defeated Cannonball Logan Brilliant White defeated Ian Vincible[/I] [B]Final Rating: E[/B][/QUOTE]
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I don't think the whole t-shirt gun should bother Nina much.. With 25-35 people in attendence, she's either beaning people really hard, or just shooting t-shirts 100 feet away and causing a few poor kids to have to go run after them. How are the stats progressing for your stars?
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I don't think the whole t-shirt gun should bother Nina much.. With 25-35 people in attendence, she's either beaning people really hard, or just shooting t-shirts 100 feet away and causing a few poor kids to have to go run after them. How are the stats progressing for your stars?
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[B][I][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwa1yearold.jpg[/IMG] Next time at PWA: Evil Inc. tried to break the deadlock at the last show with a backstage attack on The Northerners. Now they want payback. "Bullet" Bob takes on another to try make 6 wins in a row And we have an appearance of a Ring of Fire worker[/CENTER][/I][/B]
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[B][I][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwa1yearold.jpg[/IMG] Next time at PWA: Evil Inc. tried to break the deadlock at the last show with a backstage attack on The Northerners. Now they want payback. "Bullet" Bob takes on another to try make 6 wins in a row And we have an appearance of a Ring of Fire worker[/CENTER][/I][/B]
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[QUOTE=Unright;151063]I don't think the whole t-shirt gun should bother Nina much.. With 25-35 people in attendence, she's either beaning people really hard, or just shooting t-shirts 100 feet away and causing a few poor kids to have to go run after them. [B]How are the stats progressing for your stars?[/QUOTE][/B] Not as good as i hoped. Brilliant Whites Submissions, Mat and consistancy have gone up a grade. No change on Cronins stats or Turtles
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[QUOTE=Unright;151063]I don't think the whole t-shirt gun should bother Nina much.. With 25-35 people in attendence, she's either beaning people really hard, or just shooting t-shirts 100 feet away and causing a few poor kids to have to go run after them. [B]How are the stats progressing for your stars?[/QUOTE][/B] Not as good as i hoped. Brilliant Whites Submissions, Mat and consistancy have gone up a grade. No change on Cronins stats or Turtles
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[B][SIZE="3"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwaretribution.jpg[/IMG] PWA Birth of Retribution – Alban Arena – Attendance 29[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Northerners ring promo[/COLOR][/B] The Scotsmans & Dublin Destroyer head down to the ring. Scotsman takes the mike and proceeds to rant about the cowardly attack by Evil Inc last show. He wants another match between them all in an effort to break the deadlock. Evil Inc. appear at the top of the ramp and say that they accept the challenge from Northerners and will meet them in the ring later tonight. [B][COLOR="darkorange"]The new signing[/COLOR][/B] "Ladies and Gentleman.. It is with great pleasure that we introduce to you, signed away from Ring of Fire TIM REED!!!!!!" [B][COLOR="Red"]Tim Reed Vs Davey Celtic[/COLOR][/B] I know we could have hyped up Davey Celtics debut as well but i was more interested in our ROF signing. For 2 guys that regularly put on C matches, an E was a bit of a let down. [COLOR="Silver"]Winner: Tim Reed[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Tag Match Hype[/COLOR][/B] Kevin Jordan and Manny Morham talk about the tag deadlock and about who might break it tonight [B][COLOR="red"]Northerners Vs Evil Inc.[/COLOR][/B] Both teams looked ready to rumble in what could have been the longest deadlock in wrestling history. These 2 had been trying to get a win over each other for 2 years now. And today it happened when Dublin Destroyer made Evil Henchman #1 to tap out. [COLOR="Silver"]Winner: The Northerners[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="darkorange"]"Bullet" Bob's Rampage[/COLOR][/B] Bullet Bob Cronin comes to the ring and strikes poses to each side of the ring. After each pose, the immortal Bullet Bob Cronin calls out for the screams of the fans. But all he gets his some laughter from the guys and some screams from barely old enough girls. He then takes the mike and introduced his challenger: Jed High [B][COLOR="red"]Jed High Vs Bullet Bob Cronin.[/COLOR][/B] It certainly looked like Cronins rampage could be coming to an end when Jed High got some near falls but it was during the match when The Minor Annoyance run in and attacked Jed High that turned it in Cronins favour. [COLOR="silver"]Winner: "Bullet" Bob Cronin[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Backstage[/COLOR][/B] The cameras cut to backstage as the cameraman rushes to where a group of people are standing. The camera pans round to find Manchester Fly Boy lying on the floor knocked out [QUOTE][B]Quick Compare - PWA Vs ROF[/B] [B]PWA: Birth of Retribution[/B] [I]Tim Reed defeated Davey Celtic - [B]E[/B] Northerners defeated Evil Inc. - [B]F[/B] Bullet Bob Cronin defeated Jed High - [B]F[/B] Final Rating [B]F[/B][/I] [B]ROF: Featured Attraction[/B] [I]Martyn Staddon defeated Ryan Death - [B]D[/B] Jeff Nova & Stevie Stoat defeated Leo Price & Don Henderson - [B]C+[/B] UK Dragon defeated Adam Matravers for ROF Championship - [B]C+[/B] Final Rating [B]C+[/B][/QUOTE][/I]
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[B][SIZE="3"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/pwaretribution.jpg[/IMG] PWA Birth of Retribution – Alban Arena – Attendance 29[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Northerners ring promo[/COLOR][/B] The Scotsmans & Dublin Destroyer head down to the ring. Scotsman takes the mike and proceeds to rant about the cowardly attack by Evil Inc last show. He wants another match between them all in an effort to break the deadlock. Evil Inc. appear at the top of the ramp and say that they accept the challenge from Northerners and will meet them in the ring later tonight. [B][COLOR="darkorange"]The new signing[/COLOR][/B] "Ladies and Gentleman.. It is with great pleasure that we introduce to you, signed away from Ring of Fire TIM REED!!!!!!" [B][COLOR="Red"]Tim Reed Vs Davey Celtic[/COLOR][/B] I know we could have hyped up Davey Celtics debut as well but i was more interested in our ROF signing. For 2 guys that regularly put on C matches, an E was a bit of a let down. [COLOR="Silver"]Winner: Tim Reed[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Tag Match Hype[/COLOR][/B] Kevin Jordan and Manny Morham talk about the tag deadlock and about who might break it tonight [B][COLOR="red"]Northerners Vs Evil Inc.[/COLOR][/B] Both teams looked ready to rumble in what could have been the longest deadlock in wrestling history. These 2 had been trying to get a win over each other for 2 years now. And today it happened when Dublin Destroyer made Evil Henchman #1 to tap out. [COLOR="Silver"]Winner: The Northerners[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="darkorange"]"Bullet" Bob's Rampage[/COLOR][/B] Bullet Bob Cronin comes to the ring and strikes poses to each side of the ring. After each pose, the immortal Bullet Bob Cronin calls out for the screams of the fans. But all he gets his some laughter from the guys and some screams from barely old enough girls. He then takes the mike and introduced his challenger: Jed High [B][COLOR="red"]Jed High Vs Bullet Bob Cronin.[/COLOR][/B] It certainly looked like Cronins rampage could be coming to an end when Jed High got some near falls but it was during the match when The Minor Annoyance run in and attacked Jed High that turned it in Cronins favour. [COLOR="silver"]Winner: "Bullet" Bob Cronin[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="darkorange"]Backstage[/COLOR][/B] The cameras cut to backstage as the cameraman rushes to where a group of people are standing. The camera pans round to find Manchester Fly Boy lying on the floor knocked out [QUOTE][B]Quick Compare - PWA Vs ROF[/B] [B]PWA: Birth of Retribution[/B] [I]Tim Reed defeated Davey Celtic - [B]E[/B] Northerners defeated Evil Inc. - [B]F[/B] Bullet Bob Cronin defeated Jed High - [B]F[/B] Final Rating [B]F[/B][/I] [B]ROF: Featured Attraction[/B] [I]Martyn Staddon defeated Ryan Death - [B]D[/B] Jeff Nova & Stevie Stoat defeated Leo Price & Don Henderson - [B]C+[/B] UK Dragon defeated Adam Matravers for ROF Championship - [B]C+[/B] Final Rating [B]C+[/B][/QUOTE][/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/catchcopy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]The Tournament[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] It started as just a tournament for the gold: Arthur T Turtle Vs Marytn Staddon "Bullet" Bob Cronin Vs Harry Wilson Brilliant White Vs Puffy Craig Walker vs Toby Juan Kanobi And very soon spiralled out of control. The final match wound up between Arthur T Turtle and Brilliant White and remains to this day a mystery as to whether White cheated to win. Tired of the name calling by Turtle (mainly on the website whiteisalyingcheatingscum.com), White decides to have 2 people take Turtle out of the equation. The Manchester Lads (Nate Manchester & Manchester Fly Boy) meet Turtle and beat him down putting him in a hospital. However just last show Manchester Fly Boy was attacked by an unknown assailiant. Could it be Turtles Revenge..... [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="darkred"]Cronins Rampage[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Disgusted by the fact that he lost in the semi finals of the PWA Tournament "Bullet" Bob Cronin made a open challenge to the roster to face him. Maxx accepted and got beaten down by Cronin and his manager The Minor Annoyance. Maxx was injured as a result of the beating and let go from PWA. Since then Cronin has beaten Vic Walker, Glen Ward, The Scotsman, Cannonball Logan, and just recently Jed High. Can anybody stop Cronin from taking out the entire PWA roster.....
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/catchcopy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]The Tournament[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] It started as just a tournament for the gold: Arthur T Turtle Vs Marytn Staddon "Bullet" Bob Cronin Vs Harry Wilson Brilliant White Vs Puffy Craig Walker vs Toby Juan Kanobi And very soon spiralled out of control. The final match wound up between Arthur T Turtle and Brilliant White and remains to this day a mystery as to whether White cheated to win. Tired of the name calling by Turtle (mainly on the website whiteisalyingcheatingscum.com), White decides to have 2 people take Turtle out of the equation. The Manchester Lads (Nate Manchester & Manchester Fly Boy) meet Turtle and beat him down putting him in a hospital. However just last show Manchester Fly Boy was attacked by an unknown assailiant. Could it be Turtles Revenge..... [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="darkred"]Cronins Rampage[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Disgusted by the fact that he lost in the semi finals of the PWA Tournament "Bullet" Bob Cronin made a open challenge to the roster to face him. Maxx accepted and got beaten down by Cronin and his manager The Minor Annoyance. Maxx was injured as a result of the beating and let go from PWA. Since then Cronin has beaten Vic Walker, Glen Ward, The Scotsman, Cannonball Logan, and just recently Jed High. Can anybody stop Cronin from taking out the entire PWA roster.....
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From pwa.co.uk [QUOTE]Following the breaking of the deadlock between the 2 teams at PWA Birth of Retribution, both Evil Inc (Evil Henchman #1 and Evil Henchman #2) and The Northerners (The Scotsman & The Dublin Destroyer) have been let go from PWA. We wish them well in the future[/QUOTE]
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From pwa.co.uk [QUOTE]Following the breaking of the deadlock between the 2 teams at PWA Birth of Retribution, both Evil Inc (Evil Henchman #1 and Evil Henchman #2) and The Northerners (The Scotsman & The Dublin Destroyer) have been let go from PWA. We wish them well in the future[/QUOTE]
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