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WWF v WCW v ECW 1998

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[B]Personal Backstory[/B] Professional Wrestling. For me, that was a forbidden fruit growing up. "It'll rot your brain." "It'll make you violent" "It's stupid anyway." I snuck in some matches here and there. A Goldberg squash match, another Austin versus Undertaker angle. Everything seemed so mystical to me, and it was truely a land that I only visited, because once my parents came home, I changed the channel. Now at 18, I can watch what I want, only to realize that modern wrestling isn't as good as my sneak-n-watch days. So now I look to relive that, starting in 1998, playing as the three major corperations: WWF, WCW and ECW.
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We will be following the carrers of Vince McMahon, Eric Bishoff, and "Da Kid". World Wrestling Federation Owner Linda McMahon Head Booker Vince McMahon (Recently did “Auto Push”) Main Eventers Billy Gunn Jeff Jarret Kane Mankind Owen Hart Road Dogg Savio Vega Stone Cold Steve Austin The Rock The Undertaker HHH Vader Upper Midcarder Al Snow Animal Bart Gunn Brian Cristopher Goldust Edge Farooq Hawk Mosh Ken Shamrock Marc Mero Mark Canterbury Mark Henry Taka Michinoku Thrasher Val Venis X-Pac Midcarder 8-Ball Bob Holly Dan Severn Dennis Knight D’Lo Brown Flash Funk Kurrgan Papi Chulo Quebecer Jaques Quebecer Pierre Sean Taylor The Godfather Lower Midcarder Chainz Droz Funaki Giant Silva Jesus Castillo Jose Estrada Matt Hardy Skull Steve Blackman Opener Brakkus Jay Reso Jeff Hardy Matt Bloom Men’s Teioh Miguel Perez Enhancement Talent Andrew Martin Dick Togo TITLES WWF World Heavyweight Steve Austin WWF European Triple H WWF Intercontinental The Rock WWF Hardcore Matt Hardy WWF Lightweight Taka Michinoku WWF World Tag Team Road Dogg Billy Gunn World Championship Wrestling Owner Ted Turner Head Booker Eric Bishoff Main Eventers Bill Goldberg Bret Hart Kevin Nash Lex Luger Randy Savage Sting The Giant Upper Midcarders Buff Bagwell Curt Henning Diamond Dallas Page Rick Steiner Scott Hall Scott Steiner Midcarder Alex Wright Booker T Brian Adams Chris Benoit Chris Jericho Davey Boy Smith Dean Malenko Eddie Guerrero Ernest Miller Hugh Miller Konnan Masahiro Crono Meng Perry Saturn Raven Rey Mystereo Jr. Rick Martel Scott Norton Steve McMichael Stevie Ray The Great Muta Ultimo Dragon Wrath Lower Midcarder Billy Kidman Chris Kanyon Disco Inferno El Dandy Fit Finlay Glacier Hector Garza Hiroyoshi Tenzan Horace Hogan Jim Duggan Jim Neidhart Johnny Grunge Juventude Guerrero La Parka Lenny Lane Prince Iaukea Psicosis Rocco Rick Scotty Riggs The Barbarian Van Hammer Yuji Nagata Opener Bobby Duncan Jr. Bobby Eaton Brad Armstrong Chavo Geurrero Chris Adams Damien Evan Karagias Jerry Flynn Johnny Swinger Kendall Windham Kenny Kaos Lash LeRoux Lizmark Jr. Lodi Magnum Tokyo Marty Jannetty Mike Enos Norman Smiley Reese Robbie Ray Sickboy Silver King Super Calo The Fake Sting Villano IV Villano V Enhancement Talent Barry Darsow Barry Horowitz Scott Putski WCW World Heavyweight Hollywood Hogan WCW United States Bill Goldberg WCW Television Booker T WCW Cruiserweight Chris Jerhico WCW World Tag Team Sting and Kevin Nash ECW Owner Paul Heyman Head Booker "Da Kid" Main Eventers Bam Bam Bigelow Rob Van Dam Taz The Sandman Tommy Dreamer Upper Midcarder Buh Buh Ray Dudley D-Von Dudley Justin Credible Lance Storm Mike Awesome New Jack Midcarder Balls Mahoney Chris Candido Jerry Lynn Masato Tanaka Mickey Whipwreck Pitbull #1 Pitbull #2 Sabu Super Nova Tommy Rich Tracy Smothers Lower Midcarder Big Dick Dudley Chris Chetti Danny Doring John Kronus JT Smith Little Guido Mustafa Saed Roadkill Sal E. Graziano Spike Dudley The Blue Meanie Ulf Herman ECW World Shane Douglas ECW FTW Taz ECW Television Rob Van Dam ECW World Tag Rob Van Dam and Sabu 1st Show to be posted when I get over the depression of DELETING MY LAST GAME! [IMG]http://www.bobaloorox.com/images/wrestted.jpg[/IMG] [B]MILLION DOLLAR NEWS![/B] [I]Vince Going For More[/I] It seems that Vince McMahon had decided to increase his roster by two, sending out contract negotiations to two wrestlers. The names have remained hidden, because they may be used in an upcoming storyline. [QUOTE]WWF RAW IS WAR CARD Triple H vs. Savio Vega European Title Vader v. Undertaker v. Kane v. Mankind WWF World Heavyweight #1 Contender Steve Austin vs. Bob Holly The Rock v. Billy Gunn [/QUOTE] In WCW news, they are making a push for signing Independent talent Tajari. [QUOTE]WCW MONDAY NITRO CARD The Giant and Hollywood Hogan v. Bill Goldberg and Bret Hart Chris Jerhico v. Ultimo Dragon Cruiserweight Title Rey Mystereo Jr. v. Booker T Television Title Diamon Dallas Page v. Eddie Guerrero United States #1 Contender [/QUOTE]
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WWF RAW IS WAR LIVE! From the Fleet Center in Boston, MA DARK MATCHS Dick Togo vs. Andrew Matrin Martin dominates, with a little help from a low blow. B Jeff Hardy vs. Jay Reso Jay Reso won when Hardy went to do a flip of thetop rope and missed. He was counted out. B- --- JR: Welcome to Bean Town, and Raw is War. I’m Jim Ross, with Jerry “The King” Lawler. King: Quiet JR, the new boss is speaking. In the middle of the ring stands Shane McMahon. Shane: “Welcome to my world, WWF Raw is War! As you all have already heard, my father has decided to play a more… backstage role in the undertaking of this company. That leaves me to deal with the likes of D-X, but don’t worry, I have a ton of entertainment for you. Tonight we will see two lowlives, two punks battle for the WWF European Title. That’s right Boston, Triple H will be battling Savio Vega.” Shane stops to absorb in the boos. King: Oh my god. JR: Savio Vega is quickly becoming one of the best in the biz… King: Shane’s trying to kill the opposition first day on the job! Suddenly D-X’s music kicks in. Triple H and Billy Gunn make there way to the ring, looking like they want to kill the new Mr. McMahon. Triple H: Listen here, Baby McMahon, I’m not afraid of your Savio Vega.” Triple H turns around, expecting to hear Vega’s music. Nothing plays. He looks at Shane again when… Ohh ohh Shawn! Shawn Micheals makes his way to the ring. “Shane, anything you can do I can do better. You want to play with belts then fine. Tonight, The Rock will defend his Intercontinental Title against…Billy Gunn!” The crowd goes crazy. A chant of “suck it” starts up. A, B+, A* COMMERCIAL This next match is for the Lightweight #1 Contender. Making his way to the ring Matt Hardy… And his opponent, Papi Chulo [b] Matt Hardy vs. Papi Chulo [/b] A good back and forth match, and as expected very high flying. The highlight came at 7 minutes when after an irish whip, Papi leapfrogged Matt Hardy, landed behind him and snuck in for a school boy pin. As ECW fans would say “Holy ****!” Eventually Matt Hardy won with a twist of fate. JR: It looks like Matt Hardy is the number one contender. King: Yeah, but now he has a big target on his small frame! C+ Steve Austin is shown backstage… “Why do I even show up? Whoop ass on some lowlife, some nobody then go home.” Bob Holly walks by, “Wanna play the hardcore way?” The crowd pops. Austin flips Holly off, “You ain’t worth my –“ Holly kicks Austin in the back of the knee and walks off. King: Holly’s trying to pick up an early advantage, I love it! JR: You would, King, A*, A* Ifffffffff you smellllll… The Rock walks to the ring mic in had The Rock: Finally, the Rock has come back to Boston! A “Rocky” chant starts up. The Rock: I am the people’s champ, and I will not lose tonight in front of all my – D-X music starts up and the new age outlaws are standing on the ramp. Road Dogg: Rocky, rocky, rocky… Billy Gunn: sucks! Road Dogg: You may the people’s champion, but we’re the peepers champion if you see what I’m sayin! Billy Gunn: And tonight, I will become the In-your-mom’s-rental champion as well. Road Dogg: Which reminds me, we have a date with your mom, Rock. Later. Billy Gunn: And if you don’t believe us I got two words for you… “SUCK IT!” A* COMMERCIAL Bob Holly is in the ring. Holly: I have a match schedueled with Stone Cold, but I don’t know – The sound of glass breaking is drowned out by the crowd’s pop. Austin comes out with a mic. Austin: Bob Holly, you coward. Holly: Play my game by MY rules, Austin. Austin: Fine! I’ll destroy your game! A* [b] Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Bob Holly[/b] Hardcore Match Austin dominates plain and simple. He nails three stunners in this match, and even a powerbomb through a table. Austin mercifully wins with a chair shot that knocks Holly out. A* JR: Welcome to the second hour of Raw is War, we have one hell of a match for you now. King: Yeah, the one where Triple H loses his belt! I can’t wait! [b]Triple H vs. Savio Vega[/b] European Title Despite all of D-X’s best efforts, Vega wins this match with a A* The Undertaker cuts a promo on the RAW-tron, giving Kane and Mankind no chance, and telling Vader he will rest…in…peace. A [b]The Rock vs. Billy Gunn[/b] The Rock destroys Billy Gunn, and he plants the People’s Elbow on him to a cover up 3 count. A* JR: Here we are, a 4 way elimination match between Kane, Mankind, Vader and The Undertaker. King: I wouldn’t want to be in the ring with any of them! [b]Kane vs. Mankind vs. The Undertaker vs. Vader[/b] Kane, Mankind and Vader immediately turn and destroy The Undertaker, working together to eliminate him quickly. Then Kane and Mankind turn to attack Vader, who just destroys both of them. Vader wins with a Vader bomb over Mankind A Raw goes off the air showing Vader attacking the Undertaker. A SHOW RATING: B+
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  • 3 weeks later...
WCW Monday Nitro LIVE! From the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, GA DARK MATCH Before the match Johnny Grunge comes to the ring. Claiming to be “As extreme is it gets in WCW” he challenges anyone who thinks they can take him. B- Johnny Grunge vs. Juventude Guerrero Hardcore What a match to start the night. It was so good, that next week both performers will be on television. Juvy impressed with his speed and acrobatics, while Johnny’s charisma shined through. Johnny won an impressive, hard fought victory with a DDT through a table. B Mike Tenay: I’m Mike Tenay… Dusty Rhodes: …and I’m Dusty Rhodes. This is WCW Monday Nitro. The pyrotechnics go off as the Nitro girls do their thing. Mike: Welcome to the major leagues of professional wrestling, WCW Monday Nitro. Dusty: No amateur level talent here, Mike, only grade A wrestlers. Mike: Let’s get right to the action! We see Ultimo Dragon warming up, shadow boxing and the like. He says something quick (“No bein”) and punches a few more times. Suddenly he falls to the ground, and Chris Jericho kicks him. Dragging him by his mask, he throws him out the door. In the hallway, Jericho would continue to attack, but Chris Kanyon scares him off. A [b] Chris Jericho vs. Ultimo Dragon[/b] Cruiserweight title Dragon comes to the ring with a bit of a limp. He seems off a little, and his wrestling is affected. He does none of his highflying routines, and Dusty assumes it is because of “the strategy of Chris Jericho”. In a shocking display, Dragon locks Jericho in his walls of Jericho quick in the match, and Jericho is forced to tap out. A* Ultimo Dragon begins to celebrate when Chris Kanyon’s music begins to play. Dragon backs up a bit, and takes of his mask, revealing himself to be Chris Kanyon. Dragon walks down the ramp and to Kanyon, who hands him the title. B- Rey Mysterio Jr. comes to the ring. “The WCW Television Title is about flash, and style. It’s about giving these #1 fans what they want on any given Monday, it’s about hurricanranas and flying DDTs. I, Rey Mysterio Jr. am here to entertain you all. What does Booker T have? Scissor kicks. A bad Mr. T impersonation. This isn’t the A-Team. This isn’t even M*A*S*H. This is the WCW, entertainment above and beyond normal television, and I will be above and beyond normal television champions.” A Rey leaves and Raven makes his way to the ring to a large pop. “In this world of preachers and protesters calling for peace, it seems tat the call for war prevails, but what about me, what about Raven? I am calling for war. Anyone who thinks that they have what it takes to last in the ring with me, come out now. A Raven waits for a minute of silence. As he is about to lift the mic to his mouth the now familiar music of DDP starts. He makes his way to the ring, with a mic in hand. “Raven, I am tired of hearing such bull-” WE LIE. WE CHEAT. WE STEAL! Eddie Guerrero walks out to the ring, mic in hand. “Homes, looks like Eddie Guerrero just stole you shot. Raven, essay, listen to what I say-” The music of Chris Beniot starts as he makes his way to the ring. He has no mic, and as soon as he hits the ring, the other three back up a step. Beniot takes a step towards the trio and they all back up. Raven begins to laugh. “The entire world wants a shot at Raven. Fine! There will be a triple threat match next week, and the winner will get the honor of losing to me. Quote the Raven Nevermore!” A With that Raven turned to find Goldberg pointing to his U.S. Championship. The other three leave the ring, and Raven nods. [b]Goldberg vs. Raven[/b] United States Championship Raven is extreamly pumped given the response he’s gotten for his challenge. It shows in his energy and flair he demonstrates during the match. Late in the match, Goldberg is able to start a comeback, until DDP pulls him, distracting him for a second, and Raven capitalizes. Winner: Raven A* After the match the lights go down. When they return Goldberg is down, covered in blood. A* Backstage Ric Flair bumps into The Giant. Ric gives him a look of disgust, and The Giant moves as if he was going to attack. Ric: “You going to screw Bret, toooooooooo?” Giant: “I’ll be fair…Goldberg had a match, so I’ll have a match, verse you…NOW!” A [b] The Giant vs. Ric Flair [/b] Hardcore Match These two put on a hell of an exhibition, brawling up the ramp, until they hit the ring. The Giant attempts to use his size to his advantage, but since this is an unscripted match, the ref calls it like a hardcore. Two low blows later, the Nature Boy locks in the leglock (get it) until the Giant quits. A* After the match The Giant gets up, and is escorted back, by Hollywood Hogan. A* Backstage Booker T and Rey Mysterio Jr. run into each other. Booker simple smiles. “Soon, sucka, soon.” A* AND NOW IT IS TIME FOR… MY TIME WITH CHRIS JERICHO Chris: “Hello all you Jerichoholics.” A playback is played to simulate the crowd saying “Hello Chris!” “Today we have the Television Champion, Booker T.” Booker T makes his way to the stage. Booker: “Glad to be here and all that, let’s just cut to the chase” Chris: “Okay” Booker: “I am the Television Champion. Rey Mysterio is not. For him to go around saying he will be the best TV Champ ever is just stupid. For one; you’re five feet tall. For two; your entire gimmick is Mexican Jumping Bean.” The crowd boos a little. Chris: “Okay, now for my question. How will it feel when I take your belt from you?” Booker laughs it off and shakes his head. Jericho begins to laugh too, until Rey’s music begins to play. Rey (from ramp, chuckling): “Don’t get too buddy-buddy, now” Jericho looks pissed as we go to commercial. A WCW Tag Team Title #1 Contender Match [b] The Faces of Fear Meng and The Barbarian versus Buff Bagwell and Scott Steiner [/b] You average tag match. Steiner and Buff showed great steroid use, erm teamwork to take out the Faces of Fear in a drawn out match. A The Giant is seen stretching when he notices a note on his locker. We can see it is signed Hulk Hogan, but that is all. A [b] The Giant vs. Bret Hart [/b] This was supposed to be a tag match, but with Goldberg being assaulted, and Hogan not showing up, it suddenly became a one on one. This match reminds many of the one witnessed earlier, with the big Giant trying not to get in a hold move. Just as Bret locks in the sharpshooter the lights dim. A* Two pops of gold emerge from the ramp. AND DOWN COMES GOLDBERG! Goldberg and Hart stare each other down until the arena goes black again. …I am a real American… Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring, with an enormous pop, and the tag match is on. A* [b] Hogan & Giant vs. Hart & Goldberg [/b] The ref never had control of this match, as all four men started in the ring. It quickly became Hogan & Goldberg vs. Hart & The Giant. With Hart and Goldberg battling, Hogan was able to teach Giant some lessons. With Hart and Goldberg down, Hogan hit Giant with a Big Boot, and dragged Goldberg over for the pin. A* Nitro goes off the air with Hogan doing the Hogan posedown. TOTAL SHOW RATING A ((Totally forgot to put the Rey vs. Booker match in, but hey, now that’ll be next week. ^^))
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[FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="6"][B]"As the ring turns"[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] A look at the business sense of wrestling, along with rumors and the like. Enjoy, sports entertainment fans! [B]Bishoff to make announcement on Thunder![/B] Sources close to ATRT are telling us that Eric Bishoff will be announcing huge news on Thursday Night Thunder! Although we may speculate, it is difficult to know for sure what this announcement will be. [B]Vince McMahon retires as on screen role[/B] Vince McMahon will no longer be an on screen role, reserving his efforts to back stage issues. Shane McMahon will continue on, however, as the Authority Figure in the WWE. [B]WCW Reaching Out[/B] It would seem that WCW is reaching out and trying to sign three "key" additions, but it has all been hush, hush. Rumor has it a WWF record holder may be moving to the south-side. [B]Extream Addition Stolen![/B] It seems that ECW was going to try to add Tajiri, before he was stolen by WCW. WCW announced that Tajiri will debut on Thunder, but failed to comment on whether he would wrestle or not. [B]WCW Thunder Advanced Card[/B] Chris Kanyon & Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventude Guerrera & Johny Grunge Raven & ??? vs. Eddie Guerrero & Chris Beniot "Real American" Hulk Hogan vs. "Real Canadian" Bret Hart Pride of the Country match
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WCW Thursday Night Thunder LIVE! From Toronto, Ontario. DARK MATCH [B]Tajiri vs. Barry Darsow[/B] A basic squash, with Tajiri not attempting a pin until the ref said if he didn’t he would end the match. Tajari’s brutality was on full display here, and it was a good first impression. C+ Tony Shiavone: “Welcome to Thusday Night Tunder, ladies and gentlemen.” Bobby “The Brain” Heenan: “Let’s go strait to Eric Bishoff, who is with Jimmy Hart and Tajiri.” Bishoff: “First I’d like to start off by saying that I love to be here in Canada.” Crowd pops. “It’s good to be reminded [I] why [/I] America is the number one country in the world.” Crowd boos. “Yeah, yeah. I have good news for you all. Tajiri is here to stay. Other companies offered him a job, but he chose the best, WCW!” Shiavone: “That’s for sure!” C+ “Now, since I am in control, I have decided that a few … changes will be occurring over the next month or two. I am still putting together the pieces, mind you, but I do guarentee you, there will be a roster split in WCW, very, very soon.” Jimmy Hart: “That’s right, Daddy-O and the General Manager of the Thunder Division will be none other than “The Mouth From The South!” Bishoff: “On WCW Saturday Night, I will announce the General Manager of Nitro, a man who is respected a great deal in this business.” A Hogan chant starts, as the camera pans over the Red and Yellow section of the crowd. The Canadian fans begin to add “sucks!” to the end of the chant. B Hart: “Tonight, we will see a Pride of the Country match!” Crowd pops. Bishoff: “Between the Real American Hulk Hogan!” Boos are heard, but aren’t deafening. Hart: “and the Excellence of Execution Bret Hart!” Crowd pops so loud, that the rest of the speech is canceled due to time constrants. A* [b] Chris Kanyon & Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventude Guerrera & Johnny Grunge [/b] Kanyon shows why he is already above this level, and after destroying Grunge, he struts to Dragon and makes the tag, ‘allowing Dragon some fun’. Grunge takes the opportunity to tag Guerrera, and then we’re in business. Both competitors put there all into the match, with many jumping attacks and reversals. Eventually Juventude wins with a 450 splash. A After the match Juvy gets on the mic, demanding a title shot against the man he just beat. B- After commecial, Raven makes his way to the ring. “It is true that no man is an island, but we all die alone. So each day he lives life floating between the desire of human contact and the desire to work alone. But what about me, what about Raven? Tonight I will verse two people who have come together with the common goal of beating me. While in my mind I know I could beat them alone, I have decided to share my fun with another man, a man who knows well the pain of being alone…” Stings music begins and the match is set up. A* [b] Sting & Raven vs. Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit [/b] Benoit showed in this match why he needs no gimmick, taking it to Raven, and at times Eddie, fighting whoever came across his path. Eddie hit the Three Amigos on Raven, who managed to crawl away after and tag Sting, who cleared house. Sting wins easily, pinning Benoit. A* [b] Team National Pride Match Canada vs. United States Team Canada: Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Johnny Swinger Team America: Jim Duggan, Buff Bagwell, Scott Steiner[/b] Benoit stayed in the ring, and as soon as the match started began to run over poor Buff Bagwell. Benoit was just unleashed, executed move after move, until he pinned Buff for the victory. Scott Steiner then entered the ring, and Benoit no sold a few punches. Benoit then tagged in Jericho, who also went to town. Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho and Steiner quickly tapped. Duggan entered the ring, and utterly destroyed Jericho, while chanting “USA!” The crowd booed as Jericho was pinned. In came Johnny Swinger, and two minutes later out went Johnny Swinger. In the end it was a patriotic Duggan versus a pissed off Benoit. Duggan stood no chance, as Benoit was firing on all cylinders and beat the 2 x 4 waving madman to give Canada a win. A [b] Hulk Hogan vs. Bret Hart [/b] The crowd was obviously behind Hart, and just as obvious, Hart was behind Hogan in this match. It looked like it would be over quick, until Jimmy Hart blasted his megaphone in Hulks ear. “Oh Canada!” With this Bret took the advantage. Twenty minutes into the match, he put the sharpshooter in, but during the hold, was blindsided in the back by Duggan with a 2x4. It was back and forth after that, but it looked like Hogan had the match. At twenty eight minutes The Giant came out, entered the ring, and chokeslammed Hulk Hogan! Bret rolled over onto the American and Canada had another win. A* Jimmy Hart brought Bret the Canadian flag as the show went off the air. Total Show: B
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[FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="6"][B]"As the ring turns"[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] A look at the business sense of wrestling, along with rumors and the like. Enjoy, sports entertainment fans! [b] Ahmed Johnson signed [/b] The WWF has signed Ahmed Johnson to an undisclosed deal. It would seem Vince is giving Ahmed another shot at glory in a RAW ring. [b] WCW Saturday Night Canceled [/b] WCW has announced the cancelation of WCW Saturday Night by WCW authorities. The reason given is "to focus more on the two brands." [b] Bishoff's Rip-Off [/b] Sources close to WCW are leaking that Eric Bishoff's big surprise about the brand split has been stolen "from another sport" [b] WCW Two Step [/b] WCW has officially singed two "up and comers", but will not reveal who just yet. [b] ECW at ECW Arena Card [/b] Taz vs. TBA Dudleys vs. Sabu & Rob Van Dam 911 vs. Justin Lynn vs. The Blue Meanie vs. Lance Storm Bam Bam Bigalow vs. The Sandman
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ECW at ECW Arena! DARK MATCH Danny Doring vs. Roadkill A solid hardcore match to kickoff the night. Two young up an comers in a Extreme Rules style match got the crowd worked up. C+ With the start of the show, Taz makes his way to the ring. He picks up a mic at the announcers table. “Good evening Philadelphia! Tonight this FTW Title will be on the line,” Taz motions towards the title smiling. “That is, if anyone has the balls to come out here, and take this -” B+ Super Nova’s music starts up, as he makes his way down to the ring, Taz throws his belt to a ref, who puts it safely on the outside of the ring, and the match is on. C+ [b] Taz vs. Super Nova [/b] Taz dominates the entire match, until he puts on the Tazmission, and this quick match is over. After the match Nova extends a hand to Taz, who declines it. B “Now that we proved that no one, but no one can try to take my belt and succeed, let’s get on with the matches that will prove to be more open. First we have a 4 way battle for RVD’s TV title. Next we have RVD himself with his partner versus the dangerous Dudley Boyz. Finally we have The Sandman in action, versus Bam Bam Bigelow. But first we have a tag match for the fans Balls Mahoney and Mikey Whipwreck vs. Chris Candido and Tracy Smothers! RIGHT NOW! B [b] Balls Mahoney & Mikey Whipwreck vs. Chris Candido & Tracy Smothers [/b] Trying to mix and match together midcarders to get a good connection. After Candido threw Balls out of the ring, Smothers beat on him long enough to get the count out. B [b] Jerry Lynn vs. 911 vs. The Blue Meanie vs. Lance Storm TV Title #1 Contender [/b] A very open match, with no one seemingly getting control until late in the match. Jerry Lynn hit his Cradle Piledriver on EVERYONE after ten minutes, and all were laying out in the ring. However, when Lynn rose from his shot on Storm, he received a diving head butt, courtesy of New Jack. Before New Jack could take the mic, RVD’s music started. B- “It looks like I still don’t have a challanger for my belt, but hey, it’s all good when you’re R-V-D. It just looks like-” As RVD enters the ring, Heyman does, too. Before anyone can speak, all chaos breaks loose. New Jack slams a chair into the face of RVD, but Heyman smacks Jack with the mic. Heyman: “NEW JACK! You don’t come down here, messing up my matches, because you were pouting backstage that you weren’t involved! You want in, fine! You versus Lynn, tomorrow, Extream Rules, for the TV Title #1 Contender!” B+ New Jack backs up as Sabu makes his way to the ring. [b] RVD & Sabu vs. The Dudley Boyz ECW Tag Team Title [/b] With RVD basically a non-factor this was really a Sabu handicap match. Sabu was in the ring versus both Dudley brothers, while the ref desperately tried to control what was going on in the ring. In the end after an Arabian Facebuster, Sabu and RVD retained. B+ A video is played, hyping the upcoming match. It shows a lot of Bam Bams memorable ECW and even WWF moments. It also shows the hardcore matches of The Sandman. In the end it shows Douglas, with the ECW Belt, laughing. A [b] Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Sandman Last Man Standing ECW World #1 Contender [/b] This match gets ugly, really quick. Sandman actually takes it upon himself to bring weapons to the ring, dragging a wheelbarrow full of goodies. When the match starts both men head to the wheelbarrow. Sandman unloads a shot or two to the shoulder with a three iron, but Bam responds with a horseshoe to the neck, putting Sandman down long enough to be eliminated, but Bam was overconfident as he set up Sandman on a table. As Bam came to hit a flying elbow, Sandman moved, sending bam through the table. From there Sandman had it in the bag. However, late in the match, Bam was able to get Sandman and the wheelbarrow to the top of the ramp. With Sandman inside, Bam shoved the wheelbarrow down the ramp. Sandman rose at 8, and wheeled the barrow back up the ramp. After hitting Bam with the wheelbarrow itself, Sandman put Bam in, and shoved it off the ramp, onto the TV equipment below. “HOLY ****!” chanted the crowd, so loud the 10 count was barely audible. A* (YES!) Total Show: A (YESYESYES!)
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ECW Hardcore TV DARK MATCH [b] Balls Mahoney vs. Big Dick Dudley vs. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley vs. Danny Doring vs. D-Von Dudley vs. Justin Credible vs. Lance Storm vs. Little Guido vs. Masato Tanaka vs. Mustafa Sead vs. Pittbull 1 vs. Pittbull 2 vs. Rob Van Dam vs. The Blue Meanie vs. Ulf Herman [/b] RVD eliminated Ulf Herman. D-Von Dudley eliminated Pittbull 2. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley eliminated Pittbull 1. Justin Credible eliminated D-Von Dudley. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley eliminated Little Guido. The Blue Meanie eliminated Masato Tanaka. Rob Van Dam eliminated Big Dick Dudley. Justin Credible eliminated Balls Mahoney. The Blue Meanie eliminated Danny Doring. Justin Credible eliminated The Blue Meanie. Lance Storm eliminated Mustafa Sead. Justin Credible eliminated Lance Storm. Rob Van Dam eliminated Buh-Buh Ray Dudley. Rob Van Dam eliminated Justin Credible. C+ Joey Styles: “Welcome the Extreme Extravaganza known as ECW Hardcore TV, I’m Joey Styles along side the quintessential stud muffin Joel Gerter. Don’t touch that dial, folks, and tonight we mean it. Jerry Lynn versus New Jack for the TV title #1 contender. C+ Joel Gerter: “Hey, quiet up, the boss is gonna speak!” Paul Heyman: “Shane Douglas! Tonight you will defend your ECW World Title against a mystery opponent. The only person who knows your fate tonight is The Sandman!” Heyman drops the mic, and out comes Taz. He picks up the mic. B+ “Same challenge as last night! If anyone thinks that they can beat me, come out here, now!” B Sabu wastes no time getting to ring, looking to take on Taz. B- [b] Sabu vs. Taz [/b] Sabu did his best to work on Taz, trying to out endure him with a multitude of body shots. However the Tazmaniac got the job down after a long match, pinning Sabu. B Jerry Lynn makes his way to the ring. “The Television Title, what can be said about the Television Title. Well, it is currently held by RVD, a made for TV superstar. Soon Jerry Lynn will hold it, as I destroy all competition in my way. This TV title is mine, this show is mine, I am Jerry Lynn, and I am ECW personified!” C+ New Jack’s music starts, and we are underway. [b] New Jack vs. Jerry Lynn TV Title #1 Contender [/b] The match wasn’t scheduled to be a hardcore bout, but after about two minutes all rules were off. New Jack went along, trying to intimidate Lynn instead of actually wrestling. When he attempted a diving chairshot, Lynn moved, leaving New Jack seriously hurt. Lynn executed the TKO, and the match was over. B+ (Great Chemistry.) Jerry Lynn begins to celebrate, running around the ring, shaking hands with the fans, yelling “I am ECW personified!” B The Sandman comes out with a mic. “I alone control the fate of who Shane Douglas will face tonight. I alone hold the power to choose. Will I choose Rob Van Dam? Will I choose Taz? Will I choose Bam Bam Bigelow? The real question is, Shane Douglas, who do you want to face?” B Shane Douglas makes his way to the ring, as Sandman backs away a bit. Douglas: “Get this over with, it has dragged on long enough!” B The music of Tommy Dreamer storms the arena, and he makes his way to the ring. “There is your opponent.” [b] Tommy Dreamer vs. Shane Douglas ECW World Title [/b] Tommy Dreamer came out on fire in this match, hitting every move crisp and hard. Shane did not stand a chance, especially with most of his attention on the Sandman, who was standing ringside. Dreamer hit the Dreamer DDT and it was over. B- Joey Styles: “Dreamer did it! Dreamer is the new ECW World Champion!” Total Show: B
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ECW Hardcore TV DARK MATCH [b] Balls Mahoney vs. Big Dick Dudley vs. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley vs. Danny Doring vs. D-Von Dudley vs. Justin Credible vs. Lance Storm vs. Little Guido vs. Masato Tanaka vs. Mustafa Sead vs. Pittbull 1 vs. Pittbull 2 vs. Rob Van Dam vs. The Blue Meanie vs. Ulf Herman [/b] RVD eliminated Ulf Herman. D-Von Dudley eliminated Pittbull 2. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley eliminated Pittbull 1. Justin Credible eliminated D-Von Dudley. Buh-Buh Ray Dudley eliminated Little Guido. The Blue Meanie eliminated Masato Tanaka. Rob Van Dam eliminated Big Dick Dudley. Justin Credible eliminated Balls Mahoney. The Blue Meanie eliminated Danny Doring. Justin Credible eliminated The Blue Meanie. Lance Storm eliminated Mustafa Sead. Justin Credible eliminated Lance Storm. Rob Van Dam eliminated Buh-Buh Ray Dudley. Rob Van Dam eliminated Justin Credible. C+ Joey Styles: “Welcome the Extreme Extravaganza known as ECW Hardcore TV, I’m Joey Styles along side the quintessential stud muffin Joel Gerter. Don’t touch that dial, folks, and tonight we mean it. Jerry Lynn versus New Jack for the TV title #1 contender. C+ Joel Gerter: “Hey, quiet up, the boss is gonna speak!” Paul Heyman: “Shane Douglas! Tonight you will defend your ECW World Title against a mystery opponent. The only person who knows your fate tonight is The Sandman!” Heyman drops the mic, and out comes Taz. He picks up the mic. B+ “Same challenge as last night! If anyone thinks that they can beat me, come out here, now!” B Sabu wastes no time getting to ring, looking to take on Taz. B- [b] Sabu vs. Taz [/b] Sabu did his best to work on Taz, trying to out endure him with a multitude of body shots. However the Tazmaniac got the job down after a long match, pinning Sabu. B Jerry Lynn makes his way to the ring. “The Television Title, what can be said about the Television Title. Well, it is currently held by RVD, a made for TV superstar. Soon Jerry Lynn will hold it, as I destroy all competition in my way. This TV title is mine, this show is mine, I am Jerry Lynn, and I am ECW personified!” C+ New Jack’s music starts, and we are underway. [b] New Jack vs. Jerry Lynn TV Title #1 Contender [/b] The match wasn’t scheduled to be a hardcore bout, but after about two minutes all rules were off. New Jack went along, trying to intimidate Lynn instead of actually wrestling. When he attempted a diving chairshot, Lynn moved, leaving New Jack seriously hurt. Lynn executed the TKO, and the match was over. B+ (Great Chemistry.) Jerry Lynn begins to celebrate, running around the ring, shaking hands with the fans, yelling “I am ECW personified!” B The Sandman comes out with a mic. “I alone control the fate of who Shane Douglas will face tonight. I alone hold the power to choose. Will I choose Rob Van Dam? Will I choose Taz? Will I choose Bam Bam Bigelow? The real question is, Shane Douglas, who do you want to face?” B Shane Douglas makes his way to the ring, as Sandman backs away a bit. Douglas: “Get this over with, it has dragged on long enough!” B The music of Tommy Dreamer storms the arena, and he makes his way to the ring. “There is your opponent.” [b] Tommy Dreamer vs. Shane Douglas ECW World Title [/b] Tommy Dreamer came out on fire in this match, hitting every move crisp and hard. Shane did not stand a chance, especially with most of his attention on the Sandman, who was standing ringside. Dreamer hit the Dreamer DDT and it was over. B- Joey Styles: “Dreamer did it! Dreamer is the new ECW World Champion!” Total Show: B
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