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Arn Ambrose - Potential Means Nothing!

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[b]The Career of Arn Ambrose[/b] My name is Arn Ambrose and I was trained by the great Rip Chord. Everyone talks about my potential, and how great I could be but I need more discipline. Whatever. I can be the best with or without discipline! Yeah! [b]Profile Name[/b] Arnold Ambrose [b]Size[/b] Heavyweight [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Age[/b] 21 [Born March '85] [b]Nationality[/b] American [From Virginia] [b]Style[/b] Brawler [b]How The Critics View Me[/b] [b]Resilence[/b] A* [b]Brawling[/b]C- [b]Star Quality[/b] C- [b]Power[/b] D [b]Hardcore[/b] D [b]Toughness[/b] D [b]Intensity[/b] D [b]Stiffness[/b] D [b]Menace[/b] E [b]Basics[/b] E [b]Microphone[/b] E [b]Charisma[/b] E [b]Acting[/b] E [b]Looks[/b] E [b]Refereeing[/b] F [b]Spirit[/b] F [b]Stamina[/b] F [b]Business[/b] F [b]Booking[/b] F [b]Psychology[/b] F [b]Safety[/b] F [b]Consistency[/b] F [b]Selling[/b] F [b]Athleticism[/b] F [b]Mat Wrestling[/b] F [b]Chain Wrestling[/b] F [b]Submissions[/b] F [b]Aerial[/b] F [b]Flashiness[/b] F [b]Strong Style[/b] F [b]MMA[/b] F [b]Respect[/b] F [i]Notes: Ambrose is a strong heel and can easily get into character as a ****y heel or no-nonsense heel. Although inexperiences, with training can really improve his crowd reactions.[/i] [b]Promotions[/b] None... Yet. [b]House Rules[/b] [LIST] [*]Cannot join a promotion outside of the U.S. until one year has passed. [*]Cannot join a promotion outside of M.A.W. until three months have passed. [/LIST]
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[b]June[/b] So the month started out as normal as Rip's gym. I remember when I started working out at the gym 3 years ago, hell it was just last year when Rip himself asked me if I would like to try wrestling out. Not my thing, but Chord was planning to start a promotion and wanted a young roster full of potential. I laughed and decided to join. Now one year later, Tuesday would be my last day in training before I started to work out with the wrestlers. Rip Chord and I settled out an eight month verbal contract for his promotion, Mid Atlantic Wrestling which would start the next day and he told me to work on a moveset but not to get fancy. Friday would be my first show, MAW To The Death. The rest of the week was pretty much boring as I worked out with the wrestlers, a couple of men who I had trained with, and it was pretty simple. The most surprising thing was when Rip Chord absolutely exploded on Antonio, many who thought was Chord's own protege and told him to never show up to the gym and to MAW again. Other than that, the week was boring. But the butterflies were building. Friday... my debut. [b]Friday Cometh: MAW To The Death[/b] I arrived at the small... building... where the show would be held and Chord told me that myself and Flash Savage would go toe to toe in the ring. Savage was a face and one-half of the Canadian Blondes. Definately smaller than me, Savage was no walk in the park if he could build up the momentum. This also means I would have to be a no-nonsense heel to counteract Flash's flashiness. Pun intended. [b]Flash Savage vs. Arn Ambrose[/b] [i]Regular Matchup. $1,000 purse. [80% to winner|20% to loser][/i] [quote][b]From MidAtlanticWrestling.com[/b] A nice back and forth matchup between the two youngsters. Fans enjoyed the match and Savage really showed off his charisma here. [b]15:00[/b] was what the rookies were given by Rip Chord and they did not disappoint. Couple of close falls by both men but the end came when Savage hit the flying body press at about 14:40 for the win. [b]C[/b][/quote] I walked backstage as Flash was excited about his win. I felt dejected about it and even though Flash has more experience then me, I should've beaten Flash. I stayed and met Flash backstage in which I congratulated him. A financial guy, Rick? Jim? Grant? Whatever. I forget his name. Anyways he gave us our shares of the purse and I headed home with 200 dollars. Well I guess I'm glad I'm still living with my parents... Later that month I found out I would begin feuding with Des Davids, the former football star. He was pretty big, but I had a slight weight advantage. Should be a nice feud though. Nothing major happened after that though. [b]MAW To The Death[/b] The Gods of Thunder d. Call To Action The Mean Machine d. Oscar Golden to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship Eddie Howard d. Stan 'The Man' Manna [u]Flash Savage d. Arn Ambrose[/u] Al Coleman d. Rockin' Ryan Turner
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