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Master Unlocked

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I don't know what the story is, but what is the deal with difference between the original pic posted and the second one from OVW TV posted by TORRI??? IT'S A HUGE DIFFERENCE!!! In the first one, he looks more like a well toned runner than a wrestler... In the second pic, he looks smaller than before he was removed from RAW, but still wrestling material... A hell of a lot better than most ppl on this board, including me....
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Actually, i'm guessing it's from the same event as Masters only made his return last week. The only difference I see is that in the first one, he's turned to the side.. and the second one, you get a clear shot of him facing you. So yeah, Masters is alright. From the internet reports (which usually over-exaggerates anything that has to do with a WWE wrestler anyway) it made him seem like he had went from Lex Luger to Spike Dudley. That's hardly the case.
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