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Master Unlocked

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Check out these pics of masters before and after now. [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Request/masters.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Request/mastersovw.jpg[/IMG] New gimmick will have to be the minipiece. :p [I]Pics from PW[/I]
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;138399]Wow, I'd seen a report somewhere of someone at the show taking about what poor shape he was in on return, but damn... btw, what does this have to do with mods? ;)[/QUOTE] Has to do with mods because his gimmick will need to be changed or his employment....;)
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[QUOTE=bobinc;138402]Has to do with mods because his gimmick will need to be changed or his employment....;)[/QUOTE] Oooooh, well played sir. ;) Yeah, with no uberbody and no look... well he's hardly going to excel based on his wrestling ability is he.
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One can see that he has skipped the steroids lately. [B]EDIT[/B]: Will we then hear J.R. screaming 'OH MY GOD! He's locked on The Minilock!'
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[QUOTE=Ollie Beak;138408]I like how everyone laughs at Masters' physique, yet I have no doubt that he's more toned than 9/10 people on this board.[/QUOTE] I'm sure you're right. I doubt 9/10 people on this board take roids to gain a physique like that in the first place. His arms are still decently toned, but his chest... that doesn't look good at all or natural.
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How on Earth is this worse than what he was? Honestly, I think this is a giant step in the right direction. He looks exponentially more natural and healthier now, and I'm no longer afraid of his arms or even heart spontaneously exploding or something. He actually has a chance to see age 40 now. I just feel bad for all the psychological problems he's allegedly had to endure as a result of all this.
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[QUOTE=Ollie Beak;138408]I like how everyone laughs at Masters' physique, yet I have no doubt that he's more toned than 9/10 people on this board.[/QUOTE] Hi Ollie. I'd bet you 10 grand that if 9/10 people on this board made their livelihood SOLELY from the look of their physique, your assertion would fall on its face. As it stands now, people are laughing because of the way he was shoved on them without having a lick of in-ring ability, little in the way of charisma, and absolutely NO mic skill. You don't NEED a freakish physique to get over (hi AJ, Daniels, Joe, Cena, ANYONE from Japan) but it helps if you can't do much of anything in the ring (hi Masters, Khali). Or, you could have both ('ello Brock) and piss it away by being flighty. :p I'm not touching the steroids allegations (whether true or not) since that's a powderkeg topic like politics and religion, and my views are not in-line with the mainstream media's. :) He does look like a person who either wasn't allowed access to his normal cycle or spent a long stretch of time away from the implements of his workout regiment. It's not uncommon to see folks deflate like that after say, disc surgery or something else involving the back (which pretty much eliminates the ability to do any lifting, if traction is involved).
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How does he look like crap? He looked like crap [i]before[/i] with the uber-ripped mutant body. Now he actually looks somewhat [i]normal[/i]. We shouldn't encourage people to get uber-ripped or use steroids by making negative comments about people who aren't uber-ripped, it's irresponsible. It's just as bad as saying a girl that weighs 130-140 pounds is chubby; just plain wrong and insulting, and really freaking stupid.
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maybe its because i have seen him looking very buff, but to me he looks gaunt and jaded (probably because hes been wrestling for that second one) i dont think people are trying to say "if you dont take steroids you look like crap" they are saying "this is the comedown from taking steriods so dont do them in the 1st place" besides which, i think most people were just being flippant.
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