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WWE: Homecoming!

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It is 2005. It is October, to be more exact. [B]World Wrestling Entertainment[/B] are still thriving on succes. But some say they are losing their touch. Some say they are beginning to be bland. And with [B]Total Nonstop Action Wrestling[/B] beginning to raise through the ranks, WWE seems to be cornered. But off course there is still alot of fight left in Vince McMahon. He wont give up that fast. This is where RAW [B]Homecoming[/B] show comes into the light. After spending five years on [B]Spike TV[/B], RAW is coming back to the [B]USA Network[/B]. Vince McMahon has great plans for this show. Three hours of complete WWE! This can't fail! [CENTER][I]Or.. can it?[/I][/CENTER] [INDENT][QUOTE][IMG]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/6204/unforgivenxa2.jpg[/IMG] [LIST] [*][B]INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B] Ric Flair d. Carlito Caribbean Cool [*][B]DIVA TAG TEAM MATCH[/B] Trish Stratus & Ashley Massaro d. Victoria & Torrie Wilson /w Candice Michelle [*][B]GRUDGE MATCH[/B] Big Show d. Gene Snitksy [*][B]GRUDGE MATCH[/B] Shelton Benjamin d. Kerwin White [*][B]STEEL CAGE MATCH[/B] Matt Hardy d. Edge /w Lita [*][B]WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B] Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch d. The Superheroes (The Hurricane & Rosey) [*][B]GRUDGE MATCH[/B] Shawn Micheals d. Chris Masters [*][B]WWE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B] Kurt Angle d. John Cena by Disqualification [/LIST][/QUOTE][/INDENT] And so the stage was set for a brilliant a RAW Homecoming. In the weeks leading up to this event, [B]Ric Flair[/B] had been embroiled in a brutal rivalry with both [B]Chris Masters[/B] and [B]Carlito[/B]. And so, the Nature Boy had challenged them both to a tag team match at Homecoming. But who is going to be Flair's partner? Rumoes are running rampant of a returning [B]Triple H[/B]. As we all know, these two are great friends, so the bid may be on The Game? [B]John Cena[/B], the WWE Champion, has had immense problems as of late. He is genuinely hated by the RAW General Manager, [B]Eric Bischoff[/B], who time and time again has used [B]Kurt Angle[/B] as his pawn and made life a living hell for Cena. Now, as Homecoming dawns, Biscoff has entitled himself to a title shot. Will he win the praised championship? Everyone expects Kurt Angle to play a major role in this, as Biscoff has no boubt promised The Wrestling Machine something.
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[QUOTE][CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]RAW CHAMPIONS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/9499/wweheavyweightbeltsh4.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][B]WWE Championship[/B] John Cena [IMG]http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/79/wweintercontinentalhm1.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Intercontinental[/B] Ric Flair [IMG]http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/3091/worldtagteamxv9.jpg[/IMG] [B]World Tag Team[/B] Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch [IMG]http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/9605/wwewomensrq5.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Womens[/B] Trish Stratus[/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]RAW ROSTER[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="1"]Antonio ([I]Member of The Heart Throbs[/I]) Ashley Carlito Chris Masters Banny Basham ([I]Currently Inactive[/I]) Edge Eugene Gene Snitsky Kerwin White Kurt Angle Lance Cade ([I]Member of Cade & Murdoch[/I]) Lita Matt Hardy Mick Foley Mickie James Rene Dupree ([I]Currently Inactive[/I]) Ric Flair Rob Conway Rob Van Dam ([I]Out With Injury[/I]) Romeo ([I]Member of The Heart Throbs[/I]) Rosey ([I]Member of The Superheroes[/I]) Shawn Micheals Shelton Benjamin Steve Austin ([I]Currently Inactive[/I]) Tajiri The Big Show The Hurricane ([I]Member of The Superheroes[/I]) Torrie Wilson Trevor Murdoch ([I]Member of Cade & Murdoch[/I]) Triple H Trish Stratus Tyson Tomko Val Venis Victoria Viscera[/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/QUOTE] ...
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RAW Homecoming [CENTER][IMG]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2113/rawhomecomingdm8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The extravaganza starts out with [B]Vince McMahon[/B] coming out to the ring and greeting everybody in attendance. He then proceeds to talk about the USA Network and RAW, and how some of his favourite moments has happenened here on this channel. He shows some footage of himself, beating [B]Steve Austin[/B] and humiliating him several times. THis goes on for a few minutes, before suddenly the glass break and the crowd erupts, as Stone Cold himself emerges from the curtain. After getting into the ring, he continues to insult McMahon. After much swearing about Vince, Austin shows some footage that is exactlythe opposite of what McMahon showed; Austin humiliating Vince. This goes on for a while, until the camera cuts back to the ring. As Austin is about to throw even more insults at McMahon, [B]Shane McMahon[/B]'s music hit the speakers. He has a mic and does his usual dance, down towards the ring. As he climbs into it, Shane asks Austin who the hell he think he is. Austin answers with a typical sentence, saying that he is "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Shane begins to talk about that Austin dose'nt have the right to insult a McMahon. He continues with a promotional speech about McMahon history, until suddenly Austin is smashed across the back with a steel chair! Vince McMahon stans tall with a huge grin on his face, which reflects on Shane. Vince delivers one more chairshot, before they both erupt in evil laughter. Then "No Chance" goes off, and as Austin slowly comes to himself, both McMahons head away. [CENTER]- [B][U]TRISH STRATUS /W ASHLEY V. VICTORIA /W CANDICE MICHELLE[/U][/B][/CENTER] The average WWE Diva match. [B]Victoria[/B] had the upper hand first using quick suplexes and clotheslines. But during the match, [B]Trish[/B] slowly build up momentum before she took over with a Matrish and a high kick. Stratus was now in control and she used the same technique as Victoria; one Thesz Press also pushed in. In the latter of the bout, [B]Candice[/B] tried interjecting herself to get Victoria back on track, but to no avail as Trish punched her off the apron. The whole thing ended with a Chich Kick, scoring the win for Trish Stratus. [CENTER][B]Winner:[/B] Trish Stratus -[/CENTER] Afterwards, the camera switches backstage to [B]Eric Bischoff[/B]'s office. He was in his martial-arts clothes and was doing a few warm-up punches and kicks. Suddenly, [B]Kurt Angle[/B] came rushing in the door; he almost got hit by kick. Angle was quick to his wit and sked why he had to face [B]Shawn Micheals[/B] tonight. As the crowd heard this they gave a nice cheer. Bischoff answered that this match was to decide who of the two that was the better man. Angle did'nt look too happy, as Bischoff announced that he had decided that it would be a thrity minute Iron Man. Angle just stared at Eric, clearly not happy with the decision. Then he turned and walked away, but was stopped by Bischoff. He said that he had just foun something out. He said that the winner of the Iron Man match, would not only be the better man, but also become the number one contender for the WWE Championship. Angle suddenly had a smile on, as he turned and shook Bischoff's hand. [CENTER]- [B][U]RIC FLAIR AND ? V. CARLITO AND CHRIS MASTERS[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]Carlito[/B] and [B]Masters[/B] were the first to emerge. They recieved good heat, as they went into the ring and waited for [B]Flair[/B]. As Naitch came out, cheers were roaring around the building as "WOOO!" sounded over the PA. Flair proceeded to give a short promo on Carlito and Masters, before saying that this was about the return of the Game! Triple H came out, also the a huge pop, and both men entered the ring and the match abruptly started, with Flair and Triple H dominating the two youngsters. The referee got control and it was Flair and Carlito in the ring. Flair had control and he used chops to his advantage. After backing Carlito up in the corner, Flair lifted him up on the top turnbuckle. Flair then grabbed Carlito in a front facelock and was about to his a Superplex, but Carlito countered just in time with some right hands. He then pushed Flair down, before going for a splash, but Flair rolled out fo the way! Flair was quickly up and began working on the legs of Carlito. After a few minutes, he tried to lock the Figure Four on, but Carlito kicked out and managed to tag Masters in. As Flair got up, he was met by a huge right hand by Masters. This turned the tides and Chris was in control. Masters used power moves; such as clothesline, vertical suplexes and bodyslams, to further his advantage. It continued this for five minutes or so, until Triple H had the ref distracted and Flair grabbed a handful of the family jewels. As the ref turned, Flair began chopping again, before sending Masters down with a chop block and tagging in Triple H. He landed a few knee drops, before doing an elbow drop. Triple H continued to dominate and taunt Carlito, before hitting a Spinebuster and tagging in Flair. As Flair got in, Carlito rushed in also. But as Triple H went for a counter attack, Carlito pulled the refree in front of him and insteaed it was Micky Henson, who was hit with high knee. This did'nt phase Flair though as he locked in the Figure Four. Carlito was quick to scurry out of the ring and grab a chair; Triple H had followed him though! But to no avail as Carlito planted Triple H with the chair and proceeded to hit Flair right in the head with it. Carlito know began barraging Flair, with Masters joining him soon. They stomped away, until Carlito was suddenly hit in the back of the head with a Sledgehammer! Triple H was back up! He then planted the hammer in the stomach of Masters, before reviving Flair, who then came to his senses and covered Masters. Triple H then revived the ref and Micky counted the three. [CENTER][B]Winners:[/B] Ric Flair and Triple H -[/CENTER] After the match, the two celebrated their win. They hugged and the fans went crazy. As Flair climbed the second rope and raised his arms, Triple H looked to ready something. And as Flair came down, Triple H kicked Flair in the gut and smashed his Sledgehammer over the spine of Flair. Th fans were in shock as Triple H lifted Flair back up and hit the Pedigree. Then he rolled Flair over and planted the hammer across his head. Flair was crawling out of the ring, with blood puring down his skull as Triple H looked at him, exitted the ring and left. Flair was then helped to the back by officials and medics. [CENTER]-[/CENTER] The camera switched backstage, where [B]Todd Grisham[/B] was standing by with [B]Shawn Micheals[/B]. Grisham asked for Micheals thoughts on the upcoming Iron Man contest and HBK answered with a smile and said that he was ready to take it to Angle once again. But it would be a real treat for him to also become the number one contender. He continued to hype the match, ending the promo with saying that the best man should win. But Angle should remember one thing; that Shawn Micheals is the Showstopper! With that, Micheals left the interview area, as his music began. [CENTER]- [B][U]SHAWN MICEHALS V. KURT ANGLE[/U] [SIZE="1"]30 Minute Iron Man[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The match started with both putting on a clinique. After this Angle began to turn up the intensity and began using various styles of suplexes and holds. Micheals though had a counter for most of these maneuvers. As they both disengaged, the crowd gave a standing applause for wrestling that was on top notch. The high quality continued for about ten minutes, then Kurt Angle started getting the upper hand after Micheals missed a moonsault. Angle was quick to ground Micheals. After a brutal beating, Angle locked in the Ankle Lock, but Micheals was able to kick out and surprisingly quick land an offense. He used quick tactics; elbow drops, clotheslines, dropkicks and high kicks. After Angle had been grounded to the mat, Micheals again arose on the top rope and hit a moonsault. [CENTER][B]FIRST FALL:[/B] Shawn Micheals.[/CENTER] Micheals continued to be in control for the next five minutes, when suddenly Angle countered a dropkick with an Ankle Lock! He grabbed Micheals legs and let him fall to the ground, in the process grabbing HBK's ankle and putting on the submission. But again Micheals escaped, but this time it was by grabbing the ropes. Angle did'nt turn it down. He proceeded with a brutal assault, using greman suplexes to their finest. Then he went back to the grounding and used various holds. Finally, after beating Micheals within an inch of his life, he grabbed him and hit the Angle Slam. [CENTER][B]SECOND FALL:[/B] Kurt Angle.[/CENTER] Twenty minutes had now passed, as both men were visibly tired. Angle got Micheals up for a second Angle Slam, but Micheals countered and landed on his feet. Micheals then hit a dropkick to the back of Angle, before dropping several elbows. He then locked in a boston crab, but to no avail as Angle was too close to the ropes. Micheals was forced to release the hold, but in the process he dragged Angle up and began smashing him across the face with lefts and rights. After an atomic drop and a bodyslam, Micheals arose on the trunbuckles (Much to the fans delight) and put it all on the line with a diving elbow drop. And he missed! Angle suddenly had a rush of energy and quickly got HBK up to hit a second Angle Slam! [CENTER][B]THRID FALL:[/B] Kurt Angle.[/CENTER] With undeer ten minutes left, Micheals was in trouble. And Angle was taking the lead. For the third time, he locked in the Ankle Lock and it seemed that all was done for Micheals, as he had no where to go. But suddenly, HBK rolled through and sent Angle flying into the steel ring post! Like Angle, a suden rush of adrenaline came over Micheals as began landing right after right on Angle. He then hit an atomic drop, landed a bodyslam and climbed the turnbuckle. HBK jumped high in the air and this time the diving elbow drop hit picture perfect. A kip-up and Micheals began tuning up the band! The fans were cheering wildly, as Angle staggered to his knees. Only to get sent down again with some Sweet Chin Music! Micheals fell over Angle and Chad Patton just managed to count the three before the bell sounded. [CENTER][B]FOURTH FALL:[/B] Shawn Micheals. [B]Winner:[/B] (Draw) -[/CENTER] As Angle rolled out of the ring and began limping to the back, Micheals voice was heard over the PA. He said that this was'nt what the fans came here to see. They came to see a winner! And therefore he challenged Angle to a re-match, next week on RAW. Angle stood on the ramp and seemed to be thinking about the proposal. Then he shook his head and walked back through the curtain, with Micheals left staring after him. [CENTER]-[/CENTER] THe camera cuts backstage where [B]The Hurricane[/B] and [B]Rosey[/B] are standing. They give a "super-hero" speech and tells that Cade and Murdoch are evil villians, that needs to be defeated by the powers of good. They continues to hype the upcoming match, and after a good five minutes promo they leave the set. [CENTER]- [B][U]THE SUERPHEROES V. CADE AND MURDOCH[/U] [SIZE="1"]World Tag Team Championship[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B]The Hurricane[/B] and [B]Lance Cade[/B], with Cade quickly using his size advantage to get the upper hand. Cade was quick to use clotheslines and forearms, until he backed Hurricane up in the corner. He then proceeded with some shoulders to the gut, before whipping Hurricane over at the opposite corner and using a clothesline. This continues with Cade having the upper hand, for quite some time. He also usse frequent tags and the team of Cade and Murdoch are in total control. But suddenlym Hurricane manages to roll away from an elbow drop and tag in Rosey! Rosey dominates the two and uses brutal right hands. After the ref gets control, Rosey still has the upper hand. After a good beat down, he was about to hit the Suerp Hero Slam on Cade, but Murdoc distracted the referee and Cade hit a low-blow. As the ref turned, Cade wnt into a cover and also grabbed the tights to get the win. [CENTER][B]Winners and still World Tag Team Champions:[/B] Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. -[/CENTER] After a short celebration, Cade and Murdoch set their eyes on Hurricane and Rosey. They looked at each other and suddenly hit The Superheroes with the tag team belts! Afterwards, they continued with the beatdown, stomping and grounding the two. This first ended when officials came down to brake them up. Then, Cade and Murdoch went back to the locker-room; laughing. [CENTER]-[/CENTER] Then a long avideo is played, hyping the [B]Matt Hardy[/B] and [B]Edge[/B] feud. It shows highlights from the storyline and most of the matches, as well as good catchlines from both men. It ended with saying that a tonight a steel cage match would settle it all, and the loser leaves RAW for good. [CENTER]- [B][U]EDGE /W LITA V. MATT HARDY[/U] [SIZE="1"]Steel Cage "Loser Leaves RAW"[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] BOth men were very violent in this match. Edge started out with theadvantage, utilizing the low-blow almost from start. He proceeded to bash Hardy up, with smashing him into the cage walls several times. Edge continues to dominate for a good ten minutes andHrady was surely busted open after that. Edge looked to end it all by hitting a Spear, but Hardy side-stpped it and Edge crashed into the ring-post. THis sparked some life in Hardy who began using the same strategy as Edge, with bashing Edge continuesly into the cage. Both men were know busted open and blood was dripping. Fifteen minutes had passed and Hardy was still in control. He used clotheslines and hard punches, before hitting a DDT and begin climbing the cage. Edge though, was quicker up then expected and pulled Matt down, onto the ropes. Edge was then in control again and used a vertical suplex to get Hardy down from the ropes. He mounted Hardy abd punches began raining down. After a neckbreaker and a few elbow drops, Edge ascended the cage. But Hardy would not die! He climbed after and soon the two men found themselves on the top of the cage, tradng punches. It turned wehn Hardy ducked a ounch and pushed Edge down! Edge crashed into the ring, as Hady suddenly stood up in the corner of the steel structure. He lifted his hands and jumped into a diving elbow drop! As he hit, the ring gave after and both men went through it. After a few minutes of silence, a hand reached out from under the ring. Edge emerged! Lita came and helped him up and as Edge was declared the winner, there was still no sign of Matt Hardy. [CENTER][B]Winner:[/B] Edge. -[/CENTER] While the ring was being fixed, the camera swtiched backstage to John Cena. He began taunting [B]Eric Biscoff[/B], and taunting Kurt Angle. He said that he was'nt gonna fall down and call everything unfair, but stand up and take it as a man. He proceeded and called Angle a suck-up, before telling Bischoff to get ready. Cena continued with more taunting and hyping of the match and after a lot of name-calling and insulting he finished, while the camera got back to the ring. [CENTER]- [B][U]ERIC BISCHOFF V. JOHN CENA[/U] [SIZE="1"]WWE Championship[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The match started with Cena taunting Bischoff to take his best shot. After a lot of gloating with martal-arts moves, Eric began to approach Cena. He tried a kick, but Cena just grabbed his leg and shoulder blocked him to the mat. Cena lifted his hands up in annoyment and waited for Bischoff to get up. As Eric tried a punch, Cena blocked and barraged rights and lefts down on Bischoff. He delivered a Fishamn's Suplex, before going for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Afterwards, Cena sat Eric up for the FU and hit it, got the three count just as Kurt Angle emerged from the curtain and attacked Cena. [CENTER][B]Winner and still WWE Champion:[/B] John Cena. -[/CENTER] Angle was furious and began punching away at Cena. But after a half minute, Cena got back at Angle and began beating him down. Angle was layed out as Bischoff suddenly hit Cena in the head with a steel chair. Cena staggered and Angle was back up! He hit an Angle Slam, and followed it up with an Ankle Lock. Angle really pulled it in tight, when suddenly Shawn Micheals came down to the ring. Angle had'nt seen this, because he had his back turned, so HBK first leveled Bischoff with a super kick, then tripped Angle and began stomping away at him. He then got Angle up and hit another super kick, before raising his arms in victory. The hole thing ended with Micheals pulling Cena to his feet and celebrating with him.[/QUOTE] Final Rating: [B]B[/B] Live Attendance: [B]15,000[/B] Viewers ([I]On USA Network[/I]): [B]1,603,342[/B] Viewers ([I]On TSN[/I]): [B]859,163[/B] Viewers ([I]On Sky Sports[/I]): [B]230,103[/B]
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[CENTER][B][U]IMPORTANT MESSAGE![/U][/B] I've decided to also write SmackDown!, just so everybody knows and to clear yp confusion, when I post the show.[/CENTER]
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