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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/top.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]Austin Aries Working Through Neck Injury[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]From [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]– Friday, Week 1, December[/SIZE][/I] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/ETC/92034565_d3f8a66bd5_m.jpg[/IMG] Austin Aires (aka Austin Starr) suffered Neck Nerve Damage while wrestling at the ROH show against Bryan Danielson last night. He went to the hospital after complaining about severe pain in his neck. Sources close to Austin say that he is in considerable amount of pain but is doing his best to work through it. As of right now the match between Austin Starr and Bryan Danielson for the TNA X-Division Title at Honor Bound is still on. [U][COLOR="red"]Last Nights Impact Rating[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]From [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]– Thursday, Week 1, December[/SIZE][/I] Last nights edition of TNA Impact drew a combined TV net rating of 1.14, the highest in the company’s history. This is great news for TNA as of just 5 shows ago they were only drawing 0.65 in the ratings.[/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/top.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]Austin Aries Working Through Neck Injury[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]From [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]– Friday, Week 1, December[/SIZE][/I] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/ETC/92034565_d3f8a66bd5_m.jpg[/IMG] Austin Aires (aka Austin Starr) suffered Neck Nerve Damage while wrestling at the ROH show against Bryan Danielson last night. He went to the hospital after complaining about severe pain in his neck. Sources close to Austin say that he is in considerable amount of pain but is doing his best to work through it. As of right now the match between Austin Starr and Bryan Danielson for the TNA X-Division Title at Honor Bound is still on. [U][COLOR="red"]Last Nights Impact Rating[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]From [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]– Thursday, Week 1, December[/SIZE][/I] Last nights edition of TNA Impact drew a combined TV net rating of 1.14, the highest in the company’s history. This is great news for TNA as of just 5 shows ago they were only drawing 0.65 in the ratings.[/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/gerweck02.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]ROH From The Paramarx Arena in Great Lakes Results[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]Melody Gee - Friday, Week 1, December[/SIZE][/I] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/200px-Ring_Of_Honor_Logo.png[/IMG] Attendance: 1,000 [B]April Hunter[/B] d [B]JD Michaels[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Ace Steel[/B] d [B]Salvatore Rinauro[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] d [B]Anthony Franco[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sydal[/B] d [B]Jerrelle Clark[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Ricky Reyes[/B] d [B]BJ Whitmer[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]The Amazing Red[/B] d [B]Jimmy Rave[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Adam Pearce[/B] d [B]Jack Evans[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Roderick Strong[/B] d [B]Homicide[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] d [B]Austin Aries[/B] to retain the [U][COLOR="Blue"]ROH World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR][/U] / [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/gerweck02.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]ROH From The Paramarx Arena in Great Lakes Results[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]Melody Gee - Friday, Week 1, December[/SIZE][/I] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/200px-Ring_Of_Honor_Logo.png[/IMG] Attendance: 1,000 [B]April Hunter[/B] d [B]JD Michaels[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Ace Steel[/B] d [B]Salvatore Rinauro[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] d [B]Anthony Franco[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sydal[/B] d [B]Jerrelle Clark[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Ricky Reyes[/B] d [B]BJ Whitmer[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]The Amazing Red[/B] d [B]Jimmy Rave[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Adam Pearce[/B] d [B]Jack Evans[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Roderick Strong[/B] d [B]Homicide[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] d [B]Austin Aries[/B] to retain the [U][COLOR="Blue"]ROH World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR][/U] / [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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From TNAwrestlingnews.com [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/top.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="red"]TNA Global Impact Preview[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]By [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]– Saturday, Week 1 December[/SIZE][/I] [U]Announced Matches[/U] Jay Lethal vs. Bryan Danielson – Lethal is the youngest and most successful men on the roster. Bryan Danielson is arguable one of the greatest wrestlers in the world today. When these two pair off it should be incredible. [U]Main Event[/U] Hernandez vs. Bill Goldberg – LAX’s resident thug Hernandez gets a chance to derail the train before it gets up some steam when he takes on the dominate Goldberg. Will LAX play a role? Will Hernandez be the first man to beat Goldberg in TNA? Or will Goldberg continue dominating his opponents? Plus Independence announcer Joey Styles sits down with The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe to discuss his upcoming match with The Nature Boy Ric Flair at this month’s PPV Honor Bound. All this and so much more on TNA’s online only TV show Global Impact.[/SIZE]
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From TNAwrestlingnews.com [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/top.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="red"]TNA Global Impact Preview[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]By [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]– Saturday, Week 1 December[/SIZE][/I] [U]Announced Matches[/U] Jay Lethal vs. Bryan Danielson – Lethal is the youngest and most successful men on the roster. Bryan Danielson is arguable one of the greatest wrestlers in the world today. When these two pair off it should be incredible. [U]Main Event[/U] Hernandez vs. Bill Goldberg – LAX’s resident thug Hernandez gets a chance to derail the train before it gets up some steam when he takes on the dominate Goldberg. Will LAX play a role? Will Hernandez be the first man to beat Goldberg in TNA? Or will Goldberg continue dominating his opponents? Plus Independence announcer Joey Styles sits down with The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe to discuss his upcoming match with The Nature Boy Ric Flair at this month’s PPV Honor Bound. All this and so much more on TNA’s online only TV show Global Impact.[/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/gerweck02.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]The State Of Professional Wrestling[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]Article By Ernesto Rayside – Saturday, Week 1, December[/SIZE][/I] The new wrestling wars are over before it even had a chance to get started. This time last year if you would have heard that statement you would have thought that TNA would have gone under, but as we all know that is not the case. Right now the only WWE product on US TV right now is ECW on Sci-Fi and TNA is dominating the market. However the question I pose is this. Can they hold the market while not falling into the same trap that the WWE did? TNA thrived on bringing in the cast-a-ways that the WWE thought were not marketable and making them stars. Rhino, Raven, Christian Cage and the list goes one. Plus TNA is been successful in growing their own stars, the biggest of which is Samoa Joe. Joe has had feuds with Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, Kurt Angle and now Ric Flair, and with the exception of Flair (since they have not faced each other yet), Joe remains undefeated to this day in TNA. It seems that TNA was riding high and that’s when the biggest announcement in all of professional wrestling was made. The USA Network dropped Monday Night Raw. This came after the surprise announcement that UPN dropped Smackdown but Sci-Fi kept ECW. That in itself was a huge shock as many thought ECW was on its way out the door. But no, UPN dropped Smackdown after many weeks of dismal ratings and Sci-Fi kept faith in the new ECW product and kept them on for another season (at least for now). What happened on that day between Vince McMahon and executives over at The USA Network that caused them to drop Raw so abruptly? It’s still unclear as to what had happened at this point. Some say Vince pushed for a storyline so vile that the big wigs at USA literally flipped out. Others say USA wants to get away from the wrestling business all together. Whatever the reason is, it’s being kept tightly under wraps at this time. The WWE still tapes Raw and it airs on a network called Sky Sports over in the UK. The hope is that the WWE can find another network to air Raw as soon as possible. But has the damage been done already? Can they come back from this? Those are questions for another time. I go back to my original question about TNA, which was can they stay fresh in a market with no competition? I say if they keep going at the rate they are now, then yes. TNA continues to bring in Indy talent to perform and a lot of these guys are simply fantastic. Plus TNA does not censor their workers to one form of wrestling and they are allowed to go out there and do their thing. Plus since TNA are still considered a family friendly orientated show (with the exception of a few hard core-type matches here and there, but you wont find any live sex celebrations here) they maintain a continuing growing fan base. However, if they fall complacent, like the WWE did, then everything they have worked for will fall apart around then, just like the WWE. Wrestling is a crazy business where anything can happen as we have seen; so don’t count anybody out just yet. For all we know, this time next year, the WWE could be totally out of business, Wrestle Society X could be on top of the wrestling world and TNA could be struggling to stay afloat. Hey, it could happen![/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/gerweck02.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]The State Of Professional Wrestling[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]Article By Ernesto Rayside – Saturday, Week 1, December[/SIZE][/I] The new wrestling wars are over before it even had a chance to get started. This time last year if you would have heard that statement you would have thought that TNA would have gone under, but as we all know that is not the case. Right now the only WWE product on US TV right now is ECW on Sci-Fi and TNA is dominating the market. However the question I pose is this. Can they hold the market while not falling into the same trap that the WWE did? TNA thrived on bringing in the cast-a-ways that the WWE thought were not marketable and making them stars. Rhino, Raven, Christian Cage and the list goes one. Plus TNA is been successful in growing their own stars, the biggest of which is Samoa Joe. Joe has had feuds with Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, Kurt Angle and now Ric Flair, and with the exception of Flair (since they have not faced each other yet), Joe remains undefeated to this day in TNA. It seems that TNA was riding high and that’s when the biggest announcement in all of professional wrestling was made. The USA Network dropped Monday Night Raw. This came after the surprise announcement that UPN dropped Smackdown but Sci-Fi kept ECW. That in itself was a huge shock as many thought ECW was on its way out the door. But no, UPN dropped Smackdown after many weeks of dismal ratings and Sci-Fi kept faith in the new ECW product and kept them on for another season (at least for now). What happened on that day between Vince McMahon and executives over at The USA Network that caused them to drop Raw so abruptly? It’s still unclear as to what had happened at this point. Some say Vince pushed for a storyline so vile that the big wigs at USA literally flipped out. Others say USA wants to get away from the wrestling business all together. Whatever the reason is, it’s being kept tightly under wraps at this time. The WWE still tapes Raw and it airs on a network called Sky Sports over in the UK. The hope is that the WWE can find another network to air Raw as soon as possible. But has the damage been done already? Can they come back from this? Those are questions for another time. I go back to my original question about TNA, which was can they stay fresh in a market with no competition? I say if they keep going at the rate they are now, then yes. TNA continues to bring in Indy talent to perform and a lot of these guys are simply fantastic. Plus TNA does not censor their workers to one form of wrestling and they are allowed to go out there and do their thing. Plus since TNA are still considered a family friendly orientated show (with the exception of a few hard core-type matches here and there, but you wont find any live sex celebrations here) they maintain a continuing growing fan base. However, if they fall complacent, like the WWE did, then everything they have worked for will fall apart around then, just like the WWE. Wrestling is a crazy business where anything can happen as we have seen; so don’t count anybody out just yet. For all we know, this time next year, the WWE could be totally out of business, Wrestle Society X could be on top of the wrestling world and TNA could be struggling to stay afloat. Hey, it could happen![/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/top.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]TNA Conference Call With TNA Head Booker Robert Nigro Highlights[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]From [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]– Monday, Week 2, December[/SIZE][/I] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALRob.jpg[/IMG] The head of the TNA Booking Committee Robert Nigro held a press conference today just hours before the Global Impact tapings. It lasted about 1 hour and 20 minutes and he had some interesting answers to some of the questions asked. Here are some of the highlights. Q. What was your reaction when you heard that Raw on The USA Network had been cancelled? [U]Nigro [/U]– Pure shock. I was in my office when one of my associates came up to me with the news. I just could not believe it at first. Here was the biggest company in wrestling history now with almost no US exposure. Some people thought I was jumping for joy with Dixie Carter in our offices in Nashville, but honestly I was and still am a little sad. Competition is what breeds greatness in this business, and without it, its easy to get stale being the only show in town. We at TNA hope that the WWE gets back on TV sooner than later. Q. A few months back, your were adamant about not signing Bill Goldberg to TNA, saying that Bill did not have the love of the business that you want in your roster. What made you change your mind? [U]Nigro[/U] – A few weeks before we signed Bill, he and I sat down and had a long conversation. We talked about a lot of things in that conversation, the state of the business, where his head is in regards to this business, what would he hope to get out of TNA if he came back and what TNA could hope to get out of him if he came back. He were able to set down a lot of groundwork in what could be a great relationship between TNA and Bill and we have a long term plan on what Bill’s roll in TNA is and will be. Bill wants a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the wrestling fans around the world for leaving off with, in his words, ‘a horrible last match with Brock Lesner at Wrestlemania.’ Bill wants to show the wrestling world that he was more than a flash in the pan and that he can go with the best of them. He has watched TNA and by watching these guys he has rekindled that fire inside of him that you need to be in TNA. He knows that he had gotten a bad reputation along the way and he wants to fix that in TNA. We have great things planned for Bill Goldberg. Q. Speaking of Brock Lesner, any thoughts of bringing him into TNA? [U]Nigro[/U] – Dixie, Brock and myself have spoken on a number of occasions about the possibility of coming to TNA. While he would love to compete in TNA there are a number of factors working against that. The first and foremost being his contract with NJPW. He still has some time left with them and he does not want to leave on bad terms. They have done nothing but good things for him over in Japan and he wants to return the favor. The other thing is his legal matters with the WWE, although he says he may be able to get those cleared up sometime soon. What that means I don’t know, but I would be just a excited as anyone to bring Brock Lesner into TNA. Q. What about guys like Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan, would you ever consider bringing them into TNA? [U]Nigro[/U] – Both Steve and Hulk are not in the best physical shape of their lives. I’m not saying that they are not in shape, but their bodies have received such abuse over the years that they just don’t have what it takes to go in the ring anymore. I would love to see Hulk Hogan inside a TNA ring in maybe a one shot deal to wrestler one of our up and comers, the same goes for Steve, but somehow I don’t see that happening in the foreseeable future. Q. Is that the same deal with Ric Flair? Is this just a one shot deal? [U]Nigro[/U] – Ric and I sit down every few days to discuss a lot of things. His match with Samoa Joe, his impending and eventual retirement, and what he hopes to accomplish in TNA. Ric and I have an open door policy and while he knows that he is not the young pup he once was, he feels that he still has a few high-class matches still left in him. TNA will support the legendary Ric Flair in whatever he decides to do. Q. What Indy guys do you have you eyes on right now? [U]Nigro[/U] – Well we are always looking at our developmental area in ROH for potential future stars in TNA. If I had to pick one guy who I think will make an Impact it would have to be Josh Daniels. They guy if a ball of intensity and I for one would love to see a show down between him and Kurt Angle. Q. Who is the next big thing in TNA right now? [U]Nigro[/U] – Oh that’s easy Samoa Joe. The guy IS pro-wrestling. The was a lot more that was discussed like his thoughts on Vince McMahon’s more controversial storylines over the years, where he sees the NWA World TV Title going on and much more.[/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/top.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]TNA Conference Call With TNA Head Booker Robert Nigro Highlights[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]From [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]– Monday, Week 2, December[/SIZE][/I] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALRob.jpg[/IMG] The head of the TNA Booking Committee Robert Nigro held a press conference today just hours before the Global Impact tapings. It lasted about 1 hour and 20 minutes and he had some interesting answers to some of the questions asked. Here are some of the highlights. Q. What was your reaction when you heard that Raw on The USA Network had been cancelled? [U]Nigro [/U]– Pure shock. I was in my office when one of my associates came up to me with the news. I just could not believe it at first. Here was the biggest company in wrestling history now with almost no US exposure. Some people thought I was jumping for joy with Dixie Carter in our offices in Nashville, but honestly I was and still am a little sad. Competition is what breeds greatness in this business, and without it, its easy to get stale being the only show in town. We at TNA hope that the WWE gets back on TV sooner than later. Q. A few months back, your were adamant about not signing Bill Goldberg to TNA, saying that Bill did not have the love of the business that you want in your roster. What made you change your mind? [U]Nigro[/U] – A few weeks before we signed Bill, he and I sat down and had a long conversation. We talked about a lot of things in that conversation, the state of the business, where his head is in regards to this business, what would he hope to get out of TNA if he came back and what TNA could hope to get out of him if he came back. He were able to set down a lot of groundwork in what could be a great relationship between TNA and Bill and we have a long term plan on what Bill’s roll in TNA is and will be. Bill wants a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the wrestling fans around the world for leaving off with, in his words, ‘a horrible last match with Brock Lesner at Wrestlemania.’ Bill wants to show the wrestling world that he was more than a flash in the pan and that he can go with the best of them. He has watched TNA and by watching these guys he has rekindled that fire inside of him that you need to be in TNA. He knows that he had gotten a bad reputation along the way and he wants to fix that in TNA. We have great things planned for Bill Goldberg. Q. Speaking of Brock Lesner, any thoughts of bringing him into TNA? [U]Nigro[/U] – Dixie, Brock and myself have spoken on a number of occasions about the possibility of coming to TNA. While he would love to compete in TNA there are a number of factors working against that. The first and foremost being his contract with NJPW. He still has some time left with them and he does not want to leave on bad terms. They have done nothing but good things for him over in Japan and he wants to return the favor. The other thing is his legal matters with the WWE, although he says he may be able to get those cleared up sometime soon. What that means I don’t know, but I would be just a excited as anyone to bring Brock Lesner into TNA. Q. What about guys like Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan, would you ever consider bringing them into TNA? [U]Nigro[/U] – Both Steve and Hulk are not in the best physical shape of their lives. I’m not saying that they are not in shape, but their bodies have received such abuse over the years that they just don’t have what it takes to go in the ring anymore. I would love to see Hulk Hogan inside a TNA ring in maybe a one shot deal to wrestler one of our up and comers, the same goes for Steve, but somehow I don’t see that happening in the foreseeable future. Q. Is that the same deal with Ric Flair? Is this just a one shot deal? [U]Nigro[/U] – Ric and I sit down every few days to discuss a lot of things. His match with Samoa Joe, his impending and eventual retirement, and what he hopes to accomplish in TNA. Ric and I have an open door policy and while he knows that he is not the young pup he once was, he feels that he still has a few high-class matches still left in him. TNA will support the legendary Ric Flair in whatever he decides to do. Q. What Indy guys do you have you eyes on right now? [U]Nigro[/U] – Well we are always looking at our developmental area in ROH for potential future stars in TNA. If I had to pick one guy who I think will make an Impact it would have to be Josh Daniels. They guy if a ball of intensity and I for one would love to see a show down between him and Kurt Angle. Q. Who is the next big thing in TNA right now? [U]Nigro[/U] – Oh that’s easy Samoa Joe. The guy IS pro-wrestling. The was a lot more that was discussed like his thoughts on Vince McMahon’s more controversial storylines over the years, where he sees the NWA World TV Title going on and much more.[/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/topcenter.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U]Global Impact Results[/U] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/globalimpacthome1.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/B99TNAAbyss.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALGoldberg-1.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]The show opens with a video recap of the events that have transpired between The Monster Abyss and Goldberg over the past couple of weeks. It shows Goldberg’s surprise return to pro-wrestling when he attacked Abyss at Honor Bound and then Abyss giving him The Black Hole Slam not once but twice of the course of the last couple of weeks. The video ends with Goldberg standing in the ring after he chased off Abyss last week. We hear Jim Mitchell saying “Click, Doomsday!” and then laughing his sinister laugh as the video fades to black.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/X-Division/STALLethal.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/X-Division/STALDanielson-1.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALHeyman.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Jay Lethal[/B] vs. [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] w/ Paul Heyman [COLOR="Blue"]o A lot of nice back and forth action to start this one out as both men took it to each other. o Lethal had a lot to prove in this match a held nothing back. o Danielson also had a lot to prove and showed everybody why he is the greatest wrestling in the world today. o In one amazing sequence, Lethal was outside in the crowd after being knock there by Danielson. Danielson leapt to the top rope and then flew into the crowd taking Lethal and a few of the fans at ringside out! o Danielson locked in the Cattle Mutilation and even though Lethal fought bravely, he could not withstand the pain long and had to tap out![/COLOR] Winner: Bryan Danielson in 14:38 Rating: [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALChristopherDaniels3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALSting.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="blue"]A video airs that hypes the upcoming match between Christopher Daniels and Sting for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at Honor Bound. The video highlights both Daniels and Stings careers in TNA, showing how Daniels has risen through the ranks for over 4 years to reach this spot and how Sting had to fight and claw his way to the Title through sinister plots and backstabs by former friends. The video then shows clips from when Daniels accepted Stings open challenge, the low blow by Daniels following the false show of respect and the warning issued by Sting while Daniels was in the middle of the ring. It ends with a graphic showing both of them posing in front of the Honor Bound poster with the title below them reading:[/COLOR] [CENTER]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels vs. Sting[/CENTER] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALStyles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJoe2.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]A video airs that shows highlights from a recent sit down interview between Joey Styles and Samoa Joe.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Styles[/COLOR][/U] – Joe, I’ve asked you here today for one reason, to discuss your upcoming match with The Nature Boy Ric Flair. What are your thoughts as you head into, what as to be, the biggest match of your career. [U][COLOR="blue"]Joe[/COLOR][/U] – My thoughts? Joey I’ve said this before and I guess I’m gonna have to say it again. Flair, Joe Is Gonna Kill You. Ric, you’re making a big mistake old man by stepping into the ring with me. You may have been great once upon a time, but now your bones are nothing more than twigs waiting for me to snap them. Joey, Ric can train all he wants because it wont help him one bit, when he steps into the ring with me their can be only one outcome, and that’s with Flair tapping out! [U][COLOR="blue"]Styles[/COLOR][/U] – You have to admit though Joe that Flair can still go for a man his age. He has competed in some of the most exciting matches in the past few years. This has to be one of the biggest matches of your life. [U][COLOR="blue"]Joe [/COLOR][/U]– To me Joey, this is just gonna be another tick in the win column for me. Ric Flair has wrestled all over the world and has wrestled all sorts of wrestlers, but he has never faced ME. This is going to be Ric’s biggest match of his career because he is going to be fighting for his life inside that ring. [U][COLOR="blue"]Styles[/COLOR][/U] – You have been wrestling some of the biggest stars in the history of this business recently, the biggest being Kurt Angle. Are you gearing for a NWA World Title shot? [U][COLOR="blue"]Joe[/COLOR][/U] – Joey, I Am Pro-Wrestling and its only natural that the best wrestler in world would hold the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. There was a saying that some of my old friends and I use to say as we traveled together in our younger days, and that was “The Champ Is Here”. Well Joey, very soon I will be saying that with the NWA World Title belt over my shoulder. [U][COLOR="blue"]Styles[/COLOR][/U] – What do you think of Christopher Daniels getting a World Title shot before you? [U][COLOR="blue"]Joe[/COLOR][/U] – It does not matter who the Champion is, when he steps into the ring with me, he will lose. [U][COLOR="blue"]Styles[/COLOR][/U] – Well that’s all we have time for Joe, thank you for joining us today. Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALHernandez.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALKonnan.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALGoldberg.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Hernandez[/B] w/ Konnan vs. [B]Goldberg[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]o The two big men met right in the middle of the ring and Hernandez showed no sign of backing down from Goldberg o The locked up and everyone was surprised to see Hernandez match strength with Goldberg as the pushed each other around the ring while still in the Collar And Elbow Tie Up. o Hernandez was able to sweep Goldberg’s legs out from under him and shoved him to the mat. o Hernandez taunted Goldberg and posed for the crowd. o That was a mistake as Hernandez turned around he was met with a huge Spear. o Jackhammer! o The 3 count was elementary. o At ringside Konnan was irate and was slapping the mat.[/COLOR] Winner: Goldberg in 2:45 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] (Again another bad decision to have Goldberg squash Hernandez in the main event of the show. I thought by simply having Bill in the match it would have gotten at least a B. I have to hope my next show gets at least a B+ to even out the entire thing.) [/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/topcenter.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U]Global Impact Results[/U] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/globalimpacthome1.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/B99TNAAbyss.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALGoldberg-1.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]The show opens with a video recap of the events that have transpired between The Monster Abyss and Goldberg over the past couple of weeks. It shows Goldberg’s surprise return to pro-wrestling when he attacked Abyss at Honor Bound and then Abyss giving him The Black Hole Slam not once but twice of the course of the last couple of weeks. The video ends with Goldberg standing in the ring after he chased off Abyss last week. We hear Jim Mitchell saying “Click, Doomsday!” and then laughing his sinister laugh as the video fades to black.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/X-Division/STALLethal.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/X-Division/STALDanielson-1.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALHeyman.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Jay Lethal[/B] vs. [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] w/ Paul Heyman [COLOR="Blue"]o A lot of nice back and forth action to start this one out as both men took it to each other. o Lethal had a lot to prove in this match a held nothing back. o Danielson also had a lot to prove and showed everybody why he is the greatest wrestling in the world today. o In one amazing sequence, Lethal was outside in the crowd after being knock there by Danielson. Danielson leapt to the top rope and then flew into the crowd taking Lethal and a few of the fans at ringside out! o Danielson locked in the Cattle Mutilation and even though Lethal fought bravely, he could not withstand the pain long and had to tap out![/COLOR] Winner: Bryan Danielson in 14:38 Rating: [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALChristopherDaniels3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALSting.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="blue"]A video airs that hypes the upcoming match between Christopher Daniels and Sting for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at Honor Bound. The video highlights both Daniels and Stings careers in TNA, showing how Daniels has risen through the ranks for over 4 years to reach this spot and how Sting had to fight and claw his way to the Title through sinister plots and backstabs by former friends. The video then shows clips from when Daniels accepted Stings open challenge, the low blow by Daniels following the false show of respect and the warning issued by Sting while Daniels was in the middle of the ring. It ends with a graphic showing both of them posing in front of the Honor Bound poster with the title below them reading:[/COLOR] [CENTER]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels vs. Sting[/CENTER] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALStyles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJoe2.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]A video airs that shows highlights from a recent sit down interview between Joey Styles and Samoa Joe.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Styles[/COLOR][/U] – Joe, I’ve asked you here today for one reason, to discuss your upcoming match with The Nature Boy Ric Flair. What are your thoughts as you head into, what as to be, the biggest match of your career. [U][COLOR="blue"]Joe[/COLOR][/U] – My thoughts? Joey I’ve said this before and I guess I’m gonna have to say it again. Flair, Joe Is Gonna Kill You. Ric, you’re making a big mistake old man by stepping into the ring with me. You may have been great once upon a time, but now your bones are nothing more than twigs waiting for me to snap them. Joey, Ric can train all he wants because it wont help him one bit, when he steps into the ring with me their can be only one outcome, and that’s with Flair tapping out! [U][COLOR="blue"]Styles[/COLOR][/U] – You have to admit though Joe that Flair can still go for a man his age. He has competed in some of the most exciting matches in the past few years. This has to be one of the biggest matches of your life. [U][COLOR="blue"]Joe [/COLOR][/U]– To me Joey, this is just gonna be another tick in the win column for me. Ric Flair has wrestled all over the world and has wrestled all sorts of wrestlers, but he has never faced ME. This is going to be Ric’s biggest match of his career because he is going to be fighting for his life inside that ring. [U][COLOR="blue"]Styles[/COLOR][/U] – You have been wrestling some of the biggest stars in the history of this business recently, the biggest being Kurt Angle. Are you gearing for a NWA World Title shot? [U][COLOR="blue"]Joe[/COLOR][/U] – Joey, I Am Pro-Wrestling and its only natural that the best wrestler in world would hold the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. There was a saying that some of my old friends and I use to say as we traveled together in our younger days, and that was “The Champ Is Here”. Well Joey, very soon I will be saying that with the NWA World Title belt over my shoulder. [U][COLOR="blue"]Styles[/COLOR][/U] – What do you think of Christopher Daniels getting a World Title shot before you? [U][COLOR="blue"]Joe[/COLOR][/U] – It does not matter who the Champion is, when he steps into the ring with me, he will lose. [U][COLOR="blue"]Styles[/COLOR][/U] – Well that’s all we have time for Joe, thank you for joining us today. Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALHernandez.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALKonnan.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALGoldberg.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Hernandez[/B] w/ Konnan vs. [B]Goldberg[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]o The two big men met right in the middle of the ring and Hernandez showed no sign of backing down from Goldberg o The locked up and everyone was surprised to see Hernandez match strength with Goldberg as the pushed each other around the ring while still in the Collar And Elbow Tie Up. o Hernandez was able to sweep Goldberg’s legs out from under him and shoved him to the mat. o Hernandez taunted Goldberg and posed for the crowd. o That was a mistake as Hernandez turned around he was met with a huge Spear. o Jackhammer! o The 3 count was elementary. o At ringside Konnan was irate and was slapping the mat.[/COLOR] Winner: Goldberg in 2:45 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] (Again another bad decision to have Goldberg squash Hernandez in the main event of the show. I thought by simply having Bill in the match it would have gotten at least a B. I have to hope my next show gets at least a B+ to even out the entire thing.) [/SIZE]
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Going back to your last impact: I love the Briscoes and I think so do many readers and writers here...So putting them over again is awesome... Kanyon gets his 3rd win in a row...Although I didn't expect Hoyt to beat him...I'm not a huge Kanyon fan, but through your writing he is becoming a bit more over in my eyes Angle finally gets his first win over AJ in a battle of losing streaks...I thought Angle my be doing a losing streak gimmick before he goes on a terror, but maybe that gimmick is for AJ...How have these 2 been about doing jobs lately(?) I expected Corino over Harry Smith, this match certainly should help Harry improve and I'd have liked to seen the Senshi/TAKA match surprised it only got a (C) Puder is really turning into a jobber now
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Going back to your last impact: I love the Briscoes and I think so do many readers and writers here...So putting them over again is awesome... Kanyon gets his 3rd win in a row...Although I didn't expect Hoyt to beat him...I'm not a huge Kanyon fan, but through your writing he is becoming a bit more over in my eyes Angle finally gets his first win over AJ in a battle of losing streaks...I thought Angle my be doing a losing streak gimmick before he goes on a terror, but maybe that gimmick is for AJ...How have these 2 been about doing jobs lately(?) I expected Corino over Harry Smith, this match certainly should help Harry improve and I'd have liked to seen the Senshi/TAKA match surprised it only got a (C) Puder is really turning into a jobber now
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[QUOTE=Oldschool;152808]Going back to your last impact: I love the Briscoes and I think so do many readers and writers here...So putting them over again is awesome... Kanyon gets his 3rd win in a row...Although I didn't expect Hoyt to beat him...I'm not a huge Kanyon fan, but through your writing he is becoming a bit more over in my eyes Angle finally gets his first win over AJ in a battle of losing streaks...I thought Angle my be doing a losing streak gimmick before he goes on a terror, but maybe that gimmick is for AJ...How have these 2 been about doing jobs lately(?) I expected Corino over Harry Smith, this match certainly should help Harry improve and I'd have liked to seen the Senshi/TAKA match surprised it only got a (C) Puder is really turning into a jobber now[/QUOTE] I realize it seemed that Kurt was on a losing streak, but that was not the way I intended it. Losing to Samoa Joe was a push for Joe, and losing to Kanyon was just the way to start this fued. AJ on the other hand, I have this really cool thing in mind for him. I think he has been the only guy in TNA who has not changed his gimmick or persona much since he started in TNA. I think its about time to give AJ a littel shake up. I think everybody will be fairly suprised. Thanks to everybody who has commented and I am glad you have liked the shows.
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[QUOTE=Oldschool;152808]Going back to your last impact: I love the Briscoes and I think so do many readers and writers here...So putting them over again is awesome... Kanyon gets his 3rd win in a row...Although I didn't expect Hoyt to beat him...I'm not a huge Kanyon fan, but through your writing he is becoming a bit more over in my eyes Angle finally gets his first win over AJ in a battle of losing streaks...I thought Angle my be doing a losing streak gimmick before he goes on a terror, but maybe that gimmick is for AJ...How have these 2 been about doing jobs lately(?) I expected Corino over Harry Smith, this match certainly should help Harry improve and I'd have liked to seen the Senshi/TAKA match surprised it only got a (C) Puder is really turning into a jobber now[/QUOTE] I realize it seemed that Kurt was on a losing streak, but that was not the way I intended it. Losing to Samoa Joe was a push for Joe, and losing to Kanyon was just the way to start this fued. AJ on the other hand, I have this really cool thing in mind for him. I think he has been the only guy in TNA who has not changed his gimmick or persona much since he started in TNA. I think its about time to give AJ a littel shake up. I think everybody will be fairly suprised. Thanks to everybody who has commented and I am glad you have liked the shows.
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/top.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]TNA Revolution Preview[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]From [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]- Tuesday, Week 2, December[/SIZE][/I] Austin Starr & Senshi vs. Bryan Danielson & Petey Williams – None of these men like each other in the least, Starr beat Senshi for the TNA X-Division Title back in November, and at the PPV this month Starr and Danielson will be facing off for that same coveted title. Four of the X-Divisions top stars are involved in this one, it should one heck of a match. NWA World Television Title Tournament Round 1 match Alex Shelly vs. Chris Sabin – Kevin Nash promised that The Paparazzi’s Alex Shelly would be the victor in the tournament for the NWA World TV Title, and this is Shelly’s opportunity to prove him right. However his opponent is a former TNA X-Division Champion and one on the best in the league, Chris Sabin. One will move on in the tournament. Taz vs. AJ Styles – This should be a fans dream match, however with the way AJ has been acting lately, this one could be over in a matter of minutes. Styles will have to be on top of his game when steps foot in the ring with The Human Suplex Machine Taz. Taz has been known to hurt people for no other reason then to simple hurt them. Can Styles snap out of this funk he has been in, or will Taz make him another victim? NWA World Television Title Round 1 match Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt – Monty has been on a roll lately, beating Big Poppa Pump at Clash Of The Titans last month. Now is his chance to finally get his hands on some gold if he can advance in this tournament. Lance Hoyt on the other hand is looking at this match as a way to get back into the game. It seems as though Lance has been missing a step in TNA in the recent months, and advancing over Monty Brown in the NWA TV Title Tournament would be a great way to get back into things. Samoa Joe vs. TAKA – The undefeated Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe takes on one of Japans finest when he goes one on one with TAKA. TAKA lost in the first round of the NWA TV Title Tournament, but being the first to beat Samoa Joe would be a huge feather in his well-worn cap. Joe is gearing up for what could be the biggest match of his life when he faces Ric Flair at Honor Bound later this month. Could he be looking past TAKA? Could TAKA cause an upset? Christopher Daniels vs. CM Punk – Another Indy dream match brought to you by TNA. Both of these men are infamous in their own way and this match up is highly anticipated. Can Punk get the upset over the man facing Sting at Honor Bound, or will The Fallen Angel continue his dominating ways? Main Event Christian Cage vs. Goldberg – This will be Goldberg’s biggest match to date in TNA when he gets into the ring with the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage. Cage has been heard backstage jacking his jaw about Goldberg saying that he is over-rated and was never worth the hype that surrounding him. Goldberg on the other hand is on a non-stop destructive rampage as of late, gearing up for his match with Abyss at Honor Bound. Who will prove that he is worth the hype? Plus we will hear from Jim Cornette about the Kurt Angle / Kanyon situation that has been brewing lately, AMW will speak on Team3D, Ric Flair will be in the house and so much more on TNA Independence this Tuesday on Spike TV.[/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/top.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]TNA Revolution Preview[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]From [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]- Tuesday, Week 2, December[/SIZE][/I] Austin Starr & Senshi vs. Bryan Danielson & Petey Williams – None of these men like each other in the least, Starr beat Senshi for the TNA X-Division Title back in November, and at the PPV this month Starr and Danielson will be facing off for that same coveted title. Four of the X-Divisions top stars are involved in this one, it should one heck of a match. NWA World Television Title Tournament Round 1 match Alex Shelly vs. Chris Sabin – Kevin Nash promised that The Paparazzi’s Alex Shelly would be the victor in the tournament for the NWA World TV Title, and this is Shelly’s opportunity to prove him right. However his opponent is a former TNA X-Division Champion and one on the best in the league, Chris Sabin. One will move on in the tournament. Taz vs. AJ Styles – This should be a fans dream match, however with the way AJ has been acting lately, this one could be over in a matter of minutes. Styles will have to be on top of his game when steps foot in the ring with The Human Suplex Machine Taz. Taz has been known to hurt people for no other reason then to simple hurt them. Can Styles snap out of this funk he has been in, or will Taz make him another victim? NWA World Television Title Round 1 match Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt – Monty has been on a roll lately, beating Big Poppa Pump at Clash Of The Titans last month. Now is his chance to finally get his hands on some gold if he can advance in this tournament. Lance Hoyt on the other hand is looking at this match as a way to get back into the game. It seems as though Lance has been missing a step in TNA in the recent months, and advancing over Monty Brown in the NWA TV Title Tournament would be a great way to get back into things. Samoa Joe vs. TAKA – The undefeated Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe takes on one of Japans finest when he goes one on one with TAKA. TAKA lost in the first round of the NWA TV Title Tournament, but being the first to beat Samoa Joe would be a huge feather in his well-worn cap. Joe is gearing up for what could be the biggest match of his life when he faces Ric Flair at Honor Bound later this month. Could he be looking past TAKA? Could TAKA cause an upset? Christopher Daniels vs. CM Punk – Another Indy dream match brought to you by TNA. Both of these men are infamous in their own way and this match up is highly anticipated. Can Punk get the upset over the man facing Sting at Honor Bound, or will The Fallen Angel continue his dominating ways? Main Event Christian Cage vs. Goldberg – This will be Goldberg’s biggest match to date in TNA when he gets into the ring with the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage. Cage has been heard backstage jacking his jaw about Goldberg saying that he is over-rated and was never worth the hype that surrounding him. Goldberg on the other hand is on a non-stop destructive rampage as of late, gearing up for his match with Abyss at Honor Bound. Who will prove that he is worth the hype? Plus we will hear from Jim Cornette about the Kurt Angle / Kanyon situation that has been brewing lately, AMW will speak on Team3D, Ric Flair will be in the house and so much more on TNA Independence this Tuesday on Spike TV.[/SIZE]
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SPOILERS! Skip Ahead If You Dont Want To See Something From This Weeks Imact Tapings. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/1angle.jpg[/IMG] This is going to be the most anticipated match-up in recent years. This match (whenever it happens because it WILL happen) will be bigger than anything the WWE (or TNA for that matter) has done in a LONG time. This is a dream match bar none. To me, this is Andre The Giant vs. Hulk Hogan of our generation. I can not wait!!!! No I dont know how this happened at the Impact Tapings last night because I do not read the spoilers, I just happened to see this pic that said Angle from last nights tapings and thought it would be from his sit-down interview (because thats what they advertised it as) so I clicked on it. Little did I know I was in for a treat. I cant wait for Impact on thursday!
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SPOILERS! Skip Ahead If You Dont Want To See Something From This Weeks Imact Tapings. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/1angle.jpg[/IMG] This is going to be the most anticipated match-up in recent years. This match (whenever it happens because it WILL happen) will be bigger than anything the WWE (or TNA for that matter) has done in a LONG time. This is a dream match bar none. To me, this is Andre The Giant vs. Hulk Hogan of our generation. I can not wait!!!! No I dont know how this happened at the Impact Tapings last night because I do not read the spoilers, I just happened to see this pic that said Angle from last nights tapings and thought it would be from his sit-down interview (because thats what they advertised it as) so I clicked on it. Little did I know I was in for a treat. I cant wait for Impact on thursday!
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