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TCW: Tommy Cornell Goes For Broke

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[QUOTE=Remianen;144502]Hell Monkey[/QUOTE] How about Darryl Devine? [QUOTE=Thriller;144460]My guess is that the guy from USPW is Joey Minnesota?[/QUOTE] Ha! It's probably just a slip-up, but I find it great that Minnesota is now identified with USPW, which probably means he'll jump ship for SWF before my next supershow...
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[QUOTE=Remianen;144502]Hell Monkey[/QUOTE] How about Darryl Devine? [QUOTE=Thriller;144460]My guess is that the guy from USPW is Joey Minnesota?[/QUOTE] Ha! It's probably just a slip-up, but I find it great that Minnesota is now identified with USPW, which probably means he'll jump ship for SWF before my next supershow...
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In Wespri 2 Johnny Bloodstone's at NOTBPW, so that probably rules him out. Hell Monkey's touring with WLW, but I'm sure he could be ready for a comeback to the USA. Apart from them, Muscles and Devine would make two grand choices - probably moreso Muscles, I guess.
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In Wespri 2 Johnny Bloodstone's at NOTBPW, so that probably rules him out. Hell Monkey's touring with WLW, but I'm sure he could be ready for a comeback to the USA. Apart from them, Muscles and Devine would make two grand choices - probably moreso Muscles, I guess.
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Well due to the (somewhat unexpected, though pleasantly so) level of interest in the little USPW snippet, I'll likely spend a little more time than originally intended on following that up in the next backstory installment. Apart from that, I'm aiming to have the first show up for the weekend, which will reveal much of the roster. Anyway, thanks for all the comments so far guys.
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Well due to the (somewhat unexpected, though pleasantly so) level of interest in the little USPW snippet, I'll likely spend a little more time than originally intended on following that up in the next backstory installment. Apart from that, I'm aiming to have the first show up for the weekend, which will reveal much of the roster. Anyway, thanks for all the comments so far guys.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/tommycornell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/georgedecolt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][B][I]picking up the bill...[/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Treading carefully down the pine steps, Marc Monton carried the two cups of hot java with particular care and attention. He knew the recipients would need every drop of the hot liquid to remain inside, at least the out-of-towner would. The other cup was destined for an individual whom he considered an especially important patron. Despite often arriving at the cafe he co-owned with his pro-wrestler brother at this time in the morning, he would usually refuse serving any customer at such an early hour. The clock he passed by as he weaved through many of the still upturned chairs and tables confirmed that time had barely slipped beyond the five o'clock mark. The eldest of the Montons was however adhering to tradition. This particular customer usually desired to indulge in the cafe's delicacies in isolation. It wasn't that he had a complex about eating with the rest of the patrons that would pass through the establishment's doors during the day, it was just a preference. Sometimes he'd consume the first meal of the day alone, other times he'd have a selection of his family in tow. Marc didn't question his reasons and as long as this customer's request bordered on the realms of reasonability, he'd oblige. It was an arrangement that many proprietors might not even consider fulfilling, no matter which of their clientele made such a request. But then, George DeColt was no ordinary customer. The Canadian Golden Combat founder was seated at a table on the room's far side, currently devouring one of his more preferred items on the Monton menu. His companion this morning, a gentleman that Marc could not recall seeing prior to this occasion, sat on the opposite side of the same table and appeared somewhat less adapted to such an early morning repertoire. Using his right hand to prop his head and prevent it from falling straight into the plate of maple syrup-coated pancakes that lay in front of him, Tommy Cornell was keenly anticipating the incoming serving of caffeine. As the weight of Monton's approaching footsteps caused the floorboards to creak, alerting the pair to his arrival, DeColt greeted the brother of his veteran superstar with a warm smile. Such a welcome was far more favourable than to that on offer from Cornell who stared groggily upward with bloodshot eyes, outstretching his hand like a junkie craving his next fix and offering the closest vein. It was fair to say that the TCW owner was not a morning person... especially one that had began at this hour. [I]"Well Marc, a meal up to the usual standards."[/I] DeColt flashed a warm smile, one that confirmed the preceding words had been a compliment. Whilst not seeming overly lavish in praise, that was George DeColt's way and the elder Monton appreciated it all the same. Clearing any unnecessary items from the table, he leaves the two men to continue their conversation. DeColt was unconcerned as to Monton's presence as the proprietor knew how highly the patriarch of the DeColt family valued his privacy when appropriate. [I]"Now where were we Cornell?"[/I] Dragging his hand down his face, the TCW owner scanned the nearby paperwork that sat amongst the rest of the table's clutter. If only the letters would stop dancing about on the page like cheap strippers without rhythm, he might actually be able to read them and recall some sort of purpose for being here. Another contraction of his facial muscles was required to prevent his eyelids from falling shut once more. [I]"Uhhh... I was, I mean we were..."[/I] The term Cornell was searching for was "short-listing talent", but much like the man himself, his cerebrum wasn't suited to functioning at this ungodly hour of business. In the time that they'd been seated, other than ordering breakfast, the pair had reached an agreement on reassigning talent to TCW and vice-versa back in the direction of CGC. Cornell had been apprehensive of broaching this particular topic of conversation with DeColt ever since the deal was brokered between the two company figureheads, but in truth, a satisfactory arrangement was met without much compromise from either side. Conscious that DeColt would feel the TCW owner was stripping their family owned promotion of talent, the legendary Canadian grappler seemed most at ease to sending his main draws back across the border. Perhaps too at ease even? There were a couple of concessions to be made on Cornell's part however. Firstly, Madman Boone would be sent up north along with his Hardcore championship, which would by default become inactive as far as TCW were concerned. The other issue revolved around John Maverick. The Elite member was currently World Champion and in terms of drawing power or "bums in seats" as DeColt preferred to refer to it, he was proving to be a success, thus DeColt was loathe to transfer him. Whilst the capture of Elite was a motivational factor in Cornell seeking this deal with CGC originally, he figured that one member would be replaceable. As long as Dan DaLay was onboard, the other two were for all intents and purposes, interchangeable pieces. Neither decision could really be considered a bone of contention. Then it came to him. [I]"...talking about cogs?"[/I] DeColt nodded, referring back to his previous analogy of cogs and machinery. The DeColt family patriarch had identified one very marketable cog in the North Of The Border Pro Wrestling machine that he sought to acquire. When the name of Cliff Wilson was brought up, Cornell replied with a blank expression, which in fairness had been fairly constant since crawling off of his unforgiving hotel mattress and heading out to meet his new business partner. Sleep deprivation aside, the name meant little until DeColt referred to Wilson under his Dark Angel moniker. Despite the wholesome image George DeColt purported on TV, the man currently on the other side of the table cloth retained a rather ruthless pursuit of one of NOTBPW's higher ranked heel workers. The character had become an integral part of that promotion's main storylines, a fact that made such a capture even more appealing. Although Wilson could never be tempted to defect to CGC whilst it laid second place, haemorrhaging popularity, the prospect of switching to the states should prove enticing. National level in the states and national level in the land of the maple leaf are two completely different beasts. The timing for such a move could not have been more ideal, with Dan Stone struggling to convince Wilson to commit to a written deal since late August. Now DeColt had the resources to catch his primary target and with any luck, remove another "cog" shortly thereafter. Known as "The Ice Man", Derek Frost had become the CGC founder's ideal replacement for Maverick in the Elite, another signature to chase backed by Cornell's bank balance. Then understandably, Cornell had a few "cogs" on his own agenda. DeColt's approach to bolstering their ranks before the new version of TCW debuted next week was a pragmatic one. Unless he had any input to offer on a potential acquisition, then Cornell had his blessing to obtain then... at whatever cost. [I]"Sh-t..."[/I] Cursing underneath his breath, he tried to prevent his coffee from spilling over. Barely capable of talking and deducing thought from the same discussion, Cornell had little concentration available to deal with anything else, which explained why he just set his cup down on the unsteady foundation of his fork. Smiling to himself, DeColt handed the TCW owner a folded napkin. [I]"I apologise for the early start... I consider myself set in my ways."[/I] Cornell arched his shoulders back and attempted to stifle yet another yawn. [I]"Hey, they don't call me "Rough Justice" because I look like a million dollars at five AM!"[/I] Cornell laughed at his own joke... more than DeColt did. He was still trying to fully fathom the man who founded CGC. Sure he'd heard George DeColt was a man of high principles, values, integrity, all that and the whole nine yards. That didn't really reveal much of George DeColt as a person. In just a couple of days, the TCW owner had noticed an interesting trait in his new business partner, one that perhaps wasn't shared with his sons. His drive for success seemed stronger than Cornell had initially assumed it would be. He also hadn't assumed that DeColt would mortgage the future of CGC so willingly. It was after all, his family legacy and TCW was just some ambitious south west outfit that was originally created by a glorified (if also gloriously wealthy) computer nerd. Was it the lure of the dollar that DeColt seemed slightly susceptible to or was it something else? [I]"Cornell..."[/I] The TCW owner's eyes shot open once again. He hadn't even been aware they'd been closed to the point that made him wonder just how long he'd been "out". [I]"How about we wrap this up for now? I'll spare you the rest of my morning routine, just got back to the hotel and get some sleep."[/I] DeColt poked the wedge of paper in front of Cornell with his fore-finger and referred to the worker hit list the two had conspired to create in-between their meal. [I]"You've got a busy day ahead of you."[/I] The CGC founder rose from the table and removed his coat from the hanger. Clawing at his face in the hope that if he stretched his eye sockets enough that they'd hopefully prevent his eyelids from sealing within the next thirty seconds, Cornell inspected the paperwork briefly before DeColt bid him farewell. At least this early morning endurance test had proved to be constructive, something that would hopefully also be said about Sam Strong's upcoming trip to the USPW show that would take place in two days time. [I]"Oh and Cornell, don't worry about the bill... it's taken care of."[/I] Perhaps a token gesture, but at least it spared the TCW owner the indignity of finding that he he'd forgotten to put his wallet in his pants before leaving. You pick up the tab for breakfast; Tommy Cornell will cover the rest.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/tommycornell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/georgedecolt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][B][I]picking up the bill...[/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Treading carefully down the pine steps, Marc Monton carried the two cups of hot java with particular care and attention. He knew the recipients would need every drop of the hot liquid to remain inside, at least the out-of-towner would. The other cup was destined for an individual whom he considered an especially important patron. Despite often arriving at the cafe he co-owned with his pro-wrestler brother at this time in the morning, he would usually refuse serving any customer at such an early hour. The clock he passed by as he weaved through many of the still upturned chairs and tables confirmed that time had barely slipped beyond the five o'clock mark. The eldest of the Montons was however adhering to tradition. This particular customer usually desired to indulge in the cafe's delicacies in isolation. It wasn't that he had a complex about eating with the rest of the patrons that would pass through the establishment's doors during the day, it was just a preference. Sometimes he'd consume the first meal of the day alone, other times he'd have a selection of his family in tow. Marc didn't question his reasons and as long as this customer's request bordered on the realms of reasonability, he'd oblige. It was an arrangement that many proprietors might not even consider fulfilling, no matter which of their clientele made such a request. But then, George DeColt was no ordinary customer. The Canadian Golden Combat founder was seated at a table on the room's far side, currently devouring one of his more preferred items on the Monton menu. His companion this morning, a gentleman that Marc could not recall seeing prior to this occasion, sat on the opposite side of the same table and appeared somewhat less adapted to such an early morning repertoire. Using his right hand to prop his head and prevent it from falling straight into the plate of maple syrup-coated pancakes that lay in front of him, Tommy Cornell was keenly anticipating the incoming serving of caffeine. As the weight of Monton's approaching footsteps caused the floorboards to creak, alerting the pair to his arrival, DeColt greeted the brother of his veteran superstar with a warm smile. Such a welcome was far more favourable than to that on offer from Cornell who stared groggily upward with bloodshot eyes, outstretching his hand like a junkie craving his next fix and offering the closest vein. It was fair to say that the TCW owner was not a morning person... especially one that had began at this hour. [I]"Well Marc, a meal up to the usual standards."[/I] DeColt flashed a warm smile, one that confirmed the preceding words had been a compliment. Whilst not seeming overly lavish in praise, that was George DeColt's way and the elder Monton appreciated it all the same. Clearing any unnecessary items from the table, he leaves the two men to continue their conversation. DeColt was unconcerned as to Monton's presence as the proprietor knew how highly the patriarch of the DeColt family valued his privacy when appropriate. [I]"Now where were we Cornell?"[/I] Dragging his hand down his face, the TCW owner scanned the nearby paperwork that sat amongst the rest of the table's clutter. If only the letters would stop dancing about on the page like cheap strippers without rhythm, he might actually be able to read them and recall some sort of purpose for being here. Another contraction of his facial muscles was required to prevent his eyelids from falling shut once more. [I]"Uhhh... I was, I mean we were..."[/I] The term Cornell was searching for was "short-listing talent", but much like the man himself, his cerebrum wasn't suited to functioning at this ungodly hour of business. In the time that they'd been seated, other than ordering breakfast, the pair had reached an agreement on reassigning talent to TCW and vice-versa back in the direction of CGC. Cornell had been apprehensive of broaching this particular topic of conversation with DeColt ever since the deal was brokered between the two company figureheads, but in truth, a satisfactory arrangement was met without much compromise from either side. Conscious that DeColt would feel the TCW owner was stripping their family owned promotion of talent, the legendary Canadian grappler seemed most at ease to sending his main draws back across the border. Perhaps too at ease even? There were a couple of concessions to be made on Cornell's part however. Firstly, Madman Boone would be sent up north along with his Hardcore championship, which would by default become inactive as far as TCW were concerned. The other issue revolved around John Maverick. The Elite member was currently World Champion and in terms of drawing power or "bums in seats" as DeColt preferred to refer to it, he was proving to be a success, thus DeColt was loathe to transfer him. Whilst the capture of Elite was a motivational factor in Cornell seeking this deal with CGC originally, he figured that one member would be replaceable. As long as Dan DaLay was onboard, the other two were for all intents and purposes, interchangeable pieces. Neither decision could really be considered a bone of contention. Then it came to him. [I]"...talking about cogs?"[/I] DeColt nodded, referring back to his previous analogy of cogs and machinery. The DeColt family patriarch had identified one very marketable cog in the North Of The Border Pro Wrestling machine that he sought to acquire. When the name of Cliff Wilson was brought up, Cornell replied with a blank expression, which in fairness had been fairly constant since crawling off of his unforgiving hotel mattress and heading out to meet his new business partner. Sleep deprivation aside, the name meant little until DeColt referred to Wilson under his Dark Angel moniker. Despite the wholesome image George DeColt purported on TV, the man currently on the other side of the table cloth retained a rather ruthless pursuit of one of NOTBPW's higher ranked heel workers. The character had become an integral part of that promotion's main storylines, a fact that made such a capture even more appealing. Although Wilson could never be tempted to defect to CGC whilst it laid second place, haemorrhaging popularity, the prospect of switching to the states should prove enticing. National level in the states and national level in the land of the maple leaf are two completely different beasts. The timing for such a move could not have been more ideal, with Dan Stone struggling to convince Wilson to commit to a written deal since late August. Now DeColt had the resources to catch his primary target and with any luck, remove another "cog" shortly thereafter. Known as "The Ice Man", Derek Frost had become the CGC founder's ideal replacement for Maverick in the Elite, another signature to chase backed by Cornell's bank balance. Then understandably, Cornell had a few "cogs" on his own agenda. DeColt's approach to bolstering their ranks before the new version of TCW debuted next week was a pragmatic one. Unless he had any input to offer on a potential acquisition, then Cornell had his blessing to obtain then... at whatever cost. [I]"Sh-t..."[/I] Cursing underneath his breath, he tried to prevent his coffee from spilling over. Barely capable of talking and deducing thought from the same discussion, Cornell had little concentration available to deal with anything else, which explained why he just set his cup down on the unsteady foundation of his fork. Smiling to himself, DeColt handed the TCW owner a folded napkin. [I]"I apologise for the early start... I consider myself set in my ways."[/I] Cornell arched his shoulders back and attempted to stifle yet another yawn. [I]"Hey, they don't call me "Rough Justice" because I look like a million dollars at five AM!"[/I] Cornell laughed at his own joke... more than DeColt did. He was still trying to fully fathom the man who founded CGC. Sure he'd heard George DeColt was a man of high principles, values, integrity, all that and the whole nine yards. That didn't really reveal much of George DeColt as a person. In just a couple of days, the TCW owner had noticed an interesting trait in his new business partner, one that perhaps wasn't shared with his sons. His drive for success seemed stronger than Cornell had initially assumed it would be. He also hadn't assumed that DeColt would mortgage the future of CGC so willingly. It was after all, his family legacy and TCW was just some ambitious south west outfit that was originally created by a glorified (if also gloriously wealthy) computer nerd. Was it the lure of the dollar that DeColt seemed slightly susceptible to or was it something else? [I]"Cornell..."[/I] The TCW owner's eyes shot open once again. He hadn't even been aware they'd been closed to the point that made him wonder just how long he'd been "out". [I]"How about we wrap this up for now? I'll spare you the rest of my morning routine, just got back to the hotel and get some sleep."[/I] DeColt poked the wedge of paper in front of Cornell with his fore-finger and referred to the worker hit list the two had conspired to create in-between their meal. [I]"You've got a busy day ahead of you."[/I] The CGC founder rose from the table and removed his coat from the hanger. Clawing at his face in the hope that if he stretched his eye sockets enough that they'd hopefully prevent his eyelids from sealing within the next thirty seconds, Cornell inspected the paperwork briefly before DeColt bid him farewell. At least this early morning endurance test had proved to be constructive, something that would hopefully also be said about Sam Strong's upcoming trip to the USPW show that would take place in two days time. [I]"Oh and Cornell, don't worry about the bill... it's taken care of."[/I] Perhaps a token gesture, but at least it spared the TCW owner the indignity of finding that he he'd forgotten to put his wallet in his pants before leaving. You pick up the tab for breakfast; Tommy Cornell will cover the rest.
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I just love this story. I want to buy the hardback version when it is released! Seriously though the anticipation for this is great and I feel like you aren't going to just take CGC guys right away and throw them into your product. It seems like TCW won't get to use most of the guys because the father won't want to give them up. This makes it even more interesting as now TCW will have to offer fair trades almost to get what they want. Also Cliff Wilson is someone I usually sign to TCW right away. I just wish Sean McFly wasnt unsackable. Otherwise he would be picked up with Cliff Wilson and both would form a tag team but yeah I love how you are doing this. Good job and keep it up man!
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I just love this story. I want to buy the hardback version when it is released! Seriously though the anticipation for this is great and I feel like you aren't going to just take CGC guys right away and throw them into your product. It seems like TCW won't get to use most of the guys because the father won't want to give them up. This makes it even more interesting as now TCW will have to offer fair trades almost to get what they want. Also Cliff Wilson is someone I usually sign to TCW right away. I just wish Sean McFly wasnt unsackable. Otherwise he would be picked up with Cliff Wilson and both would form a tag team but yeah I love how you are doing this. Good job and keep it up man!
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[QUOTE=Thriller;145070]Have you considered uploading your data files somewhere? This'd make one hell of a scenario.[/QUOTE] Well to be honest, there's not that much done to set it up. Just moved a bit of talent about and created a couple of new relationships as well as a new arrangement between CGC and TCW. I did have a trial run of a first week the other night though and in its current form, CGC immediately wanted to back out of the farm fed style agreement. Despite the message saying I have to accept them pulling out, you can just cancel out of the message without accepting... although that causes them to e-mail every single day with the same request... I'm not sure if that will cause a big problem in the long run, so it might be a case of needing to bump CGC down to a regional promotion, which would somewhat go against the story, but might prove necessary.
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[QUOTE=Thriller;145070]Have you considered uploading your data files somewhere? This'd make one hell of a scenario.[/QUOTE] Well to be honest, there's not that much done to set it up. Just moved a bit of talent about and created a couple of new relationships as well as a new arrangement between CGC and TCW. I did have a trial run of a first week the other night though and in its current form, CGC immediately wanted to back out of the farm fed style agreement. Despite the message saying I have to accept them pulling out, you can just cancel out of the message without accepting... although that causes them to e-mail every single day with the same request... I'm not sure if that will cause a big problem in the long run, so it might be a case of needing to bump CGC down to a regional promotion, which would somewhat go against the story, but might prove necessary.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/samstrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/tommycornell.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][B][I]the road agent's report...[/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Lurching forward in his seat, Sam Strong was on the point of throwing up. His ailment wasn't physical and in reality, the only reason he lurched forward was to retrieve the plastic cone of cola he'd accidentally kicked over in-between twitching and fidgeting. He wasn't even feeling nauseous due to the very heights scaled and subsequently leapt from by a certain red-maned worker that back in the day, would have made the superstar of yesteryear's stomach turn over. No, Sam Strong was on the point of being sick because the amazing display being put on in front of him was being greeted by a bunch of kids and their parents sitting on their hands. If this was the sort of crowd that "family friendly" usually drew, then USPW could stick it. In fairness, the enjoyment level of Strong's night wasn't exactly helped by the fact that he had to travel all the way down to Arkansas for this recruitment mission in the first place. He was already unimpressed after being warned a member of the arena security for swearing under his breath. There were after all children around and the gentlemen whom one concerned mother had described to this particular member of the security staff as "grizzled" would have to bite his tongue or face being evicted. Grizzled? That was how someone should be depicting the likes of Robert Oxford, not an ultra babyface like Strong. If you caught Oxford in the wrong mood, you'd get your damn grizzled. You'd think a legend of Strong's stature would get a bit more respect, but then, this wasn't his crowd. He might have been in attendance incognito, but surely someone would have recognised him? Apparently the two thousand strong crowd were more preoccupied with the likes of Captain USA and The Hillbillys. Before the main attractions however, USPW had put its rather impressive undercard on display. Not that these people appreciated such talents. Johnny Bloodstone had just performed more counters in forty seconds than a world-class chess player could in a three hour match, yet a majority these "fans" were more inclined to queue at the concession stands than trouble themselves to watch. On the subject of Bloodstone, Strong had been understandably impressed by his technical skills, despite being far from an accomplished technical wrestler himself back in the day. Bloodstone's opponent though, had caught Strong's attention far more. It wasn't so much that the monkey-masked worker known as Hell Monkey had caught the TCW staffer's attention, but more his performance demanded it. The kid (anyone under the age of thirty received that classification from Strong) had ability, but moreso he had a certain "wow" factor about him. Something that made him stand out from the pack. No, it wasn't the (in Strong's opinion) goofy looking mask, but something else. He had ring presence, he had star quality and he had the potential to aim higher than USPW. These people here in Arkansas might not recognise it, but Strong did and he suspected he wasn't the only one. Rumours suggested that the SWF had also been scouting the promotion in recent weeks. The acquisitions of Rick Law and Painful Procedure had swelled their ranks to a point where their need for extra numbers was not immediate, but if Richard Eisen was informed of something he might want, he'd snatch it none the less. That's why Tommy Cornell had sent Strong down here as a matter of urgency. He wasn't prepared to let Eisen pip him at the post in a quest for new talent, talent that USPW had a veritable cache of. The likes of Darryl Devine, Bloodstone, Hell Monkey and Mick Muscles were all destined for greater things or at least they were if handled correctly. Strong however, wasn't here to recruit any of these workers originally. Instead, Cornell had identified his target as the man currently clad in the striped jersey. Known as Baby Jamie, the referee or "zebra" as Cornell liked to tag them seemed suited for the world of sports entertainment. He had a good look, reasonable skills and a couple of other strings to his bow other than the ability to slap his hand on the mat. The TCW owner was attempting to reshuffle his proverbial pack and that included the referees. Strong would approach the official concerning contract negotiations following the show, but Cornell had also given him the mandate to use his discretion if any other suitable gems of talent came to his attention during the night. Strong had already identified one and that was the superstar currently celebrating a poorly received (considering the quality of the bout) victory inside the squared circle. Anyone else that had fallen under the road agent's observation tonight purely fell in the "maybe" category. The fire haired brawler from New York however, was a dead cert... provided Cornell gave the green light. Given how much money the TCW owner had committed to George DeColt already, there should be some loose change in which to use to furnish his promotion further. Stretching, Strong watched on as the ring was cleared and the next portion of the show was due. A rambling Jim Force promo was aired on the videotron, the delivery of which bordered on cringe worthy. Whilst the power and paint worker talked of galaxies far away and the supernatural powers that course his veins, Strong drew is cell phone from his jacket pocket and took opportunity to contact his boss. [I]"Tommy, Sam here... just remember you owe me a tank of gas for this..."[/I] Cornell was "busy" in his hotel room when Strong rang. The veteran hoped it was TCW related business occupying Cornell and not over indulgence in either room service or the adult features available on his pay-per-view set. [I]"Oh yeah, just wonderful... I'm sitting amongst a crowd that would pop louder for Mickey Mouse!"[/I] Back at ringside, the announcer piped up and began to introduce the next match; his amplified voice forcing Strong to press the phone closer to his ear. [I]"I'm meeting your guy after the show, but I've got another lead I want to chase up... what? I said, I'VE GOT ANOTHER LEAD TO CHASE UP!"[/I] As if combating the noise made by the announcer wasn't enough, the next wrestler's theme started to boom out over the public announce system. Considering his name and gimmick, the massive competitor known as "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex was accompanied by suitably thunderous music that made Strong's conversation with Cornell even more difficult to maintain. [I]"That's right, chalk it... urgh... CHALK IT UP TO A DISCRETION CALL!"[/I] His frustration was now simmering and reaching the point of boiling over. Intending to leave his seat and continue the call from the more sheltered corridors behind the stands, Strong made his way down the row in which he was seated and was about to scale the steps leading to the exit when he saw her. The way she carried herself down to ringside with her client was perfection personified, she had her part down to a fine art and much like Hell Monkey before her, Strong believed that she had "it". She was ideal, just what Cornell had been looking for. [I]"Hold that thought Tommy, I think I've just found us our secretary..."[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/samstrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/tommycornell.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][B][I]the road agent's report...[/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Lurching forward in his seat, Sam Strong was on the point of throwing up. His ailment wasn't physical and in reality, the only reason he lurched forward was to retrieve the plastic cone of cola he'd accidentally kicked over in-between twitching and fidgeting. He wasn't even feeling nauseous due to the very heights scaled and subsequently leapt from by a certain red-maned worker that back in the day, would have made the superstar of yesteryear's stomach turn over. No, Sam Strong was on the point of being sick because the amazing display being put on in front of him was being greeted by a bunch of kids and their parents sitting on their hands. If this was the sort of crowd that "family friendly" usually drew, then USPW could stick it. In fairness, the enjoyment level of Strong's night wasn't exactly helped by the fact that he had to travel all the way down to Arkansas for this recruitment mission in the first place. He was already unimpressed after being warned a member of the arena security for swearing under his breath. There were after all children around and the gentlemen whom one concerned mother had described to this particular member of the security staff as "grizzled" would have to bite his tongue or face being evicted. Grizzled? That was how someone should be depicting the likes of Robert Oxford, not an ultra babyface like Strong. If you caught Oxford in the wrong mood, you'd get your damn grizzled. You'd think a legend of Strong's stature would get a bit more respect, but then, this wasn't his crowd. He might have been in attendance incognito, but surely someone would have recognised him? Apparently the two thousand strong crowd were more preoccupied with the likes of Captain USA and The Hillbillys. Before the main attractions however, USPW had put its rather impressive undercard on display. Not that these people appreciated such talents. Johnny Bloodstone had just performed more counters in forty seconds than a world-class chess player could in a three hour match, yet a majority these "fans" were more inclined to queue at the concession stands than trouble themselves to watch. On the subject of Bloodstone, Strong had been understandably impressed by his technical skills, despite being far from an accomplished technical wrestler himself back in the day. Bloodstone's opponent though, had caught Strong's attention far more. It wasn't so much that the monkey-masked worker known as Hell Monkey had caught the TCW staffer's attention, but more his performance demanded it. The kid (anyone under the age of thirty received that classification from Strong) had ability, but moreso he had a certain "wow" factor about him. Something that made him stand out from the pack. No, it wasn't the (in Strong's opinion) goofy looking mask, but something else. He had ring presence, he had star quality and he had the potential to aim higher than USPW. These people here in Arkansas might not recognise it, but Strong did and he suspected he wasn't the only one. Rumours suggested that the SWF had also been scouting the promotion in recent weeks. The acquisitions of Rick Law and Painful Procedure had swelled their ranks to a point where their need for extra numbers was not immediate, but if Richard Eisen was informed of something he might want, he'd snatch it none the less. That's why Tommy Cornell had sent Strong down here as a matter of urgency. He wasn't prepared to let Eisen pip him at the post in a quest for new talent, talent that USPW had a veritable cache of. The likes of Darryl Devine, Bloodstone, Hell Monkey and Mick Muscles were all destined for greater things or at least they were if handled correctly. Strong however, wasn't here to recruit any of these workers originally. Instead, Cornell had identified his target as the man currently clad in the striped jersey. Known as Baby Jamie, the referee or "zebra" as Cornell liked to tag them seemed suited for the world of sports entertainment. He had a good look, reasonable skills and a couple of other strings to his bow other than the ability to slap his hand on the mat. The TCW owner was attempting to reshuffle his proverbial pack and that included the referees. Strong would approach the official concerning contract negotiations following the show, but Cornell had also given him the mandate to use his discretion if any other suitable gems of talent came to his attention during the night. Strong had already identified one and that was the superstar currently celebrating a poorly received (considering the quality of the bout) victory inside the squared circle. Anyone else that had fallen under the road agent's observation tonight purely fell in the "maybe" category. The fire haired brawler from New York however, was a dead cert... provided Cornell gave the green light. Given how much money the TCW owner had committed to George DeColt already, there should be some loose change in which to use to furnish his promotion further. Stretching, Strong watched on as the ring was cleared and the next portion of the show was due. A rambling Jim Force promo was aired on the videotron, the delivery of which bordered on cringe worthy. Whilst the power and paint worker talked of galaxies far away and the supernatural powers that course his veins, Strong drew is cell phone from his jacket pocket and took opportunity to contact his boss. [I]"Tommy, Sam here... just remember you owe me a tank of gas for this..."[/I] Cornell was "busy" in his hotel room when Strong rang. The veteran hoped it was TCW related business occupying Cornell and not over indulgence in either room service or the adult features available on his pay-per-view set. [I]"Oh yeah, just wonderful... I'm sitting amongst a crowd that would pop louder for Mickey Mouse!"[/I] Back at ringside, the announcer piped up and began to introduce the next match; his amplified voice forcing Strong to press the phone closer to his ear. [I]"I'm meeting your guy after the show, but I've got another lead I want to chase up... what? I said, I'VE GOT ANOTHER LEAD TO CHASE UP!"[/I] As if combating the noise made by the announcer wasn't enough, the next wrestler's theme started to boom out over the public announce system. Considering his name and gimmick, the massive competitor known as "The Jurassic Power" T-Rex was accompanied by suitably thunderous music that made Strong's conversation with Cornell even more difficult to maintain. [I]"That's right, chalk it... urgh... CHALK IT UP TO A DISCRETION CALL!"[/I] His frustration was now simmering and reaching the point of boiling over. Intending to leave his seat and continue the call from the more sheltered corridors behind the stands, Strong made his way down the row in which he was seated and was about to scale the steps leading to the exit when he saw her. The way she carried herself down to ringside with her client was perfection personified, she had her part down to a fine art and much like Hell Monkey before her, Strong believed that she had "it". She was ideal, just what Cornell had been looking for. [I]"Hold that thought Tommy, I think I've just found us our secretary..."[/I]
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Just to add, the last post means the backstory is somewhat drawing to a close until the first show. They'll be one more installment plus possibly a brief highlight of anything meaningful that happens in the first day prior to the first TCW show. The show itself will be reasonably detailed, but certainly not to the extent of the storyline posts. For the first show itself, I'd be interested to hear peoples thoughts on how it's been built up (enough lead up, couple more things need explanation, etc) and any expectations for the first show, things you'd hope to see etc. Just some basic input I guess. Anyway, thanks to all those reading and especially those replying. Whilst it's fun to write this for my own amusement, it's always great to know that others are following it. :cool:
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