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TCW: Tommy Cornell Goes For Broke

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/richardeisen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][B][I]inside the Eisen empire...[/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Richard Eisen looked out at the city, its buildings shining like chips of cold glass against the black velvet night sky. From the vantage point of his top floor office he could appreciate the full extent of the city's sprawling growth as the sign of man's progress stretched for miles into the distance, each segment humming with activity. Much like the city, the current premises occupied by Eisen and his multi-million dollar corporation illustrated their progress, reaching the summit of the industry and peering down at those beneath his towering achievement. Coined "Supreme Towers" by its occupants, Richard Eisen almost had a storey for every person in the business he stepped on along the road to success and in a controversial and ruthless career, that was a considerable number of people. Eisen didn't just get his jollies from stepping on those who opposed his growing empire. That simply wasn't enough. In the Eisen ideology, an opponent could be compared a c0ckroach scuttling across the kitchen floor. Squishing the c0ckroach beneath one's boot was not sufficient alone, they needed to be suffer. They needed to feel the weight of the boot pressing down upon them in a suffocating and pain-soaked fashion until they could no longer survive beneath it. Once their physical form was devoid of life, their remaining entrails were to be smeared across the tiled floor and left to rot as an example to others considering following such a path. On occasion however, the roach would need to endure humiliation before it was robbed of its existence. Sometimes, the roach would have to experience death in a brutal, systematic fashion by having it's many limbs removed one by one until only the helpless shell remained. Then and only then after observing and savouring its futile attempts to escape an impending demise, would the roach's fate finally be sealed. When it came to Tommy Cornell and Total Championship Wrestling, Richard Eisen favoured the latter approach. Tearing Painful Procedure away from his nearest rivals, that was like tearing away one of TCW's legs. He couldn't take credit for capturing Rick Law, that opportunity literally fell into his lap and as for Blonde Bombshell... as marketable as she was, her value to Cornell didn't equate to that of a full limb. Eisen's next move in comparison was well worth three of them and he intended to snap them off in a singular movement. Removing a green ivory pen from his jacket pocket, the owner of the mighty Supreme Wrestling Federation drummed the writing implement on what some would consider the gaudy glass desk where the senior Eisen conducted his most important business. His next appointment was due shortly, but this was far from a routine meeting. Usually upon requesting an individual's presence in his office, Eisen would remain in a nearby room for several minutes and let his "guest" wait in awe of their surroundings. He forced almost everyone to wait and not only would they wait, but they'd sweat as well. They'd wait, sweat and then feel the room gradually become more claustrophobic. Finally Eisen would walk in, the psychological edge firmly his. It was an old corporate trick, but like they say, the old tricks are often the best. Tonight though, Eisen had decided that such a tactic was not appropriate, regardless as to whether his guest was familiar with such a routine. [I]"Mr Eisen..."[/I] The intercom crackled to life with the distorted voice of the token blonde secretary the SWF owner had posted on the desk outside. Eisen stepped forward and cut his employee off, he knew the purpose of her call meaning there was little to be achieved by simply having her reiterate it. [I]"Thank you Dawn, you can send him in."[/I] Caressing the expensive leather on his seat briefly before sitting in it, Richard Eisen returned the pen to his pocket and clasped his hands together as he waited. Eisen's impressive pad certainly didn't appear to cut my ice with the Canadian gentlemen who entered the office, his eyes locked on the SWF owner and never deviating as he approached the glass desk. It was also apparent that he didn't appreciate being "summoned" by the likes of Eisen, yet he knew from what had been explained to him prior arrival, that he had little choice but to attend. The expression on the gentleman's face was as icy as the territory he haled from, yet the tone of his voice was dryer than a dose of cotten mouth. [I]"You've got your wish, I'm here."[/I] Flashing a smile that lacked as much sincerity as it did charm, Eisen offered his guest the nearby chair. [I]"Please Mr DeColt, take a seat. We have much to discuss..."[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/richardeisen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][B][I]inside the Eisen empire...[/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] Richard Eisen looked out at the city, its buildings shining like chips of cold glass against the black velvet night sky. From the vantage point of his top floor office he could appreciate the full extent of the city's sprawling growth as the sign of man's progress stretched for miles into the distance, each segment humming with activity. Much like the city, the current premises occupied by Eisen and his multi-million dollar corporation illustrated their progress, reaching the summit of the industry and peering down at those beneath his towering achievement. Coined "Supreme Towers" by its occupants, Richard Eisen almost had a storey for every person in the business he stepped on along the road to success and in a controversial and ruthless career, that was a considerable number of people. Eisen didn't just get his jollies from stepping on those who opposed his growing empire. That simply wasn't enough. In the Eisen ideology, an opponent could be compared a c0ckroach scuttling across the kitchen floor. Squishing the c0ckroach beneath one's boot was not sufficient alone, they needed to be suffer. They needed to feel the weight of the boot pressing down upon them in a suffocating and pain-soaked fashion until they could no longer survive beneath it. Once their physical form was devoid of life, their remaining entrails were to be smeared across the tiled floor and left to rot as an example to others considering following such a path. On occasion however, the roach would need to endure humiliation before it was robbed of its existence. Sometimes, the roach would have to experience death in a brutal, systematic fashion by having it's many limbs removed one by one until only the helpless shell remained. Then and only then after observing and savouring its futile attempts to escape an impending demise, would the roach's fate finally be sealed. When it came to Tommy Cornell and Total Championship Wrestling, Richard Eisen favoured the latter approach. Tearing Painful Procedure away from his nearest rivals, that was like tearing away one of TCW's legs. He couldn't take credit for capturing Rick Law, that opportunity literally fell into his lap and as for Blonde Bombshell... as marketable as she was, her value to Cornell didn't equate to that of a full limb. Eisen's next move in comparison was well worth three of them and he intended to snap them off in a singular movement. Removing a green ivory pen from his jacket pocket, the owner of the mighty Supreme Wrestling Federation drummed the writing implement on what some would consider the gaudy glass desk where the senior Eisen conducted his most important business. His next appointment was due shortly, but this was far from a routine meeting. Usually upon requesting an individual's presence in his office, Eisen would remain in a nearby room for several minutes and let his "guest" wait in awe of their surroundings. He forced almost everyone to wait and not only would they wait, but they'd sweat as well. They'd wait, sweat and then feel the room gradually become more claustrophobic. Finally Eisen would walk in, the psychological edge firmly his. It was an old corporate trick, but like they say, the old tricks are often the best. Tonight though, Eisen had decided that such a tactic was not appropriate, regardless as to whether his guest was familiar with such a routine. [I]"Mr Eisen..."[/I] The intercom crackled to life with the distorted voice of the token blonde secretary the SWF owner had posted on the desk outside. Eisen stepped forward and cut his employee off, he knew the purpose of her call meaning there was little to be achieved by simply having her reiterate it. [I]"Thank you Dawn, you can send him in."[/I] Caressing the expensive leather on his seat briefly before sitting in it, Richard Eisen returned the pen to his pocket and clasped his hands together as he waited. Eisen's impressive pad certainly didn't appear to cut my ice with the Canadian gentlemen who entered the office, his eyes locked on the SWF owner and never deviating as he approached the glass desk. It was also apparent that he didn't appreciate being "summoned" by the likes of Eisen, yet he knew from what had been explained to him prior arrival, that he had little choice but to attend. The expression on the gentleman's face was as icy as the territory he haled from, yet the tone of his voice was dryer than a dose of cotten mouth. [I]"You've got your wish, I'm here."[/I] Flashing a smile that lacked as much sincerity as it did charm, Eisen offered his guest the nearby chair. [I]"Please Mr DeColt, take a seat. We have much to discuss..."[/I]
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I dunno. Plot is good but this last entry seems rushed. Wasn't proofread like the others, I'm guessing. Excellent premise though. Alex is turning, stupid sumbitch. Always a hater on the inside when you're on a paper chase. :( It's either Alex or Steve and Steve has too much to gain by keeping his mouth shut.
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I dunno. Plot is good but this last entry seems rushed. Wasn't proofread like the others, I'm guessing. Excellent premise though. Alex is turning, stupid sumbitch. Always a hater on the inside when you're on a paper chase. :( It's either Alex or Steve and Steve has too much to gain by keeping his mouth shut.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/richardeisen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/georgedecolt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][B][I]a forced understanding...[/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] The notion that any major developments in this business would escape the attention of Richard Eisen for any significant amount of time was fanciful at best. Therefore when an agreement the magnitude of Tommy Cornell's and George DeColt's was forged back in British Columbia, the chances of it evading Eisen's radar were remote. The SWF owner's so-called people seemed to have the business tapped, his web of influence stretching across the globe from Mexico to Japan and evidently also across the border to Canada. In retrospect it was quite a feat that the TCW/CGC merger had escaped Eisen's attention for as long as it did, which sadly where Cornell and the DeColts were concerned, wasn't long enough. Lured by a cryptic albeit brief message from Eisen, George DeColt felt compelled to attend this nigh on midnight consultation with the SWF owner who in his own double-edged words promised the Canadian promoter an offer that he could neither afford to miss on a financial or indeed personal level. Such a menacing undertone could not be ignored and as much as DeColt would hate to admit it, neither could a man who wielded the power that Richard Eisen wields. So he arrived as summoned and he sat where instructed. That was the extent to which George DeColt's full cooperation stretched. The initial interactions between the SWF supremo and George DeColt contained no pleasantries and minimal input from the patriarch of the DeColt family; instead the conversation relied on the words slipping off of Eisen's silver tongue. Truth be told, DeColt had interest in neither these words, nor any offer Eisen intended to lay on the table. Whereas Cornell's credentials had needed to be put under intense scrutiny before the legendary Canadian grappler would partake in business with him, a character of Eisen's ilk did not even merit such consideration. The SWF owner's reputation preceded him and George DeColt remained adamant that he would never associate himself with Richard Eisen, let alone enter business with him. His ruthless nature was only matched by his greed and the level of corruption involved to increase his growing dominance of pro-wrestling. He was for all intents and purposes the polar opposite of what George DeColt had ever aspired to be. [I]"I'm a man of my word Eisen... I never go back on my word."[/I] DeColt was yet to learn that the outcome of this meeting would have little to do with his own volition. Eisen's alleged offer was little more than thinly veiled blackmail masquerading as some form of legitimate choice. The offer was to join the galaxy of stars in SWF, the terms were yet to surface, but they would in time and George DeColt sure as hell wouldn't like them. [I]"And I too of mine, Mr DeColt, which is why you should believe me when I promise you that rejecting this deal, would be a most regrettable act..."[/I] On that threatening note, George DeColt lifted himself out of the seat and turned his back to the SWF owner as he made for the doorway. He hadn't endured a forty eight floor elevator journey, let alone the task of concealing the true nature of his night from his sons, just to face this. Eisen wasn't troubled by such actions. He remained seated behind his desk, retaining the same smug expression that had been plastered on his face ever since the CGC founder had set foot in his office. He knew DeColt wouldn't be going anywhere. [I]"I can destroy your little company within the twenty four hours if the mood so takes me Mr DeColt..."[/I] The Canadian promoter displayed no signs of reaction and maintained his course for the exit. [I]"...or with the same ease, your family."[/I] The patriarch of the DeColt family stopped abruptly in his tracks and then pivoted on the spot, flashing an accusing finger back towards Eisen. That last verbal barb had pierced the weathered exterior of the Canadian. [I]"It is one thing to threaten me, but to imply harm on my family is beyon..." [/I] [I]"Harm? When did I threaten to harm them? That isn't how I conduct myself as either a gentleman or a businessman, Mr DeColt and besides, the harm will originate from your lies and deception, not from myself. You wear your principles and values like a protective suit of arms that somehow puts you on a pedestal above the likes of me. Morally bankrupt I may be, but at least I respect my family enough not to abuse the bond of trust that exists between us. Can the same be said of you I wonder?"[/I] The building rage inside of George DeColt suddenly subsided, like a balloon after the process of deflation. The result left a rather hollow and empty man standing in the middle of the marble floor, staring back at Eisen in disbelief. He knew. It didn't matter how, he knew. [I]"You know as well I as I do that the answer is no. You're a hypocrite DeColt. I can see the way you look at men like me... like I'm beneath you, something you might have trodden on in the street just because I don't hold myself up as some sort of banner for integrity and truth. Here's the truth George... I can call you George can't I?"[/I] Eisen had upped his game to his demeaning best, but a form of self-induced psychological paralysis prevented DeColt from offering any retort. [I]"The truth is George, I find that pathetic. What's more, I find you pathetic and the fact that you're unsure of the paternity of your youngest son, yet live your life as a lie rather than risk revealing the truth to him is even more pathetic. You stand there, drowning in a sea of uncertainty, blighted by doubt and for what purpose? To prevent the name of your late wife from being sullied and having her exposed as the whore she really wa..."[/I] Lunging forward DeColt snatched Eisen by his lapels with the speed that one would assume was beyond a man of his age. Jerking the SWF owner forward, DeColt's eyes burned a hole through Eisen's as the Canadian's breathing intensified. He could see his hands visibly shaking as they clutched the fabric, but the words... they simply wouldn't form. Unnerved by the physical outburst, smirk cut across Eisen's face. [I]"A raw nerve I see... I'll forgive you that indiscretion due to the emotional state you're in, but one more lapse like that and I'll order security to haul you out of the building... regardless as to whether your frail bones can withstand the landing provided by the concrete outside. Please, sit."[/I] Relinquishing his grip on the senior Eisen, DeColt returned to his seat, his reluctance obvious. [I]"Now back to my offer..."[/I] Using the skeletons in the DeColt family closet as his prime bargaining chip, Eisen laid down the terms available to the CGC owner. Typically they weren't favourable to George DeColt. In order to buy Eisen's silence and spare his family's reputation, DeColt would be required to pledge his written allegiance to the Supreme Wrestling Federation and as a consequence, break his word to Tommy Cornell and TCW. That was the price to protect not only his secret, but his promotion as well. Should DeColt accept these terms, Eisen would promise in writing to preserve both concerns. There-in lay another dilemma for the Canadian who was currently feeling a long way from home at this point in time. Such a contract would also bind him to secrecy regarding this deal, meaning that the terms could not be disclosed to anyone outside of the select group of two currently occupying Eisen's office. Neither Cornell, nor any of DeColt's four sons could learn the true motivation for their father's betrayal. In other words, George DeColt's reputation would be soiled to preserve that of his late wife and his youngest son, Ricky. It was a sacrifice that George DeColt felt required to make. After all, strained relationships with his living sons would be repairable over the course of time. On the contrary, the good name and memories of the woman he loved and cherished? Those were irreplaceable. [I]"Well George? Do we have an understanding?"[/I] Prompting DeColt from the other side of the desk, Eisen retrieved the ivory pen from his pocket and resumed the rhythmic drumming against the glass table surface. It was intentionally distracting. As if the SWF supremo hadn't gotten his proverbial rocks off enough by watching the emotional turmoil engulfing DeColt, Eisen still saw fit to further up the ante with an added condition. DeColt had been granted one escape route from his deal with the SWF, a singular objective that should it be met, would see the Canadian's half the agreement terminated. Eisen referred to it as an incentive, preferring to overlook its deliberately divisive nature. Simply put, DeColt would be freed from the deal when either two years had expired or TCW had been put out business, whichever came first. As ironic twists went, this ranked up amongst the best. George DeColt had put his company and reputation on the line to align himself with Cornell and now it was in his best interests to aid Eisen in putting TCW to rest so that DeColt could return back north what remained of his legacy. Could he afford to reject Eisen's offer? He couldn't put his own interests first... despite what flak he'd sustain as a consequence. Either way, his sons would be left feeling betrayed by their father. In professional terms, whilst Eisen's self-exaltation was a tiresome act to behold, his boasts did warrant concern. If he had the means and resources to continually overcome the resurgent TCW of two years ago, then simple deductive logic surely meant that he could easily wipe CGC off of the wrestling map if he were to make that his focus. Then what would the patriarch of the DeColt family have left? There were no other options. Of course Eisen had emptily reiterated that it was nothing personal against the DeColts, but they were responsible for wading into the middle of a bitter war between himself and Tommy Cornell. George DeColt and his family were little more than collateral damage. It was a bitter pill to swallow and the CGC founder's head had sunken so low towards his chest, that his next words were virtually spoken directly into his diaphragm. [I]"Yes... We have an understanding..."[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/richardeisen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/georgedecolt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="4"][B][I]a forced understanding...[/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] The notion that any major developments in this business would escape the attention of Richard Eisen for any significant amount of time was fanciful at best. Therefore when an agreement the magnitude of Tommy Cornell's and George DeColt's was forged back in British Columbia, the chances of it evading Eisen's radar were remote. The SWF owner's so-called people seemed to have the business tapped, his web of influence stretching across the globe from Mexico to Japan and evidently also across the border to Canada. In retrospect it was quite a feat that the TCW/CGC merger had escaped Eisen's attention for as long as it did, which sadly where Cornell and the DeColts were concerned, wasn't long enough. Lured by a cryptic albeit brief message from Eisen, George DeColt felt compelled to attend this nigh on midnight consultation with the SWF owner who in his own double-edged words promised the Canadian promoter an offer that he could neither afford to miss on a financial or indeed personal level. Such a menacing undertone could not be ignored and as much as DeColt would hate to admit it, neither could a man who wielded the power that Richard Eisen wields. So he arrived as summoned and he sat where instructed. That was the extent to which George DeColt's full cooperation stretched. The initial interactions between the SWF supremo and George DeColt contained no pleasantries and minimal input from the patriarch of the DeColt family; instead the conversation relied on the words slipping off of Eisen's silver tongue. Truth be told, DeColt had interest in neither these words, nor any offer Eisen intended to lay on the table. Whereas Cornell's credentials had needed to be put under intense scrutiny before the legendary Canadian grappler would partake in business with him, a character of Eisen's ilk did not even merit such consideration. The SWF owner's reputation preceded him and George DeColt remained adamant that he would never associate himself with Richard Eisen, let alone enter business with him. His ruthless nature was only matched by his greed and the level of corruption involved to increase his growing dominance of pro-wrestling. He was for all intents and purposes the polar opposite of what George DeColt had ever aspired to be. [I]"I'm a man of my word Eisen... I never go back on my word."[/I] DeColt was yet to learn that the outcome of this meeting would have little to do with his own volition. Eisen's alleged offer was little more than thinly veiled blackmail masquerading as some form of legitimate choice. The offer was to join the galaxy of stars in SWF, the terms were yet to surface, but they would in time and George DeColt sure as hell wouldn't like them. [I]"And I too of mine, Mr DeColt, which is why you should believe me when I promise you that rejecting this deal, would be a most regrettable act..."[/I] On that threatening note, George DeColt lifted himself out of the seat and turned his back to the SWF owner as he made for the doorway. He hadn't endured a forty eight floor elevator journey, let alone the task of concealing the true nature of his night from his sons, just to face this. Eisen wasn't troubled by such actions. He remained seated behind his desk, retaining the same smug expression that had been plastered on his face ever since the CGC founder had set foot in his office. He knew DeColt wouldn't be going anywhere. [I]"I can destroy your little company within the twenty four hours if the mood so takes me Mr DeColt..."[/I] The Canadian promoter displayed no signs of reaction and maintained his course for the exit. [I]"...or with the same ease, your family."[/I] The patriarch of the DeColt family stopped abruptly in his tracks and then pivoted on the spot, flashing an accusing finger back towards Eisen. That last verbal barb had pierced the weathered exterior of the Canadian. [I]"It is one thing to threaten me, but to imply harm on my family is beyon..." [/I] [I]"Harm? When did I threaten to harm them? That isn't how I conduct myself as either a gentleman or a businessman, Mr DeColt and besides, the harm will originate from your lies and deception, not from myself. You wear your principles and values like a protective suit of arms that somehow puts you on a pedestal above the likes of me. Morally bankrupt I may be, but at least I respect my family enough not to abuse the bond of trust that exists between us. Can the same be said of you I wonder?"[/I] The building rage inside of George DeColt suddenly subsided, like a balloon after the process of deflation. The result left a rather hollow and empty man standing in the middle of the marble floor, staring back at Eisen in disbelief. He knew. It didn't matter how, he knew. [I]"You know as well I as I do that the answer is no. You're a hypocrite DeColt. I can see the way you look at men like me... like I'm beneath you, something you might have trodden on in the street just because I don't hold myself up as some sort of banner for integrity and truth. Here's the truth George... I can call you George can't I?"[/I] Eisen had upped his game to his demeaning best, but a form of self-induced psychological paralysis prevented DeColt from offering any retort. [I]"The truth is George, I find that pathetic. What's more, I find you pathetic and the fact that you're unsure of the paternity of your youngest son, yet live your life as a lie rather than risk revealing the truth to him is even more pathetic. You stand there, drowning in a sea of uncertainty, blighted by doubt and for what purpose? To prevent the name of your late wife from being sullied and having her exposed as the whore she really wa..."[/I] Lunging forward DeColt snatched Eisen by his lapels with the speed that one would assume was beyond a man of his age. Jerking the SWF owner forward, DeColt's eyes burned a hole through Eisen's as the Canadian's breathing intensified. He could see his hands visibly shaking as they clutched the fabric, but the words... they simply wouldn't form. Unnerved by the physical outburst, smirk cut across Eisen's face. [I]"A raw nerve I see... I'll forgive you that indiscretion due to the emotional state you're in, but one more lapse like that and I'll order security to haul you out of the building... regardless as to whether your frail bones can withstand the landing provided by the concrete outside. Please, sit."[/I] Relinquishing his grip on the senior Eisen, DeColt returned to his seat, his reluctance obvious. [I]"Now back to my offer..."[/I] Using the skeletons in the DeColt family closet as his prime bargaining chip, Eisen laid down the terms available to the CGC owner. Typically they weren't favourable to George DeColt. In order to buy Eisen's silence and spare his family's reputation, DeColt would be required to pledge his written allegiance to the Supreme Wrestling Federation and as a consequence, break his word to Tommy Cornell and TCW. That was the price to protect not only his secret, but his promotion as well. Should DeColt accept these terms, Eisen would promise in writing to preserve both concerns. There-in lay another dilemma for the Canadian who was currently feeling a long way from home at this point in time. Such a contract would also bind him to secrecy regarding this deal, meaning that the terms could not be disclosed to anyone outside of the select group of two currently occupying Eisen's office. Neither Cornell, nor any of DeColt's four sons could learn the true motivation for their father's betrayal. In other words, George DeColt's reputation would be soiled to preserve that of his late wife and his youngest son, Ricky. It was a sacrifice that George DeColt felt required to make. After all, strained relationships with his living sons would be repairable over the course of time. On the contrary, the good name and memories of the woman he loved and cherished? Those were irreplaceable. [I]"Well George? Do we have an understanding?"[/I] Prompting DeColt from the other side of the desk, Eisen retrieved the ivory pen from his pocket and resumed the rhythmic drumming against the glass table surface. It was intentionally distracting. As if the SWF supremo hadn't gotten his proverbial rocks off enough by watching the emotional turmoil engulfing DeColt, Eisen still saw fit to further up the ante with an added condition. DeColt had been granted one escape route from his deal with the SWF, a singular objective that should it be met, would see the Canadian's half the agreement terminated. Eisen referred to it as an incentive, preferring to overlook its deliberately divisive nature. Simply put, DeColt would be freed from the deal when either two years had expired or TCW had been put out business, whichever came first. As ironic twists went, this ranked up amongst the best. George DeColt had put his company and reputation on the line to align himself with Cornell and now it was in his best interests to aid Eisen in putting TCW to rest so that DeColt could return back north what remained of his legacy. Could he afford to reject Eisen's offer? He couldn't put his own interests first... despite what flak he'd sustain as a consequence. Either way, his sons would be left feeling betrayed by their father. In professional terms, whilst Eisen's self-exaltation was a tiresome act to behold, his boasts did warrant concern. If he had the means and resources to continually overcome the resurgent TCW of two years ago, then simple deductive logic surely meant that he could easily wipe CGC off of the wrestling map if he were to make that his focus. Then what would the patriarch of the DeColt family have left? There were no other options. Of course Eisen had emptily reiterated that it was nothing personal against the DeColts, but they were responsible for wading into the middle of a bitter war between himself and Tommy Cornell. George DeColt and his family were little more than collateral damage. It was a bitter pill to swallow and the CGC founder's head had sunken so low towards his chest, that his next words were virtually spoken directly into his diaphragm. [I]"Yes... We have an understanding..."[/I]
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OLD FOOL! The dead are dead, they should not continually hinder the progress of the living. That's my opinion, at least. If his wife was humpin' around, let her deal with that posthumously. Get a DNA test done on Ricky to confirm paternity and be done with it. Besides, fatherhood doesn't end with a seminal deposit. George has been Ricky's father in the truest sense of the word. Which swimmer got to the egg first shouldn't matter this late in the game.
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OLD FOOL! The dead are dead, they should not continually hinder the progress of the living. That's my opinion, at least. If his wife was humpin' around, let her deal with that posthumously. Get a DNA test done on Ricky to confirm paternity and be done with it. Besides, fatherhood doesn't end with a seminal deposit. George has been Ricky's father in the truest sense of the word. Which swimmer got to the egg first shouldn't matter this late in the game.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;147002]That is such a crock but I guess it helps you with your data. So will that fix your problems if CGC isn't with you?[/QUOTE] Yeah it does to an extent. If George DeColt seemingly just dumps his fed and family to head to SWF (plus a couple of other things yet to happen), then this would justify bumping CGC down to regional level, stopping them from constantly trying to pull out with the parent fed arrangement with TCW... I suspected infinitly cancelling out of their decision would screw something up eventually or at the least, fill my inbox to an extent where I'd have to accept them pulling out. The storyline is a bit of a stretch I realise, but it seemed a nice touch to chip away some of that "wholesome" DeColt family image and there's a little more to this story than meets the eye. That and without spending overly long (I really wanted to dive into shows by now) weighing up some other reasonably plausible cause for George DeColt to switch, this seemed to work. [QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;147002]OLD FOOL! The dead are dead, they should not continually hinder the progress of the living. That's my opinion, at least. If his wife was humpin' around, let her deal with that posthumously. Get a DNA test done on Ricky to confirm paternity and be done with it. Besides, fatherhood doesn't end with a seminal deposit. George has been Ricky's father in the truest sense of the word. Which swimmer got to the egg first shouldn't matter this late in the game.[/QUOTE] I much agree, but in George's position (not completely revealed in the previous segment) I'm going from the basis that he didn't find out about his wife's unfaithfulness until well into Ricky's life and foolishly buried the idea of getting DNA confirmation in the case that despite being his father in the most important sense of the word, he'd risk losing his son if he turned out not to be the biological father. Since then, the problem's spiralled and now that his wife is pushing up daisies, he's noble to a fault to preserve her memory. Because of that, Eisen finds him easy prey.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;147002]That is such a crock but I guess it helps you with your data. So will that fix your problems if CGC isn't with you?[/QUOTE] Yeah it does to an extent. If George DeColt seemingly just dumps his fed and family to head to SWF (plus a couple of other things yet to happen), then this would justify bumping CGC down to regional level, stopping them from constantly trying to pull out with the parent fed arrangement with TCW... I suspected infinitly cancelling out of their decision would screw something up eventually or at the least, fill my inbox to an extent where I'd have to accept them pulling out. The storyline is a bit of a stretch I realise, but it seemed a nice touch to chip away some of that "wholesome" DeColt family image and there's a little more to this story than meets the eye. That and without spending overly long (I really wanted to dive into shows by now) weighing up some other reasonably plausible cause for George DeColt to switch, this seemed to work. [QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;147002]OLD FOOL! The dead are dead, they should not continually hinder the progress of the living. That's my opinion, at least. If his wife was humpin' around, let her deal with that posthumously. Get a DNA test done on Ricky to confirm paternity and be done with it. Besides, fatherhood doesn't end with a seminal deposit. George has been Ricky's father in the truest sense of the word. Which swimmer got to the egg first shouldn't matter this late in the game.[/QUOTE] I much agree, but in George's position (not completely revealed in the previous segment) I'm going from the basis that he didn't find out about his wife's unfaithfulness until well into Ricky's life and foolishly buried the idea of getting DNA confirmation in the case that despite being his father in the most important sense of the word, he'd risk losing his son if he turned out not to be the biological father. Since then, the problem's spiralled and now that his wife is pushing up daisies, he's noble to a fault to preserve her memory. Because of that, Eisen finds him easy prey.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;147029]I much agree, but in George's position (not completely revealed in the previous segment) I'm going from the basis that he didn't find out about his wife's unfaithfulness until well into Ricky's life and foolishly buried the idea of getting DNA confirmation in the case that despite being his father in the most important sense of the word, he'd risk losing his son if he turned out not to be the biological father. Since then, the problem's spiralled and now that his wife is pushing up daisies, he's noble to a fault to preserve her memory. Because of that, Eisen finds him easy prey.[/QUOTE] Sentimental generations are like chaff. Great for making by-products, bad for making bread. I hope George suffers for his decision. Furthermore, I hope his family learns the truth and they see him for the sentimental old fool protecting a corpse's memory rather than dealing with the here and now and doing what's best for the people that are still here and not worm food. Emotion has no place in business, unless your business is writing self-help books ("He's Just not that into you" and "Men are from Mars, Women are from the 7th circle of hell.....err, Venus"). (and btw, that's just a reaction to the story as it stands revealed. I realize there's more to it ;) )
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