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[QUOTE][CENTER] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 2 in December 4,283 in Attendance At the Gorski Ballroom[/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]1) Randy Hayes and Johnny Rebel vs. Kamikaze Mike and Kitayama Moschino[/B][/CENTER] Kamikaze Mike and Kitayama get the rub as Randy and Johnny are headed out the door. Kamikaze and Kitayama were very awkward together in the ring, but it doesn’t matter since they’ll never team up again. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kamikaze Mike and Kitayama Moschino ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]2) Cypher vs. El Chupacabra[/B][/CENTER] A very fast paced match as both men weren’t shy about throwing themselves around the ring. Cypher picked up the victory with a moonsault. [CENTER][B]Winner: Cypher ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] After the match Elvia L’Viaquez grabbed the air gun and shot shirts into the crowd. ([COLOR="purple"]A[/COLOR]) [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"] [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge! Goes Live on Access West Coast.[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Stephanie Maddox welcomes everyone to the show and we immediately go to our first match. [CENTER][B]1) So Fresh and So Clean vs. The Masked Wrestler and Luke Leblanc[/B][/CENTER] Jubal Hawkins and Dominique Fletcher come out, repackaged, as the hip-hop inspired tag team So Fresh and So Clean. The two teams are just getting into the match. Both The Masked Wrestler and Dominique are putting on quite the display of aerial skills, when both [URL="http://song2play.com/s/slipknot-3059/vol_3_the_subliminal_verses-13511/the_blister_exists-178935.html"]The Violator and Victor[/URL] come out from backstage and begin making their way down to the ring. With Dominique and The Masked Wrestler locked in combat, The Violator and Victor dispose of their respective partners in brutish fashion, whipping them into the ring steps and laying them out with chairs. The two men climb into the ring, where the once opposing wrestlers have appeared to agree to help each other fend off the opposing force before them. Without warning The Masked Wrestler launches himself at The Violator, while Dominique attempts a clothesline on Victor. As The Violator catches his airborne attacker and reverses his momentum into a [I]Last Rites[/I], Victor simply nails Dominique with a size 19 boot straight to the face. Referee John Miller hastily makes his way backstage, all while calling for a Draw. [CENTER][B]Winner: Draw ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] The Violator grabs a microphone and begins to speak. He states that few wrestlers in PWU have the courage to challenge either Victor or himself. However, last week The Alcatraz Kid made a huge mistake in drawing the attention of the two men in the ring. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“We are every nightmare you've ever had. We’re your worst dream come true. We’re everything you ever were afraid of. Alcatraz Kid, you are about to witness the beauty of suffering.”[/COLOR] [CENTER][B]2) Sacred Spirit vs. T-Rex and Mitch Sanders[/B][/CENTER] T-Rex is a new addition to the roster who will be taking the place of Randy Hayes. The early going in the match was dominated by Sacred Spirit as they isolated Mitch sanders and wore him down with hot tags and double teams. The tide turned when Mitch was able to catch Blackfoot with a kick to the midsection. This gave Mitch the opportunity to finally make the tag and T-Rex absolutely destroyed Blackfoot with a clothesline; he then turned around and quickly intercepted a rushing Dakota Blue with a power slam. Mitch then interfered and began brawling with Dakota outside the ring as T-Rex was able to subject Blackfoot to the [I]Jurassic Crush[/I], for the inevitable tap out. [CENTER][B]Winner: T-Rex and Mitch Sanders ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] [URL="http://song2play.com/t/the_distillers-4230/coral_fang_explicit-19785/the_hunger-262054.html"]Chastity Campbell[/URL] and the rest of the Extinction Agenda come out to the ring. Chastity grabs a mike: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“You know, last week we came out here and put the whole of PWU on notice, that we would not stop until we held every major belt in this company. However, we’ve re-thought our goals and re-prioritized things, you could say. You see, we don’t want every belt, no, there is just one goal we have in mind. There is just one purpose, for the Extinction Agenda, and that is to strip the Unleashed World Championship off of its current unworthy holder. So without further ado, I present to you your next Unleashed World Champion, Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker.”[/COLOR] Axel takes the microphone from Chastity as both Asgard and The Icon make grand gestures toward their stable mate. As Axel attempts to speak the crowd roars with a chorus of boos, that only seem to excite Axel. [COLOR="Red"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Boo, all you want, you know it, and I know it. Hell the chump holding the belt knows, that I am the most deserving of holding that belt. Why do you think, I have yet to receive a title shot to begin with. YOUR champion is scared of me people. When he wakes at night in a cold sweat, who do you think it was that was giving him nightmares? Rather than face me, he’s chosen to face off against some psychotic daredevil that’s more of a danger to himself than his opponent. And how is he following that up, tonight, huh? By going up against some hick tomboy who weighs about as much as my left thigh? A real opponent such as me, or anyone in the Extinction Agenda, is something YOUR champion is afraid of. All I ask is for him to prove me wrong, face me in the ring tonight if you have the balls. Forsaken Angel, show me you are the worthy champion that everyone says you are. Show me right here, right now!”[/COLOR][/COLOR] Suddenly the [URL="http://song2play.com/m/metallica-3373/ride_the_lightning-15150/for_whom_the_bell_tolls-200627.html"]Bell Tolls[/URL] and the Forsaken Angel is standing on the entrance ramp. The Forsaken Angel stands there for a moment, not saying a word, instead he lets the roar of the audience in attendance speak for him. [COLOR="Purple"]“You want me Axel, don’t worry, your chance will come soon enough. For tonight though, I have a match, maybe you should come down to ringside and get a full look at just what you are asking for though. Because if you aren’t careful, the bell may just toll for you.”[/COLOR] ([COLOR="purple"][B]A[/B] for challenge and [B]B+[/B] for the refusal[/COLOR]) [CENTER][B]4) Los Brasiguayos vs. London Bridge © for the Unleashed Tag Team Championship[/B][/CENTER] The beginning of the match was spent with both teams sizing each other up, neither team wanting to make a crucial mistake. Finally, getting comfortable Rafael and Oliver showcased their mat skills, utilizing various holds in an attempt to wear down the opponent. Things picked up when Oliver was able to make a hot tag to the much bigger Ethan, who ran roughshod over Rafael and an assisting Manuel. Now that the advantage had swung to London Bridges favor, the tag champs were able to wear away at Manuel DeLa Vega, keeping him in the middle of the ring as the two of them tagged in and out at will. It wasn’t until General Savage unexpectedly made his way to ringside, that the smaller team was able to gain momentum. As referee John Miller focused on the action in-ring between Ethan and Manuel; General Savage made his way to ringside and grabbed the ring bell. As the referee was counted a near fall, during a pin attempt by Ethan; General Savage pulled Oliver off of the ring apron and waylaid the man with the ring bell, knocking him unconscious. The General then tripped up Ethan as he attempted to take Manuel’s head off with a running clothesline. This gave Los Brasiguayos time to regroup as Ethan and the General argued. After the tag, Rafael ran up from behind Ethan, cradling the man’s head underneath his arm, Rafael rebounded off the ring ropes and performed an amazing running bulldog which left Ethan lying in the middle of the ring. Already perched on the top turnbuckle, Manuel wasted no time hitting Ethan with the [I]Carnival Splash[/I]. Rafael then locked in the [I]Redentor[/I], applying pressure to Ethan’s back and neck. The pain unbearable, Ethan had no other option but to feverishly pound his hand to the mat, making Los Brasiguayos the new Unleashed! Tag Team Champions. [CENTER][B]Winner: Los Brasiguayos ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match General Savage rushed the ring and started an attack on Sir Ethan Oughton. Ethan was still reeling from his loss to Los Brasiguayos and was easily overtaken by the General, who caught him off-guard with a Shellshock. General Savage, who was smug about what he perceived as a job well done; then retrieved a chair from underneath the ring and began pounding on Sir Oliver, who was still unconscious on the outside of the ring. After half a dozen shots to the back with a chair the General picked up the battered Oliver and threw him headfirst into the ring post. Finally, satisfied, General Savage stalked backstage, as trainers came to cart Sir Oliver out on a stretcher. ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR]) [B]5)[/B] Backstage the Violator and Victor have caught up with The Alcatraz Kid in the locker room. They corner him and are about to begin putting the boots to their prey, when out of nowhere The Masked Wrestler bursts through the locker room door. He nails Victor in the back but is too slow to catch the Violator who kicks The Masked Wrestler in the gut, then proceeds to throw the much smaller man into the adjacent lockers. However, as the Violator was focused on The Masked Wrestler, he failed to notice that The Alcatraz Kid had recovered. The Alcatraz Kid let loose a dropkick that sent The Violator stumbling over his partner and to the ground. Taking full advantage of the opportunity, The Alcatraz Kid roused The Masked Wrestler and the two of them fled from their attackers. ([COLOR="purple"][B]C+[/B][/COLOR]) [B]6)[/B] Stephanie and Skip discuss the main event between The Forsaken Angel and Cyndi Smythe; all the while wondering whether or not the Extinction Agenda will cause any trouble. ([COLOR="purple"][B]B+[/B][/COLOR]) [CENTER][B]Cyndi Smythe vs. The Forsaken Angel[/B][/CENTER] Surprisingly The Extinction Agenda did not make an appearance during the match. Instead the crowd was treated to a classic example of David vs. Goliath. Unfortunately for Cyndi, The Forsaken Angel was not going to go down due to a simple stone. Instead Cyndi was simply overwhelmed by her much larger opponent, and finally succumbed to a [I]Fall From Grace[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Forsaken Angel ([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match [URL="http://song2play.com/p/pantera-3549/cowboys_from_hell-15989/cowboys_from_hell-211457.html"]Axel[/URL] makes his way to ring. He actively taunts The Forsaken Angel and calls him a coward for refusing to face a man of his talents. The show ends with The Forsaken Angel and Axel staring each other down as officials come out to separate the two before anything could happen. ([COLOR="purple"][B]A[/B][/COLOR]) [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: B[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][CENTER] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 2 in December 4,283 in Attendance At the Gorski Ballroom[/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]1) Randy Hayes and Johnny Rebel vs. Kamikaze Mike and Kitayama Moschino[/B][/CENTER] Kamikaze Mike and Kitayama get the rub as Randy and Johnny are headed out the door. Kamikaze and Kitayama were very awkward together in the ring, but it doesn’t matter since they’ll never team up again. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kamikaze Mike and Kitayama Moschino ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]2) Cypher vs. El Chupacabra[/B][/CENTER] A very fast paced match as both men weren’t shy about throwing themselves around the ring. Cypher picked up the victory with a moonsault. [CENTER][B]Winner: Cypher ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] After the match Elvia L’Viaquez grabbed the air gun and shot shirts into the crowd. ([COLOR="purple"]A[/COLOR]) [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"] [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge! Goes Live on Access West Coast.[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Stephanie Maddox welcomes everyone to the show and we immediately go to our first match. [CENTER][B]1) So Fresh and So Clean vs. The Masked Wrestler and Luke Leblanc[/B][/CENTER] Jubal Hawkins and Dominique Fletcher come out, repackaged, as the hip-hop inspired tag team So Fresh and So Clean. The two teams are just getting into the match. Both The Masked Wrestler and Dominique are putting on quite the display of aerial skills, when both [URL="http://song2play.com/s/slipknot-3059/vol_3_the_subliminal_verses-13511/the_blister_exists-178935.html"]The Violator and Victor[/URL] come out from backstage and begin making their way down to the ring. With Dominique and The Masked Wrestler locked in combat, The Violator and Victor dispose of their respective partners in brutish fashion, whipping them into the ring steps and laying them out with chairs. The two men climb into the ring, where the once opposing wrestlers have appeared to agree to help each other fend off the opposing force before them. Without warning The Masked Wrestler launches himself at The Violator, while Dominique attempts a clothesline on Victor. As The Violator catches his airborne attacker and reverses his momentum into a [I]Last Rites[/I], Victor simply nails Dominique with a size 19 boot straight to the face. Referee John Miller hastily makes his way backstage, all while calling for a Draw. [CENTER][B]Winner: Draw ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] The Violator grabs a microphone and begins to speak. He states that few wrestlers in PWU have the courage to challenge either Victor or himself. However, last week The Alcatraz Kid made a huge mistake in drawing the attention of the two men in the ring. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“We are every nightmare you've ever had. We’re your worst dream come true. We’re everything you ever were afraid of. Alcatraz Kid, you are about to witness the beauty of suffering.”[/COLOR] [CENTER][B]2) Sacred Spirit vs. T-Rex and Mitch Sanders[/B][/CENTER] T-Rex is a new addition to the roster who will be taking the place of Randy Hayes. The early going in the match was dominated by Sacred Spirit as they isolated Mitch sanders and wore him down with hot tags and double teams. The tide turned when Mitch was able to catch Blackfoot with a kick to the midsection. This gave Mitch the opportunity to finally make the tag and T-Rex absolutely destroyed Blackfoot with a clothesline; he then turned around and quickly intercepted a rushing Dakota Blue with a power slam. Mitch then interfered and began brawling with Dakota outside the ring as T-Rex was able to subject Blackfoot to the [I]Jurassic Crush[/I], for the inevitable tap out. [CENTER][B]Winner: T-Rex and Mitch Sanders ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] [URL="http://song2play.com/t/the_distillers-4230/coral_fang_explicit-19785/the_hunger-262054.html"]Chastity Campbell[/URL] and the rest of the Extinction Agenda come out to the ring. Chastity grabs a mike: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“You know, last week we came out here and put the whole of PWU on notice, that we would not stop until we held every major belt in this company. However, we’ve re-thought our goals and re-prioritized things, you could say. You see, we don’t want every belt, no, there is just one goal we have in mind. There is just one purpose, for the Extinction Agenda, and that is to strip the Unleashed World Championship off of its current unworthy holder. So without further ado, I present to you your next Unleashed World Champion, Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker.”[/COLOR] Axel takes the microphone from Chastity as both Asgard and The Icon make grand gestures toward their stable mate. As Axel attempts to speak the crowd roars with a chorus of boos, that only seem to excite Axel. [COLOR="Red"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Boo, all you want, you know it, and I know it. Hell the chump holding the belt knows, that I am the most deserving of holding that belt. Why do you think, I have yet to receive a title shot to begin with. YOUR champion is scared of me people. When he wakes at night in a cold sweat, who do you think it was that was giving him nightmares? Rather than face me, he’s chosen to face off against some psychotic daredevil that’s more of a danger to himself than his opponent. And how is he following that up, tonight, huh? By going up against some hick tomboy who weighs about as much as my left thigh? A real opponent such as me, or anyone in the Extinction Agenda, is something YOUR champion is afraid of. All I ask is for him to prove me wrong, face me in the ring tonight if you have the balls. Forsaken Angel, show me you are the worthy champion that everyone says you are. Show me right here, right now!”[/COLOR][/COLOR] Suddenly the [URL="http://song2play.com/m/metallica-3373/ride_the_lightning-15150/for_whom_the_bell_tolls-200627.html"]Bell Tolls[/URL] and the Forsaken Angel is standing on the entrance ramp. The Forsaken Angel stands there for a moment, not saying a word, instead he lets the roar of the audience in attendance speak for him. [COLOR="Purple"]“You want me Axel, don’t worry, your chance will come soon enough. For tonight though, I have a match, maybe you should come down to ringside and get a full look at just what you are asking for though. Because if you aren’t careful, the bell may just toll for you.”[/COLOR] ([COLOR="purple"][B]A[/B] for challenge and [B]B+[/B] for the refusal[/COLOR]) [CENTER][B]4) Los Brasiguayos vs. London Bridge © for the Unleashed Tag Team Championship[/B][/CENTER] The beginning of the match was spent with both teams sizing each other up, neither team wanting to make a crucial mistake. Finally, getting comfortable Rafael and Oliver showcased their mat skills, utilizing various holds in an attempt to wear down the opponent. Things picked up when Oliver was able to make a hot tag to the much bigger Ethan, who ran roughshod over Rafael and an assisting Manuel. Now that the advantage had swung to London Bridges favor, the tag champs were able to wear away at Manuel DeLa Vega, keeping him in the middle of the ring as the two of them tagged in and out at will. It wasn’t until General Savage unexpectedly made his way to ringside, that the smaller team was able to gain momentum. As referee John Miller focused on the action in-ring between Ethan and Manuel; General Savage made his way to ringside and grabbed the ring bell. As the referee was counted a near fall, during a pin attempt by Ethan; General Savage pulled Oliver off of the ring apron and waylaid the man with the ring bell, knocking him unconscious. The General then tripped up Ethan as he attempted to take Manuel’s head off with a running clothesline. This gave Los Brasiguayos time to regroup as Ethan and the General argued. After the tag, Rafael ran up from behind Ethan, cradling the man’s head underneath his arm, Rafael rebounded off the ring ropes and performed an amazing running bulldog which left Ethan lying in the middle of the ring. Already perched on the top turnbuckle, Manuel wasted no time hitting Ethan with the [I]Carnival Splash[/I]. Rafael then locked in the [I]Redentor[/I], applying pressure to Ethan’s back and neck. The pain unbearable, Ethan had no other option but to feverishly pound his hand to the mat, making Los Brasiguayos the new Unleashed! Tag Team Champions. [CENTER][B]Winner: Los Brasiguayos ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match General Savage rushed the ring and started an attack on Sir Ethan Oughton. Ethan was still reeling from his loss to Los Brasiguayos and was easily overtaken by the General, who caught him off-guard with a Shellshock. General Savage, who was smug about what he perceived as a job well done; then retrieved a chair from underneath the ring and began pounding on Sir Oliver, who was still unconscious on the outside of the ring. After half a dozen shots to the back with a chair the General picked up the battered Oliver and threw him headfirst into the ring post. Finally, satisfied, General Savage stalked backstage, as trainers came to cart Sir Oliver out on a stretcher. ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR]) [B]5)[/B] Backstage the Violator and Victor have caught up with The Alcatraz Kid in the locker room. They corner him and are about to begin putting the boots to their prey, when out of nowhere The Masked Wrestler bursts through the locker room door. He nails Victor in the back but is too slow to catch the Violator who kicks The Masked Wrestler in the gut, then proceeds to throw the much smaller man into the adjacent lockers. However, as the Violator was focused on The Masked Wrestler, he failed to notice that The Alcatraz Kid had recovered. The Alcatraz Kid let loose a dropkick that sent The Violator stumbling over his partner and to the ground. Taking full advantage of the opportunity, The Alcatraz Kid roused The Masked Wrestler and the two of them fled from their attackers. ([COLOR="purple"][B]C+[/B][/COLOR]) [B]6)[/B] Stephanie and Skip discuss the main event between The Forsaken Angel and Cyndi Smythe; all the while wondering whether or not the Extinction Agenda will cause any trouble. ([COLOR="purple"][B]B+[/B][/COLOR]) [CENTER][B]Cyndi Smythe vs. The Forsaken Angel[/B][/CENTER] Surprisingly The Extinction Agenda did not make an appearance during the match. Instead the crowd was treated to a classic example of David vs. Goliath. Unfortunately for Cyndi, The Forsaken Angel was not going to go down due to a simple stone. Instead Cyndi was simply overwhelmed by her much larger opponent, and finally succumbed to a [I]Fall From Grace[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Forsaken Angel ([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match [URL="http://song2play.com/p/pantera-3549/cowboys_from_hell-15989/cowboys_from_hell-211457.html"]Axel[/URL] makes his way to ring. He actively taunts The Forsaken Angel and calls him a coward for refusing to face a man of his talents. The show ends with The Forsaken Angel and Axel staring each other down as officials come out to separate the two before anything could happen. ([COLOR="purple"][B]A[/B][/COLOR]) [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: B[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*]The show scored a rating of 81,310. Once again Chastity was unhappy with those numbers, and so was Access West Coast. [*]Chastity informed everyone that she had procured a pay-per-view deal and the first show in that deal would be in two weeks! [*] We agreed to naming the pay-per-view [COLOR="Red"]PWU: End of Days[/COLOR]. [*]Beside the television ratings everyone was very satisfied with the overall results. [*]Butch, Randy, Johnny, and Oliver are officially off the roster. [*]The debut of T-Rex went better than expected, thus, rather than just being a fill in for an open roster spot; the team went to work to develop a storyline for him. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TRex.jpg[/IMG] T-Rex Nine Inch Nails- [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nine_inch_nails-3483/live_and_all_that_could_have_been-15711/head_like_a_hole_live-207994.html"]Head Like A Hole[/URL] [*]I announced the signing of Tim Westybrook, which unfortunately, nobody at the table had heard of. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] Tim Westybrook Black Sabbath- [URL="http://song2play.com/b/black_sabbath-172/live_evil-1054/iron_man-14095.html"]Ironman[/URL][/List]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*]The show scored a rating of 81,310. Once again Chastity was unhappy with those numbers, and so was Access West Coast. [*]Chastity informed everyone that she had procured a pay-per-view deal and the first show in that deal would be in two weeks! [*] We agreed to naming the pay-per-view [COLOR="Red"]PWU: End of Days[/COLOR]. [*]Beside the television ratings everyone was very satisfied with the overall results. [*]Butch, Randy, Johnny, and Oliver are officially off the roster. [*]The debut of T-Rex went better than expected, thus, rather than just being a fill in for an open roster spot; the team went to work to develop a storyline for him. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TRex.jpg[/IMG] T-Rex Nine Inch Nails- [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nine_inch_nails-3483/live_and_all_that_could_have_been-15711/head_like_a_hole_live-207994.html"]Head Like A Hole[/URL] [*]I announced the signing of Tim Westybrook, which unfortunately, nobody at the table had heard of. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] Tim Westybrook Black Sabbath- [URL="http://song2play.com/b/black_sabbath-172/live_evil-1054/iron_man-14095.html"]Ironman[/URL][/List]
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[QUOTE][CENTER] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 3 in December 4,581 in attendance At the Lowe Ballroom[/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]1) Rayne & Payne vs. So Fresh and So Clean[/B][/CENTER] Both Jubal and Dominique are technically sound and were able to ground the high flying Rayne and Payne. This frustrated the girls and they were easy pickings as Jubal and Dominique subjected them to various holds and submissions. It wasn’t the most exciting way to win a match but it certainly got the job done as Jubal was able to get Payne to tap out while in a Boston Crab. [CENTER][B]Winner: So Fresh and So Clean ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]2) Asgard vs. T-Rex[/B][/CENTER] T-Rex was able to surprisingly dominate this match against a much bigger opponent. Despite dominating the match however, T-Rex fell victim to Chastity’s many talents. In this case those talents included distracting the ref while Asgard nailed T-Rex with the ring bell. [CENTER][B]Winner: Asgard ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] After the match, the camera cut to Elvia L’Viaquez backstage who was promoting the launch of Unleashed Wrestling Magazine. Elvia boasted about being on the cover and teased that not only was she the covergirl but in fact there were various shots of Elvia in numerous stages of dress and undress within. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"] [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge! Goes Live on Access West Coast[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] Stephanie and Skip announced the first PWU pay-per-view End of Days as Chastity and the rest of the Extinction Agenda made their way to the ring. They are once again taunting the Forsaken Angel, ridiculing the last two opponents that he has faced. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Obviously YOUR Champion is afraid of us. Why else would he be ducking Axel to face the likes of Cyndi Smythe and Kamikaze……whatever his name is. No, YOUR Champion chooses to keep his belt safe against opponents that have no business in the Main Event in the first place. But you know what? We can play this game just as well as YOUR Champion. So, tonight you will see The Icon defend his Unleashed! National Championship against none other than…………Dakota Blue! But wait there’s more! Also in action will be Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker vs………….Luke Leblanc.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) The Masked Wrestler vs. Tim Westybrook[/B][/CENTER] It appears that, much like the rest of the PWU booking team, the PWU audience has also never heard of Tim Westybrook. The great chemistry between The Masked Wrestler and Tim Westybrook saved the match however, and Tim’s debut match was quite good. The match itself ended when Tim irish whipped The Masked Wrestler into the ropes. With Tim trailing fast, The Masked Wrestler dove through the space between the first and second rope, grasping both as he flew through. Swinging himself back around through the gap, The Masked Wrestler used the momentum to launch himself feet first into the chest of Westybrook. He then jumped up on the top turnbuckle and landed a [I]Swanton Bomb[/I] on his fallen opponent. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Masked Wrestler ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match we cut to backstage where we see both Victor and the Violator watching the match on a monitor. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]3)[/B] Elsewhere backstage we see The Icon attacking Dakota Blue in the parking lot, and once again Stephanie comments that Dakota is The Icon’s opponent for a match later tonight. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]4) The Alcatraz Kid vs. Kamikaze Mike[/B][/CENTER] Surprisingly Kamikaze Mike was able to keep up very well in this match. He’s not always reliable in terms of pacing and ring psychology; but get him in the ring with someone who’s willing to fly around just as much as him and you can’t argue with the results. As for the match; The Alcatraz Kid was dominant throughout and seemed prime to put Mike down, when The Violator came out to ringside. He came out and jumped on the ring apron, drawing the attention of both The Alcatraz Kid and referee John Miller. This gave Victor the perfect opportunity to sneak up behind The Alcatraz Kid and take him out with a [I]Chokeslam[/I]. Not wasting any opportunities Kamikaze Mike finished The Alcatraz Kid off with a [I]Suicide Dive[/I] for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kamikaze Mike ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5) The Icon vs Dakota Blue[/B][/CENTER] What should have been an easy victory was made even easier due to the earlier attack on Dakota Blue by The Icon. Even an attempt at interference by Blackfoot proved ineffective as Asgard easily intercepted Dakota’s young tag team partner. The Icon finished things off quickly to chorus of boos from the audience. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]6)[/B] Sir Ethan Oughton comes out to discuss the attack on him and his partner Sir Oliver Flanagan by General Savage. He announces that Sir Oliver is very seriously injured and has no idea when or even if London Bridge will be seen in it’s entirety at PWU. He says he has no idea why General Savage attacked him or his partner but he surely intends to get his revenge. He leaves with a final message for the General. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Your brutish, cowardly tactics may work once, when coupled with the element of surprise. Now, however, I’ll be ready for you. Any time, any place.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] The Violator and Victor are walking backstage when The Alcatraz Kid rushes them from just off screen. He’s able to surprise Victor and take the man down with a [I]Superkick[/I], however, The Violator is quick to stop the threat with a clothesline of his own. The Violator begins tossing TAK around the backstage area. He throws TAK into trash cans, stacked crates, and just about anything else you would find in the halls of an arena. Finally. coming to, Victor finds some chairs and he and The Violator begin taking turns slamming them into the head and back of TAK. With sheer delight the two completely desimate TAK, and leave him bruised and battered as trainers begin to show up. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]8)[/B] Stephanie Maddox and Skip Cambell begin to hype the main event for tonight’s match between Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker and Luke Leblanc. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker vs. Luke Leblanc[/B][/CENTER] The outcome of this match was never really in doubt and Axel indeed come away with a victory. However, what was unexpected was a near fall on Axel. Having the match in hand, Axel whipped Luke into the turnbuckle. Taking his time Axel posed a little before rushing his opponent for an attempted spear. Unfortunately for Axel, Luke quickly dropped down to the mat and rolled out of the ring just as Axel hit the ring post hard with his shoulder. Luke wasting no opportunities followed up by performing a series of maneuvers on his wounded opponent. Russian Leg Sweep, Snap Suplex, DDT, finally finishing things off with a 3 successive German Suplexes; Luke attempted the cover. John Miller dropped to the mat, and began to make the count 1…….2…...and..…Axel raises a shoulder just before the refs hand hits the mat. Luke would not come that close to a victory again, as Axel took control of the match and took the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Axel and The Extinction Agenda begin to put the boots to Luke Leblanc, obviously due to embarrassment of Luke’s near victory. They completely and unrelentingly and demolish the young wrestler with great joy. Both Asgard and The Icon performed their finishers on Luke before handing him over to Axel. With Luke out on his feet Axel powerbombed the lifeless man straight down to the mat. That didn’tt stop The Extinction Agenda, however, as they all continued to stomp the man down as Stephanie Maddox stated [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“this is the worst beating I’ve ever seen handed out in my time with PWU, and something or someone needs to come out here and put a stop to this, before the EA ruin this poor young man’s career”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] At that the Forsaken Angel is quick to make his way to the ring. He slides in the ring and immediately clotheslines Asgard. Forsaken Angel turns around and is immediately double-teamed by Axel and The Icon. After putting up a decent fight the Forsaken Angel is finally overcome as The Extinction Agenda impart the same ruthless beating that they gave to Luke. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall: C+[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][CENTER] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 3 in December 4,581 in attendance At the Lowe Ballroom[/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]1) Rayne & Payne vs. So Fresh and So Clean[/B][/CENTER] Both Jubal and Dominique are technically sound and were able to ground the high flying Rayne and Payne. This frustrated the girls and they were easy pickings as Jubal and Dominique subjected them to various holds and submissions. It wasn’t the most exciting way to win a match but it certainly got the job done as Jubal was able to get Payne to tap out while in a Boston Crab. [CENTER][B]Winner: So Fresh and So Clean ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]2) Asgard vs. T-Rex[/B][/CENTER] T-Rex was able to surprisingly dominate this match against a much bigger opponent. Despite dominating the match however, T-Rex fell victim to Chastity’s many talents. In this case those talents included distracting the ref while Asgard nailed T-Rex with the ring bell. [CENTER][B]Winner: Asgard ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] After the match, the camera cut to Elvia L’Viaquez backstage who was promoting the launch of Unleashed Wrestling Magazine. Elvia boasted about being on the cover and teased that not only was she the covergirl but in fact there were various shots of Elvia in numerous stages of dress and undress within. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"] [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge! Goes Live on Access West Coast[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] Stephanie and Skip announced the first PWU pay-per-view End of Days as Chastity and the rest of the Extinction Agenda made their way to the ring. They are once again taunting the Forsaken Angel, ridiculing the last two opponents that he has faced. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Obviously YOUR Champion is afraid of us. Why else would he be ducking Axel to face the likes of Cyndi Smythe and Kamikaze……whatever his name is. No, YOUR Champion chooses to keep his belt safe against opponents that have no business in the Main Event in the first place. But you know what? We can play this game just as well as YOUR Champion. So, tonight you will see The Icon defend his Unleashed! National Championship against none other than…………Dakota Blue! But wait there’s more! Also in action will be Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker vs………….Luke Leblanc.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) The Masked Wrestler vs. Tim Westybrook[/B][/CENTER] It appears that, much like the rest of the PWU booking team, the PWU audience has also never heard of Tim Westybrook. The great chemistry between The Masked Wrestler and Tim Westybrook saved the match however, and Tim’s debut match was quite good. The match itself ended when Tim irish whipped The Masked Wrestler into the ropes. With Tim trailing fast, The Masked Wrestler dove through the space between the first and second rope, grasping both as he flew through. Swinging himself back around through the gap, The Masked Wrestler used the momentum to launch himself feet first into the chest of Westybrook. He then jumped up on the top turnbuckle and landed a [I]Swanton Bomb[/I] on his fallen opponent. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Masked Wrestler ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match we cut to backstage where we see both Victor and the Violator watching the match on a monitor. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]3)[/B] Elsewhere backstage we see The Icon attacking Dakota Blue in the parking lot, and once again Stephanie comments that Dakota is The Icon’s opponent for a match later tonight. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]4) The Alcatraz Kid vs. Kamikaze Mike[/B][/CENTER] Surprisingly Kamikaze Mike was able to keep up very well in this match. He’s not always reliable in terms of pacing and ring psychology; but get him in the ring with someone who’s willing to fly around just as much as him and you can’t argue with the results. As for the match; The Alcatraz Kid was dominant throughout and seemed prime to put Mike down, when The Violator came out to ringside. He came out and jumped on the ring apron, drawing the attention of both The Alcatraz Kid and referee John Miller. This gave Victor the perfect opportunity to sneak up behind The Alcatraz Kid and take him out with a [I]Chokeslam[/I]. Not wasting any opportunities Kamikaze Mike finished The Alcatraz Kid off with a [I]Suicide Dive[/I] for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kamikaze Mike ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5) The Icon vs Dakota Blue[/B][/CENTER] What should have been an easy victory was made even easier due to the earlier attack on Dakota Blue by The Icon. Even an attempt at interference by Blackfoot proved ineffective as Asgard easily intercepted Dakota’s young tag team partner. The Icon finished things off quickly to chorus of boos from the audience. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]6)[/B] Sir Ethan Oughton comes out to discuss the attack on him and his partner Sir Oliver Flanagan by General Savage. He announces that Sir Oliver is very seriously injured and has no idea when or even if London Bridge will be seen in it’s entirety at PWU. He says he has no idea why General Savage attacked him or his partner but he surely intends to get his revenge. He leaves with a final message for the General. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Your brutish, cowardly tactics may work once, when coupled with the element of surprise. Now, however, I’ll be ready for you. Any time, any place.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] The Violator and Victor are walking backstage when The Alcatraz Kid rushes them from just off screen. He’s able to surprise Victor and take the man down with a [I]Superkick[/I], however, The Violator is quick to stop the threat with a clothesline of his own. The Violator begins tossing TAK around the backstage area. He throws TAK into trash cans, stacked crates, and just about anything else you would find in the halls of an arena. Finally. coming to, Victor finds some chairs and he and The Violator begin taking turns slamming them into the head and back of TAK. With sheer delight the two completely desimate TAK, and leave him bruised and battered as trainers begin to show up. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]8)[/B] Stephanie Maddox and Skip Cambell begin to hype the main event for tonight’s match between Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker and Luke Leblanc. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker vs. Luke Leblanc[/B][/CENTER] The outcome of this match was never really in doubt and Axel indeed come away with a victory. However, what was unexpected was a near fall on Axel. Having the match in hand, Axel whipped Luke into the turnbuckle. Taking his time Axel posed a little before rushing his opponent for an attempted spear. Unfortunately for Axel, Luke quickly dropped down to the mat and rolled out of the ring just as Axel hit the ring post hard with his shoulder. Luke wasting no opportunities followed up by performing a series of maneuvers on his wounded opponent. Russian Leg Sweep, Snap Suplex, DDT, finally finishing things off with a 3 successive German Suplexes; Luke attempted the cover. John Miller dropped to the mat, and began to make the count 1…….2…...and..…Axel raises a shoulder just before the refs hand hits the mat. Luke would not come that close to a victory again, as Axel took control of the match and took the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Axel and The Extinction Agenda begin to put the boots to Luke Leblanc, obviously due to embarrassment of Luke’s near victory. They completely and unrelentingly and demolish the young wrestler with great joy. Both Asgard and The Icon performed their finishers on Luke before handing him over to Axel. With Luke out on his feet Axel powerbombed the lifeless man straight down to the mat. That didn’tt stop The Extinction Agenda, however, as they all continued to stomp the man down as Stephanie Maddox stated [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“this is the worst beating I’ve ever seen handed out in my time with PWU, and something or someone needs to come out here and put a stop to this, before the EA ruin this poor young man’s career”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] At that the Forsaken Angel is quick to make his way to the ring. He slides in the ring and immediately clotheslines Asgard. Forsaken Angel turns around and is immediately double-teamed by Axel and The Icon. After putting up a decent fight the Forsaken Angel is finally overcome as The Extinction Agenda impart the same ruthless beating that they gave to Luke. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall: C+[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*]The show scored a rating of 71,226. Access West Coast is threatening to drop us if we have one more poorly rated show. I don’t see any way around this though. [*]I announced that I’ve set up working agreements with both TCW and NOTBPW, which should curb possible talent raids from them. The news got me somewhat back in Chastity’s good graces; for now at least. [*] The Pay-Per-View schedule was set for the full year, in order to plan ahead, even though we only have a 6 month contract. [LIST] [*] January- Violent By Design [*] February- Beat Your Heart Out [*] March- Nothing Else Matters [*] April- Beautiful Agony [*] May- MDK **AKA/ Murder, Death, Kill** [*] June- A Better Tomorrow [*] July- A Healthy Distrust [*] August- Fear & Loathing [*] September- Paint It Black [*] October- The Danger Zone [*] November- Eve of War [*] December- End of Days [/LIST] [*] All Pay-Per-Views will run on the last Sunday of the month, with this Sunday's of course being End of Days. [/LIST]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*]The show scored a rating of 71,226. Access West Coast is threatening to drop us if we have one more poorly rated show. I don’t see any way around this though. [*]I announced that I’ve set up working agreements with both TCW and NOTBPW, which should curb possible talent raids from them. The news got me somewhat back in Chastity’s good graces; for now at least. [*] The Pay-Per-View schedule was set for the full year, in order to plan ahead, even though we only have a 6 month contract. [LIST] [*] January- Violent By Design [*] February- Beat Your Heart Out [*] March- Nothing Else Matters [*] April- Beautiful Agony [*] May- MDK **AKA/ Murder, Death, Kill** [*] June- A Better Tomorrow [*] July- A Healthy Distrust [*] August- Fear & Loathing [*] September- Paint It Black [*] October- The Danger Zone [*] November- Eve of War [*] December- End of Days [/LIST] [*] All Pay-Per-Views will run on the last Sunday of the month, with this Sunday's of course being End of Days. [/LIST]
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[B]A Slight Curve[/B] I was sitting in my office preparing for our upcoming pay-per-view. With the loss of our television slot seeming more and more likely with each passing week; it was imperative that PWU’s first pay-per-view was a success. Everything had been running smoothly until I received a call from the people representing the V. Thompson Arena. Apparantly they had double booked the arena for the date we needed and it was like pulling teeth to get them to make a decision. [COLOR="Red"]“Seriously, it’s a destruction derby, what are they going to bring in 1, 2 thousand people at the most. Ticket sales for our event are through the roof, for our “little wrestling promotion,” I can guarantee you 10 thousand right now!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Ok, fine, you look into it and call me back, but I have to have an answer soon!”[/COLOR] I was about to start making calls to backup venues, just in case; when Skip walked in with a worried look on his face. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Hey, ummmm, you know how the Tag Team storyline and the whole General Savage, Ethan thing was going to intersect and stuff? And how this was all going to work because of the signing of one person?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Yeah?…………don’t tell me he’s backing out, because I have the PPA with his signature sitting right here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, it doesn’t have to do with the PPA, in fact the PPA he signed is pretty much useless now. No, it seems that, Corporal Doom has just signed a written contract with the SWF”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“%#@$” [/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Yeah, I don’t know what we’re going to do, the whole story is @$#$@% now, Chastity is going to kill me, I should have just let EA get the belts.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Calm down skip, get Don in here. Get Ethan and Savage on the phone too, looks like we have to do a huge re-write.” [/COLOR] As, Skip left to round up Don, I got a buzz from my secretary. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Mr. Gonzalez, the Thompson Arena representatives are on the line, they said it looks like they’ll be able to work out a compromise after all. Should I patch them through?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Yes Eve, Thank You”[/COLOR] I knew they wouldn’t let 10,000 tickets just walk away, but what’s this talk about a compromise?
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[B]A Slight Curve[/B] I was sitting in my office preparing for our upcoming pay-per-view. With the loss of our television slot seeming more and more likely with each passing week; it was imperative that PWU’s first pay-per-view was a success. Everything had been running smoothly until I received a call from the people representing the V. Thompson Arena. Apparantly they had double booked the arena for the date we needed and it was like pulling teeth to get them to make a decision. [COLOR="Red"]“Seriously, it’s a destruction derby, what are they going to bring in 1, 2 thousand people at the most. Ticket sales for our event are through the roof, for our “little wrestling promotion,” I can guarantee you 10 thousand right now!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Ok, fine, you look into it and call me back, but I have to have an answer soon!”[/COLOR] I was about to start making calls to backup venues, just in case; when Skip walked in with a worried look on his face. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Hey, ummmm, you know how the Tag Team storyline and the whole General Savage, Ethan thing was going to intersect and stuff? And how this was all going to work because of the signing of one person?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Yeah?…………don’t tell me he’s backing out, because I have the PPA with his signature sitting right here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, it doesn’t have to do with the PPA, in fact the PPA he signed is pretty much useless now. No, it seems that, Corporal Doom has just signed a written contract with the SWF”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“%#@$” [/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Yeah, I don’t know what we’re going to do, the whole story is @$#$@% now, Chastity is going to kill me, I should have just let EA get the belts.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Calm down skip, get Don in here. Get Ethan and Savage on the phone too, looks like we have to do a huge re-write.” [/COLOR] As, Skip left to round up Don, I got a buzz from my secretary. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Mr. Gonzalez, the Thompson Arena representatives are on the line, they said it looks like they’ll be able to work out a compromise after all. Should I patch them through?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Yes Eve, Thank You”[/COLOR] I knew they wouldn’t let 10,000 tickets just walk away, but what’s this talk about a compromise?
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[QUOTE][CENTER] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 4 in December 4,032 in attendance At the Gorski Ballroom[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/U][/B] [CENTER][B]1) Cyndi Smythe vs. Tim Westybrook[/B] A decent match to get the crowd interested right away. And Cyndi improved her rumble abilities too boot. Other than that, there isn't mutch to say about it. [B]Winner: Cyndi Smythe ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]2)[/B] After the match, we see Chastity Campbell getting ready in the locker room. ([COLOR="purple"]A[/COLOR]) [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"] [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge! Goes Live on Access West Coast[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] Stephanie and Skip announce that End of Days is just 4 days away. [COLOR="Purple"]“SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY be there as Pro Wrestling Unleashed! and Monster Racing Promotions present, “Oil Stains and Head Locks.” That’s right; this Sunday at the V. Thompson Arena see two staples of American entertainment as they were meant to be seen. See 9,000 pound monsters Gravedigger and Bigfoot defy gravity and crush their competition. Then stick around as Pro Wrestling Unleashed! presents the End of Days.; be the first to witness the awesome power of man and machine, side by side! BE THERE!!!!”[/COLOR] Stephanie reminds everyone that individuals who buy tickets to the Monster Truck Rally will receive 25% off admission to End of Days. [B]2)[/B] The Masked Wrestler comes out and talks about the brutal attack on The Alcatraz Kid by Victor and The Violator. He is very somber and says he has a video of The Alcatraz Kid in the hospital to show everyone. A video of The Alcatraz Kid plays on the big screen. He has IV's in both arms and tubes in his nose. The camera hovers over The Alcatraz Kid for just a second before a smile breaks and he opens his eyes. He looks into the camera and begins to talk about Victor and The Violator: “[COLOR="SeaGreen"]You both thought you could break me didn’t you. But it’s going to take a lot more than you two to bring me down.”[/COLOR] The Alcatraz Kid suddenly rips the IV’s out of his arms and jumps up out of the hospital bed. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“If you two want a piece of me, I have no problem with it, but let’s settle things like men. This Sunday at End of Days, me and The Masked Wrestler are taking you out!”[/COLOR] ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR]) [B]3)[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“I’m not so sure The Alcatraz Kid isn’t asking for more than he can handle myself, Skip, this might end up being the biggest mistake he’s ever made…..wait……I’m getting word that something is happening backstage……”[/COLOR] Backstage we see T-Rex lying unconscious in the middle of the locker room. Next to him is busted up chair. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well I’m not sure we’ll need Sherlock Holmes to figure out this mystery will we Skip”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Nope, I’m sure it’s merely a coincidence that T-Rex is scheduled to face The Icon later tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well we’ll see how that shakes out, but for now, we have tag team action coming up next as Los Brasiguayos square off against Sacred Spirit in a non-title match.” [/COLOR]([COLOR="purple"]C+ for the beatdown, D for tag team hype[/COLOR]) [CENTER][B]4) Los Brasiguayos vs. Sacred Spirit[/B][/CENTER] Before the match gets started, General Savage makes his way down to ringside and sits in with Stephanie and Skip which sets up an interesting exchange. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Move over doll, I got something I want to see here”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Hmmph………since you’re out here, why don’t you explain your actions 2 weeks ago. You single handedly cost London Bridge the title and might have ended the career of Oliver Flanagan.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“I don’t have to explain anything to you, Oliver, or his whiny little partner. The fact is London Bridge was nothing but Collateral Damage, I know you civilians won’t understand that, but that’s just the way it goes. They were in the way of my master plan.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Which Is?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“None of your damn business, really. But, since you won’t stop bugging me. You are right now looking at the next Unleashed! Tag Team Champion.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“What!?! And who would be your partner?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Who needs a damn partner when you can handle these worthless tag teams all by yourself? I’ll be the first ever individual to win the tag team belts.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, I guess that’s a plan, not sure how well thought out or practical it is, but it’s a plan. I say we get back to the match here between the Current! tag team champs and their opponents.”[/COLOR] Oh yes, the match at hand. Dakota Blue and Rafael carried their partners through this match without a problem. Manuel was sluggish in the ring, and was definitely not his usual self, which is unfortunate. The climax came when Blackfoot, the legal man, and Dakota Blue began double teaming Rafael, double suplexing the man down to the mat. Manuel came in for the save at this point, attempting to baseball slide between Dakota’s legs; however, the veteran was in no way falling for that move. Quickly turning around, Dakota countered Manuel’s attack with an arm drag. Dakota took control subjecting Manuel to various offensive maneuvers. Finally in an attempt to finish Manuel off, Dakota whipped Manuel at Blackfoot, who was setting up to annihilate the man with the [I]Trail of Tears[/I] (a clothesline from hell type move), however, Manuel had enough wits about him to reverse the whip, which sent Dakota into the destructive path of his young tag team partner. With Blackfoot stunned, Manuel attempted to go on the offensive; however, he was dragged by his foot from the ring, by General Savage! As General Savage stalked his prey, a man wearing a grey hoodie jumped the guardrail and tackled the General. It was of course Ethan, who began peppering the General with lefts and rights. With the General out on his feet, Ethan picked him up and military pressed him onto the ring steps, before returning backstage; smiling the whole way there. Still the legal man, Blackfoot made the rookie mistake of watching Ethan and the General rather than focusing on his opponent in the ring. Still in awe of the carnage at ringside, Blackfoot was easy pickings as Rafael creped up and locked in the [I]Redentor[/I] for the inevitable tap out. [CENTER][B]Winner: Los Brasiguayos ([COLOR="purple"]C for the match; C+ for the General’s guest commentary[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5) Sir Ethan Oughton vs. Jubal w/Dominique[/B][/CENTER] This is the first time ever that Jubal and Ethan have squared off against each other in the ring. And as expected the two were rather timid and the match came off awkwardly. Luckily it was a short match as General Savage come out to get his revenge on Ethan for the earlier attack. Upon seeing the General upon the ramp way, Dominique took full advantage for his partner, jumping on the ring apron and distracting the ref. General Savage then came into the ring and attacked Ethan with the unwanted help of Jubal. Who was quick to make the pinfall and pick up a victory before getting in the General’s way too much. [CENTER][B]Winner: Jubal ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match, General Savage stuck around and picked up a microphone. He stood over the fallen Ethan and began taunting him. The General picked Ethan up of the mat and prepared to deliver a [I]Shellshock[/I]; however, Ethan countered and hit the General with a DDT. Picking up the microphone he accepted the General’s challenge adding that since the End of Days was a joint venture with Monster Racing Promotions, then why not make the match a Parking Lot Brawl; monster trucks and all! ([COLOR="purple"]C for the challenge, C+ for the response[/COLOR]) [CENTER][B]6) T-Rex vs. The Icon[/B][/CENTER] Even while attempting to overcome the nights previous attack, T-Rex looked dominant in this match. The Icon and T-Rex really complemented each other well as they both are capable brawlers. The Icon picked up the victory as he was able to hit T-Rex with a DDT. Stunned from the maneuver and most likely from the chairshot he took to the head earlier in the night, T-Rex was a prime target for the [I]Show Stopper[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match The Icon picked up Chastity and swung her around the ring, he then grabbed his Unleashed! National Championship Belt and climbed the top turnbuckle, gesturing and posing for the crowd the whole time, prompting Skip to comment: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Wow, just wow, The Icon is going a little bit overboard here don’t you think. I mean to be honest, he hasn’t beat one opponent in a straight up match, and tonight he even had difficulty beating T-Rex despite that.” [/COLOR] As The Icon’s celebration continued to carry on to ridiculous extremes, El Chupacabra’s music blared from the speakers as he and Elvia came out to the top of the ramp. He began ridiculing and mimicking The Icon’s over the top celebration, mockingly swinging Elvia around in circles. El Chupacabra then began taunting The Icon pointing out that he is incapable of beating an opponent in a fair fight and that the he is unworthy of such a prestigious championship. He then offers a challenge to The Icon for End of Days. The Icon, incredulous that someone would dare to interrupt his celebration quickly accepted. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B- for the celebration, B- for the challenge, B for the acceptance[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] The Forsaken Angel and Luke Leblanc come out to the ring. Forsaken Angel begins to talk about Axel and the rest of the Extinction Agenda. He calls them out as cowards, who are unable to face anyone toe-to-toe.[COLOR="SeaGreen"] “Axel you’ve been pushing and pushing for your title shot, well if you want it so bad, why don't you face me one on one at End of Days. And as for the rest of the EA, me and Luke want a peice of you right now! So if you aren't too scared, let's do this! [/COLOR] [CENTER][B]Forsaken Angel & Luke Leblanc vs. Axel & Asgard[/B][/CENTER] This wasn’t so much a match as it was a straight up brawl. Axel and Asgard hit the ring hard and the fight was on. Fists were flying and at no point was referee John Miller able to gain control of the match. The brawl eventually spilled outside the ring and the referee decided to stop things and count out all four men resulting in a draw. [CENTER][B]Winner: Draw ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] This in no way stopped the four men from continuing the fight however; and it wasn’t long before The Icon made his way to ringside to help sway the odds in EA’s favor. However, even outnumbering their opponents wasn’t enough for the Extinction Agenda. Forsaken Angel was a man possessed, always going up against 2 members of the EA, he was still able to mount considerable offence and somehow kept from being overrun. Things really got out of hand when Asgard lifted the smaller Luke Leblanc over his head in a military press. He launched the smaller man over the guard rail and into the stands, which quickly gave way, sending Luke into a row of empty seats. This gave the Extinction Agenda a considerable advantage as the three men were able to overwhelm Forsaken Angel, beating him down to the ground. Still fighting to get up, Forsaken Angel was spared as seemingly the entire PWU locker room cleared out to separate everyone involved. With the PWU roster attempting to clear things out, Forsaken Angel and Axel were still able to get into each others face as everyone else attempted to hold the two back. Words were exchanged but nothing else as the crowd pulled the two away from each other. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [B][CENTER]Overall B-[/CENTER][/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][CENTER] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 4 in December 4,032 in attendance At the Gorski Ballroom[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Pre-Show[/SIZE][/U][/B] [CENTER][B]1) Cyndi Smythe vs. Tim Westybrook[/B] A decent match to get the crowd interested right away. And Cyndi improved her rumble abilities too boot. Other than that, there isn't mutch to say about it. [B]Winner: Cyndi Smythe ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]2)[/B] After the match, we see Chastity Campbell getting ready in the locker room. ([COLOR="purple"]A[/COLOR]) [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"] [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge! Goes Live on Access West Coast[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] Stephanie and Skip announce that End of Days is just 4 days away. [COLOR="Purple"]“SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY be there as Pro Wrestling Unleashed! and Monster Racing Promotions present, “Oil Stains and Head Locks.” That’s right; this Sunday at the V. Thompson Arena see two staples of American entertainment as they were meant to be seen. See 9,000 pound monsters Gravedigger and Bigfoot defy gravity and crush their competition. Then stick around as Pro Wrestling Unleashed! presents the End of Days.; be the first to witness the awesome power of man and machine, side by side! BE THERE!!!!”[/COLOR] Stephanie reminds everyone that individuals who buy tickets to the Monster Truck Rally will receive 25% off admission to End of Days. [B]2)[/B] The Masked Wrestler comes out and talks about the brutal attack on The Alcatraz Kid by Victor and The Violator. He is very somber and says he has a video of The Alcatraz Kid in the hospital to show everyone. A video of The Alcatraz Kid plays on the big screen. He has IV's in both arms and tubes in his nose. The camera hovers over The Alcatraz Kid for just a second before a smile breaks and he opens his eyes. He looks into the camera and begins to talk about Victor and The Violator: “[COLOR="SeaGreen"]You both thought you could break me didn’t you. But it’s going to take a lot more than you two to bring me down.”[/COLOR] The Alcatraz Kid suddenly rips the IV’s out of his arms and jumps up out of the hospital bed. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“If you two want a piece of me, I have no problem with it, but let’s settle things like men. This Sunday at End of Days, me and The Masked Wrestler are taking you out!”[/COLOR] ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR]) [B]3)[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“I’m not so sure The Alcatraz Kid isn’t asking for more than he can handle myself, Skip, this might end up being the biggest mistake he’s ever made…..wait……I’m getting word that something is happening backstage……”[/COLOR] Backstage we see T-Rex lying unconscious in the middle of the locker room. Next to him is busted up chair. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well I’m not sure we’ll need Sherlock Holmes to figure out this mystery will we Skip”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Nope, I’m sure it’s merely a coincidence that T-Rex is scheduled to face The Icon later tonight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well we’ll see how that shakes out, but for now, we have tag team action coming up next as Los Brasiguayos square off against Sacred Spirit in a non-title match.” [/COLOR]([COLOR="purple"]C+ for the beatdown, D for tag team hype[/COLOR]) [CENTER][B]4) Los Brasiguayos vs. Sacred Spirit[/B][/CENTER] Before the match gets started, General Savage makes his way down to ringside and sits in with Stephanie and Skip which sets up an interesting exchange. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Move over doll, I got something I want to see here”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Hmmph………since you’re out here, why don’t you explain your actions 2 weeks ago. You single handedly cost London Bridge the title and might have ended the career of Oliver Flanagan.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“I don’t have to explain anything to you, Oliver, or his whiny little partner. The fact is London Bridge was nothing but Collateral Damage, I know you civilians won’t understand that, but that’s just the way it goes. They were in the way of my master plan.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Which Is?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“None of your damn business, really. But, since you won’t stop bugging me. You are right now looking at the next Unleashed! Tag Team Champion.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“What!?! And who would be your partner?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Who needs a damn partner when you can handle these worthless tag teams all by yourself? I’ll be the first ever individual to win the tag team belts.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, I guess that’s a plan, not sure how well thought out or practical it is, but it’s a plan. I say we get back to the match here between the Current! tag team champs and their opponents.”[/COLOR] Oh yes, the match at hand. Dakota Blue and Rafael carried their partners through this match without a problem. Manuel was sluggish in the ring, and was definitely not his usual self, which is unfortunate. The climax came when Blackfoot, the legal man, and Dakota Blue began double teaming Rafael, double suplexing the man down to the mat. Manuel came in for the save at this point, attempting to baseball slide between Dakota’s legs; however, the veteran was in no way falling for that move. Quickly turning around, Dakota countered Manuel’s attack with an arm drag. Dakota took control subjecting Manuel to various offensive maneuvers. Finally in an attempt to finish Manuel off, Dakota whipped Manuel at Blackfoot, who was setting up to annihilate the man with the [I]Trail of Tears[/I] (a clothesline from hell type move), however, Manuel had enough wits about him to reverse the whip, which sent Dakota into the destructive path of his young tag team partner. With Blackfoot stunned, Manuel attempted to go on the offensive; however, he was dragged by his foot from the ring, by General Savage! As General Savage stalked his prey, a man wearing a grey hoodie jumped the guardrail and tackled the General. It was of course Ethan, who began peppering the General with lefts and rights. With the General out on his feet, Ethan picked him up and military pressed him onto the ring steps, before returning backstage; smiling the whole way there. Still the legal man, Blackfoot made the rookie mistake of watching Ethan and the General rather than focusing on his opponent in the ring. Still in awe of the carnage at ringside, Blackfoot was easy pickings as Rafael creped up and locked in the [I]Redentor[/I] for the inevitable tap out. [CENTER][B]Winner: Los Brasiguayos ([COLOR="purple"]C for the match; C+ for the General’s guest commentary[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5) Sir Ethan Oughton vs. Jubal w/Dominique[/B][/CENTER] This is the first time ever that Jubal and Ethan have squared off against each other in the ring. And as expected the two were rather timid and the match came off awkwardly. Luckily it was a short match as General Savage come out to get his revenge on Ethan for the earlier attack. Upon seeing the General upon the ramp way, Dominique took full advantage for his partner, jumping on the ring apron and distracting the ref. General Savage then came into the ring and attacked Ethan with the unwanted help of Jubal. Who was quick to make the pinfall and pick up a victory before getting in the General’s way too much. [CENTER][B]Winner: Jubal ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match, General Savage stuck around and picked up a microphone. He stood over the fallen Ethan and began taunting him. The General picked Ethan up of the mat and prepared to deliver a [I]Shellshock[/I]; however, Ethan countered and hit the General with a DDT. Picking up the microphone he accepted the General’s challenge adding that since the End of Days was a joint venture with Monster Racing Promotions, then why not make the match a Parking Lot Brawl; monster trucks and all! ([COLOR="purple"]C for the challenge, C+ for the response[/COLOR]) [CENTER][B]6) T-Rex vs. The Icon[/B][/CENTER] Even while attempting to overcome the nights previous attack, T-Rex looked dominant in this match. The Icon and T-Rex really complemented each other well as they both are capable brawlers. The Icon picked up the victory as he was able to hit T-Rex with a DDT. Stunned from the maneuver and most likely from the chairshot he took to the head earlier in the night, T-Rex was a prime target for the [I]Show Stopper[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match The Icon picked up Chastity and swung her around the ring, he then grabbed his Unleashed! National Championship Belt and climbed the top turnbuckle, gesturing and posing for the crowd the whole time, prompting Skip to comment: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Wow, just wow, The Icon is going a little bit overboard here don’t you think. I mean to be honest, he hasn’t beat one opponent in a straight up match, and tonight he even had difficulty beating T-Rex despite that.” [/COLOR] As The Icon’s celebration continued to carry on to ridiculous extremes, El Chupacabra’s music blared from the speakers as he and Elvia came out to the top of the ramp. He began ridiculing and mimicking The Icon’s over the top celebration, mockingly swinging Elvia around in circles. El Chupacabra then began taunting The Icon pointing out that he is incapable of beating an opponent in a fair fight and that the he is unworthy of such a prestigious championship. He then offers a challenge to The Icon for End of Days. The Icon, incredulous that someone would dare to interrupt his celebration quickly accepted. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B- for the celebration, B- for the challenge, B for the acceptance[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] The Forsaken Angel and Luke Leblanc come out to the ring. Forsaken Angel begins to talk about Axel and the rest of the Extinction Agenda. He calls them out as cowards, who are unable to face anyone toe-to-toe.[COLOR="SeaGreen"] “Axel you’ve been pushing and pushing for your title shot, well if you want it so bad, why don't you face me one on one at End of Days. And as for the rest of the EA, me and Luke want a peice of you right now! So if you aren't too scared, let's do this! [/COLOR] [CENTER][B]Forsaken Angel & Luke Leblanc vs. Axel & Asgard[/B][/CENTER] This wasn’t so much a match as it was a straight up brawl. Axel and Asgard hit the ring hard and the fight was on. Fists were flying and at no point was referee John Miller able to gain control of the match. The brawl eventually spilled outside the ring and the referee decided to stop things and count out all four men resulting in a draw. [CENTER][B]Winner: Draw ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] This in no way stopped the four men from continuing the fight however; and it wasn’t long before The Icon made his way to ringside to help sway the odds in EA’s favor. However, even outnumbering their opponents wasn’t enough for the Extinction Agenda. Forsaken Angel was a man possessed, always going up against 2 members of the EA, he was still able to mount considerable offence and somehow kept from being overrun. Things really got out of hand when Asgard lifted the smaller Luke Leblanc over his head in a military press. He launched the smaller man over the guard rail and into the stands, which quickly gave way, sending Luke into a row of empty seats. This gave the Extinction Agenda a considerable advantage as the three men were able to overwhelm Forsaken Angel, beating him down to the ground. Still fighting to get up, Forsaken Angel was spared as seemingly the entire PWU locker room cleared out to separate everyone involved. With the PWU roster attempting to clear things out, Forsaken Angel and Axel were still able to get into each others face as everyone else attempted to hold the two back. Words were exchanged but nothing else as the crowd pulled the two away from each other. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [B][CENTER]Overall B-[/CENTER][/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[B]The Aftermath[/B] After the show I was backstage discussing some minor cuts and bruises suffered by some of our workers with our trainer, when I heard her. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Fine! But let me tell you this, don’t you dare think for a second that I will forget this! And when you come crawling on your knees, begging to have us back, it’s going to cost you! Mark My Word! This decision is going to cost you.”[/COLOR] At that Chastity slammed her phone down on the table. Looking up she caught my eye and made her way over to me. Something told me this wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“I’ll give you three guesses who that was?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] “I know you’re pissed off, but this isn’t the en…..”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Save it, I am not happy about this. It will be May before we’re able to get back on the air again. What are we to do in the mean time?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Well we still have the ppv deal. And we can sell DVD’s, sure our exposure will take a hit, but when we’re ready to be back on air, we’ll be rolling along quite nicely. And End of Days is the first step toward that process. This show is going to be the best show PWU has ever put out.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“For your sake. It better be.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Don’t worry it will be, you’ll see.”[/COLOR] At least I hoped it would.
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[B]The Aftermath[/B] After the show I was backstage discussing some minor cuts and bruises suffered by some of our workers with our trainer, when I heard her. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Fine! But let me tell you this, don’t you dare think for a second that I will forget this! And when you come crawling on your knees, begging to have us back, it’s going to cost you! Mark My Word! This decision is going to cost you.”[/COLOR] At that Chastity slammed her phone down on the table. Looking up she caught my eye and made her way over to me. Something told me this wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“I’ll give you three guesses who that was?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] “I know you’re pissed off, but this isn’t the en…..”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Save it, I am not happy about this. It will be May before we’re able to get back on the air again. What are we to do in the mean time?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Well we still have the ppv deal. And we can sell DVD’s, sure our exposure will take a hit, but when we’re ready to be back on air, we’ll be rolling along quite nicely. And End of Days is the first step toward that process. This show is going to be the best show PWU has ever put out.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“For your sake. It better be.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Don’t worry it will be, you’ll see.”[/COLOR] At least I hoped it would.
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*]The show scored a rating of 75,983, as you know we’ve been dropped by Access West Coast [*]The Icon suffered a broken nose at PWU: Revenge! this last Thursday. Trainers said he should be ok for his match at End of Days, however. [*] The card for End of Days is: [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/EoD.gif[/IMG] Kitayama Moschino & Kazuma Narato vs. Rayne & Payne So Fresh and So Clean vs. Los Brasiguayos © for the Unleashed! Tag Team Championship General Savage vs. Sir Ethan Oughton in a Parking Lot Brawl Victor & The Violator vs. The Masked Wrestler & The Alcatraz Kid El Chupacabra vs. The Icon © for the Unleashed! National Championship Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker vs. Forsaken Angel © for the Unleashed! World Championship[/QUOTE][/CENTER] [/LIST] [QUOTE]Predictions are Welcome[/QUOTE]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*]The show scored a rating of 75,983, as you know we’ve been dropped by Access West Coast [*]The Icon suffered a broken nose at PWU: Revenge! this last Thursday. Trainers said he should be ok for his match at End of Days, however. [*] The card for End of Days is: [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/EoD.gif[/IMG] Kitayama Moschino & Kazuma Narato vs. Rayne & Payne So Fresh and So Clean vs. Los Brasiguayos © for the Unleashed! Tag Team Championship General Savage vs. Sir Ethan Oughton in a Parking Lot Brawl Victor & The Violator vs. The Masked Wrestler & The Alcatraz Kid El Chupacabra vs. The Icon © for the Unleashed! National Championship Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker vs. Forsaken Angel © for the Unleashed! World Championship[/QUOTE][/CENTER] [/LIST] [QUOTE]Predictions are Welcome[/QUOTE]
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[B]A Chance Encounter[/B] I was double-checking the parking lot where our upcoming parking lot brawl was to occur for End of Days. Monster Racing Promotions had been kind enough to lend us a couple trucks and even helped set up a section of the parking lot to resemble a truck rally. The joint promotion of our two events had worked out much better than expected. T-Rex and Axel had lent their services at their event earlier this morning and in return some trucks were afforded to us. The brawl was going to be extremely risky and I needed to ensure that neither of our stars involved in the match would be put at risk due to having such heavy machinery around. As I was inspecting the set up the last thing I expected was to hear a familiar voice. [COLOR="SeaGreen"] “Mr. Gonzalez, I’m not sure if you remember me, but I had a tryout with you a couple months ago over at MAW”[/COLOR] Of course I remembered the kid; he had tried out for a spot on the roster mere months before my leaving MAW. Actually, he was the cause of many a heated discussion between myself and Rip. Rip, a stickler for teaching basic ring psychology, was quite disappointed in the performance during his tryout. I on the other hand, saw the intangibles. The kid had natural charisma, which is something that could not be taught, and his look was pitch perfect. Honestly, it was hard for me to fathom that he somehow had yet to catch on with a promotion of any size as of yet. So imagine my surprise to see him before me driving monster trucks. [COLOR="Red"]“Of course I remember you, sorry things didn’t work out over at MAW, it certainly wasn’t because we didn’t think you have potential.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Oh no it’s ok, I’ve landed on my feet alright.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] “I can see that, monster trucks huh? Beats having people dropping you on your head, right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well……..I wouldn’t say that. I’m just buying time really, still trying to break in somewhere, you know? Pay’s decent at least, but the adrenaline rush, just isn’t the same as stepping in that ring. Don't tell the other drivers I said that though.”[/COLOR] Missing out on what I felt was a sure-fire future star in the ring was something I couldn’t avoid over at MAW. Rip kept a tight ship and all decisions no matter how small needed his approval first. This wasn’t the case anymore and although Chastity’s ire was intimidating, she was very trusting when it came to talent scouting. This was probably due to her not having the best eye for talent to begin with. Now, having much more leeway the choice was mine to make. The kid was going to be a project; with little to no exposure he was by far better suited for a local promotion somewhere. But you can’t just sit around and wait for opportunities to fall in your lap, no, you have to go out and make them yourself. [COLOR="Red"]“Here, take my card, call me tomorrow morning. I think I might have something for you. Your roles going to be very limited at first, but, if things go right we’ll give you a real push in a couple months.”[/COLOR]
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[B]A Chance Encounter[/B] I was double-checking the parking lot where our upcoming parking lot brawl was to occur for End of Days. Monster Racing Promotions had been kind enough to lend us a couple trucks and even helped set up a section of the parking lot to resemble a truck rally. The joint promotion of our two events had worked out much better than expected. T-Rex and Axel had lent their services at their event earlier this morning and in return some trucks were afforded to us. The brawl was going to be extremely risky and I needed to ensure that neither of our stars involved in the match would be put at risk due to having such heavy machinery around. As I was inspecting the set up the last thing I expected was to hear a familiar voice. [COLOR="SeaGreen"] “Mr. Gonzalez, I’m not sure if you remember me, but I had a tryout with you a couple months ago over at MAW”[/COLOR] Of course I remembered the kid; he had tried out for a spot on the roster mere months before my leaving MAW. Actually, he was the cause of many a heated discussion between myself and Rip. Rip, a stickler for teaching basic ring psychology, was quite disappointed in the performance during his tryout. I on the other hand, saw the intangibles. The kid had natural charisma, which is something that could not be taught, and his look was pitch perfect. Honestly, it was hard for me to fathom that he somehow had yet to catch on with a promotion of any size as of yet. So imagine my surprise to see him before me driving monster trucks. [COLOR="Red"]“Of course I remember you, sorry things didn’t work out over at MAW, it certainly wasn’t because we didn’t think you have potential.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Oh no it’s ok, I’ve landed on my feet alright.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] “I can see that, monster trucks huh? Beats having people dropping you on your head, right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well……..I wouldn’t say that. I’m just buying time really, still trying to break in somewhere, you know? Pay’s decent at least, but the adrenaline rush, just isn’t the same as stepping in that ring. Don't tell the other drivers I said that though.”[/COLOR] Missing out on what I felt was a sure-fire future star in the ring was something I couldn’t avoid over at MAW. Rip kept a tight ship and all decisions no matter how small needed his approval first. This wasn’t the case anymore and although Chastity’s ire was intimidating, she was very trusting when it came to talent scouting. This was probably due to her not having the best eye for talent to begin with. Now, having much more leeway the choice was mine to make. The kid was going to be a project; with little to no exposure he was by far better suited for a local promotion somewhere. But you can’t just sit around and wait for opportunities to fall in your lap, no, you have to go out and make them yourself. [COLOR="Red"]“Here, take my card, call me tomorrow morning. I think I might have something for you. Your roles going to be very limited at first, but, if things go right we’ll give you a real push in a couple months.”[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/EoD.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 4 in December 10,000 in attendance At the V. Thompson Arena[/COLOR] A video is played on the big screen as [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] is playing in the background. On the screen we see highlights of Forsaken Angel, Axel, The Violator, Victor, The Alcatraz Kid, and various Unleashed! Superstars as PWU: End of Days goes live! [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] [URL=”http://song2play.com/t/the_distillers-4230/coral_fang_explicit-19785/the_hunger-262054.html”]Chastity[/URL] and the rest of the Extinction Agenda make their way out to the ring. They boast that they are already in possession of the Unleashed! National Championship and that before the nights over they will have the World Championship in their hands as well. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) Kitayama Moschino & Kazuma Narato vs. Rayne & Payne[/B][/CENTER] There wasn’t any build up to this match prior to the show and that’s a shame as Rayne & Payne were in rare form, flying all over the ring, causing confusion and frustration among Kitayama and Kazuma. Eventually Kitayama and Kazuma were able to ground their opponents (which seems to be the formula to beat the girls) and take control of the match. Kitayama eventually made the pin on Rayne for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kitayama Moschino & Kazuma Narato ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] Stephanie announces that the Tag Team Championship match between Los Brasiguayos and So Fresh and So Clean is next! [B]([COLOR="purple"]C-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Los Brasiguayos © vs. So Fresh and So Clean for the Unleashed! Tag Team Championship[/B][/CENTER] These two teams are mirror images of each other, both comprised of a cruiserweight who can fly around the ring and a more technical based partner. Unfortunately the similarities between the two teams didn’t help and the results of the match were merely average. On the bright side, Dominique and Jubal are getting more and more acclimated to each other and as a result their in ring work has been stellar. It's just a matter of getting thier popularity up. If things go according to plans the fans will be invested in them in no time. [CENTER][B]Winner: Los Brasiguayos ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]4)[/B] The camera cuts backstage where we see Asgard viciously attacking El Chupacabra while manager Elvia L’Viaquez helplessly looks on. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“What’s this? The Icon can’t even do his own dirty work now, he’s got to have someone else ensure that he has cake walk of a title defense?” [/COLOR]adds Stephanie. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5)[/B] A video is played showing the outside of the arena. It quickly zooms in to a dirt filled section of the parking lot where crushed and destroyed cars lie about everywhere. Suddenly a line of trucks drive on to the track forming a circular area between them. Bigfoot, Bearfoot, Gravedigger they are all there ready to witness the upcoming Parking Lot Brawl between General Savage and Sir Ethan Oughton next![B]([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]General Savage vs. Sir Ethan Oughton in a Parking Lot Brawl[/B][/CENTER] Neither General Savage nor Ethan excel in hardcore wrestling. However, they both upped their game and adjusted very well. Both men were thrown about quite frequently, as destroyed cars and automotive parts were used as weapons against each other. Just a brutal match that ended when Ethan climbed the wheel of Bigfoot, launching himself off, and hitting the General in the chest with a flying elbow. [CENTER][B]Winner: Sir Ethan Oughton ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]6)[/B] A video airs recounting the events that have taken place between The Violator, Victor, The Alcatraz Kid, and the Masked Wrestler. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]In Flames vs. The Alcatraz Kid & Masked Wrestler[/B][/CENTER] A really good match here. TAK and the Masked Wrestler took a while to really click as a team, which resulted in a near pinfall by Victor. Finally getting comfortable TAK and the Masked wrestler attempted to wear out their opponents, flying around the ring and picking and choosing their spots. This strategy worked for a majority of the match. Until things came to a head when, Victor, apparently trying to turn the match to his and The Violators favor turned his attention away from the legal man, TAK, and nailed the Masked Wrestler with a forearm as he stood on the ring apron. However, upon turning around Victor was laid out with a [I]Superkick[/I]. The Violator, then rushed the ring. That’s when TAK and the Masked Wrestler hit The Violator with a double dropkick sending the man down to the mat. Picking up The Violator they whipped him to the ropes, following him the whole way, unfortunately, The Violator rewarded the duo with a double clothesline. From there The Violator isolated TAK from his tag partner, keeping him in the corner, directing Victor for the duration of the match. The match ended as The Violator gave TAK his [I]Last Rites[/I] as Victor intercepted the Masked Wrestler’s attempt at a save. [CENTER][B]Winner: In Flames([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]7)[/B] The Icon ****ily struts down to the ring and grabs a microphone. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well it seems as if my opponent for tonight may be a little punch drunk”[/COLOR] stated The Icon with a ****y grin on his face. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“There is certainly no way he’ll be able to compete, that’s for sure. I for one wonder what he must have said to get Asgard to behave like that. Knowing him as I do, it is completely unlike Asgard to attack like that, unless he was provoked of course. Anyway, I would like to apologize, since it seems, I won’t be able to defend my National Title in front of you fine people. However, you won’t go home empty handed, no, you will in fact be treated to a grand display of physical beauty.”[/COLOR] The Icon begins to pose as if he were in a bodybuilding competition, when suddenly the speakers [URL=“http://song2play.com/s/santana-2999/the_best_of_santana-13226/jingo-175574.html”]explode[/URL] and El Chupacabra, whose obviously banged up begins making his way to the ring while Elvia feebly attempts to stop him.[B]([COLOR="purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]The Icon © vs. El Chupacabra for the Unleashed! National Championship[/B][/CENTER] El Chupacabra hits the ring running, sliding underneath the ring ropes. Ducking a clothesline he rebounds off the ropes and nails The Icon with a flying cross body. Wasting no time he’s off and running again, rebound off the ropes, with The Icon still down he lands the rolling thunder. Quickly picking The Icon up by his hair, he gets in two quick elbows before he’s off again. Rebound off the ropes, momentum on his side, launching himself in the air once again……but……no! The Icon catches El Chupacabra in the air as the smaller man attempted a second flying cross body. The Icon flashes a ****y grin mere seconds before he sends El Chupacabra crashing to the mat with a powerslam. With his opponent down, The Icon gladly took the opportunity to climb the turnbuckle and taunt the fans. He was promptly treated to a hail of Coke bottles and other debris, which seemed to do nothing more than egg on the ****y superstar. Eventually having his fill of the spotlight, The Icon came down from the turnbuckle and nailed El Chupacabra with the [I]Showstopper[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]8)[/B] A video airs recounting the events between Forsaken Angel and Axel. [B]([COLOR="purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Forsaken Angel © vs. Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker for the Unleashed! World Championship[/B][/CENTER] Forsaken Angel and Axel completely tore the roof off of the V. Thompson Arena. If it wasn’t for the limitations of the announce crew, who just couldn’t keep up, this match would have easily been an A. The two battled back and forth, matching power for power. With no give in sight from either man, the fight was taken to the outside where the ring steps, apron, and announcing table were all used as weapons, before referee John Miller was able to gain control and force the fight back into the ring. An odd event occurred when Forsaken Angel clotheslined Axel and immediately pulled his arm close into his body as if in immense pain. The match, far from over, was completed as Forsaken Angel used his left hand as his primary weapon, only using the right scarcely for support when performing moves. The match ended when Foraken Angel whipped a weary Axel to the ropes sending the man right back to him. Forsaken Angel then used Axel’s momentum to execute a one handed [I]Fall From Grace[/I] before making the cover. [CENTER][B]Winner: Forsaken Angel ([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] With the match over, Forsaken Angel raised his hand in triumph as Chastity creped up behind him and hit the man with a low blow. Chastity then grabbed a microphone and screamed [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Icon, Asgard, get the hell out here!!!”[/COLOR] The remaining members of the Extinction Agenda quickly ran down to the ring and began an attack on Forsaken Angel. Trying to fight them off with one hand, Forsaken Angel, was overcome when Axel was roused by Chastity and the odds became too overwhelming. The Extinction Agenda continued the assault, repeatedly striking Forsaken Angel with the ring bell. Finally satisfied the Extinction Agenda made their way to the back, fists raised in triumph the whole way. The show ended as Forsaken Angel was taken backstage and lifted into an ambulance. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/EoD.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 4 in December 10,000 in attendance At the V. Thompson Arena[/COLOR] A video is played on the big screen as [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] is playing in the background. On the screen we see highlights of Forsaken Angel, Axel, The Violator, Victor, The Alcatraz Kid, and various Unleashed! Superstars as PWU: End of Days goes live! [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] [URL=”http://song2play.com/t/the_distillers-4230/coral_fang_explicit-19785/the_hunger-262054.html”]Chastity[/URL] and the rest of the Extinction Agenda make their way out to the ring. They boast that they are already in possession of the Unleashed! National Championship and that before the nights over they will have the World Championship in their hands as well. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) Kitayama Moschino & Kazuma Narato vs. Rayne & Payne[/B][/CENTER] There wasn’t any build up to this match prior to the show and that’s a shame as Rayne & Payne were in rare form, flying all over the ring, causing confusion and frustration among Kitayama and Kazuma. Eventually Kitayama and Kazuma were able to ground their opponents (which seems to be the formula to beat the girls) and take control of the match. Kitayama eventually made the pin on Rayne for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kitayama Moschino & Kazuma Narato ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] Stephanie announces that the Tag Team Championship match between Los Brasiguayos and So Fresh and So Clean is next! [B]([COLOR="purple"]C-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Los Brasiguayos © vs. So Fresh and So Clean for the Unleashed! Tag Team Championship[/B][/CENTER] These two teams are mirror images of each other, both comprised of a cruiserweight who can fly around the ring and a more technical based partner. Unfortunately the similarities between the two teams didn’t help and the results of the match were merely average. On the bright side, Dominique and Jubal are getting more and more acclimated to each other and as a result their in ring work has been stellar. It's just a matter of getting thier popularity up. If things go according to plans the fans will be invested in them in no time. [CENTER][B]Winner: Los Brasiguayos ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]4)[/B] The camera cuts backstage where we see Asgard viciously attacking El Chupacabra while manager Elvia L’Viaquez helplessly looks on. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“What’s this? The Icon can’t even do his own dirty work now, he’s got to have someone else ensure that he has cake walk of a title defense?” [/COLOR]adds Stephanie. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5)[/B] A video is played showing the outside of the arena. It quickly zooms in to a dirt filled section of the parking lot where crushed and destroyed cars lie about everywhere. Suddenly a line of trucks drive on to the track forming a circular area between them. Bigfoot, Bearfoot, Gravedigger they are all there ready to witness the upcoming Parking Lot Brawl between General Savage and Sir Ethan Oughton next![B]([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]General Savage vs. Sir Ethan Oughton in a Parking Lot Brawl[/B][/CENTER] Neither General Savage nor Ethan excel in hardcore wrestling. However, they both upped their game and adjusted very well. Both men were thrown about quite frequently, as destroyed cars and automotive parts were used as weapons against each other. Just a brutal match that ended when Ethan climbed the wheel of Bigfoot, launching himself off, and hitting the General in the chest with a flying elbow. [CENTER][B]Winner: Sir Ethan Oughton ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]6)[/B] A video airs recounting the events that have taken place between The Violator, Victor, The Alcatraz Kid, and the Masked Wrestler. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]In Flames vs. The Alcatraz Kid & Masked Wrestler[/B][/CENTER] A really good match here. TAK and the Masked Wrestler took a while to really click as a team, which resulted in a near pinfall by Victor. Finally getting comfortable TAK and the Masked wrestler attempted to wear out their opponents, flying around the ring and picking and choosing their spots. This strategy worked for a majority of the match. Until things came to a head when, Victor, apparently trying to turn the match to his and The Violators favor turned his attention away from the legal man, TAK, and nailed the Masked Wrestler with a forearm as he stood on the ring apron. However, upon turning around Victor was laid out with a [I]Superkick[/I]. The Violator, then rushed the ring. That’s when TAK and the Masked Wrestler hit The Violator with a double dropkick sending the man down to the mat. Picking up The Violator they whipped him to the ropes, following him the whole way, unfortunately, The Violator rewarded the duo with a double clothesline. From there The Violator isolated TAK from his tag partner, keeping him in the corner, directing Victor for the duration of the match. The match ended as The Violator gave TAK his [I]Last Rites[/I] as Victor intercepted the Masked Wrestler’s attempt at a save. [CENTER][B]Winner: In Flames([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]7)[/B] The Icon ****ily struts down to the ring and grabs a microphone. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well it seems as if my opponent for tonight may be a little punch drunk”[/COLOR] stated The Icon with a ****y grin on his face. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“There is certainly no way he’ll be able to compete, that’s for sure. I for one wonder what he must have said to get Asgard to behave like that. Knowing him as I do, it is completely unlike Asgard to attack like that, unless he was provoked of course. Anyway, I would like to apologize, since it seems, I won’t be able to defend my National Title in front of you fine people. However, you won’t go home empty handed, no, you will in fact be treated to a grand display of physical beauty.”[/COLOR] The Icon begins to pose as if he were in a bodybuilding competition, when suddenly the speakers [URL=“http://song2play.com/s/santana-2999/the_best_of_santana-13226/jingo-175574.html”]explode[/URL] and El Chupacabra, whose obviously banged up begins making his way to the ring while Elvia feebly attempts to stop him.[B]([COLOR="purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]The Icon © vs. El Chupacabra for the Unleashed! National Championship[/B][/CENTER] El Chupacabra hits the ring running, sliding underneath the ring ropes. Ducking a clothesline he rebounds off the ropes and nails The Icon with a flying cross body. Wasting no time he’s off and running again, rebound off the ropes, with The Icon still down he lands the rolling thunder. Quickly picking The Icon up by his hair, he gets in two quick elbows before he’s off again. Rebound off the ropes, momentum on his side, launching himself in the air once again……but……no! The Icon catches El Chupacabra in the air as the smaller man attempted a second flying cross body. The Icon flashes a ****y grin mere seconds before he sends El Chupacabra crashing to the mat with a powerslam. With his opponent down, The Icon gladly took the opportunity to climb the turnbuckle and taunt the fans. He was promptly treated to a hail of Coke bottles and other debris, which seemed to do nothing more than egg on the ****y superstar. Eventually having his fill of the spotlight, The Icon came down from the turnbuckle and nailed El Chupacabra with the [I]Showstopper[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]8)[/B] A video airs recounting the events between Forsaken Angel and Axel. [B]([COLOR="purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Forsaken Angel © vs. Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker for the Unleashed! World Championship[/B][/CENTER] Forsaken Angel and Axel completely tore the roof off of the V. Thompson Arena. If it wasn’t for the limitations of the announce crew, who just couldn’t keep up, this match would have easily been an A. The two battled back and forth, matching power for power. With no give in sight from either man, the fight was taken to the outside where the ring steps, apron, and announcing table were all used as weapons, before referee John Miller was able to gain control and force the fight back into the ring. An odd event occurred when Forsaken Angel clotheslined Axel and immediately pulled his arm close into his body as if in immense pain. The match, far from over, was completed as Forsaken Angel used his left hand as his primary weapon, only using the right scarcely for support when performing moves. The match ended when Foraken Angel whipped a weary Axel to the ropes sending the man right back to him. Forsaken Angel then used Axel’s momentum to execute a one handed [I]Fall From Grace[/I] before making the cover. [CENTER][B]Winner: Forsaken Angel ([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] With the match over, Forsaken Angel raised his hand in triumph as Chastity creped up behind him and hit the man with a low blow. Chastity then grabbed a microphone and screamed [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Icon, Asgard, get the hell out here!!!”[/COLOR] The remaining members of the Extinction Agenda quickly ran down to the ring and began an attack on Forsaken Angel. Trying to fight them off with one hand, Forsaken Angel, was overcome when Axel was roused by Chastity and the odds became too overwhelming. The Extinction Agenda continued the assault, repeatedly striking Forsaken Angel with the ring bell. Finally satisfied the Extinction Agenda made their way to the back, fists raised in triumph the whole way. The show ended as Forsaken Angel was taken backstage and lifted into an ambulance. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[B]The Aftermath[/B] My mind was racing with a million questions by the time Chastity was able to get backstage. The entire script for what was supposed to happen after the match between Forsaken Angel and Axel was thrown out on the fly. That was to be expected by what had occurred during the match; my real concern was finding out to what extent was our biggest star injured and how long he might be out for. As Chastity came through the curtain she immediately locked eyes with me, and began assessing the situation. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“It shouldn’t be too bad, he was able to put some support on it, but he’s going to miss some time. How long, is for the doctors to say though. Where is he by the way.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“The doctors are checking him out over in the ambulance, they aren’t saying much yet though, so I figured I’d get your perspective, since you were out there. That was a hell of an ad lib by the way.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"] “Hey, just protecting my investment, let’s go see if they have any news yet.”[/COLOR]
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[B]The Aftermath[/B] My mind was racing with a million questions by the time Chastity was able to get backstage. The entire script for what was supposed to happen after the match between Forsaken Angel and Axel was thrown out on the fly. That was to be expected by what had occurred during the match; my real concern was finding out to what extent was our biggest star injured and how long he might be out for. As Chastity came through the curtain she immediately locked eyes with me, and began assessing the situation. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“It shouldn’t be too bad, he was able to put some support on it, but he’s going to miss some time. How long, is for the doctors to say though. Where is he by the way.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“The doctors are checking him out over in the ambulance, they aren’t saying much yet though, so I figured I’d get your perspective, since you were out there. That was a hell of an ad lib by the way.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"] “Hey, just protecting my investment, let’s go see if they have any news yet.”[/COLOR]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*] Forsaken Angel suffered a broken arm during his match with Axel. [LIST] [*]He will be out for 2-3 months, according to our doctors. [*] In the meantime work has begun to formulate a new plan in his absence. [/LIST] [*] End of Days received a buy rate of 14,298. [*] Although we are happy with the overall rating of End of Days, there was definitely room for improvement. [LIST] [*]Manuel DeLa Vega was used to much according to various sources [*] There was also a lack of angles that brought our rating down a notch [/LIST] [*] The End of the Year awards from Pro Wrestling Insider were released today (unfortunately Skip spilled soda all over it and only some sections were legible) [LIST] [*]Kabu Yoshizawa won Veteran of the year [*]PGHW Japanese Wrestle Peace Festival won show of the year [*]The Match of the Year was Mito Miwa vs. Yoshimi Mushashibo from PGHW’s Wrestle Peace Festival [*] Most surprising however, was the fact that [B]Jubal Hawkins[/B] was named the Young Wrestler of the Year. [/LIST][/LIST]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*] Forsaken Angel suffered a broken arm during his match with Axel. [LIST] [*]He will be out for 2-3 months, according to our doctors. [*] In the meantime work has begun to formulate a new plan in his absence. [/LIST] [*] End of Days received a buy rate of 14,298. [*] Although we are happy with the overall rating of End of Days, there was definitely room for improvement. [LIST] [*]Manuel DeLa Vega was used to much according to various sources [*] There was also a lack of angles that brought our rating down a notch [/LIST] [*] The End of the Year awards from Pro Wrestling Insider were released today (unfortunately Skip spilled soda all over it and only some sections were legible) [LIST] [*]Kabu Yoshizawa won Veteran of the year [*]PGHW Japanese Wrestle Peace Festival won show of the year [*]The Match of the Year was Mito Miwa vs. Yoshimi Mushashibo from PGHW’s Wrestle Peace Festival [*] Most surprising however, was the fact that [B]Jubal Hawkins[/B] was named the Young Wrestler of the Year. [/LIST][/LIST]
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