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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 1 in January 2,000 in attendance At the War Memorial Auditorium[/COLOR][/CENTER] A video is played on the big screen as [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing. The video is a recap of the events that transpired at PWU: End of Days. Once the music ends Stephanie introduces her new announcing partner Sue Daines who will be taking over for Skip. [B]1)[/B] Before Stephanie and Sue can finish the introduction some unfamiliar [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/in_utero_explicit_version-15724/scentless_apprentice-208204.html"]music[/URL] blasts from the speakers as Skip Campbell comes down to the ring. Skip flashes a big toothy grin toward the audience and begins to speak: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well I got to tell you it’s a little weird to be out here and not be behind the announce table, but I think you’ll find my replacement to be more than capable of filling my shoes. In a perfect world I’d be sitting beside Stephanie cracking my usual jokes and having fun watching some great wrestling matches. However, events at End of Days have made this impossible. Some of you may be surprised to hear this, and some of you may not, but I am indeed the owner and CEO of Pro Wrestling Unleashed! And although I don’t usually like to get involved with the action taking place in this ring, I feel that events have occurred and action must be taken. Last Sunday at End of Days my sister and her so-called Extinction Agenda went too far and the result was very serious injuries to Unleashed! World Champion, Forsaken Angel. The disregard that my sister has for this company will no longer be tolerated and if that means I have to step up and put a stop to it then that’s what I’ll have to do. So tonight, the members of the extinction agenda will be facing opponents of my choosing in singles competitions. First up will be Asgard against T-Rex! Oh and Stephanie as an added stipulation if you or any other member of the Extinction Agenda decides to interfere in any of these matches, you and your whole crew will be terminated and escorted out of the building immediately.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG]Tim Westybrook vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Mitch.jpg[/IMG]Mitch Sanders[/B][/CENTER] Mitch desperately wanted to turn this into a hardcore match and took every opportunity he could orchestrate to do so. However, referee John Miller was ahead of him at every turn and was able to keep the match clean. Westybrook was just to powerfull for Mitch to deal with in a fair fight and was easy pickings without the use of his hardcore weapons. [CENTER][B]Winner: Tim Westybrook ([COLOR="purple"]C-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] [URL="http://song2play.com/m/manfred_mann-4040/chants_and_dances_of_the_native_americans-36519/celebrate_wild_rice_yanahana-464325.html"]Sacred Spirit[/URL] make their way to the ring, microphone in hand. They call Los Brasiguayos out as paper champions, saying that if it weren’t for General Savage they would have never won the belts in the first place. In fact they themselves are tired of being kept back by inferior teams like Los Brasiguayos. As Dakota Blue and Blackfoot continue their tirade Los Brasiguayos come out to a huge roar from the crowd. Manuel and Rafael get in the face of Sacred Spirit, they begin trash talking before Manuel rips the microphone from Dakota’s hand. However, before he is able to say anything, Dakota and Blackfoot go on the offensive and attack the tag champs by surprise. After a quick beatdown Sacred Spirit leave the tag champs down and out in the middle of the ring. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C for the taunting C- for the attack[/COLOR])[/B] [B]4)[/B] We cut to a locker room where we see Chastity, Asgard, Axel and The Icon discussing Skips announcement. Asgard and Axel seem very agitated by the decision and are asking Chastity to confront Skip and make him change his mind. The Icon finally cuts the bickering off stating: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Guys, what are you so worried about, we aren’t all talk, cheating, no cheating what does it matter. No one in PWU can stand against us, I say tonight we go out there and show Skip, just who he’s trying to mess with.”[/COLOR] Seemingly satisfied Axel and Asgard agree and have a new look of determination on their faces as the Extinction Agenda file out of the locker room. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TRex.jpg[/IMG]T-Rex vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Asgard.jpg[/IMG]Asgard[/B][/CENTER] Asgard enters first and is standing ****ily in the ring. However, once [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nine_inch_nails-3483/live_and_all_that_could_have_been-15711/head_like_a_hole_live-207994.html"]Head Like A Hole[/URL] begins playing and T-Rex appears on the stage, a look of grave concern is plastered on his face. Stephanie mentions:[COLOR="SeaGreen"] “These two met up in the ring two weeks ago in a dark match. Asgard pulled out a victory in that contest but it was mainly due to the interference of Chastity Campbell. And judging by the look on his face I think Asgard just realized he’s all alone out here.”[/COLOR] The match was quick yet painful. T-Rex was a man possessed and looked to put a hurting on Asgard, who was quite tentative from beginning to end. The match ended when Asgard tapped out while in the Jurassic Crush. [CENTER][B]Winner: T-Rex ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Ethan.jpg[/IMG]Sir Ethan Oughton vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Chupa.jpg[/IMG]El Chupacabra[/B][/CENTER] A very good match between Sir Ethan and El Chupacabra as these two showed very good chemistry in the ring. The match came to a head when Ethan landed a boot to the face of El Chupacabra. Ethan looked to gain control of the match when General Savage made his way out to the ring distracting both the ref and Ethan. With everyone focused on the General, El Chupacabra was able to sneak up and roll Ethan into a small package for the surprise victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: El Chupacabra ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match General Savage attempted to add insult to injury and attack Ethan. However, Ethan was ready and leveled the General with a clothesline. General Savage realizing his mistake quickly rolled under the ring ropes to the outside of the ring. He then hightailed it out of the arena as Ethan gave chase. The pursuit ended in the parking lot behind the arena, where General Savage was able to hop in a car and make a getaway from the pursuing Ethan. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C+ for both the attack and pursuit[/COLOR])[/B] [B]6)[/B] [URL="http://song2play.com/d/disturbed-4231/believe-19791/awaken-262106.html"]The Icon[/URL] swaggered out to the stage and grabbed a microphone. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“So, the little announcer boy decided he wants to try and run things around here. That’s ok. I have to admit, not allowing Chastity at ringside was a smart move, but your little surprises won’t work on someone like me. In fact, I’m so confident that I can beat whoever you have back there waiting for me, that I’m going to put the National Championship on the line for this. So, come on Skip, do your worst.”[/COLOR] Suddenly the lights go out in the arena and [URL=“http://song2play.com/m/marilyn_manson-4045/greatest_hits_deluxe_explicit-18659/the_beautiful_people-247255.html”]The Beautiful People[/URL] blasts from the speakers. Standing at the top of the ramp is Victor sporting a malicious grin. This set The Icon into a panic as he flipped out, obviously worried about the match that was about to commence. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+ for the taunt and B- for the reveal[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG]The Icon © vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Victor.jpg[/IMG]Victor for the Unleashed! National Championship[/B][/CENTER] Unfortunately Victor and The Icon couldn’t put on an entertaining enough match to equal the spectacle prior to it. Victor was very much off his game tonight and The Icon was forced to pick up much of the slack. Luckily The Icon was able to hide much of Victor’s shortcomings, which was an enormous task as Victor was the aggressor and dominated most of the bout. The match ended when The Alcatraz Kid and the Masked Wrestler made an appearance on the big screen taunting Victor. Victor, distracted by the display, resumed his attention to the match at hand only to be greeted by a [I]Showstopper[/I] from The Icon. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] Upon picking up the victory The Icon began celebrating. This was no ordinary celebration however as The Icon was running around in circles in the ring while holding the National Championship Belt above his head. He proceeded to climb each turnbuckle and pose for the fans. Finally, The Icon jumped to the outside of the ring, climbed the announce table all while holding the belt above his head, leaving Sue Daines to wonder; [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Is this his first title defense Stephanie?”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] Following The Icon’s gratuitous display Stephanie announced that Axel’s opponent for the night would be Cypher, and that the match would be coming up next![B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG]Axel vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cypher.jpg[/IMG]Cypher[/B][/CENTER] Cypher came out on fire, giving Axel everything he had. Dropkicks, leg sweeps, flying elbows; you name it, Cypher tried it. This frustrated Axel to no end, however, nothing Cypher did was able to really put any damage on the bigger man. Realizing that he had to put some hurt to the big man, Cypher attempted a move that would ultimately be his undoing. After nailing Axel with a dropkick, Cypher quickly turned to the turnbuckle and leapt up to the top rope. Upon seeing Axel get up, Cypher leapt from the top rope and tried to perform a hurricanranna. However, Axel unfazed and simply countered the move into a powerbomb which left Cypher sprawled out in the ring. From there Axel gained control and picked up the victory to a chorus of boos from the crowd. [CENTER][B]Winner: Axel ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 1 in January 2,000 in attendance At the War Memorial Auditorium[/COLOR][/CENTER] A video is played on the big screen as [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing. The video is a recap of the events that transpired at PWU: End of Days. Once the music ends Stephanie introduces her new announcing partner Sue Daines who will be taking over for Skip. [B]1)[/B] Before Stephanie and Sue can finish the introduction some unfamiliar [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/in_utero_explicit_version-15724/scentless_apprentice-208204.html"]music[/URL] blasts from the speakers as Skip Campbell comes down to the ring. Skip flashes a big toothy grin toward the audience and begins to speak: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well I got to tell you it’s a little weird to be out here and not be behind the announce table, but I think you’ll find my replacement to be more than capable of filling my shoes. In a perfect world I’d be sitting beside Stephanie cracking my usual jokes and having fun watching some great wrestling matches. However, events at End of Days have made this impossible. Some of you may be surprised to hear this, and some of you may not, but I am indeed the owner and CEO of Pro Wrestling Unleashed! And although I don’t usually like to get involved with the action taking place in this ring, I feel that events have occurred and action must be taken. Last Sunday at End of Days my sister and her so-called Extinction Agenda went too far and the result was very serious injuries to Unleashed! World Champion, Forsaken Angel. The disregard that my sister has for this company will no longer be tolerated and if that means I have to step up and put a stop to it then that’s what I’ll have to do. So tonight, the members of the extinction agenda will be facing opponents of my choosing in singles competitions. First up will be Asgard against T-Rex! Oh and Stephanie as an added stipulation if you or any other member of the Extinction Agenda decides to interfere in any of these matches, you and your whole crew will be terminated and escorted out of the building immediately.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG]Tim Westybrook vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Mitch.jpg[/IMG]Mitch Sanders[/B][/CENTER] Mitch desperately wanted to turn this into a hardcore match and took every opportunity he could orchestrate to do so. However, referee John Miller was ahead of him at every turn and was able to keep the match clean. Westybrook was just to powerfull for Mitch to deal with in a fair fight and was easy pickings without the use of his hardcore weapons. [CENTER][B]Winner: Tim Westybrook ([COLOR="purple"]C-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] [URL="http://song2play.com/m/manfred_mann-4040/chants_and_dances_of_the_native_americans-36519/celebrate_wild_rice_yanahana-464325.html"]Sacred Spirit[/URL] make their way to the ring, microphone in hand. They call Los Brasiguayos out as paper champions, saying that if it weren’t for General Savage they would have never won the belts in the first place. In fact they themselves are tired of being kept back by inferior teams like Los Brasiguayos. As Dakota Blue and Blackfoot continue their tirade Los Brasiguayos come out to a huge roar from the crowd. Manuel and Rafael get in the face of Sacred Spirit, they begin trash talking before Manuel rips the microphone from Dakota’s hand. However, before he is able to say anything, Dakota and Blackfoot go on the offensive and attack the tag champs by surprise. After a quick beatdown Sacred Spirit leave the tag champs down and out in the middle of the ring. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C for the taunting C- for the attack[/COLOR])[/B] [B]4)[/B] We cut to a locker room where we see Chastity, Asgard, Axel and The Icon discussing Skips announcement. Asgard and Axel seem very agitated by the decision and are asking Chastity to confront Skip and make him change his mind. The Icon finally cuts the bickering off stating: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Guys, what are you so worried about, we aren’t all talk, cheating, no cheating what does it matter. No one in PWU can stand against us, I say tonight we go out there and show Skip, just who he’s trying to mess with.”[/COLOR] Seemingly satisfied Axel and Asgard agree and have a new look of determination on their faces as the Extinction Agenda file out of the locker room. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TRex.jpg[/IMG]T-Rex vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Asgard.jpg[/IMG]Asgard[/B][/CENTER] Asgard enters first and is standing ****ily in the ring. However, once [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nine_inch_nails-3483/live_and_all_that_could_have_been-15711/head_like_a_hole_live-207994.html"]Head Like A Hole[/URL] begins playing and T-Rex appears on the stage, a look of grave concern is plastered on his face. Stephanie mentions:[COLOR="SeaGreen"] “These two met up in the ring two weeks ago in a dark match. Asgard pulled out a victory in that contest but it was mainly due to the interference of Chastity Campbell. And judging by the look on his face I think Asgard just realized he’s all alone out here.”[/COLOR] The match was quick yet painful. T-Rex was a man possessed and looked to put a hurting on Asgard, who was quite tentative from beginning to end. The match ended when Asgard tapped out while in the Jurassic Crush. [CENTER][B]Winner: T-Rex ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Ethan.jpg[/IMG]Sir Ethan Oughton vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Chupa.jpg[/IMG]El Chupacabra[/B][/CENTER] A very good match between Sir Ethan and El Chupacabra as these two showed very good chemistry in the ring. The match came to a head when Ethan landed a boot to the face of El Chupacabra. Ethan looked to gain control of the match when General Savage made his way out to the ring distracting both the ref and Ethan. With everyone focused on the General, El Chupacabra was able to sneak up and roll Ethan into a small package for the surprise victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: El Chupacabra ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match General Savage attempted to add insult to injury and attack Ethan. However, Ethan was ready and leveled the General with a clothesline. General Savage realizing his mistake quickly rolled under the ring ropes to the outside of the ring. He then hightailed it out of the arena as Ethan gave chase. The pursuit ended in the parking lot behind the arena, where General Savage was able to hop in a car and make a getaway from the pursuing Ethan. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C+ for both the attack and pursuit[/COLOR])[/B] [B]6)[/B] [URL="http://song2play.com/d/disturbed-4231/believe-19791/awaken-262106.html"]The Icon[/URL] swaggered out to the stage and grabbed a microphone. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“So, the little announcer boy decided he wants to try and run things around here. That’s ok. I have to admit, not allowing Chastity at ringside was a smart move, but your little surprises won’t work on someone like me. In fact, I’m so confident that I can beat whoever you have back there waiting for me, that I’m going to put the National Championship on the line for this. So, come on Skip, do your worst.”[/COLOR] Suddenly the lights go out in the arena and [URL=“http://song2play.com/m/marilyn_manson-4045/greatest_hits_deluxe_explicit-18659/the_beautiful_people-247255.html”]The Beautiful People[/URL] blasts from the speakers. Standing at the top of the ramp is Victor sporting a malicious grin. This set The Icon into a panic as he flipped out, obviously worried about the match that was about to commence. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+ for the taunt and B- for the reveal[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG]The Icon © vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Victor.jpg[/IMG]Victor for the Unleashed! National Championship[/B][/CENTER] Unfortunately Victor and The Icon couldn’t put on an entertaining enough match to equal the spectacle prior to it. Victor was very much off his game tonight and The Icon was forced to pick up much of the slack. Luckily The Icon was able to hide much of Victor’s shortcomings, which was an enormous task as Victor was the aggressor and dominated most of the bout. The match ended when The Alcatraz Kid and the Masked Wrestler made an appearance on the big screen taunting Victor. Victor, distracted by the display, resumed his attention to the match at hand only to be greeted by a [I]Showstopper[/I] from The Icon. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] Upon picking up the victory The Icon began celebrating. This was no ordinary celebration however as The Icon was running around in circles in the ring while holding the National Championship Belt above his head. He proceeded to climb each turnbuckle and pose for the fans. Finally, The Icon jumped to the outside of the ring, climbed the announce table all while holding the belt above his head, leaving Sue Daines to wonder; [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Is this his first title defense Stephanie?”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] Following The Icon’s gratuitous display Stephanie announced that Axel’s opponent for the night would be Cypher, and that the match would be coming up next![B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG]Axel vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cypher.jpg[/IMG]Cypher[/B][/CENTER] Cypher came out on fire, giving Axel everything he had. Dropkicks, leg sweeps, flying elbows; you name it, Cypher tried it. This frustrated Axel to no end, however, nothing Cypher did was able to really put any damage on the bigger man. Realizing that he had to put some hurt to the big man, Cypher attempted a move that would ultimately be his undoing. After nailing Axel with a dropkick, Cypher quickly turned to the turnbuckle and leapt up to the top rope. Upon seeing Axel get up, Cypher leapt from the top rope and tried to perform a hurricanranna. However, Axel unfazed and simply countered the move into a powerbomb which left Cypher sprawled out in the ring. From there Axel gained control and picked up the victory to a chorus of boos from the crowd. [CENTER][B]Winner: Axel ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*] Not much to report here. All agreed that Skip and Blackfoot were slightly overused, however, it was also agreed that in both cases it was unavoidable. [*] Need to address something that was slightly overlooked. The debut of Kazuma Narato took place at [COLOR="Red"]PWU: End of Days[/COLOR], Narato will be joining Kitayama Moschino in the tag team division. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG] Kazuma Narato- Neutron [URL="http://song2play.com/n/neurotron-16876/japan_ep_remastered-38200/japan-485292.html"]Japan[/URL][/LIST]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*] Not much to report here. All agreed that Skip and Blackfoot were slightly overused, however, it was also agreed that in both cases it was unavoidable. [*] Need to address something that was slightly overlooked. The debut of Kazuma Narato took place at [COLOR="Red"]PWU: End of Days[/COLOR], Narato will be joining Kitayama Moschino in the tag team division. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG] Kazuma Narato- Neutron [URL="http://song2play.com/n/neurotron-16876/japan_ep_remastered-38200/japan-485292.html"]Japan[/URL][/LIST]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 2 in January 4,383 in attendance At the Gorski Ballroom[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge begins. [/CENTER][/B] [B]1)[/B] Stephanie [URL="http://song2play.com/t/the_distillers-4230/coral_fang_explicit-19785/the_hunger-262054.html"]comes out[/URL] backed by the rest of the Extinction Agenda. She talks about how the Extinction Agenda was able to win two of their matches last week, despite Skip’s stipulations. She says that what happened to Forsaken Angel should have been a message to everyone else; that they are in charge and they are not to be crossed. She also decides that as a reward for a job well done last week, the Extinction Agenda will be taking the night off, and there is nothing Skip can do about it, however, before Chastity can finish The Icon grabs the microphone and announces that that isn’t entirely true. In fact he’s decided to defend his title once again tonight and that his opponent will be Sir Ethan Oughton. The rest of the Extinction Agenda are taken aback by this announcement however, and are seen having a heated discussion with The Icon as they leave the ring. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+ for the taunting and C+ for the match announcement[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Jubal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dominique.jpg[/IMG]So Fresh and So Clean vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Blackfoot.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dakota.jpg[/IMG]Sacred Spirit[/B][/CENTER] Sacred Spirit took control of the match from beginning to end, Dakota Blue was able to wear down Jubal and Dominique with holds and counters and then let his bigger and more powerful partner finish them off. However, with both members of So Fresh and So Clean down and out and Blackfoot ready to make the pin; Manuel DeLa Vega come out and hoped up onto the ring apron. This drew the attention of both Dakota Blue and referee John Miller. With them preoccupied Rafael Dos Santos came out from the crowd with a kendo stick. He quickly slid into the ring and hit Blackfoot over the head with the foreign object. Following a heated argument on the ring apron, Dakota Blue had finally had enough and elbowed Manuel to the ground. He followed him outside and began brawling with Manuel until he was eventually double teamed by the tag champions. Referee John Miller tried to regain control and turned around just in time to see Jubal groggily drag himself over to the fallen Blackfoot. Not knowing what to do, John Miller reluctantly made the three count. [CENTER][B]Winner: So Fresh and So Clean ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] Backstage we catch the tail end of a discussion between The Violator and Victor. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“The “Kid” must be taken care of, he’s interfered long enough.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“And the other one?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“I will handle him, he may have some use for us still.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] As we come back from commercial we see Skip sitting behind his desk with a terrified look on his face. As the camera pans back we see Victor standing there staring him down. “Ummm…….so……how can I help you?” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Alcatraz Kid”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Ummm……yes, I realize you’ve had some run-ins with him lately. What would you like me to do.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Violent by Design…….Casket Match”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"] “You want to face The Alcatraz Kid in a Casket Match at Violent by Design….well……let me look into that, and I’ll get back to you”[/COLOR] Upon hearing Skip’s decision, Victor grabbed a chair and threw it against the wall. He then grabbed Skip by the collar and lifted the man nearly 3 feet off the ground. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, I’ve checked the books, and it looks like that shouldn’t be a problem. At Violent by Design, you and The Alcatraz Kid can have a casket match.”[/COLOR] Skip said while struggling to catch his breath. Finally getting his way Victor dropped Skip back into his office seat, turned, and walked out of the room without saying a word; leaving a frightened Skip behind. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]4) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kamikaze.jpg[/IMG]Kamikaze Mike vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/MaskedWrestler.jpg[/IMG]Masked Wrestler[/B][/CENTER] Kamikaze Mike was really off his game tonight, which is a shame because these two should match up well. Kamikaze was able to pick up the victory with a [I]Suicide Dive[/I] after the Masked Wrestler missed a [I]Swanton Bomb[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kamikaze Mike ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] While the Masked Wrestler is trying to compose himself, The Violator pops up through the ring and drags him through. This freaks out Stephanie and Sue as they comment that nobody in the arena saw The Violator come out and hide underneath the ring and there is no explanation for how he got there. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5)[/B] Backstage, we see The Icon and General Savage discussing something. However, the camera is hidden behind some crates, blocking the view, and ensuring that what is being discussed cannot be heard. All that can be seen is a handshake from both men as they nod their heads in agreement. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]6)[/B] [URL=“http://song2play.com/p/pantera-3549/cowboys_from_hell-15989/cowboys_from_hell-211457.html”]Axel[/URL] comes out to the ring and grabs a microphone. He taunts Forsaken Angel, claiming that the World Champion isn’t really injured at all, he’s just afraid to give Axel a rematch. He then states that he doesn’t need a phony belt around his waste to know who the real number one wrestler in PWU is. Before he can say anymore though, [URL=“http://song2play.com/h/hoobastank-3799/hoobastank-17378/crawling_in_the_dark-230552.html”]Crawling in the Dark[/URL] begins playing and Luke Leblanc comes out to the ring. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“You think you can beat Forsaken Angel in a fair fight? That’s funny, because last time I checked you almost lost to ME! In fact I think that if it wasn’t for Chastity and the rest of the EA, you would be nothing but a roadie, setting up the ring before shows for the real stars like Forsaken Angel. In fact, I bet you couldn’t even beat me in the ring, right now!”[/COLOR] Luke is waiting for a response, when suddenly he’s hit with a right cross from Axel in an apparent acceptance of the challenge just made.[B]([COLOR="purple"]B- for challenge, B for the response[/COLOR])[/B] [B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG]Axel vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Luke.jpg[/IMG]Luke Leblanc[/B][/CENTER] Luke certainly bit off more than he could chew, as Axel was completely fired up for this match. Following the sucker punch, Axel never lets up and Luke has little chance to retaliate. Axel making a display off things, definitely makes Luke pay for his comments by throwing him around the ring. Axel finally puts Luke away with a running powerbomb. [CENTER][B]Winner: Axel ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]7)[/B] In the locker room we catch General Savage in the middle of a brutal attack on Sir Ethan Oughton. “There is definitely bad blood between these two, and I’m sure it didn’t take much for The Icon to talk the General into this” comments Stephanie. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]8) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cypher.jpg[/IMG]Cypher vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cyndi.jpg[/IMG]Cyndi Smythe [/B][/CENTER] Cyndi Smythe gave Cypher everything she had and almost pulled out the upset victory. However, the veteran had enough tricks up his sleeve to fend off the younger wrestler. In the end, after a hard fought match, Cypher put away Cyndi with a [I]Frogsplash[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: Cypher ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Cypher approaches Cyndi and offers her his hand for a well fought match. After looking over Cypher for a minute Cyndi breaks a smile shakes the man’s hand and the two of them celebrate. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]9)[/B] Before the match The Icon came out to do his usual gloating. As The Icon was commenting on how dominant he was, General Savage, drug the battered Ethan to the ring and tossed him in to begin the match. [B]([COLOR="purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG]The Icon vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Ethan.jpg[/IMG]Sir Ethan Oughton[/B][/CENTER] Ethan is banged up pretty good as he’s trying to stand on his feet. The Icon seems to be enjoying himself, calling Ethan on, motioning for him to come start the fight, and generally being a prick. The Icon is mostly posing and dancing around the ring occasionally knocking Ethan down with a clothesline. The debris from the crowd starts flying as The Icon grabs Ethan and picks the man up. Ethan has just enough in him to hit The Icon with a low blow however, and The Icon falls to the mat as the crowd erupts. Ethan still wobbly begins to put the boots to The Icon. Gaining some much needed momentum, Ethan picks up The Icon and attempts a suplex. However, he’s unable to gather his strength and the move is reversed by a recovered Icon. Finally putting the match to an end, The Icon hits the [I]Showstopper[/I] for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] Following the match, The Icon takes a couple cheap shots on Ethan and calls in the general to subject the man to successive [I]Shellshocks[/I]. [B]10)[/B] The show ends as we cut backstage where we see Skip Campbell shaking his head and watching everything from a monitor. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 2 in January 4,383 in attendance At the Gorski Ballroom[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge begins. [/CENTER][/B] [B]1)[/B] Stephanie [URL="http://song2play.com/t/the_distillers-4230/coral_fang_explicit-19785/the_hunger-262054.html"]comes out[/URL] backed by the rest of the Extinction Agenda. She talks about how the Extinction Agenda was able to win two of their matches last week, despite Skip’s stipulations. She says that what happened to Forsaken Angel should have been a message to everyone else; that they are in charge and they are not to be crossed. She also decides that as a reward for a job well done last week, the Extinction Agenda will be taking the night off, and there is nothing Skip can do about it, however, before Chastity can finish The Icon grabs the microphone and announces that that isn’t entirely true. In fact he’s decided to defend his title once again tonight and that his opponent will be Sir Ethan Oughton. The rest of the Extinction Agenda are taken aback by this announcement however, and are seen having a heated discussion with The Icon as they leave the ring. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+ for the taunting and C+ for the match announcement[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Jubal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dominique.jpg[/IMG]So Fresh and So Clean vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Blackfoot.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dakota.jpg[/IMG]Sacred Spirit[/B][/CENTER] Sacred Spirit took control of the match from beginning to end, Dakota Blue was able to wear down Jubal and Dominique with holds and counters and then let his bigger and more powerful partner finish them off. However, with both members of So Fresh and So Clean down and out and Blackfoot ready to make the pin; Manuel DeLa Vega come out and hoped up onto the ring apron. This drew the attention of both Dakota Blue and referee John Miller. With them preoccupied Rafael Dos Santos came out from the crowd with a kendo stick. He quickly slid into the ring and hit Blackfoot over the head with the foreign object. Following a heated argument on the ring apron, Dakota Blue had finally had enough and elbowed Manuel to the ground. He followed him outside and began brawling with Manuel until he was eventually double teamed by the tag champions. Referee John Miller tried to regain control and turned around just in time to see Jubal groggily drag himself over to the fallen Blackfoot. Not knowing what to do, John Miller reluctantly made the three count. [CENTER][B]Winner: So Fresh and So Clean ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] Backstage we catch the tail end of a discussion between The Violator and Victor. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“The “Kid” must be taken care of, he’s interfered long enough.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“And the other one?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“I will handle him, he may have some use for us still.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] As we come back from commercial we see Skip sitting behind his desk with a terrified look on his face. As the camera pans back we see Victor standing there staring him down. “Ummm…….so……how can I help you?” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Alcatraz Kid”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Ummm……yes, I realize you’ve had some run-ins with him lately. What would you like me to do.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Violent by Design…….Casket Match”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"] “You want to face The Alcatraz Kid in a Casket Match at Violent by Design….well……let me look into that, and I’ll get back to you”[/COLOR] Upon hearing Skip’s decision, Victor grabbed a chair and threw it against the wall. He then grabbed Skip by the collar and lifted the man nearly 3 feet off the ground. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, I’ve checked the books, and it looks like that shouldn’t be a problem. At Violent by Design, you and The Alcatraz Kid can have a casket match.”[/COLOR] Skip said while struggling to catch his breath. Finally getting his way Victor dropped Skip back into his office seat, turned, and walked out of the room without saying a word; leaving a frightened Skip behind. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]4) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kamikaze.jpg[/IMG]Kamikaze Mike vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/MaskedWrestler.jpg[/IMG]Masked Wrestler[/B][/CENTER] Kamikaze Mike was really off his game tonight, which is a shame because these two should match up well. Kamikaze was able to pick up the victory with a [I]Suicide Dive[/I] after the Masked Wrestler missed a [I]Swanton Bomb[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kamikaze Mike ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] While the Masked Wrestler is trying to compose himself, The Violator pops up through the ring and drags him through. This freaks out Stephanie and Sue as they comment that nobody in the arena saw The Violator come out and hide underneath the ring and there is no explanation for how he got there. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5)[/B] Backstage, we see The Icon and General Savage discussing something. However, the camera is hidden behind some crates, blocking the view, and ensuring that what is being discussed cannot be heard. All that can be seen is a handshake from both men as they nod their heads in agreement. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]6)[/B] [URL=“http://song2play.com/p/pantera-3549/cowboys_from_hell-15989/cowboys_from_hell-211457.html”]Axel[/URL] comes out to the ring and grabs a microphone. He taunts Forsaken Angel, claiming that the World Champion isn’t really injured at all, he’s just afraid to give Axel a rematch. He then states that he doesn’t need a phony belt around his waste to know who the real number one wrestler in PWU is. Before he can say anymore though, [URL=“http://song2play.com/h/hoobastank-3799/hoobastank-17378/crawling_in_the_dark-230552.html”]Crawling in the Dark[/URL] begins playing and Luke Leblanc comes out to the ring. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“You think you can beat Forsaken Angel in a fair fight? That’s funny, because last time I checked you almost lost to ME! In fact I think that if it wasn’t for Chastity and the rest of the EA, you would be nothing but a roadie, setting up the ring before shows for the real stars like Forsaken Angel. In fact, I bet you couldn’t even beat me in the ring, right now!”[/COLOR] Luke is waiting for a response, when suddenly he’s hit with a right cross from Axel in an apparent acceptance of the challenge just made.[B]([COLOR="purple"]B- for challenge, B for the response[/COLOR])[/B] [B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG]Axel vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Luke.jpg[/IMG]Luke Leblanc[/B][/CENTER] Luke certainly bit off more than he could chew, as Axel was completely fired up for this match. Following the sucker punch, Axel never lets up and Luke has little chance to retaliate. Axel making a display off things, definitely makes Luke pay for his comments by throwing him around the ring. Axel finally puts Luke away with a running powerbomb. [CENTER][B]Winner: Axel ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]7)[/B] In the locker room we catch General Savage in the middle of a brutal attack on Sir Ethan Oughton. “There is definitely bad blood between these two, and I’m sure it didn’t take much for The Icon to talk the General into this” comments Stephanie. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]8) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cypher.jpg[/IMG]Cypher vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cyndi.jpg[/IMG]Cyndi Smythe [/B][/CENTER] Cyndi Smythe gave Cypher everything she had and almost pulled out the upset victory. However, the veteran had enough tricks up his sleeve to fend off the younger wrestler. In the end, after a hard fought match, Cypher put away Cyndi with a [I]Frogsplash[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: Cypher ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Cypher approaches Cyndi and offers her his hand for a well fought match. After looking over Cypher for a minute Cyndi breaks a smile shakes the man’s hand and the two of them celebrate. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]9)[/B] Before the match The Icon came out to do his usual gloating. As The Icon was commenting on how dominant he was, General Savage, drug the battered Ethan to the ring and tossed him in to begin the match. [B]([COLOR="purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG]The Icon vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Ethan.jpg[/IMG]Sir Ethan Oughton[/B][/CENTER] Ethan is banged up pretty good as he’s trying to stand on his feet. The Icon seems to be enjoying himself, calling Ethan on, motioning for him to come start the fight, and generally being a prick. The Icon is mostly posing and dancing around the ring occasionally knocking Ethan down with a clothesline. The debris from the crowd starts flying as The Icon grabs Ethan and picks the man up. Ethan has just enough in him to hit The Icon with a low blow however, and The Icon falls to the mat as the crowd erupts. Ethan still wobbly begins to put the boots to The Icon. Gaining some much needed momentum, Ethan picks up The Icon and attempts a suplex. However, he’s unable to gather his strength and the move is reversed by a recovered Icon. Finally putting the match to an end, The Icon hits the [I]Showstopper[/I] for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] Following the match, The Icon takes a couple cheap shots on Ethan and calls in the general to subject the man to successive [I]Shellshocks[/I]. [B]10)[/B] The show ends as we cut backstage where we see Skip Campbell shaking his head and watching everything from a monitor. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 3, January 2,000 in attendance At Pennsylvania Park[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge begins.[/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] The show opens up to the sound of [URL=”http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/in_utero_explicit_version-15724/scentless_apprentice-208204.html”]Scentless Apprentice[/URL] as Skip Campbell makes his way down to the ring. He grabs a microphone and immediately rips into Chastity and the Extinction Agenda. He says he made a mistake last week in thinking he had already punished them before; and it wasn’t a mistake he intended to repeat. He states that each member of the Extinction Agenda will be in a match tonight, however, he will not be naïve enough to prevent them from being at ringside this time. Instead he tells them that they can do whatever they please, but there will be repercussions. The announced matches are: Asgard vs. Cyndi Smythe The Icon vs. Kazuma Narato fo the Unleashed! National Championship Axel vs. A Mystery Opponent [B]([COLOR="purple"]B- for the taunting. C- for Asgard/Cyndi Smythe match announcement and B for the announcements of Axel’s and The Icon’s matches.[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dominique.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Jubal.jpg[/IMG]So Fresh and So Clean vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Rayne.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Payne.jpg[/IMG]Rayne & Payne[/B][/CENTER] Rayne and Payne continue to have good matches with just about any tag team I throw at them, despite that they aren’t really that over. Jubal was the odd man out as his more technical style didn’t lend itself well to the high flying that Dominique and the girls were displaying. In the end So Fresh and So Clean picked up another victory as Dominique pinned Rayne for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: So Fresh and So Clean ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] The Extinction Agenda are backstage and appear to be laughing hysterically at somebody’s joke. After the laughter has died down, Chastity picks up a microphone and begins to speak. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Seriously, Skip, do you think your idle threats have any bearing on how the EA operates? Please. We’ll do what we want whenever we want. Don’t forget it. And as for your little matches, do you think a man the size of Asgard is frightened by some little girl? And a mystery opponent? Do you think Axel is afraid of anyone in PWU?”[/COLOR] Before Chastity could go on, The Icon grabbed the microphone: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“And you know what, and put me in any match you want. In fact I’ll put the National Championship on the line tonight, because there is no way some little punk tag team wrestler like Narato can take it from me.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]B for the promo and B+ for The Icon’s taunt [/COLOR])[/B] [B]4)[/B] As the Extinction Agenda goes off-air with Chastity glaring at The Icon, Sue and Stephanie alert us to events unfolding at the front of the stadium. We cut away to see Sir Ethan Oughton chasing General Savage through the arena’s foyer, neither of them concerned about bumping into and knocking over fans and spectators on their way. The chase proceeds to the front stairs of the arena where the General is leading Ethan by about 5 yards. However, at the bottom of the stairs the General pulls off a rather crass move and bowls over an older woman using a walker, much to the horror of her accompanying family. Seeing this, Ethan has no choice but to stop to help and check on the woman as General Savage plows through the arena entrance making his getaway.[B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]5) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Asgard.jpg[/IMG]Asgard vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cyndi.jpg[/IMG]Cyndi Smythe[/B][/CENTER] Cyndi and Asgard just didn’t pair up very well at all. The difference in size may be the reason for this as the both of them weren’t able to adjust very easily. Fortunately “Dandy” Don worked up a decent enough match script to pull out a solid if unspectacular match. Asgard eventually put Cyndi away with the [I]Muspell Flames[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: Asgard ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match the camera cuts away to Cypher, who was watching the match on a monitor in the locker room. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]6)[/B] As Stephanie and Sue ponder what Cypher’s motives for monitoring the match are, a brawl backstage is shown on the big screen. The Icon has Kazuma Narato down on the ground and is savagely putting the boots to him. Unfortunately for Kazuma, when his tag team partner Kitayama attempted to make the save, Axel came out from nowhere and leveled the man with a clothesline. From there The Icon and Axel seemed to be experiencing much joy from the beating they were giving out. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] Back in the ring we find The Alcatraz Kid with microphone in hand. He says he’s tired of the cowardly attacks on him by Victor and The Violator. He also says that he won’t be scared off by what they did to the Masked Wrestler last week. He then says that one way or another this feud between them must end and he’d rather it be sooner than later. TAK then challenged The Violator to a match at Violent by Design which brought The Violator out to ringside. The Violator does not look amused by what The Alcatraz Kid has said and tells him that he has more important matters to attend to then to waste his time playing with some “kid.” [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“However, if it’s pain and suffering you desire than I’m sure I can make that arrangement. Not only at Violent by Design but right now!” [/COLOR] At that moment the lights went out in the arena and when they came back up The Violator was nowhere to be seen. However, standing behind TAK was Victor and as TAK turned around in search of the man who was just seconds before standing in front of him, Victor grabbed him by the throat and drove him to the mat with a [I]Chokeslam[/I]. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C+ for the challenge, B Response, B- for attack [/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]8) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG]Kazuma Narato vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG]The Icon © for the Unleashed! National Championship[/B][/CENTER] Once again The Icon toyed with an injured opponent. However, this time rather than allowing that opponent to make a surprise flurry, The Icon simply overran Narato and pulled off an easy victory that ended with the [I]Showstopper[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match the rest of the Extinction Agenda came out to the ring and joined The Icon in once again attacking Kazuma Narato. Kitayama tried to help out but the three men proved to be too much. The beating finally ended when Luke Leblanc ran out from backstage wielding a chair which scattered the members of the Extinction Agenda. Not wanting to test the young wrestler the Extinction Agenda made their way back up the ramp way with a collective smile on their faces..[B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]9) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kamikaze.jpg[/IMG]Kamikaze Mike vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Chupa.jpg[/IMG]El Chupacabra [/B][/CENTER] A very decent match placed here to break up the rush of storyline driven material. Kamikaze and El Chupacabra were able to put on a decent cruiserweight match that let the audience catch their breath before the Main Event. Kamikaze picked up the victory after nailing a [I]Suicide Dive[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kamikaze Mike ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]10)[/B] Axel was already in the ring waiting to see who his opponent for the night would be, when Skip Campbell appeared on the Big Screen. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, you all have made it perfectly clear that you don’t consider me a threat at all. And once again you’ve made a mockery out of a title defense. You’ve ruthlessly attacked other wrestlers for fun; however, I did warn that there would be repercussions and tonight marks the first stage of your punishment. Enjoy!”[/COLOR] As Skip’s image faded from the Big Screen the lights in the arena went dark. Suddenly there was an explosion on the entrance ramp and flames began to ignite on both sides of the ramp. Finally Slipknot’s [URL=”http://song2play.com/s/slipknot-3059/vol_3_the_subliminal_verses-13511/the_blister_exists-178935.html”]The Blister Exists[/URL] erupted from the speakers and Axel’s face turned white as he realized his opponent for the night would be none other than The Violator! [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG]Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Violator.jpg[/IMG]The Violator [/B][/CENTER] Axel was apprehensive at the onset of the match, but, as the match progressed the momentum began to sway more evenly between the two competitors. However, try as he might Axel just couldn’t get The Violator down and was becoming increasingly frustrated. This frustration caused Axel to make a costly mistake as The Violator caught him with a sudden powerslam that looked as if it would keep him down. Seeing this, Chastity acted quickly and called out the rest of the Extinction Agenda, who must have been waiting just beyond the backstage entrance. The Violator surprised just about everybody though as he quickly left the ring and met both Asgard and The Icon halfway up the ramp. He quickly clotheslined Asgard putting him down, he then began brawling with The Icon back up to the top of the ramp. Chastity quickly roused Asgard, who immediately went to help The Icon take care of The Violator. However, as he made it to the top of the ramp, Victor burst out from backstage hitting Asgard with a spear. Victor then picked the man up and [I]Chokeslammed[/I] him off the entrance ramp. With Asgard out of the way, Victor and The Violator tore into The Icon until it was certain that Victor could handle the man himself. The Violator then made his way back to the ring in time to catch Chastity awaking the fallen Axel. Axel, groggy as he was, was able to put up a valiant fight. However, The Violator was able to take control of the match and finally end things with the [I]Last Rites[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Violator ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 3, January 2,000 in attendance At Pennsylvania Park[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge begins.[/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] The show opens up to the sound of [URL=”http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/in_utero_explicit_version-15724/scentless_apprentice-208204.html”]Scentless Apprentice[/URL] as Skip Campbell makes his way down to the ring. He grabs a microphone and immediately rips into Chastity and the Extinction Agenda. He says he made a mistake last week in thinking he had already punished them before; and it wasn’t a mistake he intended to repeat. He states that each member of the Extinction Agenda will be in a match tonight, however, he will not be naïve enough to prevent them from being at ringside this time. Instead he tells them that they can do whatever they please, but there will be repercussions. The announced matches are: Asgard vs. Cyndi Smythe The Icon vs. Kazuma Narato fo the Unleashed! National Championship Axel vs. A Mystery Opponent [B]([COLOR="purple"]B- for the taunting. C- for Asgard/Cyndi Smythe match announcement and B for the announcements of Axel’s and The Icon’s matches.[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dominique.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Jubal.jpg[/IMG]So Fresh and So Clean vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Rayne.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Payne.jpg[/IMG]Rayne & Payne[/B][/CENTER] Rayne and Payne continue to have good matches with just about any tag team I throw at them, despite that they aren’t really that over. Jubal was the odd man out as his more technical style didn’t lend itself well to the high flying that Dominique and the girls were displaying. In the end So Fresh and So Clean picked up another victory as Dominique pinned Rayne for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: So Fresh and So Clean ([COLOR="purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]3)[/B] The Extinction Agenda are backstage and appear to be laughing hysterically at somebody’s joke. After the laughter has died down, Chastity picks up a microphone and begins to speak. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Seriously, Skip, do you think your idle threats have any bearing on how the EA operates? Please. We’ll do what we want whenever we want. Don’t forget it. And as for your little matches, do you think a man the size of Asgard is frightened by some little girl? And a mystery opponent? Do you think Axel is afraid of anyone in PWU?”[/COLOR] Before Chastity could go on, The Icon grabbed the microphone: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“And you know what, and put me in any match you want. In fact I’ll put the National Championship on the line tonight, because there is no way some little punk tag team wrestler like Narato can take it from me.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="purple"]B for the promo and B+ for The Icon’s taunt [/COLOR])[/B] [B]4)[/B] As the Extinction Agenda goes off-air with Chastity glaring at The Icon, Sue and Stephanie alert us to events unfolding at the front of the stadium. We cut away to see Sir Ethan Oughton chasing General Savage through the arena’s foyer, neither of them concerned about bumping into and knocking over fans and spectators on their way. The chase proceeds to the front stairs of the arena where the General is leading Ethan by about 5 yards. However, at the bottom of the stairs the General pulls off a rather crass move and bowls over an older woman using a walker, much to the horror of her accompanying family. Seeing this, Ethan has no choice but to stop to help and check on the woman as General Savage plows through the arena entrance making his getaway.[B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]5) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Asgard.jpg[/IMG]Asgard vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cyndi.jpg[/IMG]Cyndi Smythe[/B][/CENTER] Cyndi and Asgard just didn’t pair up very well at all. The difference in size may be the reason for this as the both of them weren’t able to adjust very easily. Fortunately “Dandy” Don worked up a decent enough match script to pull out a solid if unspectacular match. Asgard eventually put Cyndi away with the [I]Muspell Flames[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: Asgard ([COLOR="purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match the camera cuts away to Cypher, who was watching the match on a monitor in the locker room. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]6)[/B] As Stephanie and Sue ponder what Cypher’s motives for monitoring the match are, a brawl backstage is shown on the big screen. The Icon has Kazuma Narato down on the ground and is savagely putting the boots to him. Unfortunately for Kazuma, when his tag team partner Kitayama attempted to make the save, Axel came out from nowhere and leveled the man with a clothesline. From there The Icon and Axel seemed to be experiencing much joy from the beating they were giving out. [B]([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] Back in the ring we find The Alcatraz Kid with microphone in hand. He says he’s tired of the cowardly attacks on him by Victor and The Violator. He also says that he won’t be scared off by what they did to the Masked Wrestler last week. He then says that one way or another this feud between them must end and he’d rather it be sooner than later. TAK then challenged The Violator to a match at Violent by Design which brought The Violator out to ringside. The Violator does not look amused by what The Alcatraz Kid has said and tells him that he has more important matters to attend to then to waste his time playing with some “kid.” [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“However, if it’s pain and suffering you desire than I’m sure I can make that arrangement. Not only at Violent by Design but right now!” [/COLOR] At that moment the lights went out in the arena and when they came back up The Violator was nowhere to be seen. However, standing behind TAK was Victor and as TAK turned around in search of the man who was just seconds before standing in front of him, Victor grabbed him by the throat and drove him to the mat with a [I]Chokeslam[/I]. [B]([COLOR="purple"]C+ for the challenge, B Response, B- for attack [/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]8) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG]Kazuma Narato vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG]The Icon © for the Unleashed! National Championship[/B][/CENTER] Once again The Icon toyed with an injured opponent. However, this time rather than allowing that opponent to make a surprise flurry, The Icon simply overran Narato and pulled off an easy victory that ended with the [I]Showstopper[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match the rest of the Extinction Agenda came out to the ring and joined The Icon in once again attacking Kazuma Narato. Kitayama tried to help out but the three men proved to be too much. The beating finally ended when Luke Leblanc ran out from backstage wielding a chair which scattered the members of the Extinction Agenda. Not wanting to test the young wrestler the Extinction Agenda made their way back up the ramp way with a collective smile on their faces..[B]([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]9) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kamikaze.jpg[/IMG]Kamikaze Mike vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Chupa.jpg[/IMG]El Chupacabra [/B][/CENTER] A very decent match placed here to break up the rush of storyline driven material. Kamikaze and El Chupacabra were able to put on a decent cruiserweight match that let the audience catch their breath before the Main Event. Kamikaze picked up the victory after nailing a [I]Suicide Dive[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kamikaze Mike ([COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]10)[/B] Axel was already in the ring waiting to see who his opponent for the night would be, when Skip Campbell appeared on the Big Screen. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, you all have made it perfectly clear that you don’t consider me a threat at all. And once again you’ve made a mockery out of a title defense. You’ve ruthlessly attacked other wrestlers for fun; however, I did warn that there would be repercussions and tonight marks the first stage of your punishment. Enjoy!”[/COLOR] As Skip’s image faded from the Big Screen the lights in the arena went dark. Suddenly there was an explosion on the entrance ramp and flames began to ignite on both sides of the ramp. Finally Slipknot’s [URL=”http://song2play.com/s/slipknot-3059/vol_3_the_subliminal_verses-13511/the_blister_exists-178935.html”]The Blister Exists[/URL] erupted from the speakers and Axel’s face turned white as he realized his opponent for the night would be none other than The Violator! [B]([COLOR="purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG]Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Violator.jpg[/IMG]The Violator [/B][/CENTER] Axel was apprehensive at the onset of the match, but, as the match progressed the momentum began to sway more evenly between the two competitors. However, try as he might Axel just couldn’t get The Violator down and was becoming increasingly frustrated. This frustration caused Axel to make a costly mistake as The Violator caught him with a sudden powerslam that looked as if it would keep him down. Seeing this, Chastity acted quickly and called out the rest of the Extinction Agenda, who must have been waiting just beyond the backstage entrance. The Violator surprised just about everybody though as he quickly left the ring and met both Asgard and The Icon halfway up the ramp. He quickly clotheslined Asgard putting him down, he then began brawling with The Icon back up to the top of the ramp. Chastity quickly roused Asgard, who immediately went to help The Icon take care of The Violator. However, as he made it to the top of the ramp, Victor burst out from backstage hitting Asgard with a spear. Victor then picked the man up and [I]Chokeslammed[/I] him off the entrance ramp. With Asgard out of the way, Victor and The Violator tore into The Icon until it was certain that Victor could handle the man himself. The Violator then made his way back to the ring in time to catch Chastity awaking the fallen Axel. Axel, groggy as he was, was able to put up a valiant fight. However, The Violator was able to take control of the match and finally end things with the [I]Last Rites[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Violator ([COLOR="purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="purple"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*] Everyone was surprised by the rating last night, as we were expecting a B based off the Icon/Narato and Axel/Violator matches. Apparantly the match between Kamikaze and El Chupacabra should have been placed earlier in the show. [*] All agreed that Kazuma Narato was slightly overused in last night’s show. However, everyone was pleased that he was far from a letdown in his segments. [*] Also, most everyone is pleased with the tag team of Rayne and Payne. Recently they’ve been able to pull of C or better matches no matter the quality of the opponents they face. This all done with little overness on their part. They may be in line for a push as soon as it’s possible. [/LIST]
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[B]Notes From The Weekly Booking Meeting[/B] [LIST] [*] Everyone was surprised by the rating last night, as we were expecting a B based off the Icon/Narato and Axel/Violator matches. Apparantly the match between Kamikaze and El Chupacabra should have been placed earlier in the show. [*] All agreed that Kazuma Narato was slightly overused in last night’s show. However, everyone was pleased that he was far from a letdown in his segments. [*] Also, most everyone is pleased with the tag team of Rayne and Payne. Recently they’ve been able to pull of C or better matches no matter the quality of the opponents they face. This all done with little overness on their part. They may be in line for a push as soon as it’s possible. [/LIST]
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[QUOTE]OOC: I have somehow lost the write-up for this particular show and had to go back in game for the results. However, since the “History” only provides ratings for matches, I don't have angle ratings. Also, because I can’t remember exactly what angles I ran, the show will be a fairly quick recap. Thanks for Reading![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 4 in January 1,763 in attendance At The Den[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] The show opened up in Skips office where Skip and Chastity, with Asgard in tow, were having an argument. Apparantly Chastity was pissed off about who Axel and The Icon are slated to face at Violent by Design. Particualarly she stated that neither opponent was worth getting in the ring with. Skip made a snide remark in retaliation, which prompted Asgard to grab Skip by the collar. Skip was able to hit a button on his intercom in time and from an adjoining room out came: [CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Skip introduced Puerto Rican Power as his new bodyguard as Asgard released him and flashed a ****y grin PRP’s way. Skip then told Chastity that the matches were booked and were set to be announced tonight, if she or the EA didn’t like it, there was nothing they could do about it. [CENTER][B]2) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dakota.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Blackfoot.jpg[/IMG]Sacred Spirit vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Rayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Payne.jpg[/IMG]Rayne & Payne[/B][/CENTER] A decent opening match that pitted the high flying Rayne and Payne against the more grounded duo of Sacred Spirit. Sacred Spirit pulled out the victory when Blackfoot nailed the [I]Trail of Tears[/I] on Rayne. [CENTER][B]Winner: Sacred Spirit ([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Dakota Blue challenged Los Brasiguayos to a title match, citing that they needed payback after the loss they experienced two weeks ago because of them. Rafael Dos Santos came out and accepted the challenge. [CENTER][B]3) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cyndi.jpg[/IMG]Cyndi Smythe vs. [IMG] http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Mitch.jpg[/IMG]Mitch Sanders[/B][/CENTER] These two struggled to have any type of flow to their match. Although they don’t have bad chemistry or anything, the match was less than inspiring. Mitch came away with the victory after referee John Miller suffered an accidental bump from Cyndi. This gave Mitch all the opportunity he needed to turn this into a hardcore match, as he pelted Cyndi with a singapore cain before rousing the ref and making a pin. [CENTER][B]Winner: Mitch Sanders ([COLOR="Purple"]C-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]4)[/B] Ethan is out and says he’s tired of chasing around that coward General Savage. He challenges the General to a match at Violent by Design as long as he’s not going to run away again of course. General Savage then appeared on the big screen and accepted the challenge. The General then started making absurd references to war and being able to outlast the enemy. That’s when he proposed that it be a last man standing match. [B]5)[/B] Back in Skip’s office, Skip is facing the camera and making an announcement. He announces the opponents that Axel and The Icon will face at Violent by Design. The matches being The Icon vs. Luke Leblanc and Axel vs. Kamikaze Mike. He states that these decisions are final and if either The Icon or Axel have a problem with it, well, there is nothing they can do about it. Before going though, he makes a surprise announcement that tonight The Icon will be in action against Cypher. He then makes a snide comment that he’s sorry that it doesn’t leave The Icon a lot of time to try and attack his opponent first but that he’ll have to deal with it. [B]6)[/B] T-Rex is in the ring as Sue and Stephanie announce that he will be facing El Chupacabra at Violent by Design, however tonight he has a much taller order in the form of Victor! [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TRex.jpg[/IMG]T-Rex vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Victor.jpg[/IMG]Victor[/B][/CENTER] A very good brawl between these two. Both men are power wrestlers and were able to play off each other well as they both tried to gain the upper hand. The Alcatraz Kid expectedly ruined Victor’s chance for a victory however, as he was able to trip Victor up near the ring ropes. Upon turning around he walked right into a new maneuver that Stephanie told us T-Rex calls the [I]Tyrant Slam[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: T-Rex ([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]7)[/B] Back in the locker room, Cyndi is sitting on a chair looking run down. Cypher soon enters the locker room however, and she perks right up. He mentions that he’s been intrigued by her matches and that he sees a lot of potential in her. In fact if she were inclined he would be happy to mentor her. Cyndi looks ecstatic and immediately accepts the offer. Cypher then tells Cyndi to accompany him to his match later tonight where she will get to see first hand how to handle oneself in the ring. [B]8)[/B] Chastity, Axel and Asgard are in the ring mocking their opponents for Violent by Design. They pretty much discredit them; until Luke Leblanc comes out with microphone in hand. Luke states that he almost beat Axel once already and if it wasn’t for a sucker punch he thinks he could have beat him fair and square. So, by his estimation The Icon should be no problem. This sends Axel and the rest of the people into the ring into fits of laughter. Angry, Luke calls Axel and the EA a bunch of cowards and challenges Axel to a match right now. Axel a little offended accepts. [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG]Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Luke.jpg[/IMG]Luke Leblanc[/B][/CENTER] This is the third match between these two and as a result the flow of the match was very good. Unfortunately both men are less over in New England so the crowd wasn’t as in to it as we’d hoped. The match was filled with a ton of interference as Chastity and Asgard made general nuisances of themselves. At every turn Luke was not only facing Axel but most of the Extinction Agenda as well. With Luke starting to build some momentum Axel “accidentally” clotheslined the ref. (twice in one show, poor guy). This brought Asgard and Chastity into the ring, as Chastity immediately began instructing Axel and Asgard to double team Luke. However, Skip and Puerto Rican Power were immediately headed down the ramp for the save. Puerto Rican Power immediately squared off with Asgard and the two began brawling. Chastity attempted to slap her brother, who caught her hand, and threw her down to the mat. Seeing this Axel started toward Skip who looked terrified. But before Axel could do anything, he was hit with a low blow from Luke. Chastity then tried to attack Luke but was quickly thrown from the ring for her troubles. Luke then made a cover on Axel and with the referee down, Skip himself, made the quick count that gave Luke the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: Luke Leblanc ([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]9) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG]The Icon vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cypher.jpg [/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] After the events of the last match, The Icon was all alone out there and no matter what he did he couldn’t keep Cypher down. This was obviously frustrating The Icon and his patience was visibly growing thin. The match ended when frustrated The Icon rolled out of the ring and began walking up the ramp. He didn’t get very far before Cyndi Smythe attacked him from behind. The Icon stumbled forward a little from the blow but was quick to turn around before a stunned Cyndi. He then hit her in the head with a forearm and threw her into a guardrail as Cypher came charging from the ring. Enraged, The Icon began brawling with Cypher and eventually overpowered him, getting him down on the ground. This didn’t stop The Icon however, as he began kicking the man while he was down and eventually went back to ringside and found a chair. He began beating Cypher with the chair as referee John Miller called for the bell. The beating didn’t stop until security was able to come out and drag Cypher away. [CENTER][B]Winner by DQ: Cypher ([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/VBD.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Purple"]Sunday, Week 4 in January 10,786 in attendance At The Oregon Gardens[/COLOR] [/CENTER] The lights go down and Rage Against the Machine’s [URL=”http://song2play.com/r/rage_against_the_machine-3639/rage_against_the_machine-16589/killing_in_the_name-220294.html”]Killing in the Name[/URL] begins playing as a video recapping the events of the past month plays on the big screen. [B]1)[/B] Stephanie and Sue welcome us to Violent by Design as we immediately go to our first match of the night. [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TRex.jpg[/IMG]T-Rex vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Chupa.jpg[/IMG]El Chupacabra[/B][/CENTER] El Chupacabra tried to tire the big man out but all his running around managed to do was frustrate T-Rex. So when T-Rex was finally able to get a hold of his opponent he let loose a flurry that would have toppled even Bruce the Giant. He capped things off with the [I]Jurrasic Crush[/I] and the submission victory. [B][CENTER]Winner: T-Rex ([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/CENTER][/B] [B]2)[/B] The Alcatraz kid was sitting in the locker room presumably getting ready for his match later tonight when Victor suddenly enters. Not one to back down The Alcatraz Kid steps up to his opponent and the two stare each other down until Victor begins laughing maniacally and simply turns and walks away leaving a befuddled Alcatraz Kid behind. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]3)[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/General.jpg[/IMG]General Savage vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Ethan.jpg[/IMG]Sir Ethan Oughton in a last man standing match[/B][/CENTER] The General was a little off his game tonight and the length of the match seemed to be a problem as well as he was visibly tired at the end. Although he had every right to be as he and Ethan put on punished each other through out the match. These two beat each other senseless in the ring. However, neither man would stay down for a 10 count, and the frustration prompted both men to resort to extreme methods to keep their opponent down. Chairs, fire extinguishers, canes, and other weapons were all used on one another as the fight progressed out of the ring and up the entrance ramp. There the two men brawled, until Ethan was able to gain the upper hand by reversing an attempted suplex by The General. Not content and wanting to ensure that The General would stay down Ethan picked up The General by the tights and the back of his neck and swung the man around. Using the momentum he then flung General Savage off the 20 foot ramp and into some electronic equipment below. The General never even twitched as the ref made the 10 count, giving Ethan the victory. [B][CENTER]Winner: Sir Ethan Oughton ([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/CENTER][/B] [B]4)[/B] Backstage we see Luke Leblanc walking down a hallway when he comes face to face with The Icon. Before anything can be said, The Icon sucker punches Luke and begins an assault. However, before any real damage can be done, Puerto Rican Power come from out of nowhere and makes the save. He’s able to throw The Icon off of Luke, giving him enough time to recover, The Icon seeing that he is outnumbered then quickly high tails it out of there. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5)[/B] Sacred Spirit make their way to the ring, mic in hand. They claim that Los Brasiguayos do not deserve the tag team belts and that tonight they guarantee a victory. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dakota.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Blackfoot.jpg[/IMG]Sacred Spirit vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Rafael.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Manuel.jpg[/IMG]Los Brasiguayos © for the Unleashed! Tag Team Championship[/B][/CENTER] Dakota Blue got a cheap shot in on Manuel before the bell rang to start the match. Dakota and Blackfoot were able to make a few hot tags allowing them to keep Manuel in their corner. Blackfoot made a crucial mistake and got ****y while whipping Manuel to the ropes however. Aided by Blackfoots sloppiness, Manuel was able to reverse the whip and follow up with a flying forearm on his stunned opponent. Manuel was able to make it back to his corner and make the tag for Rafael. Rafael then ran the table hitting Blackfoot and Dakota with dropkicks and insurugi’s, effectively taking both men out. A rejuvenated Manuel was then able to keep Dakota occupied as Rafael locked in the [I]Redentor[/I] for the tapout victory on Blackfoot. [CENTER][B]Winner: Los Brasiguayos ([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]6)[/B] The camera cuts away to Skips office where we see Luke and Skip talking. Skip is psyching up Luke, who honestly doesn’t seem to need it as after the attempted attack, looks to be ready to get at The Icon anyway. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] Back to the arena and it’s completely dark, except for what appears to be candles around the ring. We begin to hear chants in an unknown tongue as the lights in the arena begin to flicker on and off. The flickering lights enable us to see glimpses of The Violator and Victor in the middle of the ring performing some type of ritual. Before they can complete the ritual however, The Alcatraz Kid makes his entrance and runs down to the ring. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TAK.jpg[/IMG]The Alcatraz Kid vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Victor.jpg[/IMG]Victor[/B][/CENTER] Both Victor and The Alcatraz Kid seemed hyped up for this match and the result was a very good bout. The Alcatraz Kid was somehow able to fend off both Victor and The Violator but the constant interference was beginning to take its toll. The match seemed to be in Victor’s control when he missed a running clothesline on his opponent and was sent crashing hard into the turnbuckle. Groggily The Alcatraz Kid was able to pull himself up just as Victor regained his wits and charged at him. As Victor charged The Alcatraz Kid hit a last ditch [I]Superkick[/I] that nailed Victor square in the jaw. The Alcatraz Kid quickly made the cover and picked up the victory in front of a stunned Violator. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Alcatraz Kid ([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] Upon Victor’s defeat, The Violator wasted no time before jumping in the ring and delivering [I]Last Rites[/I] to an exhausted Alcatraz Kid. Both Victor and The Violator then took some parting shots before returning to the back. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]8)[/B] Before the next match a video aired showing a rehabilitating Forsaken Angel. He says he’s almost done with his recovery and can’t wait to get back in the ring so he can put an end to the Extinction Agenda. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]9) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Luke.jpg[/IMG]Luke Leblanc vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG]The Icon © for the Unleashed! National Championship[/B][/CENTER] The crowd was pumped up for this match after the last segment and neither Luke nor The Icon let them down. This wasn’t so much a match however, as it was a brawl between two opponents who do not like each other. Chops and punches a plenty, and Luke dished out as good as he took, until The Icon was able to utilize his strength and wear down his opponent. In the end The Icon was able to hit the [I]Showstopper[/I] for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Icon ([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match, seemingly just to add insult to injury, The Icon took a couple minutes to further beat down Luke Leblanc, until Skip and Puerto Rican Power were able to come out and make the save. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]10)[/B] Before the main event Chastity Campbell came out to ringside and ridiculed the previous Forsaken Angel video. She warned him that upon his return he would be facing the same group that put him out of commission in the first place and next time they won’t be so lenient. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kamikaze.jpg[/IMG]Kamikaze Mike vs. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG]Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker[/B][/CENTER] Axel dominated this match entirely but no matter what he did, Kamikaze Mike kept coming. Kamikaze seemed to thrive on the punishment that Axel was all to willing to give out. At one point it seemed that resilience of Kamikaze was about to payoff as he tired out Axel and was able to mount an offense consisting of quick strikes as he flew around the ring. However, seeing that her client wasn’t able to keep up with Kamikaze’s guirrila tactics, Chastity took matters into her own hands and nailed Kamikaze in the back with an elbow as he rebounded off the turnbuckles. This didn’t drop Kamikaze however, as he turned to face Chastity and seemed poised to include her into the fight. However, with Kamikaze’s attention diverted Axel was able to come up behind him and deliver a devastating pumphandle slam. From there Axel never let up and easily picked up the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker ([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] The show ends with the Extinction Agenda in the middle of the ring celebrating their victories. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][B][U]Notes and Rumors[/U][/B] [SIZE="3"]Prowrestlinginsider.com[/SIZE] By Mike Ames [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Violator.jpg[/IMG] Many people have been sending in e-mails in regards to the status of Peter Norton AKA The Violator in Pro Wrestling Unleashed. It appears that many fans believe he is being held back and has not been allowed to showcase his talents in the ring, instead being relegated to more of a managerial role. After some considerable favors were cashed in we here at Pro Wrestling Insider believe we’ve gotten to the bottom of this caper. Sources within PWU have indicated that The Violator has been late for PWU events on three separate occasions within the past two months. If one recalls, past stints with both the Supreme Wrestling Federation and Total Championship Wrestling were ended prematurely because of this very problem. Our sources also indicated that at the time of Deon Wilkins (Forsaken Angel) unfortunate injury there were discussions among the booking team concerning whether or not to put the World Championship in the hands of Norton, however, it appears that newly appointed head booker Joey Gonzalez is wary of entrusting the companies top honors on such an erratic individual. This is a particularly discouraging series of events as Peter Norton has the in-ring abilities and natural charisma that should take him to the top of the wrestling industry. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif [/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 1 in February 2,000 in attendance At The War Memorial Auditorium[/COLOR] [B][URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge begins.[/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] We start the show with The Icon in the ring. He says that he’s tired of people accusing him of being unable to beat a healthy opponent and that last week he was able to beat Cypher without attacking him first and he easily beat Luke Leblanc at Violent by Design; which prompted Stephanie to comment: [COLOR="Green"]“But he did try to attack Luke before their match, he just ran away when Puerto Rican Power stepped in and he didn’t even beat Cypher two weeks ago, that match ended in DQ”[/COLOR] These facts seemed lost on the delusional Icon however, as he kept singing his own praises. Finally The Icon got to the point and decided he was going to face the next person to walk through the entrance in a non-title match. As soon as Nine Inch Nail’s [URL="http://song2play.com/n/nine_inch_nails-3483/live_and_all_that_could_have_been-15711/head_like_a_hole_live-207994.html"]Head Like A Hole[/URL] began though, The Icon, turned pale and freaked out as T-Rex made his way to the ring. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]A for the challenge B- for the acceptance[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TRex.jpg[/IMG]T-Rex [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] The Icon[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The Icon had reason to be upset by his unexpected opponent as T-Rex was able to match up power moves quite easily with him. The match went back and forth pretty evenly and no matter what The Icon tried he just could not gain a significant advantage. This lead him to resort to dirty tactics. After a cowardly low blow was landed on T-Rex, The Icon made his way over to the corner and began removing the pad from the turnbuckle as referee John Miller attended to T-Rex. The Icon then made his way over to T-Rex and after some quick kicks to his downed opponent he picked the man up and began guiding him over to the exposed turnbuckle. As The Icon prepared to drive T-Rex’s head into the bare steel, T-Rex surprisingly nailed him with an elbow to the jaw. He then drove The Icon head first into the turnbuckle effectively busting the man wide open. The match continued for a couple more minutes while The Icon continued to bleed profusely. However, at the first chance he got The Icon hit T-Rex with another low blow and quickly rolled under the ring ropes to the outside of the ring. He then simply walked up the ramp toward the back as the ref made the 10 count and a recovered T-Rex climbed the turnbuckle motioning for the National Championship Belt the whole time. [CENTER][B]Winner by countout: T-Rex ([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]2)[/B] The camera cuts away to a dark area of the arena, presumably the basement or a boiler room. In any event it’s a secluded area with not much light. The camera tries to focus on what appears to be a figure of a man chained to the wall. The figure begins writhing around and as the camera focuses it’s revealed to be The Masked Wrestler. The Violator then emerged from the shadows, as he taunted The Masked Wrestler telling him about all the torturous things he had in store for him. The camera then blacked out as The Violator leaned in and whispered something into The Masked Wrestler’s ear which prompted the man’s eyes to grow wide with fright. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]3)[/B] Back in the ring, is Skip Campbell with Luke Leblanc and Puerto Rican Power at his side. He says that the Extinction Agenda may have gotten the better of them at Violent by Design but they weren’t done yet. In fact Skip calls out The Icon on his attempted attack on Luke, stating that he ran away at the first sight of PRP. They then basically call out everyone in the Extinction Agenda as cowards and make a challenge for any two of them to face Luke and PRP in a tag team match in the main event tonight. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]4) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Jubal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dominique.jpg[/IMG]So Fresh and So Clean [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] M & N[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kitayama.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was a very fast paced high energy tag team match that ended when Dominique rolled Kazuma Narato into a small package for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: So Fresh and So Clean ([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Mitch Sanders came down to ringside carrying a kendo stick. He wasted no time and immediately took out Kazuma and Kitayama who were making their way backstage. Dominique was the first of SFSC to leave the ring to try and help and was treated to a DDT. Jubal tried to aid his tag team partner and began brawling with Mitch, but was thrown into the ring steps. As Jubal attempted to get back up, Mitch hit him over the head with a chair he pulled out from under the ring. He then took some shots at the others that were already laid out at ringside laughing the whole time. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5)[/B] Violator and Victor are talking about their next target while in the hall. Once they are done The Alcatraz Kid walks out from behind the corner with a concerned look on his face. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]6)[/B] Stephanie and Sue announce that Cyndi Smythe and Sir Ethan Oughton will be facing off in the ring next. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cyndi.jpg[/IMG]Cyndi Smythe [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Sir Ethan Oughton[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Ethan.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Cyndi was getting manhandled throughout the match. She threw everything she could at Ethan, but he was able to counter Cyndi’s attempts with ease. The match would have been a very quick loss for the tomboy, however, Victor came out to ringside and began taunting Ethan. This continued until Ethan having had enough began jawing with Victor from the ring. This gave Cyndi time to recover and as Ethan turned to pick her back up off the mat, she greeted Ethan with [I]Southern Hospitality[/I] and made a quick pin. [CENTER][B]Winner: Cyndi Smythe ([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Victor continues to put the boots to Ethan. Cyndi briefly tries to intervene but is given a boot to the face for her troubles and tossed out of the ring. As Victor continues the beating, The Alcatraz Kid jumps a guardrail and slides into the ring. He then dropkicks Victor over the top rope, and makes the save. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] The Extinction Agenda is backstage discussing Skip’s challenge. Axel is pissed that The Icon made his challenge to start off the night and is now too hurt to take on Luke and PRP. The two get into each others face until Chastity is able to settle things down and make the decision that Axel and Asgard are more than enough to take care of Skips crew. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]8) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/General.jpg[/IMG]General Savage [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Kamikaze Mike[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kamikaze.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Kamikaze Mike gave General Savage fits while he flew around the ring. The General was never able to catch up and wore himself out trying to ground Kamikaze. Kamikaze picked up the victory after hitting the [I]Suicide Dive[/I] [CENTER][B]Winner: Kamikaze Mike ([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]9) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Asgard.jpg[/IMG]Extinction Agenda [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Luke & PRP[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Luke.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This match may as well have never happened as it was apparent from the beginning that the Extinction Agenda had no intentions of fighting it. Instead Luke and PRP were faced with constant interference from both Chastity and The Icon. Finally instead of continuing the pretense of a real match, Chastity, The Icon, and Asgard jumped into the ring as Puerto Rican Power was squared off with Axel. They quickly overpowered PRP and were able to take out Skip and Luke as they attempted to jump in. The show ended with the ref calling for the bell as The Extinction Agenda continued their attacks on PRP, Luke and Skip. [CENTER][B]Winner by DQ: Luke and Puerto Rican Power [COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[B]The Aftermath[/B] [LIST] [*] Although the C+ rating looks bad at first glance, we were extremely happy about the rating, as it was our first show away from the North or South west [*] Thus, because we do not have to worry about ratings the decision was made that we will travel away from the west this month [*] The Icons segments with T-Rex went as well as we'd hoped; as T-Rex continues to perform well [/LIST]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif [/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 2 in February 2,000 in attendance At Pennsylvania Park[/COLOR] [B][URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge begins.[/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] The show opens up in the locker room where the Extinction Agenda are just ending a discussion. Unfortunately it’s to late to determine exactly what they were talking about but, it is obvious that they’ve all come to an agreement; leaving the audience, Stephanie and Sue to all wonder what they have planned. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]2)[/B] The camera cuts away to a training room, where Jubal is sitting with his head in his hands, complaining about terrible headaches while Dominique searches the cabinets for some pills. Finally finding the pills Dominique offers them to Jubal and says he’ll go find Skip to tell him there is no way they can compete in their match tonight. Jubal takes the pills from Dominique but ensures his partner that he’ll be alright for the match tonight he just needs to go lie down and rest before the match. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]3) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG]Kazuma Narato [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Mitch Sanders[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Mitch.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Kazuma Narato’s superior wrestling skill was giving Mitch Sanders fits in the ring. There was nothing he tried that wasn’t easily countered by Narato. The frustration continued to build within Mitch until he finally let loose with a low blow that sent his opponent down to the mat. Not satisfied, Mitch rolled out of the ring and tossed Sue Daines out of her seat at the announce table. He grabbed her chair and upon re-entering the ring he began assaulting Narato with it in clear view of the ref; who quickly called for the disqualification. [CENTER][B]Winner by DQ: Kazuma Narato ([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] With the referee calling for the bell, Mitch Sanders continued his assault on Narato; repeatedly nailing him with the chair until Kitayama Moschino came out and chased him away. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]4)[/B] Once again we are in the bowels of the arena where we see the Masked Wrestler tied up in some sort of mid-evil torture device. Standing over the Masked Wrestler is The Violator who is describing in gory detail the punishment he plans to dole out for the Masked Wrestlers “transformation.” [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dominique.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Jubal.jpg[/IMG]So Fresh and So Clean [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Sacred Spirit[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Blackfoot.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dakota.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Dominique came out to this match all on his own, prompting Sue to comment that [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Jubal’s health issues must be quite severe.”[/COLOR] Nevertheless, Dominique tried to make the best of it but was eventually overcome by the team of Blackfoot and Dakota. Always able to keep fresh, Sacred Spirit was easily in command of the match. That was until Jubal came charging down the entrance ramp. Jubal was a man possessed as the aggressiveness he showed was nothing that had ever been seen before. Upon reaching the ring, Jubal, pulled out Blackfoot’s feet as he stood on the ring apron. This sent the man crashing down, his jaw hitting the apron. Jubal then kicked the injured Blackfoot in the gut and preceded to powerbomb him on top of the steel ring steps. Entering the ring, Jubal, took out Dakota with a crushing clothesline. He then stalked over to Dominique, slapped him in the back, signaling a tag, and went right back to work on Dakota, exhibiting an array of power wrestling moves that nobody had ever seen from the man. The match ended when Jubal drove Dakota Blue down to the mat with a vicious powerbomb. After making the pinfall, Jubal was so jacked up he almost attacked Dominique who jumped into the ring to celebrate with him. Realizing his mistake, Jubal raised Dominique’s hand in victory and the two began making their way backstage; however, not before Jubal could take some parting shots on a down and out Blackfoot, as Dominique looked on in disbelief. [CENTER][B]Winner: So Fresh and So Clean ([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TRex.jpg[/IMG]T-Rex [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Cyndi Smythe[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cyndi.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] T-Rex was clearly the aggressor as Cyndi Smythe’s struggles in the ring continued. There was just nothing that she could do to stop the onslaught that T-Rex brought with him. After tapping out to the Jurassic Crush Cyndi sat on the mat and watched as T-Rex celebrated, obviously upset with herself and completely gutted by another loss. [CENTER][B]Winner: T-Rex ([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]6)[/B] Skip is in his office when the phone rings. We can’t hear who is on the other end or what they are saying, but Skip is nodding his head in delight and cracks a huge grin. He hangs up letting the person on the other end know that he’ll take care of any “arrangements” that need to be made for next week. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]7) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TAK.jpg[/IMG]The Alcatraz Kid [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Sir Ethan Oughton[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Ethan.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The Alcatraz Kid and Ethan have no chemistry whatsoever. There was no sense of flow to this match up as neither man was able to find any type of comfort level with the other. If it wasn’t for the implications the matchup had in a bigger storyline the rating and interest from the fans may have been much much worse. As it was, The Alcatraz Kid picked up the victory after Victor made an appearance at ringside, distracting Ethan. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Alcatraz Kid ([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] With the match over, Victor is quick to jump in the ring and begin an assault on a tired Ethan, however, with The Alcatraz Kid in the ring he isn’t able to get too many hits in. The Alcatraz Kid is quick to make the save and Victor has no choice but to leave ringside as Ethan regains his wits, making a potential attack a 2 on 1. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]8)[/B] The Extinction Agenda come out to the ring very ****ily. Chastity grabs a mic and begins to speak: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“You know I hate to say I told you so, but……..I told you so. No one can stop us. Skip; you’re going to have to come at us with a little more than a bodyguard, and Forsaken Angel wannabe if you want to take us out. We can beat you any time any where….”[/COLOR] At that moment Skip made his entrance along with Puerto Rican Power and Luke Leblanc. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Last I checked you didn’t win last week, instead you took the easy way out and got yourselves disqualified. What, were you afraid to show yourselves as the frauds you really are? The fact is these two can beat any member of your Extinction Agenda and they are just itching to prove it. So right now, we are going to try and have that match we should have last week. And to prevent you from taking the easy way out again, this time, it’s no DQ.”[/COLOR] At that Chastity and the rest of the Extinction Agenda broke out into fits of laughter, to which Chastity responded: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Fine; big brother. If you want to have this match every week for the next year; we’ll oblige. But, don’t go blaming us when one of these two pretenders ends up seriously hurt.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B- for the taunting and match announcement[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG]The Extinction Agenda [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Luke & PRP[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Luke.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PuertoRicanPower.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] With the stipulation of a no DQ matchup Luke, PRP, and Skip seemed much more comfortable using the Extinction Agenda’s dirty tactics against them. But as is usually the case, the masters of such tactics eventually had too many tricks up their sleeves to be brought down. The numbers were just too much to overcome as, The Extinction Agenda was able to overrun their valiant yet foolish opponents yet again. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Extinction Agenda ([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match, The Extinction Agenda continued the assault, they quickly took out Skip who tried to interfere and went to work on Puerto Rican Power, as they already had Luke laid out on the outside of the ring. Each member of the Extinction Agenda took turns unleashing their finishers on man, until Asgard military pressed him over his head and tossed the battered PRP over the ropes and onto the hard concrete outside of the ring. The show ended with paramedics coming to PRP’s aid as each member of the Extinction Agenda climbed a turnbuckle and taunted the crowd. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[B][U]A Glaring Mistake[/U][/B] I entered my office this morning still groggy from the night before. Myself and Don had been up quite late finalizing the plans for this month’s pay-per view; Beat Your Heart Out. As I walked into my office I was surprised to see Chastity sitting across from my desk. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“I’ve been waiting for you to get in; there are a couple of issues we need to discuss. For instance, why are we running Beat Your Heart Out on the 27th?”[/COLOR] I was quite dumbfounded by the question, we had run both of the previous pay-per views on the last Sunday of the month, and I liked the idea of keeping things consistent. [COLOR="Red"]“It’s the last Sunday of the month, that’s when we all decided to run our pay-per views.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Did you happen to notice at all the TCW is running The War To Settle The Score on that date as well. Either you missed a pretty important piece of information or you are headstrong enough to believe that we can compete with the numbers that TCW can pull. Which is it?”[/COLOR] This was indeed a fact that I was unaware of. TCW is in the habit of switching the weeks in which their pay-per views are run and when Skip and I finalized the date for Beat Your Heart Out we just plain overlooked the fact that another promotion might be running an event on the same date. However, these were facts I wasn’t about to admit to Chastity, not if I wanted to keep my job. [COLOR="Red"]“Do I believe that we can compete with TCW at this moment in time? Numbers wise; no. And yes, as far as money is concerned it may be foolish for us to put up a competing event with them, but, we believe that this pay-per view will send a message throughout the wrestling industry. I think we’ll be able to put out an event that is of at least the same quality as TCW’s and we’ll force the magazines and websites to acknowledge that those that opted for TCW’s pay-per view missed a damn good show. It will be great for publicity.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“And if it doesn’t work? If TCW’s show is better than ours?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“I don’t think that’s even a possibility, and we shouldn’t be thinking like that. We have a bunch of storylines coming together, and have you seen what we have planned for the main event?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“I have, and I’m worried that people are going to miss it because they’ll be watching TCW. The fact is we are not going to pull in the 10-11 thousand viewers we’re capable of with this pay-per view; no matter what good publicity it might bring us. And I know you wanted the Main Event to be a surprise, but I’m afraid we are going to need to announce it now, in order to ensure that any waffling fans of ours don’t go and order TCW. I know you Skip and Don have worked out this weeks show already, but you are going to need to do a re-write. The main event needs to be announced and promoted immediately. Is that clear?”[/COLOR] At that news, I was crushed. Much of what I said was to cover my mistake, but I did truly envision a lot of hype and possible word of mouth publicity coming our way due to the surprises we had in store for Beat Your Heart Out. And now the surprise and wow factor of this pay-per view was going to be given away at one of our weekly shows. It was just a disappointing turn of events, all the way around. However, there was logic in what Chastity had said. We were a well off company for sure, but not so well off that we could throw away potential revenue like that. [COLOR="Red"]“alright we’ll see what we can do.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Good. Now, on to other matters. Who is this guy you have scheduled to debut at the end of the month? I’ve looked around; and I can’t find any information on him whatsoever; I was hoping I could find a match of his on youtube or something, but there’s nothing.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“He’s been around indys for a while, we almost signed him up while I was at MAW actually. He’s known to some of the industry insiders; I think I may have a tape of some of his matches over in the bookcase, let me take a look.”[/COLOR] I quickly found the tape I was looking for and handed it to Chastity. Upon reading the label a grave look of concern flashed across her face. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“2002? Please tell me this isn’t a tape of his most recent matches? Where did you find this guy?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“No, he’s done a couple indy shows since then, I think.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“You think! What’s he been doing since 2002?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“He……was……one of the drivers for the monster truck company we shared venues with for End of Days.”[/COLOR] The look on Chastity’s face told me everything I needed to know about how she felt about that bit of news. [COLOR="Red"]“It’s not as bad as it sounds, I promise. Just watch the tape, the guy is electric, there is something about him. He’s going to be a superstar one of these days. I tell you what. If you don’t like what you see there, I’ll find someone else. Just watch the tape before making up your mind, please.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“I don’t like this. But I’ll let you run with it; only because your other signings have worked out quite well. But, in return you are going to do me a favor. The guy from down south we talked about. Get him in here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Ugggh, have you seen him perform. He’s an abomination in the ring.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“I don’t care. I’ve never seen a crowd pop the way they do for him. We could use that type of energy around here. I’ll let you have your monster truck driver, just make sure you deliver.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Alright, but I can’t promise I’ll push him….”[/COLOR] As Chastity hastley made her way out of my office I picked up the phone and dialed Don’s extension.[COLOR="Red"] “Hey Don, round up Skip will you. We are going to have to make sure this pay-per view is the best show we’ve ever run.”[/COLOR]
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