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WWE: Same Brands, New Draft, Zombie Wrestlers?

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Davey Boy Smith, Owen Hart, Rick Rude, and Curt Hennig. What do all these names have in common? They are all wrestlers who have passed away before their time. So by the magic of TEW, they are back! This is a WWE Dynasty with the RAW & SmackDown! brands but with a new draft and many different superstars. I will post the results of the draft as soon as I finish sorting out some last minute finishing touches.
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[QUOTE]From WWE.com: Vince McMahon has announced a huge shocker regarding the future of RAW & SmackDown! today at the quarterly stockholder's meeting. Mr.McMahon announced that WWE would be on hiatus for two months starting September 2006. All contracts with WWE were severed today and WWE took a huge loss in revenue and popularity. Mr.McMahon announced that a new brand draft would be performed through WWE.com, and that the new general managers are Shane McMahon for WWE RAW and Stephanie McMahon for WWE SmackDown!. The draft will be performed over the next two months while WWE gets a new PPV carrier and new TV contracts.[/QUOTE] The two months hiatus is game-time only not real-time.
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[QUOTE]From WWE.com: Vince McMahon has announced a huge shocker regarding the future of RAW & SmackDown! today at the quarterly stockholder's meeting. Mr.McMahon announced that WWE would be on hiatus for two months starting September 2006. All contracts with WWE were severed today and WWE took a huge loss in revenue and popularity. Mr.McMahon announced that a new brand draft would be performed through WWE.com, and that the new general managers are Shane McMahon for WWE RAW and Stephanie McMahon for WWE SmackDown!. The draft will be performed over the next two months while WWE gets a new PPV carrier and new TV contracts.[/QUOTE] The two months hiatus is game-time only not real-time.
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