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Grand Pro Wrestling (C-verse)

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[B][CENTER]Grand Pro Wrestling - Traditional wrestling...?[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/Showtime4Lajf/GPW/GPW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]What have I gotten myself into?[/COLOR]", I kept thinking to myself as I followed the aging ex-wrestler down the hallway in the basement of an empty office complex on the outskirts of town. "[COLOR="DarkRed"]It's not much, but at least we've got what we need to take care of business[/COLOR]". 'Big Dunc', as he had encouraged me to titulate him, had been said to be a barebones minimalist when it came to expenses. Very true, apparently. I guess that's the only way one is able to run an independent wrestling promotion these days. Duncan Kendall unlocked the door and opened it to the relatively large combined office and warehouse. In a corner sat 6 boxes from a local t-shirt printer shop. A TV set and a VCR were on the floor, intended for reviewing footage of potential talent to Kendall's new promotion. I tried to figure out how a job interview for a part time job in 'Big Dunc's Tavern' turned into what would essentially be a full time job, with a part time salary, to book an honest to goodness wrestling promotion. "[COLOR="DarkRed"]You're all set to begin then?[/COLOR]" It was more of a statement than a question, judging by his tone of voice but I nodded in agreement. "[COLOR="DarkRed"]Well, what are you waiting for? First thing you need to do if you wanna run a promotion is find some talent. Get to it, kid.[/COLOR]" mr. Kendall said as he threw the key at me and told me to remember to lock the door on my way out. Then he left me alone in the basement "office". As if I wasn't already aware, it hit me like a ton of bricks one more time as I stood in the large, halfway empty room: "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]I have no idea, what I'm doing[/COLOR]". I might've toyed with the thought of booking a promotion a thousand times in my head, everybody who's a fan of wrestling has. But now that I was in the trenches, it didn't seem like such a great career choice. Guess I shouldn't have made that comment about the current state of pro wrestling to my buddy, Jake, who worked in Duncan Kendall's bar. Be careful what you wish for, indeed... And when you state that you could book a more compelling wrestling program with less than a tenth of the budget and that "booking wrestling is easy", with a former pro within earshot, you can expect him to take some form of action. Rarely can you expect him to put you in charge of the operation. "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]At least it's not my money[/COLOR]", I sighed as I walked over to see of there were any tapes in or around the VCR. Word has it the promotion is funded solely by a number of local businesses, so I guess Kendall is willing to take a chance in order to teach my ignorant self a lesson. Even with me essentially running the show, he still has the power to nix anything I want to do, he made that very clear. There was a tape lying on the floor next to the TV set. No label. I plugged in the TV and the VCR and pushed play. A young man by name of Darryl Devine, appeared on the screen. I wathed the entire tape of 4 matches and 2 promos, before I went home that day. "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Booking wrestling's easy. This isn't gonna be so hard...[/COLOR]"
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