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With due respect I think some of you guys are missing the point with your love it or leave it comments. I don’t think its fair to Adam to send us to other games and take money out of his pocket when if you read my post you would see I enjoy his games and will continue to support them I’m simply suggesting something that would maximize my enjoyment if added. A suggestion mind you, not a mandate. Let me make this clear I don’t want to see any of the detail and micro management lost. I’m not trying to change the game or roll anything back. What I’m looking for is an option to make the game run smoother for somebody like me who is 28 years old and has a career, family, and other hobby’s to time manage. In the end we both want the same things I want to push guys, set up angles, and pick the guy I think is going to give my company the best ratings as champion. But right now it takes to long to book a show when it really shouldn’t. I think it was falleneagleftw who had a great idea about expatiating angles since most storylines have a set recipe they must follow. It takes to long to write down what kind of angle I need, set it up, double check it. Just to find I did one step wrong and the next three on the card didn’t count. Since its pre-set a simple click of the button would help a ton. The money aspect doesn’t take a way from the game depth it adds to it. In the end wrestling is a business where dollars are the real winner’s in the end. You pay more for talent who can draw more viewers that sells more seats which leads to more product moved. More viewers equals more ad revenue which means more success for your federation as you can add more talent and take more chances. The dollars are already a part of the game I just I had a clearer picture of what I’m making and what I’m losing so I know when to cut talent or go after that big free agent. Also the emotional aspect is a great suggestion in wrestlers who want to be used better rather then moved up the card. As the poster pointed out its almost too easy to solve you just give them higher card status and all is forgiven despite you not really changing any approach to the complainant. It’s a great feature in the game and with that suggestion I think it can be an even strong feature and more relevant. As I’ve said before I love the game and I thank Adam for all his hard work. I don’t expect to see anything I’ve said effect the outcome of the game. But as a customer who has the ability to speak with the game designer something that’s rare I feel the need to take advantage of that.
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With due respect I think some of you guys are missing the point with your love it or leave it comments. I don’t think its fair to Adam to send us to other games and take money out of his pocket when if you read my post you would see I enjoy his games and will continue to support them I’m simply suggesting something that would maximize my enjoyment if added. A suggestion mind you, not a mandate. Let me make this clear I don’t want to see any of the detail and micro management lost. I’m not trying to change the game or roll anything back. What I’m looking for is an option to make the game run smoother for somebody like me who is 28 years old and has a career, family, and other hobby’s to time manage. In the end we both want the same things I want to push guys, set up angles, and pick the guy I think is going to give my company the best ratings as champion. But right now it takes to long to book a show when it really shouldn’t. I think it was falleneagleftw who had a great idea about expatiating angles since most storylines have a set recipe they must follow. It takes to long to write down what kind of angle I need, set it up, double check it. Just to find I did one step wrong and the next three on the card didn’t count. Since its pre-set a simple click of the button would help a ton. The money aspect doesn’t take a way from the game depth it adds to it. In the end wrestling is a business where dollars are the real winner’s in the end. You pay more for talent who can draw more viewers that sells more seats which leads to more product moved. More viewers equals more ad revenue which means more success for your federation as you can add more talent and take more chances. The dollars are already a part of the game I just I had a clearer picture of what I’m making and what I’m losing so I know when to cut talent or go after that big free agent. Also the emotional aspect is a great suggestion in wrestlers who want to be used better rather then moved up the card. As the poster pointed out its almost too easy to solve you just give them higher card status and all is forgiven despite you not really changing any approach to the complainant. It’s a great feature in the game and with that suggestion I think it can be an even strong feature and more relevant. As I’ve said before I love the game and I thank Adam for all his hard work. I don’t expect to see anything I’ve said effect the outcome of the game. But as a customer who has the ability to speak with the game designer something that’s rare I feel the need to take advantage of that.
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[QUOTE=BossHoss;151597]somebody like me who is 28 years old and has a career, family, and other hobby’s to time manage. [/QUOTE] Hmmm... I just turned 29 (In Sept), and I'm married, full time job, other responsibilities, etc... I suppose it should be no surprise, and I'm sure that there are plaenty of 28-29 YO with tons of time to sink into a game like this, but definitely I would like to be able to do more with less time as well. I thnink it's important to once again empahasise that no one is asking for the game to be *easier* or *less complex*, merely that it should be easier to navigate and manipulate. I remember in the old forums someone making a long post where he counted the number of mouse clicks and menus he had to navigate to perform particular tasks in TEW and it was brilliant. And I think that's what we're talking about, we just want a whole lot of short cuts to make playing the game less of a chore. IMO, Right now booking events & editing workers (More complete filtering options please!) require the most work. In particular storylines and angles are a huge headache and time sink. In his latest features post some of the issues brought up in this very thread have already been addressed. It's definitely a start.
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[QUOTE=BossHoss;151597]somebody like me who is 28 years old and has a career, family, and other hobby’s to time manage. [/QUOTE] Hmmm... I just turned 29 (In Sept), and I'm married, full time job, other responsibilities, etc... I suppose it should be no surprise, and I'm sure that there are plaenty of 28-29 YO with tons of time to sink into a game like this, but definitely I would like to be able to do more with less time as well. I thnink it's important to once again empahasise that no one is asking for the game to be *easier* or *less complex*, merely that it should be easier to navigate and manipulate. I remember in the old forums someone making a long post where he counted the number of mouse clicks and menus he had to navigate to perform particular tasks in TEW and it was brilliant. And I think that's what we're talking about, we just want a whole lot of short cuts to make playing the game less of a chore. IMO, Right now booking events & editing workers (More complete filtering options please!) require the most work. In particular storylines and angles are a huge headache and time sink. In his latest features post some of the issues brought up in this very thread have already been addressed. It's definitely a start.
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Maybe an automatic angle creator would be useful, it is to hard to create the angle you want for your show and find you did something wrong and your show does not go as you wanted. Maybe a description of the angle you want and a type of angle you want, then the computer does the rest.
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Maybe an automatic angle creator would be useful, it is to hard to create the angle you want for your show and find you did something wrong and your show does not go as you wanted. Maybe a description of the angle you want and a type of angle you want, then the computer does the rest.
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