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KOKW:Game On

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From kingofkingswrestling.com: [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/KOKW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This Friday night KOKW TV debuts on the Spike! network. Matches confirmed for the premiere show are as follows: First round matches of the KOKW World Heavyweight Title tournament [INDENT]- Goldberg vs David Flair[/INDENT] [INDENT]- Joey Matthews vs Carlito[/INDENT] [INDENT]- Triple H vs Chris Sabin[/INDENT] Also Triple H, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels address the fans. Tune in Friday to see these superstars and more on Spike!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/KOKW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] King of Kings Wrestling Presents: KOKW TV Live on the Spike! Network from the Agganis Arena, New England Attendance: 4,307 - The show kicks off with the customary wrestling show fireworks followed by Sevendust’s ‘Enemy’ blaring out of the sound system. We are welcomed to the debut of KOKW TV on the Spike! network by the new broadcast team of Junior Radley and Chris Marshall. [COLOR="Green"]‘ Welcome everybody to the debut of KOKW TV on the Spike! network. I’m Junior Radley and I am joined by ‘The Egomaniac’ Chris Marshall.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]‘Yeah Junior, we’re finally here. We’ve been waiting and anticipating this moment for a while now and now is our time.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]‘Tonight we see the start of the KOKW World Heavyweight Title tournament, which is set to culminate at KOKW Game On in a few weeks time. The biggest stars are in this one and so it can be regarded as a huge boost for the eventual winner.’[/COLOR] - Triple H, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels make their way to the ring. Triple H does the talking for the rebel trio. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the rebirth of professional wrestling. You are all witnessing history as we revolutionise the wrestling world. We have the greatest stars alive today and we won’t stop our rampage until we are number one in the entire world. You see, you can fire us and you can insult us, but you cannot stop us. We are the new age of professional wrestling and we are the future of this industry. We are the elite, we are the Kings of Kings. And that brings us to you, Shawn Michaels. You see, tonight sees the beginning of a new era. The era of the King of Kings. And to put it plain and simple for you, you don’t fit in. You see, me and Ric decided that you have lost you’re usefulness to us. You’ve put your money into this, but that’s all we require from you and so now, we take you out.’[/COLOR] Shawn looks confused and is jumped from behind by Ric Flair. Flair and Triple H beat down Michaels and leave him in a mess in the middle of the ring. [COLOR="navy"]‘ We are the Kings of Kings, the ‘Game’ Triple H and the ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair, and nobody, nobody will stand in our way, not Shawn Michaels, not anyone. It’s our time and we’re running the show.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: A[/B] - ‘[COLOR="Green"]What the hell was that?! Triple H just threw away over a decade of friendship and for what? Because he saw Michaels as a threat to his spot at the top?’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]‘ Triple H did what was best for him and that’s what has made him possibly the most successful athlete of this era.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]‘ Well nonetheless, Triple H has a match tonight in the very first main event of KOKW TV, in the first round of the World Title Tournament, and he is taking on the young lion, Chris Sabin.’[/COLOR][B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - A hype video is shown displaying the members of Generation Next, Matt Sydal, Jack Evans, Roderick Strong and Austin Aries. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: F[/B] - [B]Match 1:[/B] Jack Evans bested Kevin Steen in a quarter final match in the tournament for KOKW’s secondary title, the US Prince Championship. Jack got the pin in 3.50 with the 630º senton. WINNER: [U]Jack Evans [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: D [/B] - Goldberg is hyped up in a video, and is shown destroying numerous opponents and his credentials described for the people at home. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - [B]Match 2:[/B] Goldberg annihilates David Flair in their first round match in the World Title Tournament, ending the match with a Spear and Jackhammer in 1.18. Goldberg progresses to the next round in dominating fashion. WINNER: [U]Goldberg[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C[/B] - The Outsiders, Hall and Nash, make their way to the ring to a decent ovation. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Hey yo, we got something to say tonight. One more time, me and Big Sexy here are taking over!’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]‘ You see, Triple H and Ric Flair said that they are running the show. We have a problem with that. Me and Scott, you see, have a problem with following orders and we prefer doing our own thing. So this is purely a warning to the ‘Kings of Kings’, you better not cross us, because we don’t play nice. Let me make this clear right now: we do what we want, when we want, and there is nothing that you can do to stop us.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Oh and by the way, me and Kev are both in the World Title Tournament and one of us are going to win it, whether you like it or not.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - [B]Match 3:[/B] The Briscoe Brothers beat the Riggs Brothers after some shady tactics and then finishing Johnny Riggs with the Spike J-Driller. Confident and decisive win in 4.49. WINNERS: [U]The Briscoe Brothers [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: E [/B] - A hype video is shown featuring the ‘Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar. His accomplishments in NCAA wrestling and in the professional wrestling are hyped along with his vicious streak. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - Carlito is in the back and is set to cut a promo on his opponent, Joey Matthews in the first round of the World Heavyweight Title Tournament. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Tonight Carlito takes on the wannabe celebrity Joey Matthews. Now, there is a lot at stake in this match. Carlito wants to be the first ever KOKW World Champion and this is the first step. Joey Matthews goes around with that bimbo Victoria Crawford, thinking they’re somebody important. That’s not cool. And when Carlito gets in the ring tonight and shows Joey just who the hell he is, all you people will be cheering Carlito and I will go on to win that Title. And that... that’s cool.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - [B]Match 4:[/B] Joey Matthews makes his way to the ring with the paparazzi and the red carpet in an entrance reminiscent of the MNM entrance. At his side is the beautiful former OVW diva, Victoria Crawford. Carlito makes his way to the ring next and when they are both ready, the bell is rung. The match goes back and forth at first, with Matthew eventually gaining the advantage and begins working the arm. Carlito makes a comeback with his Million Dollar Knee Lift and Clothesline combination. His momentum continues as he performs a springboard rolling senton followed by a springboard moonsault. Carlito goes for the Irish Whip to the corner, but gets reversed. Carlito runs up the turnbuckles and somersaults over the following up Matthews and hits the Backcracker from behind. Carlito goes for the cover, but Crawford puts Matthews’ foot on the ropes, resulting in a 2 count. Carlito chases after Crawford on the outside. The chase leads Carlito back into the ring, right into the Mercury Rising (a double underhook implant DDT) for the 3 count. WINNER: [U]Joey Matthews in 6.42[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C+ [/B] - Kurt Angle is hyped in yet another video. Again the worker’s accomplishments are highlighted and his wrestling style focussed upon. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: A[/B] - [B]Main Event:[/B] Chris Sabin comes to the ring awaiting possibly one of the biggest matches of his career. Next out is his opponent, the owner of KOKW, ‘The Game’ Triple H. A face-off starts us off with Triple H showing little respect for the youngster. Triple H takes the early advantage, with ’The Game’s power and class showing against his young opponent. Caught in a sleeper in the middle of the match, Sabin starts to mount a comeback, using his speed to his advantage, hitting a spinning head scissors to the outside followed by an awesome through-the-ropes dive at Triple H. They get back in the ring and Sabin continues to fight strong and hangs Triple H off the turnbuckle and hits him with the Hesitation Dropkick. Just as he is ready to put Triple H in the Cradle Shock, Ric Flair comes out and distracts the referee as well as Sabin. With their backs turned, Triple H hits the low blow on Sabin followed by the Pedigree for the 3. WINNER: [U]Triple H in 7.35[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B[/B] - Triple H and Flair stand victorious in the ring over the fallen Sabin, when Shawn Michaels comes out and attacks them. The Kings of Kings soon gain the advantage however and start beating on HBK. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: A[/B] - As the beating continues, Sean Waltman runs out with a chair and the Kings leave the ring. As Waltman helps Michaels up however, he blasts HBK with the chair instead. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - Triple H steps back into the ring and Waltman and ‘The Game’ shake hands as the show goes off air, with Waltman apparently siding with the Kings. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"]Overall Rating: B-[/SIZE] A good first show. Only having an hour could prove to be a problem further down the line, but that isn’t a problem right away. Spike! were complaining about us only pulling a 642,777 rating, which isn’t that much lower than Smackdown!’s. Match-wise I was quite happy, Sabin and Trips did a good job. The way I wrote the match out probably made Sabin look stronger than ‘The Game’ would’ve allowed but never mind. Matthews and Carlito are going to be focussed upon and pushed as major stars and their match tonight was a fairly good starting point. In closing I was pleased with the first show and it allows for a decent starting position.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/KOKW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] King of Kings Wrestling Presents: KOKW TV Live on the Spike! Network from the Agganis Arena, New England Attendance: 4,307 - The show kicks off with the customary wrestling show fireworks followed by Sevendust’s ‘Enemy’ blaring out of the sound system. We are welcomed to the debut of KOKW TV on the Spike! network by the new broadcast team of Junior Radley and Chris Marshall. [COLOR="Green"]‘ Welcome everybody to the debut of KOKW TV on the Spike! network. I’m Junior Radley and I am joined by ‘The Egomaniac’ Chris Marshall.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]‘Yeah Junior, we’re finally here. We’ve been waiting and anticipating this moment for a while now and now is our time.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]‘Tonight we see the start of the KOKW World Heavyweight Title tournament, which is set to culminate at KOKW Game On in a few weeks time. The biggest stars are in this one and so it can be regarded as a huge boost for the eventual winner.’[/COLOR] - Triple H, Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels make their way to the ring. Triple H does the talking for the rebel trio. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the rebirth of professional wrestling. You are all witnessing history as we revolutionise the wrestling world. We have the greatest stars alive today and we won’t stop our rampage until we are number one in the entire world. You see, you can fire us and you can insult us, but you cannot stop us. We are the new age of professional wrestling and we are the future of this industry. We are the elite, we are the Kings of Kings. And that brings us to you, Shawn Michaels. You see, tonight sees the beginning of a new era. The era of the King of Kings. And to put it plain and simple for you, you don’t fit in. You see, me and Ric decided that you have lost you’re usefulness to us. You’ve put your money into this, but that’s all we require from you and so now, we take you out.’[/COLOR] Shawn looks confused and is jumped from behind by Ric Flair. Flair and Triple H beat down Michaels and leave him in a mess in the middle of the ring. [COLOR="navy"]‘ We are the Kings of Kings, the ‘Game’ Triple H and the ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair, and nobody, nobody will stand in our way, not Shawn Michaels, not anyone. It’s our time and we’re running the show.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: A[/B] - ‘[COLOR="Green"]What the hell was that?! Triple H just threw away over a decade of friendship and for what? Because he saw Michaels as a threat to his spot at the top?’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]‘ Triple H did what was best for him and that’s what has made him possibly the most successful athlete of this era.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]‘ Well nonetheless, Triple H has a match tonight in the very first main event of KOKW TV, in the first round of the World Title Tournament, and he is taking on the young lion, Chris Sabin.’[/COLOR][B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - A hype video is shown displaying the members of Generation Next, Matt Sydal, Jack Evans, Roderick Strong and Austin Aries. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: F[/B] - [B]Match 1:[/B] Jack Evans bested Kevin Steen in a quarter final match in the tournament for KOKW’s secondary title, the US Prince Championship. Jack got the pin in 3.50 with the 630º senton. WINNER: [U]Jack Evans [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: D [/B] - Goldberg is hyped up in a video, and is shown destroying numerous opponents and his credentials described for the people at home. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - [B]Match 2:[/B] Goldberg annihilates David Flair in their first round match in the World Title Tournament, ending the match with a Spear and Jackhammer in 1.18. Goldberg progresses to the next round in dominating fashion. WINNER: [U]Goldberg[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C[/B] - The Outsiders, Hall and Nash, make their way to the ring to a decent ovation. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Hey yo, we got something to say tonight. One more time, me and Big Sexy here are taking over!’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]‘ You see, Triple H and Ric Flair said that they are running the show. We have a problem with that. Me and Scott, you see, have a problem with following orders and we prefer doing our own thing. So this is purely a warning to the ‘Kings of Kings’, you better not cross us, because we don’t play nice. Let me make this clear right now: we do what we want, when we want, and there is nothing that you can do to stop us.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Oh and by the way, me and Kev are both in the World Title Tournament and one of us are going to win it, whether you like it or not.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - [B]Match 3:[/B] The Briscoe Brothers beat the Riggs Brothers after some shady tactics and then finishing Johnny Riggs with the Spike J-Driller. Confident and decisive win in 4.49. WINNERS: [U]The Briscoe Brothers [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: E [/B] - A hype video is shown featuring the ‘Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar. His accomplishments in NCAA wrestling and in the professional wrestling are hyped along with his vicious streak. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - Carlito is in the back and is set to cut a promo on his opponent, Joey Matthews in the first round of the World Heavyweight Title Tournament. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Tonight Carlito takes on the wannabe celebrity Joey Matthews. Now, there is a lot at stake in this match. Carlito wants to be the first ever KOKW World Champion and this is the first step. Joey Matthews goes around with that bimbo Victoria Crawford, thinking they’re somebody important. That’s not cool. And when Carlito gets in the ring tonight and shows Joey just who the hell he is, all you people will be cheering Carlito and I will go on to win that Title. And that... that’s cool.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - [B]Match 4:[/B] Joey Matthews makes his way to the ring with the paparazzi and the red carpet in an entrance reminiscent of the MNM entrance. At his side is the beautiful former OVW diva, Victoria Crawford. Carlito makes his way to the ring next and when they are both ready, the bell is rung. The match goes back and forth at first, with Matthew eventually gaining the advantage and begins working the arm. Carlito makes a comeback with his Million Dollar Knee Lift and Clothesline combination. His momentum continues as he performs a springboard rolling senton followed by a springboard moonsault. Carlito goes for the Irish Whip to the corner, but gets reversed. Carlito runs up the turnbuckles and somersaults over the following up Matthews and hits the Backcracker from behind. Carlito goes for the cover, but Crawford puts Matthews’ foot on the ropes, resulting in a 2 count. Carlito chases after Crawford on the outside. The chase leads Carlito back into the ring, right into the Mercury Rising (a double underhook implant DDT) for the 3 count. WINNER: [U]Joey Matthews in 6.42[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C+ [/B] - Kurt Angle is hyped in yet another video. Again the worker’s accomplishments are highlighted and his wrestling style focussed upon. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: A[/B] - [B]Main Event:[/B] Chris Sabin comes to the ring awaiting possibly one of the biggest matches of his career. Next out is his opponent, the owner of KOKW, ‘The Game’ Triple H. A face-off starts us off with Triple H showing little respect for the youngster. Triple H takes the early advantage, with ’The Game’s power and class showing against his young opponent. Caught in a sleeper in the middle of the match, Sabin starts to mount a comeback, using his speed to his advantage, hitting a spinning head scissors to the outside followed by an awesome through-the-ropes dive at Triple H. They get back in the ring and Sabin continues to fight strong and hangs Triple H off the turnbuckle and hits him with the Hesitation Dropkick. Just as he is ready to put Triple H in the Cradle Shock, Ric Flair comes out and distracts the referee as well as Sabin. With their backs turned, Triple H hits the low blow on Sabin followed by the Pedigree for the 3. WINNER: [U]Triple H in 7.35[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B[/B] - Triple H and Flair stand victorious in the ring over the fallen Sabin, when Shawn Michaels comes out and attacks them. The Kings of Kings soon gain the advantage however and start beating on HBK. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: A[/B] - As the beating continues, Sean Waltman runs out with a chair and the Kings leave the ring. As Waltman helps Michaels up however, he blasts HBK with the chair instead. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - Triple H steps back into the ring and Waltman and ‘The Game’ shake hands as the show goes off air, with Waltman apparently siding with the Kings. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"]Overall Rating: B-[/SIZE] A good first show. Only having an hour could prove to be a problem further down the line, but that isn’t a problem right away. Spike! were complaining about us only pulling a 642,777 rating, which isn’t that much lower than Smackdown!’s. Match-wise I was quite happy, Sabin and Trips did a good job. The way I wrote the match out probably made Sabin look stronger than ‘The Game’ would’ve allowed but never mind. Matthews and Carlito are going to be focussed upon and pushed as major stars and their match tonight was a fairly good starting point. In closing I was pleased with the first show and it allows for a decent starting position.
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Triple H sat in his office, content with the previous night’s work. The show appeared to have gone down very well with the audience and he was encouraged by the initial ratings the show had pulled. The debut of KOKW TV had pulled 642,777 viewers, while at the same time the competition, the WWE’s Smackdown! show, had pulled 744,977 viewers. Whilst the gap appeared large, it was heartening for a debut show to be on almost the same level immediately with the competition. At that moment, the phone rang. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]‘Hi is this Triple H?’[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]‘Yeah, who is this?’[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]‘My name is Jared King, I am representing the Spike! network.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]‘What can I do for you?’[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]‘I have been instructed to call you to congratulate you on your big debut last night, but I’m afraid to say that we’re not entirely happy here at Spike!. We’d hoped that the show was going to pull more viewers and we are slightly disappointed with the final ratings. Take this as a first warning, or our first piece of advice: if the ratings don’t improve, we’ll have no choice but to pull the show.’[/COLOR] Triple H was speechless. Just moments ago he had been ecstatic with the numbers that his show had pulled and now this television executive was telling him it wasn’t good enough? [COLOR="navy"]‘It was our debut, we’re not gonna pull millions of viewers on the first night...’[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]‘There’s no need to be flippant, Mr.Levesque. We’re just informing you that we expected more from the show.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]‘OK thank you for that.’[/COLOR] Triple H replied in a mocking fashion. The conversation ended here. Triple H was flabbergasted. He checked the show’s numbers again, just to make sure he hadn’t misread them. He hadn’t. Suddenly, he’d been threatened with the cancellation of his show, which he had previously thought had done fantastically. It looked like he would have to go back to the drawing board and plan his next move.
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Triple H sat in his office, content with the previous night’s work. The show appeared to have gone down very well with the audience and he was encouraged by the initial ratings the show had pulled. The debut of KOKW TV had pulled 642,777 viewers, while at the same time the competition, the WWE’s Smackdown! show, had pulled 744,977 viewers. Whilst the gap appeared large, it was heartening for a debut show to be on almost the same level immediately with the competition. At that moment, the phone rang. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]‘Hi is this Triple H?’[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]‘Yeah, who is this?’[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]‘My name is Jared King, I am representing the Spike! network.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]‘What can I do for you?’[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]‘I have been instructed to call you to congratulate you on your big debut last night, but I’m afraid to say that we’re not entirely happy here at Spike!. We’d hoped that the show was going to pull more viewers and we are slightly disappointed with the final ratings. Take this as a first warning, or our first piece of advice: if the ratings don’t improve, we’ll have no choice but to pull the show.’[/COLOR] Triple H was speechless. Just moments ago he had been ecstatic with the numbers that his show had pulled and now this television executive was telling him it wasn’t good enough? [COLOR="navy"]‘It was our debut, we’re not gonna pull millions of viewers on the first night...’[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkorange"]‘There’s no need to be flippant, Mr.Levesque. We’re just informing you that we expected more from the show.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]‘OK thank you for that.’[/COLOR] Triple H replied in a mocking fashion. The conversation ended here. Triple H was flabbergasted. He checked the show’s numbers again, just to make sure he hadn’t misread them. He hadn’t. Suddenly, he’d been threatened with the cancellation of his show, which he had previously thought had done fantastically. It looked like he would have to go back to the drawing board and plan his next move.
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I'm loving this story. The idea of Trips getting fired for such a thing is an interesting lead-in to this little alternate universe. I also like how you've humanized HHH, given the way he's viewed by the "smart" community. Personally, I'd like to see you focus on HHH's attempts at making a comeback against the E and trying to match HHH's booking style. Covering what WWE does is important, but shouldn't be the focus. Just my opinion. Keep up the good work!
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I'm loving this story. The idea of Trips getting fired for such a thing is an interesting lead-in to this little alternate universe. I also like how you've humanized HHH, given the way he's viewed by the "smart" community. Personally, I'd like to see you focus on HHH's attempts at making a comeback against the E and trying to match HHH's booking style. Covering what WWE does is important, but shouldn't be the focus. Just my opinion. Keep up the good work!
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From kingofkingswrestling.com: [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/KOKW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Welcome back to the Radley Report. Last Friday was a huge night in professional wrestling history, with the debut of KOKW TV on the Spike! network. We saw action, we saw drama, we saw rising stars and we saw legends; KOKW TV had it all! The most compelling event that transpired was the apparent formation of a new faction, the self-branded ‘Kings of Kings’. Triple H, Ric Flair and Sean Waltman turned on Shawn Michaels for reasons practically unknown. Triple H said he had used Michaels purely for his money and that the ‘Heartbreak Kid’ had outlived his usefulness. We can only wonder about the fallout this betrayal will yield next Friday on Spike! In other news, the World Heavyweight Title Tournament kicked off last week, with Goldberg, Joey Matthews and ‘The Game’ himself all advancing to the next round. Goldberg was possibly the most impressive, annihilating David Flair in convincing and above all, decisive fashion. Matthews also put in a striking performance, his partnership with the delightful Victoria Crawford clearly working in his first round match with Carlito. Matches announced for the next edition of KOKW TV: First Round Matches in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament: [INDENT]- Kurt Angle vs. Austin Aries[/INDENT] [INDENT]- Kevin Nash vs. Bryan Danielson[/INDENT] [INDENT]- Shawn Michaels vs. A Mystery Opponent[/INDENT] Also the US Prince Tournament continues, with Kid Kash taking on Caprice Coleman in what should create fast-paced action. There will be all this and more on next week’s KOKW TV on the Spike! network. [CENTER]Junior[/CENTER]
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From kingofkingswrestling.com: [CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/KOKW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Welcome back to the Radley Report. Last Friday was a huge night in professional wrestling history, with the debut of KOKW TV on the Spike! network. We saw action, we saw drama, we saw rising stars and we saw legends; KOKW TV had it all! The most compelling event that transpired was the apparent formation of a new faction, the self-branded ‘Kings of Kings’. Triple H, Ric Flair and Sean Waltman turned on Shawn Michaels for reasons practically unknown. Triple H said he had used Michaels purely for his money and that the ‘Heartbreak Kid’ had outlived his usefulness. We can only wonder about the fallout this betrayal will yield next Friday on Spike! In other news, the World Heavyweight Title Tournament kicked off last week, with Goldberg, Joey Matthews and ‘The Game’ himself all advancing to the next round. Goldberg was possibly the most impressive, annihilating David Flair in convincing and above all, decisive fashion. Matthews also put in a striking performance, his partnership with the delightful Victoria Crawford clearly working in his first round match with Carlito. Matches announced for the next edition of KOKW TV: First Round Matches in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament: [INDENT]- Kurt Angle vs. Austin Aries[/INDENT] [INDENT]- Kevin Nash vs. Bryan Danielson[/INDENT] [INDENT]- Shawn Michaels vs. A Mystery Opponent[/INDENT] Also the US Prince Tournament continues, with Kid Kash taking on Caprice Coleman in what should create fast-paced action. There will be all this and more on next week’s KOKW TV on the Spike! network. [CENTER]Junior[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/KOKW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] King of Kings Wrestling Presents: KOKW TV Live on the Spike! Network from the Roy Wiking Auditorium, Mid West Friday April Week 2 Attendance: 3296 - The show kicks off for the second time on Spike! with the fireworks once more and once again Sevendust’s ‘Enemy’ fills the arena’s sound system. Welcoming us to the show is the broadcast team of Junior Radley and ‘The Egomaniac’ Chris Marshall. [COLOR="Green"]‘ Welcome everyone to the second edition of KOKW TV on the Spike! network. I’m your host Junior Radley alongside Chris Marshall and what a show we have tonight.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]‘ That’s right Junior. And in the wisdom of Triple H, our great owner, Shawn Michaels’ first round match in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament is scheduled to be against a mystery opponent. We have so many big name stars in KOKW, I see an early elimination for the ‘Heartbreak Kid’ tonight.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]‘ Well, either way, the shocking actions of the Triple H and Ric Flair are casting a shadow over Michaels’ career and I’m sure that this struggle is not over.’[/COLOR] - With that note, Triple H, Ric Flair, David Flair and Sean Waltman make their way to the ring. Triple H grabs a microphone. [COLOR="Red"]‘ What you see before you is the greatest force this industry has ever seen. We are some of the greatest professional wrestlers in the history of this sport. And we’re in control. You see the problem with having control is that time to time, you are going to find somebody who either wants in on the deal, or challenges your power. In this situation, that person is Shawn Michaels. To begin with, he thought he was in control along with me and Ric Flair. But that’s not how it goes around here. Shawn Michaels, in the same fashion as in the rest of his career, tried to steal the spotlight and have the whole promotion at his disposal. You see, Shawn is so selfish that he wanted this place as his own personal playground. So when me and Ric found this out, we knew we had to put a stop to it. Me and Ric are the power players in this company, and we wanted to make damn sure that Shawn knew this. We are the dominate force in this company. David Flair. Sean Waltman. The ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair. ‘The Game’ Triple H. We are the Kings of Kings and there is nobody who can stop us.[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - At that moment, the ‘Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels makes his presence known. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Did I hear you right Hunter? Did you just say that you and your JOB squad are unstoppable? Well if that’s the case, maybe I should just pack up and go home. But since that is not in my nature and I have never given up before; I did lose my smile once, but that’s not important right now. Since that is not what ol’ ‘HBK’ is about, I think that you and your close friends there should try and back up your claim of invincibility. My challenge is that you take three of you in the ring to take on me and two partners of my choice and we’ll see just how unbeatable you really are!’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B+[/B] - Triple H responds: [COLOR="Red"]‘ To put it simply to you: No. God, what part of we’re running the show here do you not understand? I swear upon my life that you will never call the shots around here and so your challenge means ****.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: A[/B] - He continues: [COLOR="Red"]‘ But I guess you’d like to know just who your opponent is tonight in that First Round match in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament, wouldn’t you? Well tonight, Shawn Michaels in his debut match on KOKW TV will take on one member of the ‘Kings of Kings’, the man who took you out last week - Sean Waltman![/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] To commentary: [COLOR="Green"]‘ Oh come on! This isn’t fair! This Tournament is fixed - Michaels is gonna get screwed tonight!’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]‘ Triple H is a genius! He has this situation under his control.’[/COLOR] - Backstage, the Outsiders cut a promo: [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Hey yo. It’s the Outsiders once again and tonight ‘Big Sexy' makes his way through the his First Round Match in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament. Hey, we said one of us was gonna win the title, this is just the first step.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]‘ To put it quite simply, tonight I’m gonna kick Bryan Danielson’s head off. As for the ‘Kings of Kings’, they think that their in control here? Huh, guess we’ll have to sort that out, eh, Scott?’[/COLOR] Hall and Nash smirk at the camera and then walk to the ring. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - [B]Match 1:[/B] Kevin Nash did what he said he would by practically kicking ‘American Dragon’s’ head off before finishing him off with the Jack-knife in dominate fashion. WINNER: [U]Kevin Nash in 1.32 [/U] (Poor Danielson) [B]MATCH GRADE: C- [/B] - We cut to the back and Carlito is set to cut a promo. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Last week, Carlito had his dream taken away by some Hollywood pretty-boy and his bimbo girlfriend. Frankly, that’s not cool. Carlito now cannot become the first ever KOKW World Heavyweight Champion. But that’s alright. Because Carlito has a new goal and that is to make Joey Matthews pay for taking Carlito’s dream, and when Carlito gets his revenge, you can be damn sure that it will be cool.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - David Flair is in the ring. [COLOR="Red"]‘ Last week on the first edition of KOKW TV, I was embarrassed by a man named Bill Goldberg. This man goes around, flaunting the same gimmick and making a living off the fact that he managed to beat a few dozen jobbers about a decade ago, while I, a true wrestling superstar, get humiliated by this no-talent jackass! I demand that he gets his ass out here so I can show him just who in the hell I am!’[/COLOR] At that point Goldberg’s music hits and we have a match on. Dear Lord, someone call an ambulance... [B]SEGMENT GRADE: E[/B] - [B]Match 2:[/B] Goldberg utterly slaughters the young Flair in another squash. Even quicker time this go round, clocking in at 55 seconds. WINNER: [U]Goldberg [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C+ [/B] - A Brock Lesnar hype video is shown once again, chronicling the sheer athletic nature of the man, from his power to his agility. Here comes the pain. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B+[/B] - [B]Match 3:[/B] In a first round match in the US Prince Tournament, Kid Kash puts up a good showing against the young talented Caprice Coleman. Nice fast-paced action here, with Kash taking the win with the Dead Level on 4.44. WINNER: [U]Kid Kash[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C- [/B] - Kurt Angle cuts a promo. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ I long to be the best. It is the way I was made, I don’t know anything other than 110%. I am a Wrestling Machine and it is my destiny to become the first KOKW World Heavyweight Champion. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I have always been recognised to be the undisputed best. And it will be no different here in KOKW. Sure, this is a talented roster, with people like Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Triple H, Shawn Michaels and my opponent tonight Austin Aries all in that locker room, trying to be the best. But they never will be, because they are not Kurt Angle. I have the greatest respect for everybody who steps in the ring with me, but once that bell rings, I will not stop until I am the winner, I will not stop until your ankle is snapped in two, I will not stop until I am recognised as the very best in this industry.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B+[/B] - [B]Match 4:[/B] Austin Aries makes his way to the ring first, and has the arduous task of waiting for the opponent. Angle makes his way to the ring, the red, white and blue influencing everything in his entrance. The match starts with what looks to be a technical standoff, but Kurt inevitably gains the upper hand. Kurt keeps Aries grounded, working on the knee and ankle area, setting up for the Ankle Lock later, obviously. Angle whips Aries into the ropes and hits a snap overhead belly to belly suplex and Aries looks like he’s down for the count. Angle covers only to get two. Angle goes for another belly to belly off the ropes but gets a flying forearm to the face. Aries uses his speed to hit Angle with some dropkicks and enziguris and hits the patented Aries Pendulum Elbow (TM). Aries hits Angle with a rolling fireman’s carry drop and rolls through to the turnbuckles. Aries goes for the 450 and it appears he’s hit it perfect and will get the win when he screams in agony. Angle had picked the ankle somehow, and Aries was locked tight in the Ankle Lock. All Austin could do was tap. Angle progresses in the Tournament. WINNER: [U]Kurt Angle in 8.32[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B [/B] - After the match, Angle helps Aries up and offers his hand as a sign of respect. Aries accepts the handshake and we have a moment of sportsmanship from these two incredible athletes. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - - [B]Main Event:[/B] Next up is the main event: Shawn Michaels vs. Sean Waltman in the First Round of the World Heavyweight Title Tournament. The match starts to a quick pace, with strikes being the main offensive weapon. Waltman’s feet begin to take their toll on ‘HBK’s defences and Waltman takes the advantage. Waltman stays on the attack for a couple of minutes, punishing Michaels and focussing on the back of ‘HBK’. Waltman also threw in the Bronco Buster for good measure, but failed to put Michaels away. One classic Shawn Michaels sequence later (that is the flying forearm shot and kip-up sequence) and ‘HBK’ was energised once again and in charge. Even the attempted distraction from the ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair couldn’t halt the momentum Michaels had built up and Waltman walked into an inverted atomic drop followed by the Sweet Chin Music and the three count. Michaels advances to the next round of the Tournament. WINNER: [U]Shawn Michaels in 7.47[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B+ [/B] - The night wasn’t done there though, as the four members of the ‘Kings of Kings’ beat on Michaels after the match, leaving him in a pool of his own blood. The four man alliance stand arms raised in their dominance as the show goes off air. Shawn desperately needs some allies... [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"]Overall Rating: B[/SIZE] A really good build on last week’s strong start. Not all our stars are fully over yet and so this can be seen as quite an achievement. Everything’s building up nicely ahead of our PPV, with the Tournament being the main focus along with the ‘Kings of Kings’ storyline. The matches were of fairly good standard tonight, with Aries-Angle being my standout match of the night. I realise that Waltman-Michaels got a higher rating but I was more pleased with the Angle-Aries encounter, probably just because I would have preferred this match in real life. The problem with the one hour format is that there just isn’t enough time to fit everyone on the show; Chris Sabin, heavily featured last week wasn’t even mentioned this week. This problem doesn’t look like it will worry me for too much longer though, as we’re probably going to get kicked off Spike! soon. Damn that Jared King! Show rating: 688,302 Smackdown! rating: 737,294
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/KOKW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] King of Kings Wrestling Presents: KOKW TV Live on the Spike! Network from the Roy Wiking Auditorium, Mid West Friday April Week 2 Attendance: 3296 - The show kicks off for the second time on Spike! with the fireworks once more and once again Sevendust’s ‘Enemy’ fills the arena’s sound system. Welcoming us to the show is the broadcast team of Junior Radley and ‘The Egomaniac’ Chris Marshall. [COLOR="Green"]‘ Welcome everyone to the second edition of KOKW TV on the Spike! network. I’m your host Junior Radley alongside Chris Marshall and what a show we have tonight.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]‘ That’s right Junior. And in the wisdom of Triple H, our great owner, Shawn Michaels’ first round match in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament is scheduled to be against a mystery opponent. We have so many big name stars in KOKW, I see an early elimination for the ‘Heartbreak Kid’ tonight.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]‘ Well, either way, the shocking actions of the Triple H and Ric Flair are casting a shadow over Michaels’ career and I’m sure that this struggle is not over.’[/COLOR] - With that note, Triple H, Ric Flair, David Flair and Sean Waltman make their way to the ring. Triple H grabs a microphone. [COLOR="Red"]‘ What you see before you is the greatest force this industry has ever seen. We are some of the greatest professional wrestlers in the history of this sport. And we’re in control. You see the problem with having control is that time to time, you are going to find somebody who either wants in on the deal, or challenges your power. In this situation, that person is Shawn Michaels. To begin with, he thought he was in control along with me and Ric Flair. But that’s not how it goes around here. Shawn Michaels, in the same fashion as in the rest of his career, tried to steal the spotlight and have the whole promotion at his disposal. You see, Shawn is so selfish that he wanted this place as his own personal playground. So when me and Ric found this out, we knew we had to put a stop to it. Me and Ric are the power players in this company, and we wanted to make damn sure that Shawn knew this. We are the dominate force in this company. David Flair. Sean Waltman. The ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair. ‘The Game’ Triple H. We are the Kings of Kings and there is nobody who can stop us.[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - At that moment, the ‘Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels makes his presence known. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Did I hear you right Hunter? Did you just say that you and your JOB squad are unstoppable? Well if that’s the case, maybe I should just pack up and go home. But since that is not in my nature and I have never given up before; I did lose my smile once, but that’s not important right now. Since that is not what ol’ ‘HBK’ is about, I think that you and your close friends there should try and back up your claim of invincibility. My challenge is that you take three of you in the ring to take on me and two partners of my choice and we’ll see just how unbeatable you really are!’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B+[/B] - Triple H responds: [COLOR="Red"]‘ To put it simply to you: No. God, what part of we’re running the show here do you not understand? I swear upon my life that you will never call the shots around here and so your challenge means ****.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: A[/B] - He continues: [COLOR="Red"]‘ But I guess you’d like to know just who your opponent is tonight in that First Round match in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament, wouldn’t you? Well tonight, Shawn Michaels in his debut match on KOKW TV will take on one member of the ‘Kings of Kings’, the man who took you out last week - Sean Waltman![/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] To commentary: [COLOR="Green"]‘ Oh come on! This isn’t fair! This Tournament is fixed - Michaels is gonna get screwed tonight!’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]‘ Triple H is a genius! He has this situation under his control.’[/COLOR] - Backstage, the Outsiders cut a promo: [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Hey yo. It’s the Outsiders once again and tonight ‘Big Sexy' makes his way through the his First Round Match in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament. Hey, we said one of us was gonna win the title, this is just the first step.’[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]‘ To put it quite simply, tonight I’m gonna kick Bryan Danielson’s head off. As for the ‘Kings of Kings’, they think that their in control here? Huh, guess we’ll have to sort that out, eh, Scott?’[/COLOR] Hall and Nash smirk at the camera and then walk to the ring. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - [B]Match 1:[/B] Kevin Nash did what he said he would by practically kicking ‘American Dragon’s’ head off before finishing him off with the Jack-knife in dominate fashion. WINNER: [U]Kevin Nash in 1.32 [/U] (Poor Danielson) [B]MATCH GRADE: C- [/B] - We cut to the back and Carlito is set to cut a promo. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Last week, Carlito had his dream taken away by some Hollywood pretty-boy and his bimbo girlfriend. Frankly, that’s not cool. Carlito now cannot become the first ever KOKW World Heavyweight Champion. But that’s alright. Because Carlito has a new goal and that is to make Joey Matthews pay for taking Carlito’s dream, and when Carlito gets his revenge, you can be damn sure that it will be cool.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - David Flair is in the ring. [COLOR="Red"]‘ Last week on the first edition of KOKW TV, I was embarrassed by a man named Bill Goldberg. This man goes around, flaunting the same gimmick and making a living off the fact that he managed to beat a few dozen jobbers about a decade ago, while I, a true wrestling superstar, get humiliated by this no-talent jackass! I demand that he gets his ass out here so I can show him just who in the hell I am!’[/COLOR] At that point Goldberg’s music hits and we have a match on. Dear Lord, someone call an ambulance... [B]SEGMENT GRADE: E[/B] - [B]Match 2:[/B] Goldberg utterly slaughters the young Flair in another squash. Even quicker time this go round, clocking in at 55 seconds. WINNER: [U]Goldberg [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C+ [/B] - A Brock Lesnar hype video is shown once again, chronicling the sheer athletic nature of the man, from his power to his agility. Here comes the pain. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B+[/B] - [B]Match 3:[/B] In a first round match in the US Prince Tournament, Kid Kash puts up a good showing against the young talented Caprice Coleman. Nice fast-paced action here, with Kash taking the win with the Dead Level on 4.44. WINNER: [U]Kid Kash[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C- [/B] - Kurt Angle cuts a promo. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ I long to be the best. It is the way I was made, I don’t know anything other than 110%. I am a Wrestling Machine and it is my destiny to become the first KOKW World Heavyweight Champion. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I have always been recognised to be the undisputed best. And it will be no different here in KOKW. Sure, this is a talented roster, with people like Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Triple H, Shawn Michaels and my opponent tonight Austin Aries all in that locker room, trying to be the best. But they never will be, because they are not Kurt Angle. I have the greatest respect for everybody who steps in the ring with me, but once that bell rings, I will not stop until I am the winner, I will not stop until your ankle is snapped in two, I will not stop until I am recognised as the very best in this industry.’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B+[/B] - [B]Match 4:[/B] Austin Aries makes his way to the ring first, and has the arduous task of waiting for the opponent. Angle makes his way to the ring, the red, white and blue influencing everything in his entrance. The match starts with what looks to be a technical standoff, but Kurt inevitably gains the upper hand. Kurt keeps Aries grounded, working on the knee and ankle area, setting up for the Ankle Lock later, obviously. Angle whips Aries into the ropes and hits a snap overhead belly to belly suplex and Aries looks like he’s down for the count. Angle covers only to get two. Angle goes for another belly to belly off the ropes but gets a flying forearm to the face. Aries uses his speed to hit Angle with some dropkicks and enziguris and hits the patented Aries Pendulum Elbow (TM). Aries hits Angle with a rolling fireman’s carry drop and rolls through to the turnbuckles. Aries goes for the 450 and it appears he’s hit it perfect and will get the win when he screams in agony. Angle had picked the ankle somehow, and Aries was locked tight in the Ankle Lock. All Austin could do was tap. Angle progresses in the Tournament. WINNER: [U]Kurt Angle in 8.32[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B [/B] - After the match, Angle helps Aries up and offers his hand as a sign of respect. Aries accepts the handshake and we have a moment of sportsmanship from these two incredible athletes. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - - [B]Main Event:[/B] Next up is the main event: Shawn Michaels vs. Sean Waltman in the First Round of the World Heavyweight Title Tournament. The match starts to a quick pace, with strikes being the main offensive weapon. Waltman’s feet begin to take their toll on ‘HBK’s defences and Waltman takes the advantage. Waltman stays on the attack for a couple of minutes, punishing Michaels and focussing on the back of ‘HBK’. Waltman also threw in the Bronco Buster for good measure, but failed to put Michaels away. One classic Shawn Michaels sequence later (that is the flying forearm shot and kip-up sequence) and ‘HBK’ was energised once again and in charge. Even the attempted distraction from the ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair couldn’t halt the momentum Michaels had built up and Waltman walked into an inverted atomic drop followed by the Sweet Chin Music and the three count. Michaels advances to the next round of the Tournament. WINNER: [U]Shawn Michaels in 7.47[/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B+ [/B] - The night wasn’t done there though, as the four members of the ‘Kings of Kings’ beat on Michaels after the match, leaving him in a pool of his own blood. The four man alliance stand arms raised in their dominance as the show goes off air. Shawn desperately needs some allies... [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] [SIZE="4"]Overall Rating: B[/SIZE] A really good build on last week’s strong start. Not all our stars are fully over yet and so this can be seen as quite an achievement. Everything’s building up nicely ahead of our PPV, with the Tournament being the main focus along with the ‘Kings of Kings’ storyline. The matches were of fairly good standard tonight, with Aries-Angle being my standout match of the night. I realise that Waltman-Michaels got a higher rating but I was more pleased with the Angle-Aries encounter, probably just because I would have preferred this match in real life. The problem with the one hour format is that there just isn’t enough time to fit everyone on the show; Chris Sabin, heavily featured last week wasn’t even mentioned this week. This problem doesn’t look like it will worry me for too much longer though, as we’re probably going to get kicked off Spike! soon. Damn that Jared King! Show rating: 688,302 Smackdown! rating: 737,294
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Triple H’s hand hovered over the phone once he’d hung it up. Despite KOKW TV pulling even better ratings this week, Spike! had called him to warn him that the efforts of the wrestling group were not good enough. Spike!’s representative, Jared King, had told Triple H that his show had until the end of the month, and without improvement within this time, the show would be dropped from the Spike! schedule. The situation had dealt the young promotion a blow. Triple H pondered the situation. He was already wary of Spike!’s insatiable ratings appetite after just two shows, and was beginning to think that he wouldn’t be half as stressed as he was now if the network just dropped the show. After all, there is always the ability to do weekly pay-per-views, and this would have the benefit of not having to please rating-hungry executives and would also stop the promotion being limited by an insufficient show length. Then again, there is no publicity quite like that of national TV, and from here the casual fan base could be tapped and brought into the project. He realised he needed to do something big and out of the ordinary to keep the slot. His hand hovered over his phone once more, as he contemplated what it was he would say to a man who could boost the ratings to satisfy the network, and save KOKW’s television deal.
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Triple H’s hand hovered over the phone once he’d hung it up. Despite KOKW TV pulling even better ratings this week, Spike! had called him to warn him that the efforts of the wrestling group were not good enough. Spike!’s representative, Jared King, had told Triple H that his show had until the end of the month, and without improvement within this time, the show would be dropped from the Spike! schedule. The situation had dealt the young promotion a blow. Triple H pondered the situation. He was already wary of Spike!’s insatiable ratings appetite after just two shows, and was beginning to think that he wouldn’t be half as stressed as he was now if the network just dropped the show. After all, there is always the ability to do weekly pay-per-views, and this would have the benefit of not having to please rating-hungry executives and would also stop the promotion being limited by an insufficient show length. Then again, there is no publicity quite like that of national TV, and from here the casual fan base could be tapped and brought into the project. He realised he needed to do something big and out of the ordinary to keep the slot. His hand hovered over his phone once more, as he contemplated what it was he would say to a man who could boost the ratings to satisfy the network, and save KOKW’s television deal.
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From kingofkingswrestling.com: Triple H held a press gathering yesterday and gave a message surrounding the first ever KOKW pay-per-view, Game On, which is to be held on Sunday of the first week of May. In the statement, ‘The Game’ talke about what we can expect to see at the PPV. He mentioned that we will witness the culmination of both the KOKW World Heavyweight Title and US Prince Tournaments, as well as a Triple Threat Tag Team Challenge match to decide the first KOKW Tag Team Champions. The match will pit the Briscoe Brothers against the Riggs Brothers and, of course, Team 3D. Triple H stressed the importance of the PPV and said that it will be an unforgettable night in wrestling history. Perhaps the most important detail to escape from the conference came about when Triple H cryptically suggested that a new star would debut at Game On, and his appearance will rock the world. The question is: who is this man and why is his debut so significant? We’ll have to wait and find out at KOKW Game On. Also, confirmed for KOKW TV this week: [INDENT]- Brock Lesnar vs. Roderick Strong in a First Round match in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament - Ric Flair vs. Scott Hall in a First Round match in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament - Team 3D vs. The Briscoe Brothers[/INDENT]
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From kingofkingswrestling.com: Triple H held a press gathering yesterday and gave a message surrounding the first ever KOKW pay-per-view, Game On, which is to be held on Sunday of the first week of May. In the statement, ‘The Game’ talke about what we can expect to see at the PPV. He mentioned that we will witness the culmination of both the KOKW World Heavyweight Title and US Prince Tournaments, as well as a Triple Threat Tag Team Challenge match to decide the first KOKW Tag Team Champions. The match will pit the Briscoe Brothers against the Riggs Brothers and, of course, Team 3D. Triple H stressed the importance of the PPV and said that it will be an unforgettable night in wrestling history. Perhaps the most important detail to escape from the conference came about when Triple H cryptically suggested that a new star would debut at Game On, and his appearance will rock the world. The question is: who is this man and why is his debut so significant? We’ll have to wait and find out at KOKW Game On. Also, confirmed for KOKW TV this week: [INDENT]- Brock Lesnar vs. Roderick Strong in a First Round match in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament - Ric Flair vs. Scott Hall in a First Round match in the World Heavyweight Title Tournament - Team 3D vs. The Briscoe Brothers[/INDENT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/KOKW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] King of Kings Wrestling Presents: KOKW TV Live on the Spike! Network from the Convention Center Arena, Mid South Friday April Week 3 Attendance: 3590 - The show kicks off with a video package for the match in the First Round of the World Heavyweight Title Tournament between ‘The Nature Boy’ Ric Flair and ‘Da Bad Guy’ Scott Hall. Their careers are hyped and the emphasis is on this being a big-time match-up between two legends. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - We cut to the arena, and are greeted by the fireworks and Sevendust’s ‘Enemy’ once again, signalling the beginning of the show. Junior Radley takes the hyping duties. [COLOR="Green"]‘ Welcome once again to the show that is singlehandedly revolutionising the wrestling world, KOKW TV! And tonight we have that big-time feel as the First Round of the World Heavyweight Title Tournament comes to a close in two historic matches tonight; the debut in KOKW for ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar; and the battle between two legends in this sport, Ric Flair and Scott Hall - it’s going to be a huge night. ’[/COLOR] - The ‘Kings of Kings’ take centre stage as they make their way to the ring once again at the top of the show. Triple H obviously takes the microphone. [COLOR="Red"]‘ Last week, we, the ‘Kings of Kings’, proved our dominance and power over this company when we annihilated our opposition in ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels. We beat him down so badly that he couldn’t even make it out of the hospital for this show. And last week wasn’t just a beating, it was a warning; a threat to anyone who wants to oppose us. Last week, we showed just who the hell we are, and that there is no stopping us. Now onto business, tonight Ric Flair looks to go thro...’ [/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - Chris Sabin’s music as he interrupts ‘The Game’ in mid-sentence. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Whoa, easy there, Hunter. I guess you forgot about me huh? Yeah, that’s right, I’m the guy who almost beat your ass two weeks ago in our first round match in the World Title Tournament. Only you needed the help of Ric Flair to beat me. Hey, I thought you were the ‘King of Kings’ and you needed help to beat me? Not quite the man you thought you were, huh? But you see, Hunter, I am a hungry son of a bitch, and I am not gonna stop until I pin you in the middle of that ring 1...2...3! In fact, I’ll do it right now!’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - Sabin runs to the ring and battles the four ‘Kings’, initially holding his own, only for the numbers to catch up with him. A beatdown ensues... [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C[/B] - Only for Hall and Nash, The Outsiders, to come to the young star’s aid and chase the ‘Kings of Kings’ off! [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - After a commercial, a match is announced for later tonight, which will pit two members of the ‘Kings of Kings’ Triple H and Sean Waltman against Chris Sabin and Kevin Nash! [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - [B]Match 1:[/B] A first round match in the US Prince Tournament finds Matt Bentley, with Traci Brooks at his side, face off against Alex Shelley. As with the rest of the US Prince matches, this match is fast-paced and action-packed with Alex Shelley picking up the win in 4.04. WINNER: [U]Alex Shelley [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C [/B] - A hype video is played of Bill Goldberg, emphasising his recent dominance over David Flair [B]SEGMENT GRADE: A[/B] - Carlito is walking along backstage, generally acting cool as he does, when Joey Matthews attacks him from behind and a beatdown ensues. Matthews constantly asks Carlito if he had something to say to him now throughout the pounding. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - [B]Match 2:[/B] In light of the announcement earlier in the week that there would be a Triple Threat Tag Team Challenge at Game On in a few weeks time, Team 3D take on The Briscoe Brothers in what is the former-Dudleys KOKW debut. 3D take it, with the 3D on Mark Briscoe in 4.21. WINNERS: [U]Team 3D [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C [/B] - A hype video is shown one more time of the powerful and dominating Brock Lesnar just before his debut match. Here comes the Pain... [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - [B]Match 3:[/B] Brock Lesnar takes on Roderick Strong in their debut matches on KOKW TV in the First Round of the KOKW World Heavyweight Title Tournament. Strong makes his way to the ring first to a relatively good reaction, but then Lesnar comes to the ring to a great ovation. This being the first match Lesnar had in the USA in a fair while, it was understandable that the crowd were excited to witness his return. The match starts out with Lesnar simply out-powering Strong and displaying his amazing agility. A ‘Welcome Back’ chant starts in the crowd as Lesnar takes control after a huge belly to belly suplex. Lesnar continues his dominance for a few minutes, putting Strong into a body scissors followed shortly by a bear hug. Strong starts to fight back, and manages to escape to run off the ropes, straight into a decapitating, stiff lariat from Lesnar. Brock stalks Strong as he groggily makes it to his feet, and ‘The Pain’ goes for The Verdict, only for Roderick to slip out the back. A couple of backbreakers later, and Strong is back in it. Strong covers only to get 2, and Lesnar springs up, with an adrenaline surge and begins throwing Strong all around the ring with various suplexes. A battered Strong walks wearily into The Verdict, and that’s all she wrote. WINNER: [U]Brock Lesnar in 8.44 [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B [/B] - The match between Ric Flair and Scott Hall is given last minute hype details, to drive home the importance of this match. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - [B]Match 4:[/B] Scott Hall makes his way to the ring first and has to wait for the ‘Nature Boy’ to make his entrance. He does, and ‘Naitch’, despite his clear heel leanings at the moment, gets a massive round of applause from the crowd. The referee rings the bell, and we’re under way. The match starts with a customary lock-up in the centre of the ring, and Flair pushes Hall to the corner, signalling a clean break. Instead of a proper clean break however, Flair slaps the chest of Hall and then relinquishes his grip. What a heel. Lock-up again, and this time Hall takes the advantage, pushing Flair into the corner. To get into Flair’s head, Hall imitates Flair’s actions earlier when asked to break the hold, and slaps the chest of Flair. The legends seem to playing a game of one-upmanship here. Lock-up again, and Flair takes control with an eye gouge. From here, this is typical Flair, with chops and work on the knee being the primary arsenal employed. It looks like Flair is going to synch in the Figure Four, when Hall kicks him off and goes on the offensive. Hall gets the better of Flair and looks to seal the victory after hitting the Outsider’s Edge, when David Flair comes ringside and slides in some brass knuckles to his dad and distracts the referee. Hall, also distracted by David’s appearance, turns back to the elder Flair and receives a low blow followed by a shot to the head with the brass knuckles for the KO shot. Flair steals one. WINNER: [U]Ric Flair in 6.50 [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B+ [/B] - In the back Kurt Angle approaches Austin Aries and says how impressed he was by the effort Aries gave in their clash last week. Angle says that he has gained a respect for Aries and that he sees big things in his future. Aries thanks him and they shake hands. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - [B]Main Event:[/B] Chris Sabin makes his entrance first to a reasonable pop from the crowd. Next out is his team-mate, ‘Big Sexy’ Kevin Nash. The ‘Kings of Kings’ come out next to jeers and boos from the crowd. Triple H looked like he was going to start, but when Sabin stepped up, ‘The Game’ decided to pick his moment and tagged out to Waltman. A quick start, with kicks and strikes flying all over the place, when Triple H lifts the knee on a rope-bound Sabin. The ‘Kings’ work on Sabin and keep him from tagging out to Nash. Waltman gets clumsy a little later, and Sabin hits an enziguri, followed by a diving tag to Nash. Nash works the hot tag, punching and kicking everything in sight. As order is restored, Triple H hits a chop block on the big man’s knee, and he starts working it over. The same sequence is repeated with the hot tag eventually coming to Sabin and the match breaks down. Nash and Waltman brawl on the outside, as Sabin gets ready to put Triple H in the Cradle Shock. ‘The Game’ drops to his knees and hits the low blow followed by a Pedigree. The referee is still preoccupied with the outside brawl however, and fails, just as Triple H fails, to notice Shawn Michaels has made his way into the ring. Triple H turns around into some Sweet Chin Music and Sabin crawls over and drapes an arm over the fallen Triple h. The referee turns and as if by magic counts the 1,2,3. Sabin pins ‘The Game’! HBK looks pleased with his actions as the show goes off air. WINNERS: [U]Nash and Sabin n 11.09 [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B- [/B] [SIZE="4"]Overall Rating: B-[/SIZE] A fairly solid show again this week, and it’s main focus point allowed me to elevate someone new in Chris Sabin. He held up fairly well, and a role in a major storyline will boost his value to the company. I was impressed by the rating of the Hall-Flair match and was very pleased with the outcome. Possibly the highest rated match in KOKW history, it boosted the show well and shows that both are very useful. The network again unhappy, but that is just something that has to be accepted. We’re clearly not popular enough to keep us on the channel for too much longer. Overall though, I am very pleased with how things are going at the moment. Show rating: 644,155 Smackdown! rating: 750,204
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/KOKW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] King of Kings Wrestling Presents: KOKW TV Live on the Spike! Network from the Convention Center Arena, Mid South Friday April Week 3 Attendance: 3590 - The show kicks off with a video package for the match in the First Round of the World Heavyweight Title Tournament between ‘The Nature Boy’ Ric Flair and ‘Da Bad Guy’ Scott Hall. Their careers are hyped and the emphasis is on this being a big-time match-up between two legends. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - We cut to the arena, and are greeted by the fireworks and Sevendust’s ‘Enemy’ once again, signalling the beginning of the show. Junior Radley takes the hyping duties. [COLOR="Green"]‘ Welcome once again to the show that is singlehandedly revolutionising the wrestling world, KOKW TV! And tonight we have that big-time feel as the First Round of the World Heavyweight Title Tournament comes to a close in two historic matches tonight; the debut in KOKW for ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar; and the battle between two legends in this sport, Ric Flair and Scott Hall - it’s going to be a huge night. ’[/COLOR] - The ‘Kings of Kings’ take centre stage as they make their way to the ring once again at the top of the show. Triple H obviously takes the microphone. [COLOR="Red"]‘ Last week, we, the ‘Kings of Kings’, proved our dominance and power over this company when we annihilated our opposition in ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels. We beat him down so badly that he couldn’t even make it out of the hospital for this show. And last week wasn’t just a beating, it was a warning; a threat to anyone who wants to oppose us. Last week, we showed just who the hell we are, and that there is no stopping us. Now onto business, tonight Ric Flair looks to go thro...’ [/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - Chris Sabin’s music as he interrupts ‘The Game’ in mid-sentence. [COLOR="Navy"]‘ Whoa, easy there, Hunter. I guess you forgot about me huh? Yeah, that’s right, I’m the guy who almost beat your ass two weeks ago in our first round match in the World Title Tournament. Only you needed the help of Ric Flair to beat me. Hey, I thought you were the ‘King of Kings’ and you needed help to beat me? Not quite the man you thought you were, huh? But you see, Hunter, I am a hungry son of a bitch, and I am not gonna stop until I pin you in the middle of that ring 1...2...3! In fact, I’ll do it right now!’[/COLOR] [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - Sabin runs to the ring and battles the four ‘Kings’, initially holding his own, only for the numbers to catch up with him. A beatdown ensues... [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C[/B] - Only for Hall and Nash, The Outsiders, to come to the young star’s aid and chase the ‘Kings of Kings’ off! [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - After a commercial, a match is announced for later tonight, which will pit two members of the ‘Kings of Kings’ Triple H and Sean Waltman against Chris Sabin and Kevin Nash! [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B-[/B] - [B]Match 1:[/B] A first round match in the US Prince Tournament finds Matt Bentley, with Traci Brooks at his side, face off against Alex Shelley. As with the rest of the US Prince matches, this match is fast-paced and action-packed with Alex Shelley picking up the win in 4.04. WINNER: [U]Alex Shelley [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C [/B] - A hype video is played of Bill Goldberg, emphasising his recent dominance over David Flair [B]SEGMENT GRADE: A[/B] - Carlito is walking along backstage, generally acting cool as he does, when Joey Matthews attacks him from behind and a beatdown ensues. Matthews constantly asks Carlito if he had something to say to him now throughout the pounding. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: C+[/B] - [B]Match 2:[/B] In light of the announcement earlier in the week that there would be a Triple Threat Tag Team Challenge at Game On in a few weeks time, Team 3D take on The Briscoe Brothers in what is the former-Dudleys KOKW debut. 3D take it, with the 3D on Mark Briscoe in 4.21. WINNERS: [U]Team 3D [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: C [/B] - A hype video is shown one more time of the powerful and dominating Brock Lesnar just before his debut match. Here comes the Pain... [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - [B]Match 3:[/B] Brock Lesnar takes on Roderick Strong in their debut matches on KOKW TV in the First Round of the KOKW World Heavyweight Title Tournament. Strong makes his way to the ring first to a relatively good reaction, but then Lesnar comes to the ring to a great ovation. This being the first match Lesnar had in the USA in a fair while, it was understandable that the crowd were excited to witness his return. The match starts out with Lesnar simply out-powering Strong and displaying his amazing agility. A ‘Welcome Back’ chant starts in the crowd as Lesnar takes control after a huge belly to belly suplex. Lesnar continues his dominance for a few minutes, putting Strong into a body scissors followed shortly by a bear hug. Strong starts to fight back, and manages to escape to run off the ropes, straight into a decapitating, stiff lariat from Lesnar. Brock stalks Strong as he groggily makes it to his feet, and ‘The Pain’ goes for The Verdict, only for Roderick to slip out the back. A couple of backbreakers later, and Strong is back in it. Strong covers only to get 2, and Lesnar springs up, with an adrenaline surge and begins throwing Strong all around the ring with various suplexes. A battered Strong walks wearily into The Verdict, and that’s all she wrote. WINNER: [U]Brock Lesnar in 8.44 [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B [/B] - The match between Ric Flair and Scott Hall is given last minute hype details, to drive home the importance of this match. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - [B]Match 4:[/B] Scott Hall makes his way to the ring first and has to wait for the ‘Nature Boy’ to make his entrance. He does, and ‘Naitch’, despite his clear heel leanings at the moment, gets a massive round of applause from the crowd. The referee rings the bell, and we’re under way. The match starts with a customary lock-up in the centre of the ring, and Flair pushes Hall to the corner, signalling a clean break. Instead of a proper clean break however, Flair slaps the chest of Hall and then relinquishes his grip. What a heel. Lock-up again, and this time Hall takes the advantage, pushing Flair into the corner. To get into Flair’s head, Hall imitates Flair’s actions earlier when asked to break the hold, and slaps the chest of Flair. The legends seem to playing a game of one-upmanship here. Lock-up again, and Flair takes control with an eye gouge. From here, this is typical Flair, with chops and work on the knee being the primary arsenal employed. It looks like Flair is going to synch in the Figure Four, when Hall kicks him off and goes on the offensive. Hall gets the better of Flair and looks to seal the victory after hitting the Outsider’s Edge, when David Flair comes ringside and slides in some brass knuckles to his dad and distracts the referee. Hall, also distracted by David’s appearance, turns back to the elder Flair and receives a low blow followed by a shot to the head with the brass knuckles for the KO shot. Flair steals one. WINNER: [U]Ric Flair in 6.50 [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B+ [/B] - In the back Kurt Angle approaches Austin Aries and says how impressed he was by the effort Aries gave in their clash last week. Angle says that he has gained a respect for Aries and that he sees big things in his future. Aries thanks him and they shake hands. [B]SEGMENT GRADE: B[/B] - [B]Main Event:[/B] Chris Sabin makes his entrance first to a reasonable pop from the crowd. Next out is his team-mate, ‘Big Sexy’ Kevin Nash. The ‘Kings of Kings’ come out next to jeers and boos from the crowd. Triple H looked like he was going to start, but when Sabin stepped up, ‘The Game’ decided to pick his moment and tagged out to Waltman. A quick start, with kicks and strikes flying all over the place, when Triple H lifts the knee on a rope-bound Sabin. The ‘Kings’ work on Sabin and keep him from tagging out to Nash. Waltman gets clumsy a little later, and Sabin hits an enziguri, followed by a diving tag to Nash. Nash works the hot tag, punching and kicking everything in sight. As order is restored, Triple H hits a chop block on the big man’s knee, and he starts working it over. The same sequence is repeated with the hot tag eventually coming to Sabin and the match breaks down. Nash and Waltman brawl on the outside, as Sabin gets ready to put Triple H in the Cradle Shock. ‘The Game’ drops to his knees and hits the low blow followed by a Pedigree. The referee is still preoccupied with the outside brawl however, and fails, just as Triple H fails, to notice Shawn Michaels has made his way into the ring. Triple H turns around into some Sweet Chin Music and Sabin crawls over and drapes an arm over the fallen Triple h. The referee turns and as if by magic counts the 1,2,3. Sabin pins ‘The Game’! HBK looks pleased with his actions as the show goes off air. WINNERS: [U]Nash and Sabin n 11.09 [/U] [B]MATCH GRADE: B- [/B] [SIZE="4"]Overall Rating: B-[/SIZE] A fairly solid show again this week, and it’s main focus point allowed me to elevate someone new in Chris Sabin. He held up fairly well, and a role in a major storyline will boost his value to the company. I was impressed by the rating of the Hall-Flair match and was very pleased with the outcome. Possibly the highest rated match in KOKW history, it boosted the show well and shows that both are very useful. The network again unhappy, but that is just something that has to be accepted. We’re clearly not popular enough to keep us on the channel for too much longer. Overall though, I am very pleased with how things are going at the moment. Show rating: 644,155 Smackdown! rating: 750,204
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