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WWF 90's- The way it should be

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[IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/logo_WWF_old.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"][IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/KevinColeman.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"](Kevin has been a writer for a few years in PWI. He had applied for a job with the WWF. WCW has been trying to jump up and be a contender for the WWF, Eric Bishoff heard of this guy Kevin who had been writing his own colum for PWI about running the top promotion in wrestling. Eric had been calling Kevin for months but Kevin kept blowing Eric off. Finally on a Friday night Kevin listened to Eric and this was the conversation via the phone)[/COLOR] Kevin: Hello? [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG] Eric: Hey, Kevin. How you been? I have been trying to reach you since last week after we talked. So I talked to Teddy and he has given me permission to hire you for the amount you asked. You said 3.5 over the next 5 years with the option to renew for .... Kevin: Hold on I have another call.[COLOR="Red"](Switches over to the other line)[/COLOR] Hello? [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] Vince: Hello Kevin, how have you been? I am proud to offer you the Head booker postion you applied for last week. When can you start? I will have my Human resource contact you in regards to the relocation package and everything else. I am faxing over the contract to you right now. Kevin: Vince you dont know how happy I am to be getting this call right now. Thank you very much. I can start as soon as your ready for me. But I do have one problem right now, You do know Eric from WCW? Well he is on the other line trying to get me to sign with WCW, I have an idea to show him who's who. [COLOR="Red"](Kevin presses flash on his phone and it sets up a three way with Eric, Vince and himself) [/COLOR] Kevin: Hey there Eric, I got some good news and some bad news....What do you want first the good or the bad? Eric: Well...What do you mean bad news? Kevin: I will not be joining WCW.. Eric: Yeah, Yeah but you have been saying that for weeks no... Kevin: Yeah well here is the good news, I will be Joining the WWF!!!! Eric: But... I told you I could offer you triple what eve.... Vince: Hummm...Hello Eric. How are you....Well I guys my day is better but why dont I let you in on something....I will always will have a BIGGER AND BETTER WRESTLING ORGINAZATION THEN YOU WILL EVERY GET!!!! So before we go.... I just got one thing I need to say...Check..... Kevin: Thanks again but no thanks Eric. [COLOR="Red"](Kevin and Vince hang up with Eric and start chatting again.)[/COLOR] Vince: Hey Kev. Don't worry about your things just get in your car and get to the airport and I will have someone contact you with your flight schedule. You will meet me here in Standford, Conn for dinner with the family and to talk over some plans.. ALso I would like you to wait until next monday to start with your booking plans so you can meet everyone and get a behind the scene way of things. Kevin: Ok, Well I am looking forward to the chance to work with the WWF. Vince: I know you know the ins and outs of the Independent world so on your way here think of guys that could spice up the future of the WWF. See you when you get here. [COLOR="Red"](Kevin hangs up and is still in shock that he just denied a 3.5 million dollar contract with a huge company like WCW and signed a contract for 4.1 million dollars with the biggest company in the US the WWF. He grabs some of his suits and head to the airport to Stanford, Conn.)[/COLOR][/COLOR] ***OOC** What do you guys think? Would you follow this? In the future I am going to display more picture and do better Text and what not to make it stand out more. Just wondering If you guys would be intrested.
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Yea, Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon ever communicating in real life would never happen. Not in a million years. Next your going to tell me that WWF/WWE will one day sponsor and put out a book written by Eric Bischoff himself. HA, what an idiot! LMFAO I'll check this one out as it continues. You've got yourself at least a temporary reader.
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Yea, Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon ever communicating in real life would never happen. Not in a million years. Next your going to tell me that WWF/WWE will one day sponsor and put out a book written by Eric Bischoff himself. HA, what an idiot! LMFAO I'll check this one out as it continues. You've got yourself at least a temporary reader.
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[FONT="Arial Black"][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"](Kevin arries in Stanford, Conn at the McMahon Mansion on saturday after noon. Linda McMahon meets Kevin Coleman at the door and brings him inside to meet Vince in his office.)[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/mcmahonhouse.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/KevinColeman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Vince: Welcome to my home Kev, and welcome to the WWF. If you can bring to the table what everyone belives then your future is very bright. [/COLOR] [FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"](Vince and Kevin shake hands, Vince motion for Kevin to sit down and Linda to leave for a few minutes)[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR="Blue"]Vince: Have a seat Kev, make yourself at home. You are part of the WWF family now. Lets talk... I am very impressed with your views on wrestling and how you would handle the WWF. I invited you here to meet the man who was going to be carrying the company's stories and stars into the future. Kevin: Thank you again. So Vince, I know there is a lot riding on what I am doing, But where do you want me to start.... Vince: We need to rebuild this roster, we do not have the money maker Hogan anymore. A lot has changed since he has gone. WCW is on the rise. I need you to get Hogan back, before they do. WCW have been courting him for years. I know if they get him the normal fan will see him on there show and jump ship to watch their garbage. I need you to get some STARS. We need to build some of the guys we have up to compete with yester-years stars. I need another Hogan. Kevin: You already do. The one thing you have done right up until now since Hogan left was build Hart up to be the next champion. Yoko is carrying the company as a heel in a very good way. You should have these guys go into a huge program until we can get someone else up to there level. Think about it, Hart v Yoko could be your Hogan v Andre, ten years later. Vince I only see a few adjustments you will need to m.. Vince: Right now its you that is going to make those changes. I want you to be the go to guy. Your ideas are great. Hart v Yoko...its going to be huge. I can see it now. Kev, Since you have never really been around the backstage of a show I am going to have you follow me around for the next week and see how things are done. You know, give you the in's and out's of the Biz. But starting next week you are going to head up everything. If there is anyone you think we should try and get on a contract you need to let me know. [FONT="Impact"] [COLOR="Red"](Phone rings)[/COLOR][/FONT] Vince: Hold on a second, Let me take this on the speaker. [FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"](Vince places the phone on and has Kevin listen in with him)[/COLOR][/FONT] Vince: Yes? Secretary: Mr. McMahon, I have Jim Cornette on the line he has a few things he needs to speak to you on. Can I send him over? Vince: Yes, Please. Jim: Hello, Vince. How are you doing this afternoon? Vince: I am great, what can I do for you today? Jim: Vince, we have a big show the Saturday before SummerSlam. I was hoping you could put Bret Hart on loan to SMW for the one show? Vince: I don't see why no.... [FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"](Kevin walks up and shakes his head and presses the hold button)[/COLOR][/FONT] Vince: What are you doing?? Kevin: Look Vince, you told me the ball is in my court and I am calling the shots and you want my ideas, right? Well Cornette, SMW and every other promotion you share talent with are feeding of the WWF's dollar. What did you do when you first took over WWF? You stopped having working agreements with everyone else. Thats how you made it to where you are now. Lets take it one step further and not deal with anyone we do not have control over. Vince trust me on this. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"] (takes Cornette of hold)[/FONT][/COLOR] Kevin: Hey there Cornette, this is Kevin Coleman. I am Vince's head booker and talent realations cordanter. We here at WWF have decided to offer you the chance to be a WWF training ground. What do you say Jimmy? Jim: Are you kidding me, Vince what is he talking about? Kevin: Look Jim, we can get anyone to do this. Will you or not? Jim: No, no. This is my company and I will not be a training center for anyone. We run things our way. Kevin: Ok. Enough said. Well first things first. I know about the verbal agreement between you and Vince, from here on out thats off. I will be offering everyone from WWF that is also working for SMW on an open contract to written contract with us and if they are not willing to then the will be termented at that moment. Second, no you will not have Hart there...Ever. And lastly, you can let everyone out there that thinks they are going to continue to leach off the WWF anymore they got another thing coming. But you know Jim its been nice working with you. But we got to go. Jim: Vince, ok, Jokes over lets figure out the figures for Hart's apperance. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"](Vince looks at Kevin in awe. He finally gets a big grin over his face.)[/FONT][/COLOR] Vince: Hey Jim, you heard the man. Talk to you later. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"](Vince hangs up the phone shakes Kevin's hand)[/FONT][/COLOR] Vince: Good job Kevin. I like the drive. You have a great business sense. Things are looking good. I have something I need to take care of right now so go have a nice night on the town. I will call for you Monday morning and we will drive to RAW together that morning. [/COLOR][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial Black"][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"](Kevin arries in Stanford, Conn at the McMahon Mansion on saturday after noon. Linda McMahon meets Kevin Coleman at the door and brings him inside to meet Vince in his office.)[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/mcmahonhouse.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/KevinColeman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]Vince: Welcome to my home Kev, and welcome to the WWF. If you can bring to the table what everyone belives then your future is very bright. [/COLOR] [FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"](Vince and Kevin shake hands, Vince motion for Kevin to sit down and Linda to leave for a few minutes)[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR="Blue"]Vince: Have a seat Kev, make yourself at home. You are part of the WWF family now. Lets talk... I am very impressed with your views on wrestling and how you would handle the WWF. I invited you here to meet the man who was going to be carrying the company's stories and stars into the future. Kevin: Thank you again. So Vince, I know there is a lot riding on what I am doing, But where do you want me to start.... Vince: We need to rebuild this roster, we do not have the money maker Hogan anymore. A lot has changed since he has gone. WCW is on the rise. I need you to get Hogan back, before they do. WCW have been courting him for years. I know if they get him the normal fan will see him on there show and jump ship to watch their garbage. I need you to get some STARS. We need to build some of the guys we have up to compete with yester-years stars. I need another Hogan. Kevin: You already do. The one thing you have done right up until now since Hogan left was build Hart up to be the next champion. Yoko is carrying the company as a heel in a very good way. You should have these guys go into a huge program until we can get someone else up to there level. Think about it, Hart v Yoko could be your Hogan v Andre, ten years later. Vince I only see a few adjustments you will need to m.. Vince: Right now its you that is going to make those changes. I want you to be the go to guy. Your ideas are great. Hart v Yoko...its going to be huge. I can see it now. Kev, Since you have never really been around the backstage of a show I am going to have you follow me around for the next week and see how things are done. You know, give you the in's and out's of the Biz. But starting next week you are going to head up everything. If there is anyone you think we should try and get on a contract you need to let me know. [FONT="Impact"] [COLOR="Red"](Phone rings)[/COLOR][/FONT] Vince: Hold on a second, Let me take this on the speaker. [FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"](Vince places the phone on and has Kevin listen in with him)[/COLOR][/FONT] Vince: Yes? Secretary: Mr. McMahon, I have Jim Cornette on the line he has a few things he needs to speak to you on. Can I send him over? Vince: Yes, Please. Jim: Hello, Vince. How are you doing this afternoon? Vince: I am great, what can I do for you today? Jim: Vince, we have a big show the Saturday before SummerSlam. I was hoping you could put Bret Hart on loan to SMW for the one show? Vince: I don't see why no.... [FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"](Kevin walks up and shakes his head and presses the hold button)[/COLOR][/FONT] Vince: What are you doing?? Kevin: Look Vince, you told me the ball is in my court and I am calling the shots and you want my ideas, right? Well Cornette, SMW and every other promotion you share talent with are feeding of the WWF's dollar. What did you do when you first took over WWF? You stopped having working agreements with everyone else. Thats how you made it to where you are now. Lets take it one step further and not deal with anyone we do not have control over. Vince trust me on this. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"] (takes Cornette of hold)[/FONT][/COLOR] Kevin: Hey there Cornette, this is Kevin Coleman. I am Vince's head booker and talent realations cordanter. We here at WWF have decided to offer you the chance to be a WWF training ground. What do you say Jimmy? Jim: Are you kidding me, Vince what is he talking about? Kevin: Look Jim, we can get anyone to do this. Will you or not? Jim: No, no. This is my company and I will not be a training center for anyone. We run things our way. Kevin: Ok. Enough said. Well first things first. I know about the verbal agreement between you and Vince, from here on out thats off. I will be offering everyone from WWF that is also working for SMW on an open contract to written contract with us and if they are not willing to then the will be termented at that moment. Second, no you will not have Hart there...Ever. And lastly, you can let everyone out there that thinks they are going to continue to leach off the WWF anymore they got another thing coming. But you know Jim its been nice working with you. But we got to go. Jim: Vince, ok, Jokes over lets figure out the figures for Hart's apperance. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"](Vince looks at Kevin in awe. He finally gets a big grin over his face.)[/FONT][/COLOR] Vince: Hey Jim, you heard the man. Talk to you later. [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Impact"](Vince hangs up the phone shakes Kevin's hand)[/FONT][/COLOR] Vince: Good job Kevin. I like the drive. You have a great business sense. Things are looking good. I have something I need to take care of right now so go have a nice night on the town. I will call for you Monday morning and we will drive to RAW together that morning. [/COLOR][/FONT]
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nice work so far. right now the red font is a little hard to read and if you are going to keep the conversations in one color, I would at least change the color the names are in because someone my be reading something vince said then jump down to the next line not realizing someone else is talking. (just a small way to tell that someone else is speaking, as the different color may cause the person to slow down and take notice of the color change)
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nice work so far. right now the red font is a little hard to read and if you are going to keep the conversations in one color, I would at least change the color the names are in because someone my be reading something vince said then jump down to the next line not realizing someone else is talking. (just a small way to tell that someone else is speaking, as the different color may cause the person to slow down and take notice of the color change)
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[IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/KevinColeman.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="DarkOrange"] (So I went back to the hotel, I thought about taking Vince's suggestion to have a night out on the town. I didn't though. I figured I better go get some stuff together. So I headed back to the local mall and picked up some essentials. I also stoped by the bookshop and picked up the PWI magazine...It happened to be the PWI 500 annual issue. I figured it would be good to see what was out there that the WWF didn't already have. So I spent the rest of the weekend studying some guys, looking over tapes from the WWF video vault. I realized right then and there when I go to RAW this week I am going to meet a lot of guys who will not be with us in a few more weeks....)[/COLOR] [/FONT] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/tour-bus-2003.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="DarkOrange"](So I have spent the day riding with Vince and company to the site of the first RAW I will attened, Albany, New York. The Pepsi Arena. I Learned a few things already. First thing, Vince is not off his phone all day long when he has show. I also learned that he has been having some problems with a few guys on the roster playing hardball with renewing there contracts. Also some of the boys in the back are starting to wonder what going on with Vince declaring war with every promotion and not allowing talent to work else where. I also found out that Vince would have a meeting today as soon as we arrive to talk the roster about where we as a company are going, and who was heading it up.)[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/pepsiare.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="DarkOrange"](We finally arrive to the Pepsi Arena and the first thing Vince does is call for everyone to gather at ringside. As the boys start coming out from the back I kind of take a step back and try to fit in and not stand out. It takes about half an hour for everyone to gather around the ring but finally we get started )[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Vince:[/COLOR][/B][/FONT][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Red"]Ok, So lets get right to this. I know you all have been hearing the rumors. The next few weeks are going to be a determinting factor wether you are part of the WWF or out of a job. I know that sounds rough but I have declared WAR with the wrestling world. We here in the WWF are sick and tired of people out of are family taking away from our pockets. I will have Kevin explain that to you more. Look at it like this. If your with the WWF you will be with the biggest promotion in the US. But here I have reached out and contacted someone I belive to be the future of PROWRESTLING. His name is Kevin Coleman and he is the guy who will be heading up the Booking Team and in large be deciding who goes, and who is on top of the WWF. Go ahead step up Kevin you have the ball.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Kevin:[/COLOR][/B][/FONT][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Red"]Ok, I am Kevin Coleman as Vince has already stat...[COLOR="Red"][COLOR="DarkOrange"](I realize that a lot of the guy are staring at me with death looks, I better explain myself fast)[/COLOR]So lets get to the point. I know you heard we have ended all ties with outside promotions, most notalbly SMW. SMW has been taking money from your pockets and our since day one. Everytime you go to his show and work that with him you are risking your body for almost no money at all. Cornette can't pay you a lot because he has to pay WWF to use you. Also with SMW running shows, the marks are spending money to see his show. Think of this, if WWF was the only wrestling show in town to go see, every mark would have to come see US. So that means higher tickets sales. Which means higher paying contracts for you guys. So here, I am only going to do this because I know our Tag Team Champions will sign these right here, right now.[COLOR="DarkOrange"](pulls out two contracts from inside his jacket, both Steiners walk up and sign the new contracts) [/COLOR]See This is the way it should be. All for One, And One for All!!! So tonight, I am challanging you all to out preform your best match you have ever had. Why, you will be graded tonight and next Sunday, that is before the pink slips start dropping. I hate to say it but I am not here to make friends, just money and big ratings and superstars of the future. I am telling you all right now that out of everyone on the roster...there are only about a dozen of you I would keep around if it was all up to me. A lot of you guys are a Dime a dozen. I am about the future, I am about the rising stars, BUT WHAT I AM NOT ABOUT IS OLD TIMERS!!! So I promise you this I will take care of all the guys that work there ass off to be the best. So go out there tonight and become the next Hulk Hogan [COLOR="DarkOrange"](I got alot of looks for the last line but we all know he is the biggest player in the prowrestling)[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR="DarkOrange"](Next up was Monday Night Raw)[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/raw2.jpg[/IMG] *OOC* I will finish this by tonight. Let me know what you think.
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[IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/KevinColeman.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="DarkOrange"] (So I went back to the hotel, I thought about taking Vince's suggestion to have a night out on the town. I didn't though. I figured I better go get some stuff together. So I headed back to the local mall and picked up some essentials. I also stoped by the bookshop and picked up the PWI magazine...It happened to be the PWI 500 annual issue. I figured it would be good to see what was out there that the WWF didn't already have. So I spent the rest of the weekend studying some guys, looking over tapes from the WWF video vault. I realized right then and there when I go to RAW this week I am going to meet a lot of guys who will not be with us in a few more weeks....)[/COLOR] [/FONT] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/tour-bus-2003.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="DarkOrange"](So I have spent the day riding with Vince and company to the site of the first RAW I will attened, Albany, New York. The Pepsi Arena. I Learned a few things already. First thing, Vince is not off his phone all day long when he has show. I also learned that he has been having some problems with a few guys on the roster playing hardball with renewing there contracts. Also some of the boys in the back are starting to wonder what going on with Vince declaring war with every promotion and not allowing talent to work else where. I also found out that Vince would have a meeting today as soon as we arrive to talk the roster about where we as a company are going, and who was heading it up.)[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/pepsiare.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="DarkOrange"](We finally arrive to the Pepsi Arena and the first thing Vince does is call for everyone to gather at ringside. As the boys start coming out from the back I kind of take a step back and try to fit in and not stand out. It takes about half an hour for everyone to gather around the ring but finally we get started )[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Vince:[/COLOR][/B][/FONT][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Red"]Ok, So lets get right to this. I know you all have been hearing the rumors. The next few weeks are going to be a determinting factor wether you are part of the WWF or out of a job. I know that sounds rough but I have declared WAR with the wrestling world. We here in the WWF are sick and tired of people out of are family taking away from our pockets. I will have Kevin explain that to you more. Look at it like this. If your with the WWF you will be with the biggest promotion in the US. But here I have reached out and contacted someone I belive to be the future of PROWRESTLING. His name is Kevin Coleman and he is the guy who will be heading up the Booking Team and in large be deciding who goes, and who is on top of the WWF. Go ahead step up Kevin you have the ball.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Kevin:[/COLOR][/B][/FONT][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Red"]Ok, I am Kevin Coleman as Vince has already stat...[COLOR="Red"][COLOR="DarkOrange"](I realize that a lot of the guy are staring at me with death looks, I better explain myself fast)[/COLOR]So lets get to the point. I know you heard we have ended all ties with outside promotions, most notalbly SMW. SMW has been taking money from your pockets and our since day one. Everytime you go to his show and work that with him you are risking your body for almost no money at all. Cornette can't pay you a lot because he has to pay WWF to use you. Also with SMW running shows, the marks are spending money to see his show. Think of this, if WWF was the only wrestling show in town to go see, every mark would have to come see US. So that means higher tickets sales. Which means higher paying contracts for you guys. So here, I am only going to do this because I know our Tag Team Champions will sign these right here, right now.[COLOR="DarkOrange"](pulls out two contracts from inside his jacket, both Steiners walk up and sign the new contracts) [/COLOR]See This is the way it should be. All for One, And One for All!!! So tonight, I am challanging you all to out preform your best match you have ever had. Why, you will be graded tonight and next Sunday, that is before the pink slips start dropping. I hate to say it but I am not here to make friends, just money and big ratings and superstars of the future. I am telling you all right now that out of everyone on the roster...there are only about a dozen of you I would keep around if it was all up to me. A lot of you guys are a Dime a dozen. I am about the future, I am about the rising stars, BUT WHAT I AM NOT ABOUT IS OLD TIMERS!!! So I promise you this I will take care of all the guys that work there ass off to be the best. So go out there tonight and become the next Hulk Hogan [COLOR="DarkOrange"](I got alot of looks for the last line but we all know he is the biggest player in the prowrestling)[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR="DarkOrange"](Next up was Monday Night Raw)[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/raw2.jpg[/IMG] *OOC* I will finish this by tonight. Let me know what you think.
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