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[U]DAVEWRESTLING.COM ROSTER REPORT: APRIL 2007[/U] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RickyDale.jpg[/IMG] [B]DAVE UNIFIED CHAMPION: RICKY DALE JOHNSON[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Black Charisma (A) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] [B]DAVE SHOWCASE CHAMPION: JACK GRIFFITH[/B] Member of The School of Tradition Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Franchise Player (B+) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DallasMcWade.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DeanMcWade.jpg[/IMG] [B]DAVE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: THE MCWADE BROTHERS (DALLAS & DEAN MCWADE)[/B] Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Mountain Man (B-) [B]Acid[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Machine (A) Entrance Music: "Battle Flag" by Lo-Fidelity All-Stars [B]Alex Braun[/B] (The New Jersey Devils) Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Unique Charismatic (A*) [B]Art Reed[/B] (The School of Tradition) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Legitimate Athelete (B) [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] (Manager: Sienna DeVille) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: No Gimmick Needed (B+) [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Pyromaniac (A) Entrance Music: "Punk Song #2" by silverchair [B]Danny B. Bling[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Pimp (A) [B]Doug Peak[/B] (The Peak Brothers) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Convict (B) Entrance Music: "Brother Bleed Brother" by Finch [B]Eddie Peak[/B] (The Peak Brothers) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Intelligent Psycho (A) Entrance Music: "Brother Bleed Brother" by Finch [B]Eric Tyler[/B] (The School of Tradition) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Franchise Player (B) [B]Guide[/B] (The New Wave; The School of Tradition) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Old School Heel (B+) [B]Hell's Bouncer[/B] (Manager: Phil Vibert) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Monster (A) [B]Henry Lee[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Hardcore Icon (A) [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Showstopper (C+) [B]James Brandon[/B] (Manager: Kittie Cameron; The Insane Connection) Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Power and Paint (B+) [B]JD Morgan[/B] Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: No Gimmick Needed (C-) [B]Jim Force[/B] (Manager: Kittie Cameron; The Insane Connection) Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Power and Paint (A*) [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] (The School of Tradition) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Traditionalist (B-) [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B] (The School of Tradition) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Traditionalist (A) [B]Johnny Martin[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Man on a Mission (A*) [B]Leroy[/B] (NYHXC) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Gangsta (D) [B]Nemesis[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Loose Cannon (A) Entrance Music: "Pet" by A Perfect Circle [B]Nephilim[/B] (Manager: Travis Century; The Infernal) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Demon (B+) [B]Noah[/B] (Manager: Travis Century; The Infernal) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Evil Doer (A) [B]Rick Law[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Law Enforcement (A) [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Rock Star (C+) [B]Sammy Bach[/B] (Adrenaline Rush) Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Teen Idol (A*) [B]Samoan Machine[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Machine (A) [B]Scout[/B] (The New Wave; The School of Tradition) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Old School Heel (A) [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Hero (B) [B]Spike[/B] (NYHXC) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Punk (C) [B]Steve Flash[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: No Gimmick Needed (B+) [B]Taheiji Konoe[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Young Lion (A) [B]Tank Bradley[/B] The New Jersey Devils Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Metalhead (B-) [B]Tatsukichi Shichirobei[/B] Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Wild Man (A) [B]Teddy Powell[/B] (Adrenaline Rush) Alignment: Face, Gimmick: Old School Face (A) [B]Travis Century[/B] (Manager: Nephilim) Alignment: Heel, Gimmick: Evil Incarnate (B) Entrance Music: "Get Born Again" by Alice in Chains
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[U]DAVEWRESTLING.COM OFFICIAL PREVIEW[/U] [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="5"]OUTLAW BROADCAST[/SIZE][/FONT] [I]LIVE on North America Prime Select, Monday, Week 1 - April 2007[/I] Three months and we're still plowing, full steam ahead, through the year of our rise to the top. DAVE has continually dominated the so-called 'number two company' in the ratings for week, and we've been putting out better product than those other guys for years. This month we proudly present [I]Outlaw Broadcast[/I], a card jam-packed with danger, violence, and extremity. After a month-long battle, [B]Nemesis[/B] has managed to earn himself a shot at [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B]'s Unified title. As most know by now, this doesn't sit well with [B]Travis Century[/B] who has promised to make his presence felt in this epic rematch. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] prepares to step into the ring with [B]Jack Griffith[/B] with hopes of winning the Showcase title. These two have gone through many brutal bouts before, and after several time limit draws and no contests, [B]Phil Vibert[/B] decided that the Showcase title would be suspended overhead and the first man to retreive it would be named champion! After several impressive victories, [B]The Insane Connection[/B] have managed to catch the eye of Tag Team champions [B]The McWade Brothers[/B]. The two big Canadians answered manager [B]Kittie Cameron[/B]'s open challenge this past Tuesday on [I]Revolution TV[/I] and the match has been set. This one is sure to be a bloodbath! With the fued between [B]The School of Tradition[/B] still going strong against [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] and [B]Henry Lee[/B], the two have challenged [B]The New Wave[/B] to meet them on PPV after the two were attacked backstage several weeks ago. It's going to be no rules, no limits, and no mercy for these four men! [B]Eddie Peak[/B], after months of screwing with [B]Rick Law[/B]'s head, will finally step into the ring with the big lawman. This past week on [I]Revolution TV[/I], both men suffered loses due to the others interference. These two are sure to be combustable elements, and one can only imagine the explosion of violence that will insue. [B]Travis Century[/B] will also be taking on [B]Eric Tyler[/B] in a #1 Contender's match for the Unified title. This match was setup after Century attacked Tyler following a lose to [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] on [I]Revolution TV[/I]. Century and his two demons, [B]The Infernal[/B], tore Tyler apart before issuing a chilling warning: if you want it, you must be willing to bleed. We'll find out what that means this Monday, live on PPV! [B][U][SIZE="2"]PREDICTION KEY FOR ALL BOOKED MATCHES[/U][/B] RDJ / Nemesis Giedroyc / Griffith Insane Connection / McWade Brothers E. Peak / Law Caulfield & Lee / New Wave Century / Tyler Martin / Reed / Holmes Bouncer / Gonzalez Acid / Minnesota Bloodstone / Konoe[/SIZE]
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[CENTER][FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="4"][B]DANGER AND VIOLENCE EXTREME[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="5"][B]OUTLAW BROADCAST[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="1"]PRESENTED LIVE FROM PLUM PARK IN NEW JERSEY ONLY ON NORTH AMERICA PRIME SELECT TONIGHT'S COMMENTARY TEAM: MITCH NAESS, RICKY ALLEN, AND SARA SILVER[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][U]DARK MATCH: ADRENALINE RUSH VS NYHXC[/U][/B] In a warm-up bout before they return to TV, [B]Adrenaline Rush[/B] defeated [B]NYHXC[/B]. This managed to be an alright match with Sammy Bach looking like a star as always; quite surprising they managed to pull this out of the hardcore youngsters. [I](Rating: C+)[/I] [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="3"]BEGIN TRANSMISSION[/SIZE][/FONT] The opening video is a very well done attempt at making the show seem as if it is a pirate broadcast with shaky, grainy footage and random inserts of greyscale color bars scattered throughout along with video clips hyping tonight's line-up. The main focus is the recent fued between [B]Nemesis[/B] and Unified Champion [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B]. The final shot is of a lead-in countdown, 5. . . 4. . . 3. . . 2. . . and then the screen goes black with a final beep, the words 'BEGIN TRANSMISSION' appearing. [I](Rating: A)[/I] The show begins backstage with [B]Kittie Cameron[/B], looking quite sexy as always. She is flanked by [B]The Insane Connection[/B],[B]James Brandon[/B] and [B]Jim Force[/B] as the crowd rumbles for action. Kittie tried to hype up her boys but the hot New Jersey crowd just didn't really care what she had to say about the upcoming Tag Team title match. [I](Rating: B-)[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Mitch Naess:[/B][/COLOR] Welcome to Outlaw Broadcast all you kiddies, it is time for Danger and Violence Extreme! [COLOR="Red"][B]Ricky Allen:[/B][/COLOR] God, that Kittie is hot, isn't she? [COLOR="Red"][B]Sara Silver:[/B][/COLOR] I'd do her. [COLOR="Red"][B]Mitch Naess:[/B][/COLOR] Woah, woah, now. . . I'd like to see that. [COLOR="Red"][B]Sara Silver (laughing):[/B][/COLOR] You wish. Alright boys, enough kinky talk; all those webheads out there have been given enough to fantasize about for one night. [CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DallasMcWade.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DeanMcWade.jpg[/IMG][B] vs [/B][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BigCatBrandon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]TAG TEAM TITLES: THE MCWADE BROTHERS VS THE INSANE CONNECTION (W/ KITTIE CAMERON)[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This match proves to be the hard-hitting hardcore riot the fans expect, going all over the arena, not one of the four competitors willing to go down against the other team. Try as they might the two teams simply aren't good enough to get a great reaction from the live crowd, although [B]Sara Silver[/B]'s job on commentary does wonders for the PPV broadcast. The ending comes when [B]Dallas McWade[/B] managed to isolate [B]Jame Brandon[/B] inside the ring while [B]Dean McWade[/B] and [B]Jim Force[/B] brawl around the outside, rolling him up with a handful of tights for the win at 7:13. [I]Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions: The McWade Brothers (Rating: C)[/I] Backstage, [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] exits the locker room to a loud reaction from the crowd. He walks down the short corridor into the open backstage area where [B]Jack Griffith[/B] comes flying onto the scene, nailing Giedroyc in the head with his Showcase title. Griffith doesn't let up, tossing the belt down and mounting Giedroyc for a series of stiff shots. As quick as he came, Griffith grabs his title and makes haste after a few kicks, leaving his fallen foe on the ground writhing in pain. [I](Rating: B)[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]Mitch Naess:[/COLOR][/B] Dear God, did you see that beltshot to the head?! Giedroyc's skull might've been cracked on that blow! [B][COLOR="Red"]Sara Silver:[/COLOR][/B] You know, usually I think Giedroyc looks pretty damned good. . . but that Jack Griffith. . . he's looking better and better, especially with that blood dripping out of Giedroyc's nose. [CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG][B]vs[/B][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TaheijiKonoe.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]JOHNNY BLOODSTONE VS TAHEIJI KONOE[/U][/B][/CENTER] Mitch Naess starts the match off by going over the fued these two have had on [I]Revolution TV[/I] over the past several weeks. [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B] is a hot prospect for [B]The School of Tradition[/B] but has yet to find his stride like his fellow classmates. The two go back and forth for several minutes, Bloodstone nixing Konoe's momentum every time the animal got going. Eventually, Bloodstone gains the upperhand and punishes Konoe with brutal stretches and painful twists before trying to impress stable leader [B]Eric Tyler[/B] with some showboating. This allowed Konoe to recover and catch Bloodstone offguard with a Roaring Elbow for the win at 8:06. [I]Winner: Taheiji Konoe (Rating: B)[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ricky Allen:[/B][/COLOR] What a solid win for "The Animal!" [COLOR="Red"][B]Mitch Naess:[/B][/COLOR] Certainly another great match from the DAVE Showcase division! And, up next, we have more great Showcase action in a #1 contender's match! [B]Johnny Martin[/B] will be taking on [B]Art Reed[/B] and [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] in a three-way dance; the winner must survive the other two competitors in order to win. [COLOR="Red"][B]Sara Silver:[/B][/COLOR] Theoretically, Johnny Martin could end-up being the top contender to his own partner, [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B]. But that's only theoretical, since Holmes is going to take this one. [COLOR="Red"][B]Ricky Allen:[/B][/COLOR] And, unfortunately after that attack, Jack Giedroyc might not even be able to compete tonight! [I](Rating: B)[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/JohnnyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/ArtReed.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BryanHolmes.jpg[/IMG] [B]#1 CONTENDER'S MATCH - SHOWCASE TITLE [U]JOHNNY MARTIN VS ART REED VS BRYAN HOLMES[/U][/B][/CENTER] Showcase division three-way dances have become commonplace on DAVE's monthly PPVs, and this one may be the most thrilling yet. All three looked good and [B]Eric Tyler[/B], at ringside for [B]School of Tradition[/B] student [B]Art Reed[/B], did a fantastic job. Unfortunately, Reed still has no clue how to play off of Tyler as his manager on the outside. After a long, exciting match, [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] managed to take Reed out with a Canadian Kiss. The match went on with Holmes and [B]Johnny Martin[/B] for another five minutes before Martin scored the surprise pin with a Twist on the Rocks at 17:55. [I]Winner: Johnny Martin (Rating: B+)[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Mitch Naess:[/B][/COLOR] Well, Sara, it looks as if your thoery may still be proven true here tonight. If [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] wins his match tonight, we'll be seeing Giedroyc versus Marting somewhere in the near future. Suddenly, "Punk Song #2" by silverchair comes over the loudspeakers. The crowd all rise to their feet as the "Hardcore American" [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] makes his way out to the ring along with tonight's tag team partner [B]Henry Lee[/B]. The two get into the ring and deliver a promo about 'tradition' in DAVE, and how [B]Scout[/B] and [B]Guide[/B] have no idea what its like to truly take pride in their tradition [I](Rating: B-)[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/ChrisCaufield.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HenryLee.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Guide.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Scout.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]CHRIS CAULFIELD & HENRY LEE VS THE NEW WAVE[/U][/B][/CENTER] The crowd was still hot from all the action as this match got underway, a sloppy but entertaining hardcore fiasco. Try as they all might, none of the other three men were able to make [B]Henry Lee[/B] look good out there, and their reactions certainly made it clear they weren't happy in the stalling with [B]The School of Tradition[/B]'s current fued. [B]The New Wave[/B] picked up the win after [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] began to mount a comeback before falling to [B]Scout[/B]'s Danger Ahead at 8:46. [I]Winners: The New Wave (Rating: C+)[/I] After the match, [B]Scout[/B] and [B]Guide[/B] waste no time celebrating as their assualt on [B]Chris Caulfield[/B] & [B]Henry Lee[/B] continues. They aren't satisfied until both men have been sent crashing through tables, announcing that today's lesson had ended before leaving the arena. [I](Rating: C+)[/I] While the carnage in the arena gets cleared up, we're taken backstage where a somewhat sore [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] stands in front of the DAVE backdrop. [COLOR="Green"][B]Jack Giedroyc:[/B][/COLOR] So that's how you want to play the game, [B]Griffith[/B]? You want to try and take me out while my back is turned? Better luck next time, pal, becau. . . [I](Rating: B+)[/I] He doesn't get out another word before getting blindsided by [B]Jack Griffith/B] with a metal trash can. With a loud crash, Giedroyc drops to the ground, leaving a deep dent in the trash can. Griffith throws it aside and grabs hold of Giedroyc's hair, laying in with a few deep fists while spitting taunts in his direction. As the beatdown continues, Griffith makes his way out towards the ring while dragging Giedroyc behind. [I](Rating: B+)[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/JackGiedroyc.jpg[/IMG] [B]SHOWCASE TITLE LADDER MATCH [U]JACK GRIFFITH VS JACK GIEDROYC[/U][/B][/CENTER] The crowd is completely into ANYTHING these two do together and have been rabidly into the storyline for three months now! Given tonight's build-up, [B]Griffith[/B] dominates in the early moments of the match, taunting and beating on Giedroyc until he decides to grab a ladder and go for the win. Giedroyc manages to turn it around in this time, springing off the rops and dropkicking the ladder into his opponent. The two go back and forth, Giedroyc selling his earlier injuries perfectly and Griffith playing the ****y, overconfident opponent to perfection. The ending saw both men high atop the ladder, groggy from a long match and trying to knock one another off. Giedroyc finally managed to get ahold of Griffith and turn around, dropping down a few runs and nailing a Crashing On on top of the ladder. Griffith sells like a champion, falling like deadweight onto the canvas and allowing Giedroyc to take a few moments in grabbing the belt at 21:16. [I]Winner and NEW Showcase Champion: Jack Giedroyc (Rating: B)[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Mitch Naess:[/B][/COLOR] Wow. . . The announcers are left silent as the "HOLY ****!" chants rage on from the ending spot. We eventually fade into a video hyping tonight's [B]Acid[/B] versus [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] match. The two met earlier in the week on [I]Revolution TV[/I] and put on an excellent showing for the TV audience, which the video highlights while building towards the rematch. [I](Rating: B+)[/I] [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] makes his way out to the ring with[B]Eric Tyler[/B], playing to the crowd as the boos are almost deafening. With Minnesota injuring [B]Henry Lee[/B] earlier in the year and [B]Shawn Gonzalez[/B] currently on the shelf with a broken leg because of him, the crowd let him know how they feel. Minnesota cuts a promo about how he came to DAVE to help bring the company to the next level, something [B]Acid[/B] was supposed to do when he signed with the company nearly three years ago! He planned to show Acid exactly what a REAL star looks like in the ring. [CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Acid.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/JoeyMinnesota.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]ACID VS JOEY MINNESOTA[/U][/B][/CENTER] The excellent chemisty between these two once again led to an exciting match for the fans, who were so into it they didn't even realize the competitors were holding back. [B]Acid[/B] and [B]Joey Minnesota[/B] both knew it wasn't their job to be the stas of the show tonight, and put on a very entertaining display. Acid finally put Minnesota away with an Acid Rain Bomb at 14:15 [I]Winner: Acid (Rating: B+)[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Ricky Allen:[/B][/COLOR] What a great effort there from two of DAVE's brightest young stars. [COLOR="Red"][B]Mitch Naess:[/B][/COLOR] Minnesota's remarks about being a bigger star than Acid certainly fueled him in getting through that match there. Backstage, [B]Eddie Peak[/B] sits in his lockerroom, a thoughtful and introspective look on his face in the close-up. [COLOR="Green"][B]Eddie Peak:[/B][/COLOR] Ever since you showed up here, you've made my life a living hell. Week in, week out, you're out there kicking my ass and outsmarting me at every turn. I can't even celebrate a win without you interfering and it isn't fair! Show after show you're always there, commenting at the announce table during my matches and showing people that you're better than me! Eddie pauses for a long moment, the camera slowly zooming out to reveal his manager, [B]Herb Stately[/B] staring at him blankly from the other side of the bench. [COLOR="Green"][B]Eddie Peak:[/B][/COLOR] (laughing) I'll bet thats what [B]Rick Law[/B] is thinking right now! I'll bet he's in his lockerroom obsessing over how to overcome the Hardcore Assasin, but it CAN'T BE DONE! Eddie cackles to himself while Stately takes a deep breath, slowly standing up with a moan. [COLOR="Green"][B]Herb Stately:[/B][/COLOR] We need to get going. . . Eddie stands up, a sick smile on his lips as he picks up the now trademark straightjacket and heads out to the ring. [I](Rating: A)[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/EddiePeak.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]EDDIE PEAK VS RICK LAW[/U][/B][/CENTER] The crowd was hot as these two stepped into the ring together for the first time in their months-long fued. [B]Herb Stately[/B] does a great job at ringside throughout, his timing with Eddie is absolutely perfect. They have what is hands down the best hardcore match of the night, engaging in a brawl reminicisent of the old territory-era grudge matches. [B]Rick Law[/B] managed to exert his power over the Hardcore Assassin for a while, but the match was back-and-forth the whole time. They finally end-up in the high bleachers, brawling nearly thirty rows up into the crowd. In one of the sickest looking spots of the night, Law goes for his Squad Car Slam just as Eddie tries to spear him down the aisle; the momentum carries them both several rows down and the ref calls the match a no contest when neither man responds to a 10 count at 15:55 [I]Winner: No Contest (Rating: A)[/I] The announcers are silent as the scene is cleaned up, not even introducing the next backstage segment as we're taken to [B]Travis Century[/B]'s pulpit in the basement of the arena. He warns [B]Eric Tyler[/B], and all in DAVE, of the coming of a violent storm. [COLOR="Green"][B]Travis Century:[/B][/COLOR] All must take caution, for none will be sparred when the storms comes down off the horizon. I've gone ignored for far too long in the ranks of this company but now it is time for us to reign in blood! [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TravisCentury.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/EricTyler.jpg[/IMG] FIRST BLOOD MATCH [U]TRAVIS CENTURY VS ERIC TYLER[/U][/B][/CENTER] As implied by Century's promo on [I]Revolution TV[/I] and just before the match, this bout is announced as a first blood match! It's never easy for two heels to get the crowd into a match between them, but these two pulled it off fabulously. Both men were obviously looking to prove themselves as the winner would be in the front-running for the next title shot. We managed to see an alright wrestling match for several minutes inside the ring before they took to the outside, looking for anything they could find to make the other bleed. As they're brawling near the entrance, [B]The Infernal[/B] rush onto the stage after a missed clothesline by Tyler takes out the referee and a 3-on-1 attack insues. After busting Tyler open with a vicious Demonbomb onto a chair, the two demons leave the scene just in time for the ref to call the match at 13:41 [I]Winner: Travis Century (Rating: B)[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Mitch Naess:[/B][/COLOR] That cheating bastard! [COLOR="Red"][B]Ricky Allen:[/B][/COLOR] Hey now, watch it. . . we don't want those two monsters coming over our way. [COLOR="Red"][B]Sara Silver:[/B][/COLOR] Both of ya' shut your holes for a minute. . . [COLOR="Red"][B]Ricky Allen:[/B][/COLOR] (laughing) Maybe you should take your own advice sometimes? After a little more back-and-forth, the announcers put over the fact that Phil Vibert will be making a big announcement on tomorrow's edition of [I]Revolution TV. (Rating: A*)[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RickyDale.jpg[/IMG][B] vs [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Nemisis.jpg[/IMG] UNIFIED TITLE MATCH [U]RICKY DALE JOHNSON VS NEMESIS[/U][/B][/CENTER] The crowd was built-up beautifully for tonight's main event, and they grew even more out-of-control for tonight's Unified title match. [B]Nemesis[/B] and [B]RDJ[/B] work a good, entertaining match that allows them both some time to shine before the finish gets underway. [B]Travis Century[/B] comes out to the ring just minutes before the end, [B]The Infernal[/B] acting as decoys attempting to attack Nemesis as the ref tries to stop them. Century's true goal, however, was soon realized as he rushed down to the ring and nailed RDJ with a Gammorah Driver, allowing Nemesis the win and the belt at 13:52 [I]Winner and NEW Unified Champion: Nemesis (Rating: A)[/I] After the match all hell breaks loose as RDJ is cast from the ring, allowing Century and The Infernal to unleash a brutal assault on the new Unified champion as we go off the air. [I](Rating: C+)[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]OVERALL RATING: B+ FINAL BUYRATE: 254,026[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][U]NOTES[/U] - A poor choice to end with Nephilim and Noah involved; the crowd are warming up to them, but they definitely didn't want to see them in there getting the better of Nemesis.[/SIZE] [B]Quick Results[/B] [QUOTE][SIZE="1"]- DARK MATCH: Adrenaline Rush defeated NYHXC (C+) - The McWade Brothers retained their Tag Team titles against The Insane Connection (C) - Taheiji Konoe defeated Johnny Bloodstone (B-) - Johnny Martin triumped over Art Reed and Bryan Holmes to become #1 Contender to the Showcase title (B+) - The New Wave beat Chris Caulfield & Henry Lee (C+) - Jack Giedroyc won the Showcase title from Jack Griffith in a ladder match (B) - Acid defeated Joey Minnesota (B+) - Eddie Peak verus Rick Law ended in a no contest (A) - Travis Century beat Eric Tyler with help from The Infernal in a First Blood Match (B) - Nemesis beat RDJ with assistance from Travis Century for the Unified Title (A)[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[QUOTE=Monkeypox;177880]This was a great thread - how can it only have two stars? Did I miss something? Post more, man.[/QUOTE] I think someone came through and gave it a low rating to make it look bad. I noticed one day about a month ago that within a 5 minute period all three of the main/still active DAVE diaries for 2005 (this, Out of the Frying Pan, and into the Extreme by Rob4590, and mine "the new era of Danger and Violence Extreme) all had lower scores, that's all. I personally don't look at the star ratings as mine has gone from one extreme to the other.
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Actually, I've been without the internet for about a month. Cruel fate would have it that my connection was shut off just two days after the release of the TEW2007 DEMO! But, I'm back now, and the first thing I did was buy the full edition. If people are interested, I'd be more than happy to convert my data and try to continue.
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